The Effects of a Marine Sewage Outfal on the Natural Succession of Invertebrate Larval Settlement Victor C. Anderlini Hopkins Marine Station Pacific Grove, Ca. June 6, 1970 Introduction The rocky headland knoun as Point Pinos, Monterey Co. Cal., re¬ ceives approximately 1.5 million gallons of primarily treated sewage daily. Adjacent areas to the sewage outfall mouth, located inter- tidally, are visibly deficient in fauna and flora typical of the rocky Monterey coast. The purpose of this six week investigation was to determine uhether the sewage effluept affects the bacterial and diatomaceous films knoun to produce a substratum for the metamorphosis of attached invertebrate larvae. The importance of this early film to invertebrate larval attachment has been debated for many. years. Most of thepprevious microscopic work done on early stages of invertebrate settlement has been concerned with the role of bacterial mats in fouling organism succession studies. The Australian worker, Uood (1949), in his work on fouling organisms, suggested that bacteria were not necessary forthe attachment of some species of barnacles and other foulers to submerged surfaces. Zoßell and Allen (1935), however, felt that bacteriall and diatomaceous slimes are not only beneficial to invertebrate larval attachment, but that for some species this slime was also mandatory. An algal and bacterial film has been shoun by Hinegardner (1969), to be nec¬ essary for the metamorphosis of settled sea urchins. Miller, Rapean and Uhedon (1943), in their extensive revieu of the importance of settlement surface preparation by bacteria, conclude that slimes are beneficial but not required for settlement of all diatom and invertebrate species. The recent preliminary investigation of Golubic(1970), indicates the importance of bacteria, diatoms, cyanophytes as en indicators of organic pollution. In his study of nineteen Vugoslavian harbors he has found bacterial-algal mats to persist throughout the year only in the most heavily polluted areas. These mats consisted of a number of species, some of uhich are directly dependent on water that is rich in organic pollutants. The study described here attempts to correlate variations in micro-film formation with proximity to the Pacific Grove seuage outfall. Methods and Materials To determine uhether the seuage effluent inhibits or enhances bacterial and diatomaceous films, six stations were established seaward of the Pacific Grove intertidal outfall. The stations (Fig. 1), were located approximately 10 meters apart for a total distance of approximately 65 meters away from the outfall mouth. Stations were chosen that were similar in terms of tidal height, wave shock, light and spatial orientation. Since the study was of short duration and microscopic organisns were being investigated, I felt 2" x 2" glass lantern slides (Semon Bache & Co., Spec. 175-356) would provide an adequate settling surface for bacteria, diatoms and any chance maroinvertebrate larvae settling out. Dr. Eugene Haderlie, of the U.S. Naval Post-Graduate School, Monterey Ca., in his studies (Haderlie 1968, 1970), has shoun the choice of settlement surface to be inconsequential. Dak holding frames (Fig. 2), uere constructed to secure the slides in the intertidal area. The 1/4" x 2' x 6" frames were secured to granite boulders at the six stations, the first of which was located three feet directly north of the outfall mouth. All frames dere secured at the 0.O tide level and on the rock face opposite prevalent uave direction. Holes were drilled by star drill and hammer and the frames attached by expanding lead plugs and 2" x 1/4" lag bolts. Tuenty- four slides for each station were boiled in nitric acid and autoclaved at 250 F. for 15 minutes. The slides were placed in their respective racks on April 30th. One slide from each station was recovered daily for the follouing tuo days. These preliminary plates shoued a great abundance of bacteria of various morphologic types. To better characterize bacteria accumulating, the standard Gram stain test was chosen. After six days exposure, the slides,though appearing clean to the unaided eye, contained a remarkable assemblage of microscopic organisns. To follou the very early stages of microbial succession, five neu plates were placed in the frames, and one plate removed successively for the following five days. This phase of experiment, designated Short Term Study 1 (5TS-1), was duplicated by Short Term Study 2 (STS-2). Plates originally placed in the frames were left for