Abstract: Endogenous rhythm study on deep sea organisms has been very limited in the past. In this light, he suggestion by Riise of a circadian or circatidal rhythm in the soft coral Anthomastus ritterii becomes extremely interesting. The purpose of this study was to verify this hypothesis as well as to entrain the creatures to a controlled thythmic stimuli. The data collected does not verify that hypothesis, but interestingly enough, does point to an endogenous rhythm. The colonies appear to be quite periodic, but follow a highly individual cycle, with period times ranging from 16.8 hours to 38.8 hours. The cycle seems to be unperturbed by controlled environmental cues such as light, feeding, and mechanical distrubance. Study of a juvenile with a radically shorter period of 7.7 hours suggests important changes in development with respect to this periodicity. Introduction: Research pertaining to the soft deep-sea coral Anthomastus ritterii (Alcyonacea: Alcyonidae), which inhabits the rock face and sediment cover of the Monterey Canvon. has been slight, despite its discovery nearly 90 years ago. [Abbott, 19871. This octocoral lives as a colony with two distinct polyp forms: large feeding polyps called autozooids and small bump-like polyps known as siphonizooids, which serve to circulate water through the colony. The gastrovascular cavities of the polyps extend through a common lobe called the capitulum. [Nutting, 1913), allowing for a common nutrient pool. The portion of the autozooids which emerge from the capitulum are collectively known as the anthocodia. [Hyman, 1940). In response to the lack of study on this coral, Riise undertook a basic behavioural analysis on A. ritterii. Suggested in the course of his study was a possible circadian or circatidal rhythm associated with anthocodia and capitulum contraction, fairly routine behaviour exhibited by the coral. [Riise, 1990). Though similar rhythms have been found in other marine species-sea pens (Mori, 1961), anemone [Buisson, 1988), various bivalve species, and numerous higher organisms including shoreline crabs-no such rhythm has been upturned in a non-littoral species. This makes Riise's suggestion tremendously fascinating; indeed, the habitat of A. ritterii would not seem to hold the possibility, nor the need, of an endogenous rhythm. Because the colonies reside in a benthic habitat, with a depth range of 210m to 1236m in Monterey Canyon, many would not be affected be diel light or temperature changes to any appreciable degree, nor would they be affected by wave exposure, which are predominant environmental time cues for circadian and circatidal rhythms respectively. Even more startling is the fact that neighbouring colonies are often seen out of phase with each other, some with retracted anthocodia while others have extended anthocodia. The force driving my research was to verify, in part, Riise's hypothesis of a circadian or circatidal rhythm, and also to attempt to alter the periods of the colonies Page 2. using controlled environmental stimuli. My research supports only part of Riise's supposition: individual colonies of A. ritterii have a very precise endogenous rhythm of anthocodia contraction/expansion, but the free-running rhythm, the cycle displayed in the absence of environmental time cues, is highly variable between individuals and does not necessarily approach a diel or tidal periodicity. My attempts to alter the periodicity of the colonies were not successful, leaving the endogenous rhythm even more intriguing. Materials and Methods: The set of experiments discussed below were undertaken with a set of ten separate colonies obtained using the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Samples were obtained from depths between 670m-700m, at a site near Soquel Canyon (37°12N, 122°03W). The colonies were then placed in a large tank with continuously flowing seawater chilled to 5°C. Observations were recorded using time-lapse video recording. The series of experiments are detailed below: Continuous bright light recording. Alternating bright light/dark periods (LD 12:12) The colonies were left in bright light and dark for alternating periods of 12 hours each. Light period observations were done using time-lapse video recording; dark period data were recorded by direct observation at 2 hour intervals using red light. Feeding study The colonies were fed three to four drops of homogenized krill approximately every 25 hours. Mechanical stimulation Using forceps, the colonies were triggered into retracting their anthocodia. This stimulation was done every 24 hours. • Young colony study-continuous bright light This study employed a colony which had settled approximately three months prior, and had three autozooids. Page 4. Results: The results for the constant light recording are detailed in Table 1. Notable is the wide range of periods, from 16.8 hours to 38.8 hours, as well as the precision of the rhythm, with variation in individual colonies of only. 45 hours to 1.46 hours. The alternating periods of bright light