ABSTRACT This study focused on the reproduction and development of three articulate brachiopods to enable rearing of young in the lab which could later be used for transplant studies in the deep sea. The three brachiopods studied are Terebratulina crossei, Laqueus californianus var. vancouverensis and Laqueus californianus. Specimens of each were collected from Monterey Canyon using a ROV and maintained in chilled aquaria. Fertilization was accomplished by stripping gonads from both sexes, macerating them through Nitex and combining them in vitro. Successful fertilization of both T. crossei and L. c. vancouverensis was achieved at 5°C and embryos were raised to the larval stage. INTRODUCTION Most of the early work on deep sea species involved taxonomic and distributional studies. Over the last few decades, scientists and engineers have developed more sophisticated methods of studying and sampling the organisms living in the deep ocean. Currently, submersibles and remotely operated vehicles (ROVS) enable scientists to observe deep sea organisms in their natural environment and collect them unharmed for lab experiments such as this one. This study focuses on reproduction and development in three articulate brachiopods: Laqueus californianus, from the continental shelf, and Laqueus californianus var. vancouverensis and Terebratulina crossei, from the walls of the Monterey Submarine Canyon. Only one published study of deep sea brachiopods has ever focused on reproduction and development (Rokop 1977); reproduction and development in these three species has never been the subject of a published paper. It is possible that brachiopods will be used as model organisms to raise to settlement to provide juveniles for experimental transplant studies to various deep sea habitats. Brachiopods are ideal for this purpose because of their abundance in the deep sea and their ability to survive in aquaria. Furthermore, they are sessile organisms, have a short developmental cycle and different species are variable in abundance with habitat and depth. The aim of this study was to develop methods for in vitro fertilization of eggs and rearing them through to settlement. L. c. vancouverensis and T. crossei were successfully fertilized in vitro and reared to swimming larvae. MATERIALS AND METHODS Specimens were collected from Monterey canyon between October, 1992 and May 1993 using a ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) operated from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute research vessel. L. californianus was found at a depth of 100-200 m, with total cover of its substrate, often attached to each other in large chains. L. c. vancouverensis was found at a depth of 500-700 m and T. crossei at depths of 350-700m, in clusters and small groups respectively. The boundaries of Laqueus and Terebratulina overlap, and have been found together. This has been seen in previous studies as well (Tunnicliffe and Wilson 1988) Specimens were identified using a key by Bernard (1971) and confirmed with a guide by Hertlein and Grant (1944). All specimens were maintained in aquaria with chilled recirculating sea water at approximately 5 °C until used. Preliminary sexing of individuals was accomplished by squeezing the brachiopod gently at the lateral sides to open the shell a few millimeters and peeking through the gap to visually inspect the gonads lining the mantle cavity for the presence of eggs. The female’s gonads were full, fluffy and soft-looking compared to the male’s. To confirm the gender, the specimen was squeezed again, and fine forceps were used to remove a small piece of gonadal tissue for viewing under the compound microscope. Males were identified primarily by the absence of eggs, but it was possible to see sperm as well under higher magnification. Upon positive identification of sex, the individual was opened by inserting a scalpel through the gap and severing the diductor muscle from the ventral valve. The two valves were then easily pulled apart to reveal the gonads lining the mantle cavity of both valves. Once opened, a female’s gonads were macerated through 247 Um Nitex and allowed to soak in 300-450 mL of sea water. Once the eggs settled to the bottom of the beaker most of the supernatant sea water was decanted and