ABSTRACT Locomotion was studied in seven species of marine diatoms. A scanning electron microscope was employed to observe frustule morphology, secretion from the raphe system, and trails. Active secretion may be involved in locomotion, but to varying degrees in each species of diatom. It is also possible that secreted trails are, for the most part, just a by-product of locomotion in certain species. Differences in sensitivity to the content of calcium of sea water may indicate less direct use of secretion for loco¬ motion in Nitzschia Longissima and Bacillaria Paradoxa. In addition, drugs such as cytochalasin D and movement in sea water flow seems to confirm the fact that microtubules are not involved and that at least Navicula Vulpina and Nitzschia Closterium use only their posterior portions of their raphe systems during locomotion. Wing-like extensions of the frustule used in coupling colonial Bacillaria Paradoxa were observed for the first time. INTRODUCTION Diatoms are one of the most abundant plants in the world, producing 25 to 30 percent of the world's oxygen. It seems strange that a plant, so basic for our survival, is so little understood. Moving about in beautiful glass houses, they reach speeds quite fast relative to their size. The mechanism for this locomotion is unknown, but it seems to be unique to these little plants. Theories about how diatoms locomote have been proposed for over one hundred years and include ideas from jet propulsion to cytoplasmic capping. All studies of locomotion now, though, seem to be coupled to the unique morphology of the diatom frustule (Fig. 1). The raphe system, gut into the silica frustule, is an integral part of locomotion. Secretion of mucopolysaccarides are extru¬ ded along this channel and are one of the means by which the diatoms move. The frustule, or shell, is made of silica and divided into three parts—two valves and a girdle. The anal¬ ogy to a petri dish can closely be drawn to the frustule if the two valves are compared to the upper (cover) and lower half of a petri dish, one fitting into the other and the girdle being a piece of tape surrounding the outer edges. The raphe sys¬ tem, which usually consists of a single linear channel opening through to the cytoplasmic wall, is directly in the center of each valve. Each raphe is then split in half by two central pores, each ending in two terminal pores. 1 - There are only four theories that seem plausible as to the exact method of locomotion in diatoms. These are as fol¬ lows (Fig. 2): 1) Mucilage secreted at the anterior terminal pore and posterior central pore is driven by undulating actin. The mucilage is forced out and against the substrate by the actin. The mucilage then acts to push the diatom along. (Jarosch, 1962) 2) Trails are secreted through the entire raphe and expand upon leaving it. The secreted trail then pushes along the substrate to force the diatom forward. (Hopkins & Drum, 1966) 3) Trails are secreted from the anterior terminal pore allowing for locomotion, and secretion on the dorsal valve creates streaming. Streaming is the observation of particles being moved along the dorsal raphe rapidly back and forth. (Harper & Harper, 1967) 4) Capillary flow of a viscous liquid along the raphes flows outward and becomes trails only at the anterior central pore and posterior terminal pore. (Gordon & 111 Drum, 1970) All of these theories cite secretion of some sort of muco¬ polysaccharide as the direct means of locomotion and claim the presence of secreted trails on the substratum. Drum and Hopkins (1965) also claimed actin-affecting drugs reacted on diatoms, indicating that actin may also be involved. In this study I examined seven diatom species. I was asking the question whether it is correct to assume that loco¬ motion is exactly the same in every diatom, i.e., whether one theory suffices for all diatoms. To probe the possibilities of locomotion in marine diatoms six approaches were used: 1) Morphological studies of diatom frustules. 2) Sensitivity of diatoms to ion changes in sea water. 3) Whether calcium, since it is linked to the secretory mechanism of pulling vesicles to the cytoplasmic wall for excretion, is linked to locomotion in diatoms. Calcium-free water was used in this study. 4) The use of chemical additives for analysis for effects on secreted trails. 5) Scanning electron microscopy with gentle fixation methods to carefully analyze the raphe systems during secretion and the secreted trails. 