Introduction Because of the photosynthetic capacity of phytoplankton, all animals in the marine environment are ultimately dependent on them for sustenance. It is therefore of primary importance to determine the effectsof water quality on their survival and abundance. The location of Point Pinos, where the following study was carried out, proved favorable for such an analysis because phytoplankton in Monterey Bay have been studied extensively. (Bolin & Abbott, 1963) Annual cycles of increases and decreases in phytoplankton numbers are fairly well understood. The different resident species have been followed through their anal cycles and their blooming behavior has been recorded. Effects of upwelling and resultant high quantities of nutrients on phytoplankton abundance have been observed. Periods of high and low diversity in plankton populations during the different marine seasons has been determined. Thus, a large body of data have been collected regarding phytoplankton in Monterey bay which could be compared with possibly ahnormal data collected at Point Pinos. It is known (Raymont, 1963, and Goldman, 1969) that in areas subject to high concentrations of inorganic and organic waste material, phytoplankton growth is promoted and abnormal blooms result. Often particular species survive better than others under such conditions and the natural assortment of phytoplankton species is disrupted. Although natural conditions may be altered, there may or may not be harmfulseffects. If the bloom becomes very thick, increasing water turbidity, it can reduce light reaching bottom algae, thereby affecting their Introduction cont d. photosynthetic capability. The dissolved oxygen concentration in the area of the outfall may be adversely affected during phytoplankton blooms. At night when the phytoplankton use rather than produce oxygen, they may deplete the supply available to other organisms which could normally live in the same vicinity. In addition, if the phytoplankton produce oxygen near the sunlit surface, and consume oxygen on the bottom (phytoplankton move downwards in the night) the oxygen balance will be upset. When the dissolved oxygen concentration is reduced organic wastes cannot be oxidized and will accumulate on the sea bottom in harmful amounts (Marine Advisors, 1956, and Prager, 1969). Materials and Methods Part 1 A series of phytoplankton samples were collected at 8 stations (Figure 1) around Point Pinos once a week for 4 weeks. On each sampling day, collections were made at 6:00 am, 12:00 noon, and 6:00 pm. Sampling was completed within ig hours. Samples were collected from shore with a + meter fine mesh phytoplankton net. 4 buckets of water (32 liters) were poured throughthe net and milked into small bottles. Offshore samples were collected on "The Tage" on 4 days. When possible samples were collected from 5 stations. (Figure 2) 3 off Point Pinos, one off Lovers Point and one off Hopkins Marine Station near the bell buoy. Due to unfavorable weather conditions on one of the days, it was impossible to reach more than 2 stations. Offshore samples were obtained by dropping a weighted + meter phytoplankton net over the side of "The Tage on a 25 foot line. It was dropped and pulled in 3 times at each station. The net was not towed while the boat was moving but dropped vertically while the boat was stopped. However, due to the movement of the water, the tow was not always completely vertical. Samples were counted within 3 days of collection using an Untermohl tube (Doty modification) and an inverted microscope. The concentrated samples had to be diluted sufficiently in order to count them. From the bottle (32 ml) into which the sample was collected, a subsample of 5 ml was removed and diluted with millipore-filtered sea water. The degree of dilution depended on the concentration of sample. Most samples, because of their density, had to be diluted 1:16. 9 Materials and Methods Part I cont'd. Phytoplankton in a portion (2.5 ml or the volume of the Untermohl ml tube which varied between 2.3-2.8) of the diluted sample were counted. Organisms were allowed to settle in the Untermohl tubes for hour. A differential count was made of the different genera present. Each cell in multi-celled organisms such as Eucampia or Chaetoceros were counted as one individual. Each sample took roughly 45 minutes to count. Approximately 30 different genera were counted, and the number of cells of each genera present in one liter of sea water sampled was calculated. Data from a representative day for all 3 sampling times, appear in Tables 1, 2, and 3. Totals for all collection days appear in Tables 4 and 5. Part II Samples of phytoplankton collected at Poing Pinos were added to nutrient culture media (containing nitrates, phosphates, silicates, trace metals, vitamins, and tris buffer) in Erlenmeyer flasks