replaced with fresh sea water. At this time, fecundity measurements were taken by first stirring the egg water to ensure an equal distribution of eggs. Several aliquots of known volume were removed from the beaker (also of known volume) and the eggs were counted under a compound microscope. The eggs were allowed to soak for 10-15 hours to facilitate the loss of the follicle cells. Then the male's testes were removed and placed in 15-25 mL of sea water brought to pH 9.0 with NHAOH. The gonads were macerated and after about 15 minutes a sample of the sperm solution was checked under 450X magnification for sperm motility. Once motility was observed, the sperm solution was added to the egg solution and stirred to facilitate fertilization. In most cases, the water over the eggs was decanted and replaced an hour after fertilization to prevent polyspermy. Following fertilization, samples of eggs were viewed periodically under a compound microscope to check for cleavage. The water over the fertilized eggs was refreshed daily by decanting it through a piece of 100 um Nitex to avoid pouring off embryos or larva. RESULTS The fecundity and egg size of each of the three species examined is compared in table 1. Size distribution by ventral valve length of the males and females of each species used in the study is given in figures 1 and 2. With the small data set used to calculate the fecundity values, there was not enough information to determine a correlation between the ventral valve length and fecundity. Table 2 compares the observed developmental times of T. crossei and L. c. vancouverensis to other known species. Terebratulina crossei See table 3 for the environmental conditions of each of the fertilizations of T. crossei. The white to slightly yellowish gonads of T. crossei are often visible through the shell. There are two branches on both the dorsal and ventral valves, the dorsal branches being slightly smaller than the ventral branches. The branches are lacy looking and somewhat bushy (see figure 3). No unripe gonads were encountered and it appears to be impossible to determine sex by external characteristics. Successful fertilization of T. crossei was achieved on three occasions. In each case, the eggs were soaked prior to fertilization for a period of 14 h - 14 h 15 min. and were fertilized and incubated at a temperature of 5 °C. Figures 4-6 illustrates the various stages of development observed. Most unfertilized eggs were predominantly opaque with a bumpy membrane surrounding them and a small polar body protruding from one side. However, a few had a dark center surrounded by a clear sac. Because it was impossible to remove all sperm by decanting after one hour, it was also impossible to know exactly when any specific fertilization took place or how long it took the fertilized egg to reach any given stage of development. It was determined that the first cleavage occurred sometime before 10 hours post fertilization, however, no observations were made between 0 and 10 hours. The morula stage was first observed at 12.5 h and the embryo developed into a blastula by 36 h. The embryos developed into tri-lobed, counterclockwise-rotating larva around 164 hrs after fertilization. Mature larvae were seen 200 hours post fertilization. It is interesting to note that the bumpy membrane first observed surrounding the unfertilized egg was present until the free swimming stage. However, as development progressed the membrane seemed to diminish in thickness. Perhaps a related observation is that when bacteria infestation occurred, the blastula seemed much more susceptible to attack and subsequent degradation than did the unfertilized eggs. Laqueus californianus vancouverensis See table 4 for the environmental conditions surrounding the fertilizations of L. c. vancouverensis. The gonads of L. c. vancouverensis line both valves with two parallel branches on each side of the ventral valve and one branch on each side of the dorsal valve (figure 3). In general, females gonads are salmon or pinkish while males are paler and beigish, but color is not a reliable indicator of sex. Ripe gonads are plump and somewhat fluffy looking whereas immature, or spent gonads are brownish and pencil-thin. In some cases it is possible to see the gonads through the