The Connection Between the Hemal and Digestive Systems of the Holothuroid, Parastichopus Californicus. Heather Vandeweghe Hopkins Marine Station Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Running Title: The Hemal System Spring, 1983 The Hemal Syste Abstract The hemal system and its association with the intestine was investigated in P. californicus. Two main vessels run along the length of the intestine; the dorsal hemal vessel is attached to the intestine by small dorsal connections and the ventral vessel lies nearly on top of the intestine. The dorsal vessel beats about every eighteen to twenty seconds, creating a flow pattern of the hemal fluid. The association of the hemal fluid with the intestine was determined by the use of cobalt and latex injections. It was concluded that the hemal fluid flows through concentric folds that face the lumen of the intestine. The transport or absorbtion of small molecules from the lumen of the intestine into the hemal vessels occurs within a fairly short time-fifteen minutes-- but the passage of larger molecules is blocked. deweghe Vandeweghe The Hemal System Introduction While holothurians are widespread in all seas and at all depths, our knowledge of their ecology and biology is rather incomplete. (Pawson, 1966 as stated by Filimonova, 1980.) The hemal system of some echinoderms has been compared to the circula¬ tory system of higher vertebrates. (Burton, 1964.) But in no echinoderm is the comparison more apt than in the holothuroid P. californicus. The structure and function of the holothurian hemal system has been studied both histologically (Fish, 1967) and histo¬ chemically. The hemal system of this animal beats with a distinctive rhythm, has an associated capil¬ lary system, and a close relationship to the digestive tract. However, the function of these clear vessels is virtually unknown and not well investigated. This work proposes a structure for the fine connection between the hemal vessels and the intestine, shows that there is passage of some small molecules from the intestine to the hemal fluid, and describes the beating of the dorsal hemal vessels. Vandeweghe The Hemal System Techniques Some of the experiments were done on animals with empty guts, accomplished by starving the animals for about thirty hours. Before incisions were made, the cucumber was relaxed in magnesium chloride (739/1, lal seawater) for about fifteen to thirty minutes, until the body wall no longer contracted when handled. The animals were cut longitudinally on the ven¬ tral side. Pinning out the body wall exposed the intestines clearly. The animals would remain alive in this state for at least twenty-four hours if kept in running seawater most of the time. It was found to be important to have the animal alive with the hemal system pumping strongly. The initial experiments entailed injecting a fluorescent dye, carboxy fluorescein, into the intes¬ tine and later the hemal vessels. The dye was injected with a 33-gauge needle at different points along these organs. A hand-held fluorescent lamp was held over the animal, making the location of the dye visible. The clear, thin membranes of these organs made it possible to see the fluprescence as it flowed within these organs. -4- Vandeweghe The Hemal System Cobalt experiments were done by injecting (with a hypodermic and a 33-gauge needle) a two molar co¬ baltous-chloride solution in seawater into the hemal system, waiting a few seconds, rinsing with running seawater for ten or twenty seconds, then topically applying straight ammonium sulfide (light, Baker's analyed.) This created a black precipitate wherever the cobalt solution had flowed in the hemal system. For the microtome sections, an FD-3 plastic em¬ bedding kit (Poly Sciences) was used after the tissue was fixed. Fixation was done as follows: 1. Cut intestine into small pieces (1 inch) 2. Perfuse for 2 hours in fixative solution of: 1% gluteraldehyde 1% formaldehyde 85% seawater 5Omm HEPES solution 3. Rinse two times in distilled water. 4. Dehydrate in alcohol series. The latex experiments were done by injecting approximately 5 cc of the blue solution (latex in¬ jection medium, Caroline Biological Supply) into the hemal vessels using 27-gauge neddle on a hypodermic. After thirty minutes, the latex became sufficiently hard so that dissecting could be done. Vandeweghe The Hemal System Results In preliminary dissections, the gross structure of the internal anatomy was studied with emphasis on the hemal system and the intestine. The digestive tract runs the length of the animal three times, as seen in Figure 1. It is held in place by a mesentery that attaches the dorsal side of the intestine to the body wall. The two main hemal vessels, the dorsal and ven- tral, appear as clear vessels that run the length of the intestine. Both are present along the intestine as it exits the calcarous ring of the mouth. They are said to originate from the hemal ring which lies beneath the water vascular ring (Hyman, 1955.) Their ending is obscure but they seem to fade into the in¬ testine about seven centimeters above the anus. The ventral vessel lies very close to the in¬ testine along the entire length, and has a transverse connection running from