6) Observations of differences between species with respect to their speeds and methods of movement in and out of sea water mainstream flow. In addition to analyzing the possible methods of locomo¬ tion for each of the seven species, I was able to observe the coupling mechanism of the diatom Bacillaria Paradoxa. This mechanism, which is a delicate extension of the silica frus¬ tule has never been observed before. MATERIALS AND METHODS I selected seven species of diatoms in which to study locomotion. They are as follows: Bacillaria Paradoxa, Navicula Vulpina, Nitzschia Closterium, Eunotia Soleirolii, Eunotia Carolina, Pleurosigma Elongatum, and Nitzschia Longissima. These species were chosen because of their abun¬ dance in the populations sampled. The marine diatoms used in the following experiments were collected from the indoor salt water pumping system used by the Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California. The fresh-water diatoms were collected from a nearby stream. Some of the Nitzschia Longissima were cultured in the labora¬ tory. All diatoms were stored at approximately 20°C at normal day and night intervals. All experiments concerning the ionic content of the arti¬ ficial sea water used were repeated 30-65 times depending on the consistencies of the results. Trials were done at least 30 times on each species. If those 30 results were within 958 of each other, the testing was stopped. No test went longer than 65 times. Averages of all the trials were then taken, and the results recorded. Observations were taken at approximately the same time of day and for each of the seven species separately. When changing solutions, during ionic content studies, three methods were employed: 1) For studies done longer than three hours the diatoms were transferred from their holding container into a petri dish with cover-slips resting on the bottom. After a sufficient amount of time, which usually was at least one-half hour, the diatoms adhered to the cover-slips and were transferred via the cover-slips, They then were rinsed in the new solutions fairly vigorously and placed in their new solution as free as possible from any previous liquid. 2) For cruder, long-term studies, diatoms were concentrated in a single spot on tissue paper with the use of a pipette and then dried and scraped off into the new solution. 3) In order to visualize immediate effects of new solu¬ tions on diatoms, solution changes had to be made under the cover-slip while viewing through a light micro¬ scope. I was able to accomplish this by putting the diatoms in their original solution on a glass slide. I then placed a cover-slip, raised on two sides by vaseline, over them. By placing the new solution on one side of the cover-slip I was able to "pull" it through with tissue paper on the other side. This method effectively allowed for complete changes of solutions quickly and during visualization. To observe particle streaming along the raphe of the dia¬ toms, a fine grain charcoal colloid suspension was diffused under a raised cover-slip while being observed through a light microscope, or simply added to their solution. The diatoms were observed in artificial sea water with varied ionic contents. The base formula for this artificial sea water, which was used as a control throughout the experi¬ ments, was: 47 millimoles Nacl, 1 millimoles KCl, 5 milli- moles MgCl., 1 millimoles Cacl,, and 114 grams triss HCl as a buffer. Distilled water was then added until 100 milliliters was reached and triss base was added to bring the P.H. up to 7.8. The osmolarity was checked on each solution and kept at 980 milliosmoles. Diatoms were first tested in chelated and unchelated calcium-free sea water. The base formula for artificial sea water was used omitting the calcium. E.G.T.A. at a 10 mM concentration was incorporated in the chelated formula. The cover-slip rinsing method was used at first in solution changes until the effects were determined to be short termed. Disper- sion under the cover-slip during visualization was then pre¬ ferred. The diatoms were viewed under 100x, 400x, and 1000x. They were timed with a stop watch over 260 microns. The microscope ocula were calibrated using an optical stage micrometer and adjusted for each magnification. Cessation of motion was determined to be complete when at least 908 of the movement from a certain species had ceased. Once stopped I attempted to induce recovery using the base formula artificial sea water. Calcium was substituted by either barium chloride or strontium chloride, of concentrations equal to the calcium chloride in the control solution. The base formula artificial sea water was used in recovery, and the short-term techniques of observing the diatoms were used. Both solutions were non¬ chelated. I also observed diatoms placed in the artificial sea water with a calcium ionophore added at a 10 uM concentration. The calcium ionophore was dissolved in D.M.S.O. [1 ul/mll. A control of artificial sea water with D.M.S.O. at the same con¬ centration was used. Observations were taken using both long¬ and short-term methods of solution changing. The effectspof local anesthetic tetracaine were studied. The anesthetic, a calcium blocker, was added to the sea water at a concentration of 1 uM and .5 uM. Only the short-term method of solution changing was used. To determine whether microtubules were involved in locomotion, cytochalasin D was applied to diatoms in a 10 uM concentration. The cytochalasin was dissolved in D.M.S.O. [1 ul/mll and a