and dark (LD 12:12), the periodic feeding study, and the mechanical stimulation did not succeed in altering the periodicity of the Anthomastus colonies. The colonies maintained roughly the same periods as in the constant bright light, and hence, this data has not been repeated. The data for the juvenile has been included in Table 1 to facilitate comparison. Notable is its much shorter periodicity of 7.7 hours, as well as the precise time- measuring, varying only .52 hours. Discussion: Continuous bright light recording The continuous bright light recording in the controlled environment of the chilled seawater tank provides data on the free-running period of the colonies, the endogenous cycle which occurs when environmental time cues (Zeitgebers) are removed. This data shows a strong endogenous cycle of behaviour, but does not support à free-running circadian behaviour. The periods ranging from 17-39 hours, though, can incorporate Riise’s observation of a 27 hour period. Additionally, as is suggested in Table 1, the periodicity should be judged on the basis of anthocodia retraction, or secondarily, capitulum contraction. The duration of time between anthocodia retraction and capitulum contraction is virtually constant in an individual, and the period judged by anthocodia retraction is very rhythmic. However, the periods judged by anthocodia extension are only vaguely periodic, agreeing well with the observation that the anthocodia retraction is coordinated and simultaneous, while anthocodia extension is more individual lacking evidence of central control. The durations of expanded and closed postures seem to be substantially more variable than the periodicity judged by the anthocodia retraction, but do corroborate Riise's finding of a 60:40 time ratio between expanded and closed postures. Bright light treatment, while providing free-running oscillation data, has the disadvantage of adding photic stress as well as thermal stress to the colonies. In other creatures, continuous bright light has been show to lengthen periodic behaviour cycles, (Parker, 1974), and a similar alteration may be occuring here. Alternating light/dark periods (LD 12:12) Page 6. The conditions of this experiment were designed to duplicate light conditions for the shallower members of A. ritterii, as well as a shallow-water relative, A. grandflorus, which inhabits depths of 20m-200m off the South African coast [Nutting, 1908]. A. grandflorus could use light change as a Zeitgeber to perform a circadian rhythm, and were this true, A. ritterii could show a similar behaviour despite its lack of exposure to light change. The data for this experiment, though, does not support any change in periodicity for A. ritterii. Feeding study These organisms, from Riise's assessment, are filter feeders, ingesting small planktonic species. Because of the well-documented circatidal planktonic migration rhythm, and additionally because feeding can form a common Zeitgeber, observations were recorded under a periodic feeding schedule. Once again, because of the depth of habitat, A. ritterii are not exposed to the planktonic migration to any significant degree. This data, as with the LD 12:12 cycle, showed no change in the periodicity for A. ritterii. • Juvenile study This study showed the same behaviour as seen in the adults under constant bright light, but with a markedly shorter period than that found in any of the adults. Page 7. The picture which this series of experiments presents is extremely difficult to decipher: a benthic species which within individual colonies maintains a carefully controlled endogenous cycle of behaviour, but which does not coordinate its activities neither with environmental cues nor the activity cycle of its neighbors. The deep-sea aspect of A. ritterii's behaviour is intriguing alone. Little has been discovered concerning an endogenous rhythm in a creature inhabiting the region below the intertidal zone. Without light exposure or radical temperature change, one would hardly expect evidence of a rhythmic behaviour. Notable however, is Willows' suggestion of circatidal behaviour in the nudibranch Tritonia diamedia, which inhabits the same depths as A. ritterii. This activity rhythm involves orientation with the Earth's magnetic pole according to the phase of the tidal cycle. T. diamedia has been implicated as a possible predator of A. ritterii, which could suggest that the rhythm of one evolved in response to the other. For the nudibranch, the circatidal rhythm could prepare it for the increased availability of food, while for the coral, an endogenous rhythm could helr avoid anticipated predation. The lack of response to controlled environmental stimuli is also troubling. While we could postulate reasons for a biological clock which quickly reacted to light or feeding cycles, reasons come to mind much more slowly in the unresponsive case of A. ritterii. Light and feeding are generally the two most powerful Zeitgebers, which seem to have little effect in altering the periods of the coral, certainly