INTRODUCTION The giant chiton, Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff, 1846) is known from northern Japan to southern California for its thick brick- red girdle covered by tufts of crimson calcareous bristles (Smith, 1975). Close examination of this mollusk often reveals that Cryptochiton's dorsal surface also maintains a minature forest of red algae. Pleonosporium squarrosum Kylin (Ceramiaceae), the 2-3 cm tall red alga is a leading member of the chiton's epizoic community. The distribution of P. squarrosum is limited to pilings of docks at Friday Harbor, Washington (Kylin, 1925) and the backs of a few subtidal invertebrates in Monterey, California (Abbott and Hollenberg, 1976). P. squarrosum appears very selective in its habitat, yet common on the Cryptochiton despite an earlier report by MacGintie and MacGintie (1968) which indicated that Cryptochiton backs did not carry a distinctive flora or fauna. The purpose of this study was to investigate the obvious chiton-alga association-its incidence, distribution. causality and natural history. MATERIALS AND METHODS Work on this interrelationship was carried out between April and June 1980. The Cryptochiton stelleri populations at several locations were sampled: in the kelp bed off Mussel Point, Monterey Bay at a depth of 25-30 ft; in the Point Alones kelp bed east of Mussel Point at a 25 ft depth: from the tidepools at Pescadero Point at a -0.9 tide level; and from the intertidal zone on a -1.h tide at Stillwater Cove, Carmel Bay. These sites were chosen because they represent varying conditions of exposure to waves and of water depth. Cryptochiton stelleri population density was estimated by swimming or walking quadrats 5 me and the number of Cryptochitons with Pleonosporium squarrosum was noted. Random specimens were collected, tagged, weighed and measured. Percent cover by P. squarrosum was analyzed by generating 50 random polar coordinate points marked on a transparent sheet of plastic that was pinned to the center of each chitonts back. The presence or absence of P. squarrosum was recorded under these 50 points. Other epizoic life was also noted. While in the field collecting chitons, a search was conducted for P. squarrosum not on Cryptochiton. In the laboratory, samples of Pleonosporium squarrosum were picked off the backs of Cryptochitons. Counts were made of female, male, poly- sporangia-bearing and sterile plants. Some vegetative axes were cut for culture and experimentation. Others were chosen to drop spores for spore germination tests. All the cultures were grown in disposable plastic petri dishes with filtered (.22/m) sea water, a nutrient sea water mixture and germanium dioxide to retard diatom growth. Substrate, temperature and light varied with the experiment. SULT Weight, Size and Distribution The 39 collected chitons ranged in length from 15-28 cm with wet weights between 260 g and 1330 g. These individuals were similar in size and age to others previously studied (MacGintie and MacGintie, 1968). Most obvious was that some Cryptochiton stelleri were algae-covered and some were bare-backed (fig. 1). Pleonosporium squarrosum was absent on the backs of the Cryptochiton st Pescadero Point and at Stillwater Cove. However, the populations of Cryptochiton from Mussel Point and Point Alones kelp beds had P. squarrosum in varying amounts. Percent Cover of Pleonosporium squarrosum The two populations from Mussel Point and Point Alones kelp beds not only showed a difference in percent of Pleonosporium-covered Cryptochitons, but also a difference in percent cover by P. squarrosum on the individual chitons (fig. 2). The eleven sampled Mussel Point Cryptochitons had percent cover ranging from 26% to 0% with a mean of 138; whereas, the 13 Point Alones chitons had Pleonosporium cover ranging from 918 to 0% with a mean of 60%. Of the chitons that did show Pleonosporium squarrosum algal cover, the presence of the alga seemed most common within a circle of radius 6.5 cm centered at the center point of the chiton back. Sixteen of the 18 collected Cryptochiton with P. squarrosum demonstrated this centralized concentration