Abst: Phytoplankton productivity, standing crop, and community composition were investigated along a 15 km transect in Monterey Bay from deep water to the extreme nearshore (30m from beach) during a five week study in April and May, 1972. Consistent and significant decreases in productivity and standing crop were observed at the extreme nearshore station as compared to a station 200m offshore. Community structure remained relatively stable during the period of study. Several hypotheses are offered in an attempt to explain the observed nearshore decrease. Introduction The relationship between oceanic and neritic phytoplankton production and standing crop has been investigated along the West Coast of North America (Anderson, 1964, Curl and Small, 1965, and Malone, 1971) and the long term cycle of phytoplankton occurance within Monterey Bay has been described by Bolin and Abbott (1961). Little work has been done, however, on the productivity and stand- ing crop in extreme nearshore areas, i.e., less than 1000 meters from shore. The phytoplankton of the Monterey Bay are subjected to chang- ing hydrographic conditions at different times of the year, and these have been characterized by Bolin and Abbott (1961). The period of upwelling normally begins in February or March as a re- sult of the prevailing N to NW winds. The winds parallel the coast. and under the influence of Coreolis force cause an offshore move- ment of the surface waters. These are replaced by a vertical move- ment of colder, nutrient rich water from depths of 300-500m. As a result, the upwelling period is characterized by low surface tempe- ratures (9.5 to 11.5), high salinities (33.2% to 33.98), and high nutrient levels (22.0 uM POh-P, 95.0 uM NO,-N, and,10.0 uM SiOa-Si). These upwelling conditions were present throughout the period of investigation. The present study was designed to document the relationships between primary productivity, standing crop, and community compo- sition in the Monterey Bay phytoplankton communities along a 15 km transect reaching from deep water (depth 900m) to the extreme nearshore (depth 10m). Methods Measurements of primary productivity and standing crop were made at four stations in Monterey Bay over a five week period from April 20 to May 16, 1972. The positions of the four stations are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The deep water station. CalcOFI 3, is located over the Monterey Submarine Canyon in about 900 meters of water; CalcOFI 1, the bell buoy adjacent to Hopkins Marine Station, is in about 40 meters of water; and the two nearshore stations are located in the lee of Cabrillo Point. one at the fish hopper, about 200 meters off the beach, and the other in the area between the rocks flanking the Agassiz back beach cove of the Marine Station, about 30 meters offshore. The water depths at the Hopper and Nearshore are 20 meters and 10 meters, respectively. Water samples were collected in polyethylene bottles from a skiff at the two nearshore stations from meter depths. Samples at CalcOFI 1 and CalcOFI 3 were collected from 0, 5. 15, and 30 meter depths in Van Dorn bottles (Van Dorn, 1956) during weekly cruises. All samples were collected prior to 1000 PST. Two light bottles and one dark bottle were drawn from each sample, inoculated with Naplco3, and incubated under flourescent light (about 0.06 langley/min) for 3 hours at sea- surface temperature (Doty and Oguri, 1958). Following incuba- tion, the bottles were filtered through .45 micron Millapore HA filters. The filters were then rinsed with about 15 ml of filtered sea water, dried in a dessicator, then counted on a Nuclear Chicago scalar (model 161A) equipped with a model D47 gas flow chambor with a micromil window. Rates of carbon fixetion were calculated after averaging duplicate light bottle values. Mean coefficient of variation between duplicate light bottles was 8.7+2.0 (95% confidence limits). The method of 140 labeling has been shown to be a dependable tool for determining relative rates of photosynthesis in marine phyto- plankton (Doty and Oguri, 1958). Samples for chlorophyll analysis were also drawn from the water samples, and chlorophyll, and phaeopigment concentrations were found using the flourometic method of Strickland and Parsons (1968). Samples