Abstract Videotape footage taken on remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dives from 03/09/89 to 05/14/91 was used to examine the distribution and behavior of the upper mesopelagic shrimp Sergestes similis in Monterey Bay. A quantitative method of determining relative density was developed and used to show that the abundance of S. similis is significantly higher at a site in the vicinity of the Monterey Canyon wall as compared to one mile from the wall. Vertical distribution of the dielly migrating shrimp also appears to shift upward with the slope of the canyon. Studies with horizontal transects showed densities at 100 m from the wall not to significantly differ from those in the water column. However, density increased significantly within 50 m of the wall to a highest relative value at the water column/slope interface. Behaviora studies showed S. similis to play a role in the trophic structure of the slope benthic community. Overall, canyon topography was determined to have important influence on S. similis distribution and behavior. Introduction Sergestes similis Hansen 1903 is a major component of the upper mesopelagic community of the North Pacific, ranging from Japan through the Bering Sea to the Gulf of California (Krygier & Wasmer, 1988; Milne, 1968). Found off California in Monterey Bay first in 1921 (Schmitt, 1921), it is one of the main species correlated with the deep scattering layers in Monterey Bay (Barham, 1957). Sergestes similis has an average length of 40 mm and is readily identified by its long antennae and red abdomen (Omori, 1974). It matures in its first or second year and has a life span of 1-3 years (Nybakken, 1988; Omori, 1974). It spawns in Monterey Bay generally in December-January and June-July (Vernberg, 1983; Omori, 1974). Sergestes similis is classified as a strong vertical migrator (Pearcy et al., 1977), ascending to within 50 m of the surface at night and descending to approximately 500 m by day (Judkins, 1972; Omori & Gluck, 1979). Rarely does it descend below 1000 m (Krygier & Pearcy, 1981). Although described as a "truly holoplanktonic" decapod by Raymont (1983), S. similis may interact with the benthos due to the topography of the Monterey Submarine Canyon. Öften, contact between midwater migrants and the seafloor occurs on steep slopes where the depth is shallower than the usual range of diel migration (Isaacs & Schwartzlose, 1965; Ömori & Ohta, 1981). Raymont (1983) reports for S. similis that biomass is large in regions of upwelling with a steeply sloping bottom, two characteristics of Monterey Bay. A major problem in assessing micronekton distribution is patchiness, the aggregation of individuals that may be caused by physical or ecological processes or by behavioral phenomena (Hamner, 1988; Omori, 1983; Haury et al., 1978). Patchiness on the fine-scale (meters to hundreds of meters), the ability of sergestids to avoid nets, and the inability of nets to sample near-bottom all act to obscure results of past studies on S. similis distribution (Robison, 1982; Omori, 1974). To better examine the population of S. similis in the Monterey Canyon and its interactions with the slope benthos, a visual study was conducted with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) owned by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). Using a quantitative method developed to calculate relative densities, the S. similis population near the canyon wall was compared to a site a mile more toward the center of the canyon. The ROV also allowed for an in situ behavioral study of S. similis. Benthic interactions as well as other behavioral characteristics of S. similis were observed to note any influence of canyon topography on behavior. Materials and Methods Sergestes similis were recorded on betacam videotape footage taken by a DXC 3000 Sony Camera mounted on the ROV during dives from 03/09/89 to 05/14/91. All tapes are annotated in a database for sightings of various organisms, including sergestids. Each video frame is time-coded and correlated to hydrographic and navigational data from the RÖV, including depth, salinity, temperature, and 09 Sergestes similis was observed at six dive sites in Monterey Bay (Figure 1). Distribution The two sites used to study S. similis vertical distribution were the C4-CS site, located in the vicinity of the canyon wall with bottom depth approximately 500 m, and the H9O Column site, approximately one mile from the wall site toward the center of the canyon with bottom depth approximately 1000 m. Out of 80 dives, 38 were chosen to examine vertical distribution. Only those dives correlated with hydrographic data and descending at similar times were examined. (As shown in Figure 2, the fact that S. similis vertically migrates had to be taken into account.) Using the videotapes and database, the number of S. similis sighted and the amount of time spent by the ROV in transit with a wide angle camera setting was determined for each specified depth increment for 15 C4-CS and 23 H9O Column dive descents. Two night dives at the H9O Column site were also reviewed. Depth increments were 0-25, 25-100, 100-200, 200-250, 250-300, 300-350, 350-400, 400-450, 450-500, and 500 550 m. (At depths above 25 m, most of the time is spent launching or recovering the ROV; thus the 25-100 m increment gives a more accurate picture of the upper 100 m.) Also noted for each dive descent were the greatest depth reached by the ROV and the shallowest and greatest depth at which a sergestid was sighted. The ROV did not exceed a depth of 520 m. Plots of relative abundance by depth as determined by number of sergestids per videoscreen were prepared for each dive. Relative density was calculated for each depth increment for each dive by dividing the number of S. similis sighted by the number of minutes in transit. Density in 4 sergestids/min (Sergs/min) was calculated for each dive overall and for each site at each depth increment. The calculation procedure assumes that when the ROV is moving with camera set for a wide angle view, the volume observed is sufficiently similar at different times to compare densities using frequency of occurrence. The method also assumes the sample size of observations is large enough to compensate for differences in the speed of the ROV at different times. Relative density for each dive and each site was also expressed as a ratio of the number of sergestids sighted to the range of the depths at which sergestids were sighted (called "vertical patchiness density") and as a ratio of the number of sergestids sighted to the greatest depth reached by the RÖV. Each of these ratios have units in Sergs/m. Relative density of S. similis near the canyon wall and at the H2O Column site was also compared by conducting horizontal transects for varying lengths of time at depths between 300-500 m on 11 dives. Seven transects paralleling the canyon wall at 100 m from the wall (determined by sonar) and 17 transects at the H2O Column site were completed. The depth, time, number of sergestids sighted, and time spent in transit were noted for each transect, and density was calculated in Sergs/min. Horizontal transects were also conducted perpendicular to the canyon wall to examine changes in sergestid