David Russel ABSTRACT The hydroids Aglaophenia struthionides (Murray, 1860), Eucopella everta (Clark, 1896), and Abietinaria spp. in the low intertidal zone at Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, Monterey Bay, California, often bear the adult pycnogonids Tanystylum duospinum (Hilton, 1939) and Lecytho¬ rhyncus hilgendorfi (Bohm, 1879). Larval stages of these pycnogonids were found living and feeding on Eucopella everta. The larvae of Tanystylum duospinum are ectoparasitic. Those of Lecythorhyncus hilgendorfi are endoparasitic in the gastrovascular cavities of hydranths. Larvae of both species feed on the gut contents of Eucopella everta, often on the same hydroid colony. INTRODUCTION Hydroid colonies found in the low intertidal zone on rocky California shores often bear pycnogonids. At Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, adults of the sea spider Tanystylum duospinum are frequently found on the hydroid Aglaophenia struthionides, and less often on other hydroids, bryozoans and tunicates. Adults of the pycnogonid Lecythorhyncus hilgendorfi, less abundant at Mussel points during this study, were found on the hydroids Eucopella everta, Aglaophenia struthionides, and Abietinaria spp.. Larval stages of both pycnogonid species were found only on Eucopella everta, often on the same colonies. The occurrence of two similar forms undergoing larval development on the same substrate provided an opportunity to make comparisons and to examine the possibility of resource partitioning. David Russel MATERIALS AND METHODS All material was collected from low intertidal areas at Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, Monterey Bay, California, between 18 April and 30 May, 1980. Hydroid colonies were generally collected on red algae (Prionitis, Gastroclonium, and Gigartina spp.), but occasionally were taken from rocks. Both homogeneous hydroid clusters (colonies consisting of a single species) and heterogeneous clusters (consisting of two or more species growing closely together) were kept separate both during collecting and later in the laboratory. Samples brought back to the laboratory were observed while fresh. Some colonies were kept for up to one week without feeding, in aquaria and finger bowls with constantly running seawater at approximately 14°C, during which time additional observations were made. Identification of larval Tanystylum duospinum was made by arrang- ing the stages found into a continuous developmental series, and then working backwards from the adult. The earliest larval form observed possessed three pairs of larval appendages and lacked any adult walking legs. RESULTS TANYSTYLUM DUOSPINUM Adult Tanstylum duospinum were found most abundantly on fronds of Aglaophenia struthionides, but were collected from a variety of substrates including the hydroids Abietinaria and Sertularella, the tunicate Archidistoma, and an arborescent bryozoan. Females with developed eggs in their legs and males carrying egg masses were David Russel occasionally found. No males carrying protonymphon larvae were seen. Protonymphon larvae with clear exoskeletons were found, firmly attached by the grip of the two chelifores, on the stolons, stalks, and hydrothecae of Eucopella everta. When larvae were gently pulled from the substrate, breaking the grip of the chelifores, they retained a connection with the hydroid via a thread formed by secretion of the cement gland. The thread, which may be at least twice the length of the larva, acts as a safety line, preventing the animal from being swept from the substrate if the chelifores lose their grip. In still water a larva was observed to slowly ascend the line, until it regained the substrate. A larva dislodged in a current was swung in an arc, and rapidly regained a foothold on the substrate. Undisturbed protonymphon larvae found attached to E. everta as noted above, were often observed to have the proboscis inserted through the perisarc and body wall into the hydroid coelenteron. In one such individual, observed over a ten minute period, feeding was seen to be suctorial. Expansion of the pycnogonid's gut from anterior to posterior caused fluid to be drawn from the hydroid's coelenteron into the pycnogonid. After a variable length of time a contraction of the pycnogonid gut, starting at the posterior and moving anteriorly, forced much of the ingested material back into the hydroid coelenteron. The process was repeated at irregular intervals. More advanced larvae (stages V and VI of Dogiel, 1913) possessing their first and second pairs of walking appendages and an unpigmented exoskeleton (Figs 1 and 2) were found attached to the host hydroid in the same sorts of places and appeared to feed in the David Russel same manner. T. duospinum with three and four pairs of walking legs and a clear exoskeleton (Figs. 3 & 4) was not observed feeding, nor was an attachment thread seen in these stages. The most advanced stage of T. duospinum found on E. everta had a maximum leg span of only 4 mm, still possessed functional chelifores and a clear exoskeleton, and had an incompletely developed fourth pair of walking legs. This corresponds closely with the earliest stage of T. duospinum found on Aglaophenia struthionides. Larger T. duospinum with four fully developed pairs of walking legs and a leg span of up to 10 mm were found on A. struthionides, Abientinaria and Sertularella but were not found on E. everta. The smaller eight-legged individuals were light straw in color, while the larger specimens were a darker golden brown and were occasionally fouled by epiphytes. LECYTHORHYNCUS HILGENDORFI The earliest developmental stage of L. hilgendorfi seen occurred within aberrant, enlarged hydranths of Eucopella everta. Both hydranth and parasite were encased in an exoskeletal capsule attached within the original hydrotheca but extending outward considerably beyond the hydrothecal margin (Fig. 5). Each hydranth contained a small pycnogonid (Stage IV, Dogiel, 