shell, but this is not always true. Fertilization of L. c. vancouverensis was attempted over a range of egg soaking times (12 h 5 min. - 15 h 45 min.) and temperatures (2 °C - 11 °C). However, successful fertilization seemed to occur only when the water temperature was maintained at 5 °C from egg maceration through fertilization and development. In one successful fertilization the eggs were soaked for 13 h 15 min. and in the other for 15 h 45 min. In the first case, embryos at the 2- and 8- cell stages were observed 23 h 45 min. and 26 h 15 min. after fertilization respectively. In the second case, free swimming larvae were observed and photographed approximately 100 h after fertilization, yet, no earlier observations of fertilization were made. Figures 7-9 illustrates the various stages of development observed. Three larvae were observed at 100 h. One swam freely and quickly throughout the water sample, a second moved little but continually butted its apical lobe against the side of the dish and a third possessed motile cilia but seemed to be in the pre-setae stage. In several of the fertilization attempts, structures resembling a loosely held together blastula were observed. Although these structures appear to be slightly irregular and ill-formed, there is a slight possibility that they are in fact blastulae, however, as of yet, none of them has been followed and observed to develop to the larval stage. Laqueus californianus Table 5 presents the environmental conditions surrounding the fertilization attempts of L. californianus. The gonads of L. californianus were quite similar in appearance to those of L. c. vancouverensis but tended to be more deeply or intensely colored. Furthermore, the gonads of several of the specimens were blotchy in appearance: thick in some areas and pencil thin in others (figure 3). Finally, the eggs seemed quite small and immature compared to those of the other species, and the literature values for Laqueus. All of the fertilizations attempted with these specimens were unsuccessful. DISCUSSION Most articulate brachiopods, including those studied here, are dioecious. In previous studies, males and females have been shown to exist in a 1:1 ratio (James et al., 1992). Some articulates are free spawning, while others brood their larvae. L. californianus has been shown to be free spawning (Reed 1987), as is Terebratulina retusa (James et al. 1992) while Terebratulina unguicula (Long 1964) and Terebratulina septentrionalis (Conklin 1902) have been shown to brood their larvae inside the lophophore. In either breeding strategy, articulate brachiopods produce demersal lecithotrophic larvae, which have a brief free swimming phase before metamorphosis. Spawning has rarely been observed in brachiopods, and the natural cues for spawning remain unclear. However, in some species spawning can be induced by agitation, slight elevation of water temperature, or the addition of sperm suspensions (James et al., 1992, Long 1964). Gametes are released through the metanephridia into the mantle cavity and expelled by an exhalant current of the lophophore. This fertilization strategy is effective because most articulates occur in dense patches, sometimes even attaching to one another’s shells. Females of brooding species release their eggs into the mantle cavity. Sperm are believed to be taken in through the inhalant current of the lophophore, and the fertilized eggs are maintained in a brood pouch or among the tentacles of the lophophore (Long and Stricker 1991). Once fertilization occurs, cleavage is holoblastic, nearly equal, radial and somewhat asynchronous (Long and Stricker 1991). Cleavages beyond the 8-cell stage in articulates are often irregular and asynchronous (Conklin 1902). Despite irregular cleavage, these tend to develop normally, becoming blastula and eventually, free swimming larvae. The mature larvae of articulate brachiopods are tripartite, possessing an apical lobe, a mantle lobe, and a pedicle lobe. When a suitable substrate is found, a mature larvae begins the process of metamorphosis (Reed 1987). Suitable substrates include the shell of an adult brachiopod, the shell of bivalve mollusks, or the tube of the polychaete Sabellaria cementarium. Metamorphosis involves the reversal of the mantle lobe