Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. Peter T. Hetzler INTRODUCTION. Most marine invertebrates are ammonotelic, that is, they excrete ammonia as the major end product of their pro¬ tein catabolism. Coelenterates appear to be no exception. Delaunay (1934) states that Actinians excrete 52.7% of their nitrogenous waste as ammonia, but through what pathways and by what enzymes has not been elucidated. The findings pre¬ sented in this paper suggest that the sea anemone, A. elegan- tissima (Brandt, 1835), is ammonotelic as expected, and that two of the steps leading to ammonia excretion in this an¬ imal are catalyzed by enzymes commonly involved in amino acid degredation. MATERIALS. All anemones were taken from the low intertidal zone at the Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California. Large solitary animals, symbiotized by zooxanthellae, were used as the source of all enzyme preparations. The symbi¬ otic and "aposymbiotic" anemones used in the feeding experi¬ ment were clonal and only members taken from the same two clones were used. Animals selected as aposymbiotic, howev¬ er, were found to contain small populations of zooxanthellae. METHODS. Ammonia was measured by the method of Solorzano (1964) except that all reagent additions were one half the volume, and only 1 ml. of sample was used. Deammoniated water was used as adiluent. 10 mls. of IN NaOH was added to 1 liter of distilled water. The solution was brought to a Peter T. Hetzler Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. boil, cooled to room temperature, and 10 mls. of IN HCI was added.The method was used in the range from 0.6 to Aug NH./ml. Measurements were made using a Klett-Sumerson Photoelectric Colorimeter with a red filter against a re- agent blank. The method was reproducible within 6%. Enzyme preparations were obtained either by homo- genization in deammoniated water or from imidazole buffer extracts of acetone powders. Acetone powders were pre¬ pared as follows. 500 mls. of redistilled acetone kept at 0°C. was added to 50 mls. of anemone in a Waring Blendor, macerated at high speed for 1 minute, and filtered through Whatman No. 5 filter paper on a Buchner funnel with suc- tion. The residue was washed twice with 500 ml. volumes of chilled acetone on the filter. When the filter cake had completely dried, it was pulverized with mortar and pestle to give a fine power and stored at 0°0. 9 mls. of O.5M Imidazole-HCl buffer, pH 7.2, was added to 0.2 grams of this powder and the mixture was centrifuged in a re¬ frigerated International Centrifuge, PR-4. Essentially no activity was associated with the sedimented pellet. The resulting extract was purified by gel filtration us¬ ing Sephadex, G25. Enzyme activity was assayed as follows. Glutamine synthetase activity was measured in terms of the y-glu¬ tamyl transfer reaction as described by Rowe, et. al. (1970). The release of ammonia from DL-alanine was mea- sured using 0.235 umoles DL-alanine and ketogluterate at the same concentration; in,a total volume of 5 mls. Peter T. Hetzler Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. of which 0.5 ml. was 1M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.3, and 1 ml. was enzyme solution. The volume of the mix¬ ture was then brought to 5 mls. with deammoniated water. Appropriate controls were used in all assays. The mix¬ tures were incubated at 37°C. and sampled at intervals for periods up to twolhours. Replicate samples were ta¬ ken at each sample time. Four symbiotic and four "aposymbiotic" anemones varying from 0.8 to 1.2 grams dry weight, which had been starved for two months,were used in the feeding experiment. Only two of each type were fed 0.07 grams, wet weight, of squid. One fed and not fed of each type was placed in the light and the dark in 80 mls. of Instant Ocean and maintained at ambient seawater temperature, between 10.5 and 12°0. Samples of the water were taken for ammonia de- termination at intervals for four hours after