1913) with a proboscis, chelicerae, a small pair of appendages, and three pairs of short walking legs (Fig. 6). The gut was clearly branched. Within the hydranth the pycnogonid proboscis was inserted into the coelenteron of the hydroid stalk, the chelicerae, directed forward, held the pycnogonid in place. Slightly larger pycnogonids with longer legs (Stage V, Dogiel, 1913) were also found in an identical orientation (Fig. 7 & 8). David Russel At the next observed stage the capsule, and often most or all of the hydrotheca and hydranth of the infected hydroid were absent (Fig. 9). The three pairs of walking legs of the now exposed pycnogonid were present as stubs which no longer contained the branches of the gut seen in the two preceding stages. Occasionally two pycnogonids at this stage were found at the end of a single hydroid stalk (Fig. 10). In the next developmental stage the pycnogonid's walking legs were well developed (Fig. 11). These legs still lacked extensions of the gut; they waved slowly in walking motions similar to those of a normal adult pycnogonid. Pycnogonids at this stage were also found in double infections, occasionally sharing a stalk with a pycnogonid at the pre¬ viously described stage. The last pre-adult stage seen was found detached from the stalk, and walking slowly over the stolons, stalks, and hydrothecae of the E. everta colony (Fig. 12). The three pairs of walking legs still lacked extensions of the gut, and the chelifores were now achelate. Active feeding of the encysted pycnogonid on the hydroid was not observed. However, a direct connection between the pycnogonid and hydroid gut was demonstrated in live whole-mount preparations. Pressure on the pycnogonid forced a flow of fluid from the gut directly into the coelenteron of the hydroid stalk. Pressure on the stalk caused fluid to flow back into the pycnogonid gut. In neither case was there any leakage of fluid at the junction of host and parasite. David Russel DISCUSSION Some pycnogonid species are known to be associated with character¬ istic organisms (Hedgpeth, 1980; King, 1973). Such associations have been reported for adults of 36 and larvae of 21 pycnogonid species (King, 1973). Only 13 of the approximately 500 species of pycnogonids have previously been observed feeding while on a host organism (King, 19/3). The host itself may be the food source, being parasitized (Allman, 1862; Dogiel, 1913; King, 1973) or preyed on (King, 1973), or the host may simply provide a surface from which food such as small attached plants, animals, microorganisms, or detritus is obtained, The present study shows that the early developmental stages of Tanystylum duospinum and Lecythorhyncus hilgendorfi feed directly from the gut contents of the hydroid Eucopella everta. Both species of pycnogonid often occur on the same hydroid colony. The early develop¬ mental stages of T. duospinum are ectoparasitic, while those of L. hilgendorfi are endoparasitic. While adults of neither species were seen to feed, adults of T. duospinum were found in abundance on only one substrate, Aglaophenia struthionides, a hydroid whose color is matched by the color of the adult pycnogonid. By adopting different strategies (ecto-, and endoparasitism) while employing basically similar suctorial feeding methods, T. duospinum and L. hilgendorfi effectively divide a given hydroid colony into two non-overlapping resources for food and space, and thus avoid competi¬ tion. David Russel ACKNOWLEDGMENT. I thank everyone who helped make the Spring Quarter at the Hopkins Marine Station such an enjoyable learning experience. Special thanks to Chuck Baxter for his jocular skepticism, to Donald P. Abbott for his time, energy and interest in this project, and to Nancy Oku for her assistance and patience. David Russel FIGURES PLATE I: Fig. 1. Tanystylum duospinum; larva (stage V, Dogiel 1913), ventral view. Fig. 2. T. duospinum; larva (stage VI, Dogial 1913), dorsal view. PLATE II: Fig. 3. T. duospinum; larva (stage VII, Dogiel 1913) dorsal view. Fig. 4. T. duospinum; adult, dorsal view. PLATE III: Fig. 5. Lecythorhyncus hilgendorfi; larva (stage IV, Dogiel 1913), encysted in hydranth of Eucopella everta. Fig. 6. L. hilgendorfi; larva (stage IV, Dogiel 1913), removed from cyst, ventral view. Gut extensions are present in three pairs of folded walking legs and in bases of chelifores. Fig. 7. L. hilgendorfi; larva (stage V, Dogiel 1913), encysted in E. everta. L. hilgendorfi; larva (stage V, Dogiel 1913), removed Fig. 8. from cyst, ventral view. Legs separated, gut extending into legs and chelifores. David Russel PLATE IV: Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. FICURES CONT'D L. hilgendorfi; larva (stage uncertain) attached to deteriorating hydranth of E. everta. Legs con¬ sisting of three pairs of stubs without extensions of the gut. L. hilgendorfi; larvae (same as fig. 9.), double infestation of a single E. everta hydranth. L. hilgendorfi; larva (stage VII, Dogiel 1913), attached to remnant of E. everta hydranth by chelifores. Dis¬ tended gut extending into the chelifores but not into the three pairs of walking legs. L. hilgendorfi; larva (stage uncertain), detached from hydroid stalk. Chelifores achelate, gut extending into chelifores but not into walking legs. David Russel 10 PLATE I Fig. 1 7. Fig. 2. David Russel PLATE II Fig. 3. Fig. 4. 3 f 11 David Russel Fig. 5. Fig. 7. PLATE III Fig. 6. Fig. 8. David Russel Fig. 9. Fig. 11. PLATE IV Fig. 10. Fig. 12 9 David Russel 14 LITERATURE CITED Allman, G.J., 1862. "On a Remarkable form of Parasitism Among the Pycnogonidae," Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9(3), 36-43. Dogiel, V., 1913. "Embryologische Studien an Pantopoden." Z. Wiss. Zool., 107(4), 575-741; pl. 17-22. Hedgpeth, J.W. & Haderlie, E.C., 1980. "Pycnogonida: the Sea Spiders' Chapter 27, pp. 638-639, in Intertidal Invertebrates of California, Stanford University Press. Stanford, CA. King, P.E., 1973. Pycnogonids, pp. 7-144. Hutchinson & Co., London.