INTRODUCTION Species throughout the animal kingdom actively aggregate into tight clusters under certain conditions. This phencmenon, which I will refer to as clumping, was studied by Allee (1931) in the early part of this century in the water isopod Asellus communis, several species of land isopods, and the brittle star Ophioderma brevispina; all species not generally considered to be social. Natural aggregations of these animals were seen to be primarily the result of the reaction of individuals to the environment. Clumping behavior occurred most frequently under adverse conditions and when the normally positive thigmotactic response was not possible. In the laboratory, increased survival of clumps over individuals was demonstrated in some situations. Despite the appeal of this early work. in recent years little has been done in the area of animal aggregations, Tigriopus californicus, a harpacticoid copepod inhabiting splash pools of the intertidal zone from Baja California to Alaska, has been observed to form clumps in the field as well as in the laboratory under conditions of environmental stress. This is of particular interest in this species which, except for periods of copulation, has shown no interaction between members under normal conditions. To date, no investigation of clumping behavior in Tigiopus or any other marine copepod has been made. Patterson (1968), mentioned that Tigriopus forms clumps at high salinities under laboratory conditions and is sometimes found to "swarm" in the field. Burnett (1977), states that Tigriopus can form clumps in low temperatures in the field. The environment of the high splash pool is one of extremes of temperature and salinity. Studies have suggested that Tigriopus is well suited to this Page 2 greatly fluctuating environment. This paper investigates clumping in Tigriopus and its possible adaptive significance in light of the animal's habitat. FIELD STUDIES Field work was done on splash pools from 8 to 13 feet above mean low tide at China Point, California. Pcols referred to as dessicated contained no standing water with little or no moisture detectable in the bottom sediment. Pools of extreme high salinity ranged from 120 o/oo to damp salt crystals. Tigriopus were found in 9 of 12 dessicated pools examined. 7 of these 9 pools had a substratum of sediment and loose rocks, the other 2 containing only sediment. Clumps of Tigriopus were found on the underside of many of the rocks with greater concentrations of clumps under rocks imbedded 1 to 2 cm. into the bottom sediment than those resting on dry sediment or other rocks. A lower density of isolated Tigriopus was observed in the bottom sediment of the pools containing rocks. No clumps were found in the sediment of any pool. Several dry rocks with clumps were placed in fresh sea water in the lab. After a period of several hours Tigriopus were observed swimming in the container. Baxter (1977), reports similar findings in which live adult Tigriopus did not appear until after a pericd of 3 weeks. In tide pools above 120 o/o0 igriopus were found clumped in dark cracks both above and below the waterline as well as under rocks at the bottom of the pool. In a pool of 148 o/oo no animals were seen in the water column or on the bottom, while an area of approximately 8 cme directly below the waterline and in a constantly shaded crack was covered with a solid mass of clumped Tigricpus. The animals in this massive clump appeared in a near comatose state as dislodging animals produced very slow movement Page 3 back to the clump or drifting to the bottom. Forty days later at a time when the salinity was in excess of 220 o/oo, no animals were found in the above location. However, behind a flat rock pryed loose from the wall of the pool 2 cm. above the waterline were found hundreds of clumped Tigriopus. LAB STUDIES GENERAL METHODS Tigriopus used in this study were collected from splash pools of salinities from 35 to 45 o/oo at Asilomar Beach State Park and China Point. During collection water containing the animals was strained through a fine nylon mesh so only adult and late copepodid stages were retained. Plastic containers of approximately 20 liters of sea water at 35-45 o/0o were used to maintain populations in the lab. Every three days the water was changed and the animals were fed Tetramin fish food. Instant Ocean (trade name) dissolved in distilled water was used where initial salinities greater than normal sea water was required. Salinity was measured with a Goldberg refractometer. All experiments were run at room temperature with constant room lighting unless otherwise indicated. Recovery from stress was in room temperature sea water for 24 hours. Water was changed in salinity stress experiments by slowly drawing off the "old" water through plankton netting, followed