Johnson 1 ABSTRACT The distribution of twelve supralittoral lichen species was investigated on the southern shores of Monterey Bay, California and related to their exposure to sea-water spray, aspect to the sun, and tidal height. Percentage cover was determined using a pin-hit technique. Tidal height and exposure to sea-water influence the distribution of several species, while aspect only affects one species. Aspect limits the distribution of Acarospora schleicheri (Ach.) Moss. to south-facing slopes, and influences the total percentage cover of other lichens. Some species in¬ vestigated reflect different degrees of tolerance to salt water. Caloplaca bolanderi (Tuck.) Magn., Lecanora pinquis Tuck., Lecanora phragmites Tuck., and a pyrenocarpus lichen appear most tolerant to salt water exposure. The physical effects of waves may prohi¬ bit lichens from settling below 1.5 meters above the red alga Endocladia muricata (Post. & Rupr.) J. Ag., mean height approxi- mately 1.2 meters above zero tide level. No upper limit was observed. INTRODUCTION Though marine lichens have been studied for many years and their distribution described and quantified on numerous European shores, sparse data exist on the lichens of Monterey Bay, central California, or those inhabiting the Western coast of North America. Two early papers contain descriptions of local lichens, but lack quantitative data on their distribution. Peirce (1899) investi¬ gated the nature of the association of alga and fungus in Ramalina reticulata, Usnea, and Sphaerophorus globiferus collected in Pacific Grove, but did not mention their distribution. Wheeler Johnson 2 (1938) compiled a species list of saxicolous and lignicolous lichens collected on Point Lobos Reserve, California, 5 km south¬ west of the most southern of the study sites in this paper. The purpose of this paper is to describe in detail the species distribution of some lichens in the supralittoral zone of the rocky shores of southern Monterey Bay. In the supralittoral zone, defined by Weddel (1875) and more recently by Fletcher (1973), lichen thalli are seldom, if ever, immersed by waves, but appear to favor at least occasional sea-water spray. Only saxicolous lichens were surveyed, although Arthopyrenia sublitoralis (Leight.) Arnold is known (Kohlmeyer, 1969) to grow on the shells of limpets and barnacles in this region. Distribution of twelve species of lichens was related to variations in physical and environmental parameters. Exposure to wave action was one parameter investigated. The term exposure describes the magnitude of waves, splash, and spray generated by the interaction of wind and numerous environmental factors on a shore. Exposure values can be conveniently determined from observations of the dominant marine algae, and are therefore biologically rather then physically based for the purpose of this paper. Marine animals are not used as exposure indicators because of the uncertain effects of sea otter (Enhydra lutris) predation upon local invertebrate populations. At certain depths, deprada¬ tions of populations are clear, but in the mid and high intertidal zones populations may bein crevices and other refuges safe from otter predation. The distribution of supralittoral lichens is further related Johnson 3 to variations in aspect to the sun and tidal height. METHODS A number of north- and south-facing rocks, with up to 10 meters difference in vertical height, situated in varying ex¬ posures located between Pt. Pinos and Monterey Wharf #2 on the Monterey Peninsula, California (Lat. 36° 38.2', Long. 121° 53.5') were investigated during May 1982. Generally, high rocks were pinnacle-like or eroded and fissured boulders; low rocks were more rounded but differed from high rocks mostly because they faced the sea or were grounded in sandy beaches. Exposure ratings were based on Ballantine's exposure scale (Ballantine, 1961), modified using the following dominant and equivalent species of algae (I. Abbott, personal communication, 1982): 1. Extremely exposed shores. Alaria abundant. 2. Very exposed shores. Laminaria at minus 2.0 ft. tide level. No Alaria. Hesperophycus, Fucus common. 3. Exposed shores. Laminaria at minus 2.0 ft. tide level. Hesperophycus, Fucus, Pelvetia common in bands or zones. Egregia. 4. Semi-exposed shores. Laminaria dropping out, seen in occasional patches. Hesperophycus dropping out. Pelvetia less common than in 3. Fucus only found occasionally. 5. Fairly sheltered shores. No Laminaria, Hesperophycus. Pelvetia occasional. Fucus rare (in patches). 6. Sheltered shores. Only Pelvetia. 