Introduction Idot Pent otea ster ops (Benedict) is an herb¬ ivorous isopod with a range from Coos Bay, Oregon to Monterey,California (Menzies, 1950). It is found in the lower littoral region, uncovered only by "minus' sides. The vast majority of the population resides on gregia, although occasional specimens may be found on aminariaor Yllospadix. Preliminary studies of gut contents revealed a diet consisting almost entirely of Egregia. Small amonts of lospadix and Laminaria, and other forms of algae, mostly epiphytes, have been found in the gut contents of specimens examined. The lower intertidal has a rich variety of flora (Smith,1966), most of which I.S enops is apparently ignoring. There are considerable differences among these plants in terms of cell wall composition, stor¬ age products, etc. perhaps important to their suitabil¬ ity as a food source (Kreeger, 1962) (Meeuse, 1962). The research presented investigates how well I. Stenops is able to utilize Egregia, and several other plants which do not appear to be its normal food source. Results I Experiments on Newborn Animals Two dozen ovigerous females were placed in an aquarium with Egregia. After two days approximately two hundred newborn animals were collected. A random sample of 15 newborn animals was dryed at 60' C and weighed. Standard deviation in weighing was O.11 mg. Five aquaria in the form of plastic boxes had been set up previously to hold these newborn isopods. These plastic boxes, of slightly less than 1 gallon capacity, were given running sea water and vigorous aeration. Four boxes contained Egr egia, Phyllospadix, Iridaea, and Lamin- ria respectively as sole food source of the newborn. The fth aquarium contained all four plants in equal amounts. In each case an abundance of food was provided. The plant species chosen served to contrast Egregia with another brown alga, a red alga, and a flowering plant. Croups of newborn I. sten were counted and placed in their respective aquaria. Counts of the animals were made at intervals of not more than seven days. At each count the groups and their algae were placed in clean aquaria. After thirty-four days the surviving animals were arved for twenty-four hours to empty their guts, dryed at 609 C, and weighed. Mortality during the thirty-four days is presented in figures 1-2. Mortality per day was computed for each of eight intervals between counts. The means of these rates and their 95% confidence limits are presented in Table 1. A students t-test for significance indicated that mortality per day of the group fed on gre a was sig- Ificantly different from all groups except the group fed on a mixed diet. The highest mortality per day, observed in the group fed exclusively on Phyllo adix was ificantly different from all groups except the group si fed on Iridaea. Growth of the animals during the period of observation is represented in Figure 3 and expressed as mean dry weight with 95% confidence limits. The weight at the beginning is included and labeled source group. A students t-test for significance indicated that mean weight of the group fed on Egre ia was significantly different from all groups except the group fed on a mixed diet. The group fed on a mixed diet was significantly different from all remain¬ ing groups. The groups fed on Laminaria and Iridaea showed a significant increase in weight over the source group. However, no such significant gain in weight was observed with the group fed on Phyllospadix. 1i Experiments on Adults Twelve quart jars were set up as aquaria, with vigorous aeration and maintained at ambient ocean temper¬ ature in a greenhouse. Weighed amounts of Egregia,Phyllo,Lridaea, and Pelvetia were added to groups of three jars respective¬ ly. One jar in each group received four isopods weighing between .04 and .16 grams. Similarly one jar in each food group received one isopod between .71 and .78 grams. and one jar received one isopod whose weight was between 1.3 and 1.9 grams. The initial net weights of plants and isopods were obtained by blotting them with paper towels, and preventing further weight change during weighing by placing them in tared, covered petri dishes. The animals were allowed to feed on the plant material and at intervals of 4 to 8 days both plant and isopod were weighed again. Fresh weighed plant material was introduced at thede times. This was continued for one month. Deterioration of the plants was not found to be a problem under the cond tions of the experiment. Plant growth was considerable during these intervals. Controls for the assessment of plant growth in the absence of isopods were established. A figure of mean per cent weight gain per day was calculated for each plant species. This figure was used to estimate the plant growth that should have occured in a jar during the grazing interval. Weight decrease in the plant over a grazing interval plus probable growth gave the amount of food ingested. Variance in plant growth necessarily contributed to variance in values for food ingested. Dry weight to wet weight sios were obtained for the plants. Food ingested was converted to dry weight, and expressed in terms of grams dry weight of the food per gram wet weight of the animals per day. The results are presented in Figure 4. These mean ingestion rates were tested for significant difference by a non-parametric test of the sum of the ranks of differences between data pairs (Snedecor, 1967). The test is appropriate to the data because of the large variances. The ingestion rate on Egred gia was significantly ifferent from the rates on Phyllos spadix and Iridaea, but not the rate for Pelvetia. All other rates are sig¬ nificantly different from one another. Fecal material was collected at intervals of two to four days so as to avoid fouling of aquaria, and loss of fecal material by decomposition. Fecal material was measured as dry weight. The difference between dry weight of ingested food and dry weight of fecal material was considered as an estimation of assimilation, and expressed as grams dry weight assimilated per