and the attachment of the pedicle lobe to a suitable substrate (Long and Stricker 1991). Metamorphosis may also be induced by placing mature larvae in high K+ sea water (Freeman 1993). Within 24 hours of metamorphosis, the mantle has secreted a bivalved protegulum, and within 4 days post-metamorphosis, the beginnings of a new shell have begun to form around the edges of the protegulum. (Stricker and Reed 1985). Terebratulina crossei T. crossei was relatively easy to fertilize in vitro and developed at a reasonable pace to the blastula stage when it suddenly seemed to cease development completely. However, after approximately 164 hours several rotating larva were finally discovered. Although the reason for this apparent slowing in the developmental process is unknown, it may be related to the fact that some species of Terebratulina are known to brood their young (Long 1964, Conklin 1902). If T. crossei is one of these species, the female may hold the developing embryos in her brood pouch for several days, protecting them from the harsh deep sea environment and releasing them only when they reach the larva stage. Whereas, non- brooded embryos may need to mature more quickly in order to survive in the open ocean, brooded embryos would experience less environmental pressure to develop quickly and would thus be expected to develop more slowly. This phenomenon is seen in another brooding species Hemithyris psittacea, which takes 187 hour before setae develop on the mantle lobe, and a full 200 hours elapse before metamorphosis is initiated (Long 1964) The fact that T. crossei was observed at nearly all major stages of development from fertilization to larva is quite significant for several reasons. First, it is quite reasonable to believe that T. crossei could be successfully raised in significant numbers in the lab and used as a model organism for the study of environmental processes. Further research would need to focus on inducing metamorphosis and on increasing the fertilization rate. Secondly, if T. crossei is a brooding species, these results show that brooding species do not necessarily need to be brooded in order to develop; they can be raised successfully in vitro. Laqueus californianus vancouverensis One difficulty of studying the development L. c. vancouverensis in the lab was its extremely low rate of fertilization, perhaps 1% at best. Thus it was difficult to determine whether a sample containing no cleaved eggs indicated that the fertilization was unsuccessful or that the few eggs which did cleave were still in the beaker rather than the sample. Nonetheless, examination of the experimental conditions surrounding the two fertilizations known to produce embryos gives some indication of what is necessary for a successful fertilization. Both of the successful fertilizations were carried out in water that remained at 5 °C from egg soaking through early development. Furthermore, all of the fertilizations believed to be unsuccessful were carried out at temperatures either slightly higher or lower than 5 °C (e.g. 7 °C, 10 °C, 2 °C). Therefore it seems that the fertilization of L. c. vancouverensis is very temperature sensitive. One result of carrying out fertilization in such cold water is that development begins much more slowly for L. c. vancouverensis than for other warmer water species (table 2). However, observations indicate that L. c. vancouverensis "catches up" with its warmer water counterparts and reaches the larval stage around the same time as Terebratalia transversa and Terebratulina unguicula (Long 1964). Egg soaking time is believed to be a second factor in vancouverensis fertilization. Although the range of acceptable soaking times is likely broader than these results indicate, eggs soaked for approximately 13-16 h prior to fertilization are known to be viable. Eggs which are stripped from the specimens (as opposed to being spawned) seem to require this amount of time to shed their follicle cells. Further studies with L. c. vancouverensis should incorporate a better system for checking for fertilization (e.g. petri dish under a high power dissecting microscope). If fertilized eggs could be separated early on in the developmental process, they would be much easier to follow. Laqueus californianus The spawning