density within 100 m of the wall. Distance to the wall was split into ten 10 m increments. Distance to the wall was read off sonar and recorded on the audiotrack for the videotape. The number of S. similis sighted and the time spent moving in each distance increment was noted and used to calculate relative density as above. Behavior All database citations of sergestids from approximately 100 dives were reviewed to examine behavioral patterns. Sergestes similis was observed for benthic interactions such as touching, darting away from, or being captured by benthic organisms and for apparent scavenging in the benthic detritus. Sergestids were also observed when the RÖV held an approximately 25 cm screen-width view of the bottom. Instances of apparent schooling and swarming were also recorded and noted for proximity to the slope bottom. The speed of S. similis was calculated several times by taking the ratio of the change in RÖV depth to the change in tape time code as the ROV followed an organism’s descent. Statistical Tests Statistical tests for differences between mean densities for most of the distributional data sets included standard parametric two-tailed t tests and nonparametric Mann-Whitney U tests. The two-sample t test assumes that both samples come at random from normal populations with equal variances. Although the two-tailed t test is robust enough to withstand considerable departure from assumptions, the Mann-Whitney test may be much more powerful for those data sets with smaller sample sizes (Zar, 1984). Results Distribution 38 ROV descents at the C4-CS and H9O Column sites from 04/26/89 to 05/07/91 were reviewed. The number of Sergestes similis and the number of minutes spent in transit for each depth increment for each dive and for the dive overall are presented in Appendix 1 along with the calculated density in Sergs/min. Figures 4 & 5 show the S. similis vertical distribution as determined by number per video screen for the C4-CS and H9O Column sites, respectively. The dives are plotted separately by month, but no seasonal changes in distribution are readily apparent. Sergestids were sighted above 200 m depth on only one C4-CS dive - 05/06/91 and three H2O Column Dives - 06/15/89, 07/16/90, and 07/23/90. Only one dive at each site extended below 500 m. Overall densities for each depth increment for each site are presented in Table 1 and graphed in Figure 6. Overall density in Sergs/min was calculated for each depth increment at each site in two ways: as a ratio of the total + sergestids sighted total + min for all dives and as the mean of the depth increment densities calculated for each individual dive. The mean density value is used in statistical comparisons. The three highest depth increment densities, » 30 Sergs/min, occurred at the C4-Cs site in the 250-300, 300-350, and 350-400 m increments. The overall densities of these three depth increments also proved to be significantly higher at the C4-C5 site at the .01 level (Table 13). No significant difference in density between the two sites was observed for the other depth increments. Differences in mean density values between depth increments at each individual site were not significant except for between the 200-250 and 250-300 m increments at C4-CS, significant at the .05 level. As shown in Figure 6, the overall densities for each depth increment at each site appear to follow a bell-shaped curve with maximum for the C4-CS site in the 300. 350 m increment, at 9.333 Sergs/min, and maximum for the H2O Column site in the 350-400 m increment, at 0.983 Sergs/min. Taking all 38 dives collectively, the highest density, 3.453 Sergs/min, occurs in the 350-400 m increment. Over all depths, the mean density at C4-CS was 4.323 Sergs/min in comparison to 0.736 at the H»O Column site (Figure 9). A frequency distribution of overall dive densities (Figure 7) shows the H9O Column site dives have a much greater probability of having a low number of sergestid sightings per descent. Density in terms of + S. similis sighted per depth range of sightings was also significantly greater at the C4-CS site (1.008 vs. 0.237 Sergs/m) at the .01 level. This "vertical patchiness" density is reported for each dive in Table 2 and graphed in Figure 8. The average depth range of sergestid sightings was similar at the two sites, but the average number of sergestids sighted per dive was 145.53 at C4-CS vs. 25.13 at H9O Column, an order of magnitude difference (Appendix 2). The greatest "vertical patchiness" density value, 5.116 Sergs/m, came from the 12/20/89 dive at C4- C in which 566 sergestids were sighted over 110 m. Not surprisingly, this dive alse had the highest overall density in terms of Sergs/min, 14.15, and the highest value for + Sergs/greatest depth of dive, 1.433 (Table 2). Density given by the average number of sergestids sighted / the average greatest dive depth at each site was also six times higher at C4-CS: 0.353 vs 0.059 Sergs/m (Appendix 2). Overall values for densities calculated in all three ways are shown for each site in Figure 9. Vertical distribution of S. similis at night was at much shallower depths (Figure 11). Five of twelve sightings of single organisms were in the upper 100 m (Figure 14). One sergestid was sighted at 286 m. In Sergs/min, the density at the H9O Column site at night was an order of magnitude lower than during the day (Table 7, Figure 12). No statistical tests were conducted because only two night dives were made. Abundance of S. similis at 100 m from the canyon wall was compared to that at the H9O Column site using horizontal transect results. Table 3 lists data for each individual transect, and Table 4 shows the results for the transects overall and split into two depth increments, 300-400 and 400-500 m. The average density results for transects at the H9O Column site were first compared to those observed in the 300 500 m range during H90 Column dive descents and were found statistically to be the same (Table 14). Although Figure 13 shows the density for H2Ö Column transects higher than for those paralleling the wall in each depth increment and overall, no significant difference was observed between the mean densities (nor between mean densities of the two depth increments at each individual site). Densities at the H20 Column site had the greatest range (0-11.321 Sergs/min) and eight of seventeen H2C Column transects had no sergestid sightings (in comparison to two of seven transects 100 m from the wall). Data for each of the 26 horizontal transects conducted perpendicular to the wall are shown in Appendix 3. Twenty-five transects reached to 50 m and 7 reached to 100 m from the wall. It appears qualitatively that the density of S. similis is greatest at the canyon wall, reaches its lowest value at 50 m from the wall, and then increases again to a second peak in the 70-80 m increment (Table 5, Figure 10). Values for distances greater than 60 m are not, however, statistically manageable due to sample size. Mean densities of distance increments up to 60 m from the wall were compared, and a significant difference was found between the following distance increments: 0-10 and 30-40 m, 0-10 and 40-50 m, and 20-30 and 40-50 m (Tables 13 & 14). Density values for the 90-100 m