were fractionated into netplankton and nanno- plankton size classes by passing one of two replicates through a 20 micron net filter prior to filtration thorugh a Whatman GF/C glass filter. The other replicate was filtered directly through the GF/C filter. Two ml of a 1 MgCo3 solution was used to coat the filters. The flourometric technique gives a measure of chlorophyll, present in any given water sample, and gives good comparative standing crop estimates as long as the species compositon remains relatively stable between stations. While standing crop values, using chlorophyllg as an index, may give a mistaken impression of the absolute standing crop (different phytoplankters may contain varying amounts of chlorophyll per unit volume), they are still a valuable index of standing crop between sampling stations, particularly during a period which shows no major changes in phytoplankton community composition. Direct cell count was also used as a measure of the standing crop of netplankton (» 20 microns) and to provide data for deter- mining community composition. Preserved samples of 100 ml were placed in Nessler tubes and allowed to settle for 24 hours. Ninety ml were then drawn off with an aspirator, and a 2 ml aliquot was counted under an inverted microscope using the tech- nique of Untermöhl (Lund, et al, 1958). The technique proved adequate ( + 5%) for those phytoplankton larger than 20 microns, but the fractionated chlorophylla values indicate that a sig- nificant amount of nannoplankton was overlooked in the direct counts. Results The levels of primary production and standing crop along the study transect for each cruise are presented in Figures 3-7. During the entire study, the standing crop and productivity in- creased from deep water to CalcOFI 1, and decreased inshore of CalcOFI 1. In addition, the data on corresponding cell density supported the difference in standing crop between the nearshore stations. Figure 8 presents the numbers of cell per liter at each station for each week of the study. Although some of the differences in cell numbers between the Hopper and Nearshore are small, the percent contribution to each sample by the nanno- plankton has been underestimated by direct count. Addition of the total nannoplankton fraction would make the cell count results a more significant index of the total standing crop. The general increase in productivity from week to week is shown in Figure 9. This graph also illustrates the consistent drop in productivity between the Hopper and Nearshore, and in some cases, between CalcOFI 1 and the Hopper. Pulses within an upwelling period are often observed, and the standing crop data shown in Figure 10 illustrates the dif- ferent responses of the inshore stations to a strong upwelling pulse on May 9. Nearshore is located inshore of a large Macro- stis bed, while Hopper is located slightly offshore of the same bed. The presence of the kelp bed may help create differ- ent inshore environments for phytoplankton within short distances. The differences in density of cells between the Hopper and Nearshore can also be illustrated by calculation of the biomass at each station as shown in Figure 11. These biomass figures revresent averages of fractionated chlorophyll, data for the whole study multiplied by a conversion factor to determine biomass (Strickland and Parsons, 1968). The vertical distribution of the standing crop refiects the changing conditions which can occur within a period of general up- welling and nutrient rich waters. This is presented graphically in Figures 12-16. The analysis of the phytoplankton community composition is pre- sented in Tables 1-3. The composition of the community at any one station changed only slightly during the five week study, and none of the observed differences indicated a major shift in the types of phytoplankters present. In general, the community present at CalcorI 1, Hopper, and Nearshore on any one day was relatively uniform, as expressed by genera present and percentage component of the total community. The decrease in cell numbers on May 16 reflects the tailing off of the spring bloom in the Monterey Bay, Discussion The significant decrease in primary production, with the accompanying decreases in standing crop and direct cell counts over the period