control of artificial sea water with D.M.S.O. at the same concentration was used. Both long- and short-term methods of solution changing were employed. Two enzymes, pronase and hemicellulase, and a complex of abalone entrails were tested on the diatoms to help determine the structure of the diatom trail. All these chemicals were dissolved directly in the artificial sea water at concentra¬ tions of .005 g/ml, .0l g/ml, and .001 g/ml, respectively. Recovery was recorded using artificial sea water. Both the long- and short-term methods of solution changes were used. Two other ion substitutions were used to observe their effects upon the diatoms. These were both sodium substitutions, one using N-methyl glutamine at the same concentration as sodium and the other lithium chloride at concentration equal to the sodium chloride in the control solution. Recovery in both cases was achieved using artificial sea water and short¬ and long-term solution changing methods. Potassium-free sea water was also introduced to the dia¬ toms simply by leaving the KCl out while making the artificial sea water. Osmolarity was held at 980 milliosmoles by remov¬ ing distilled water, and the base formula artificial sea water was used for recovery. Observations were made with the long¬ term methods of solution changing. Lastly, the effects of P.H. were examined. Triss HCl and triss base were used in adjusting the P.H. P.H. was recorded on an electronic meter. Four solutions (P.H. 6.5, 9.2, 6.0, and a control of 8.08) were used. Rinsing with the control was employed to examine recovery in the diatoms. The movements of the diatoms in a flow was observed under a light microscope using a vacuum suction device. A .5 mm diameter polyurethane tubing was attached to a small aquarium vacuum pump. The free end of the tube was placed against a small piece of tissue paper that extended part of the way underneath a cover-slip. The cover-slip was raised on a glass slide on two sides by vaseline. In this manner an even suction was created to pull water from under the cover¬ slip. The flow of sea water was varied by adjusting the height of a gravity drip system attached by tubing to the other side of the cover-slip. Flow speed was taken with an optical microme¬ ter and a stop watch while observing charcoal particle flow, SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Four different methods of gentle fixation were used to observe diatoms under the electron microscope: 1) A freeze drying method was used on fresh water diatoms, the only type that would move in distilled water for a prolonged period of time. The diatoms were trans¬ ferred to distilled water and allowed to locomote for one-half hour before being placed in liquid nitrogen. Distilled water was used to keep salt crystals from forming during lyophilization, Äfter freezing on cover-slips the diatoms were placed on a metal slab which was half emersed in liquid nitrogen. The metal slab was then placed in a vacuum and all liquids were sublimed for approximately two days. 2) A second method of fixation was tried using osmium tetroxide and gluteraldehyde in 18 and 48 solutions, respectively. Two preparations of diatoms were made, one with colloid charcoal particles and one without the 10 particles. The marine diatoms were placed on a cover¬ slip, allowed to locomote for one-half hour, and then placed in 18 osmium tetroxide and 48 gluteraldehyde fixative (osmolarity of 980) for one-half hour. They were then transferred to sea water in a solution chang- ing apparatus, designed by Bill Magruder, which very slowly changes the osmolarity of the solutions. The sea water was exchanged for distilled water over a period of about seven hours. The distilled water was then exchanged with acetone over approximately the same period of time. The diatoms were then critical point dried for two days. 3) The third method of fixation employed the same method as t2 except the solution changes were stopped at the distilled water point; no acetone was added. The dia¬ toms were then immersed in liquid nitrogen and all liguids were sublimed off exactly as in method number one. 4) The fourth method of fixation was used to observe the morphology of the silica frustule. Marine diatoms were centrifuged to concentrate them. They were then acidified with a solution of concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids for two days. After two days, they were rinsed and centrifuged ten times with distilled water. The water was removed by sublimation in a vacuum device. 