distance increment were combined with those from transects paralleling the wall and found not to be statistically different from density values at H90 Column site dives in the 300-500 m depth range (Table 14). The transects perpendicular to the wall were also split into two depth increments of 340-420 and 420-510 m (Table 6). Although the densities are always higher at the shallower depth increment (Figure 10), no significant differences in densities between depth increments were observed. Behavior Ten dives from 03/28/89 to 09/24/90 at 4 sites had video footage of S. similis interacting with benthic organisms (Appendix 4). Organisms touched varied from crabs to holothurians to starfish. The greatest number of observed interactions were with starfish, yet many of these close-up observations may be biased by attraction to ROV lights. The number of sergestids to dart away from an organism touched was noted, and 97 of 110 occurrences of touching a benthic organism were followed by the darting "reflex" (Table 8). A starfish, sea anemone, and benthic fish were observed capturing a total of five sergestids (Table 8). Five instances of sergestids that appeared to be foraging among the benthic detritus were observed from two dives at the North Wall and C4-C5 sites. In each case, the sergestid was calm, not darting away from the benthos (Table 9). Observations of S. similis made with a screen viewing width of approximately 25 cm were made on 4 dives. With this screen width, many were observed simply skimming over the bottom, and 43 of 46 sergestids to actually touch the bottom darted off (Appendix 5). Out of the 100 dives analyzed, only six instances of sergestid schooling behavior from 5 dives were noted (Table 10), and only three instances of what may be considered swarms of S. similis were observed (Table 11). The largest "school" consisted of four individuals swimming horizontally, and the highest density observed for a "swarm" was greater than 100 sergestids per videoscreen with a wide angle camera setting. All but one instance of schooling and swarming were within sight of the benthos. Descent speeds calculated for S. similis ranged from 0.04 to 0.105 m/s, with an average of 0.075 m/s (Table 12). These speeds were measured at the H2O Column site at various depths between 320 and 425 m. Although S. similis generally appeared to have a random orientation both near the bottom and in the water column, sergestids in the water column were often observed descending vertically. Discussion In situ observations are difficult to interpret for crustaceans because they are photosensitive and capable of rapid escape from or of being attracted to a submersible (Mackie, 1985). In assessing the results of the distributional and behavioral studies, such biases as the light, noise, and leading "bow wave" of the ROV must be kept in mind (Bowers, 1988). In distributional studies, bias was reduced by counting sergestids only while in transit at a speed fast enough to keep them from being attracted to the RÖV. In ethological studies, bias was reduced by excluding observations of behavior when the sergestids were obviously disoriented by or attracted to the RÖV light. Distribution Previous studies of Sergestes similis depth distribution off Oregon and southern California place the species at approximately 250-600 m during the day and 0-200 m at night (Omori & Gluck, 1979; Judkins & Fleminger, 1972). Krygier & Pearcy (1981) found S. similis most abundant off Oregon in 200-300 m, followed by 300-400 m. Overall depth increment densities for the dives in this study place the highest abundance of sergestids in the 300-400 m range in Monterey Bay. At night off Oregon, Pearcy & Forss (1966) had the highest catches of S. similis in the uppei 50 m, with some below 150 m (1969). Because only two night dives were made by the ROV, no general trends can be inferred, although the greatest number of individuals was seen at about 100 m depth, correlating with others research. Although there may be some regional differences in the vertical distribution of a single species due to such factors as temperature or light penetration (Flock, 1989), it appears the observations made with the ROV put the S. similis population of Monterey Bay in generally the same range as off Oregon and southern California. The entire depth distribution can not be adequately characterized, however, because the ROV was unable to reach depths greater than 520 m. As shown in Figures 4 & 5, dives often ended in the midst of the sergestid population. And although Barham noted an upward change in depth of the Monterey Bay scattering layer with seasonal upwelling, no seasonal changes in depth distribution are obvious from the dives studied. Although not statistically significant (possibly due to small sample size), the apparent difference in vertical distribution at the C4-CS and H9O Column sites indicates a "meniscus effect" likely influenced by canyon topography. In examining Figure 6, it appears the population at the C4-CS site is shifted up about 50 m; the highest density for the C4-CS site was in the 300-350 m increment, while at the H2O Column site, highest density was at 350-400 m (Table 1). An upward population shift at the wall site could be due to sergestids caught in shallower water during their daily migration. Tsukai (1985) observed a related species, Sergia lucens, at 250 m near bottom on the slope of Sagami Bay and at 300-350 m in midwater. Raymont (1983) notes that upwelling and a steep slope may bring organisms closer to the surface, and Marshall & Merrett (1977) report the depth distribution of mesopelagic organisms may well be modified by proximity of the bottom over a continental slope. In terms of general vertical patchiness, it appears qualitatively that S. similis is more dispersed at the H90 Column site (compare Figures 4 & 5). One would expect that vertically migrating organisms caught over a shallower slope such as the C4-C5 site would assume a more compact, concentrated, less extensive vertical range of depth distribution. Dive results do not show the average depth range of S. similis sightings to differ between the two sites, likely because the RÖV did not extend through the full vertical range of sergestid distribution. However, the higher value for "vertical patchiness" density at the C4-CS site does support the above expectation. Having a greater number of S. similis sighted over similar depth ranges of sightings shows the population is more concentrated at the wall site and more dispersed vertically at the H9O Column site. Barham suggests that micronektonic midwater organisms randomly distribute within a given horizontal substratum (1957), yet it appears this substratum is vertically quite extensive because no significant differences in density were found between depth increments at the H9O Column site. Although qualitatively it did appear that the density of sergestids increased as the RÖV approached bottom, data obtained in this study also showed no significant difference in density between successive depth increments at the C4-CS site (except between the shallower 200-250 and 250-300 m increments) (Table 13). Ömori and Ohta (1981) simply assume in areas such as submarine canyons that the density of