7. Extremely sheltered shores. No permanent brown algae. This exposure scale is not a simple mathematical scale. The inter¬ Johnson 4 cepts are at convenient, but not necessarily equivalent, intervals. Therefore, a site given an exposure rating of 2 is not twice as exposed as a site rated 4. The locations of the seven study sites on these shores are given in Fig. 1. Substrates in sites 1 - 5 are composed of granite, while those in sites 6 and 7 consist of congrete, Once the study sites were selected a technique was developed for sampling percentage cover of lichen species. Previous research¬ ers (Ferry and Sheard, 1969; Fletcher, 1973) agree that percentage cover is the best method for sampling and assessing saxicolous crustose and foliose lichens which dominate rocky shores. However, no previously developed sampling method proved wholly appropriate to my study sites, as explained below. Fletcher (i973) surveyed marine lichens by placing transect tapes along the shore contour, relating transect positions to tide levels. He sampled lichen with a 10 X 10 cm transparent square ruled into 100 1 X 1 cm squares. Each 1-cm square over 1/2 occupied by a lichen thallus was counted as 1% cover of that species. A 50 cme frame was laid at 1/2-m intervals along the transect tape, and five grids were counted, one in each corner of the frame, and one in the middle. This sampling method applied to my study sites proved in- effective because many lichen species shared each 1 X I cm square. The thalli of lichens are very small, grow in patches, and often form mosaic-like patterns containing numerous species. Therefore, a pin-hit technique proved to be the most accurate method of assess¬ ing percentage cover of individual species. Johnson 5 The transect method was deemed inappropriate because it resulted in frames filled or partially filled with flowering plants and barren rocks, or subjectively selected. Further¬ more, transect lengths varied considerably amongst study sites, so a standard sample size could not be obtained. Similar draw¬ backs were inherent in the sampling methods employed by Ferry and Sheard (1969). For each of the seven exposure areas, four subareas were identified: north-facing high, south-facing high, north-facing low, and south-facing low slopes. Low study sites began at the lowest thalli of Lecanora pinguis, generally if on north-facing rocks on the seaward side. Low sites extended 1.5 vertical meters. The lower limit of the high sites was the elevation at which angio¬ sperms, notably Mesembryanthemum, became dominant. In each sub¬ area, six 50 cme or larger rocks were selected for sampling according to the following criteria: 1. Aspect - a compass reading within 20° of due north or due south. North-facing rocks faced the sea in all sites. 2. Slope - 45° - 90° 3. Proximity to sea - the six quadrats fulfilling the above criteria and closest to the ocean were selected for percentage cover analysis. A 50 cm clear plastic flexible sheet (quadrat) with five 10 X 10 cm grids drawn with various orientations at the four corners of the plastic and in the middle was placed on a rock. To insure random orientation of the quadrat, a sheet of black plastic was laid on top of the clear plastic and both were posi¬ tioned on the rock. For coverage counting, the black plastic Johnson 6 was removed. Each grid contained 100 dots spaced 1 cm apart on all sides. To assess percentage cover, the lichen species found under each dot was identified and recorded as 1% cover. For each subarea, 3000 points were pooled and analysed to obtain mean percentage cover values for each species present. In all, 1200 points were counted in each exposure site, except in sites 6 and 7 where only north-facing low rocks were counted. RESULTS Analysis of data from the seven sites examined indicates that six species occur in fairly constant positions in the supra¬ littoral zone. The chi-square test of independence was performed to assess the significance of differences in species richness between north¬ facing high rocks, north-facing low rocks, south-facing high rocks, and south-facing low rocks. The results indicated that aspect is not a significant factor influencing species richness. However, when the richness on high rocks was compared with that of low sites, it was apparent that tidal height influences species richness, on seaward facing slopes. High rocks contain twice as many different species than do low rocks. Exposure also affects species richness. Using Ballantine's exposure scale, it appears that richness decreases in extremely exposed and very sheltered environments, with the greatest rich¬ ness exhibited in fairly sheltered sites, for both high and low rocks (Fig. 2). The chi-square test of independence for abundance shows that north-facing rocks exhibit a significantly higher total percentage Johnson 7 cover by lichens than south-facing rocks (Fig. 3). North-facing, high rocks show the highest total mean percentage cover of any subarea within a site. Certain species are restricted to rocks of a particular aspect, while others are not. Acarospora schleicheri (Ach.) Moss. only occurs on south-facing, high slopes. It is present in all but extremely exposed environments, and is most abundant on exposed shores (Fig. 4). Conversely, Physcia phaea (Tuck.) Thoms. and Buellia sp. were found only on north-facing high rocks, in very low abundance on fairly sheltered shores. The distribution of the other species investigated appears unrestricted with respect to aspect. The full influence of tidal height upon lichen distribution in areas of varying exposure could not be objectively compared because the vertical range of available substrate for lichen colonization differed from site to site. In sites 6 and 7, no high rocks existed, while in site 4 boulders heavily encrusted with lichen occur 10 meters above the sea. Where high substrate was available (sites 1 - 5 ), lichens were abundant. Some species exhibited a preference for substrate within a certain vertical range. Aspicilia sp. was most prevalent on high rocks in exposure areas 2 - 5 (Fig. 5). Only on very exposed shores was it counted on low rocks. Pyrenocarpus lichen (Fig. 5) prefers low, north-facing, semi-exposed environments. It was found even in extremely exposed sites, but reached a peak in abundance in semi-exposed site 4. Based on the distribution of these species, this pyrenocarpus lichen appears to be more tolerant Johnson 8 of sea-water spray than does Aspicilia sp. Although the height of the highest rock containing lichen varied amongst sites, the height of the lowest lichen thalli re¬ mained fairly constant with respect to the red alga, Endocladia muricata (Post. & Rupr.) J. Ag., in all exposure sites. Height was measured above the top of the Endocladia zone, which occurs between 1.0 - 2.0 m above zero tide level, using a meter stick and surveyor's tape. The lowest thalli of L. pinguis or Caloplaca bolanderi occurred in all exposures between 1.5 and 3.0 meters above the Endocladia. Perhaps below that height, these species cannot survive wave action or competition for substrate with algae. The distribution of several lichen species may be correlated with areas of particular exposure to wave action. Lecanora pinguis, while one of the most common lichens, is rare on more sheltered shores (exposures 6 and 7) but becomes more abundant on more exposed high rocks (exposures 1 and 2, as shown in Fig. 6). Its greatest abundance on north-facing slopes occurs in exposure site 3, while on south-facing rocks, L. pinguis is most abundant in very exposed sites (exposure rating 2). Another species of the same genus, L. phragmites Tuck., exhibits the opposite distribution pattern. L. phragmites is rare or absent on exposed shores, but becomes progressively abundant on sheltered shores (Fig. 6). It is the dominant species on north¬ facing low rocks in fairly sheltered (exposure 5) to extremely sheltered (exposure 7) environments. L. phragmites occurs in low abundance on high slopes and was not encountered on low south-facing Johnson 9 rocks. Some lichens occurred in low numbers at most exposures. and in the case of Caloplaca bolanderi, this species seemed to favor low quadrats rather than high quadrats of the same exposure (Fiq. 4). The distribution of the two species of Niebla indicates that they are semi-terrestrial. The Niebla species have a pre- dominantly landward distribution, often sited on residential garden rocks along the shore in Pacific Grove, and are encounter- ed in positions sheltered from sea-water spray, such as crevices or lee-sides of high rocks. Species C is the most widespread of these semi-terrestrial species in the supralittoral zone. It was counted in exposures ranging from very exposed to fairly sheltered. N. combeoides (Nyl.) Rund. & Bowl. and N. homalea (Ach.) Rund. & Bowl. were found in semi-exposed and fairly sheltered high sites, with N. homalea more abundant on north-facing slopes and N. combeoides more abundant on south-facing slopes (Fig. 4). Still other species occurred so rarely or in such special¬ ized niches that they were not included by the sampling method, Roccellina condensata (Darb.) Follm. was only found in exposed and fairly sheltered areas (study sites 3 and 5) in the steep crevices of high rocks. Accordingly, it was never encountered in a quadrat. Where R. condensata was observed, it grew abundantly in thick, dense patches. The presence of this species on the Monterey Peninsula is a new record for North America, Johnson 10 DISCUSSION The results of this study show that aspect has an important effect in limiting the distribution of Acarospora schleicheri, which may be considered photophilic, and influences the total cover of other lichen species. Aspect mainly influences sunlight exposure, substrate temperature and moisture. In general, south¬ facing rocks receive more sunlight than do north-facing rocks. The larger amount of heat generated from longer periods of sun¬ shine causes faster evaporation on south-facing rocks. Following wetting by wave-action or fog, south rock faces tend to dry out more rapidly than north-facing rocks of the same exposure rating., Aspect could account, in part, for the higher percentage cover documented on north-facing rocks. Factors other than aspect which could influence the dampness of the supralittoral zone