Conduction Velocity and In Vivo Studies on
the Giant Fibres of the Squid, Loligo Opalescens.
byThomas S. Otis
Send Carrespondence To:
Thomas S. Otis
Hopkins Marine Station
the squic
Data gathered on the escape resper
toligo Opalescens, indicates an output through the giant fibre
system that arrives to the muscien essentially synchroncusly
(within 2 - 5 msec.). Further, the first In vive recordings
ever made on the species indicate that the giant fibre system
gives a very stereotyped pattern of discharge each time it fires.
The giant fibres do not allow the animal to escape any faster;
Howeyer. It is also obseryed that giant fibre spikes do not
always occur during jetting, that multiple spike discharges are
common, and that the number of spikes per jet control the
intensity of the jet. Finally, this data suggests a possible
course of evolution for the giant fibre pathway.
oduc ti
ne giant fibre systen of
uid is perbaps the most
extensively studied neurobiological preparation. Inargueably, it
has produced data on ion moyement and nervous signal condustion that
is the basis of all neurobiology. These studies were possible que
to the large sized axons that are characteristic of the system.
They allow ease in both stimulation and recording, and thus their
electrophysiological properties have been known now for over half
a century. All of this study, however, has focused on a dissected
preparation which is essentially "dead". Certainly no behaviours
can be studied, nor their neryous control, in the open-mantle,
traditional giant fibre preparation.
Honetheless, many evolutionany advantages of the fibre system
have been suggested, namely that the system has bettem synchronicity
and allows the animal to exhibit a fastem escape mesponse. As
J. E. Young wrote, "The value of systems of giant fibres to the
mimals possessing them lies presumably either in the greatem apeed
of conduction in larger axons, or in that such large fibres make it
pessible to tall inte action a large number of effecton agents
nearly simultaneously" (J. 2. Young. 1938).
The work presented in this paper addresses both of these
presuppositions directly, by using the traditional, open-mantle
preparation to determine the limit of simultaneity, and by examining
the first obtained in vive neural recordings from the stellar
nerves of Loligo Opalescens. Date collected suggests that the
former could be true, while the latter does not aid in allowing
the animal to escape faster. Furthermore, this work indicates a
probable evolutionary pathway for the development of the giant
fibre system.
Haterials and Hethods
Lolige Opalescens, the animals used in this study, were
chtained from Monterey Bay, Monterey, Ca. They were maintained
in large circular holding tanks (ca. 2m in diameter and im deep).
Ihe experimental animals were typically 7 to 12 cm in mantle length.
Because of the nature of the in vive preparation, only healthy,
strong swimming animals with all skin intact were chosen.
The study was divided into two experiments. Neasurements
for both parts of the study were made with en passant suction
alectrodes. The slectrodes consisted of two Agola wires, one
inside a syringe, the other wrapped arcund the flexible Nalgene
tubing tip. Another AgCla wire was inserted in the seawater
bath as a ground. The tips of all recording electrodes were
flesible Malgene tubing, drawn out over flame so that the
diamater of the and provided the best suction onto the stellar

Hecordings for both experiments were passed threugh a
preamplifier (Tektronix FM I2 to a storage cecillceroge
(Micelet Storage Oeeillsacope 2091!.
The first experiment measured conduction velscity. Ic
da this the animals mantle was cut ventrally and pinned out in
a diseection dish, with the head still intact. Water
temperature was maintained at 10 -14 O throughout the experiment.
Befgre each experiment, the water was aerated for at least 10 min.
Iws suction electrodes as described above were placed on one stellar
perye, one on the loose segment of nerve as it leaves the stellate
danglion (See Fig. 1), the other where the nerve fibre was barely
yisible, presumably close to the motor endplate. The latter
electrode was placed by removing the collagen tunic and musele layer
ue in the
the nerv
itting the nerve and
electrode tip. The nerve was then stimulated presynaptically via
the pallial nerve, with pulses of 10 -80 V lasting from 0.1 to 0.5
msec. Time between action potentials was obtained by using the
storage oscilloscope cursor movement function (Os explained in
Fig. 2). The distance between electrodes was measured using a
piece of wire and calipers.