gram isopod per day. Standard deviation in weighing plants was approximately 25 milligram. Weighings were made to the hundredth of a gram. Standard deviation in weighing the animals was approximately 13 milligrams. Weighings were made to the nearest milligram. The mean assimilation rates are presented in Figure 5 h95% con wit fidence limits. The same non-parametric test was employed to determine significant differences between pairs of means. The as similation rate with Phyllospadix is significantly dif rent from the rate on all other diets. No other significant differences were noted. It was noted, however, that there was an apparant lack of vigor in the animals fed on either llospadi These animals showed a lessened escape respor capture was at empted. The different diets prese no discernable d. erence in quality as a substrat attachme t of the animals. Molting of the dul animals was the course of the exper The num! hthe diet of the anim Table 2 presen observations. Discussion Newoorn 1. stenops were good subjects for the study of growth and mortality in relation to diet. They were exceptionally homogeneous in weight as well as age. They could be expected to show rapid growth if developing properly. The dietary response of these young animals night show differences from the response of mature adults. and, therefore, be an important consideration. The data on newborn growth indicates that the diets can probably be ranked in decreasing quality as, Egregia, Laminaria, Iridaea, Phyllospadix. This agrees with data from the feeding of adults in terms of ingestion, assimil¬ ation, and molting. The data on ingestion is especially interesting since statistically significant differences were found between the brown algae, and Irid, and Phyllospadix. Onfortunately the large variance makes statistical comparisons more di icult for assimilation. The wide confidence limits on means for ingestion and assimilation are a reflection of the fact that feeding was intermittent on all diets. In particular very little feeding was done during molting periods. Nevertheless the range embraced by the confidence limits indicates that aximum values are much higher on brown algae tested than on the red alga, Iridaea, and on either of the former than on llospadix. The relatively small differences in growth and survival between newborn fed on Laminaria and Egregia are interesting since Laminaria is in fact found in the gut contents of leld specimans, and I. stenops are occasionally found grazing on it. The data indicatesthat it is only slightly less suitable than Egregia as a food source. All in all the data indicates that Egregia is a significantly better food source than I daea or Phyllospadix. Such food specialization could certainly be a factor in 1. stenops distribution, and habitat choice. While the data seems to indicate that brown algae has the most food value to I. sten ps the data on relative food values of The brown algae is less conclusive. It does suggest th ia is the most suitable food. The results fron experiments on newborn animals seem to eliminate th possibility that a mixture of the plants to Egregia alone. Summary 1) Newborn Idotea sten s were raised on several diets and their mortality and growth determined. 2) Quantitative feeding experiments were performed on os using several weight classes. Quanti¬ ties I. sten of food ingested and assimilated were calculated. 3) I yllospadix was found to have much less food valu than the other marine plants tested. Egre aae the best results in terms of survival and growth of the newborn. Other forms of brown algae approach he food value of Egregia. Other plants tested were t algae Le ed aand Pelvetia, andth Acknow select Literature Cited y and Bio emist Kreeger, D. R. 1962. Cell Walls, Physiolog of Algae, Edited R. A. Lewin. New-York: Academic Press Meeuse, B. J. D. 1962. Storage Products, Physiology and Biochemistry of Algae, Edited R. A. Lewin. New York;Academic Press Menzies, R. J. 1950. The Taxonomy, Ecology, And Distrib¬ ution of Northern California Isopods of the Genus Idotea, With a Description of a New Species, Wassman Journal of Biology, 8: 155-195 Smith, G. M. 1969. Marine Algae oft he Monterey Peninsula, California. Stanford: Stanford University Press Snedecor, G. W: and Cochran, W.G. 1967 Statistical Methods, Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press pp. 128-130 Captions for Figures and Tables Figure I Cumulative Percent Mortality with Time for Newborn Idotea ! enops Maintained on Various Diets =- Laminaria Diet - Initial Population Size=29 •- Egregia Diet - Initial Population Size=32 A- Mixture Diet - Initial Population Size=25 Figure 2 Cumulative Percent Mortality with Time for Newborn Idotea stenops Maintained on Various Diets E-Phyllos ix Diet - Initial Population Size = 29 ad A-Iridaea Diet - Initial Population Size = 29 Figure 3 Mean Dry Weight and Confidence Limits of Newborn Source Group, and of Survivors After 34 Days of Feeding on Various Plant Speies Figure 4 Ingestion Rates by Idotea stenops of Several Plant Species ea stenops of Several Plant Specie Figure 5 Assimilation Rates of Idot Table 1 Mean Percent Mortality per Day for Isopods Maintained on Various Diets Table 2 Number of Molts in Thirty Days for Groups of Twelve Isopods Maintained on Different Diets Diet Phyllospadi ridaea Lamina regia Mixture Diet Egregia elveti Irideae Phyllos TABLE I Mean Mortality/Day 6.7% 4.8% 2.0% .289 .52% TABLE 2 5% Con: idence Limits 12.3% 14.0% 1.5% +.40% +.9% 5 5 Centlate erent Mereli, 0 Cumulative Percent Mortality 8 CHAMPION LINE NO. 810-3 CROSS SECTION - 10 SOUARES TO INCH — H HH H I tt ++++ FIG 3 + + — 4.0 + ++ it + ++ + + ++ t tt T + t t + + +++ — + — + + + ++++ ++++ + + t L ++ + + + + ++ — — +++ — — ++ + ++++ + ++ + ++++ +++ + t + + ++++ +++ ++ + +++ + ++ + +t — ++ + ++ + ++ ++++ ++ + +— +++ + + ++ L + ++ 0.5 + o mixture Egretia Phyllospadix lridaea Laminaria source group group group group group group + + + +++ + + 2 50 5 Phyllo. Jrid. Egreg. Pelvet. FIG.4 DIET 20 oL Phyllo. DIET Iridaea Egregja Pelvetia FIG.5