11 After all methods of fixation, the diatoms were coated with gold and viewed using a Hitachi scanning electron microscope. RESULT! Velocity of Diatoms: (Table 1) In six of the seven species of diatoms I was able to record speeds. Bacillaria Paradoxa, being colonial, moves the whole colony at tremendous speeds relative to each individual, making it almost impossible to record an individual speed. The orders Eunotia and Bacillaria Paradoxa were most consis¬ tent, as the other orders tended to have more stop-and-go motions. Pleurosigma Elongatum was by far the quickest, which may be because of the extremely large raphe it possesses, thereby allowing it a larger space for its locomotory mechan¬ ism. Changes in the Ionic Content of Sea Water: Calcium-free sea water with E.G.T.A. was introduced to the diatoms because of calcium's probable relation to secre¬ tion (Fig. 3). Calcium has been cited as being needed for the fibers that pull the secretory vesicles to the cytoplasmic wall. Without calcium secretion stops. Cessation of motion was recorded in all species except Nitzschia Longissima. Distinct differences between the species Bacillaria Paradoxa 12 and Nitzschia Longissima were recorded in the time required to stop and to recover. Calcium-free sea water which was not chelated was also used (Fig. 4). Significant differences between the species Bacillaria Paradoxa and Nitzschia Longissima in their sensi¬ tivity to calcium-free water were recorded. Nitzschia Longissima again being unsensitive. The unchelated calcium¬ free sea water, having a trace of calcium, showed the diatoms to be sensitive even to slight variations of calcium. The time required for cessation of motion, in general, was longer and the time required for recovery was shorter. Effects of calcium substitutions using barium and stron¬ tium are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. These ions substituted for calcium for a finite period of time, and their substitution time was not equivalent. Large differences between the species Bacillaria Paradoxa, Pleurosigma Elongatum, and Nitzschia Longissima were again recorded, and these differ¬ ences correlated with the differences found in calcium-free sea water. Other ionic changes were examined. The absence of sodium with N-methyl glutamine substituted and, in a separate test, lithium chloride substituted (Figs. 7 and 8). Potassium-free sea water was also tested (Fig. 9). For both substitutions of sodium-free sea water, large differences were recorded between the species. Nitzschia Longissima was sensitive to N-methyl glutamine substituted sea water, but insensitive to the lithium 13 chloride substitution. All species had long-term sensitivity to potassium-free sea water, again with differences between the species. Bacillaria Paradoxa never completely stopped moving even after two days. Chemical Additives: Of all the chemicals added to the sea water, only one, abalone entrails, stopped movement and allowed recover Cytochalasin D, which inhibits microtubules, had no effect as did the calcium ionophore and hemicellulase (Table 2). Scanning Electron Microscope Studies of Frustules and Secretions: (Figs. 10-22) The secretion, a mucopolysaccharide, coming from the raphe systems expands as it leaves the raphe and probably comes from all along the raphe and not just the pores (Figs. 10-16). The absence of trails suggests a new theory of secretion in relation to locomotion. The secretion, many times, also seems to be filament-like, and not as globular as previously thought (Figs. 10, 11, and 16) Movement in Flow: In flow most diatoms which tried to move lost adherence and were swept away. The majority of diatoms would immediately stop when the flow reached 89 microns/sec. Before stopping the Navicula Vulpina and Nitzschia Closeterium would sway back 14 and forth, attached only by their single posterior terminal pore. When they did stop and adhered tightly, they would attach their second anterior terminal pore. S.E.M. Studies of Coupling in Bacillaria Paradoxa: (Figs. 23-35) Delicate wing-like extensions of the frustules were observed on Bacillaria Paradoxa when gentle fixation methods were employed. Bacillaria move by sliding the large wing-extension of one diatom into the smaller wing-channel of another. They use only one of the two raphes on each valve to secrete on their neighbor and thereby force themselves by. The quick oscilla¬ tions of one Bacillaria sliding past another are very similar to particle streaming on a non-colonial type diatom. Similar methods of contracting mucous through the raphe may, therefore, be used. Bacillaria come to a stop very mechanically when completely outstretched in the colony. A lip at the end of the wing extension may explain the consistency of this stopping mechanism. These extensions on Bacillaria Paradoxa are the first ever observed. Two theories seem possible from the evidence which includes a channel hook in which the wing exten¬ sion fits. They are diagrammed in Figs. 36 and 37. A lip on the end of the wing extension appears to be the stopping mechanism for their mechanical oscillations (Fig. 26). DISCUSSION Of the seven species of diatoms used in studies of sensitivity to changes in ionic content of sea water, each species had its own specific response time. With calcium-free water, in which the response time was relatively short, the differences between the species of Bacillaria Paradoxa and Nitzschia Longissima in sensitivity may be related to the role secretion