0 ABSTRACT Elysia hedgepethi were starved until free of chloroplasts. As feeding resumed, re-establishment of the animal-chloroplast symbiosis was monitered and found to rebound to normal levels after five to seven days of feeding on Codium fragile. E. Hedgepethi fed seven days on a diet of isolated C. fragile chloroplasts did not accumulate chloroplasts intracellularly to any significant extent. INTRODUCTION Prolonged retention of functional chloroplasts in digestive gland tissues is a common phenomenon among the Elysiid sacoglossan opisthobranchs (Trench,1975). Sacoglossans feed on siphonaceous algae, slitting the algal surface with specially adapted radulae and sucking the cytoplasm out fron the long, multinucleated coenocytic filaments. Chloroplasts are phagocytosed into the digestive epithelial cells, then the phagocytic membranes break down and the chloroplasts migrate towards the back of the cell, fully contiguous with the animal cytoplasm (McLean,1976). Indications are that whereas little or no protein or lipid synthesis occurs in the translocated chloroplasts, the chloroplasts continue to produce and release photosynthate into the animal cytoplasm for extended periods (Trench,1975). In contrast to many algal-animal symbioses, there is a turnover of these chloroplasts in the animal, and continued ingestion is necessary to maintain a standing crop intracellularly. Hinde and Smith (1972) have shown Elysia viridis to maintain functional chloroplasts through 60 days' starvation in the light, while Elysia hedgepethi has been reported to be free of chlorophyll after 10 days without food (Greene,1970b). How quickly can starved chloroplast utilizers rebound to normal photosynthetic capacity? Can the starved slugs regain photos heti on a diet of isolated Codium fragile chloroplasts MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection Codium fragile containing Elysia hedgepethi was collected subtidally near Santa Barbara, California. C. fragile for feeding animals and for isolation of chloroplasts was collected intertidally at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California. Starvation E. hedgepethi maintained in a running sea water aquarium (16°C) were starved for 18 days. For the first 15 days, their tank received indirect natural light. To accelerate the loss of chloroplasts from the animal tissue, flourescent lights were placed near the tank and kept on continuously for the next 3 days. Feeding After starvation, twelve slugs of approximately the same vellowish color were transferred to a beaker containing filtered sea water and freshly collected fronds of C. fragile. The feeding tank was aerated with a bubbling stone and thermostated in a water bath at 16°0. The water was replaced daily and the C. fragile semi-daily. Three starved slugs were placed in a dish with filtered sea water and chloroplasts isolated from 5 grams of C. fragile by the method of Shephard, et. al., 1968. The dish was kept in a 16° room and loosely covered with slitted plastic wrap to minimize evaporation while permitting gas exchange. Assay of Photosynthetic Competence and Chlorophyll Content Feeding slugs were removed from the C. fragile, allowed 30 minutes to finish digesting their meal, and then were blotted and weighed. Each animal was then incubated for 2 hours in 1 ml of filtered sea water containing 10 uc; of +C-sodium bicarbonate at 16° under flourescent lighting sufficient to saturate photosynthesis. Slugs were then removed from the incubation medium and homogenized in 1 ml methanol. The homogenate was bathed in approximately 50° water for 10 minutes to extract the chloroplasts fully, then centrifuged for 2 minutes in an Eppendorf centrifuge at 12,000 g. The optical density at 663 nm was taken of the supernatant, and the chlorophyll content determined from the equation ODg3 = 9.83X [chlorophyll] (Dawson,et. al.,1986). The pellet was resuspended in 1 ml .5 M NaoH with 58 Triton X and allowed to dissolve for about an hour. The methanol soluble and insoluble fractions of the animal were both acidified by addition of trichloroacetic acid to 108 final concentration, oxi arbo dua scintillation o ktail, and then ount in a scintillatio counte . 