ABSTRACT Iridophores in Sepisteuthis lessanians were studied bu light microscopic and ultrestructural techniques in order to identifu the component of the cell responsible for iridescence. The thin film interference was considered as a possible explanation for iridescence. This hypothesis was rejected when the source of iridescence was isolated and identified as a diffraction grating. These results suggest that the dorsal iridophores could vary their degree of iridescence by changing the conformation or spacing of the grooves making up the grating. INTRODUCTION The skin of the squid, Sepisteuthis lessanians, displays a wide range of body patterns. These colorful patterns are thought to be useful in camouf lage and visual communication (Hanlon, 1982). Iridophores are cells that work in conjunction with chromatophores to change the outward appearance of the squid mantle. As their name indicates, iridophores are iridescent: theg are capable of giving off colors. This rainbow color effect seems to be caused by the organization of platelet-like structures of high refractive index within the cell (Brocco and Cloneg, 1980). Iridophore cells are found all over the squid mantle in the third dermal lager. They exist in two types: Physiologically active iridophores found on the dorsal side of the squid are capable of varging the wavelength of the color theg iridesce. Theg can be stimulated in vitroby acetylcholine or by the Catt ionophore 423 187 (Cooper and Hanlon, 1986). Cells on the ventral side, however, are incapable of such modulation and are subsequently called inactive. Although some work has been done in elucidating the mechanism by which iridescence is modified (Cooper et al, 1990), few studies have been aimed at explaining "iridescence" as such. This paper describes a studg of the structure in iridophore cells responsible for this phenomenon. HATERIALS AND HETHODS Cell tissue preperstions Sepiateuthis lessonisnswere obtained from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and kept in a 120 liter tank with 21-22°C water. The squid were fed dailg and maintained in healthy condition until they were used. Unless specified skin preparations were made in the following manner: Live squid were anesthetized in a small dish containing sea water and 1-22 EtOH solution. The squid were decapitated, and an incision was made along the middle of the ventral side of the mantle. The internal organs were removed, and the skin was pinned out on a sylgard covered petri dish (chromatophores up). The preparation was immersed in cold artificial seawater (450mM Nacl, 1OmM Caclz, 1Om KCI, 5OmM NgC12,1OmM HEPES, pH 7.8) to prevent the skin from desiccating. The first two dermal lagers including the chromatophore lager were removed with forceps and the iridophore lager was used. Morphologicel studies. All the iridophore tissue observed was treated for at least 15 min with 18 Triton X-100 in KGE (KGE: 3M potassium gluconate, 33M glycine, 2mM magnesium chloride, 2mM EGTA, pH 6.8). Unused cell tissue was preserved at sub-zero temperature KGE with 508 glycerol and 18 Triton. Both preserved and fresh tissue were examined under transmitted light and incident light. Pictures were taken using a 35mm Olympus or a Nikon camera mounted directly to the microscope. Iridophore cells were also video taped as theg were illuminated from different angles (optical fibers were used). Video taped data was analyzed and printed using a MegaVision image processor. Folerized light snalysis. Iridophore cells and platelets were observed under a polarized light microscope. The 40X lens was used. Differentisl Interference Centrast. Iridophore cells were examined with DIC under a 40X lens. DIC was set on max extinction and then on either side of max extinction. Staining Cell tissue was washed with cold KGE and stretched out on a microscope slide. The tissue was stained with the nuclear stain DAPI for 3 min, cover-slipped and observed under the fluorescence microscope. Some tissue was also stained for actin with rhodamine phalloidin. Frotesse digestion 12 solutions of trypsin, collagenase tupe A1, papain, pronase, and dispase were prepared in Eppendorf tubes. Tissue samples pretreated with 12 Triton X-100 were digested at room temperature for two hours. Pictures were taken on the inverted microscope at various intervals. Effect of calcium concentration Iridophore cells pretreated with Triton X-100 were washed with KGE (EGTA is a calcium chelating agent). A piece of the tissue was then glued to a microscope slide and cover-slipped. The cells were illuminated with incident light coming from a fixed lamp. The cells were filmed as a high calcium (Cat2 was 1OuM) solution of KGE was perfused through the preparation. Video taped data was analuzed on the MegaVision image processor. Platelet isolation. A piece of iridophore tissue, preserved by the method described above, was washed with KGE and spread out on a microscope slide. Platelets were mechanically teased awag under the microscope. The KGE solution containing iridophore platelets was centrifuged. Platelets were dehgdrated by resuspending and centrifuging in 302, 402, 502, 602, 702, 802, 902, 952, and finally 100 EtOH. The platelets were then