of study indicate that extreme nearshore phyto¬ plankton populations are exposed to conditions not normally encountered by pelagic diatoms. The statistical significance of the productivity decrease is P-.06; considering that two additional parameters are also exhibiting the same trend, the results become quite striking. A complex system of hydrographic and biological factors is operating in the shallower nearshore waters, possibly providing different environmental conditions within a very narrow spatial framework. Phytoplankton standing crop in the open ocean is limited primarily by grazing of zooplankton and limiting nutrient levels due to stratified water columns. It is possible that zooplankton grazing is reducing the phytoplankton population in extreme nearshore areas, however, the depth of the water column at the inshore stations makes this a remote possibility, since much of the zooplankton biomass need deeper water for daily vertical migration. Table 4 presents the ratio of phaeophytin to chlorophylla for the five weeks of the study. The nearshore area consistent- ly showed an increase in phaeophytin with respect to chlorophyll. This ratio is often used as an index of grazing pressure on phytoplankton, extreme nearshore areas, however, are affected by many other factors creating phaeophytin, and grazing may quantitatively be the least important. One factor which could influence the productivity and standing crop is the breakdown of the phytoplankton as a result of physical contact with the rocky shore, the shallow bottom, or the sandy beach. The increase in the ratio of phaeophytin to chlorophyll, could be the result of cell damage followed by bleaching. Yentsch (1970) has suggested this as the principal mechanism of chlorophyll degradation following cell fracture. The physical breakdown of cells could account for some portion of the reduction in standing crop and productivity. However, the increase in phaeopigments in the shallow water could also be a result of increasing contributions of benthic algal detritus and wastes from intertidal animals. The digested food products of a large filter-feeding population could contribute signif- icantly to levels of phaeophytin, either by those animals in the immediate area or perhaps by animals "upstream" of the study area. The presence of benthic algae in the shallower water may also influence the productivity and standing crop of a phyto- plankton population. A comparison of phytoplankton biomass with that of the benthic algae illustrates the enormous amount of benthic material present in the immediate vicinity of the study area. Blinks (1955) gives the total biomass of nine major benthic algae as 15 kg/m, while the biomass of phytoplankton may reach 500 mg/m2 only under peak bloom conditions. Ryther and Kramer (1961) demonstrated that an inshore species, Skele- tonema costatum, requires 10 to 20 times the amount of minor nutrients, e.g. iron, as offshore species. Recent work by Lewin and Chen (1971) also indicates that inshore diatoms are not as efficient in utilizing available iron. If the benthic algae are either using or concentrating minor nutrients, the inshore populations of diatoms could be suffering a nutrient deficiency and not turning over as fast as under normal nutrient conditions. It can also be speculated that bacterial activity could increase as a phytoplankton population moves to shallower water. The presence of benthic algae, increasing waste products from intertidal and bentic animals, and increasing amounts of detritus could all lead to a larger bacterial population in the nearshore waters. How these bacteria might affect the photosynthetic efficiency or the productivity of a cell is open to speculation. The most attractive hypothesis to explain decreased prod- uctivity and standing crop nearshore is that of photodegradation of chlorophyll. The growth inhibition of diatoms in response to high light conditions has been noted by Epel and Krauss (1966). The role of chlorophyllase in chlorophyll degradation is a source of controversy at present (Yentsch and Moreth, 1970. Barrett and Jefferies, 1971), but there is the possibility that the bleaching of cells due to higher mean light levels in shallow water activates the membrane-bound chlorophyllas to degrade the