C FUNCTION OF THE CEPHALIC TENTACLES IN LITTORTNA PLANAXIS Ronald L. Peters Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University Pacific Grove, California Biology 175h March 30, 1964 In Fretter and Graham (1962, p.14), the following description is given for part of the sensory apparatus in the snail Littorina littorea: "Toward its posterior end the head carries a pair of laterally placed tent- acles.... At the base of each is a cushion-like bulge.... This is the eye stalk, and the dark spot on it is the eye. The tentacle, which is tactile and olfactory, is thus the seat of three major senses." The snail Littorina planaxis (Philippi, 1847), common along the California coast, has tentacles very similar to those described for L. littorea. Studies have revealed that the eye definitely is a light receptor and causes the animal to respond pre- dictably to various light stimuli (Eckert, 1964). However, the portion of the tentacle distal to the eye has not undergone extensive investigation, and tactile and olfactory capabilities of this part of the organ are undetermined. In April and May, 1964, studies were carried out at the Hopkins Marine Sta- tion of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California, to determine the be- havior and function of that part of the tentacle extending beyond the eye in L. planaxis. The two cephalic tentacles are situated at the sides and slightly back of the large blunt snout. The organs are contractile, and when contracted they fit snugly at the sides of the mouth. Upon extension, they appear as delicate finger-like structures which exhibit movement patterns that vary de- pending on the substrate or environmental condition the animal has encountered. They are innervated from the cerebral ganglion. The tentacles are used by the animal as a main guide to its movements in the rocky areas which it so abundantly inhabits. Moving primarily during the lower temperatures at night and in the film of moisture provided by high tide and surf, the tentacles generally remain on the stony substrate and slowly move from side to side. As the moisture decreases, or as obstacles are encountered, the organs begin an up and down pattern of movement, with the snail touching the substrate and immediately lifting the tentacle usually no more than one to one and a half milimeters. When the snail reaches an obstacle in its path, it undertakes a tactile survey of the impediment by extending the organs to their full tapering length and moving them about. When the animals are submerged, tentacular movement is usually restricted to a continuous motion from side to side, in contact with the substrate. In any circumstance, movements of the two tentacles may either by highly coord- inated, as in horizontal swaying motions, or one tentacle may move completely independently of the other. In order to determine more precisely the functions of the cephalic tent- acles, it proved desirable to extirpate the organs in a group of L. planaxis and to compare their responses with those in a group of normal snails under various conditions. It was necessary to anesthetize the animals prior to re- moving the tentacles. An aqueous solution of magnesium chloride isotonic with seawater proved to be superior to 1% propylene phenoxetol (Owen and Steedman, 1958), 1% chloral hydrate (Sivik, 1953), and 10 parts/million Sevin (Carriker and Blake, 1959) for the purposes of this investigation. Having adequately relaxed the snails, it was easy to pull the head a good distance from the shell and to snip off the entire tentacle distal to the eye with a pair of iridectomy scissors. The snails were then placed in normal seawater for recovery. In all instances, the operated animals exhibited activity similar to that of the normal ones. The wound appeared healed after two or three days, and op- erated animals placed in the field resumed normal activity and would occasion- ally be noted travelling three to five feet during a very moist night. The following experiments and observations were carried out to compare the responses of normal snails with those of snails in which the tentacles had been removed. General movement and righting In the laboratory, the L. planaxis without cephalic tentacles did not exhibit striking locomotive inabilities. Glass dishes were used for all of the tests, and in practically every instance the extirpated animals travelled across the smooth surface at approximately the same speeds as the normal ones. When encountering obstacles, however, a definite difference in reaction was noted. A normal snail, with its tentacles exploring the substrate immediate in its path, would reach an object, touch it with the tentacles, and stop before bumping into it with the shell. On the other hand, a tentacleless snail would encounter the obstacle, bump into it with the shell, and continue for a time as if trying to push the object over. If the impediment happen- ed to be another snail, the animal without tentacles could climb onto the shell, although observably slower than a normal animal. To see if a lack of the tentacles produced an impairment to the ability for righting, about 180 animals with tentacles and a like number without tentacles were placed on their backs in glass bowls containing fresh sea- water. They were then timed from entry into the water until righted at one minute intervals. The results, shown on graph number I, page 7, indicate that of the animals which did complete the maneuver, the normal L. planaxis were slightly quicker. Further corroborating evidence that the snails are tactically dependent upon the organs for righting is that a fewer number of tentacleless animals than normal ones even completed the maneuver after trying. Response to waterborne extracts of Acanthina spirata When the predacious inter-tidal snail A. spirata is introduced into a dish containing normal L. planaxis, a definite evacuation from the area of the larger snail will be detected within minutes. This response to the pred- ator is