Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Page 2 Joel D. Reimnitz ABSTRACT The percentage of carpospores of Rhodoglossum affine (Harvey)Kylin adhered to glass plates was shown to attain a maximum level at 20 minutes following artificial release and drop to a significantly lower level at 4 hours. Early morphological development of tetrasporophyte embryos is described, One-week growth of embryos in response to gradients of temperature and salinity have been investigated. In all treatments embryos grew signifi¬ cantly faster if settled first at 14°/330/oo then moved to environmental growth baths than if settled directly in those baths. The results suggest that it may be useful to study environmental effects on early embryonic development and growth of R. affine carpospores when considering the geographical distribution of the adult tetrasporophyte, Key words: adherence, carpospore, embryo, Rhodoglossum affine, coalescence, tetrasporophyte. Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospore Page 3 Joel D. Reimnitz INTRODUCTION An easily overlooked fact is that the algae seen growing along coastal boundaries have not always existed in their macroscopic adult forms, but begin their life cycles as spores. When considering the distribution of an alga it is common to observe the effects of environmental stresses on adult plants. What is seldom considered is the possibility that macroalgal distribution may be just as much a function of the early activity of the plant (that is, while it is a spore or sporeling) as it is a function of the activity of the adult plant. Red algal spores are purportedly non-motile. They enter the water column often by forcible ejection from the cystocarp and are carried along by water currents, which have been shown to be far more of an influence on their distribution than any sinking due to gravity effects (Coon, et. al., 1971). Where spores settle, how fast they settle, and how well the grow where they settle could possibly have broad influences on the distribution of a given species in the field. McLachlan (1974) suggests that distri¬ bution of Fucus in nature is largely controlled by factors acting on the embryo and that responses of the embryo may be different than those of the mature plant. Adherence rate studies indicate a strong relationship between the amount of time spores are allowed to settle onto glass plates and the percentage of spores attached. Adherence percentages may improve with time in one species and decrease with time in others (Suto, 1950; Charters, et. al., 1972). Temperature and salinity effects on early embryonic development have been documented for species of Fucus (Munda, 1977; McLachlan, 1974; Bird and McLachlan 1974), Hypnea (Mshigeni, 1976), and in Chondrus crispus (Prince & Kingsbury, 1973). None of these studies have noted the effects Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Page Joel D. Reimnitz of local environmental conditions during settlement on early growth. I here report on adherence rate studies undertaken in the lab with R. affine carpospores. Also reported are the effects of temperature and salinity on the one-week growth of R. affine tetrasporophytes settled in "normal" environments (Monterey Bay water conditions during May) versus "stressful" environments (various temperature and salinity conditions). ** -- - Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Page 5 Joel D. Reimnitz MATERIALS AND METHODS Female R. affine were collected at low tide at Pt. Pinos, California, rinsed briefly in filtered seawater and air-dried for one hour. All seawater used was first passed through a 54 filter. After drying, fronds were placed cystocarp down in plastic dishes filled 1 cm. deep with seawater at 22.5 C. Pink patches of carpospores began appearing on the dish bottom within 2 hours. Spores were withdrawn within ½ hour after the cystocarp began to shed using a pasteur pipette, deposited in a 10 cc. beaker, and diluted to a workable (7-10 spores per field when a drop of spore solution was examined at 100X) density with 14°C seawater. For adherence tests a paper grid with 10 prominently-marked 1.3 x 1.3 mm. squares was epoxied between two glass slides. A 1 mm.high lip was built on the top slide around the area of the grid using silicone glue to prevent water run-off in the grid area. Slides were placed in 10 x 150 mm. petri dishes and covered with 25 cc. seawater. Tests were performed at 14 C at a light intensity of 100W/cm'. One drop of a freshly-prepared spore solution was dropped at each of the four corners of the grid area. At scheduled times, slides were withdrawn from the dishes and the number of spores within the limits of each of the 10 marked squares was tabulated. Next the slide was rinsed by dipping it gently into a basin of seawater at 14 C, holding it vertically, and moving it 8 times across the distance of 15 cm. in approximately 5 seconds. Charters, et. al. (1972) noted little change in the percent of spores adhering to plates under a wide range of force. Following this rinse the same 10 squares were again counted for spores and the ratio of spores present after the rinse to before the rinse was multiplied by 100 to get the percent adhering. Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Page 6 Joel D. Reimnitz Temperature and salinity experiments were performed by first settling spores on 2 (salinity) or 4 (temperature) coverslips at each of two different conditions: (1) Base-settled spores were settled for hour in trays at 14°0, 330/00 salinity, and light intensity of 65/cm?, then transferred to growth trays; (2) Bath-settled spores were settled directly in the growth trays. The growth trays were 10 x 150 mm. plastic petri dishes filled with 25 cc. of seawater adjusted to the various experimental temperatures and salinities and enriched with Provasoli's medium. After 1 week in the growth trays the coverslips were removed and the diameter of the discoid holdfast base measured with an ocular micro¬ meter at 450X. At least 20 embryos were measured for each salinity con¬ dition except for 230/00 (14 counts), and at least 250 measurements at each temperature condition. The salinity experiment was performed in a 14°C constant-temperature room with a 16:8 light:dark photoperiod at 65W/cm. All saline environ- ments were created by mixing appropriate amounts of Instant Ocean (tm) with distilled water. The temperature experiment was performed by placing 16 x 30 cm. plastic trays filled 5 mm. deep with distilled water in constant tempera¬ ture baths. The growth trays were floated on this distilled water. With this arrangement the temperature inside the growth trays precisely matched the temperature of the distilled water, which was monitored at 24 hour intervals. The photoperiod was 16:8 light:dark at 40W/cm2. Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Page 7 Joel D. Reimnitz RESULTS Early morphological development of R. affine carpospores grown at 14°0/330/00 proceeds as illustrated in figure 1(a-i). The zygote divides asymmetrically, the first 5 or 6 cell divisions occurring without enlargement of the embryo. Subsequent cell divisions produce an embryo which on glass appears discoid from overhead view. After 4-6 days uniseriate hairs appear and project away from the holdfast. These hairs are lost or resorbed after the embryo begins growth ofga thallus from the base. Rhizoids typically project upwards and laterally from the growing thallus (see figures 2(a) and 3). Carpospores settling within 100-200 um of one another will overlap in territory as their holdfasts expand. In such cases first the outermost cells of each embryo mingle and eventually the two embryos coalesce into one. The resulting embryos are indistinguishable from embryos decending from a single carpospore except that they are larger in size (see figures 1(k,1) and 2(b)). Figure 4 shows adherence of carpospores as a function of time. The percentage of spores adhering increases rapidly until 20 minutes after spores are artificially released when the greatest adherence percentage was observed. Adherence percentages dropped to a low at 4 hours; the mean low value at four hours is significantly below the combined mean of the 20 through 60 minute values (Student's t-test, p£.01). During early experimental trials if the glass slides were tipped, water would run off of the slide and by capillary action all of the water covering a newly-settled spore would be withdrawn. Spores so exposed would die immediately as evidenced by dispersal of their organelles outside of cell boundaries. Results of the salinity experiments are shown in figures 5, 6, and 7. ...... Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Page 8 Joel D. Reimnitz Spores in both settlement conditions died within 1 week at 130/00 salinity. Fastest growth of the embryos occurred at 330/00. Carpospores withstood the highest salinity condition (730/00) although nearly all were still undivided after one week. Observed embryos at 230/oo and 330/oo all had disc-shaped holdfasts. At 430/00 rhizoids were noted in approximately 20 percent of observed embryos while at 530/0o at least 50 percent of observed embryos had developed at least one rhizoid growing from the holdfast base (see figure 1(j)). Contrasting the bath-settled population of spores with the base-settled spores for each salinity shows them to be growing at significantly different rates for each condition but 330/0o and 730/00 (Student's t-test, p2.01). Except at 330/oo the base¬ settled spores grew faster than bath-settled spores. Results of temperature experiments are shown in figures 8 and 9 and table 1. Greatest growth was observed at 20.5°C, with a percentage of spores alive at 3 and 26 C and no spore surviving 28° exposure. All temperature-treated embryos demonstrated disc-shaped holdfasts. For the 14° through 24 range base-settled spores were tested against bath-settled spores and found to be growing at a significantly faster rate at each temperature (Student's t-test, p.01). In glass tubes filled with spores suspended in seawater and placed in a light-sealed box, settlement by the spores after 4 days was observed to occur only on the half of the tubes closest to a point light source placed in the box. Page 9 Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz DISCUSSION Early morphological development of R. affine carpospores is similar to development of the related red alsa Chondrus occellatus Holm examined by Inoh (1947). A question not yet investigated is what is the orientation of the asymmetrically-dividing embryo with respect to its attachment orientation on the substrate. Coalescence of algal embryos has been described in Chondrus crispus (Tveter and Mathieson, 1976; Ring, 1970; Taylor and Chen, 1973), and Gracilaria verrucosa (Jones, 1956). Coalesced sporelings have been shown to produce fronds that grow more rapidly than non-coalesced sporelings (Tveter and Mathieson, 1976). Because carpospores may yield either male or female tetrasporophytes, such coalescence could have interesting morphological and possibly physiological consequences in the resulting plant. Further investigations into the morphology, physiology, and reproduction of coalesced embryos are being planned. How quickly a spore adheres to a substrate could influence where or when they settle. That a percentage are attached after 5 minutes and the highest percentage attached is observed at 20 minutes indicates that settlement in R. affine carpospores can occur relatively rapidly. They thus appear capable of adhering given the right local conditions regardless of tidal conditions. Adherence percentages for R. affine carpospores are highest between O and 60 minutes from release then decrease with time up to 4 hours. Christie, et. al. (1970) have shown that green algal zoospores have a chemical adhesive contained in vesicles on the outer walls of the spore. Adhesion is proposed to be a process of release of this adhesive and hardening of the adhesive over time by chemical changes. Variation may .. ... Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Page 10 Joel D. Reimnitz occur from plant-to-plant and possibly from season-to-season in the quality of this adhesive. They also reported, as the three runs shown on figure 4 demonstrate, that there is considerable variation between spore batches in the ability to adhere to glass. What I suggest is that adhesive is released when the spore first comes in contact with a surface and serves to anchor it initially. Possibly then it does not harden effectively over time and proves inade¬ quate for keeping the spore attached when the spore is later exposed to the forces of water flowing past it. Boney (1966) indicates that water motion is necessary for optimum algal growth. As all experiments here were performed under still-water conditions on an artificial laboratory surface, the results may be a result of some missing environmental "stimulus" promoting spore adhesion over time. The observation that glass-attached spores die when the water surround- ing them is withdrawn seems in a practical sense maladaptive on the part of the spore, given that it could often be uncovered and left exposed in the field at low tide. The observations refered to were noted in the early periods after spore settlement and it is unknown whether the spore develops resistance to this type of exposure over time. If so this early lack of exposure-resistance could require timing of settlement such that early exposure is not likely to occur. As figure 7 shows, R. affine carpospores grow fastest in the salinity range of 230/0o to 430/00. The effects of salinity on growth are much more apparent after 11 days than after 7 days, with growth at 230/oo and 530/00 being repressed much more than the 330/oo and 430/oo conditions, The temperature optimum for growth of R. affine carpospores occurs somewhere in between 17 and 24°C (figure 8). There are seasonal varia- Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Page 11 Joel D. Reimnitz tions in the water temperature in the ocean off of the California coast. Having a high temperature optimum for growth would imply faster growth rates during those seasons when the water temperature approaches the optimum. If size of the plant has any bearing on its ability to resist grazing effects and other environmental stresses this could possibly lead to seasonal variations in the survival capacities of the early plant. Quantities of spores released has been noted in some species to follow lunar and seasonal patterns (Christie and Shaw, 1969; Guzmán-del- Proo, et. al., 1972). It would be interesting to compare such release patterns with water temperature and temperature optimums for growth of algal embryos. In both the salinity and the temperature experiments there was significantly greater survival of the carpospores and faster embryonic growth if the carpospores were settled at base conditions than if settled at bath conditions. In the temperature experiments this occurred, even when the two settlement temperatures were the same (14°C), so this result is not explained by temperature shock on the base-settled spores. In the temperature experiments the light conditions were similar for the two settlement conditions but not identical. McLachlan (1974) has shown that widely contrasting light conditions can have significantly different effects on the development of algal embryos. Because light conditions were uniform for all conditions in the salinity tests yet the differential growth was still observed, it is unlikely that light conditions could be the sole cause of the faster growth of the base-settled spores. Given that water motion effects are necessary for optimum development and growth of algal plants, the possibility exists that sometime during the transfer of the coverslips from one bath to the next sufficient jostling . ... ... Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Page 12 Joel D. Reimnitz occurred to stimulate the embryos transferred to faster growth than those never moved. As the histograms of figure 9 show, the bath-settled spore popula¬ tions do not contain nearly as many large-size-class embryos at each temperature as do the base-settled spore populations. If the size differ¬ ential between bath- and base-settled embryos were to be explained by the washing away of less viable spores during the transfer process, fast- growing embryos should still appear among the bath-settle embryos. After one week of growth the combined average of bath- and base¬ settled embryos at 14°C/330/00 for the salinity test was 129/4m. and for the temperature test 84um. There are several possible explanations for this difference. The spores did come from difference spore batches, and handling during the early collection processes was not identical. In addition the salinity experiment was performed in a culture medium of Instant Ocean plus Provasoli's medium; the temperature experiment was performed in seawater plus Provasoli's. Mshigeni (1976) found large differences in the growth of carpospore germlings as a function of the culture media. Red algal spores are reportedly non-motile. Observations with the directional light study seem to indicate that spores selectively settle or at least preferentially survive closest to a source of light. At the very least, the conclusion to be drawn from this is that the place of adherence and growth of the spores, given the environmental conditions, was not strictly random. At the most one could hypothesize a response on the part of the spores with respect to light. Tests of this hypothesis are being planned. If indeed the spores are somehow responsive to light this information Page 13 Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz supplies some further explanations as to what may be happening in the adherence rate tests. The adherence rate tests were performed in condi¬ tions of diffuse light. Investigators of green algal zoospore attachment perform their tests in the dark because the spores respond to light and make the results uninterpretable (Christie and Shaw, 1968). If R. affine carpospores respond to light, an initial contact with a horizontal surface would release the chemical adhesive in the area on the wall of the spore touching the surface. No further vesicles would come in contact if the spore were seeking settlement in the direction of light and no more adhesive would be released. Over time the spore would simply not have enough adhesive present to be able to remain attached to the plate when subject to water motion effects. Growth of embryos in high salinity water yields abberrations in early growth morphology. Variations in growth forms depending upon the environmental exposure of the embryo have been well documented (McLachlan, 1974; Chen and McLachlan, 1972). In this study growth at many temperature and salinity conditions vields data indicating that there are differences in the growth rate of embryos depending upon the environmental conditions they are subject to. Whether these differences lead to later variations in the size and morphology of adult plants is a question well worth further investigation. As the bath-base studies indicate, small changes in the history of the embryo may stimulate plants to different growth rates. It might be well to consider these observations when analyzing distribution of growth forms of a species in the field and the geographical distribution of a given species. Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks Robin Thanks Bill. Page 14 -..... Page 15 Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz REFERENCES Bird, C. J., and McLachlan, J. 1974. Cold-hardiness of zygotes and embryos of Fucus (Phaeophyceae, Fucales). Phycologia 13(3): 215-225. Boney, A. D. 1966. A Biology of Marine Algae. 216 pp. London, Hutchinson Educational Ltd. Charters, A. C., Neushul, M., and Coon, D. A. 1972. Effects of water motion on algal spore attachment. In Proc. Seventh Int. Seaweed Symp Tokyo: Univ. of Tokyo Press. Chen, L. C., and McLachlan, J. 1974. The life history of Chondrus crispus in culture. Can. J. Bot. 50: 1055-1060. Christie, A. O., Evans, L. V., and Shaw, M. 1970. Studies on the ship fouling alga Enteromorpha. Ann. Bot. 34: 453-82. Christie, A., O., and Shaw., M. 1968. Settlement experiments with zoospores of Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.)Link. Br. Phycol. Bull. 3: 529-34. Coon, D. A., Neushul, M., and Charters, A. C. 1972. The settling behavior of marine algal spores. In Proc. Seventh Int. Seaweed Symp. Tokyo: Univ. of Tokyo Press. Guzman-Del Próo, S. A., Guzman, S., and Pineda-Barrera, J. 1972. Shedding rhythm and germination of spores in Gelidium robustum. In Proc. Seventh Int. Seaweed Symp. Tokyo: Univ. of Tokyo Press. Inoh, S. 1947. (Development of algae) (in Japanese) 256 pp. Hokuryukan, Tokyo. 