Vol. 6; Supplement Page 63 THE VELIGER FRETTER, VERA, & ALASTAIR GRAHAM 3. Repairs to shells damaged mechanically, by filing 1962. British prosobranch molluscs; their functional anatomy the aperture, grinding holes in the body and upper and ecology. London, Ray Soc.; xvi + 755 pp.; 317 figs. whorls, and by cracking in a vise are described. JOHNSON, T. W., Jr. & W. A. ANDERSON 1962. A fungus in Anomia simplex shell. Journ. Elisha Mit- LITERATURE CITED chell Sci. Soc. 78: 43 -47 BONAR, L. MCGEE, PATRICIA 1936. An unusual ascomycete in the shells of marine animals. 1964. A new pigment from Tegula funebralis (Mollusca: Gast¬ Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 19: 187 -194 ropoda). The Veliger 6; Supplement: 25 - 27; 1 text fig. The Dispersal of Young of the Commensal Gastropod Crepidula adunca from its Host, Tegula funebralis DEBORAH A. PUTNAM Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California (4 Text figures) INTRODUCTION HATCHING Crepidula adunca SowERBy, 1825 is a protandric marine Crepidula adunca breeds the year round (MORITz, 193 prosobranch commonly found on the shells of Tegula The animals used were gathered from Mussel Point, funebralis (A. ADAMS, 1854), both when the latter is Pacific Grove, California. Tegula funebralis with the occupied by the snail and when it is occupied by Pagurus brooding Crepidula females were kept in glass finger spp. MORITZ (1938) gives the range of C. adunca as bowls at 12 to 18° C. Young when hatched were kept being similar to that of T funebralis: from Vancouver, similarly. All young used in all experiments were hatched British Columbia, to the tip of Lower California. CONK¬ without human assistance, both to avoid harming the LIN (1897) has followed the cell lineage of C. fornicata young through attempts to liberate them artificially and C. plana, and MoRrrz (1938, 1939) has treated the and to establish their age, as the period of development anatomy and organogenesis of C. adunca. to hatching is not known. Crepidula adunca undergoes a very direct develop¬ In the four cases where hatching was observed, young ment from large, yolky eggs which are brooded by the Crepidula adunca were released between 8:30 and 10:30 female. The hatching young crawl out of the egg cases a. m. The egg cases are attached by individual stalks to as juveniles which are similar to adults. At hatching there one spot on the Tegula funebralis shell, immediately may be from 150 to 200 young released. Although no ventral and posterior to the head and anterior to the foot pelagic stage is present, the adult population of C. adunca of the female C. adunca. Normally, the female’s shell is quite well dispersed over the Tegula funebralis popu¬ is lifted no more than 0.5 mm above the substrate, only lation near the Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, enough to allow water to flow through the mantle cavity California. The number of adult C. adunca per T. funeb- for filter-feeding and respiration. During hatching, how¬ ralis shell is relatively low (eight was the maximum ever, the female intermittently lifts her shell 1 to 3 mm number seen) as compared to the large number of young above the substrate, for periods which varied from 3.5 per brood. Clearly, the young become dispersed to new seconds to about 4 minutes. Then with a forward and hosts without benefit of a pelagic stage. How this is downward motion of her head over the egg cases, the female pushes out those of her young which are loose accomplished is the subject of the present investigation. Vol. 6; Supplement Page 64 THE VELIGER The young which fall off sink to the bottom. Mucus and in the path of her head. Other hatched young adhering to the young affects the rate of sinking, which may crawl out. The young usually escape from the ranges from about 1.1 to 2.6 cm/sec (average 1.4 cm/sec) anterior region of the mother’s shell, which is typically Once off the host, the young are quite active. Their move¬ oriented on the host as shown in Figure 1. ment seems random; they are neither attracted to nor repelled by each other. There is a net movement upward and towards a light, if this is not too intense. These actions may even lead the spat to crawl out of the water, where they dessicate and die within 15 to 20 minutes on a sunny day. It is perhaps an advantage, therefore, for L the newly hatched spat to be washed off the host Tegula funebralis, which is normally exposed during the tidal cycle. Sunlight alone has no effect on the newly hatched Crepidula adunca when they are immersed. The spat are very active even in still water, and their random movements tend to disperse them. Simple dis- persal experiments were carried out in eight finger bowls with newly hatched young. Ten juveniles were placed in the center of each bowl and their positions marked on a grid at five minute intervals. Average motility, based on these runs, is plotted in Figure 2. Maximum rate of loco¬ motion measured over a short distance was about 0.2 mm/sec. 0 Figure 1: Orientation of Crepidula adunca on Tegula funebralis. The egg cases themselves may be expelled immediately at the end of hatching, which takes approximately one half hour, or after several days. Not all egg capsules under a given female are necessarily at the same stage of development or hatch at the same time. THE NEWLY HATCHED YOUNG 22 The average newly hatched Crepidula adunca, based on the measurement of six broods, is 1.19 mm long and 10 15 20 25 0.91 mm wide. The spat when hatched are very motile. Minutes They show no tendency to avoid either the mother or the host; however, many of the spat fall off the Tegula funeb- Figure 2: Average net distance covered by young ralis immediately. The number of spat leaving the host is Crepidula adunca. increased by any current present; mucus still covers the spat, and they do not adhere well to any surface. Less A weak current of water stimulates the spat, which than ten percent of a brood remain on the parental host tend to orient upstream and move into the current. In stronger currents the spat clamp down and remain immo¬ even in still water, where the only motion is that resulting from the creeping of T. funebralis. The few young re¬ bile unless torn loose by the current. The ability of spat maining on the host become quiescent sooner and remain to cling in currents of varying rates of flow is shown in Figure 3. so longer than those which fall off. Vol. 6; Supplement Page 65 THE VELIGER RESPONSES OF JUVENILE Crepidula adunca TOWARD Tegula funebralis AND ADULT ————- Empty Tegula funebralis shell Crepidula adunca — 2 Male Crepidula adunca Preliminary experiments indicated that adult female —.