induced through the effects of a waterborne chemical stimulus that issues from the A. spirata, and is believed to be produced in association with its mucus (Tittle, 1964). To determine if the point of reception for this stimulus is the cephalic tentacle, or if its removal in any way affects the response, animals with and without tentacles were tested in the following man- ner. From approximately the same area in the field, 100 1. planaxis were col- lected and the total population was anesthetized in isotonic magnesium chlor- ide. After an hour, the tentacles were removed from one half of the animals. After the operations, all of the snails were placed in fresh seawater for re- covery. Three to four hours later, the Littorina appeared totally recuperated, and were then subjected to the tests. Two finger bowls were placed side by side, each containing 100 ml of seawater. In one bowl, five normal animals were placed, and five animals without tentacles in the other one. Both groups were timed to determine the tendency to leave normal seawater. After 20 min- utes, the snails were placed back into the center of the bowl, and 20 ml of seawater were added from a jar which had contained 30 A. spirata in 180 ml for two days. Evacuation from both bowls was again timed and an ac- celerated departure from the water in both bowls was observed. To deter- mine whether or not the animals were merely leaving the extract contain- ing water because of having been replaced into water after an initial de- parture, several tests were run with snails placed directly into the A. spirata water. Differences in response in the two instances were neglig- ible. Identical runs were performed for the entire test population, using fresh seawater and A. spirata extract from the same jar each time. Results of all trials are summarized on graph number II, page 7, and show that the escape response in normal L. planaxis and in the animals lacking tentacles was almost identical; if anything the response in the latter group was faster. In trying to account for the quicker response on the part of the extirpated animals, the same population was placed in an aquarium for two weeks, after which they were run through identical tests. Graph number III, page 7, demonstrates the results of the second test, and shows that the tentacleless beasts were slightly slower this time. Perhaps initially the extirpated animals were either in a more excited state after the operation, or the wound was being irritated by the seawater and chemical. In any case, it is evident that the cephalic tentacles are not critically important as chemo-receptors in the detection of A. spirata at a distance under water. Response to waterborne extracts of female Littorina planaxis If water that has contained a group of female L. planaxis is added to water containing normal males of the same species, within a short period definite clustering and increased activity can be noted (Rohe, 1964). To determine if the cephalic tentacles were pertinent in detecting this water- borne mulluscan aphrodisiac, tests similar to the Al spirata experiment were set up, using the same general procedure as described. In one bowl, con- taining normal seawater, were placed five normal males; in a second bowl, also containing seawater, five males lacking tentacles were placed. At one minute intervals, clustering tendencies were timed by recording the number of snails in contact with other animals, either side by side or one on top of another. Following this, 20 ml of seawater taken from a jar containing approximately 200 ml of water in which 25 female snails had been kept for four hors, was added to each bowl. Again the number of clustered animals versus time was noted. Tests were run on 50 normal and 50 operated individ- uals. Results of all tests are summarized in graph number IV, page 7. All snails, both experimentals and controls, showed some initial tendency to pair and thus form clusters. However, this tendency is short lived except in the normal males exposed to female extract. Perhaps the reason the re- sponse is not sustained in extirpated males is that once the animal has climbed onto the back of another snail, he lacks the probing equipment necessary to determine the sex of his partner or to assume the correct position. The re- sults again suggest that the tentacles do not play a role in chemo-reception, though they appear necessary for definite sex recognition on contact. Response to mucus trails It has been observed (Miyamoto, 1964) that L. planaxis tend to follow mucus trails across the rocks. A series of experiments was therefore set -+ V 20 as TME -MINOTE SOLIOLINE : NORHAL L.RONAS BROKEN UNE NO TENTACLES RESPONS BCONDIRON 20 TIME-MINOTES 01O-HE BROKENHO TENTRdE TE-MINOTES BLACK: NORMALSERURTERI SLO-TENTRE BROKEN-NO IENTRES 3ED-ACANTHINARDOEO 30UV-TENIRE S8OKEN- NO TENTAGES 441 TIE TMINUTES BUC: NORMALSEAURTE SUD-ENTEs GROKEN- NO TENTAdES RGOTFEMQUE EAODED DO-TENTE BAORENE NOTENTAdE 8. up to determine the role of the tentacles in such behavior. Because the tentacles exploratively preceed the animal, it appears that these organs would be apt for detection of trails. By cutting off the foot of an L. planaxis, and dabbing the structure on a glass plate, an artifical mucus path can be applied. Using plates 6 by 6 inches square bearing such mucus trails from female feet, two normal L. plaaaxis and two males lacking tentacles were placed respectively in the centers of the two plates. The plates were then taken into a dark room and sprayed lightly and equally with seawater. After 15 minutes, the snails were removed and the glass plates were immersed in a dilute suspension of India ink in seawater to mark the paths of the animals during their movements in the dark, a technique designed by Eckert (1964). Experiments were carried out using each sex as a source of mucus and each sex as a test animal. Two spe- cific examples of typical results are depicted below. Mucus Trail Experiments No Tentacles Normal O Craphs