Long Term analyses. An overall one month picture of early settlement was obtained by this method. Collected plates were transported in individual containers kept in fresh seawater in a styrofoam bucket. Plates were examined imm- ediately uhen possible. Studies on STS-1 & 2 concentrated on enum¬ eration of bacteria. Studies on plates collected on day 4 & 5 con- centrated on counting andidentification of diatoms, and any other microscopic organisms found on the plates. The recovered slides used for bacterial investigation were allowed to air dry, after which time bacteria were heat fixed. The standard Gram stain was employed as a means of seperating gram-negative and gram-positive species. A Zeiss light microscope with phase objectives and occular magnifier uas used throughout the investigation. The area of a standard cover¬ slip (484mm), was traced on the backs of collected plates and bac- teria wera counted at 2000x, by observing 10 random fields within this area. Diatoms were counted at 200x along the diagonals of quadrants traced on the backs of slides as shn in the pattern below. (Fig. 3). Fig. 3 Slime scrapings were taken from the wooden slide holders and from rocks adjacent to Stations 4 & 5. (see Fig. 1-x). A cursory one day chemical analysis was carried out on May 22 using standard seawater analysis methods, (Strickland and Parsons, 1968). Station 5 was "lost at sea" on May 25, consequently, there are minor gaps in some graphs and tables. Results The results of this study will be described in three parts, the first presenting bacterial trends and the second presenting diatom and other microscopic form data. The third phase of this study provides physical data for the Point Pinos area. Bacteria- After many hours of preliminary observation of various morphologic types eight definite morphologic forms were chosen as test 'species". The forms and pertinent information are given below in Fig. 4. Table I presents the results of direct counts in the tuo short term studies and Table II presents the combined counts. The tun counts were combined to reduce variations due to external factors such as chlorine content fluctuations, exposure time, light intensity and seasonal variation. Graphs 1-8 present the combined bacterial counts for single spedies in graph form shouing the grouth trends over three days and at each station. Graph 9 shows the total counts of all bacterial "species' and the percent increase of cells for three days. Tables I & II shou the number of cells at Station l to be higher than at other stations on day one. Subsequent days shou the number of cells at Stations 2- 6 to shou a higher percent increase than at Station 1. The Long Term Studv (LIS) slides showed the bacterial populations to remain approximately at the levels reached on the fourth day of exposure. Diatoms- After four days exposurs the number of bacteria became impractical to count.. Noticeable numbers of diatoms uere observed at the end of four days exposure and days 4 8 5 of the short term studies uere devoted to counting and identification of these forms. Table III presents the results of direct diatom counts for both Short Term and Long Term Studies. Graphs 10-13 present the species felt to represent overall trends in diatom populations for the various exposure times. Stations 3 & 4 appear to be enriched by the ingreased nutrient levels shoun to be highest in adjacent areas. Graph 14 express the results of the one- day chemical analysis carried out on May 20th. The cryptomonad Cryptomonas sp. and the phytomonad Ochromonas sp were noted on all slides at various times, except those collected at Station 1. Counts of these organisms proved to be inconclusive. A marine fungi and the cyanophyte Oscillatoria sp. Uere also numerous but direct counts provided no observable correlations. Fig. 5 depicts Cryptomonas sp. and Ochromonas sp. Photo 1 shous a mycelial filament of the observed fungi. A unicellular organism tanatively identified as a unicellular blue-green alga is shoun in Photo 2. The sequence of succession during the course of this study was recorded and appears to occur in the follouing order: lst Day- Detritus heavily adsorbed on Station 1 plates with almost none at other stations. Numerous bacteria of many marph¬ ologic types arrive with the detritus at Station 1 with lesser numbers and variety occurring at other stations. 2nd Day- Diatoms, including some pelagic types, begin settling and some specimens of the unicellular blue-green algae. Cryptomonas sp., Ochromonas sp., Uscillatoria sp. along with 3rd Day. the filamentous fungi are found at the end of this period. 