For the in vive experiments, the animals were narcotized
in a solution of 1.5 -22 ethanol in natural seawater, for 3 to 5
minutes, or until respiratory movements were minimal. The Leligg
was then transferred to a dissecting dish, the dorsal skin above
the stellate ganglions removed, and the mantle tissue above the
ganglions carefully removed, so as nat to damage the ganglion.
The animal was attatched to a plesiglass restraint (See Fig. 3)
with superglue. The squid was clearly able to perform normal
respiratory, swimming and jetting movements. Here, the animal
was transferred to a plexiglass hox (8"xS"x5") filled with seawater
maintained at 10 -14 C. One suction electrode was placed on the
second, third or fourth stellar nerve (See Fig. i) at the loose
segment as they leave the ganglion. Often the nerve was sucked
into the electrede tip, and better quality recording resulted.
An absolute pressure transducer (sliding resistor coil)
whose resistance varied linearly with pressure, was connected to
a tube filled with mineral oil, which was inserted through ansther
hole (not above the ganglion) in the squid's mantle. The
transducer was wired into a Wheatstone bridge with a variable
resistance component, so that output current could be adjusted.
Using the "balcen pop test" the transducer was determined to have
within a two millisecond respense to a step change in pressure.
The transducer was not calibrated.
de e
preamplifier inte an analeg/digital processor which output
digital signals to a Betamax video recorder (This method is after
Dr. Benzanilla, Biephysical Journal, 1785). The pressure
transducer recording was run directly to the analog/digital
Stop frame analysis of the recordings was made using the
Betamax recorded data converted back to analog signals in the O/D
converter and displayed on the storage oscilloscope screen. Ihs
records could be maintained on the screen by using an outside
triggering pulse of the same frequency as the videotape sample
(16 Hz.).
Further analysis on a faster time scale was performed by
cutputting data stored on Betamax tape through the A/D converter
and taped on fast speed on an FM tape recorder (Tandberg,
Geries 115). Records were played back on slower speeds to a
brush recorder to increase time scale. Unless otherwise mentigned
all records displayed in this paper were obtained by this method.
Escape responses were induced in the animals by frightening
them with a finger, perturbing them with a dissecting togl, ory
often they responded spontaneously.
ion veleit.
lable I shows the data collected in determining conduction
velocities for an average animal. As mentioned earlier, the time
of each action potential was taken from the storage oscilloscope
screen. This method was used in calculating data for three
animals, each of which produced data analogous to this example,
The arrival of signals at the admittedly very roughly estimated
endplate in this case was less than I msec. difference. In no
other example were the differences greater than 3 msec, betwsen
cutgoing signals of the giant fibres. In angther set of
observations, two suction electrodes were placed at the estimated
endplates of different nerves, and stimulation was given via the
pallial nerve. As can be seen in Table I as well, the differences
in arrival of signals using this crude method average merely 3
(he average time of impulse transmission to the estimated
endplate in all animals in all stallar nerves (End, 3rd, 4th
and Sth) was 2.9 msec. and in no case was the transmission time
to endplate greater than 5 msec.
Experiment 2: In vive regordings
As mentioned earlier, most hard copies of recordings stored
on videotape were run out on the brush recorder by using an EM
tape recorder to increase time resolution. These records proyed
to be the most informative and thus the majority of analysis was
performed using hard copy records of different speeds, made at
different gains to manipulate comparative resolution of specifis
cale of the recordings
and hiche
frequency events
become distinquishable. In Figure 6, we see the 250 asec. time
periods surrounding each of the same jets that are in Fig. S.
These sequential recordings allow clear identification of the giant
spikes preceeding pressure rises in the mantle cavity (As before,
bottom traces). In the first jet of the sequence, one giant
spike is evident, 25 msec. before the pressure increase. O
pattern of much smaller amplitude, yet still large spikes
(500 - 800 uV) are still apparent, on a very similar time scale
as in the previbus trace. The pressure records are arranged so
that the rises in pressure correspond. In the Srd jet, two
giant spikes occur, the first with the same 25 msec. latency
Until pressure rises. Large spikes are also steregtypically
clustered about the giant fibre discharges. Finally, the
pressure recordings for each of the 3 jets are graded in
amplitude, with the no giant fibre spike record giving the lowest
change in pressure, and the slowest rate of pressure rise in the
mantle cavity. As expected, the pressure change for the one
diant fibre spike record is higher in amplitude, but still smaller
than the record with twe giant fibre spikes. Both pressure
tracings show a similar rate of pressure rise.