and allowed to grow in the greenhouse at "natural" sea water temperature (10-15° 0) and with natural lighting. Each culture flask was swirled 30 times once a day. A thick healthy culture grew in approximately two weeks. This phytoplankton stock was divided into 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks to which sewage was added in various concentration Two series of tests were run, one with Monterey sewage and another with chlorinated Pacific Grove sewage. The following amounts of sewage and control medium were added to 100 ml aliquots of phytoplankton stock culture: Materials and Methods Part II cont'd. Series all diluted 100% Monterey sewage effluent 100 ml in culture 100 ml 50% Monterey sewage effluent media 100 ml 10% Monterey sewage effluent 100 ml millipore-filtered oceanic sea water 100 ml nutrient culture media Series II 100 ml 100% Pacific Grove sewage (chlorinated) Pacific Grove chlorinated sewage diluted in 100 ml 50% millipore-filtered sea water 100 ml 50% Pacific Grove chlorinated sewage diluted in nutrient culture media. 100 ml 10% Pacific Grove chlorinated sewage diluted in filtered sea water. 100 ml 10% Pacific Grove chlorinated sewage diluted in nutrient culture media 100 ml millipore-filtered oceanic sea water 100 ml nutrient culture media All sewage dilutions were brought up to the same salinity as sea water with "Instant Ocean" sea salts. Duplicate cultures were made of each of the above dilutions. Cultures were grown in the greenhouse at sea water temperature and each flask was swirled 20 times each day. Cells in each culture were examined every two days for approximately 2 weeks. A differential count was made of the different genera present. A total of approximately 500 cells was counted from each culture at each examination time and percentageswof live and dead cells of each species present were calculated. Nutrient Culture Media Each liter of media contains: 500 uM/1 Nitrate 50 uM/1 Phosphate Silicate 50 uM/1 1 ml of the following trace metal mixture 0.30 mg ZnS04-H20 25 mg CuSO4-5H20 30 mg CoSO4-7H20 0.20 mg MnSO4-H20 0.50 g Fecl3.6H20 0.25 mg NaMo04.2H90 g Na2EDTA 2H20 5.0 and adjusted to a pH of 7.5 with dilute NaoH 0.10 mg Vitamin B12 1.0 ug Biotin 10.0 ug Thiamine 200 mg Tris Buffer Use millipore-filtered oceanic sea water for media Results Part I The data collected in the field do not show recurrent and striking characteristics of the different stations which might be a result of the presence of the outfall. However, the stations (Figure 3) on the outfall (south and southeast) side of Point Pinos (stations 1-5) averaged higher numbers of phytoplankton than the stations on the opposite side of the point. In addition. the stations (figure 3) offshore had far fewer individuals than those close to shore at Point Pinos. During the sampling period at Point Pinos a peak bloom (83,000 cells/liter water, see Figure 4) of diatoms appeared during the second week which decreased to a very small number (7,000 cells/liter water) of individuals by the fourth week. The predominant genus in this bloom was Eucampia, (25,000 cells/ liter water), while two other diatoms, Asterionella, (21,000 cells/ liter water) and Chaetoceros (16,000 cells/liter water) were also numerous. (Figure 4) Offshore sampling was begun as the first bloom tapered off. By the fifth week, offshore data (Figure 5) show another minor bloom where the predominant genus was Chaetoceros. The samples included both diatoms and dinoflagellates, but the blooms were of diatoms. In between the blooms, the percentage of dinoflagellates in the samples increased. The most recurrent and distinct characteristic of the phytoplankton collections was the great abundance of plankton in the morning samples (Figure 6) relative to the noon and evening ones. It is typical of phytoplankton to exist near the surface in the morning and then move downwards during the day. Results Part I cont'd. It is apparent here that if one wished to accurately follow day by day changes in the phytoplankton populations it would he necessary to take uniform samples at the same time each day. Part II Series I In the first set of phytoplankton cultures, grown in Monterey sewage effluent, there were 3 species of diatoms at the start of the experiment: Navicula, Nitzchia closterium and Fragilaria. These species were the only ones that survived in the experimental culture conditions in the green house out of approximately 30 genera in the original samples from which they came. In the cultures containing each of the 3 dilutions of Monterey sewage the percent of Navicula in the culture (Figure 7) increased repidly for the first few days and remained at a relatively high level throughout the experiment. In pure sea water (Figure 7, lowest line) Navicula decreased on the average, whereas in nutrient culture media it increased for 10 