Abstract The squid Loligo opalescens deposit their egg cases in conspicuous masses on the floor of Monterey Bay. These egg masses remain largely undisturbed by predation during the 30 days until embryo hatching. A reproductive gland of the adult female squid contains bacteria of predominantly one species which the female includes in the egg case during spawning. These bacteria are of the genus Shewenella, closely related to Shewenella putrefaciens, a putrefying marine bacteria which is characterized by the production of extremely large quantities of the polyamine putrescine. In this study, bacteria isolated from the squid gland and egg sheath were examined by HPLC to determine the quantity of putrescine. The bacteria contained amounts of putrescine comparable to S. putrefaciens. The possible role of the putrescine was then examined in a chemotactic response assay utilizing the starfish Pisaster ochraceus, a common predator at the depth of the egg masses. S. putrefaciens, the squid bacteria and a solution of putrescine were found be significant deterrents to the P. ochraceus while a control strain, Vibrio harvevi. with low levels of putrescine showed no deterrence. These results suggest a role for putrescine in the protection of the L. opalescens egg cases from predation. Introduction Every spring the squid Loligo opalescens come to Monterey Bay to mate and subsequently lay egg cases in large conspicuous masses on sandy shelves of the bay. The adult squid die soon after mating. The egg masses incubate for 30 days until the squid hatch suffering little attrition by predators, bacteria or fungus. The fact that these egg cases are not eaten suggests they have some means of chemical defense, a widespread survival strategy in ocean environments. The sheath of the egg case contain large quantities of bacteria (Biggs and Epel, 1991). These bacteria are presumably secreted into the egg case by the female squid, who harbors the bacteria within her accessory nidamental (AN) gland. The bacteria in the AN gland are primarily one species of the genus Shewenella, a close relative of the bacteria Shewenella putrefaciens (Melissa Kaufman, unpublished data). S. putrefaciens is a putrefying marine bacteria that synthesizes large quantities of putrescine ranging from 3 umol/g cell weight (Hamana and Matsuzaki, 1992) to 251.4 nmol/mg cell protein - approximately 10 umol/g cell been done to elucidate the role of the release of polyamines. Polyamines are the breakdown products of proteins (Cohen, 1971) so it is possible that the release of polyamines is the bacteria's method for metabolizing a protein rich diet. Polyamine interactions with ion channels are fascinating and have also been researched as potential therapeutic agents and as tools to help elucidate aspects of cationic pumps. Some spider toxins have been shown to be polyamines (Scott et al, 1993). Spidamine and joramine were isolated from the venom of Nephila clavata and shown to block neuromuscular glutamate channels irreversibly and reversibly, respectively (Chiba et al, 1995). Polyamines may either interact directly with the channel by competitively binding to the channel or indirectly by binding with aspects of the cell membrane to affect voltage gated channels (Scott et al, 1993). The purpose of this project was to determine if the bacteria isolated from the squid egg cases and AN gland were producing polyamines and whether these polyamines deterred predation. The first priority was to determine whether these bacteria contained polyamines in concentrations comparable to S. putrefaciens. To détermine putrescine concentration a method developed by Taibi and Schaivo (1992) for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of polyamines was used. The second part of the project was to determine whether the putrescine, if present, deterred starfish predation. Starfish have chemotactic tube feet that are accurate indicators of repellent substances and have been used in previous predator deterrence studies (McClintock et al, 1994). The starfish Pisaster ochrasceus was chosen for this study because it is a common predator at the depth of the egg masses. Materials and Methods: HPLC Determination of Bacteria Putrescine Content: HPLC instrumentation: An SCO high performance liquid chromatography machine with a 50 ul injection loop and a variable wave-length UV detector was used for the identification and quantification of polyamines in the squid bacteria. Separations were achieved on a ODS2 column (15 cm x 0.46 cm I.D.; 3 um particle size). All polyamine standards were obtained from Sigma and HPLC grade reagents were obtained from Baker. Bacteria growth conditions and harvest procedure: Four bacteria were chosen for polyamine content determination. The positive control was Shewenella putrefaciens (ATCC 8071) previously reported to synthesize large quantities of putrescine (Hamana and Matsuzaki, 1992) . The negative control was Vibrio harveyi (ATCC 14126), a bacteria known to have low levels of putrescine (Yamamoto et al, 1990). Two strains isolated from the squid gland (referred to as squid strain 10) and squid egg case (squid strain 26) were also chosen. These bacteria had earlier been identified as Shewenella spp. (Melissa Kaufman, unpublished work). All bacteria strains were cultured from glycerol stocks stored at -80°C. The bacteria were grown in Marine Broth (Difco). An overnight culture was used to inoculate the larger volume used for the experiment. Cell concentration (mg cell wet weight/ ml broth) was determined by weighing the bacteria in two ml of bacteria culture. To do this, Ependorf tubes were weighed and then two ml of culture were added, spun down and the supernatant was removed (one ml at a time). The tube with the pellet was then weighed. Polyamine extrations were adapted from the procedure of Yamamoto (1990). To harvest bacteria for the derivatization, 20 mls of a stationary phase bacteria culture were spun at 5000 x g at 4° C. The pellet was resuspended in 5 mls of an ice-cold solution of 10 mM magnesium chloride with a sodium chloride concentration equal to that of the growth medium, 19.5 g/L in the case of Marine Broth. Five mls of 4% perchloric acid was added to the solution. This was sonicated for 3 minutes in 10 second bursts then incubated for one hour at 50° C. The solution was then centrifuged at 12,000 x g for 15 min. The supernatant was removed and put in sterile, polypropylene tubes. Three ml were removed from each sample for immediate derivatization, and the rest of the solution was frozen at -20°C. The three mis were neutralized with 5 M potassium hydroxide to a pH of approximately 9. Two one mi aliquots were taken from the neutralized solution and derivatized as described below before HPLC analysis. HPLC standards: Standards were run to determine the relationship between peak height and polyamine concentration. Standard curves for putrescine and cadaverine were used since these were the polyamines expected to be in the Shewenella spp. For each polyamine standard to be quantified, three concentrations were chosen. derivatizations were done at each concentration, then the sample were run on the HPLC. Each concentration was done in duplicate and each set of concentrations was repeated three times. Solutions of 62.5 uM, 125 uM, and 250 uM were made from a stock solution of 250 mM. The solution was then benzoyl derivatized as described below (Taibi, et al, 1992). Derivatization: All steps of the derivatization took place in acid-washed glassware to reduce contamination. One ml of each sample was placed in an acid-washed test tube and 1 ml of 2M sodium hydroxide was added. Five ul of benzoyl chloride were added then the solution was gently vortexed and then incubated at room temperature. After 20 minutes, 2 mls of saturated sodium chloride were added to the test tube. Then a glass Pasteur pipet was used to add 2 mls of diethyl ether. