0 Diurnal and Tidal Rhythin the Oxygen Consumption of the Gastropod, Tegula funebralis Janna M. Snyder Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California e O Janna M. Snyder The purpose of this research was to determine if Tegula funebralis (A. Adams, 1854) has a diurnal and /or tidal cycle of oxygen consumption. The animals used were collected at China Point, Monterey Penigsula, California. The respiratory chamber was a 125ml vacuum flask which was fitted with a small stopper in a large stopper so that samples of water in which the animals had been respiring could be withdrawn from the flasks with a small tube fitted onto a syringe. This exposed a minimum surface of the water to the atmosphere during the sampling. An animal was placed in a flask along with a small Terl was Kled witt aeratel sa magnetic stirring rod, sea water from an aerated cylinder was run into a rubber tube attached to the side arm of the let r te tr flask, the flask was then sealedy and the animal was left in the flask for a two hour period. 182 Janna M. Snyder Near the end of the two hour period, the contents of by rden o ede the flask was stirred on a magnetic stirrer.This was to avoid stratification of oxygen.eoneentratien wich might cause errors in sampling. At the end of the two hour period two samples were withdrawn from the flask and placed in 35ml Wker bottles. The Winkler method as described in C. Rogers (1929 was employed to test oxygen content. After the samples had been taken a new aerated sea water supply was provided for the animal for the next two hours. The first experiment employed five snails (one to a flask) which were taken directly from the field and tested for 25 hours. These animals were exposed to laboratory light during the entire test period. Their oxygen consumption was plotted against time and tide (Figure 1). From the pattern obtained in this test, three more experiments were made to These check the trends observed in the 25 hour experiment. 182 Janna M. Snyder three experiments were run for shorter times occuring at different tidal and diurnal periods. (Although values of Grroxygen consumption per gram dry weight per hour tresptratton were calculated, the trend can be shown as well in oxygen consumption per two hours per snail. The histograms presented gech show the fluctuations of anindividual snail. Cod 6g. When there were fluctuations between duplicates Fan menn Fagl from the same flask, the highest value was used since the (ertintnatien byai) probability of an error showing greater consumption is much less than that causing a low value eotawination by air). Shoy E-amining the histograms,esses that the oxygen consumption of Tegula funebralis,although irregular, seems to follow a tidal and diurnal cycle. Ie-one eempares the-trends-at certafi-times and tidal peinteythe fellowing can be-seent Although the values werghet always the highest or lowest in the individual being examined, the trend is still apparent. Figures 1,2a,3g show in 11 out of 11 times either at high high tide or the periods immediately before or Janna M. Snyder immediately afterward, a trend toward lowered oxygen consumption. At sunset or immediately before or after it, a lowered oxygen consumption is evident in 11 out of 11 cases (Figures 1, 2a,3a). During low low tide or the period immediately before or immediately afterward, oxygen consumption increased in 11 out of 11 cases (Figures 1,2a,4a). Oxygen consumption was increased at sunsise over the values during the night in 7 out of 8 cases (Figures 1,la). Once again, it was either at sunrise or the period immediately before or immediately afterward. The respiration of small snails was generally greater totek than tre larger snails although a linear relationship does not appear to exist. Although the animals were collected at different heights above sea level, and their condition of submersion at the time of collection varied; the cyclic pattern appeared to be basically the same. Some snails were treated differently inside the laboratory: Three snails were sun in the dark (May 15) along with the three snails which were tested in Janna M. Snyder laboratory light. The snails tested in darkness kept in phase with each other except in one instance (Figure 25). They displayed a reduction of respiration at sunset and high high tide as did the snails in Figure 2a and were in agreement with the normally tested snails at low low tide (skowin- Thigher oxygen consumption). Two snails, A and E, which