by slow addition of recovery water with a mimimum of turbulence. Death was defined as an absence of re¬ sponse to prodding at the end of the recovery period. A copulating pair was scored as dead if both members failed to respond. Four working classifications of animals were defined: 1) females with eggs - egg sack visible; 2) larvae - all solitary immature animals; 3) copulating pair - adult male grasping a larvae in the copulatory position; 4) adults - all other solitary adults. Page 4 CLUMP FORMATION 1. Dessication Clumps. Approximately 100 animals in one ml. of normal sea water were placed in the center of a 5.5 cm. Whatman's No. 1 filter paper. As the water was absorbed clumps formed. The location of these clumps relative to a directional light source of 8000-10,000 lux was noted. Animals were run in the dark and a control using dead animals was run to check for passive aggregation of animals due to cohesive forces of water. Results are shown in Table 1. 14 out of 14 of these "dessication clumps" formed in the light were on the half of the filter paper furthest from the most intense light source. The animals could be seen to move in this direction before forming clumps. In the dark,clumps were randomly distributed on the filter paper. The control with dead animals showed no clump formation 2. Agitation Clumps. Strips of standard paper towel 8 cm.x 2 cm. were placed along the sides of a l liter beaker of seawater containing approx¬ imately 5 animals per ml. When the water was agitated by stirring, clumps formed on the paper towel. Clumps formed exclusively on the side of the beaker furthest from the more intense window lighting. These agitation clumps of from 10 to 40 animals were used in subsequent survival tests. If periodic agitation (every 10 min.) was maintained, these clumps re¬ mained intact. Squirting with water from a pipette removed the individuals from the toweling, leaving only clumps. From this procedure clumps were determined to be more firmly attached to the substrate than individuals in all of dozens of trials. 3. Slow Evaporation Clumps. 12 petri dishes containing 100 Tigriopus each in 40 o/oo S.W. were allowed to evaporate to dryness over a 4 day period. A single clump formed in 5 of the 6 dishes having paper towal substrates with 2 clumps forming in one dish. All 7 of these clumps formed at the Page 5 side furthest from the more intense window lighting. In the dishes lacking substrates approximately 108 of the Tigriopus formed clusters of 3-5 animals clinging to one another. An average of 708 of the animals in the no-substrate dishes were in the half of the dish away from the windows. After one day of complete dessication, distilled water was added to all 12 dishes to return the salinity to normal. There was near 1008 mortality at the end of the recovery period. SURVIVAL T 1. High Salinity Stress. Tigriopus were placed into water of 140 c/0o salinity for a 15 hour exposure period. The following groups of animals were used: 1) clumps - animals in agitation clumps described earlier; 2) disrupted clumps - animals disrupted from agitation clumps by force¬ ful squirting with a pipette. This technique produced no mortality; 3) non-clumped - animals taken in a random sample from the same population as the above groups. When placed into the high salinity water, the non-clumped and disrupted-clump animals greatly increased their activity for 1 to 2 minutes before becoming torpid. Survival results are summarized in Table 2. The sexual composition of the clumped and disrupted-clump animals compared to that of the non-clumped is shown in Table 3. Larvae and copulating pairs are omitted due to their occurrence in very low frequencies. 2. Cold Shock. Three separate experiments were run to test the differential survival of clumped and disrupted-clump animals subjected to sudden exposure to cold. The disrupted-clump animals were observed to remain active for less than 30 seconds in trials 1 and 2 and for less than 2 minutes in trials 3 and 4. In all cases a 15 hour recovery period was allowed at room temperature before assays were made. Conditions and results of each trial are listed in Table 4. Page 6 3. Gradual Cooling. 