of algae. The alga also was prevalent on the dorsal humps made by the underlying plates. Other Epizoic Life During the search for Pleonosporium squarrosum on Cryptochiton stelleri, much other epizoic algae was discovered. Included was: Lyngbya sp., Bryopsis sp., Cladophorasp., Enteromorpha linza (Linnaeus) J. Agardh, Ulothrix sp., Giffordia sandriana (Zanardini) Hamel, Sphacelaria sp., Goniotrichum sp., Heterosiphonia japonica Yendo, Platythamnion sp., Polyneura latissima (Harvey) Kylin, Polysiphonia pacifica Hollenberg, Pterosiphonia dendroidea (Montagne) Falkenberg, Rhodoptilum plumosum (Harvey & Bailey) Kylin, and colonial diatoms. Epizoic organisms included gastropods (Tegula brunnea and Ocenebra spp.), nematodes, tiny hermit crabs and occasionally, amphipods and copepods. Host Specificity To determine Pleonosporium squarrosum specificity for Cryptochiton stelleri, other substrate possibilities were carefully scrutinized (fig. 3). Examined were wharf pilings at Monterey Harbor and Stillwater Cove. carapaces of the decorator crab Loxorhynchus crispatus (Stimpson, 1857), colonies of hydroids, tubes of the worm Diopatra ornata (Moore, 1911) found in the subtidal Cryptochiton habitat, clam and abalone shells, subtidal rock faces, subtidal algae, and even the sandy sea bottom on which Crypto- chiton crawl. Although Abbott and Hollenberg (1976) report P. squarrosum on decorator crabs and hydroids, no new specimens were observed on these substrates. Neither was P. squarrosum found on the other non-chiton substances. There were certainly a variety of other small algae, but no P. squarrosum. Pleonosporium squarrosum Population Structure To estimate population structure of Pleonosporium squarrosum, a random sample of 167 plants were picked. Counts indicated 68% sterile plants, 11% polysporangia-bearing plants (fig. 1), 11% male plants with spermatangia (fig. 5), and 8% female plants with procarps (fig. 6). Since the distribution of Pleonosporium squarrosum was found to vary among the Cryptochiton populations (none on intertidal chitons and different amounts on subtidal chitons), laboratory experiments were set up to test hypotheses about the reasons for P. squarrosum specificity and selectivity. Is it the substrate itself, the temperature, the light level. the air exposure or another epizoic creature that determines P. squarrosum incidence and growth? Experimental Spores from polysporangia were presented with various substrates in the first experiment on germination preferences. Spores successfully germinated on plastic, clamshell, worm tube, felt, glass and brick (fig. 7), but no germinated spores were observed on sandpaper, living Loxorhynchus carapaces, hydroid or red algae. Unfortunately, multiple attempts to germinate spores on living Cryptochiton backs were unsuccessful. The greatest amount of germination occurred when the polysporangial frond was placed on the substrate and allowed to drop spores directly on the desired substrate, rather than dropping the spores in a separate petri dish to be pipetted up and then distributed. A second experiment was conducted to check growth of Pleonosporium squarrosum on non-chiton substrates. P. squarrosum, when cut, develops rhizoids at the severed end (fig. 8). Transplants of these tiny cuttings were attempted on a variety of possible substrates, including glass, plastic, worm tube, hydroid fronds, red algae, brick and felt. The rhizoids were observed entangled on the hydroid and worm tube, but the thalli turned pink and died. Fronds were observed to only briefly stick to plastic and glass, and no attachment was successful with red algae, brick or felt. Plants transplanted onto bare-backed Cryptochitons did not die, but never became firmly attached. Temperature levels fluctuate from warm in tidepools to cold in subtidal areas. Does temperature influence Pleonosporium squarrosum distribution? Fronds were cut, put in sterile vials and held in temperature baths to determine the effects of elevated temperature on P. squarrosum. The alga had been maintained in the laboratory at 18.5°0, so 20°C was chosen as a starting point with additional temperatures of 21°, 21°, and 25 C. Samples were placed in the baths at set times so that a continuum from 1-6 h was achieved (fig. 9). The fronds turned bright pink (leakage of photosynthetic pigments) or showed plasmolysis. There was no significant change observed in the plants held at 20° and 21°0, nor in the control held at 120. However after 2 h at 21°C 10% plant damage was noted, and similarly at 25°0 plant damage rose after 2 h until 90% death was reported after 6 h of exposure. Light levels vary between tidepools, shallow subtidal and deep subtidal areas. Is Pleonosporium squarrosum distribution and growth affected by light? Growing tips were cut and placed in sterile vials in the dark (O lux), under illumination equal to that at a depth of 25 ft (86 lux), and under high illumination (1668 lux). The total length of the fronds (thallus plus rhizoids) was measured and the total gain in length was plotted against time (fig. 10). Most impressive was the difference between increase in length of plants in low subtidal-like illumination and those at a high intensity light level. The low illuminated fronds grew over three times as much as the highly illuminated fronds. Much of the growth of the plants in the dark was rhizoidal. Intertidal Cryptochiton stelleri are often exposed to the air during the tidal cycle. Is Pleonosporium squarrosum tolerant of exposure to air? Fresh tips were cut and kept in 12°0 sea water. At set times the tips were exposed to air by placing the fronds on dry plastic or damp filter paper. A range of air exposure time was obtained-from 5 to 360 min (fig. 11). The control which remained underwater showed no change. On the plastic, partial plant damage was evident after only 15 min and the amount of damage climbed rapidly to 100%. The fronds on the damp filter paper showed damage after 30 min and seemed more resistant to death by drying. A final test investigated the influence of herbivory on Pleonosporium squarrosum. Herbivorous snails are commonly seen on intertidal and shallow subtidal (10 ft) Cryptochiton stelleri. Could the grazing behavior of these gastropods account for the paucity of P. squarrosum at these tidal levels? Two chitons with known P. squarrosum percent cover were placed in an aquarium with 12 Tegula brunnea (Philipp, 1848). The snails crawled all over the chitons and seemed to be eating. After 19 days the chitons seemed barer and the remaining P. squarrosum wasstraggly. Fecal matter of the Tegula brunnea was also collected and observed to be brown and riddled with red chiton bristles. In another test, fronds of the alga were put in containers, each containing one T. brunnea. This experiment was repeated three times and each time one quarter of the fronds would disappear or look nibbled. All the T. brunnea were fed Macrocystis pyrifera (Linnaeus) C. Agardh for 3 days previous to testing so that the results of this herbivory testing would not be artifacts of snail starvation and thus indiscriminate eating. Since Pleonosporium squarrosum did not seem to grow efficiently as a transplant and the spores are non-motile, germinating best directly under the polysporangial fronds, how is P. squarrosum spread throughout a Cryptochiton population? Chitons are sometimes found in twos or threes. but do they move enough to act as a dispersal agent for P. squarrosum? On May 20, two tagged chitons were released at a 10 ft depth in the Mussel Point kelp bed and two at a 25 ft depth. Two days later these released chitons were relocated and the distance from their starting point was measured. At 10 ft, one chiton had moved 2.l m and the other, O.3 m. At 25 ft, one had moved 0.6 m and its companion, 1.0 m. Cryptochiton movement is great enough to be measurable, although in a previous study off the Oregon coast, the Cryptochitons moved only 20 m from the point of release in two years (Palmer and Frank, 1974). DISCUSSION The distribution of Pleonosporium squarrosum is still an enigma, but plausible explanations can be derived. P. squarrosum's intertidal appearance at Friday Harbor and strictly subtidal existence in Monterey Bay may be due to temperature zonation. Much marine