Glycerol Utilization ABSTRACT Oxygen respirometry proved to be a useful means of evaluation for the effects of glycerol on the cells of Anthopleura xanthogrammica. The utilization of glycerol was demonstrated both qualitatively and quantitatively. An experiment using (U-17C) glycerol did not show evidence for direct or inductive utilization of glycerol. Comparisons made with Anthopleura elegantissima using data from similar experiments performed by Harvie indicated that the role of glycerol in both Anthopleura was similar. KEY WORDS: Anthozoa - Anthopleura xanthogrammica - 02 consumption - glycerol Glycerol Utiliza INTRODUCTION Much of the work to date dealing with symbiotic sea anemones concerns the role of symbiotic zooxanthellae in Anthopleura elegantissima. These algae, thought to be locked among the endodermal cells of the host, grow slowly and produce more photo¬ synthate than they can utilize. Some of the excess can be released by the algae. Earlier experiments have shown that the zooxanthellae of A. elegantissima fix +00 in vitro and release 50% of the fixed 1 to the medium chiefly as (40) glycerol, (17) glucose, and other organic acids (Muscatine, 1967; Trench, 1971,a,b). Later experiments have shown that +002 is actually translocated in vivo from the zooxanthellae to host tissue principally in the form of animal lipid and protein. Deacylation of the lipid C) glycerol (von Holt and von Holt, 1968a; Muscatine yielded ( and Cernichiari, 1969; Trench, 1971a). This symbiotic role is probably a nutritional one. Symbiotic A. elegantissima, when starved in the dark, lose weight at a faster rate than controls starved in light. Algal photosynthate translocation would therefore seem to offset weight loss in the host (Muscatine, 1961a). The studies in this paper deal specifically with the effects of glycerol upon 0 consumption in symbiotic (and aposymbiotic) A. xanthogrammica. Very little previous work has dealt with the symbiotic role in this sea anemone. For a first time some effects of glycerol upon the Og consumption by A. xanthogrammica are revealed, and a comparison with similar studies on A. elegantissima are made. Glycerol Utilization MATERIALS AND METHODS I. Collection and maintenance of specimens Large symbiotic A. xanthogrammica were collected without damage from the lower intertidal zone at Point Joe along the 17 Mile Drive, Del Monte Forest, California. Aposymbiotic specimens were collected from under the cannery in Pacific Grove next to Hopkins Marine Station in California. 2. Cell preparation, protein and chlorophyll measurements After four weeks from the time of collection, a longitudinal section was cut from the animal. The section was then finely scis- sor minced and suspended with 0.45 micron millipore sea water. The supernatant, composed of whole cells and mucus, was centrifuged. The centrifuge supernatant of suspended mucus was discarded. The centrifuge residue of whole cells was kept. Coarse tissue from the previous suspension was centrifuged and residues returned to scissor mincing procedures. This was repeated until final whole cell residue was of an adequate volume. Next the residue was washed with the millipore sea water and centrifuged three times to thoroughly remove particulate food sources. The cell preparation was then placed in a depletion bath. A Warburg respirometer was used as a bath set thermostat- ically at 25° C and allowed to shake with a 1.5 cm stroke length at a rate of 104 shakes per minute. After various periods of incubation—- 48, 72, 96 hours, the stock of cells was washed three times as before in order to remove lysed cell food sources. Glycerol Utilization The final stock was then ready to be used in part for Warburg respirometry, protein, chlorophyll, and dry weight determinations. The remaining stock was returned to the depletion bath until the next period 24 hours later. The Lowry method for protein determin- ation was used (Lowry, 1951). An acetone extraction of chlorophyll, followed by centrifugation, and cubette spectro¬ photometry was performed on each cell sample. The milligrams of chlorophyll'a'present was determined according to procedures obtained from personal communication with J. Phillips, professor at Hopkins Marine Station. All quantitative measurements were made from averages of three duplicates each in turn averaged from five readings. 3. Warburg Respirometry Millipored sea water was added to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 ml of cell preparation to bring all Warburg flasks to a constant volume of 1.5 ml. The flask side arm contained 0.2 ml of 1.4 x 10" M glycerol, enough to allow for a period of utilization equal to 20 ul of oxygen. Otherwise the side arm contained 0.2 ml of 1 M glycerol¬ essentially an unlimited amount. The center well contained 0.2 ml of 208 KOH and a wick. Total volume for each flask was 1.9 ml. The Warburg was set at the same shake rate and temperature as was the depletion bath and an air gas phase used. After thermoequil- ibration, readings were taken at 15 minute intervals for 8 hours and the rate of oxygen consumption in microliters of 0 per milligram protein per hour was calculated from the period during which the rate was constant with time. Glycerol Utilization 4. Utilization of (U-170) glycerol Animal cells were depleted for 72 hours in the dark, washed three times every 24 hours, and 1 ml samples used in the Warburg flasks. Three duplicates of symbiotic cell preparations were run with the light intensity kept constant. In order to prove whether glycerol was directly or inductively used by the animal cells, 0.2 ml of 1.4 x 10— M glycerol in the side arm was spiked with 2000 DPM of (U-176) glycerol (50uCi of U-1 glycerol was obtained from Amersham/Searle). A 0.07 ml amount of B-phenyl- ethylamine, completely wick absorbed, was used as C0 absorbant. After allowing four hrs. for the utilization of glycerol and return to the endogenous rate, the wick was removed and placed in a scintillation vial, aquasol was added, and counts were taken in a scintillation counter. 5. Cell preparation microscopy The cell preparation was examined under the microscope under 450 power. Glycerol Utilization RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The study was divided basically into a qualitative and quant- itative approach. More experimention using final procedures and techniques is necessary before all of the conclusions in this paper can be statistically verified. From first experiments the maximum non-depleted endogenous rate of 0, consumption was estimated. The amount of protein used in each Warburg flask had to be diluted down until the O2 consumption rate did not exceed the 0» liquid diffusion rate. Using 90 ugm of protein a mean rate of 48 ul/hr/mg protein was obtained. Comparisons were made with whole animal 0 consumption rate estimates from two sources. One upper fugure for A. xanthogrammica (symbiotic) is 2 x 10° ul/hr/mg wet wt. at 10'C (F. Belick, 1968). This estimate was derived from Verduin methods of respirometry believed to be 80% accurate (J. Verduin, 1963). Using a 8- 2, wet wt./dry wt.- 5, protein/dry wt.= 0.1 a wet wt. rate at 10'C can be converted into a protein wt. rate at 25°0. Using Belick's estimated rate and these experimentally determined conversions (Q, was assumed to be equal to 2), one obtains a rate of 3 x 10° ul/mg protein/hr at 25 C. This figure is 60 times the maximum rate for cell 0» consumption described in this paper. R. Shaver, using the Warburg, obtained an upper rate of 0.2 ul/hr/mg dry wt. at 10'C. Similar conversions show that cell consumption is 800 times the whole animal consumption rate. The discrepancy remains until further work determines whether surface area availability to 0 is the determing factor in the rate of Glycerol Utilization respiration or whether the integrity of the tissue is the determin- ing factor. The preparation of A. xanthogrammica was observed microscop- ically to be mostly whole cells 7u in diameter, which were stained with methylene blue. A diameter measurement of 12u was observed for zooxanthellae. The next set of experiments were concerned with the depletion of cell reserves. The temperature of the bathing medium was chosen to produce the highest metabolic rate, therefore depletion rates, without harming the tissues symbiotically (V. Buchsbaum, 1968). It was suspected that with a lower endogenous rate of consumption the effect of glycerol addition would be more noticeable. Before 48 hours the endogenous rate was too high to notice the effect of glycerol addition, and after 96 hours most of the cells were dead. The percent increase in the rate of 02 consumption after the addition of 0.2 ml of 1 M glycerol was used as an index of relative depletion. As seen from Table 1 and Graph 1 the most rapid depletion occurs between 48 and 72 hours.. This depletion curve is very similar to one made by Harvie for symbiotic A. elegantissima. Depletion could have been accelerated if animal cells were kept in the dark. Throughout most of the experiments the light was not controlled. A small enough amount of glycerol was added such that the previous endogenous rate returned after substrate utilization. From the balanced equation of the oxidation of glycerol into COand H,O it was calculated that 0.2 ml of 1.4 x 10- M glycerol Glycerol Utilization would be needed in order for the utilization of glycerol by the animal tissues to require about 20 ul of 0». Experimentation demonstrated the expected effect of glycerol well (see Graph 2). More duplicates of this effect are needed. There appears to be a lag time after the addition of glycerol until the time of utili- zation. This lag time of about 1-1.5 hours is too long a time to account for diffusion of the substrate into the cells. A better hypothesis is that the effect of glycerol may be an inductive one. One should also note from Graph 2 that not only are the endogenous rates the same before and after the utilization of glycerol, but also the percent increase in 0, consumption from the endogenous rate to the glycerol utilization rate is about 200%. This figure is the same figure obtained for 96 hour depletion figure in Table 1. Graph 2 compares quite closely with a very similar graph made by Harvie using A. elegantissima. The mean endogenous rate Harvie obtained for A. elegantissima, depleted 96 hours, was compared with the mean endogenous rate for A. xanthogrammica, also depleted 96 hours. The two rates were standardized for protein and zooxanthellae amounts, the latter evaluated by chlorophyll A