migrating micronekton is much higher near bottom in the day than in the overlying midwater. RÖV dives would have to descend vertically directly over a certain spot on the canyon slope to better illustrate Omori and Ohta’s assumption for the C4-C5 site. In overall analysis, distribution by site indicates a greater abundance of S. similis near the canyon wall as opposed to one mile from the wall. This difference in overall average density, 4.323 as compared to 0.736 Sergs/min, is likely a result of the bottom topography's influence on distribution. Similarity in temperature and salinity curves at the two sites suggests hydrographic factors are not causing the difference (Figure 3). The fact that the average density calculated for transects paralleling the wall at 100 m from the wall was not statistically different than that for transects at the H9O Column site appears to suggest that S. similis distribution at 100 m from the wall is not significantly affected by the proximity of the wall. This surprising observation is possibly the result of having a small sample size of transects for such a patchily distributed organism. But the observation of similar densities is also supported by the fact that all densities calculated at 90-100 m from the wall in comparison to the densities calculated for H2O Column dives at 300-500 m are statistically the same. This suggests that interaction with the wall takes place on an even finer scale than 100 m. This scale was examined with transects made perpendicular to the wall. Although results from the perpendicular transects cannot be taken with high confidence (due to small sample size and high variance), the quantitative results do appear to correlate with the qualitative observations of greater density within a few tens of meters from the wall (Figure 10). The distance increment of 0-10 m from the wall had significantly higher density than that found for the increments 30-40 and 40- 50 m, suggesting a high degree of direct interaction takes place between S. similis and the canyon wall. Density was found to change significantly within distance increments of only 20 m. It would be interesting to compare this scale of horizontal patchiness with that observed in the H2O Column transects; however, the ROV is not yet equipped with a flowmeter to estimate distance travelled. Behavior The benthopelagic region, defined as the bottom 100 m of the water column (Wishner, 1980), is noted for its greater biomass, species diversity, and variability of niches in comparison to the pelagic zone (Larson et al, 1991). The proximity of S. similis to the canyon slope and wall allows it to be characterized as a "facultative benthopelagic" organism in Monterey Bay. The three cases of highest observed density were noted at the wall just off bottom (Table 11). Ömori and Ohta (1981) found the highest density of the related species S. lucens also within 10 m of the bottom during the day. Although Omori and Ohta (1981) did not note S. lucens less than 0.5 m from the bottom, S. similis was often seen directly interacting with the bottom and benthic organisms. Close-up observations with the RÖV documented instances of a high number of sergestids skimming over the bottom. Although observations made with a 25 cm screen width might suggest persistance of micro- scale patches, it is likely that these aggregations were the result of an attraction to the ROV's light (Appendix 5). Sergestids were also seen darting away in response to touching many different classes of benthic organisms (Appendix 4, Table 8). The darting "reflex", a rapid flexure of the abdomen, is a behavior first characterized by Barham (1957) in the laboratory. Those sergestids appearing to forage among the detritus did not exhibit this behavior. Instances of apparent foraging as well as being captured at the benthos suggest that S. similis plays a larger role than previously thought in the trophic structure of the benthopelagic community. Many researchers state that S. similis is preyed upon by rockfish, albacore, and squid off Oregon, but no mention is found of S. similis in the diet of sea anemones and starfish (Ömori, 1974; Donaldson, 1975). Interestingly, S. similis was found to be a large part of the diet of Apolemia uvaria, a siphonophore found more frequently near the Monterey Canyon wall (Soohoo, 1990). Many researchers also note that over steep rises, typical members of the midwater community may approach the bottom and become the food of benthopelagic fishes; Pereyra (1969) notes rockfish may live in a particular area of a canvon because diel vertical migrators caught in currents concentrate there (Marshall & Merritt, 1977; Isaacs & Schwartzlose, 1975). Interestingly, Raymont (1983) also states that decapods appear concentrated in strata close to rich layers of food. In Hamner’s discussion of patchiness (1988), he defines a coincidental group as one formed by attraction to a resource. It is possible that the S. similis patches just off the wall may be aggregations responding to the richer food source at the wall vs. in the more dispersed pelagic realm. The apparent scavenging behavior of S. similis shows the benthos as a possible source of food during the day. It is often thought that vertical migrators ascend at night to feed; thus the majority of S. similis feeding would be expected at night (Walters, 1976). Although most researchers report more intense feeding by night (Renfro and Pearcy, 1966; Judkins, 1972), other Sergestes species feed well into the day (Flock, 1989). And although often characterized as a carnivore feeding on copepods and euphausiids (Judkins, 1972; Renfro & Pearcy, 1966), other researchers have suggested that S. similis also plays a role as a midwater scavenger (Foxton & Roe, 1974; Flock, 1989; Barham, 1957; Omori, 1974; Nishida, 1988). Observations of this study suggest that sergestids may play a role as benthic scavengers also. Observations also showed S. similis to have the propensity for forming schools and swarms near bottom, although these were not general behaviors. Schooling, defined as swimming with regular interindividual spacing and directional orientation (Omori and Hamner, 1982), was noted for about three individuals at a time (Table 10), yet even when three individuals were "schooling," all other organisms in the vicinity were oriented randomly. And although other researchers have noted S. similis in dense swarms exceeding 20 individuals/ m2(Omori, 1974; Raymont, 1983), no true swarms (as often observed for euphausiids) were observed for S. similis on the over 100 dives examined. A last interesting characteristic of S. similis to note is its descent speed. The speed calculated from the ROV videotapes, 0.075 m/s, is strikingly similar to that determined by Barham in the laboratory, 0.08 m/s (1957). Summary In the final analysis, it appears that the topography of the Monterey Canyon plays an important role in influencing the distribution and behavior of S. similis on both the meso and fine scale. The resources of MBARI and the video capabilities of the ROV have illustrated a better picture of S. similis ecology in Monterey Bay. Several interesting questions remain. Is there an active preference of the canyon wall habitat by an S. similis population? Are