1956. Effect of spore coalescence on the early development Jones, W. E. of Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss. Nature (London) 178: 426-7. McLachlan, J. 1974. Effects of temperature and light on growth and development of Fucus eduntatus and F. distichus ssp. distichus. Can. J Bot. 52: 943-951. Munda, I. M. 1977. Combined effects of temperature and salinity on growth rate of germlings of three Fucus species from Iceland, Helgoland and the North Adriatic Sea. Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters 29: 302-310. Mshigeni, K. E. 1976. Effects of the environment on developmental rates of sporelings of two Hypnea species (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales). Marine Biology 36, 99-103. Prince, J. S. and Kingsbury, J. M. 1973. The ecology of Chondrus crispus at Plymouth, Massachusetts. III. Effect of elevated temperature on growth and survival. Bio. Bull. 145(3): 580-588. Ring, P. D. 1970. Developmental and ecophysiological studies of Chondrus crispus (L.) Stackhouse. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Maine, Orono, 73 pp. .--... Page 16 Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz Suto, S. 1950. Studies on shedding, swimming, and fixing of spores of seaweeds. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish. 16: 1-9. Taylor, A. R. A., and Chen, L. C-M. 1973. The biology of Chondrus crispus Stackhouse: systematics, morphology and life history. Proc. Nova Scotia Inst. Sci. 27 (suppl.): 1-21. Tveter, E., and Mathieson, A. C. 1976. Sporeling coalescence in Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyceae). J. Phycol. 12: 110-118. Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz FIGURE 1 251m 25um 25 25 um 100 um 0m 25 m 25 Am 200 25 um Page 17 Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz FIGURE 2 Page 18 Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz FIGURE 3 Page 19 . . . . - Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz FIGURE 4 X 8 DNIAZHGV INSSaad 8 Page 20 Page 21 Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz FIGURE 5 140 120 SETTLED AT LABATH SALINITY £100 SETTLED — AT 33%0 2 80 6 60 O 40 20 A 23%o 33%o 43%o 53% 63% 73%0 SALINITY OF BATH Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz FIGURE 6 60 50 40 30 23%00 20 10 33%00 20 10 a 43%00 U 20 10 zO 30 53%00 20 10 50 100 150 200 O DIAMETER OF HOLDFAST (um) Page 22 . . . Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz FIGURE 7 300 1 200 100 43%0 33%0 23%0 SALINITY OF BATH V11 DAYS 7 DAYS 53%0 Page 23 . .. Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz FIGURE 8 150 D 100 50 17 20.5 14 TEMPERATURE (°c) 24 Page 24 SETTLED AT 14° SETTLED AT BATH TEMP. Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz FIGURE 9 17 20.5 140 SETTLED AT BATH TEMP. d p SETTLEL AT 14° lu 100 200 100 200 O 100 SIZE OF EMBRYO (um) 24° 100 Page 25 Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz TABLE 1 NUMBER BATH/ OBSERVATIONS BATH EMBRYOS BASE TEMP COUNTED SETTLED 472 2.3% (11) alive. Bath 30 33% (20) alive. Base 10 6.6% (52) at 2 2 cells. 791 Bath 70 696 817 (565) at 2 2 cells. Base 100 327 10% (34) at 2 2 cells. Bath 94% (478) at 2 2 cells. 100 Base 508 260 33 total present. Bath 33 357 357 total present. Base 26 ——------ Bath 280 —-------- 280 Base Page 26 Page 27 Adherence, growth of R. affine carpospores. Joel D. Reimnitz CAPTIONS OF FIGURES Figure 1: (a-h), Early morphological stages in the growth of R. affine carpospores. (i) A one-week-old embryo pictured on the edge of a coverslip. Note the uniseriate hairs ascending from the holdfast region. (j) An embryo grown at 530/00 for 1 week. Compare to (i) which was grown for 1 week at 330/00. (k,1). 2 and 3 embryos showing coalescence after one week of growth. (a). A 2 week old embryo, showing beginning signs of thallus Figure 2: growth from the holdfast. (b). Coalescence of two embryos which have almost completely merged into one plant. Scanning EM of a three-week old embryo. Note the numerous Figure 3: rhizoids projecting from the holdfast area. Adherence of carpospores as a function of time. The three Figure 4: lines represent three separate tests run with three different spore batches. Not that although there is considerable variation between batches in the percent adhering at a given time they all demonstrate a high adherence percentage in the 20-60 minute range and a lower adherence percentage 3 hours later. Size of embros after one week as a function of growth bath Figure 5: salinity. Histograms of embryo sizes in selected growth bath salinities Figure 6: after 11 days. Size of embryos as a function of growth bath salinity at 7 and Figure 7: 11 days. Figure 8: Embryo size as a function of temperature at / days. Figure 9: Histograms of embryo size after one week at selected temperatures. CATIONS OF TABLES Table 1: Observations on the growth of carpospores of R. affine at selected temperatures after 1 week.