Hg ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, IF ANY, CONCERNING AUTHORS, ADDRESS, TITLE, OR CITATION DATA PLEASE TYPE ABSTRACT DOUBLE SPACED BELÖW WHITE, T. JEFFERY (Hopkins Marine Sta., Pacific Grove, Calif., USA.) Metabolic activity and glycogen stores of two distinct popula- tions of Acmaea scabra (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). The Veliger Populations of the limpet Acmaea scabra found high in the intertidal remain immotile and do not feed for long periods of time, while lower pop- ulations move and feed more frequently. Studies were carried out to deter- mine whether any nutritional or metabolic adaptations enable these high pop- ulations to sustain themselves over these prolonged periods between feeding. Comparisons were made of glycogen conte and respiratory rate between two populations; one at plus two feet in the intertidal, the other at plus six feet. It was demonstrated that the higher populations have greater glycogen stores and lower respiratory rates than the lower populations. The differences could revresent an adaptation to survive for long periods between feeding. aaaaa- 437 C Metabolic Activity and Glycogen Stores of Two Distinct Populations of Acmaea scabre (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) by T. Jeffery White Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Paific Grove, California Frotste. 43 1. Jelfery white 2 TRODUC ION Of the several species of Acmaea found in the intertidal of Mon- terey County, A. scabra (Gould 1846) occupies the highest zone on the rocks (Hewatt 1935). It ranges between the tide levels of plus two and plus six feet. Hewattihasyobserved, and my own observations have confirmed, that these limpets make excursions in search of food only when submerged or amidst heavy wave action. Lower populations move more often, and more regularly, than do populations located at higher tide levels. For example, individuals of the higher populations have been observed to remain immotile for periods up to three days. In April and May, 1966, studies were carried out at the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California, to determine what physiological factors enable these populations to sustain themselves over prolonged periods between feeding. Two parameters were investigated; oxygen consumption and glycogen stores. These parameters were chosen in conjunction with the hypothesis that a decrease in meta- bolic activity and larger stores of glycogen may allow the animals to survive under conditions that preclude frequent feeding. MTTHODS All specimens were collected off Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California. Individuals were taken from two different parts of the intertidal; below plus two feet and above plus six feet. Within twen¬ ty minutes after collection, individual animals were placed in a sep¬ arate water-filled jar and their oxygen consumption measured for a three hour period by the Winkler method (Welsh & Smith,1949, pg.146). The water temperature remained constant at 11 C. In order to minimize T. Jeffery White and Lonsumgtön oxygen evolutionby algae on the shells, the shells were scraped and the animals kept in the dark. After the respiratory measurement was comple- ted, each animal was removed from its shell, blotted and weighed. These same individuals were then used to determine the amount of glycogen present in the entire body. The whole animal was homogenized in 2mls. of 10% trichloroacetic acid. After centrifugation, the glycogen was precipitated from the trichloroacetic acid supernatant by the addition of an equal volume of 95% ethanol. The precipitate was dissolved in Amls. of water and the carbohydrate content determined using the phe¬ nol-sulfuric acid method of Dubois (1956). RTS LTS AND DI JSSION The results of measurements of oxygen consumption are represented in Table 1 and glycogen content in shown in Table 2. The findings show a difference in metabolic activity and glyco¬ gen stores in animals from the two intertidal locations. The results show that the higher forms have higher glycogen stores and lower meta¬ bolic activity than the animals from the lower intertidal area. Thes combination ofthscould be the critical factor permitting maintenance of the animal between feedings. Measurements of glycogen