season of L. californianus is unknown however, all the L. californianus eggs observed were quite small and irregularly shaped, thus it is believed that the specimens in captivity had spawned prior to collection. Thus, most oocytes remaining in the gonads were immature and not yet capable of participating in successful fertilization. Another problem could have been that all fertilization attempts were attempted at 5 °C, while L. californianus lives at temperatures of 9 or 10 °C. Of the three species studied, only L. californianus seems to be a poor candidate for deep sea studies. This is partly due to the fact that it is generally found in shallower water than the other two species and partly because fertilization attempts were unsuccessful. Perhaps, if ripe oocytes were found in L. californianus, it too could have also been successful. Both T. crossei and L. c. vancouverensis show potential as model organisms for the study of larval settlement and distribution. T. crossei were easy to fertilize and achieved a fair fertilization rate and a good yield of larvae. L. c. vancouverensis is more common in the Monterey Submarine Canyon, more easily sexed, and reaches the larval stage more rapidly. Keeping the characteristics of each species in mind and finding ways to increase the rate of fertilization and decipher the potential bacteria problem, both of these species could prove valuable in a variety of studies exploring the processes and interactions which occur in the deep ocean. LITERATURE CITED Bernard, F.R. (1972). The living Brachiopoda of British Columbia. Syesis, 5, 73-82. Conklin, E.G. (1902). The embryology of a brachiopod, Terebratulina septentrionalis Couthouy. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 41, 41-76. Freeman, Gary. (1993). Metamorphosis in the brachiopod Terebratalia: Evidence for a role of Calcium channel function and the dissociation of shell formation from settlement. Biological Bulletin, 184, 15-24. Hertlein, L.G. and Grant, U.S. (1944). The Cenezoic Brachiopoda of Western North America. Publications in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 3, 1-236, 21 pl. James, M.A., Ansell, A.D., Curry, G.B. (1991). Reproductive cycle of the brachiopod Terebratulina retusa on the west coast of Scotland. Marine Biology, 109, 441-451. James, M.A., Ansell, A.D., Collins, M.J., Curry, G.B., Peck, L.S., and Rhodes, M.C. (1992). Biology of Living Brachiopods. Advances in Marine Biology, 28, 175-387. Law, R.H. and Thayer, C.W. (1991) Articulate fecundity in the Panerozoic: Steady state of what? In "Brachiopods Through Time" (D.I. McKinnon, D.E. Lee and J.D. Campbell, eds.), pp 183- 190. Balkema, Rotterdam Long, J.A. (1964) The embryology of three species representing three superfamilies of articulate brachiopoda. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington. Long, J.A., and Stricker, S.A. (1991). Brachiopoda. In "Reproduction in Marine Invertebrates, Vol. 6 Echinoderms and Lophophorates. (A.C. Giese, J.S. Pearse, and V.B. Pearse, eds), pp. 47-84. Boxwood Press, Palo Alto, CA. Reed, C.G. (1987). Phylum Brachiopoda. In "Reproduction and Development of Marine Invertebrates of the Northern Pacific Coast. (M. Strathmann, ed.), pp. 486-493. University of Washington Press, Seattle. Rokop, F.J. (1977). Seasonal Reproduction of the Brachiopod Frieleia halli and the Scaphopod Cadulus californicus at Bathyal Depths in the Deep Sea. Marine Biology, 43, 237-246. Stricker, S.A. and Reed, C.G. (1985) The ontogeny of shell secretion in Terebratalia transversa (Brachiopoda: Ariculata) II. Formation of the protegulum and juvenile shell. Journal of Morphology, 183, 251-271. 