life from high latitudes is found deeper as the equator is approached (Cullinery, 1976). In experiments, P. squarrosum survived at such temperatures as 20°C and 21°0, but only long term experimentation would determine whether the alga actually thrives and completes its life cycle at elevated temperatures. P. squarrosum has never been reported in areas of warm water (Abbott and Hollenberg, 1976), nor is its distribution as wide as that of its host. A careful search for a northern Cryptochiton-Pleonosporium association should be undertaken since Cryptochiton are abundant intertidally along the Oregon coast (Palmer and Frank, 1974), at Friday Harbor and northward, and may again support a P. squarrosum population. On the Monterey Peninsula, why aren't all Cryptochiton stelleri carriers of Pleonosporium squarrosum? Tidepool water may get too warm. In addition, light intensity differs by magnitudes between 25 ft under a kelp canopy and in the direct sunlight at low tide. Experimental results did show a difference in growth rate of vegetative axes at different light levels. In stress conditions of high light intensity the phycobilins, the major photosynthetic pigments in red algae, are bleached out and photosyn¬ thetic rate and plant growth would diminsh(fStrain, 1951). Air exposure and desiccation is probably a major factor limiting the Cryptochiton- Pleonosporium association. The delicate alga showed no tolerance for drying out in the laboratory and a chiton back, although damp, would be unsatisfactory at low tide. Another possible reason for bare-backed chitons intertidally and shallow subtidally (10 ft) is the existence of herbivorous gastropods, specifically Tegula brunnea, that crawl over chiton backs. In the laboratory they appear to be potential devastators of epizoic P. squarrosum. The fecal matter filled with bristles alone indicates that they do rasp Cryptochiton backs. Field studies would be necessary to truly test the herbivory effects on C. stelleri with P. squarrosum. Since Pleonosporium squarrosum seems so selective for subtidal living in Monterey, and since it does germinate on non-chiton substrates in the laboratory, why is P. squarrosum no found subtidally without its Cryptochiton? Perhaps the spores have little or no chance to drift around and onto other substrates before germination (2-1 days after release). Possibly P. squarrosum not on chitons is more easily grazed off. Maybe the tiny alga loses in the competition for space, as on rock faces. On Cryptochiton backs another species of algae for instance, Rhodoptilum plumosum (Harvey) Kylin, may dominate and crowd out the P. squarrosum. Decorator crabs, Diopatra worms and hydroids may be selective in what they allow to grow on their backs, tubes or fronds, and perhaps P. squarrosum rarely is given a start. More experiments should be done to follow the laboratory spores that germinated—how long do they live? do they flourish? or do they stagnate like the transplanted growing tips? An important question remains—why the great discrepancy in amount of Pleonosporium squarrosum on Cryptochitons inttwo kelp beds separated by only a sand channel? Mussel Point and Point Alones kelp beds are different. The Point Alones kelp bed has less exposure to swells, has calmer water, is generally deeper, has a more sandy bottom, has higher salinity and a lower Cryptochiton density. Later in the season will Point Alones chitons migrate to Mussel Point kelp bed and spread more P. squarrosum? Observations demonstrated that chitons do travel and further underwater tracking would be interesting. The association between Cryptochiton stelleri and Pleonosporium squarrosum is clearly evident. P. squarrosum prefers C. stelleri as a source of space and refuge. However, new questions and research possibilities increase with each Cryptochiton back found covered with Pleonosporium squarrosum. SUMMARY 1. Pleonosporium squarrosum varies in distribution and density with geographical location of Cryptochiton stelleri population: P. squarrosum is absent on intertidal Cryptochitons from Pescadero Point and Sti water Cove and on shallow subtidal (10 ft) Cryptochitons; P. squarrosum occurs on 928 of the Point Alones Cryptochitons with a mean of 60% cover on individual chitons; P. squarrosum is present on the whole on 51% of Mussel Point Cryptochitons with a mean individual percent cover of 13 On Cryptochiton dorsal surfaces, P. sauarrosum tends to be centrally located. 