4 4- K RESULTS Observations During Starvation Upon arrival the E. hedgepethi were dark green with glittery silver speckles. Under a dissection microscope the green digestive gland could be seen to permeate nearly every corner of their transparent bodies. After 15 days without food, the sacoglossans had faded from their original deep color but were still a dull lime green. After three days of illumination, many of the slugs were distinctly yellow in color. The slugs appeared to lose weight on their strict sea water diet. Both green (fed) and yellow (starved) slugs were observed to be positively phototaxic. In both natural and artificial light, most slugs could be found near the water line on the brightest wall of the glass tank. When the flourescent lights, normally illuminating one entire wall, were changed to illuminate only the bottom half of the wall, most of the slugs migrated down into the intense light. Time Course of Chlorophyll Levels Optical densities of the methanol extracts at 663 nm were converted to ug chlorophyll per mg body weight and plotted versus time (figure 1). Chlorophyll content increased with feeding time. After 5 days it was near C the equilibrium value. Time Course of Carbon Fixation Counts per minute (cpm) of the methanol soluble and insoluble fractions and their sum were normalized to slug body weight and plotted versus time (figure 2). Carbon fixation per mg slug increased with feeding time, peaking at 5 days and then tapering off to the equilibrium value, Carbon Fixed Per Unit Chlorophyll The average fixation was 91527 cpm per ug chlorophyll, with a standard deviation of 40763 cpm per ug chlorophyll. There was no discernable trend with time; the variations appeared random. Intact Codium Versus Isolated Chloroplast Diets Assays of slugs fed for 7 days on the different diets are compared in Table 1, with data again normalized to slug body weight. Slugs fed isolated chloroplasts contained only 1.68 as much chlorophyll per mg as slugs fed intact plants for the same period of time. Carbon fixation in chloroplast-fed slugs was just under 108 that of plant-fed slugs. DISCUSSION Owing to their availability and the rapid turnover rate of their chloroplasts, E. hedgepethi were chosen to follow the time course of re-establishing photosynthetic capacity in starved animals. Intense light apparently accelerates the removal of chloroplasts from animal tissue. This is consistent with Hawes and Cobb's 1980 report that chloroplasts in E. viridis undergo photodestruction, and that damaged chloroplasts are removed from the animal cytoplasm (Trench,1979).Thirty minutes feeding, the first time point, was essentially equivalent to no feeding, for the animals had not enough time to get settled and sink their radulae into the algae. Two hours forty minutes apparently was also insufficient, for chlorophyll content and fixation both dropped, presumably due to variance in the degree of starvation in the E. hedgepethi population. After one day of feeding, however, chlorophyll content and fixation increased significantly. The constant amount of carbon fixed per ug chlorophyll in the animals throughout the experiment suggests that the initial chloroplasts are taken up and maintained intact; they are not degraded to pay for any metabolic debt caused by starvation. Both chlorophyll content and fixation could be reasonably construed as logarithmically rising curves. Chloroplasts reappear in the animals several times faster than they disappear. The ratio of fixed carbon that was methanol soluble to that which was methanol insoluble was fairly constant 10 slugs accum sl: the re-feeding htl sol ppos int slug: ble sis the arved. e neve lecula porated photosynth ion as u es, sed bys e i cu igh ated anol solu 3. Pe g slugs needed concentrat ed r ing arvat ken wn du uild bio gial componen hedgepethi did not fare well on a diet of fact, olated C. e c ts. a yl1 that ey ontinued to starve during this period. 101 content was 10 times lower than eend sayed at nslug: of the 18 hal on whilei to ues reported ion value so OW a) f sus cub able to recognize and ea E. hedgepethii not solated chloroplasts. TERATURE CI Dawson, R.M.C., Elliott, D.C., Elliott, W.H., Kenneth, M.J. 1986. Data for Biochemical Research, p.232. Greene, R.W. 1970a. Malacologia, 10(2): 369-80. Greene, R.W. 1970b. Marine Biol., 7: 138. Hawes, C.R., and Cobb, A.H. 1980. The New Phytologist, 84: 375- 79. McLean, N. 1976. Exp. Zool., 197: 321-30. Shepard, D.C., Levin, Wendy B., and Bidwell, R.G.S. 1968. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 32: 413-20. Trench, R.K. 1975. Symposia for the Society of experiment Biology, 29: 229-37. Trench, R.K., and Ohlhorst, S. 1976. The New Phytologist, 76: 99-109. +0 O — C — O O0 O0 C N O O 0 - OC C 0 E — C — FIGURE LEGEND Figure 1: Chlorophyll content mass * versus feeding time. 2 slugs per data point. Dashed horizontal line represents equilibrium value (i.e., assay of slugs which had not been starved). Figure 2: Photosynthesis mass versus feeding time. 2 slugs per data point. Squares = methanol-soluble photosynthate. Diamonds - methanol-insoluble photosynthate. Triangles - total photosynthate. Dashed horizontal lines represent equilibrium values (i.e., assay of slugs which had not been starved). FIG. 1. ug chlorophyll /mg elug 9 8 3 9 2 Fig. 2. cpm /mg alug (Thousands) ONOONOOSSS —