4 Tunnicliffe, V. and Wilson, K. (1988). Brachiopod populations: distribution in fjords of British Columbia (Canada) and tolerance of low oxygen concentrations. Marine Ecology -Progress Series, 47, 117-128. Figure Legend Figures Figure 1 - Male Size Distribution by Ventral Length Figure 2 - Female Size Distribution by Ventral Length Figure 3 - Shell and Gonad Morphology of Terebratulina crossei, Laqueus californianus, and Laqueus californianus vancouverensis Figure 4 - Developmental Stages of Terebratulina crossei Figure 5 - Terebratulina crossei blastula and early free swimming larva Figure 6 - Terebratulina crossei late and mature free swimming larva Figure 7 - Developmental Stages of Laqueus californianus vancouverensis Figure 8 - Laqueus californianus vancouverensis unfertilized egg, and early free swimming larva Figure 9 - Laqueus californianus vancouverensis mature free swimming larva and Laqueus californianus abnormal cleavage. Tables Table 1 - Average Fecundities and Egg Sizes Table 2 - Developmental Timetable Table 3 - Terebratulina crossei Fertilization Conditions Table 4 - Laqueus californianus vancouverensis Fertilization Conditions Table 5 - Laqueus californianus Fertilization Conditions Figure 1 MALE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY VENTRAL LENGTH T. crossei L. californianus L. californianus vancouverensis —E c ktatatataa- atataaaa- Ventral Length (cm) Figure 2 FEMALE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY VENTRAL LENGTH T. crossei L. californianus L. californianus vancouverensi L 0- ktatatataa- ataataavaa- Ventral Length (cm) Figure 3: Shell and Gonad Morphology of Terebratulina crossei, Laqueus californianus vancouverensis, and Laqueus californianus 1-3: Ventral views of each species respectively 4-6: Side views of each species respectively 7-9: View of gonads in ventral valve for each species respectively Figure 3 Shell and Gonad Morphology of Terebratulina crossei, Laqueus californianus and Laqueus californianus vancouverenis 1 crossei L. cali fornianus L. c. vancouverensis Ventral vieu ventral view ventml vie side vied side vieu side view ventral gonads Ventral gonads ventml gonads Figure 4: Developmental stages of Terebratulina crossei 1. Unfertilized egg 2. Unfertilized egg with polar body 3. 2-cell stage 4. 3-cell stage 5. 4-cell stage 6. 6-cell stage 7. early blastula 8. late blastula 9. immature larva Key: bm - bumpy membrane pb - polar body al - apical lobe ml - mantle lobe pl - pedicle lobe 7. Figure 4 Developmental Stages of Terebratulina crossei bm L Om bm pm S J int bi bm bm 1al ml- S / Figure 5: Terebratulina crossei blastula and early free swimming larva A: blastula seen - 36hrs (20x B: unfertilized egg and early free swimming larva : 164hrs (20x) Figure 5 Figure 6: Terebratulina crossei late and mature free swimming larva A: late free swimming larva - 190hrs (20x B: mature free swimming larva - 200hrs (20x) Figure 6 Figure 7: Developmental Stages of Laqueus californianus vancouverensis 1. 2-cell stage 2. 8-cell stage 3. irregular cleavage (possibly blastula) 4. mature larva Key: cm - cell membrane al - apical lobe ml - mantle lobe pl pedicle lobe setae Figure 7 Developmental Stages of Laqueus californianus vancouverenis N . 41 ml 5 em Figure 8: Laqueus californianus vancouverensis unfertilized egg, and early free swimming larva A: unfertilized egg - Ohrs (40x) B: early free swimming larva - 96hrs (20x) Figure 8 Figure 9: Laqueus californianus vancouverensis mature free swimming larva and Laqueus californianus abnormal cleavage. A: mature free swimming larva - 100hrs (20x) B: abnormal cleavage - 40hrs (40x) Figure 9 Table 1 Average Fecundity and Egg Size Standard Avg. egg Standard Avg. Abrachs Feggs Species Reggs size Deviation Deviation examined examined Laqueus 2 14500 20-30 18,000 =100um NA californianus Laqueus 40-50 10,000 +1500 -140um 410um californianus vancouverensis Terebratulina 8,500 +150 20-30 NA 2210um crossei Laqueus 140um 35,000f californianus 170um (Lit. values) Terebratulina NA 170um unguicula Terebratulina NA 160um septentrionalis Terebratulina 8000- 130umf retusa 150001 Hemithyris 190um NA psittacea f Law and Thayer (1991) + Reed (1987 Long (1964) ** Conklin (1902) + James (1991) This table lists the fecundity and average egg size for each of the species studied, and some relevant literature values. It should be noted that the Laqueus californianus data was taken form individuals with immature eggs while the eggs of the other two species were mature. Standard deviations for egg size for L. c. californianus, and T. crossei could not be calculated, for although multiple eggs were observed, only an average size was recorded rather than individual sizes. NA indicates information is not available. Table 2 Developmental Timetable First Species Second Larva Metamor. Blastula phosis Cleavage Cleavage Terebratulina crossei 10.75 11.25 164 NA 36 Laqueus californianus 26.25 100 