In Figure 7, there are three recordings of jet sequences
from the same animal. All three records have 2 parts, each of
different gain. The first record shows a weak jet, with no giant
fibre spike, followed by a stronger, two giant fibre spike jet,
Jet sequence number two shows 3 jets, the first two without giant
spikes, the last with only one giant spike. Lastly, the third jet
sequence displays one weak, non-giant jet and a jet with 5 giant
fibre discharges. The water artifact occuring immediately after
this final jet appears considerably larger than in the previous
ure displeys s harde
e ee re.
quence. This record was not run threugh the Fi recorder, but
rather was obtained directly from the videotape. O total of six
"escape" jets occur during the course of the continuous recording,
Perhaps the most salient events in this figure are the artifacts
from the two jet sequences. These are the high amplitude, very
low frequency events occuring after each unit of three jets. The
two most notable pieces of information gained from this record are
the regular pattern of activity occuring at 1 to 2 second interyals
and the higher amplitude "breaths" seen immediately preceeding each
unit of 3 jets. One can also notice small amplitude, low frequency
events occuring after each "breath", indicitive of artifactual
seawater moyement.
Ihe Sth Figure is data obtained from FM re-recordings of a
previously videotaped experiment. It is a 3 jet sequence, and
the much faster time scale clearly affords better resolution of
nigh frequency events. The lower tracing is a record of pressure
change in the mantle cavity, and it is evident that a large
preszure increase occurs approximately 2E zec, after eome
extremely large amplitude electrical action recorded in the usser
tracing. Ihis suggests that mantle muscles have contracted,
powering the escape jet, and that these muscles have been
commanded by the large amplitude cutput occuring just previous
to the sudden pressure change. Also apparent is the biphasic
nature of the high amplitude, high frequency electrical record
preceeding the pressure change. There is a 400 - 700 msec. pericd
of high activity, followed by a relitively inactive period of
50 - 60 msec., and then an extremely large amplitude period of
70 - 80 msec. just before pressure change.
These consistent patterns become even clearer as the time
sequence have the
Clearly there are many important conclusions
drawn from this data. The conduction velocity data suggests that
neurel output to the endplate errives yery nearly simultanegusly.
My data indicating a 2 - 3 msec. difference for Loliga of mantle
length 10 - 20 cm. is rather consitent with data from others,
particularly Sosline, et al (J. Exp. Bio. 1983), who states that
his figures indicate better than 10 msec. synchronicity. His
animals were larger, thus his differences would be expected to be
greater. Certainly my measurements are too few to make definite
estimates of latencies, but they are a fine indication that the
system is essentially synchronous. Considering the 300 - 800
msec. (Gosline, et al, J. Exp. Bio., 1783) period of muscle
activity, this asynchranicity seems rather trivial.
The in vive experiments provide much excitng detail about
this well studied giant fibre system. The biphasic nature of
both respirations and giant fibre induced jetting suggest that
Gosline's data an hyperinflation and subsequent jetting
(J. ERp. Eio., 1783) is in fact true, given that the 400 - S0o
msec. period of large amplitude activity is being carried by
fibres innervating the radial muscles. This is consistent with
my records because the squid was tethered, and thus wasn't able
to move through the water, which normally would allow flow-induced
pressures to aid in mantle reinflation during respiration. It
would be reasonable to expect the animal to have to work harder
in this static situation during respiration and jetting alike.
Therefore nervous discharge to radial muscle fibres could be
The large, very high frequency spikes clustered in the
most 1i
activatine circular muscie in the mantle, probably of thes
type (Bone and Pulsford, 1948). The giant fibre spikes would
then activate faster twitch muscle tissue in the mantle, which
isthe most abundant muscle tisse (Sosline. Ei. Am.. 185).
