ABSTRACT Studies were made of the effects of Picloram at various concentrations on whole water samples and cultures established from tows from Monterey Bay, California, using the C and oxygen light/dark bottle techniques. The rate of net photosynthesis was depressed approximately 10% by a herbicide concentration of one part per million by weight and 89% by a herbicide concentration of one hundred parts per million by weight. No significant effects of the herbicide on respiration was detected at these concentrations. -1- INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the herbicide Picloram on rates of photosynthesis and respiration in the natural marine phytoplankton community found in Monterey Bay, California, during May, 1969. It was hypothesized that photosynthetic rates would be depressed at concentrations in parts per billion by weight, and that respiration rates would be increased at similar concentrations. Picloram, or Tordon, as it is commercially known, is a herbicide with a half-life of up to a year. Usually, its targets are perennial, broad-leaved plants and stands of brush, in which it accumulates in new growth. Although used frequently as a soil sterilant, it is also used to eliminate growing plants. Despite the fact that Picloram was not used in Monterey County during 1968 (because of its residual nature and because the entire supply was purchased by the United States government), Picloram was chosen for this study because of its use as a defoliant by the United States in Vietnam, where application rates may be double to quadruple those in the U.S. At such high application rates, monsoon rains might raise herbicide concentrations in lakes and inshore waters of Southeast Asia to levels which might significantly effect phytoplankton primary production over long periods of time. 9 -3- My thanks go to Dr. Malvern Gilmartin, Dr. Isabella A. Abbott, and Dr. John H. Phillips, Jr., for their invaluable advice. In addition, I am indebted to Mr. Harry Agammalion for providing me with a supply of Picloram and much information regarding its use. This work was supported in part by the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation, Grant 464-5878. MATERIALS AND METHODS Picloram: Ihe herbicide was in a commercial formulation called Tordon 22K and dissolved in acetone at a concentration of 2.36 x 10—+ milligrams/milliliter. It was diluted with filtered (0.45 micron millipored) sea water. At concentrations of approximately 2.36 x 10 milligrams/milliliter and above, a calcium salt precipitate in sea water was noted. Acetone controls were run parallel to those concentrations which were found to effect photosynthesis and respiration. Sampling: Samples were taken almost daily from the same location in Monterey Bay. Whole water samples were taken at a depth of approximately 124 meters with a 5 liter Van Dorn sampling 3/0 device (Van Dorn 1956). The sea water was either directly siphoned from the Van Dorn into the BOD bottles to be used for determinations of photosynthetic rate, or, alternately transferred into a 5 gallon plastic carbuoy which was brought back to the laboratory, where siphoning into BOD bottles was immediately begun. Cultures were established using tows made with a number 25 phytoplankton net at approximately the same depth. Un returning to the laboratory, the tows were immediately diluted with enriched sea water (Institute of Marine Resources culture medium). They were kept in 2 liter fernbach flasks in a water bathsof 15 degrees centigrade with constant lighting. Samples were preserved from tows,and dominant phytoplankton identified every three days. The phytoplankton community composition is presented in Table I. Measurements: Measurements of photosynthesis were made using the oxygen light/dark bottle (Gran 1927) and C1" (Doty 1954) techniques. Dissolved oxygen was determined by a modified Winkler method (Parsons and Strickland 1968). Clear 300 milliliter biological oxygen demand bottles were used for culture flasks. Acetone controls at the concentrations which affected photosynthesis were run in the same size bottles and measured by radioactive carbon uptake. They were inoculated with 10 milliliters of natural composition culture and filled with filtered (0.45 micron millipored) sea water. C uptake was similar in whole water controls to that in inoculated controls, so that cell concentrations were assumed to be similar. All BOD bottles were directly inoculated with the appropriate amount and concentration of Picloram or acetone. Clear bottles were incubated for 6 hours in a Doty incubator (Doty 1959) and dark bottles in a nearby chamber. Ihe temperature of water surrounding the bottles was maintained at approximately 15 degrees centigrade. Measurements of respiration were made by following the decrease in dissolved oxygen in darkened 60 milliliter glass-stoppered bottles. These were inoculated with 20 milliliters of natural composition culture, siphoned full of filtered (0.45 micron millipored) sea water, and injected with the appropriate amount of herbicide.or acetone. hey were incubated for 6 hours at a temperature of about 15 degrees centigrade. RESULTS Measurements of gross primary production were first made by determining the amounts of dissolved oxygen in light and dark bottles after incubation in four concentrations of Picloram, O.OOl parts per billion, O.1 ppb, 10 ppb, and 1000 ppb. When variable results were obtained, a fifth concentration of 100,000 ppb was added. These results are presented in Table II. Oxygen and ++ uptake determinations were used to measure photosynthetic rate at concentrations which appeared to effect the phytoplankters. Since C uptake measures a value much closer to net than gross primary production, net primary production was determined using dissolved oxygen measurements. These results are presented in Tables III and IV. Acetone controls were run at concentrations parallel to those which affected photosynthesis using C uptake measurements These results are presented in Table V. Respiration was measured at selected concentrations affecting photosynthesis, by determining decrease in dissolved oxygen. Acetone controls were run parallel to the Ficloram determinations. These results are presented in Tables VI and VII. DISCUSSION Ihe results from the initial oxygen determinations of gross primary production (see figure 1), although far too variable to be statistically significant, the results suggested a depression of photosynthesis at 1000 ppb and 100,000 ppb. Determinations of net primary production at the higher 5 concentrations of Picloram indicate beyond doubt that photosyn- thesis is depressed at a concentration of 1000 ppb and almost eliminated at a concentration of 100,000 ppb (see figure 2). However, photosynthesis is also somewhat depressed by acetone at those concentrations. The relative depression of photo¬ synthesis by Picloram and acetone indicate that Picloram has a distinct effect beyond the acetone in which it is dissolved. However, one must consider the possibility that phytoplankton incubated in acetone may not react the same way to Picloram as healthy phytoplankton. Respiration determinations (see figure 3) again show too much variability to be statistically significant. Although uncorrected for bacterial respiration, the means indicate that respiration rate is increased, but probably because of incubation in acetone. Such results indicate that Picloram acts primarily on the chlorophyll or some other substance involved only in photosynthesis, as opposed to other pesticides, like DDT, which affect both respiration and photosynthesis, and might therefore be affecting membrane structure. Table I. Phytoplankton Community Composition Predominant phytoplankters Date 5/13 Coscinodiscus (diatom) 5/16 Coscinodiscus (diatom) Schroederella (diatom) Lyngbya (blue-green alga) Coscinodiscus (diatom) 5/19 Lyngbya and other blue-green