NA NA NA vancouverensis Terebratalia 2-3 8-14 100 92 transversat Terebratulina 118 NA 20 102 unguicula Hemithyris Psittaceat NA NA 1200 123 1187— ILong (1964) This table presents the number of hours post fertilization when various developmental events occur. The Terebratalia transversa, Terebratulina unguicula and Hemithyris Psittacea data is taken from Long (1964). The Terebratulina crossei and Laqueus californianus vancouverensis values, which are original, give the time at which each stage was first observed. It is possible, however, that the developing embryo reached a given stage prior to the actual time of observation. NA indicates data that was not available. Table 3 Terebratulina crossei Fertilization Conditions Egg soaking Calendar Time of Water Fert? Notes Fert. time (hrs) temp date 0 k 5/13/93 14:00 YES 2:00 AM blastula stage. Cells appeared lysed. Counted 17 fertilized eggs out of 5/18/93 12:40 AM YES 14:15 entire batch, pre-setae larvae found after 164 hours. Mature larvae seen at 200 hours 5/18/93 2:30 PM 14:10 YES This table shows the conditions under which the Terebratulina crossei fertilizations were performed. Table 4 Laqueus californianus vancouverensis Fertilization Conditions Water Calendar Time of Egg soaking Notes Fert? date Fert. time (Hrs) Temp. O Carried out in water 4/15/93 N daytime NA NA contaminated by sulfur and decaying clams Carried out in water 4/19/93 NA 5:15 PM NA N contaminated by sulfur and decaying clams Carried out in water 4/22193 NO 10:45 AN 18:45 contaminated by sulfur and decaying clams New, uncontaminated water 4/26193 12:00 PM 5 and YES. 13:15 source Two- and eight-cell stage NO observed Sperm motility low 4/28193 N NA 9:20 AM, 10,13,16,18 12:15 PM 3:30 PM, 5:30 PM Perhaps some abnormal cleavage 13:25 5/3/93 11:10 AN 5-10 N Perhaps some abnormal cleavage 5/3/93 5-10 NO 11:50 PN 12:05 Free swimming larvae observed YES 5/6193 2:00 PM 15:45 5/11/93 10:20 AM NO 12:20 5/23193 NO 12:15 AN 10,15 5-6 N 5/24193 10:43 AN 13:08 5/24193 NO 0:00 1:05 PM This table gives the conditions under which each fertilization of Laqueus californianus vancouverensis was attempted. NA indicates information which was Not Available. Table 5 Laqueus californianus Fertilization Conditions Calendar Time of Water IFert? INotes Egg soaking Fert. temp date time (hrs) (0C Sperm only slightly motile 5/4/93 9.55 AM 18:25 N Small, immature looking eggs Small, immature looking eggs N 577193 11:25 AM 11:25 4-5 This table lists the conditions under which the fertilization of Laqueus californianus was attempted. Note that in both cases the eggs used were quite immature. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank our advisor Jim Barry for creating this project and keeping us well stocked with brachiopods; Chuck Baxter for his suggestions and the fact that he was always truly excited to see a cleaved brachiopod egg; Dr. Dan Mazia for his help in getting our sperm to move; Kurt Buck for his assistance on microscopic photography and his undying wit; Dr. Richard Strathmann at Friday Harbor Laboratories for his advice and reassurance; Dr. David Epel for letting us borrow his pH meter and ammonium hydroxide; Judy Connor for patiently searching the ROV footage for us; Molly Cummings and the rest of the 1993 Bio 175H students for being such a cool and crazy group of people. Dana-Lynn would like to especially thank her house mates, Linda, Christine, and Maria for making 122 18th St. so much more than just a place to sleep. From now on, whenever I drink Citrus Punch or eat Stove Top, l’Il think of you guys. I would also like to thank Jim for patiently enduring my attempts to get him to lab before noon and for his real enthusiasm for and knowledge of all the critters in the deep sea lab-it was catching. Finally, I thank God for using this quarter to teach me to: "Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.' I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Jim would like to thank Chuck Baxter again, who has helped me figure out what I want in life; my parents, Jim and Sylvia, who have supported me in whatever ventures I have embarked upon; Dana Lynn, for putting up with my idiosyncrasies; and all of the brachiopods, great and small, who sacrificed their lives to make this project possible. Thank you all!