in the higher group also shows a somewhat greater range, as is reflected in the higher standard deviation. A greater degree of variation in glycogen content would be anticipated if life between feedings is dependent upon the use of glycogen stores. The higher mean glycogen content in the limpets from higher portions of the intertidal also suggests an increased storage potential in these animals. The glycogen and respiratory data also permit calculation of the 470 1. Jeffery White minimum time these higher populations could survive between feedings, if glycogen were the sole respiratory substrate. Assuming six moles of oxygen consumed per mole of glucose utilized, this could permit submerged maintenance for sixty hours. The lower population of Acmaea scabra, with its higher respiratory activity and lower glycogen store, could only maintain itself for seventeen hours. Since Baldwin (1966) has found that the aerial respiration rate in A. scabra is several times less than the submerged rate, the above values are certainly minimal for aerially-breathing limpets. Lower metabolic activity and higher glycogen content are not the only characteristics of high populations that suggest adaptations for survival in the higher portions of the intertidal. Nawatt (1940) has observed that the shells of Acmaea scabra from higher intertidal areas are higher and thicker, while the shells of this species living in low, moist areas are thinner and flattened. In addition, the study of Jessee (1966) indicates that A. scabra of the higher intertidal shows a greater tendency to home than A. scabra found in the low intertidal. Animals with a strong homing tendency present a greater irregularity of shell shape that is complementary to the home site. The resulting better fit of animal to substratum may decrease susceptibility to desiccation. A third adaptation of the higher forms, shown by the study of Hardin (1966), demonstrates that higher populations of A. scabra can withstand greater temperatures than populations lower in the intertidal. 44 Jeffery White CTTR SUMMARY 1. Metabolic activity and glycogen content of pop- from the higher and lower por- ulations of Acmaea scabr tions of the intertidal wer re determined. 2. Animals from plus six feet showed lower metabolic activity and larger glycogen stores than animals from plus two feet. 3. The possible survival value of this difference is discussed. 142 T. Jeffery White 44 ACKNOWLEDGEMI NTS This work was made possible by grant GY8Oo from the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation. I am also happy to acknowledge the guidance of Dr. John Phillips. C T. Jeffery White TTDT REFERENCES CITED Baldwin, Simeon 1966. Manometric measurements of respiratory activity in Acm sa digitalis and Acmaea scabra. The Veliger Dubois, M. 1956. Colorimetric method for the determination of sugar and related substances. Anal. Chem. 28:350 Hardin, Dane 1966. A comparative study og lethal temperatures the limpets Acmaea scabra and Acmaea digitalis. The Veliger.. Hewatt, W. G. 1935. Scological succession in the Mytilusc ornianus habitat as observed in Monterey Bay, California. Ecol. 16:211-251 Hewatt, W. C. 1910. Observations on the homing limpet Acmaea abra Gould. Amer. Midl. Nat. 24:205-8 1er5 7 Jessee, William F. 1966. Wcological and mechanistic studies of homing behavior in the limpet, Acmaea scabra. The Veliger Smith, Ralph I. & Welsh, John H. e, 41 F175 1949. Laboratory Exercises in Invertebrate Physiology., Minneapolis Burgess Co.) 179pgsllfigs. 444 FOOTNOTES * Permanent address: a S 445 C 1. eiery White AUf PIGURT LAGENDS Table 1 Glycogen stores from high and low populations (these figures correspe to the same animalsas the first 21 figures in Table 2) Table 2 Metabolic activity of high and low populations 44 O C — en e. Asal 1267 Ascab — 190 100 360 160 700 8/0 110 300 630 115 600 660 1110 610 690 24 10 00 2-10113 2-1513 K-211.9 -522.15 SD=111.9 .-8.8625 S.E.=5.233 S. =10.29 XdSEd=29.8 7o Table 1 1. Jellery White 44 O Oygey Gsagte asj oslon ldg frs AT1. A. scabra +67. cbra 115 230 191 100 292 165 30. 12 200 160 156 118 315 124 202 150 200 20 318 16 180 206 550 130 110 108 135 02 180 116 2 =939 521 X =2 -195.12 4:78 S.D.: S.D.=81.0 20.11 S. E. =2. S.E.=3.67 S.S. Sfr - 1.15 xese.-20.01 P =6.001 Table 2 1. Jellery Whi 44