had been tested on May 9 were kept in the laboratory for twelve days. They were exposed to light during laboratory hours, submerged, but not fed. differed from Snail E disagreed-ieh its previous run in two places (Figure 35). Its oxygen consumption was reduced at sunset. It agreed perfectly with the rhythm of the snails on May 21 which were tested at the same time under the normal experimental conditions. Snail A showed different trends in four places out of six when compared with its behavior on "ay 9. It disagreed in two places with the group depicted in Figure 3a. The tides on May 9 and May 21 were similiar in times of gdeg earli occurrence and sunrise was ten minutes later on May 21. If Janna M. Snyder the diurnal/tidal rhythm was not upset by this treatment, the similiar times and tides should have given nearly perfect agreement as in the case of Snail E. Since Snail E seemed to follow the pattern and Snail A did not,itean netbe not afparentt oeneluded-that rhythm is destroyed by starvation or non- exposure to tides. Two of the snails tested in the dark on May 15 were kept submerged in the laboratory away from light and food for ten days. When they were measured along with normally run experimental animals on May 25, one was tested in darkness and the other in laboratory light. They had the oeriod same trends except for one ihstanee (Figure la). When the hours coincided (Figure 25), they agreed with their previous trends three out of three times. Apparently rhythm is not upset by darkness, absence of wave action, or starvation over a ten day period. CONCLUSIONS: The diurnal cycle of Tegula funebralis is superimposed over the tidal cycle. The fact that the snails consume more oxygen at low low tide and less at high high tide Janna M. Snyder suggests that an oxygen debt built up during high high tide could be paid during low low tide when the snail has an abundant supply of oxygen, areundhim. An eemet which might suggest this is that in the field the snails come up out of the water at night and on foggy days. It can be postulated that if the snail is moist the respiratory exchange would be even better in air than in water. consulted Nr. Walter Holz 83) about investigating oxygen debt during the two tidal priods. Tests were made on three snails taken from submerged pools at high high tide and three snails sitting on rocks in the air at low low tide. The lactic acid content was approximately twice as great in 1. k.l the snals fron the nign higd tide s it was for tae mnalis from the low low tide. Mr. Holz also noticed that a snail which had been submerged in water of reduced oxygen content would not come out of its shell and start respiring immediately when it was thrown in fresh sea water. It would,however, come out of its shell immediately when exposed to air. anna M. Snyder SUMMARY: The animals tested were allowed to respire in sealed flasks and water samples were withdrawn every two hours and examined for oxygen content by the Winkler method. Investigation of Snails from China Point (Nonterey Penisula, California) suggeste-that the snails have a lowered oxygen consumption at sunset and high high tide, and an increased oxygen consumption at sunrise and low low tide. The snails may build up an oxygen debt during high high tide which is repaid during exposure to air at low low tide. Lactic acid content of snails at high high tide was about twice as great as that of snails at low low tide. Snyder Figure Legends Fig. 1. (May 9) 25 hour cycle. Absciasa: hours from sunrise; ordinates: ml. of oxygen consu ed. Tide is in hours after sunrise;ordinates in feet. SR, sunrise; arrow, sunset. Fig. 2. (May 15) . a. short cudle (F,G.H.). EXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXNXX YXXXXXXXXXXXXMBMKXgXAXJKXXXBBXXXXXXXXXXKXXXBXXXXXXXXX). b. Dark tested snails (1,2,3). Fig. 3. (May 21). a, short cycle test (I,J,K); b, snails A and E from May 9, styaved, submerggd,inlaboratory light for 12 days. Fig. 4, (May 25). a, short cycle test (L,M,N); b, snails 1 and 2 from May 15, submerggd and starved in dark for 10 days. 1, runin light; 2, run in dark. C Snyder Literature Cited Rogers, C. Gardner 1929. Laboratory Outlines in Comparative Physiology. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.;pp 1-130. New York, New York. 0.2 0.2 0.25 Lre Torn M. Spogde HoURS FPOM SUNRIS 50 90 80.2 0.2 FRO TIDE Jene M. Sngdt 0.2 80. 50 0. Janpk 4. Sgeled 0.2 SR 0.2 90.25 I Hr in Rnehege ar Tanst R. Sagdet 0.2. 92 80.2 HOURS FROM SUNRISE!