feeding. RESULTS. The results of the feeding experiment (Table 1 and Figure 1) show that ammonia excretion is markedly in¬ creased after feeding. The levels of excreted ammonia were decreased on prolonged incubation as can be seen in Fig¬ ure 1. No evidence for the existence of glutamine synthe¬ tase was found in either type of enzyme preparation. How¬ ever, the L-alanine amidotransferase experiment did show significant activity. The results appear in Table 2 and in Figure 2. Note that the ammonia released is maximum at 15 minutes in all three enzyme assays. After correction Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. Peter T. Hetzler for activity in the absence of substrate the maximum rate of ammonia release is O.13 ug NH/minute for extracts pre¬ pared using 0.2 grams of acetone powder in 9 mls. of buffer. Thereafter, the ammonia concentration decreases at a rate of 0.04 ug NHa/minute. The general features of the time course of ammonia generation was observed in all assays with this preparation. The total amount of ammonia released is equi¬ valent to one half the amount present in the substrate level of DL-alanine used in the assay. DISCUSSION. The feeding experiment suggests that the endosymbiotic zooxanthellae of A. elegantissima take up the ammonia released by the animal. These results support the observations of Trench (1971) who found in the coral, Porites divaricata, that 50% more C alanine was synthetized by zooxanthellae during photosynthetic assimilation of C carbonate when NH,Cl was added to the medium. Futher replications of the feeding experiments are necessary to asses the signifi¬ cance of ammonia assimilation by the zooxanthellae in A. elegantissima. It must be remembered that the lighter colored animals selected as "aposymbiotic" have been found to con¬ tain small populations of zooxanthellae. The enzymatic catabolism of alanine in the extracts of A. elegantissima resulted in only one half the amount of am- monia available from the substrate level of DL-alanine which suggests that the enzyme in question is specific for either the Dor the L isomer. The much lower level of ammonia re- Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. 5. Peter T. Hetzler leased in the absence of d ketoglutarate suggests that the ammonia release is not due to a D or an L alanine oxidase, but occurs via a transferase reaction. In all cases in¬ vestigated, the L amino acids are more susceptible to cat¬ abolism. Futhermore, there is no report in the literature of a D-alanine amidotransferase. It is highly likely, therefore, that the observed activity is caused by an L¬ alanine amidotransferase coupled with a glutamic dehy¬ drogenase. The uptake of ammonia by another enzyme system with synthesis of other amino acids might cause the sharp drop in ammonia concentration after 15 minutes. Attempts at identification of such other products by chromatography have been unsuccessful to date. The source of the ammonia as¬ similating enzymes has not been elucidated. The relative importance of the contributions of enzymes from the anem¬ one and zooxanthellae must still be assessed in charac¬ terizing this system. SUMMARY. 1. Fed specimens of the sea anemone, Anthopleura el¬ egantissima, excrete more ammonia than starved specimens, suggesting that A. elegantissima is ammonotelic as expected. 2. Preliminary findings suggest that the endosym- biotic zooxanthellae present in A. elegantissima take up ammonia excreted by the animal. 3. Two steps leading to the excretion of ammonia in Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. Peter T. Hetzler SUMMARY (continued). A. elegantissima are catalyzed by an L-alanine amidotransferase coupled with a glutamic de- hydrogenase. 4. The level of ammonia released during the course of the L-alanine amidotransferase reaction reaches a maximum at 15 minutes at a rate of 0.13 ug NH/minute, and thereafter decreases sharply at a rate of 0.04 ug NHa/minute. This decrease can not be attributed to a glutamine synthetase reaction. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. John H. Phillips whose profound knowledge and patience were invaluable during the course of this project. I would also like to thank Phil Murphy for his advice and assistance. Special thanks go to the students and the rest of the faculty at the Hopkins Marine Station. 6. Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. Peter T. Hetzler FIGURE CAPTIONS. Figure 1. THE FEEDING EXPERIMENT. Four specimens of A. elegantissima were fed (0) and four were not (9). The animals were fed O.07 grams, wet weight, of squid at time 0. The fed anemones released markedly greater a- mounts of ammonia than the starved anemones, especially the "aposymbiotic"animal in the dark. Note the decrease in ammonia concen¬ tration after 180 minutes in all fed anemones. Figure 2. Figure 2 shows the release of ammonia in the acetone powder extracts of A. elegantissima. Note that the ammonia concentration in all three assays reaches a maximum level at 15 minutes and sharply decreases thereafter. The low ammonia concentration levels in the absence ofaketoglutarate suggests that the ammonia release is not due to an alanine ami¬ no oxidase reaction but to an L-alanine ami¬ dotransferase reaction coupled with a glu¬ tamic dehydrogenase reaction. 0 Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. Peter T. Hetzler TABLE CAPTIONS. Table 1. The results of the feeding experiment, expressed in ug NH3/ml.water/gram (dry weight) of anemone. Table 2. The results of the acetone powder assays, ex¬ pressed in ug NH3 / ml. of sample. SAMPLE Enzyme Alanine Ketoglutarate Enzyme Enzyme Alanine Alanine Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. Peter T. Hetzler TABLE 2 Sample Times in Minutes — O 15 30 60 00 120 3.4 2.24 — — — — — — — O.50 2.2 2.08 2.22 2.08 2.06 O.41 2.04 0.45 1.98 1.66 1.68 3.31 o.41 O.85 O.91 1.O1 O.87 O.84 1.10 O.50 O.51 0.62 O.50 O.63 0.4 0.45 0.46 0.47 O.41 0.33 ANEMONE — Fed 'Aposymbiotic (Dark) Fed Aposymbiotic (Light) Fed Symbiotic (Dark) Fed Symbiotic (Light) Starved Jymbiotic (Dark) Starved Aposymbiotic (Dark) Starved Symbiotic (Light) Starved "Aposymbiotic' (Light) Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. Peter T. Hetzler TABLE 1 Sample Times in Minutes 60 90 120 180 240 — 1.08 1.64 1.96 3.46 4.12 2.81 1.26 1.35 1.48 1.88 2.18 1.78 1.07 1.14 1.00 1.44 1.68 1.23 1.66 1.29 1.36 1.74 2.42 1.80 O.96 O.84 1.08 1.11 1.09 1.06 O.89 0.94 O.96 0.99 0.97 1.01 1.32 1.25 1.24 1.19 1.21 1.13 1.48 1.48 1.50 1.41 1.38 1.29 Dry Weight rams 1.30 O.85 O.95 1.00 1.24 1.00 1.14 0.84 ug NH,/mI. 3 5 1.5 1.0 0 120 180 OSYABIO VOSgOTC (LIGNT) SYMBIOTICOLIGAT BTC (Rk) —sorie (DARK) or c () BSYMBIOTIC (LIGH7) gc (LIGMT) 240 FIGURE ug NH3/ 3.5 3.0 FIGURE 2 60 ENZYME A KETOGLUTARATE ALANINE — ENZYME ALANINE TEN2V ALAUINE 120 Ammonia excretion in A. elegantissima. Peter T. Hetzler BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Delaunay, H. Review of nitrogen excretion. Ann. Physico¬ chim. biol. 10: 695-724 (1934). 2. Przylecki, St. J. L'excretion ammonicale chez les in¬ vertebres dans les conditions normales et experimentales. Arch. int. Physiol. 20: 45-51. (1922). 3. Rowe, W. Bruce; Ronzio, Robert A.; Wellner P.; Wellner, Varia; Meister, Alton. Methods in Enzymology. v. XVII. Tabor and Tabor (eds.). Academic Press, New York (1970). 900-910. Solorzano, ucia. Limno. Oceanography. 14: 799-801 (1972). 5. Trench, R. K. The physiology and biochemistry of zoo¬ xanthellae symbiotic with marine coelenterates. Three Papers in Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 177: 225-264 (1971). General Biochemistry. 1. Harper, Harold A. A Review of Physiological Chemist: Lange Medical Publications. Los Altos, Ca. 303-349 (1971). 2. Hochachka, Peter W. Strategies of Biochemical Adaption. Saunders, Philadelphia (1973). 3. Lehninger, Albert L. Biochemistry. Worth Publishers, New York. (1970). 4. Prosser, Ladd C. (ed.). Comparative Animal Physiology. W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. 187-208. (1950).