the sergestids aggregating near bottom for the food source or are they there as a result of currents running up through the canyon interacting with vertical migration ranges? Is the actual percentage of organisms that vertically migrate on a given night greater at the H20 Column site due to lack of benthopelagic feeding during the day? Are S. similis age classes segregated in their distribution? Future research with the ROV may provide answers. Acknowledgments I would like to give special thanks to the crew of the Pt. Lobos who pilot and launch the ROV. Thanks are also given to Lynn Lewis, Annette Gough, Debbie Littlefield, Pat Tompkins, Marilyn Yuen, Hans Jannasch, and Dan Davis at MBARI for helping me use the video equipment, understand the database, and learn various computer techniques. Thanks are also given to Lisa Cooke for helping me narrow down my procedure, to Emily Bell and Doug Stoner at Hopkins Marine Station for helping me comprehend IBM statistics software, and to Alan Baldridge and the Hopkins library staff. Extra special thanks are given to Dr. Bruce Robison and Dr. Charles Baxter. Robie and Chuck gave me the chance of a lifetime - to do science in the deep sea. I appreciate all their help and advice and look forward to working with RÖVs in the future. Literature Cited Barham, Eric G. 1957. The ecology of the sonic scattering layers in the Monterey Bay area. Hopkins Marine Station Technical Report 1. Stanford University. Bowers, James. 1988. 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Salinity vs. Depth Plot and Temperature vs. Depth Plot for CA-C and H9O Column Sites on Consecutive Days. The plots were made from the ROV's CTD data on 05/06/91 (C4-C5 Site) and 05/07/91 (H90 Column Site). Figure 4. Sergestes similis Depth Distribution as Determined by Sightings During ROV Descent: C4-CS Site. The plot shows the presence and relative abundance of S. similis as determined by number per screen for 15 dives 06/27/89-05/06/91. Greatest depth reached by the ROV is also indicated. Figure 5. Sergestes similis Depth Distribution as Determined by Sightings During ROV Descent: HoO Column Site. A plot (compare to Figure 4) for 23 dives 04/26/89- 05/07/91. Figure 6. Bar Graph of Depth Increment Density Totals for H90 Column vs. CA-C5 Site. Density is expressed as the number of S. similis sighted per number of minutes of transit time. Colored bars show total t of sergestids observed/ total f min spent in that increment for all dives. X, the mean of the densities calculated for each depth increment for each dive is given by the extended bar. Figure 7. Frequency Distribution of Overall Density for C4-CS vs. H9O Column Dives. Overall density for each dive is calculated as the total it sergestids sighted / total f min of descent time. Greatest depth reached for each dive is not taken into account for this histogram. Figure 8. Vertical Patchiness as Determined by Number of S. similis Sighted Per Depth Range of Sightings. To obtain a value for "depth range of sightings," the shallowest depth was subtracted from the greatest depth at which a sergestid was sighted. The graph shows the density in f sergestids / m for 38 dives and shows the mean of patchiness density values calculated for each site. Figure 9. Comparison of Total Densities at H90 Column vs. C4-C Site. This graph shows: overall density in sergestids/min for dives at each site over all depths, the mean f of sergestids/ the mean greatest depth reached by the ROV per dive at each site, and the mean f sergestids / mean depth range of sightings per dive at each site. Figure 10. Comparison of S. similis Density in Distance Increments from the Canyon Wall. This graphs the results of 26 horizontal transects made perpendicular to the wall (up to 100 m from the wall). The shaded region shows results for all transects at all depths. The transects are also separated into two depth ranges (340-420 and 420-510 m) and graphed for further comparison. Figure 11. Line Graph of Depth Increment Density Totals for Day vs. Night Dives. Density, given by total 4 sergestids / total min, is plotted for the CA-CS and H9O Column site day dives and for the H9O Column site night dives. Night dive results come from two dives in March 1989. Figure 12. Comparison of Total Densities at H90 Column Site: Day vs. Night Dives. (This figure is constructed like Figure 10.) Night dive results come from two dives in March 1989. Figure 13. Comparison of Horizontal Transects Paralleling the Canyon Wall at 100 m Off vs. At the H9O Column Site in the Center of the Canyon. The graph shows overall density results for all transects as well as results for the transects split into two depth ranges (300-400 and 400-500 m). Located under Table 4. Figure 14. Sergestes similis Depth Distribution as Determined by Sightings During ROV Descent: Night Dives at H9O Column Site. A plot (compare to Figure 4) for two night dives 03/09/89 and 03/22/89. Located with Table 7. Table Legends Table 1. Depth Increment Totals for All Dive Descents at C4-CS Site and H9O Column Site. "Mean Calculated Range Density" is the average value of the f sergestids/ min density calculated for each dive in that depth range. "Highest" - "Lowest Range Density' gives the range of values drawn in black in Figure 6. Table 2. Data for Examining Vertical Patchiness. Column 4 is graphed in Figure 8. The first 23 dives listed are from the H90 Column site. The last 15 dives are from C4-CS. The final column is the total 4 sergestids sighted / the greatest depth reached by the ROV for each dive. Table 3 (a & b). Raw Data for Horizontal Transects Paralleling the Canyon Wall at 100 m Off and at the HoO Column Site in the Center of the Canyon. This shows sergestid counts, f min in transit, and densities for a total of 24 transects. Table 4. Overall Totals for Horizontal Transects Paralleling the Canyon Wall at 100 m Off vs. At the H9O Column Site in the Center of the Canyon. The density totals from this table are graphed in Figure 15. Table 5. Overall Totals for Horizontal Transects Perpendicular to the Canyon Wall. These results are graphed in black in Figure 10. Table 6. Totals for Horizontal Transects Perpendicular to the Canyon Wall Split into Two Depth Ranges. Transects were separated into those at depths 340-420 m and 420-510 m. Results are graphically compared in Figure 10. Table 7. Overall Data for Night Dives. The final column (Overall) gives either the total or X, the average, for the two night dives made at the H»O Column site. The dive on 03/09/89 took place three days after new moon, and the dive on 03/22/89 occurred two days after full moon. Table 8. Totals for Observations of Interactions of S. similis with Benthic Organisms. This totals the observations listed in Appendix 4. Table 9. Noted Instances of S. similis Foraging/Scavenging Behavior. All noted sergestid sightings 03/09/89 -05/14/91 were considered. These are the best examples of apparent scavenging in detritus. Table 10. Noted Instances of S. similis Schooling Behavior. All noted sergestid sightings 03/09/89 - 05/14/91 were considered. These are the best examples of what may be considered schooling, all near-bottom. Table 11. Highest Noted Relative Densities of S. similis. All sergestid sightings from 