algae Rhizosolenia alata (diatom) 5/22 Rhizosolenia hebetata (diatom) Chaetoceros spp. (diatom) Nitzschia pacifica (diatom) Rhizosolenia alata (diatom) 5/26 Rhizosolenia hebetata (diatom, Chaetoceros spp. (diatom) Nitzschia pacifica (diatom) Skeletonema (diatom) 3 a a 8 -9- 2 98 2 ado — SO 5 oO O 8 — 8 - 8 1 5 o 88 ooc O ataaaa- D 1 1 — — — 8 9 E 0 — a 20 C -10 Percent Net Primary Production after incubation Table III. in Picloram. Oxygen light/dark bottle method. Picloram Concentrations 1000 ppb 10,000 ppb 100,000 ppb Control Expt + Date 5/21 122.92 37.50 32.29 100.00 2a -35.95 100.00 59.84 16.00 -1.83 100.00 91.38 26.75 Means: Maximum Control Variability: 32.29%. . 11- o § + O 8 8 O 39 80 0 OOO O 8 8 8 5 9 59 0 2 -12- a- 8 8od 18 aataa- 88 9 8 — 8 9 St 889 83 8R 8 8 88 8 2 8 8 - 2 285 -13- Table VI. Percent Respiration after incubation in Picloram. Oxygen light/dark bottle method. Picloram Concentrations 1000 ppb 10,000 ppb 100,000 ppb Control Expt + Date 83.33 156.25 170.83 5/27 100.00 Sa 168.47 124.45 100.00 73.92 5/28 5b 24.07* 267.05* 100.00 384.74* 5/30 5c 78.66 139.75 100.00 103.35 5d 5/31 *Not included on graphs because of poor experimental control. -14- Table VII. Percent Respiration after incubation in Acetone. Oxygen light/dark bottle method. Picloram Concentrations which correspond to Acetone Controls. 1000 ppb 10,000 ppb 100,000 ppb Expt + Date Control 106.25 131.25 191.67 100.00 5a 5/27 121.19 117.97 100.00 78.81 5b 5/28 380.94* 365.76* 100.00* -40.85 5c 5/30 178.66 56.90 100.00 43.93 5/31 5d *Not included on graphs because of poor experimental control 100. 80 2 60 E 40 — 20 0.1 0 1000 100,000 0.001 PICLORAM CONCENTRATION IN PARTS PER BILLION Percent Gross Primary Production after Fig. 1. incubation in Picloram. Sea water controls are set at 100.00%. Each point is the mean of 6 bottles. 26 16 1001 80 T 44 60 EXPT 48 CORRESPONDING ACETONE CONCENTRATIONS 004 — 3 80 60 EXPT 24 ——EXPI 34 E 2 20 —-EXPT 36 5000 10,000 50,000 100,000 1000 PICLORAM CONCENTRATION IN PARTS PER BILLION Percent Net Primary Production after incubation Fig. 2. in Picloram or Acetone. Sea water controls are set to 100.00%. Each point is the mean of 2 bottles. -17- 190 160 130 100 70 40 CORRESPONDING ACETONE CONCENTRATIONS 190 160 2 130 œ 100 S 70 ) 5 2— 1000 10,000 100,000 PICLORAM CONCENTRATION IN PARTS PER BILLION Percent Respiration after incubation in Fig. 3. Picloram or acetone. Sea water controls are set at 100.00%. Each point represents 1 bottle. REFERENCES Doty, M.S. 1954. Current Status of Carbon Fourteen Method of Assaying Productivity of the Ocean. Univ. Hawaii Annual Rep.: 1-42. M.S. and M. Oguri. 1959. Carbon Fourteen Technique for Doty, determining Primary Plankton Productivity. Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoli. 31 Suppl.: 70-94. Gran, H.H. 1927. The Production of Plankton in the Coastal Waters off Bergen, March-April 1922. Fiskeridir. Skr. Fisk. 3(8): 1-74. Strickland J.D.H. and T.R. Parsons. 1968. A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 167: 21- 26, 261-278. Van Dorn, W.G. 1956. Large Volume Water Samplers. Tran. Am. Geo: Union. 37: 682-684. 1967. Herbicide Handbook of the Weed Society of America.: 12-16. 200 50 100 2 50 — 200 C 150 O O. L D00 50 Fig. 3. 17. ACE --- EXPT 50 2— EXPT 5b — EXPT 54 1000 10,000 100000 DCLORAN P Percent Respiration after incubation in Picoram or Acetone. Sea water controls are set at 100.00%. Each point represents 1 bottle. 2 C — S C — O L 5 Fig. 2. 00 80 60 1OO 80 60 40 20 —A EXPT 40 EXPT 4b ACE S ------ EXPT 20 —A EXPT30 —EXPT 3b 10,000 50,000 100,000 1000 5000 H.D ICLOR/ Percent Net Primary Production after incubation in Picloram or Acetone. Sea water controls are set at 100.00%. Each point is the mean of 2 bottles. Z C 2 O E O 0) 0 C O o Fig. 1. 100 80 60 40 20 -15- 1000 100,000 ( ICLORAT Percent Gross Primary Production after incubation in Picloram. Sea water controls are set at 100.00%. Each point is the mean of 6 bottles. 33