the bottom third of the de¬ scending part of the intestine to the middle position of the ascending part of the intestine. This vessel has the largest diameter of all hemal vessels seen. -6 Vendeweghe The Hemal System The dorsal vessel lies some distance from the intestine, attached to it by small dorsal connections which also carry hemal fluid. These connections begin at the constriction point, and get longer as they move posteriorly along the intestine and are sometimes seen to bifurcate after leaving the main dorsal vessels. At the first bend of the intestine, the connections become very thin and dense, beginning what is known as the rete mirable. (Hyman, 1955; Stutt, 1957.) To the naked eye, this looks like an orange mass, but under a dissecting scope they appear as fine capillaries filled with an orange material. They intertwine among each other and the respiratory tree, but do not open into the respiratory tree. (Prosser and Judsen, 1952.) Approaching the second bend, the rete begins to concentrate back into the small dorsal connections, with the bright orange fading out. About midway down the large intestine, the main dorsal vessel moves closer to the intestine, soon to blend into it. The Hemal System Vandeweghe Beating and Hemal Flow A number of investigators have reported a contrac¬ tile nature for parts of the hemal system. (Kawamoto, 1927; Prosser and Judson, 1952; see also Hyman, 1955.) The dorsal vessel and its small connections beat rhythmically every eighteen to twenty seconds. (Pros¬ ser and Judsen, in 1952, wrote that the vessels beat four to five-point-four times per minute.) The con¬ traction moves along the dorsal vessel like a wave, beginning just posterior to where the rete tapers off, moving anteriorly and fading out just below the con¬ striction point. The dorsal connections are also seen to beat with the waves, moving from the main dorsal vessel towards the intestine. The capillaries of the rete are not seen to beat, but the hemal fluid does flow within them. (Figure 2A and 2B.) Under a compound scope focused on a point along the dorsal vessel, the flow pattern of the hemal fluid can be detected by watching small particles that are suspended in the fluid. The beating creates a mixing of the hemal fluid with a general flow anteriorly and towards the intestine. In the dorsal vessel, the fluid movement is as follows: The Hemal System Vandeweghe 1. Fast thrust anteriorly and towards intestine at the time of contraction, 2. Brief pause, 3. Quick back-wash at the time of vessel relax- ation, posteriorly and away from intestine, 4. About five seconds of no movement, 5. Slow anterior flow for about five seconds, slowing to a stop until the next contraction. In the ventral vessel the flow is more erratic, depending on the peristaltic movements of the intes¬ tine, but net movement seems to be posteriorly. The ventral vessel doesn't contract naturally, but with physical stimulation it will contract at the site of the stimulation. Physical stimulation also causes the dorsal vessel to contract. But in this case, the con¬ traction spreads as waves in both directions from the point of stimulation. The vessel has a latent period of at least seven seconds before it will contract again. -9- Vandeweghe The Hemal System Fine Anatomy: Watching the flow of the hemal fluid where the dorsal connections enter the intestine, it can be seen that the vessels bifurcate beneath the outer epithelium of the intestine, but where they go from there was the next question. In previous papers on other holothur¬ oids, authors have described a layer of the intestinal wall beneath the muscle layer called the "tissue-fluid complex." (Fish, 1967) The fluid in this layer is said to be continuous with the hemal fluid. Yet, how the connection is made was never described, so it seemed to deserve some attention. In p. californicus, this layer was not seen, but rather, an interesting system of folds face the lumen of the intestine. Under a good dissecting scope, the digestive tract seems to be comprised of two layers: a smooth outer epithelium and the inner layer, which is convoluted into ridges or folds projecting into the lumen of the intestine. (Figure 3.) These folds are not solid masses, but have a cavity within them. (Figure 4.) The best analogy is that of an accordion, with pleats, or ridges, circling the intestine, -10- The Hemal System Vandeweghe A single fold is not uniform around the lumen of the intestine. At the dorsal side, there is a small groove opposite where the dorsal connections enter the intestine. Along the sides, the folds are large and prominent, but they taper down near the ventral side to tiny, irregular folds, giving a ruffly appear- ance. This network of tiny ridges is about four centimeters wide, with the ventral hemal vessel lieing down the center on the outside of the intestine. It was also noticed that on one side of the intestine, the folds are larger, but no functional difference was seen. Along the length of the intestine, the folds are not constant, either. They are absent above the con¬ striction point, and begin just after it. Opposite the rete mirable, the large folds are not present, although the intestinal lining appears superficially to be ruffled all the way around, very much like what was just described for the ventral part of the intes¬ tine. The folds are distinct where the dorsal con¬ nections are fairly long. The folds are of various sizes and follow the general pattern of small, large, small, medium, although there were fluctuations in that; never were two small or two large folds seen to be adjacent. (Figure 4.) The Hemal System Vandeweghe The folds can be scraped from the outer epithelium with ease at the dorsal side, and with a little more difficulty near the ventral side. At the dorsal side the folds seemed to be attached at a number of discrete points, whereas at the ventral side the attachment seemed continuous. Figure 3 is a drawing from a slide of a microtome section, which revealed that there is connective tissue which is responsible for holding the folds to the outer epithelium. Could these folds carry the hemal fluid? To investigate this, two techniques were used: cobalt precipitation and latex injection. With both of these techniques, the gut appeared striated from the outside. When the intestine was cut open, the black cobalt and blue latex revealed where the hemal fluid flowed. It was found that hemal fluid flows within these folds, thus creating the striated appearance from the outside. When it came to the ventral area, the interpretation was more difficult, though it appeared that the lumen of the folds led into an intricate net¬ work of tiny tubules that lay close to the outer epi¬ thelium. This complex system is schematically pieced together in Figure 5. -12 Vandeweghe The Hemal System Absorption: The structure of the hemal system certainly indicates a possible role as a nutrient transporter. (Fish, 1967; Filimonova and I. V. Tokin, 1980.) To examine this, a fluorescent dye, carboxy fluorescein, was injected into the intestine at different points. In a full gut, the dye is seen in the hemal vessels after about fifteen minutes, and after about thirty minutes in an empty gut. Transport is not seen above the constriction point, nor opposite the rete mirable in any measurable quantities. (The orange material could have made it difficult to see.) Thus, there is a way for molecules to pass from the lumen of the intestine into both the dorsal and ventral hemal vessels. If the dye is injected into either of the main hemal vessels, it diffuses quickly along the vessel and the gut appears striated with fluorescence, as was seen with the cobalt and latex. This was thought to represent the dye in the folds. Samples of intes¬ tinal fluid were taken at intervals, and after two hours, no sign of fluorescence was seen in the lumen. Vandeweghe The Hemal System The gut never took on the appearance of solid fluorescence either, so it appears as though trans¬ port from hemal to intestine is under different regula¬ tion. When injected opposite the rete in the main dor- sal vessel, fluorescence is seen to travel along the vessel and partly into the tiny capillaries, only if the vessel is beating strongly. But still, the in- testine opposite the rete does not become fluorescent in any way. Either there is a filtering system, or the dye is moving through in quantities too small to see. A large fluorescent protein (75,000 MW, FITC dex¬ tran) was used to see if there is a size limit to what is transported. When injected into the intes¬ tine, it moved along the gut as the other dye did, yet after at least two hours, was not seen in any of the hemal vessels. This indicates that the digestive¬ hemal association allows the transport of substances smaller than 75,000 MW. The Hemal System Vandeweghe Discussion A detailed physiological description of the intestine and the hemal vessels was given. The hemal fluid is propelled, as described, through the large vessels and compartments within the men¬ branes of the intestine. This close association allows the transfer of small molecules from the lumen of the intestine to the hemal vessels. (Oomen, 1926; Schreiber, 1932, as reported by Fish, 1952.) Sub¬ stances of small molecular weight (carboxy fluorescien) were seen to transfer from the lumen of the intestine to the hemal vessels. The hemal fluid is propelled through the large vessels and compartments within the membranes of the intestine. The beating of the dor¬ sal vessel produces a mixing motion with slow move¬ ment anteriorly and across the intestine to the ventral vessel. The beating was found to be important for moving hemal fluid into the smaller vessels such as the dorsal connection and rete capillaries. The pro¬ posed anatomical connection is complex, but its descrip¬ tion will be of great value to further studies in this area. Vandeweghe The Hemal System For future studies with absorption, the use of materials that are more sensitive to measurement would be useful. With the dye, a certain concentration had to be reached before it was detectable, which could have given some erroneous results. Also, the use of more natural substrates (such as sugars or fats) would be more relevant, in that it would be something the animals would normally ingest and need for energy. Past investigators have suggested that transport across the gut is directly into the coilom and is ac¬ complished by active transport (D'Agostine and Farman¬ furmaian, 1960; Kawaguti, 1964) and have concluded that the hemal sinuses are not significantly involved in nutrient transport in either echinoids or hologhurians. (Farmanfurmaian, 1963) G. F. Filimonova and I. B. Tokin (1980) mention "The Coelomocyte Theory" (first introduced by Enriques, 1902) where transport of enzymes and digested material is by amoebocytes in the hemal fluid. The work reported in this paper shows that some small molecules, such as caboxyfluorescein, can be transferred from intes¬ tine to the hemal system. To ascertain whether nutrients Vandeweghe The Hemal System can be transferred, further examination of the types of molecules that pass across the intestinal-hemal barrier would be necessary. (Radio isotopes of dif¬ ferent substrates would be useful.) Also, does the hemal system have vessels that flow along the body wall? These areas should be investigated to determine if this system carries nutrients to the body wall of the P. californicus. Vandeweghe The Hemal System BIBLIOGRAPHY Burton, M.P.M., 1964. Hemal System of Regular Echinoids. Nature, 204: 1218 Choe, S., 1962. Biology of the Japanese Common Sea Cucumber, "Stichopus japonicus" Selenka. 226pp. Pusan, Korea. (In Japanese with English summary.) D'Agostino, A.S., and A. Farmanfarmaian, 1960. Trans¬ port of Nutrients in the Holothurian Leptosynapta inhaerens. Biol. Bull., 119 : 301 Farmanfarmaian, A., 1963. Transport of Nutrients in Echinoderms. Proc. XVI. Int. Cong. Zool., 1 : 118 Filimonova, G.F., and I. B. Tokin, 1980. Structural and Functional Peculiarities of the Digestive System of Cucumaria frondosa. Mar Biol (Berl) 60(1):9-16. (recd. 1981) Fish, J.P. The Digestive System of the Holothurian, Cucumaria elorgata. I. Structure of the gut and hemal system. Biol. Bull. Mar. Biol. Lab., Woods Hole 132 : 337-353. -18- Vandeweghe The Hemal System BIBLIOGRAPHY, Cont'd Fish, J.P. The Digestive System of the Holothurian, Cucumona elongata. II. Distribution of the Diges- tive enzymes. Biol. Bull. Mar. Biol. Lab., Woods Hold 132 : 354 - 361. Hyman, L.H., 1955. The Invertebrates: Echinodermata. The Coelomate Vilateria. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Kawaguti, S. Electron Microscopy of the Intestinal Wall of the Sea Cucumber with Special Attention to its Muscle and Nerve Plexus. Biol. J. Okayama Univ. 10, 39-50. (1964). Kawamoto, N., 1927. Anatomy of Cardina Chilersis. Tohoku Univ. Sci. Repts. Ser 4 Biol., 2 : 239-265. Krishnan, S. and S. Krishnaswamy: Studies on the Trans¬ port of Sugars in the Holothurian Holothuriascabra. Mar. Biol. 5, 303-306 (1970). Lawrence, D.C., Lawrence, A.L., Greer, M.L. and Mailman, D., 1967. Intestinal Absorption in the Sea Cucumber, Stichopus Parvinenensis. Comp. Biochem. & Physiol. 20 : 619-627. -19 Vandeweghe The Hemal System BIBLIOGRAPHY, Cont'd Millot, N., 1966. A Possible Function for the Axial Organ of Echinoids. Nature, 209 : 594-596. Oomen, H.A.P.C., 1926. Verdanungsphysiologische Studien an Holothurien. Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoly 7 : 215-297. Prosser, C.L., & C. L. Judson, 1952. Pharmacology of the Hemal Vessels of Stichopus. Biol. Bull., 102 : 249-251. Stott, F.C., 1957. Observations on the Food Canal and Associated Structures in the Holothurian Holothuria Forskali Delle Chiaje. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 129 : 129-136. Vandeweghe The Hemal System FIGURES Fig 1. A diagram of the intestine, shaped as it is in the opened animal. A full description is given in the text. The two numbered arrows indicate the areas where beating begins (1) and ends (2). Fig 2. These two photographs show the considerable reduction of the dorsal hemal vessel when it contracts. (Arrows) Fig 3. This is a piece of intestine that has part of it cut and layed open flat. The folds can clearly be seen along the cut edge (a magnified picture of this appears in Figure 4.) Notice how the folds taper out into a flat network of capillaries near the ventral hemal vessel. Fig 4. A sketch taken from a slide of one of the sections from the plastic embedding. It is a side-on view of the edge of the intestine cut lengthwise, showing the hollowness of the folds. Hemal fluid flows into and out of the paper, through these folds. Vandeweghe The Hemal System FIGURES, Cont Fig 5. A diagram of the proposed structure of the hemal system with the intestine removed for clarity. The dorsal connections appear to bi¬ furcate after entering the intestine. The hemal fluid then flows within the folds circulating the intestine. At the ventral side the lumen of the folds lead into an intricate network of tiny tubules that have connections to the ventral hemal vessel. 1 Pharyng — Stomach Constriction Point -Ventral Hemal Vess. — Ascendir Small intestine Descending Small Intestiné --- — Ventral Transverse Connection TENT Fig. Dorsal Connections Dorsal Hemal Vessel Large htestine, lete Mirable Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Tops of folds Dorsal Hemal Vessel Folds Ventral Hemal Vessel Outer Epithelium Fig. 4 Lumen of intestine (location of food) — Folds Collogen Materia! — ml —Outer Intestinal Epithelium Fig. 5 ap; — Dorsal Hemal Vessel Dorsal connections Tubule within a fold Ventral Hemal Vessel C O