include substrate slope, fog, tidal height, wind-speed, wind-direction, and proximity to sea. No attempt was made to quantify the dampness of the substrate at various exposures. The distribution patterns of the supralittoral lichens invest- igated reflect different degrees of tolerance to salt water spray. the species found in extremely exposed environments (exposure rating 1), namely Caloplaca bolanderi, L. pinguis, L. phragmites, and pyrenocarpus lichen being the most tolerant. These results contrast with the conclusions of Ferry and Sheard (1969) on the Dale Penin¬ sula, England, that none of the nearly 50 species studied show a preference for shores of any particular exposure. However, these workers suggest that exposure to salt water may fulfill a nutritional Johnson 11 requirement, not create a stress, for some supralittoral lichen species. Species distribution may be further complicated by substrate competition between species with similar tolerances to salt water. In low areas and very exposed areas, lichens must also compete with algae for substrate. At Pt. Pinos, the extremely exposed study site, the green alga Prasiola occupied the high rocks, where lichens could be expected in less exposed areas. It appears that on extremely exposed shores wave action is so strong that sufficient salt water is carried to even the highest rocks allowing the establishment of algae, some well above the normal vertical range. Prasiola and L. pinquis were observed growing side by side on high rocks at Pt. Pinos, but judging from relative abundance, the alga possesses a competitive advantage. It should be noted that algae have much faster growth rates than do lichens. The physical effects of waves may prohibit lichens from settling below the tidal heights documented. No upper limit was observed here, but Wheeler (1938) indicated that Lecanora pinquis occurred at 40 ft. above sea level at Pt. Lobos (a very ex¬ posed site). No grazing on lichens by marine organisms was observed in the field. However, hundreds of ladybugs were seen crawling on various lichen species in study sites 1 - 3 during late May. The ladybugs appeared to be grazing, probably on small organisms dwelling on lichen, but no gut analyses were performed to verify this observa¬ tion. C Johnson 12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to the faculty of Hopkins Marine Station, particularly to Dr. I. Abbott for inspiration and encouragement, and Dr. James Watanabe and Charles Baxter for statistical advice, I am also indebted to Dr. Mason Hale, Dept. of Botany, Smithson¬ ian Institution, Washington, D.C. for species identification. Johnson 13 REFERENCES Ballantine, W.J. (1961). A biologically-defined exposure scale for the comparative description of rocky shores. Field Studies (1-2) 1959-1968: 1-18. Colman, J. (1933). The nature of the intertidal zonation of plants and animals. Jour Marine Biol. Assoc., U.K. (N.S.), 18: 435- 476, figs. 1-15. Ferry, B.W. and J.W. Sheard. (1969). Zonation of Supralittoral lichens on rocky shores around the Dale Peninsula, Pembroke¬ shire. Field Studies (3) 1969-1973: 41-55. Fletcher, A. (1973)? The ecology of marine (littoral) lichens on some rocky shores of Anglesey. Lichenologist, 5: 368-400. Fletcher, A. (1973)? The ecology of some maritime (supralittoral) lichens on some rocky shores of Anglesey. Lichenologist, 5: 401-422. Johnson, T.W. and F.K. Sparrow. (1961). Fungi in oceans and estuaries. Hafner Publishing Co., N.Y., N.Y. pp. 1-26. The role of marine fungi in the penetra¬ Kohlmeyer, Jan. (1969). tion of Calcareous Substances. Am. Zoologist, 9:741-746. The nature of the association of alga and Peirce, G.W. (1899). fungus in lichens, proceedings of the Ca. Acad. of Sciences 3d Ser. Botany (1): 207-240. Excursion lichenologique dans l'ile d'Yeu Weddel, H.A. (1875). sur la Cote de la Vendei. Mem. Soc. Nat. Sci. Naturelle et Math, Cherbourg, 19: 251-316. Wheeler, L.C. (1938). Lichens of Point Lobos Reserve. Bryologist (41): 107-113. 0 GBON 1171 1 1 — S —o = 185 00 8 2 0 9o3 Q0 o 28 32 S 3 5 — 5). 2 rU IIII . . . FIG. 2 SPECIES RICHNESS ON SHORES OF VARIOUS EXPOSURES 10 9 8 TOTAL NUMBER 5- OF SPECIES PRESENT 4 3 2 5 3 4 6 2 extremely exposed EXPOSURE SCALE A high sampling sites low sampling sites extremelj sheltered FIG. 3 CHI-SQUARE TEST OF INDEPENDENCE FOR LICHEN ABUNDANCE X = TOTAL MEAN % COVER FOR EACH SUBAREA CI= 95% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL SOUTH NORTH 66.58 39.43 HIGH X 102.0 6.88 22.24 46.72 30.16 76.88 LOW 13.44 C 12.07 TOTAL 178.89 44.72 E X12.59 p= O.O os IN O I ON N o IN oo o ) 3.8 8 oo 08 ) 15 + 5 o 5 8 S 5 oc o 4) 4 e 5 0 88 — — — - XX0 ouleul jsoul 8 — o 5. Tu 5 i ro XO 5 7 S1 8 Je 85 oc 5 — oc o — axc 9 S0 87 85 - 5 a0 88 15 5 XO 88 XO 85 XO 1 r o Vy 9 S 55 — S 0 80 8 So 0 1 XOXC S 0 5 2 8 S S XO XO S 8 ese 10 L 8 — — — + katata- 10 5 — O % 50 9 6 6 O I 2 8 2 stakavaa- ktaa AOO % H 1 2 0 tatatataa- kataaataaa- AOO % 1 0 O 5 C. 5 2 o % I — S 1 — ataakaa- kaatatata- AAO0 % N