3. P. squarrosum spores germinate on many non-chiton substrates, but transplanting cut portions is not successful. 1. P. squarrosum dies at elevated temperatures of 21°C and above. P. squarrosum seems best adapted for growth at underwater light levels P. squarrosum can not tolerate exposure to air and its drying effects. Tegula brunnea are found crawling on Cryptochiton backs, will eat P. squarrosum, and may be a limiting factor in the alga's distribution. 6. Cryptochiton stelleri is a probable dispersal agent for Pleonosporium squarrosum. Kerla Metermid 12 ACKNOVLEDGEMENTS Many thanks to all my friends: Dr. Isabella Abbott—enthusiastic mentor, Jim Watanabe—dive buddy nonpareil, Roger Phillips-patient cameraman, Bill Magruder—spore settling expert, Chris Thornton—seawater filterer, and a special thank you to my herd of willing chitons. LITERATURE CITED Abbott, Isabella A. and George J. Hollenber. 1976. Marine Algae of California. i-xii+ 827 pp.; illus. Stanford, Calif. (Stanford Univ. Press) Cullinery, John L. 1976. The Forests of the Sea. i-x+290 pp. San Francisco, Calif. (Sierra Club Books/ ylin, Harald 1925. The Marine Red Algae in the Vicinity of the Biological Washington. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift Station at Friday Harbor. N.F. Avd. 2 21:1-87; plt. MacGintie, George Eber and Nettie MacGintie 1968. Notes on Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff, 1816). The Veliger 11(1): 59-61; 1 plt. (1 July 1968) Palmer, John Beach and Peter Wolfgang Frank 1974. Estimates of Growth of Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff, 1846) in Oregon. The Veliger 16(3): 301-301 Smith, A.G. 1975. Smaller Molluscan groups... In: R.I. Smith and J. Carlson (eds.), Light's Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast. i-xvii +710 pp.; plts. 1-156. Berkeley, Calif. (Univ. of California Press) Strain, Harold H. 1951. The Pigments of Algae. In: G.M. Smith (ed.), Manual of Phycology vol. xxvii: 213-260. Waltham, Mass. (Chronica Botanica Co.) EXPLANATIONS of FIGURES 1. Table of Cryptochiton density and percent of chitons with Pleonosporium squarrosum. 2. Graph of percent cover by P. squarrosum on Cryptochitons from Mussel Point and Point Alones. 3. Table of substrates examined for P. squarrosum growth. 4. P. squarrosum with polysporangia, 10X. 5. Male P. squarrosum with spermatangia, 10X. 6. Female P. squarrosum with procarp structure, 20X. 7. Germinated P, squarrosum spore, LOX. 8. P. squarrosum frond showing rhizoids, IX. 9. Graph of P. squarrosum response to elevated temperature. 10. Graph of P. squarrosum growth in different light levels. 11. Graph of P. squarrosum response to air exposure. 0 g. LOCATION Mussel Point Kelp Bed 10 feet deep 25 feet deep 35 feet deep Point Alones Kelp Bed 25 feet deep Pescadero Point Stillwater Cove AVERAGE DENSIT! (chitons/m2) .10 10 .15 .06 .29 .21 PERCENT of CHITONS with P. squarrosum 87.5 mean - 54.25 100 901 80 70 60 0 a 50 2 40 30 20 — 10 L. ig. 2 individual chitons from MUSSEL POINT . . .. L . -... - 1 P individual chitons from POINT ALONES fig. 3 LOCATION AMT. of P. SAMPLE ALGAE FOUND squarrosum SLE Wharf pilings, Monterey Harbor 50 Platythamnion sp., Pterosiphonia dendroidea Wharf pilings, Stillwater Cove Ulva sp., Porphyra sp., Enteromorpha sp. Loxorhynchus crispatus Polysiphonia sp., ryopsis sp. hydroid colonies Pleonosporium vancouverianum Diopatra ornata tubes faniella sp. 10 clam and abalone shells faniella sp. subtidal Pagurus shells subtidal rock faces variety subtidal algae sandy sea bottom 3 quadrats Pterosiphonia sp. 5 fig. S Soam fig. 5 304m AA fig 6 4 fig. V 50m fig. 8 fi — L ppod peep juejd jo juebied 0 J-0 1 0 --- fig. 10 41 5 9 08 20 LOW (86 lux) DARK (O lux HIGH (1668 lux — T 1 2 34 56 7 89 duration of exposure to light (days) fg 11 1 OONODSO peap juejd jo juasled 8 0 10 c —