chlorophyll to phaeophytin within the living cell. Conversely, under certain conditions photodegradation could be minimized in a community which had moved inshore as the top 10 meters of a highly stratified water column. The ability of a high-density population to shade itself and thereby lower the 10 depth of the mean light intensity could prevent photoinactivation as the community moves into shallower water. Stratification wheih occurred at CalcOFI 1 on May 15 is a good illustration of this. Figure 17 presents the vertical density layers, showing the thin layer of low density water from O to 5 meters in depth. In order to make any generalizations about the relative production rates at nearshore stations it will be necessary to compile information throughout the annual cycle of hydrog: raphic conditions in the Monterey Bay. Phytoplankton populations could fferent relationships between deep and shallow possibly show d water stations as the community composition changes during the year. The absolut values of productivity and standing crop would surely change but the relative values should stay the same. Some variation in productivity and standing crop may be a result of "patohes" or bands of phytoplankton, formed by local current systems. Aerial photographs taken over Monterey Bay during the fall season have shown bands of high chlorophyll concentrations in the surface waters. However, this is considered to be much more likely during the stratified conditions occurring in the autumn months than during the period of study. imma 1) A significant decrease in productivity and standing crop was observed between inshore stations which were 30 m. 200 m. and 600 m from the shore, respectively, with the largest and most significant change occurring from 30 meters to 200 meters offshore. 11 2) Community composition during the study changed slightly from week to weck, but no significant changes occured between inshore stations on any one day. 3) Several possible explanations are offered, including effects of physical breakdown, bacterial activity, nutrient deficiency, photoinactivation of chlorophyll, and feeding by benthic and intertidal animals. Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr. Malvern Gilmartin for providing ship time aboard the RV Proteus, and for his timely advice and guidance throughout this study. I would also like to thank Dr. Isabella A. Abbott for her patience and good humor while assisting with phytoplankton identification. Thanks also to Peter Davoll and Ken Johnson for providing hydrographic data for CalcOFI 1 and CalcOFI 3. Reference Anderson, G. C. 1964. The seasonal and geographic distribution of primary productivity off the Washington and Oregon coasts. Limnol. Oceanogr. 9: 284-302. Barrett, J., and S. W. Jeffereys. 1971. A note on the occurrence of chlorophyllase in marine algae. J. exp mar. Biol. Ecol. 7: 255-262. Blinks, L. R. 1955. Photosynthesis and productivity of littoral marine algae. Bolin, R. L., and D. P. Abbott. 1961. Studies on the marine climate and phytoplankton of the central coastal area of California, 1954-1960. Calif. Coop. Oceanic Fish. Invest., Rep. 9: 23-15. Curl, H., and L. F. Small. 1965. Variations in photosynthetic assimilation ratios'in natural marine phytoplankton comm- unities. Limnol. Oceanogr. 10 (Suppl.): R67-R73. Doty, M. S., and M. Oguri. 1958. Selected features of the isotopic carbon primary productivity technique. Rapp. Proc. Verb., Cons. Int. Explor. Mer 144: 47-55. Epel, B., and R. W. Krauss. 1966. The inhibitor effect of light on growth of Prototheca zopfii. Biochim. biophys. ACTA 120: 73-83. Lewin, J., and C. Chen. 1971. Available iron: a limiting factor for marine phytoplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 16: 670-674. Lund, J. W. G., C. Kipling, and E. D. Lecren. 1958. The inverted microscope method of estimatin algal numbers and the stat- tical basis of estimation of counting. Hydrobiologia 11: 143-170. Malone, T. C. 1971. The relative importance of nannoplankton and netplankton as primary producers in the California Current System. Fish. Bull. 69: 799-820. Ryther, J. H., and D. D. Kramer. 1961. Relative iron requirement of some coastal and offshore plankton algae. Ecology 42: LLL-16. Strickland, J. D. H., and T. R. Parsons. 1968. A practical hankbook of seawater analysis. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 167. 311 p. Van Dorn, W. G. 1956. Large volume water sampler. Trans. Am. geophys. Un. 37: 6. Yentsch, C. S., and Moreth, C. M. 1970., The role of chloro¬ yyllase and light in the decomposition of chlorophyll rom marine phytoplankton. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 4: 238-249. 0 • CalCOFI 3 GOICOFI FEIGURE FIGUR! C C CalCOFIQ HOPPER E * NEARSHORE HOPRINS MARINE STATION O meters 3000 CPM 2000 o00 .... CPM 3o00 2000 000 CPM 3000 2000 000 FIGURE cC-3 EIGURE 5 cc-3 FIGURE cc-5 20 APR — 1 CC-I HOPPER NEAR SHORE 2 MAY CC- HOPPER NEAR SHORE 16 MAY CC-I HOPPER NERR SHORE 25 APR FIGURE 4 3000 machl CPM 4 2 m3 2000 100 CC-3 CC-I HOPPER NEAR SHORE 9 MAY FIGURE CPM mo Chl 3 3 m3 3000 2000 —000 — cc-3Cc HOPPER NEAR SHORE 4--+ PRODUCTIVITY mg Ch 3-m3— STANDING CROP 2 mch 2 m3 maChl 3 m + + — I ena o Ta. poo A n 13 2 —— . n DO ... e 7 ni. . . DO po m T2- . . O — 2 E. m n tääaansantin 0 8 O r.k.. FL H t — k tat t — poooooo - t E p ad O k ...... ...: O ..... oooo 7 7— ID i m ET N O l 1 — M 8 8 + S .... .. I 1 6 C X 1 — + E â - 1 — 1 I I 1 N 0 0 ———— N . — 100 —+ mqc me 60 40 20 — . — L EIGURE 11 HOPPER E I 1 LLE E MAL + + mmii + i I ++ . SIZE CLASSES 820 microns 20 microns — NEARSHORE 2 L 1 0 E 11 El OE 10 10 o. L E L 520 8 4 089 8 — L 0 + M — 8 9 8 28 K 8 S C — 1 + u 1.— 1 1 58 oL O — E 8 8 5 . 28 8 5 L ir + 8 :. + - GE Rhizoselenia Chaetoseros Eucampia zschia Skeletonema Navicula Ditylum Thalasionema Thalasiosira Cosoinodisous Licmorpha Asterionella Stephanopyxis Biddulphia Lauderia Noctiluca other Dinoflag. +20 microns unidentified 20 April 172000 78500 2700 10200 3800 540 360 900 540 180 180 180 Table 1 5 April 86000 164000 10500 2500 8180 360 900 11300 1440 20300 2 May 265000 120000 10400 6900 2540 180 180 2000 3220 1620 1080 1080 1080 9 May 330000 192000 3820 16000 62700 180 1270 360 2550 720 1450 1810 540 7640 16 May 3000 4500 720 1080 360 180 2700 1080 ENUS Rhizoselenia Chaetoseros Eucampia itzschia Skeletonema Navicula Ditylum Thalassionema Thalasiosira osindisous Licmorpha Noctiluca other Dinoflag. Asterionella Silicaflag. Biddulphia 20 microns unidentified 20 AD 136000 152000 19300 8180 1910 180 900 540 180 180 900 1750 Table 2 April May 78200 215000 230000 119000 38200 8180 7600 11300 17800 3040 360 360 1080 2180 180 1350 1440 720 13690 11300 360 360 10200 9 M- 338000 235000 loo0 16400 28500 360 2180 720 540 12200 2730 180 4360 16 May 5850 151000 1780 11200 16000 500 1080 750 GENUS lhizoselenia Chaetoseros Eucampia Nitzschia Skeletonema Navicula sterionella Thalassionema Thalassiosira osinodisous Stephanopyxis Lauderia Bacteriastrum Noctiluca other Dinoflag. Silicaflag. 20 microns unidentified 20 April 74700 170000 17300 19100 37600 9640 1o00 180 3090 360 3450 360 5090 540 1080 Table 3 25 April 2M 182000 179000 17800 27100 16400 720 2550 1080 720 3820 540 7090 91 290000 114000 8550 6730 14700 24900 1800 1700 360 3090 360 180 8910 1800 13100 16 Ma 53100 90200 o00 12200 63600 180 360 360 5400 540 3270 360 12000 Nearshore Hopper Calco I Om 5m 15m 30m CalcOFI Om 5m 15m 3Om 20 April .66 47 .16 .43 .55 1. .26 .57 1.60 Table 1 5 April .90 .16 .12 .11 1.08 .01 .17 .13 50 Ul .08 .1 .02 1.30 .15 .08 .20 1.43 9 May .08 .09 .09 .17 .25 .61 .18 .49 53 1.25 16 May 2.29 .20 .41 .10 .4 .36 .56 .51 .55 .51 gure Legend Figure 1. The locations of CalcOFI 3 and CalcOFI 1 with respect to Monterey Bay. Figure 2. The positions of the inshore stations with respect to Hopkins Marine Station. Figure 3-7. Comparisons of productivity and standing crop at the four stations. Figure 8. Comparison of direct cell counts between the three inshore stations. Figure 9. Comparison of productivity between all stations during the study. Figure 10. Standing crop at the inshore stations during the five weeks of the study. Figure 11. Comparison of biomass between the nearshore stations with size class breakdown. Figure 12-16. Vertical distribution of chlorophylla at CalcOFI 1 during the five weeks of the study. Figure 17. Vertical density layers at CalcOFI 1. 0 e e able Legends Table 1. Community composition at Nearshore. Table 2. Community composition at Hopper. Table 3. Community composition at CalcOFI 1, surface only. Table 4. Ration of phaeopigment to chlorophyll, at all stations.