L, II, and II on page 9 summarise the results of all tests per- formed. They clearly show that the animals do employ their tentacles in fol- 40 NUMBER O SNAUS BAQ. NORTIAL HAE FEPALE MOCUA EXTIRPATEO MRETEEMNE HOUS BRORD LE EO-NORRE -HEERES 50u ENT HALE-MALE REDS NURSEE Oe SS B0LDNORHAL BROKEU NO TENTRC LTTORINA E e NUMGEROE SNAUS Bt: ho 3uo EXT. FEMALE-MRLE TVWS BROKEN dosnactrenner hs RED. Suo ExrétALE Ferate nodg Beote UOE OE SURS BIRCK 30L DLACMRE DGE LE SROREd- RLRSTIDA SPIRAT Z NEBRads lowing L. planaxis mucus trails, and that they follow trails regardless of the sex of the author of the trail. This result suggested that perhaps the tentacles are sensitive to any mucus or material that noticeably changes the surface texture of the substrate. To follow this idea, the mucus from several other inter-tidal molluscs was employed, using the same method as described. The results for this set of investigations is shown in graph IV, page 9. In most cases it seems that the mucus from species living in close proximity to the L. planaxis populations exhibit properties close e- nough to the Littorina mucus to elicit at least partial following. Art- ifical trails made with methyl cellulose and granular mucin were tried, but neither provided positive results. Field observations For observations concerning activities of both normal and tentacleless animals while in regular field conditions, 100 males and 100 females were taken from a large rock surface. All were anesthetized using MgCl2, the tentacles were removed from one half of the males and one half of the fe- males, the animals were marked, and all were placed back of the rock in a large fenced area from which all other Littorina were removed. Regular daily observations were recorded pertaining to pairing, clustering and single activ- ity for 12 days. Graph I on page 11 shows pairing frequencies for all four combinations of normal males and females and extirpated males and females. From studies done on mating, the males are believed to locate the females for copulation. Graph II, page 11, shows the comparative pairing, with any type female, of normal and extirpated males. Both of these results indicate that the animals without tentacles, especially males, are less able to locate CE S -- TINEEDAN Solo-oral oe nomal? 8tR Beev nomalprert 2 soto-ext.onorat 2 REDBeKevter or r 2 10 +20 TETDANS t2st ntt p TIME-OAVS LAC. FSD-NOS BRoXEN-ERBPRTE ALES female Littorina for pairing. This result follows the conclusions drawn from the mucus trail experiments, in that the tentacles are pertinent for following another mucus pathway and for sex recognition on contact. Responses after extirpation of a single tentacle By removing either of the tentacles and placing the animal on a clean glass plate, the path assumed while in the dark was determined by again using the carbon bath. Such experiments did not give clear cut results, but merely hinted at tendencies. Twenty-four snails were tested, 12 with the left tent- acle removed and 12 with the right taken off. The results were that 8 of the animals lacking a tentacle on the left side exhibited circus movements to the right, and 6 snails without a tentacle on the right side moved in circus mo- tions to the left. Perhaps the nature of the substrate did not lend to more consistent results, but circus movements are intimated, indicating a depen- dency on tactile assurance. Intermittently throughout the study, populations of animals were extir- pated for various tests, and watched for tentacle regeneration. Using an oc- ular micrometer on a dissecting microscope, accurate measurements could be ta¬ ken of the tiny regenerated tip that emerged approximately two to three weeks after removal. In each instance, a regenerated tip would appear out of the large stump where the original organ was located. The protuberance is flesh colored, as opposed to the black remainder of the head. By relaxing the ani- mals to be investigated, a standard contraction was obtained, so that lengths could be compared on a time basis. These results are graphed on page 11. The data is based on six stages of regeneration, although not equally spaced. y making the disputable extrapolation to about twice the length of the graph, a time for complete regeneration, based on the average of a normal tentacle (1.3 mm - contracted), is obtained and is about 4.5 months. This result is far from conclusive because of both the gross extrapolation and the conditions in which the animals lived, assuming that they did not provide optimum growth opportunities. The cephalic tentacles, of Littorina planagis, are not critical to general movement, but are used, while the snail moves, for tactile surveillance, and they enable the animal to perform more easily such maneuvers as righting. Removal of the tentacles does not impair the ability to detect dif- 2. fusible substances from the predacious snail A. spirata or from female L. planaxis. 3. The tentacles appear necessary for sex recognition on contact. 4. The tentacles are employed in following mucus trails on the substrate. The trails of other L. planaxis are followed more consistently than are trails laid down by other species of molluscs. ACKNOLILEDOMENTS I am happy to acknowledge the advice of Dr. Donald P. Abbott. BIBLIOGRAPHY Carriker, Melbourne Romaine and John W. Blake 1959. A method for full relaxation of muricids. Nautilus 73 (1): 16-21. Eckert, Dieter 1964. Phototaxis and photokinesis in L. planaxis. Unpublished. Fretter, V. and A. Graham 1962. British prosobranch molluscs. London. Adlard & Son Ltd. Miyamoto, Allan 1964. Clustering in L. planaxis. Unpublished. Owen, G. and H. F. Steedman 1958. Preservation of molluscs. Proceedings of the Malaco¬ logical Society of London 33 (3): 101-103. Rohe, Karin 1964. The role of the osphradium in L. planaxis. Unpublished. Sivik, Frank P. 1953. A comparison of the effects of various relaxing agents on slugs. Turtox News 31 (h): 66-68. Tittle, Kenneth 196. Escape response to A. spirata. Unpublished. O C