—.— Female Crepidula adunca Crepidula adunca, removed from their hosts, usually attempted to climb back on, and that adult males are ---- attracted by Tegula funebralis, but even more strongly by female C. adunca. In contrast, the newly hatched spat do not appear to be strongly attracted either to T. funeb¬ ralis or to older C. adunca, male or female. The reactions 8 -— of juveniles to parents and host were tested as follows. —-—-—-—-—-7 oV O I 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 12 8100- Days after hatching 2 80 Figure 4: Settlement of spat on various substrates. an occupied T funebralis shell than an empty one, presumably due to the comparatively rapid motion of 540 the larger snail. The attraction to Tegula funebralis must increase as 2 20. spat grow older, since the adult population lives on this host and shows a clear positive response to it. However. 5 o this investigator found no Crepidula adunca smaller than 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 3.8 mm in length, 2.8 mm in width and 2.0 mm in height Rate of flow (ml./cm 2/sec.) on a T funebralis in the field. Searches for spat or young adults on rocks, in shells and gravel, and on algae were Figure 3: Ability of juvenile Crepidula adunca to cling unsuccessful to a glass surface in a current. Up to 34 ml/cm’/sec flow, Adult Crepidula adunca are filter-feeders. However, random movement continued, with a slight net orienta¬ the ciliated food groove does not appear until after tion into the current. Above this, the spat clamped hatching, nor does the food pouch develop until after down tightly. the young adult stage (MoRITz, 1939). Scraping motions with the radula in the young have been observed, which len newly hatched young were placed in the center of strongly suggests that the spat may obtain microscopic each of four finger bowls. To each of three bowls was food by this means. The young might not be strongly added, near the edge, one of the following: 2 living male attracted to Tégula funebralis or to another, older C. C. adunca, an empty T funebralis shell, or a living female adunca until their filter-feeding apparatus has developed. C. adunca. The fourth bowl served as a control. The po- SUMMARY sitions of the young free in the bowls or on the various proffered substrates were recorded daily for a period of Crepidula adunca is a protandric marine prosobranch twelve days (Figure 4). commonly found on the shells of Tegula funebralis. Female There is no evidence that the spat are attracted to C. adunca are oriented in a consistent manner on the légula funebralis or Crepidula adunca. Instead, the whorls of the T. funebralis shell. There is no free-swim- young appear to move at random. However, when the ming larval stage; the brooded young crawl or are pushed come in contact with any one of these shells, they crawl out from under the mother as juveniles similar in form upon it, and their motility thereafter is greatly decreased. to the adults. The newly hatched spat are very motile; The presence of the living animal is not a factor; as many the great majority drop off the host and sink. Weak settle on an empty C. adunca shell as on one that is water currents stimulate the spat; there is net orientation occupied. In supplementary experiments fewer settled on into current, against gravity, and toward moderate light. Page 66 Vol. 6; Supplement THE VELIGER Spat are only weakly attracted to either T. funebralis or older C. adunca; this attraction is clearly present in older individuals. LITERATURE CITED CONKLIN, E. G. 1897. The embryology of Crepidula. Journ. Morph.13: 1-226; plts. 1 -9; 13 text figs. MORITZ, CHARLES E. 1938. The anatomy of the gasteropod Crepidula adunca SOWERBY. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 43: 83 - 92; 6 text figs 1939. Organogenesis in the gasteropod Crepidula adunca SOWERBY. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 43: 217 - 248; 22 text figs Studies on the Commensal Limpet Acmaea asmi in Relation to its Host, Tegula funebralis ARTHUR B. EIKENBERRY JR. AND DIANE E. WICKIZER Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California Text figures; 2 Tables) with its host and both organisms were measured. Notation Acmaea asmi (MDDDENDORFF, 1849) is a stenotopic lim of horizontal and vertical position was made. pet which inhabits the rocky intertidal, and lives almost Since the five transects varied both in length and in exclusively on Tegula funebralis (A. ADAMS, 1854). By slope, horizontal distribution in terms of absolute distance studying distribution in relationship to horizontal and ver- from shore is not particularly significant. However, in tical position in the intertidal and by considering dis all five transects populations were concentrated in the tribution in relationship to food and substrate preferences middle areas, the regions affected neither by shore line we hoped to establish a clearer understanding of the adult wave action nor the wave battering of the outer intertidal. commensal relationship between A. asmi and T. fune¬ bralis. The following work is a continuation and refine Furthermore, observations at high tide (WARA & ment of studies carried out by FREDERICK H. TEST in WRIGHT, 1964) revealed a qualitative difference in wave 1945, and RUTH RADFORD in 1959. action between the transects and showed that the num- TRIBU ION ber of Acmaea asmi was generally inversely proportional During April and May, 1963, distribution of Acmaea asmi to the wave battering received by the area. Qualitatively, was studied along Mussel Point on Monterey Bay, Cali Area B had very heavy wave action and no A. asmi were found; Area A received a heavy battering and the density fornia. Every A. asmi noted along five transects by W. of A. asmi was low. As the wave action decreased from WARA & B. WRIGHT (1964, see Figures 1 - 5) was collected