03/09/89- 05/14/91 were considered. The three listed observations had the video camera set for wide angle viewing, as in all transects reported. Table 12. Descent Speeds Calculated for S. similis. These speeds were calculated by noting change in depth reading on the ROV/change in time. Table 13. Results of Two-Sample, Two-Tailed t Tests. Comparisons were made between mean densities for depth increments at the C4-CS and H9O Column sites, between mean densities for horizontal transects paralleling the wall and at the H9O Column site, and between mean densities for distance ranges up to 70 m from the wall for horizontal transects perpendicular to the wall. Table 14. Results of Two-Sample, Two-Tailed Mann-Whitney Tests. Selected comparisons made with t tests were repeated with this robust nonparametric test. Appendix Legends Appendix 1. Raw Data for Each Dive Descent. This table shows all data obtained for 15 C4-C5 Site and 23 H9O Column Site dives 04/26/89 -05/07/91. For each depth range, the total 4 of sergestids sighted is the top f, the total f min spent in transit is the middle f, and the density calculated by f sergestids / min is the bottom ft. Appendix 2. Overall Data Results Table for C4-CS and H9O Column Dives. Values from this table are graphed in Figure 9. Appendix 3. Raw Data for Horizontal Transects Perpendicular to the Canyon Wall. This table presents data for 26 transects. For each 10 m distance range from the wall, the top 4 is the number of sergestids sighted, the middle f is the total f min in transit, and the bottom f is density given by f sergestids/min. Appendix 4. Individual Observations of Interactions of S. similis with Benthic Organisms. All dives 03/09/89 - 05/14/91 were considered. Appendix 5. Close-up Observations Holding an Approximately 25 cm Screen Width. These observations are biased by the apparent attraction of S. similis to ROV lights. 20 o 5 0 . 22 f 0 2 9 o0 8 FIGURE 2 DEPTH VS. TIME PLOT of First Sergestid Sightings for All Dives 03/20/89 - 02/28/91 500 y = - 13.022 + 17.355x R°2 = 0.182 400- HEE HE E E mE. EE 300 - En 200 E 100 22 24 18 16 20 Time (GMT) Pacific Standard 22 8 Depth (m) Depth (m) kaataa- . S 23 Depth (m) 3-- 7 2c. F. :r= |— —1:- 34 —e Fr:::- Xm. F.-i¬ 8 . :r:o—— 3 :2- Zx-4- 3e- 2 1-- 3-- e- —- Date 01/07/91 02/28/90 03/26/90 04/18/91 05/23/90 05/06/91 06/27/89 06/04/90 - 06/12/90 - 09/12/89 09/29/89 09/10/90 - 11/12/90 12/20/89 - 12/03/90 - 3: : 99 00 210 24 Depth (m) 584 2 3 X+- * . . 3 3. . * . - - - 3. ... . — . -. 3.- Fr -X. 3429- . .-0 . ... . 24.4 . . Xi2 3.;— 79 +*- gax¬ 34:— 3 -3-- )- H-- Date 01/25/90 01/22/91 5 02/28/91 03/13/90 03/19/91 : 04/26/89 04/30/90 05/02/89 05/22/90 05/07/91 06/15/89 07/16/90 07/23/90 08/06/90 10/03/89 10/10/89 10/01/90 11/15/89 2 11/08/90 2 11/13/90 12/05/89 12/11/90 12/20/90% 3 : : . 20 25 al 2 3 20 Density (# Sergs/Min Descent) o- usooooo t A ttttat ledett — S 8S 5 0 0 19 + 18 17 + 16 + 15 - 14 + 13 + 124 11 10 + 94 8 + 6 5 4 + 34 t oERR 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-1010-11 11-12 12-1313-1414-15 Overall Density (Sergs/min), for Dive C4-C5 Wall Site H0 Column Site FIGURE 7 Frequency Distribution of Overall Density (Sergs/min) for C4-C5 and HO Column Dives 1989-1991 DD o2 05 06/15/ 0/03/8 0/0/ 11 15/ 12/058 01/2590 03/13/00 Ou30 01/1/ 01/23/00 08/04 10/01/00 1/09/0 1/13/00 2/1/0 ao O2 0228/1 03/19/ 05107 Oa7 0/12/82 0 o 028/ 03/26/0 05/23/0 Oor0 00 12/20 09/9/ /20 2/03/ 0/07/ O13/UE 05/00 A for H.O Columa 1 for Ct-C5 100 0 DO 1 Patchiness Density (Sergs/m) 28 2 3 2 Density (Sergs/min OR Sergs/m) Z 33 20 "Density" (# Sergestids / Min) 2 2 S —33 3 —33 —33 3 33 30 31 FIGURE 11 Day vs. Night Dives Depth Ronge Densities (Sergestids/Min) 5 kata o — 250-300 100-200 200-250 0-25 25-100 Depth Ronges (m) + C+-C5 Site. 9 Overall Total (DAY) Q H,O Column Site (DAY) A 4,0 Columo Site (NIGHT) FIGURE 12 A Comparison of Total "Densities" At H,0 Column Site DAY Vs. MCHT 0.4 - 7 0.35 as oat a 4 V os LA #r Sergs Total Sacgs 1 Depth Range ef Sigrtings /1 Grestert Dapth ek Oie Total w Min 0 Column (NICHT) H30 Column (DAY) (u: average value) Depth Range (H) 0 - 25 25 - 100 100 - 200 200 - 250 230 - 300 300 - 350 350 - 400 400 - 450 450 - 500 Totals fo 0 - 550 » Depth Range (4) 0 - 25 - 100 100 - 200 200 - 250 250 - 300 300 - 350 350 - 400 400 - 450 450 - 500 Totals for 0 - 550 " Depth Range (n) 0 - 25 25 - 100 100 - 299 200 - 250 230 - 300 300 - 350 350 - 400 400 - 450 450 - 500 Totals for 0 - 550 n TABLE 1 H0 CUn Total Total Sergs ies ean Calculated Louest Jotal Rin of Sergs Total Hin Per Range Range "Density Range "Density“ Sergs Min 12 23 343 0.035 0.049 5 10 0.035 23 0.395 49 0.193 0.672 0.628 1.73 178 0.983 181 2.138 136 117 0.86 1.852 35 0.771 0.779 1638 578 0. 353 0.846 ves ean alculated touest C4- Total lotal Sergs Per Range Range "Density“ Range "Density Total flin of Sergs Total Hin Ses/in 44 0.2 0.097 2.375 56 132 2.357 15 9.868 500 7.463 13.343 532 9.333 128 887 0.556 6.93 9.339 1.886 49 1.265 62 1.567 53 56 1.057 4.286 3.85 567 2183 OUERALL otalotaleg Jotal fin of Sergs otal fin 19 151 0.048 21 142 0.416 1.71 549 2.091 709 J. 453 0.968 0. 943 1.252 2205 2761 32 Highest Range "Density" 0.889 27.333 10.667 2.2 27.333 Higtest Range "Density 46.333 46.5 33.333 46. 333 TABLE a Date of Total Depth Range (n! Jotal u Sergs Shallouest Deepest Createst Jotal 4 Sergs Dive Sergs/Descent of Sightings Depth Range Sighting (n) Sighting (n) Depth Reached Greatest Depth 04/26/89 140.36 448. J6 0.085 0.027 05/02/89 415.73 71.75 0.056 0.009 06/15/89 275.53 0.29 404.77 275.5 0.197 10/03/89 56.14 0.214 415.14 416 0.029 10/10/89 16.15 0.31 175.87 391.97 0.012 11/15/89 47.08 0.935 405.08 0.107 12/05/89 30.78 357.84 388.62 0.046 01/25/90 101.98 0.235 398.98 0.060 03/13/90 152.4 0.039 73.08 220.68 0.014 04/30/90 299.92 299.97 0.002 05/22/90 0.096 428.55 0.028 07/16/90 188.06 0.138 194.46 382.57 0.066 07/23/90 170.99 0.018 182.88 353.87 0.007 08/06/90 118.26 0.059 257.25 373.31 0.019 10/01/90 0.188 304.19 JJ6.19 0.018 11/08/90 202.03 498 0.874 484.63 0.335 11/13/90 137.16 0.189 435.0 317.9 0.097 12/11/90 134.65 0.342 466.63 0.094 12/20/90 62.48 0.352 318.82 381.J 0.058 01/22/91 99.06 0.04 333.45 432.51 0.009 02/28/91 53.59 0.075 257.56 911.13 0.03 03/19/91 201.77 438.9 0.02 237.13 0.009 05/07/91 248.11 453.85 0.077 205.74 0.041 06/27/89 50.6 0. 