12 beakers of normal sea water containing Tigriopus were cooled from 22°C to 0°C in 8 hours. All beakers had substrates. In all cases no clumps formed. Test was conducted in total darkness. OSMOREGULATION STUDIES The osmotic concentration of clumped Tigriopus in 85 o/00 and 120 0/00 water and that of individual animals acclimated in these same ambient salinities was determined with the help of Merchant (1977), who details the method. Clumps in 85 o/oo were formed and maintained by gentle agitation, Clumps in 120 o/oo were formed by an increase in salinity from 40 o/oo to 120 o/oo over a 4 hour period. Body fluid osmotic concentrations are given in Table 5. OXYGEN CONSUMPTION Oxygen consumption rates were determined in conjunction with Senko (1977), for 3 groups of Tigriopus: 1) individuals in 34 o/00; 2) agitation clumps in 34 o/oo; 3) individuals in 90 o/00. Senko notes that in 90 o/oo nearly 100 of the animals were in tightly clustered masses. This was not seen for individuals in 34 o/00. Results are summarized in Table 6. DISCUSSION CLUMP FORMATION It appears from the results of this study that clumping is the net effect of a combination of responses induced by environmental stress. The primary reactions of Tigriopus to stress are postulated to be: 1. positive thigmotropism negative phottaxis 3. increased attraction to other Tigriopus In all conditions of stress examined, Tigriopus are seen to leave the water column if possible. In the lab, formation of agitation clumps involves rapid movement toward the substrate with subsequent clinging. Page 7 Findings by Foster (1977), indicate that the response of Tigriopus to wave shock in the tidepool and to turbulence in the lab is one of a strong positive thigmotropism. Animals deprived of a substrate were noted in this study to cling to one another in both the evaporation and oxygen corsumption experiments, presumably as an attempt to satisfy this response. A negative phototactic effect under stress is well substantiated by laboratory and field work. Combined with the thigmotropic response, a reaction to stress is seen wherein Tigricpus will move towards the dark areas of the tidepool and cling to the substrate. These locations tend to be the damp cracks and under sides of rocks, areas which are the last to be completely dessicated. That clumps are formed under stress does not necessarily follow from the above explanation. Some other response must arise that induces the formation of distinct clumps rather than solitary clinging in shaded places. Cooper (1977) and Bozic (1975) suggest that Tigriopus are attracted to one another and that there may be a chemical stimulus involved. This attraction might be expected to increase in both magnitude and effect under stress due to: 1) The greater concentration of "attractant" in areas to which Tigriopus have been directed by the phototactic and thigmotactic responses; 2) a change in the response to the attractant under stress. This model has Tigriopus tending to be attracted by other animals to a particular area and cued to clump there under stress. This theory does not preclude the formation of a number of clumps if an animal is assumed to move towards the strongest attraction it perceives, this being a different location for some animals, and once fixed to the substrate, remain there. That clumps do form in the dark when the directional cue of lighting is not present is also well suited to this model. An experiment suggested hare is to test the effect of extreme high densities of Tigriopus under non-stressful conditions. Indications are that Page 8 clumps would not form, suggesting that there is a different response to the postulated attractant under stress. COMPOSITTON OF CLUMPS It can be seen in Table 3 that females with eggs comprise a higher percentage of the population in agitation clumps than in the sampling population. Their survival strengths were not found to be statistically different from those of all adult Tigriopus. Further work on the sensi- tivity of females with eggs to stress may offer an explanation for these results. ADAPTIVE SIGNIFICANCE The benefits accrued members of a clump are threefold and appear to arise from changes in the physical and physiological state of the animal. Most readily explained is the increased resistance to wave shock. Lab¬ oratory evidence indicates that when subjected to equal water velocities, animals in a clump are less prone to being dislodged from the substrate than are individual Tigriopus. Combined with the occurrence of clumps primarily in protected regions of the tidepool it follows that when a dessicated or high salinity pool is inundated by wave splash, animals in a clump are less likely to be washed out. Increased resistance to high salinities is of obvious adaptive im- portance. A mechanism suggested by the closely packed crientation of the animals in a clump is one in which a decrease in body surface area exposed to high salinity produces a corresponding decrease in the total osmotic gradient impinging on the animal. Thus, a member of a clump would be able to tolerate salinities beyond the normal osmoregulatory capacity of an individual. Osmoregulation studies on Tigriopus indicate that this mechanism is probably not the case. Tigriopus in a clump have a higher Page 9 osmotic concentration of the body fluid than do torpid animals at 120 o/00. The apparent disparity between survival values and osmotic concentrations suggests that the clumped state may differ from simple torpor. It may be that there are physiological changes other than those of torpor associated with clump formation. This is suggested by the results of the salinity shock experiments. Clumped animals had a small but significantly greater survival value than did animals that had been in a clump briefly with both groups being much more resistant than non-clumped animals. If these physiological changes are not instantaneous, than these results might be expected. More work on the time of formation of disrupted clumps and its effect on survival as well as the osmoregulation and the oxygen consumption of clumps is highly suggested. The most curious results of this study are those of the increased rasistance to cold shock of clumped Tigriopus. Being an ectotherm, there is no possibility of increased heat retention by a clump. Increased membrane permeability is known to be a phenomenon associated with low temperatures, (Prosser, 1973). It is conceivable that the decreased surface area of a clumped Tigriopus could lower the detrimental ion flow between the animal and its environment. Determination of the ionic constitution of clumped and solitary Tigriopus is suggested. SUMMARY Tigriopus californicus is seen to form clumps in the field and in the lab under conditions of high salinity and dessication. There is an indication that clumps may form in response to wave shock as well. Clump formation serves to increase the resistance of Tigriopus to high salinity and low temperature shock. A definite negative phototactic response is associated with clump formation and an increased thigmotaxis is suggested. Page 10 LITERATURE CITED Allee, W.C. 1931. Animal Aggregations. Baxter, C., 1977. Personal Communication. Bozic, B., 1975. Detection actometrique d'un facteur d'interattraction chez ligriopus, (Crustacaces, Copepodes, Harpacticoides). Bull. Soc. Zool. France. 100: 305-311. Burnett, R., 1977. Personal Communication. Cooper, J., 1977. Unpublished paper on file at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, Ca. Foster, L., 1977. Unpublished paper on file at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, Ca. Merchant, T., 1977. Unpublished paper on file at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, Ca. Patterson, R., 1968. Physiology Ecology of Figriopus californicus, a har- pacticoid copepod. Master's Thesis, University of California,Berkeley. C.L., 1973. Comparative Animal Physiolcgy, Vol. 1, W.B. Saunders Prosser, Co., Philadelphia. Senko, T., 1977. Unpublished paper on file at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, Ca. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT! Thanks to the entire faculty and staff of Hopkins for a very enjoyable and instructive experience. Especially thank you Robin for your encouragement, advise, and help with numbers and statistics. Without you, the Burnett lab wouldn't have been the same. Table 1. Comparison of dessication clump formation in room lighting and darkness. CONDITION ROOM LIGHT DARKNESS NUMBER OF ANIMALS 80 81 71 4 96 88 99 186 158 TABLE 1 % CLUMPED 93 46 88 83 56 69 76 53 3 NUMBER OF CLUMPS 4 3 MEAN CLUMP SIZE 18.5 37.3 24 II.3 13.5 61 25 19,8 0 C Table 2. Comparative survival values of clumped, not-clumped, and disrupted-clump Tigriopus in sudden exposure to a salinity of 140 0/00. STATE OF ANIMALS CLUMPED NOT CLUMPED DISRUPTED CLUMP TABLE 2 NUMBER OF ANIMALS 66 53 85 64 166 16 112 52 83 171 110 144 186 170 85 18 87 SURWVAL 97 96 92 87 90 X=73.0 12.7 91 14 98 92 62 64 X-64.7 17.5 68 88 89 82 X=83.3 +5.9 7½ 86 81 Table 3. Comparison of the sexual composition of agitation clumps and not-clumped Tigriopus from the same population. Also a comparison of the survival strengths of females with eggs from these two groups. STATE OF ANIMALS NOT CLUMPED CLUMPED LIVE DEAD NUMBER ADULTS 113 1139 902 132 TABLE 3 NUMBER OF 9 WITR E65S 1 57 13 13 TOTAL 117 1276 1041 145 h PWIn EG6S .61 12.1 13.4 8.7 P0 P N.S. Table 4. Comparative survival values of clumped and disrupted-clump Tigriopus in sudden ex¬ posure to low temperature. Conditions of exposure are: Trial 1, 4 to 0 degrees; Trial 2, 4 to 2 degrees; Trials 3 and 4, 6 to 0 degrees. 5 a a R 8 . a 2 2 7 2- 5 Table 5. Comparison of the osmotic concentration of the body fluid of clumped and not¬ clumped Tig pus acclimated in salinities of 85 and 120 0/00. STATE OF ANIMALS CLUMPED SOLITARY CLUMPED SOLITARY TABLE 5 AMBIENT SALINITY 85% 85%0 120% 20%o OSMOTIC CONC. OF BODY FLUID 76%0 74%o 73%0 60% 75%o 83%0 71%0 0 Table 6. Comparison of oxygen consumption of clumped and free swimming Tigriopus in 34 0/00 and torpid-clustered Tigriopus in 90 0/00. Q 02 values in ul. /mg./hr. STATE OF ANIMALS FREE SWIMMING CLUMPED TORPID CLUSTERED TABLE 6 SALINITY 340/00 340700 90 0/00 00. 4.76 2.90 1.23