centrifuged once more and resuspended in hexmethgldisilazane. Dehgdrated platelets were examined under scanning electron microscopq. RESULTS Cell morphology. Microscopical examination of the iridophore lager revealed elongated, football-shaped cells about 170um long and 50um wide (Figure 1). Within these cells there were rodlike structures parallel to the long axis of the cell. Platelets were approximatelg Soum long, but they varied in length. When incident light was shone on the same piece of tissue from different directions cells iridesced onlg if they were oriented with their long axis perpendicular to the direction of illumination (Figure 2). Freservation methad Iridescent cells were very well preserved in KGE with 18 Triton X-100 and 508 glycerol. Petergent Extrectien Triton X-100 extraction dissolved enough of the membranous components to improve microscopical observation. Extended treatment (more than two hours) of iridophores with detergent caused the platelets to curl up. Eventually the platelets completely lost their organization but in themselves appeared to remain intact. Such platelets were still iridescent. Frotesse digestions Platelets were fragmented upon digestion while the control platelets kept in the same conditions without protease remained the same. Trypsin, pronase (Figure 3), and collagenase tupe A1 were most effective at desintegrating the platelets into smaller pieces whereas papain and dispase were least effective. When observed under incident light, the digested platelets were still reflecting light (Figure 4) and the reflection corresponded to pieces of platelets. Polerized light anslysis Both the connective tissue and individual platelets were birefringent. Differential Interference Contrast DIC revealed different indexes of refraction within the Triton-treated cell (Figure 5). Steining DAPI staining showed that the center of the cell, which appeared devoid of platelets, is the site of the cell's nucleus (Figure 1). Rhodamine phalloidin stain identified filamentous actin in the connective tissue below the iridophores cells (Figure 6). Platelets did not stain for actin. Effect of incressing calcium concentration Increasing calcium concentration did not appear to have ang effect on the platelet shape. The degree of reflected light appeared to have remained unchanged (Figure 7). Scanning electren microscepu Scanning electron microscopy of individual platelets revealed ribbon-like structure. The platelet is about 50-70um wide with regularlg spaced grooves on one side. The groove spacing was bimodal, with intervals of .73um or 1.34um (Figure 8). DISCUSSION Iridescence in squid and other cephalopods was thought to come as a result of thin film interference of incident light rags (Denton and Land 1971) or of a diffraction grating: where light diffracts from the edges of parallel platelets that are on edge relative to the skin surface (Brocco and Cloneg 1980; Cloneg and Brocco 1983). In this studg evidence suggest that a diffraction grating is indeed the source of iridescence, but on a smaller scale than that described by Brocco and Cloney--namely within each individual platelet (figure 9). Simple examination of the iridophore under incident light is indicative of a highlg organized cell. The cells were found to iridesce only if light came from a specific direction. Besides, observation of tissue with polarized light revealed that components in the cell were birefringent. This suggests that whatever is responsible for iridescence must be arranged in a very particular wag. The platelets, almost alwags parallel to the long axis of the cell, were assumed to be the elements responsible for the directional specificitu Attempts to destrog iridescence by disorganizing the platelets within the cell failed. Roger Hanlon already noticed that platelets curl up, or disorgänize themselves upon extended exposure to Triton X-100. Howeyer results of this studg show that such cells still give off rainbow colors; thet still iridesce. Furthermore digestion of detergent treated cells with proteases disintegrated the platelets to an even greater degree. This confirms Hanlon's statement that the platelets are made up of proteinaceous material. Surprisingly, the digested material was also iridescent (Figure 4). It became clear that what was necessary for iridescence was the materia of which the platelets are made and not the platelets as a whole or their organization. Examination of an individual platelet revealed a ribbon-like structure with regular striations on only one of its sides. This is highly reminiscent of a conventional diffraction grating and leaves little doubt as to the source of iridescence. The platelet thickness was plotted versus its relative frequency (graph 1). The ribs of the grating appear to come in two preferred widths: .7Zum and 1.34um. Using the diffraction grating formula, a sins=m (a=space between grooves, 8-angle of incidence with respect to the normal, m=interference maxima, and A=wavelength) and substituting .73 and 1.34 for a, 1 for m, the range of 0 for which visible light (400-700nm) is given off is 17-31° and 33-72° respectivelg. These values confirm that the structures observed under scanning electron microscopy are