measurements. For A. elegantissima the result was 3.9 ul 0/hr/mg protein/mg chlorophyll A. For A. xanthogrammice the result was 4.3 ul 0/hr/mg protein/mg chlorophyll A. These two figures suggest that these two Anthopleura consume 02 at nearly the same rate after 96 hours depletion. glycerol Utilization Aposymbiotic hosts occur naturally in dark environments. After seven weeks in darkness, A. elegantissima algae became degenerate and plasmolyzed and decreased in number by 80% (Muscatine, 1974a). A few experiments were run using aposymbiotic A. xanthogrammica. It was determined from chlorophyll A/protein ratios that the bleached specimens contained about 50 times fewer zooxanthellae than the pigmented specimens used in earlier experiments. Chlorophyll A is directly related to zooxanthellae counts, because chlorophyll A is one of the diagnostic pigments in zooxanthellae and not in zoochlorellae (Muscatine, 1974). Qualitative respirometry demonstrates that glycerol has a similar effect with symbiotic cell preparations as with apo¬ symbiotic cell preparations. Depletion rates suggest that the aposymbiotic issue deplete sooner and faster than symbiotictissues, but more work needs to be done. Work with aposymbiotic A. elegantissima has not been done to this effect yet. Little success was obtained using (U-170) glycerol. Accounting for background counts, only a 10% recovery of the total spike counts was measured from the wicks of three sarples. Now it seems obvious that the base saturated wicks could not absorb from the air C carbonate ions known to be in the liquid medium. Acid has to be added to drive off the hot carbonate ions as 0, before recovery counts can be measured. Experiments need to be done to assess the contribution or e Glycerol Utilization consumption of 09 by the zooxanthellae. Until such data are collected the effects of glycerol on 0» consumption by the animal cells are not complete. 10 Glycerol Utilization 11 ACKNOVLEDGEMENT I would like to thank Dr. Phillips and Dr. Fuhrman for their invaluable assistance in conducting the research outlined within this paper. Above all, thanks goes to Chris Harvie for his help in making the Warburg happier. I would also like to thank the entire class and faculty for making my experience at Hopkins such a rewarding one. 12 Glycerol Utilization REFERENCES Belick, F. P. (1968). Metabolic rates in certain sea anemones. Turtox News, 46: 178-181. Buchsbaum, V. M. (1968). Behavioral and physiological responses to light by the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima as related to its algal endosymbionts. Ph. D. Thesis, Stanford University. Dixon, M. (1951). Manometric Methods, 3rd ed., Cambridge University Press. Lowry, O. H. (1951). Protein measurements with folin phenol reagent. J. Biol. Chem., 193: 265-275. Muscatine, L. (1961a). Some aspects of the relationship between a sea anemone and its symbiotic algae, Ph. D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley. Muscatine, L. (1967). Glycerol excretion by symbiotic algae from corals and Tridacna and its control by the host. Science, 156: 516-519. Muscatine, L., and Lenhoff, H. M. (1974). Coelenterate Biology Review and New Perspectives, Academic Press, Inc., 376-389. Trench, R. K. (1971a). The physiology and biochemistry of zoo- xanthellae symbiotic with marine coelenterates. I. The assimilation of photosynthetic products of zooxanthellae by two marine coelenterates. Proc. Roy. Soc., Ser B 17 225-235. Trench, R. K. (1971b). The physiology and biochemistry of zooxanthellae symbiotic with marine coelenterates. 11. Liberation of fixed 140 by zooxanthellae. Proc. Roy. Soc., Ser. B 177: 237-250. Umbreit, W. W., Burris R. H. and Staufer, J. F. (1972).. Manometric and Biochemical Techniques, 5th ed. Eurgess Publ. Co., Minn. e 13 Glycerol Utilization Verduin, J. (1963). Simple measurements of respiration and photosynthesis in aquatic organisms. Turtox News, 41: 234-237. von Holt, C. and von Holt, M. (1968a). Transfer of photosynthetic products from zooxanthellae to coelenterate hosts. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 24: 73-81. Glycerol Utilization FIGURE CAPTIONS Table 1. Depletion in symbiotic Anthopleura xanthogrammica. These figures represent the mean of several samples which were treated with 0.2 ml of I M glycerol. Depletion in symbiotic Anthopleura xanthogrammica. Graph I. The percentage increase in the 0 consumption rate seen in Table 1 was used as an index for relative depletion. Graph 2. Quantitative addition of glycerol to symbiotic Anthopleura xanthogrammica after 96 hours depletion. This is an expanded portion of a graph and does not contain all of the data points recorded over a 10 hr. period. Complete utilization of glycerol by the tissues requires 20 ul of 09. The numbers along the three segments of each line represent ul/hr/mg protein. The three lines from bottom to top represent 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 ml samples. 14 C Glycerol Utilization Table 1 RATE OF O2 CONSUMPTION (ul/hr/mg After HOURS Before Glycerol Glycerol 48 10 2.4 72 6.4 4.2 13 PERCENTAGE INCREASE 10% 160% 200g Glycerol Utilization Graph 1 200 100 o. 50 25 50 HOURS 75 100 110 100 90 80 70 60 k 50 40 30 20 10 124 R e 2846 20p1 /35 140 150 88 HOURS 20u 1.5m 1K Mim O.5m 12 0