days and then drastically decreased. The percent of Nitzschia closterium (Figure 8) in the cultures dropped immediately in 50% and 100% sewage but increased slightly in 10 sewage. The results from cultures containing sea water and culture media were opposite from those of Navicula. In sea water Nitzschia increased immediately and in culture media it rose slightly at first and then bloomed on the 1Oth day. In general, Navicula Results Part IIcont'd. appears to survive in Monterey sewage while Nitzschia does not. On the 2nd day of the culture period Fragil aria decreased in number to almost no individuals in every flask, including 4 controls, and never increased significantly again. Series II The second set (Figure 9) of cultures, grown in Pacific Grove chlorinated sewage, showed similar results for Nitzschia closterium but Navicula did not survive as well in Pacific Grove sewage as it did in Monterey sewage. Navicula decreased in all concentrations of sewage, but most rapidly in 100%. Its behavior in sea water and nutrient media cultures was essentially thegsame as in Series I. In 100% and 50% sewage, Nitzschia as expressed by its proportion to all phytoplankton decreased immediately and in 10% it decreased slowly. In sea water it increased at first and then fell slowly and in culture media it remained relatively constant. Fragilaria was scarce in all the Series II cultures at the beginning of the experiment and remained that way throughout. Note: The results for the duplicate cultures run for each dilution were very similar and values are averaged in figures 7-9. In Series II, results of the dilutions of 50% P.G. sewage in 1) Sea water and 2) Culture Medium, were also very close, and values for these are averaged in Figures 9 and 10. The same was done with the 10% sewage cultures in Series II. 76 10 Discussion Sewage effluent could possibly affect phytoplankton in a number of ways depending on the kinds and concentrations of the constituents of sewage. Sewage from a particular area could contain poisonous or toxic substances (Marine Advisors, La Jolla, 1956) which may be harmful to some species whereas a different quality of sewage might enhance phytoplankton growth. It is not possible to conclude from the results obtained in this study that the phytoplankton at Point Pinos are abnormally affected by the effluent produced from the sewage outfall. The higher number of plankton found at the 5 stations on the outfall side of Point Pinos as opposed to the opposite side suggests that a higher concentration of nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates from the outfall may be causing the increase. Station 1, a hook-shaped embayment directly south of the outfall, and popularly called "Coliform Cove" may physically trap phytoplankton and nutrients since this cove faces the prevailing southwest winds. The further decrease in numbers of phytoplankton collected offshore suggest an even smaller concentration of nutrients present offshore. It is often common however for there to be a higher number of phytoplankton close to shore due to nutrients from shore runoff. Whether the large abundance of phytoplankton at Point Pinos is a result of fertilization by natural runoff or from the sewage cannot be determined from the results of this study due to lack of shore stations in a comparable area far from the outfall. 11 Discussion cont'd. The kinds of genera found during the study were all genera common to Monterey Bay at that time of year. There is no reason to suspect that the Pacific Grove outfall causes abnormal blooms of one species or another. The bloom observed at the end of April consisting mainly of the diatoms Eucampia, Asterionella and Chaetoceros, and the bloom of Chaetoceros in May would not be unexpected. Chaetoceros has been recorded (Bolin and Abbott, 1963) to bloom almost continually during most of the year in Monterey Bay. During the upwelling season (February-September) when nutrients are brought from deeper depths to the surface, Eucampia and Asterionella are known to bloom. Dinoflagellates on the other hand were always fewer in number than the diatoms but occurred in larger relative numbers as diatoms were decreasing. The results from the laboratory cultures grown in this study suggest that sewage may be both unfavorable and favorable to phytoplankton. Growth of Navicula was promoted in Monterey sewage. It was apparently able to take advantage of excess nutrients in Monterey sewage. In Pacific Grove sewage on the other hand, the percentage of Navicula in the culture decreased. The difference between Navicula's behavior in Monterey and Pacific Grove sewage may have been due to the excessive amount ofchlorine added to Pacific Grove sewage after treatment, or perhaps other toxic components of Pacific Grove sewage. Nitzschia closterium is commonly regarded as a