capable of creating visible light of different wavelength. This calculation predicts the absence of iridescence when light is shone from directlg above and when De 17°. Transmitted light (light coming from directly above) fails to produce iridescence which provides additional support for the diffraction grating model. The general approach in this studg consisted of breaking up the components in the cell in order to identify the component responsible for iridescence. The question remains to be answered: How are these striated ribbon-like structures put together and arranged in a three dimensional cell? The structures are 50-70um wide and can can attain manq times that size in length. The cell, we will recall, is 170um long and about 5Oum wide. It is possible that the ribbon-like structures weave up and down and back up, with the strietions parallel to the long axis of the cell. This would explain the 50um (notice that this is also the width of striated ribbon) the rod-like structures—termed platelets. The platelets would actually be part of a larger convoluted ribbon. This would also be supported by the fact that the cell is only iridescent if incident light is coming from a direction parallel to the short axis of the cell. Diffraction gratings work best when the light is perpendicular to the grooves. Thus such arrangement could be possible but more evidence is needed to confirm it. How can squid regulated their iridescence? They mag have developed a method of changing the spacing between the grooves of its diffraction grating. It has been reported that platelets change thickness upon stimulation with acetylcholine (Cooper et al. 1990). In that report tissue was observed with transmission electron microscopg which mag have obscured three-dimentional information. The changes in thickness of platelets and space between platelets could be interpreted as a stretching and contracting of the diffraction grating. This report suggests that the distances between the grooves of the grating range between.73 and 1.34um The space between the platelets reported by Cooper et al. was about .25 um. Considering that the second value was made on fixed cells, which mag have undergone some artifactual changes, it is possible that these two measurements refer to the same thing-to the variation of the separation between the grooves. The stretching and contracting of the squid diffraction grating could then possibly involve an acto-myosin contractile system as is suggested by the presence of filamentous actin in the connective tissue underneath the platelets. All these questions and mand more remain to be answered in further investigations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Stuart Thompson all for his help Special thanks also to Dr. Daniel Mazia for his advice and encouragement throughout the quarter. I would also like to thank Bruce Hopkins for defying the extinction of squid in the Monterey Bay and providing me with some specimens. Many thanks also to als members of the Thompson lab: to Sam Wang for his good choice of ambiance music, to Chris Mathes for sense of humor, and of course to my crazy lab friends Mandy Schivell, Shari Gelber, and William Timmins. I am also grateful to Roger Hanlon for his support and advice, to all the Hopkins Marine Station faculty for making this class possible, and to my dear housemates for a wonderful house atmosphere think.. that's it. FIGURES. Figure 1. Iridophore cell treated with 18 Triton X-100 solution and stained with DAPI; bar: 12.5um. Figure 2. Iridophore tissue illuminated with (from left to right): transmitted light, incident light from north, east, south, and west respectively; bar: sooum. Figure 3. Iridophores pre-treated with Triton X-100 after 2 hour digestion with pronase; bar: 25um. Figure 4. Same tissue as fig. 3 but with incident lighting. Figure 5. Iridophores pre-treated with Triton X-100 under DIC; bar: 100um. Figure 6. Iridophore tissue stained with rhodamine phalloidin; bar: 100um. Figure 7. Iridophore tissue with (from left to right): no Ca+ 1OuM Ca+for min, sOum Ca+ for 20min; bar: 100um. Figure 8. Isolated platelets under SEM. Left: smooth side. Right: striated side; bar: 5um. Figure 9. Isolated platelet closeup; bar: 5um. O frequency GRAPH Spacing Between Platelet Grooves 20 o1 04 12 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 space between grooves (microns). WORKS CITED. Brocco, S. L. and R. A. Cloney. 1980. Reflector Cells in the Skin of Otopus Defleini Cell Tissue Res. 205: 167-186. Cloney, R. A., Brocco, S. L. 1983. Chromatophore Organs, Reflector Cells, Iridocytes and Leucophores in Cephalopods. Am. Zool 23: 581-592. Cooper, K. M., Hanson, R. T. 1986. Correlation or Iridescence Changes in Iridophore Platelet Ultrastructure in the Squid Lolinguncula brevis Exp. Biol. 12 1: 451-455. Cooper, K. M., Hanlon, R. T., Budelmann, B. U. 1990. Physiological color change in squid iridophores. Cell and Tissue Res. 259: 15-24. Hanlon, R. T. 1982. The Functional organization of chromatophores and iridescent cells in the body patterning of Loligo Plei(Cephalopoda Myopsida). Malacologia 23(1): 89-119. FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 FIGUF FIGURE 6 FIGURE 7 FIGURE 8 FIGURE 9