435 321.87 372.47 0.059 09/12/89 94.44 0.688 383.44 0.167 09/29/89 0.749 69.42 300 369.42 0.139 12/20/89 50 110.63 5.116 85 395.63 1.433 02/28/90 72.77 0.807 112.77 260 0.243 03/26/90 379.17 150.27 0.606 228.9 0.239 05/23/90 139.91 364.83 224.94 0.886 0.337 06/04/90 214.36 1.087 448.J6 0.320 06/12/90 77.42 0.827 285.9 363.32 0.176 09/10/90 105.46 0.313 263.35 J68.81 0.090 11/12/90 243.53 1.302 216.41 459.94 0.688 12/03/90 168 182.37 0.92 275.54 458.11 0.366 01/07/91 193.8 193.8 0.263 0.112 04/18/91 249.84 510.84 0.236 0.115 05/06/91 281.33 0.878 179.83 461.16 0.536 TABLE 3(a and b) (a) Horizontal Transects Paralleling Canyon Hall (100 n off) Total Total Density Depth Initial Initial Site Range (n) Jape I.D. Frane Depth (n) * Sergs# Hin Sergs/Hin line (CHT) 300-400 05/06/91/09 02:46:58:00 5.45 1.101 C4-C5 1849 1.83 5.797 C4-C5 300-400 05/06/91/12 03:55:45:00 28 1957 342 300-400 05/13/91/10 1.75 2130 03:06:05:00 NWall 3.281 400-500 05/06/91/02 C4-C5 00:38:00:00 457 8.23 1640 1.28 C4-C5 400-500 05/06/91/03 1658 00:57:03:00 455 2.57 01:17:94:00 2.63 N Wall 400-500 05/13/91/04 1736 440 01:55:50:00 400-500 05/13/91/06 2 3.42 0.585 K Wall 1812 (D) Horizontal Transects at HO Colur Site (Center of Canyon) Total Total Density Depth Initial Initial Range () Tape I.D. Tire (CHT) Depth (n) * Sergs# Hin Sergs/Hin Franie 300-400 08/18/89/09 04:07:57:00 11.75 1900 301 309-400 10/03/89/1 0.823 2059 0q:59:21:00 2.43 0.699 300-400 10/01/90/08 02:28:08:00 10.02 300-400 10/01790/09 3.77 1910 02:50:35:00 5.381 300-400 9.83 10/01/90/10 1917 02:58:20:00 300-400 11/19/90/05 01:25:29:00 10.07 11.321 2024 300-400 11/19/90/05 2.273 01:36:35:13 5.77 2038 300-400 03/19/91/08 1906 02:35:99:00 1.63 300-400 03/19/91/10 1.15 1954 03:24:13:00 300-400 05/14/91/03 1720 00:50:31:00 375 300-400 05/12/91/05 01:30:46:00 1801 98 10.22 9.589 400-500 11/19/90/06 01:46: 40:00 426 2056 400-500 11/19/90/06 420 01:56:57:00 9.7 5.135 2107 400-500 12/04/90/10 497 3.J 03:12:01:00 2129 400-500 12/11/90/06 1902 01:46:48:00 1.53 3.268 445 400-500 05/07/91/11 1953 03:32:05:00 0.89 3.37 400-500 05/14/91/06 01:51:08:00 410 1821 1.5 TABLE + Depth Range (n) Total Iransects Average Depth (n) Average line (CHI) Total * Sergs Total lin Total « Sergs Jotal Hin Tof Densities Cald for ach Transect FIGURE 13 5 A 300-400 m Porolleling Wol Xof densities calcd tor each transect Paralleling Canyon Mall 1100 n off) At H.O Colunn Site (Center of Canyon) 300-400 400-500 Overall 300-400 400-500 Overall 11 342.36 434.5 374.88 375 459.75 423.43 1919 2007 1936 2005 1722 1832 189 156 395 34 90 59.21 29.62 88.83 12.03 18.56 30.59 J.192 5.267 3.884 2.826 2.155 2.419 J.388 3.4 J.392 2.299 1.609 1.905 59.589 41.321 Vr 400-500 m Overoll Al HO Column Site Ronge of densities" calc'd for each transect 35 3 a . . * 88 2 3 2 8ata- ktata- a 2 3 a a 3 s katakatataa o taaa 3 33 2 O 30 2 - 2 2 28 aaa- aa- S . 2 3 8 £ 2 23 . p 0 8 2 5 2 a- . . 8 oa FIGURE 14 A 200 300 key de sighrioo .. muttiple (a*) Mextent af dive A Night Dives Total * Sergs Total lin Total 4 Serqs Jotal &am lin Createst Depth Reached (m) Jotal 4 Serqs Createst lepth (m) Salloest Sighting (n) Deepest Sighting (n) Range (n) of Sightings Jotal 4 Sergs Above Range (n) Depth Range (n! Actual Data? 0-25 25-100 100-200 200-250 250-300 TABLE 7 03/09/89 03/22/89 Overall 225 125 100 0.053 0.1 0.016 123 292 207.5 -X +Serg. 9.016 0.034 0.034-7 daptk 77.7 54.09 -X 30.48 51.82 286.5 169.16 -X 21.34 208.8 115.07 -X 9.994 0.048 0.071-X 35 nin 15 min 20 nin 0 Sergs 0 Sergs 0 Sergs 0 nin 0 nin 0 nin 32 nin 92 nin 60 nin 5 Sergs 3 Sergs 2 Serg: 094 nin 054 nin 033 nin 72 nin 27 nin 45 nin 6 Sergs 6 Sergs 0 Sergs 222 nin 083 nin 0 nin 13 nin 0 Sergs 0 rin 13 nin 1 Sergs 077 nin 12823 28 aa- 6 sd an osnooo-oo0 2 5 10 5 - 3 15 5 2 2222 9 888 ooc OGGN8S CNNNEN oooo g oooooc ooo O ooo — .. .. . o —POOEN oog oooo¬ O .. .. .. .. .. o o o * ** ** ** * SNOPO oo OOOOOO Gooo o OOo . NNOON a: 22: 2 0 AA AA — — voo BBB 98 5 ( ( — 3 1 - zzzz 22: SS. o 58 ooo boo ENEEE 10 o00 oooo OC — — — . . . . 888 SPON o o 0 O OOO 2888 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. N o . .. .. .. .. .* .* OGN ooc o .. .. .. DOON OOSA O NNAN PEN oo . . . ( 0 oo G 02 SG2 2 — 2 3 5 o 9 - + . . aaaa- . aatatav- katataaaaaaaaa 5 8 28. 28 88 saaaaa. 2 388 22 ad 8aa88 888882 aa o 3- aa aaaaa- 3-8 288a 2- — — — 2 2 a aa saa a sa- d ooo- 30 aaaaaa- ooo 89. 11 12 21 -M 8 — — N /6 1 XI XI —— — " S 35 82 2 2- 225 52 2 EESE a . aataaaaaaoaa- - jmuumuuuu aa 222288888828 32 E 2 7577787 aaaa- aaa- 22z1 aaaaaa- 88888888888383 aaazaza2 doddadas. a——— aaaaa- — — — a --- 8 - . 88888. 5. as aaaaa- Zuagsssas a a- aaaaa- aaa- aa a a 38 - aaiaaa . o - aa 28u8283. 283 oooo 2s-a 2 aa- 33 a oao- Sos 0. ss 2 9 aaa 33003 * 13 TABLE 14 Nonparanetric Statistical Test Results Hann-Uhitney lests Explanation of Colum Headings Sarple 1: first data set, Saple 2: second data set, HR: nean rank, n: nurber of values in a data set U: tines a value in sample 1 precedes a value in 2, M: sun of ranks for snaller sanole, 2: standard nornal deviate, 2-tailed p: probability level based on distribution of the score Conparison Sanple 1 Sarple 2 RR1 RR2 ni n2 U 1 2-tailed p 1. Uertical Distribution Depth Range 350-400 n H50 Colurm C4-C5 14.61 25.43 22 15 68.5 381.5 -2.9869 0.0028 Depth Range 400-450n H,O Colurn C4-C5 11.13 12.5 16 75 -0.4448 0.6564 Depth Range 450-500 H,0 Colum 5.33 6.8 6 5 11 34 -0.7336 0.4632 C4-C5 Density for 190 Colum Dives 300-500 n vs Al1 K0 Col. Horizont. 42.64 41.94 67 17 560 713 -0.1074 0.9145 Horizontal Transects at Descents Transects H,0 Colunn Site 2. Horizontal Transects Depth Range 300-400 7.09 3 11 12 27 -0.7482 0.4543 Parallel to at H.0 Canyon Mall Col. Site Depth Range 400-500 Parallel to at K.0 5.83 4 6 10 20 -0.4317 0.666 Canyon Wall Site 39.17 +4 k5 440 575 -1457 0.3448 Dapih Kange. 300-500m 41.07 23.9 26 26 270.5 756.5 -1.2365 Distance Ranges fron Wall 0-10 20-30 0.2163 0-10 30-40 19.36 26 25 159 32.39 -3.1689 0.0015 0-10 40-50 33.42 -J.6682 0.0002 26 25 18.28 10-20 30-40 28.48 24.36 -1.0091 0.3129 26 7. 10-20 40-50 -1.5425 29.08 22.8 0.123 40-50 J0. 96 20.84 -2.4629 20-30 0.0138 50-60 20-30 -1.3942 0.1632 22.37 17.04 133.5 238.5 30-40 50-60 172.5 277.5 -0.0797 0.9365 20.1 19.82 166 -0.5577 30-40 80-90 18.56 16.6 0.5771 Tests were made using the SPSS Statistics software. Hy: densities compared are the same Two-tailed hypotheses: H: densities compared are different Reject H if two-tailedp.05 15 APPENDIX 1 94/26/89 05/02/89 06/15/89 06/27/89 09/12/89 09/29/89 10/03/89 10/10/89 11/15789 12705/89 Date Site H,O Colurm H,O Colurin H,O Coluno C4-C5 CA-C C4-C5 H0 Colurn H0 Colunn H,0 Colur H,O Colunn 440 Createst Depth 470 406 373 390 416 410 392 Depth Range (n) 0-25 8 0 0 0 25-100 100-200 0 0 0.889 0 0 0 0 0 200-250 16 0 o 3 250-300 0 5 0 23 918 300-350 25 0.143 350-400 0.048 10.667 3.375 5.25 0.556 400-450 o Total * Sergs Total lin Density (K/nin) 0.167 1.63 1714 0.07 2.6 1.793 0.126 1.86 1.467 0 5 0.285 Date Site Createst Depth Depth Range (n) 0-25 25-100 100-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400 400-450 Totaltsen Totol tAin Densttu APPENDIX 1 (CONTINUED) 17/20/89 91/25/90 02/28/90 03/13/90 03/26/90 04/30/90 05/22790 05723/90 06/04/90 06/12/90 C4-C C4-C5 H.O Colum C4/C5 H,O Colurn Ca-C5 H,0 Colurn H,0 Colum Ca-C5 C5-C4 368 448 409 431 381 395 402 375 441 0 k 23 28 0 5 0 * 15 5 1.5 0 0 0.125 0.02 20 245 0.1 0 1.5 9.6 6.667 0.333 5.167 0.286 3.5 32.5 8.5 0.17 0 46.5 2.129 100 100 453 0 33.333 0.07 18.12 3 0.775 2.667 0 12 124 566 10.13 4.43 6.0 0.18 1.717 14.15 0.6 3.957 0.075 2.783 Bate Site Createst Depth Depth Range (n) 0-25 25-100 100-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400 400-450 450-500 Total & Sergs Total & Hin Density (H/nin) 47 APPENDIX 1 (CONTINUED) 97(16/20 97(23/90 08/06/90 09/10/90 10/01790 11/08/90 11712/90 11/13/90 12703/90 12/11790 C4-C5 H.0 Colurm H,0 Colum H,O Coluin C4-C5 H,0 Colun K,0 Colun C4-C5 H,0 Colum Ca-C5 459 498 401 376 0 kk k k 12 o 5 6 o 0 0 4 20 0 0 6 0.033 0.00 90 8 3 139 6.25 46.333 7 0.083 0.857 0.625 9.75 0.111 1.333 7.33 1.077 0.020 2.8 0.333 0.15 1.778 J. 43 1.48 0.167 0.462 9.5 0.14 1.07 1.416 0.416 2 0.286 0.333 0.333 317 138 0.292 2.754 0.63 4.594 135 9.942 0.074 0.868 0.043 0.321 Date Site