The numerous large spikes surrounding every giant spike could be
signals sent to slower acting circular muscle. It is clearly
evident that the giant spike, if one occurs during a jet, is
"held back", perhaps so that large spike output to the circular
muscles can arrive synchronously with the much faster conducting
giant fibre cutput.
Mast exciting is the observation that the giant fibre
system does not make the escape responses any faster as
J. E. Young suppossed. Rather it seems that the system can
increase the strength of the jet and probably developed to increase
synchronicity of a strong muscle cantraction. The records showing
multiple giant spikes are equally remarkable, because they
indicate that strength of contraction can he graded by the numbem
of spikes fired as mell. Undoubtedly, more careful experimentation
will be done with pressure traneducens to elucidate the specific
montribution of a system capable of multiple spikes.
Lastly, the fact that the giant fibre system does not aid
the animal in quikening the response time to a threatening stimulus
indicates that it probably developed in animals which already had
an escape response (most likely mediated by the same large amplitude
fibres seen in my recordings). Thus the newly evolved giant fibre
network would have to "hold back" to be synchronous with the
slower, previously developed system.
Acknoul edgenents
Dr. William Gilly deserves more thanks than I am
able to give, here in my utterly inadequate "Ack" section.
He simply was always there, to such an extent, that halfway
through the quarter, another undergraduate and I began to
speculate on whether he had another job here or not. I am
also very thankful that there is a Dr. Stuart Thompson at
H.M.S. Though I have trouble spelling his name, his timely
donations of equiptment and expertise allowed me to complete
the project. Finally, Bruce Hopkins, and Carol Marzuola
are no less wonderful for dealing with hordes of crucial
things (like supplying the animals). Their time and
attention was much appreciated.
Penzenilla, J. (1985) Biophysical Journaly March. 1EE.
Bone, 0. et al. (1980) The Role of L-glutamate in Neuromuscular
Transmission in some Mollusks. J. Mar. Bic. Ass. U.K.
60, 619 - 626.
Bryant. S. H. (1958) Transmission in Squid Giant Synapses:
The Importance of Oxygen Supply and the Effects of
Drugs. J. Gen. Ehys. 41, No.3, 473-484,
Bryant. S. H. (1759) The Function of the Proximal Synapses of
the Squid Stellate Ganglion. J. Gen. Ehys. 42, No.3,
Dorsett, D.A. (1984) Design and Function of Giant Fibre Systems.
Perguson, G.P. et al. (in press) Motor Fields and in yiys Hator
Programs of Fin and Stellar Nerves in the Squid, L. Breviz.
Gosline. J.M. et al. (1983) Patterns of Circular and Radial Muscle
Activity in Respiration and Jetting of the Squid.
L. Upalescens. J. Exp. Bic. 104, 97-109.
Wilson, Donald M. (1960) Nervous Control of Movement in
Cephalopods. J. Exp. Bio. 37, 57-71.
Yeung, J.Z. (1938) The Functioning of the Giant Nerye Fibres of
the Squid. J. Exp. Bio. 15, 171-185.






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Fig 7.









Figure Legends
Figure 1: Pallial nerve and stellate ganglion, with
the "loose" segments of each nerve showing.
Figure 2: Oscilloscope picture, illustrating the method
used to determine conduction velocities.
Eigure : Restraint and holding bo used for in vivo
Figure 4: Data recorded using suction electrodes,
taken directly from the Betamax recording.
"Q" - water movement artifact, "B" - breath, "J" -
Eigure 5: Sequential three jet record, with
electrical record on top, and pressure changee in
mantle on the bottom. "G" - giant spike, "K" -
proposed output to radial muscles, "C"  proposed
output to circular muscles. Time bar is 100 msec.
Eigure 6: Same three jets as in Fig. 5, on an
expanded time scale. The records are lined up to
highlight the stereotyped electrical activity,
and corresponding pressure rise. Time bar is
10 msec.
Figure 7: Ihree different jet sequences from
other animals. Both records (top and bottom) are
the same, but played out on different gain. Ihe
key is as in Fig. 5.
Lable 1: Conduction velocity measurements tro
one animal. a
- action potential.