4th Day- All the above organisms uere numerous and specimens of the red alga Erythrocladia subintegaa were found at Stations 3 and 5. Scrapings collected from the surface of rocks adjacent to Stations 4 & 5 (Fig. 1-x), uere composed of numerous Navicula sp., Fragiillaria sp., Nitzschia sp., Licmophora sp. and naviculoid-type diatoms. Numerous bacteria of the 3u rod size raige tere also seen. Scrapings collected from the wooden slide racks at Stations 1 & 3 shoued sim- ilar numbers and species composition to those adsorbed to the glass plates at these stations. Discussion and Conclusions The results of the bacterial study shou the general trand of bac- terial populations during this month long study. Most of the species studied are apparently introduced by the sewage effluent as evidenced by their three day grouth patterns (Graphs 1-9). The first day of the short term studies is characterized by higher numbers and greater variety of morphologic types at Station 1 as seen in Table II. Day tuo shous a slight decrease in the number of cells at almost all stations folloued on day three by a tremendous percent rise in cell numbers at stations auay from the outfall area (Graph 9). Detrital adsorption showed a definite decreasing gradation away from the outfall as was expected. The amount of detritus present at each station over the three study days could not be correlated with bacterial grouth. The study plates uere subjected to fluctuations in natural en¬ vironmental parameters such as tides, sunlight etc., as well as any fluctuations in the quality of the effluent. Replication of this phase of the report combined with differential plating techniques to identify bacterial species, would allou a more complete picture of early bacterial succession. This information could possibly then be more closely correlated to subsequent larval settlement. Slides collected on days 4 & 5 of the short term studies ad those collected for long term effects uere concerned with counting and identification of diatoms. Stations 3 & 4, 20 and 30 meters distant from the outfall mouth, generally shou the greatest number of species and individuals adsorbed to plates, (Graphs 10-13). Comparing nutrient data (Graph 14); with the diatom counts shous that the stations with the most diatoms also appear to be most enriched by PO or NO». These stations are also charac¬ terized by the least tidal fluctuation. Station 6 showed what is believed to be a "normal" grouth pattern. The genera Navicula, Licmophora, Fragillaria and Nitzschia are frequent inhabitants of intertidal waters and dense populations are often indicative of organic pollution, (Golubic, 1970). Their occurrence andhigh numbers at Stations 3 & 4 and on rocks in an adjacent tide ponl (Fig. 1-x), suggests the possibility of utilizing them as quantatative as well as qualitative indicators of pallution levels. The genus Navicula has been reported to live near outfallsiand Byldo (1970), has reported grouth in various concantrations of sewage. Houever, Baldo also found that the genera Nitzschia and Fragillaria appear to be more susceptible to seuage than is Navicula. Thus the ratios of these genera in the outfall area could aid in determining the concentrations of seuage in specific areas. The appearance of diatomaceous films on test slides also coincided with the appearance of flagellates, ciliates, cyanophytes and an as yet unidentified filamentous fungi. I feel the natural succession of early substrate colonizers (as seen on page 5), is perhapa being aborted at this stage in the immed¬ iate outfall area. The significantly high, possiblyttoxic, detrital cover and the lou numbers of diatoms at Station l suggest this area to be inhospitable for invertebrate larval settlement. From the results, I feel Station 2 to be a marginal area in regards to natural succession. It is influenced by fluctuating sewage concen¬ trations and may also be inhospitable for settling larvae. All other stations appear to be follouing a natural sequence of settlement (Zoßell & Allen, 1935), with Stations 3 & 4 showing a possible acceler- ation and enhancement dde to increased, but non-toxic nutrient levels. Natural variation in diatom populations could explain the observed results, but replication of data makes this explanation unlikely. Our limited one-day chemical analysis of the outfall area shous the significant daily fluctuations of physical parameters prevalent at Stations 1 & 2. These fluctuations, no doubt, influence the numbers and types of bacteria and diatoms that can tolerate this environment. The stations established at Pt. Pinos will be left throughout the summer months in an attempt to study the long term effects of the out¬ fall on invertebrate larvae. Acknouledgements I would like to thank Doug Muchmore and Craig Blencoue for their kind help and muscle power in establishing my stations at Pt. Pinos. I would also like to exprass my appreciation to Dr. Epel of Hopkins Marine Station for his help and counsel throughout this project. Bibliography Baldo, Angela 1970. Personal communication. Cupp, Easter E. Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast of North America. 1943. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. 237pp. Golubic Stjepko Effect of Organic Pollution on Benthic Communities. 1970. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 1(4): 56-57. Hinegardner, Ralph Grouth and Development of the Laboratory Cultured Sea 1969. Urchin. Bio. Bull., 137(3): 465-475. Rapean and Uhedon Miller The Role of Slime Film in the Attachment of Fouling Or 1943. ganisms. Bio. Bull., 94: 143-157. Strickland and Parsons A Practical Handhook of Seawater Analysis. Fisheries 1968. Research Board of Lanada. 311pp. Uood, E The Role of Bacteria in the Early Stages of Fouling. 1949. ZoBell and Allen The Significance of Marine Bacteria in the Fouling of 1932. Submerged Surfaces. Journal of Bacteriology, 29(3): 239- 251 metets 610 50 30 210 PT. PINOS Fig. 1 2 ee tidepoo sand 20 L — I LYPE Fig. 4 2 gram-negative Tod 2.54 gen rod S 44 2 5 gen coccl S 54 gram-positive cocci 3 g-nrod g-p rod G g-n rod C 1.5 H O gen rod X g-n forms make up 15% of observed specles. Da May May May 11 May 22 May 23 May 25 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 22 May May 24 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 9 May 10 May 1 May 22 May 23 May 24 May s May 10 May 11 Tune 24 20 19 293 100 34 79 102 18 83 96 163 86 84 60 14 626 124 14 27 12 28 24 42 40 46 TABLE Stations 516 24 10 17 22 23 31 24 38 14 121 54 15 24 24 10 18 16 28 11 385 24 24 48 10 12 14 16 473 —* 54 -* 16 42 24 3 TABLE ICon't Stations Da Type May 22 May 23 May 24 May 16 May 10 38 May 11 34 May 22 May 38 32 May 24 May May 10 Maylll Ma 22 10 May 23 May 24 16 156 34 May 313 May 10 86 571 493 May 11 47 May 22 72 224 234 May 23 May 24 178 212 Rough weather, no plate recovered. 14 63 574 30 100 110 12 120 30 122 22 16 355 24 17 61 -* 12 -* 26 618 V TABLE I: tatior ther 132 239 293 174 165 180 22? 109 5 228 537 671 no Plat 19 220 716 42 320 783 COV 10 586 16. 681 106 185 82 24: 43: Date Type May 12 (5 Days Exposure) Naviculoids Large 50u Small 50u Licmophora sp. Nitzschia sp. Fragillaria sp. May 25 (5 Days Exposure) Naviculoids 50u Large 23 Small 50u 29 55 Licmophora sp. 17 Nitzschia sp. Fragillaria sp. May 26 (6 Days Exposure) Naviculoids Large 50u 24 Small 50u 204 198 19 Licmophora sp. Nitzschia sp. Fragillaria sp. 19 May 20 (21 Days Exposure) Naviculoids 50u Large Small 50u Licmophora sp. Nitzschia sp. 16 Fragillaria sp. Station 5. lost at sea" May 25. 22 TABLE III Stations 125 49 80 892 18 50 56 745 140 29 11 15 342 37 13 256 119 12 170 966 176 28 46 321 18 17 116 31 387 85 125 20 315 54 76 650 70 21 67 6 TARLE III (Con't) Date Stations TUDE May 21 (22 Days Exposure) Naviculoids 42 10 16 50u Large 18 56 642 410 346 356 Small 50u 46 Licmophora sp. 64 14 Nitzschia sp. Fragillaria sp. May 26 (27 Days Exposure) Naviculoids Large 50u 74 250 29 516 Small 50u 32 148 Licmophor sp. Nitzschia Sp. 14* Fragillaria sp. Station 5, "lost at sea" on May 25. ** Large clumps with thousands of Fragillaria sp. were seen on parts of the plates, collected on this day. Fig. 5 Ochromonas sp. Raete V—V. -st sg dee at Bee Hamentas Harge 3. V.30-V-21 Aatos 44 Anox CLyntomonas sp. 2 6 Photo 1. Photo 2. u 5 o C Z a 2. 90 c0 S 88 0 0 0 I a 20 5. 0 2 9 5 95 1 I 0 - 0 22 . 5 ul 90 10) I o + 0 0 L O 29 95 X 0 - N 1 25 . 0 95 X I 6 9 6 8 0 . ui 9. 0 I a. E X 0 0 O0 V CHAMPION LINE NO. 810-3 CROSS SECTION 10 SOUARES TO INCH I L O 00 O I 28 CHAMPION LINE NO. 810-3 CROSS SECTION-10 SOUARES TO INCH I o 1 O O 1 N C 2 CHAMPION LINE NO. 810-3 CROSS SECTION 10 SOUARES TO INCH a 0 S) 2 O O 2 30 CHAMPION LINE NO. 810-3 CROSS SECTION -10 SOUARES TO INCH D 0 8 E 1 o O O 1 J CHAMPION LINE NO. 810-3 CROSS SECTION -10 SQUARES TO INCH 1 I 2 0 1 1+ O C a — —- 33 L CHAMPION LINE NO, 810- CROSS SECTION10 SQUARES TO NCH — O 10 N 1 1 S 1- O O 2 00 V 0 CHAMPION LINE NO. 810-3 CROSS SECTION -10 SOUARES TO INCH L L O I O 2 - O O-1 P oa — M —