plays in locomotion. Calcium has been indicated to be needed in the secretion process of bringing the vesicles to the cytoplasmic walls. Without calcium secretion stops. Since secretion, or the production and excretion of poly¬ mucosaccharides, should stop, the great length of time for Bacillaria to cease movement and Nitzschia Longissima's in¬ sensitivity compared to the relatively quick response times of the other species indicates production of polymucosaccharides may play a less direct role in locomotion in some species than in others. Changes in other ions may not be linked to the pro¬ duction of mucopolysaccharides or locomotion. These tests show how diatoms are extremely sensitive to almost any ionic changes which, therefore, may have partially masked the calcium-free sea water experiment. Since I have made observations of very quick particle streaming, back and forth, across the dorsal raphe and even the "reeling" in of particles from a distance up onto the raphe, it seems essential that there be some sort of contractile 16 mechanism within the secretion. Simple recoil of outstretched mucous could not explain the rapid reversing of direction dur¬ ing particle streaming. Since diatoms were affected by actin inhibiting drugs and negatively by cytochalasin D, it seems plausible that these fibers be actin. Trails of secretion have been reported but in relatively few species. No trails were even observed in the species I looked at under the S.E.M. Instead, for the first time, secre¬ tions were seen adjacent to the raphes. They were rolled up along the raphe or strung-out and fiber-like but never laid upon the glass. These secretions were fiber-like in that secreted material is usually distinctly globular or smooth under the E.M. These secretions were much more rough and torn as if they contained structural fibers. The fiber-like secre¬ tions that were seen were always attached to a particle. A simple observation that seems to agree with the four previous theories of locomotion is the action of diatoms in a flow. Since Navicula Vulpina and Nitzschia Closterium swing back and forth by their posterior terminal pore while moving in a fairly slow flow, it seems to be correct to assume that at least some diatoms are attached only by their posterior ter¬ minal pore and maybe their posterior central pore while mov¬ ing. When immobile, they seem to adhere at least with both terminal pores. The collection of data in this study indicates to me that a new theory for locomotion in diatoms can be introduced. The 17 basis for this theoy should be that production and excretion of a mucopolysaccharide through the raphe is probably involved, but, because no trails were observed, to varying degrees for certain species. In Navicula Vulpina and Nitzschia Closterium it appears only the posterior terminal pore and maybe the posterior central pore are used during locomotion. The remainder of the locomotory activity in Bacillaria and other species observed particle streaming must reside in some contractile mechanism, possibly actin fibers. Theories such as a rotating tractor tread with reusable mucous (maybe leaving a portion of the mucous down for a trail) or secretion along¬ side the retractable filaments are still possible depending on the species in question. Certain types of Navicula, for example, have readily been observed secreting large webs of mucous which is used only as a substrate in which to live. On the other hand, Bacillaria Paradoxa, which lives in colonies, has no trails. The secreted material definitely seems to expand, though, or appears ribbon-like, in some micrographs. In any case, a general theory for locomotion seems too broad to incorporate such highly variable plants as diatoms. In the study done on coupling in Bacillaria Paradoxa definite wing-like silica extensions of the frustule have been observed. I believe the reason these have never been seen before is because of less mild fixation methods and few rela¬ tively S.E.M. studies done on them. The gentle fixation methods used in this study seem to have uncoupled the delicate 18 structures without breaking them. Two theories of exactly how the wing-like extensions are used in coupling have been intro¬ duced, but the exact method needs more thorough study. The Bacillaria do seem to have two raphes, one of which secretes or pushes along on the neighboring diatom. The wing extensions also show a lip on the end which would allow for their behav¬ ior as they slide past each other and become fully outstretched, Further study is definitely indicated here to show the exact positioning of the wing extensions in the coupling of the colony. ACKNOWLEDGMET I would like to thank Bill Magruder very much for his help on the S.E.M. and fixation method. William Gilly, Chuck Baxter, and Mark Denny also deserve thanks for their advice throughout the quarter. REFERENCES Les Algues d'eau douce [Ed]. Boubee Bourrelly, P. 1968. N. & Co., Paris. Bretsche, M. S. 1984. Endocytosis: Relation to Capping and Cell Locomotion. Science 224:681-686. E. E. 1943. Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast Cupp, [Edl Sverdrup, H. V. of North America, 5:1-238. University of California Press, Ca. 1971. R. W.; Gordon, R.; Berden, R; and Goel, N. S Drum, Weakly coupled diatomic oscillators Bacillarias Paradox resolved. J. Physol. Supple. 7:13. R. W. and Hopkins, J. T. 1966. Diatom locomotion, an Drum, explanation. Protoplasma 62:1-33. R. W. and Pankratz, H. S. 1964. Pyrenoids, raphes and Drum, other fine structures in diatoms. Am. J. Bot. 51:405- 418. Diatom Locomotion: A Consideration of Edgar L. A. 1982. Movement in a Highly Viscous Situation. Brit. Physol. J. 17:243-251. Diatom Locomotion Computer Assisted Edgar, L. A. 1979. Analysis of cine film. Br. 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Unchelated calcium-free sea water showing differences Fig. 4: between Bacillaria Paradoxa and the six other spe¬ cies. Nitzschia Longissima was unaffected. Left bar: time unt cessation of motion occurs. Right bar: recovery time. Fig. Barium substituted for calcium showed significant differences in sensitivity between Bacillaria, Pleuro¬ sigma, and Nitzschia Longissima. Barium substituted for a finite period of time. Left bar: time until cessation of motion occurs. Right bar: recovery time. Fig. 6 Strontium substituted for calcium for a finite period of time. Bacillaria deviated significantly from Eunotia Caroline, Pleurosigma Elongatum, and Nitzschia Longissima. Left bar: time until cessation of motion occurs. Right bar: recovery time. All species were sensitive to sodium-free water sub¬ Fig. 7: stituted with N-methyl glutamine. Navicula Vulpina deviated significantly from all the other species in the time required for cessation of motion. Left bar: time until cessation of motion occurs. Right bar: recovery time. Fig. 8: Lithium chloride substituted for sodium for a finite period of time. Bacillaria deviated significantly Left bar: time until from the six other species. cessation of motion occurs. Right bar: recovery time. Sensitivity to potassium-free sea water was not very Fig. 9 Bacillaria never completely stopped. Left acute. bar: time until cessation of motion occurs. Right bar: recovery time. Fig. 10: Filament-like secretion coming from Bacillaria. The filament was attached to a charcoal particle. Method +2 fixation. Ribbon-like secretion. Method +2 fixation. Fig. 11: Fig. 12: Secretion from the raphe of Pleurosigma. Method +2 fixation. Fig. 13: Secretion from the underside raphe of Bacillaria. Method +2 fixation. Fig. 14: Secretion along the raphe of Pleurosigma. Fixation method +3. Fig. 15: Secretion along the raphe. Fixation Method +2. Fig. 16: Fiber-like secretion from the raphe of Bacillaria. Secretion was attached below to a particle of char¬ coal. Fig. 17: Secretion near the terminal pore. Fixation method +2. Fig. 18: Raphe system behind silica bridges. Fixation method +4. Secretion from the terminal pore of a fresh-water Fig. 19: diatom. No trail present. Fixation method f1. Fig. 20: Raphe structure of Pleurosigma. Fixation method #3. Fig. 21: Terminal pore and raphe of Navicula Vulpina. Fixa¬ tion method +4. Terminal pore and raphe of Nitzschia Closterium. Fig. 22. Fixation method +4. Valve view of two coupled Bacillaria. Wing exten¬ Fig. 23: sion visible on right diatom. Fixation method #2. Fig. 24: Curvature of wing extension visible on Bacillaria. Fixation method +2. Coupled Bacillaria with wing extensions broken off, Fig. 25: wing hooks very visible. Fixation method +2. Lip stopping mechanism on wing extension visible on Fig. 26: Bacillaria. Valve view. Fixation method f2. Single Bacillaria with wing extension visible. Fig. 27: Fixation method +2. Fig. 28: Curved wing extensions on Bacillaria. Fixation method +2. Fig. 29: Bridges held wing extension are visible. Fixation method +2. Close view of silica extensions. Fixation method Fig. 30: +2. g. 31: Single Bacillaria with both wing extensions visible. Fig. 32: Lip stopping mechanism visible on the end of silica extension. Fixation method +2. Fig. 33: Silica extension. Fixation method +2. Terminal end of Bacillaria showing wing extension. Fig. 34: Fig. 35: Close view of silica wing. Fixation method +2. Fic 36: Schematic of possible theory of Bacillaria coupling. Channel hooks are smaller than the wing extensions. All connections are on the valves. Schematic of possible theory of Bacillaria coupling. Fig. 37: Channel hooks are on the girdle, and wing hooks are on the valves. PMINAL PORES RAPHE SIMPLE ENTRAL ORES VALVE VEW DIATOM AE B THEORIES OF LOCOMOTION W J UNDULATING ACTN VENTRAL ONLY 5 SECRETION OSA SCETO CENTRAL TERMINAL SECRETION TRAILING FIBERS O2 80 5 DC —0 0 og 2d P 0 O . X O o. Or m 5 OD O B. —0 00 O O 6 DO 80. O om DC —0 50 0 a 80 O ö O O 52 0 ZN c I DE DE O2 0 om me O DC 22 Oc 5. —0 5 OI 25 oaa888 DO O O 8 6 2 on 8 00 - D 80. Or o 22 oc 25 —0 30 o 0 O VALVE GRDLE END VIEW COLONIAL BACILLARIA PARADOXA SECRETION -WIVG HOOKS GRRDLE VIEW COLONIAL BACILLARIA PARADOXA