Createst Depth Depth Range (n) 0-25 25-100 100-200 200-230 230-300 300-330 350-400 400-450 450-500 500-550 Total * Sergs Total &am Hin Density (K/nn) APPENDIX 1 (CONT'O) 12/20/90 01/01/91 01/22/91 02/28/91 03/19/91 04/18/91 05/06/91 05/07/91 C4-C5 H30 Colun H30 Colum H,0 Colum C4-C3 C4-C5 H,0 Colunn H,O Colunn 381 470 514 461 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.069 0 9 8 0 31 17.5 0 0.333 22.667 0.083 0 29.5 0.091 0.037 0.571 17.5 0.429 0.167 0.091 0.08 0.667 7.4 0.5 1.833 4.5 0.143 0.71 0.417 206 1.7 0.289 0.019 0.67 0.514 11.227 0.051 APPENDIX 2 C4-C5 Overall H,O Column 38 15 23 Total + Dives 2761 2183 578 Total + Sergs on All Dives 72.66 145.53 25.13 Average + Sergs Sighted Per Dive 567 2205 1638 Total Min for All Dive Descents 58.03 37.8 71.22 Average Time of Dive Descent 1.252 3.85 Total+ Sergs 0.353 Total Min 2.152 4.323 0.736 Density calc'd for Each Dive (Sergs/min) 01-7.375 .67-14.15 .01-14.15 Range of Densities calc'd for Dives (Sergs/min) 421.22 412.4 426.96 Average Greatest Depth of Dive (m) 0.172 0.353 0.059 Average + Sergs 4 Greatest Depth 135.34 151.75 124.63 Depth Range of Sergs Sightings 0.537 0.959 0.202 Average + Sergs A Depth Range of Sergs Sightings (Listands for average value) APPENDIX 3 Horizontal Iransect Data Distence Ronges From Wall cm) Site Date Bepth (nl | 0-10 | 10-20 | 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 2 Sergs 2 Sergs C4-CS 01/20/89 366 1 Serg 5 nin 5 nin 9 nin 9 nin 1.27 nin 2 nin 0 mn 2.22 mn 0 nin 1.57 nin C4-C5 09/29/89 367 2 Sergs 2 Sergs 4 Sergs 2 Sergs 3 Sergs 6 nin 4 min .7 nin 6 nn 6 nin 3min 2.86 mn 6.667 mn 3. 333 nin 5 nin C4-CS 10/24/89 344 12 Sergs 31 Sergs 3 Sergs 7 Sergs 6 nin .8 nin 5 nin 6 nin 5 min 24 min 31.67 nin 3 nin 8.75 nin 0 nin 430 2 Sergs .42 nin 2 Sergs 5 nin 5 nin 42 nin .4 nin .42 nin 4 nin 4.76 nin 0 nin 4.76 nn 0 nin 0 mn 0 nin 5 Sergs 3 Sergs 2 Sergs Pt. Joe 01/10/90 1.25 nin 1.12 nin .55 nin 4 nin 2.68 nin J. 636 mn 2 Sergs 3 Sergs 7 Sergs 6 Sergs 2 Sergs 372 | 4 Sergs | 4 Sergs | 4 Sergs 3 Sergs C4-CS 03/26/90 4 rin .37 nin 4 nin 4 min 4 nin 75 nin .38 mn .42 mn 4 nin 5 nin 7.5 niä 17.5 nia 15 nin 5.41 nin 3.333 min 6.9 nin 9.32 nin 7.5 nin 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg C4-C5 08/07/90 2 Sergs 6 nin 16 trin 5 mn 55 nin 64 nin 65 nin 1 nin 6 nin 6 nin 3.333 min 0 nia 1.67 mn 1.67 min 1.82 nin 1.87 mn 0 nin 0 nin 1 nin 2 Sergs 1 Serg 1 Serg C4-C5 04/18/91 1 Serg 2 Sergs 1.6 nin 1.6 mn 1.6 nin 1.6 nin 1.6 nin 1.6 nin 1.6 nin 1.6 min 1.6 nin 1.6 mn 623 min | 1.25 mn 1.25 nin 625 nin .625 nin 0 nin 0 nin 0 nin 0 ma 0 nia 1 Serg 5 Sergs 3 Sergs J Sergs 5 nin 7 nin 2.5 nin .8 nin 5 min 2 min 7.14 nin 1.2 nin“ 3.75 nin 0 nin 509 3 Sergs 3 Sergs 2 Sergs 2 nin 2 nin 1 nin 2 nin 1 nin 0 nin 0 nin 3mn | 3 mn | 1 mn 450 3 Sergs 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 7 nin 6 nin 6 nin 8 nin.7 nin 3.75 nin 0 nin 1.43 nin 1.667 nin 1.667 nin 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 1nin. 1.5 nin 1.5 nin 1.5 nin 1.5 nin 0 nin 1 nin 667 nin .667 nin .667 nin 1 Serg 427 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 nin 1.5 nin 1.5 nin 1.5 nin 1.5 nin 1 nin 667 nin | 0 nin 0 nin 667 nin 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 1.5 nin 1 nin 1.5 nin 1.5 nin 1.5 nin 0 nin 667 nin 667 nin 0 nia 667 nin 50 APPENDIX 3 (continued) Distance Ranges from Wall (m) 19-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 Site Date Depth (n) 0-10 436 2 Sergs 2 Sergs 6 Sergs 2 Sergs 1 Serg C4-C5 03/06/91 2 Sergs 1 Serg 9 nin 9 nin 1. 433 nin 6 nin .65 nin .7 nin 6 nin 3 nin 5 nin .9 nin 3.333 nin 0 nin 4 nin 1 111 nin 0 nin 2.222 nin 4.2 nin 3.333 nin 1.54 nin O nin 5 Sergs 37 nin 47 nin 52 nin &am2 nin 52 nin .32 nin 3 nin 9.62 nin 0 nin 0 nin 0 nin O nin 0 nin 0 nin 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 48 nin 55 nin 47 nin 1.03 nin .88 nin .62 nin 5 nin 47 nin 63 nin 47 nin 97 nin 1.14 nin 1.61 nin 0 nin 2.13 nin 0 nin 0 nin 2.08 nin 0 nin 2.13 nin 1 Serg 344 1 Serg 2 Sergs 2 Sergs 4 Sergs 6 Sergs 1 Serg 6 nin .53 nin 7 nin 8 nin .57 nin 4 min 47 nin 62 nin .75 nin 43 nin 2.5 nin 7.02 nin 15 nin 0 nin 2.13 nin 1.61 nin 2.67 nin 0 nin 0 nin 1.43 nin 1 Serg 1 Serg 2 Sergs 342 2 Sergs 2 Sergs 55 nin Vnin 38 nin 48 nin .47 mn 27 nin .28 nin .28 nin 33 nin 0 nin Onin 1.82 nin 0 nin 3 nin 5.26 nin 7.41 nin 0 mn 7.14 nin 5 Sergs 3 Sergs N. Hall 05/13/91 1 Serg 1 Serg 2 Sergs 2 Sergs 87 nin.53 nin 73 nin .87 nin .73 nin 43 nin 4 nin 6.85 nin J.45 nin 1.37 nin 4.65 nin 2.5 nin 2.J nin 0 nin 3 Sergs 2 Sergs 6 Sergs 3 Sergs 1 Serg 38 nin 72 nin 7 nin 67 nin 75 nin 58 nin .75 nin .83 nin .42 nin .83 nin 7.89 nin 2.78 nin 8.57 nin 4.5 nin 1.33 nin 0 nin 0nin 0nin 0 nin0 nin 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 2 Sergs 1 Serg 7 nin 83 nin 47 nin 55 nin .62 nin 68 nin 1 nin 57 mn 83 nin .75 nin 1 nin 1.73 nn 1.2 nin 1.33 nin 0 nin 0nin 0 min 0 nin 0 nin 2.94 nin 2 Sergs 1 Serg 1 Serg 82 nin 5 nin 33 nin 47 nin 53 mn .23 nin .33 nin .28 mn .37 nin 43 nin 2. 44 nin | 2 nin 2.86 nin 0 nin 0 nin 0 nin 0nin 0nin 0 nin 0 nin 1 Serg 2 Sergs 1 Serg 1 nin 67 nin 93 nin 88 nin 68 nin 5 nin 1.28 nin 3 nin 1.08 nin 0 nin 0nin 0 nin 0 nin 1 nin 1 Serg 55 nin 87 nin .68 nin 72 nin .8 nin 0 nin 1.15 nin 0 nin 0 nin 0 nin 393 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 Serg 1 nin 63 nin 9 nin 1.1 nin 1.42 nin 1.59 nin 1.08 nin9 mn 0 nin 0 nin APPenoix + Initial Site Jape I.D. frane C4-C5 03/28/89/06 01:54:38:26 91:54:57:14 01:55:01:04 C4-C5 03/28/89/11 03:30:53:01 03:38:38:24 C4-C5 03/31/89/04 00:54:44:24 01:02:20:29 C4-C5 96/27/89/02 00:30:17:14 C4-C5 09/12/89/16 05:29:12:15 05:33:02:03 NHall 10/26/89/09 01:14:93:03 01:27:00:02 NMall 10/26/89/05 01:30:18:25 01:35:49:22 01:56:10:19 N Hall 10/26/89/06 02:03:57:17 02:47:19:22 N Mall 10/26/89/09 92:47:53:02 02:48:33:18 02:50:23:00 03:07:33:14 Nuall 10/26/89/10 03:19:59:01 03:18:09:06 03:18:25:12 03:18:48:02 03:19:22:00 CA-C5 05/23/90/04 01:14:31:04 C4-C5 05/23/90/05 01:23:07:19 01:25:93:19 01:27:42:04 01:27:56:12 01:28:02:17 91:28:07:16 01:29:01:15 92:39:58:02 CA-CS 06/12/90/08 00:37:59:08 Carnel Cn 07/24/90/02 C4-C 09/10/90/05 01:40:37:08 01:40:51:19 01:43:08:11 01:43:11:00 01:43:49:12 01:44:32:03 01:44:37:04 C4-C5 09/10/90/07 92:19:09:10 02:19:23:08 02:19:26:10 Pt. Joe 09/24/90/07 92:16:12:08 02:21:01:29 Sergs Depth (n) Involved 367.3 367.1 367.2 N/R N/A 363.3 369.1 336.1 336.8 378.2 377.4 380.09 377.65 372.7 368.5 367.9 368.5 368.5 361.3 361.5 356.3 356.3 355. 357.5 357.8 356.6 356.6 356.6 356.6 356.6 340.2 200 352 369.4 369.4 369.4 341.68 341.68 Organisn Jouched rockfish encrusting sponge encrusting sponge ses anenone carnivorous tunicate cat shark egg case carnivorous tunicate sea anetione encrusting sponge sea anenone sea anenone ses anenone upright sponge sa anetione encrusting sponge rockfish bottle-brush sponge sa anenone bottle-brush sponge bottlebrush sponge holothurian holothurian cat shark egg case sea anenone encrusting sponge starfish sea anenone upright sponge upright sponge encrusting sponge fish upright sponge ses anenone gea anenone encrusting sponge crab gorgonian octupus octupus starfish starfish starfish octupus sea anenone upright sponge sa anenone starfish starfish * Sergs That Dart 52 5 — 85 8 8 5 -N Sasae 3 a n Soe aa 80 kaaa. 5 53