particularly hardy species and able to withstand extreme conditions. In this study however, unlike Navicula, it did not increase when cultured in sewage. In 100% and 50% dilutions of both Monterey 12 Discussion cont d. and Pacific Grove sewage it disappeared in two days in every culture and in 10% sewage it increased very little. These results imply that in the field sewage would have varied effects on different species of phytoplankton. From the cultures in sea water and nutrient culture medium, the two organisms appear to behave differently in the presence of different nutrient supplies. It appears that Nitzschis closterium could survive better than Navicula under conditions of fewer nutrients as seen in the large percentage of Nitzschia closterium in the pure sea water cultures and the large increase of Nitzschia when Navicula suddenly decreased in the Ist series of cultures. These results suggest that genera could benefit differentially in different concentrations of nutrients in the field. Certain species (Navicula for example) could bloom when nutrients are plentiful and others (Nitzschia closterium) when they are scarce. It has been said (Patrick. 1948) that the supply of nutrients is so closely correlated with the abundance of diatoms that one could forecast succession of diatom blooms from the type of nutrient supply. 13 Summary The distribution of phytoplankton at Point Pinos was studied by periodic sampling at 13 stations on and offshore. Due to constant variability in phytoplankton distribution and numbers hoth hour by hour and day by day, it was necessary to take a large number of samples. Inshore samples were collected once a week for four weeks. Three collections were made on each sampling day at 6:00 am, 12 noon, and 6:00 pm. 32 liters of water were sampled at each inshore station at each sampling time. Offshore samples were vertical tows which sampled approximately 1100 liters at each station, the net being dropped 3 times at each station. Offshore collections were also taken once a week for 4 weeks but at one time of day only. Samples were examined in 1-3 days after collection. A differential count was made of each species present in each sample. Counts showed that numbers of phytoplankton on the outfall side of Point Pinos were always larger on the average than numbers on the opposite side. In addition, offshore samples had far fewer individuals than shore samples. These results suggest that the phytoplankton nearest the outfall may benefit from an excess of inorganic nutrients in the sewage, but this cannot be conèluded from the data. Mixed cultures of two species of diatoms, Nitzschia closterium and Navicula were grown in different dilutions of sewage from Monterey and Pacific Grove. The two species behaved differently. Growth of Nitzschia closterium was inhibted by both kinds of sewage. Navicula grew well in Monterey sewage but very poprly in Pacific Grove sewage. 0 Summary cont d. Nutrients in the sewage probably tend to promote growth while chlorine or other toxic substances might act as inhibiting factors. Acknowledgements I would like to give special thanks to Dr. Isabella A. Abbott for the helpful advice she gave me throughout this study. I would also like to thank Craig Blencowe, Thomas Rotkis, and Gerald Kost for their assistance in the field. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Program Grant Number GY7288. Bibliography Bolin, R.L., and Abbott, D.P., 1963, Studies on the Marine Climate and Phytoplankton of the Central Coastal Area of California, 1954-1960. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports. 9:23-44. Goldman, Charles Remington, Primary Productivity in Aquatic Environments, 1-464 University of Callfornia Press, Berkeley, 1969. Marine Advisors, La Jolla Calif., 1956, Sewage in Santa Monica Bay; A Critical Review of the Oceanographic Studies, Prepared for Californians Against Pollution. Moberg, Erik G., The Interrelation Between Diatoms, Their Chemical Environment and Upwelling Water in the Sea off the Coast of Southern California, in Reish, D.J. Biolog of the Oceans, ix-x, 1-236, Dickenson Publishing Co., inc. Belmont, California. 1969, 215-221. Patrick, R., 1948, Factors Affecting the Distribution of Diatoms, The Botanical Review, 14 (8):173-524. Prager, F.C., 1969, Using Plankton in Marine Pollution Studies, Maritimes, Univ. of Rhode Island, 13,(4) 4-5. Raynont, J.E.G., Plankton and Productivity in the 963 Oceans, vii-xi, 1-688, Pergamun Press, London. 05 FIGURE 1 C Jor out fall Z POINT PINOS SAMPLING STATIONS FIGURE 2 OFFSHORE SAMPLING STATIONS Whistle buoy-13 15 Point Pinos & Lovers? Point Hopkins Marine Station- Chell buoy 05 a a 2 — E S 2 a a 2 8888 8 ooood 8888 ooOooooooo 8 oooooooooo 38. oorso Ooooooooooo o oo oOOooo oc 88 i NAOONONOOOOOOOooooo 88888888. 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