failing in entraining them to a 24 or 25 hour cycle. Generally, circadian or circatidal rhythms are explained as adaptations which aid in anticipating environmental change. For example, the anemone exhibits both circadian and circatidal rhythms in contraction, anticipating the sharp change to a bright, hot, desiccating environment devoid of food. [Buisson, 1988]. The tidal rhythm of plankton migration, as well, is thought to have evolved as predator avoidance, and seemingly exerts a rhythmic effect on creatures well up the Page 8. food chain from plankton. [Cloudsley-Thompson, 1961] Here though, the rhythm does not approximate any known geophysical rhythm, and it is difficult to view this rhythm as an adaptation for the benthic habitat of A. ritterii. Most troubling of the details of the periodicity of A. ritterii is that colonies are asynchronous in their contraction/expansion cycles. The variance in circadian or circatidal rhythms for individual organisms has been reported at most, at four hours from 24 or 25 hours under constant conditions. [Parker, 1974). Were the endogenous rhythm of A. ritterii to be termed circadian, there would be an individual organismal variance of at least 14 hours. The adaptive value of such an endogenous rhythm which does not even roughly coincide with a neighbouring colony is at first highly questionable. One possibility explaining this circumstance is the fact that variable periods might avoid competition. Imagining two neighbouring colonies, one can readily see the advantage of asynchrony in feeding times to avoid competition. One can also posit that the clock of the Anthomastus, unlike higher organisms, has not evolved, or perhaps does not need, a complex entailing an environmental time cue processor, and works simply on the basis of a homeostat. This homeostatic control would explain Riise's observation that the colonies spend 60% of their time open and 40% of their time closed, as well as the individual variability in period length. The juvenile study also poses some interesting questions. The excessively short period of the juvenile with respect to the adults can be explained in three possible ways. The first is that the juvenile has a period which is on the lower end of the distribution of possible periods, which was simply not reflected in the period lengths of the adult colonies. Another possibility is that the organisms have a size-related mechanism of retraction. Were the mechanism of retraction more efficient in a smaller organism, one might expect the juvenile to have such a period; this possibility, though, is contradicted by the presence of smaller adults which have much longer periods, 36 and 38.8 hours. A final possibility is that there exists a correlation between maturity Page 9. and period length. As is seen in some intertidal organisms and many terrestrial organisms, young organisms tend to short, fractured periods, while adults are capable of more extended period lengths. Literature Cited Bayer, F. M. (1952). Descriptions and Redescriptions of the Hawaiian Octocorals Collected by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross." Pacific Science. 6 (1): 126-128. Buisson, B. (1988). Expansion/Contraction Rhythms in the Anemone. Bulletin de la Société de Zoologistes Françaises. 113 (3): 279-284. Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L. (1961). Adaptive Functions of Circadian Rhythms. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology. 25: 345-357. Hyman, L. H. (1940). The Invertebrates: Protozoa through Ctenophora. McGraw- Hill Book Company, Inc. New York. pp. 365-399, 538-551. Mori, S. (1961). Analysis of Environmental and Physiological Factors on the Daily Rhythmic Activity of a Sea-Pen. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology. 25 : 333-344. Nutting, C. C. (1913). Descriptions of the Alcyonaria Collected by the U. S. Fisheries Steamer "Albatross," Mainly in Japanese Waters, During 1906. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 43 : 22-25. Palmer, J. D. (1974). Biological Clocks in Marine Organisms: The Control of Physiological and Behavioural Tidal Rhythms. Wiley and Sons. New York. pp. 1-13. Riise, S. (1990). Distribution, Feeding Behaviour, and Anthocodia Retraction of Anthomastus ritterii Nutting, 1909, in Monterey Bay. (unpublished manuscript on file at Hopkins Marine Station). Page 11. Table 1: Mean period and deviation data for continuous bright light conditions. Deviations are shaded; mean durations are clear. Organism Withdrawal Extension Transition Perioc 13.40 8.80 0.22 22.20 . . . ......... 4.42 0 1.04 1.02 11.74 4.92 0.20 16.80 . . . . . 0.84 02 0.0 19.60 3.75 23.4 . . 0.0 3.60 0.00 22.40 18.60 .0 0.40 38.8 31.4 . . 0.0 2 19.40 11.64 0.25 7.80 ..........2. ...... .8 ....... 1.0 26.64 5.50 0.00 32.10 . 4.0 1.90 20... 4.60 0.16 Young 3.10 7.68 ...... 0.7........... .60 0.0 Colony Page 12. Uskrovledgenent would like ko Hank Chick Baxhar pa his genenons suppork and conragionz exertemen. May khe graen Ale Slow neVarandengly,Chuck. GIVE ME BAJA AND A COLD RAINIER...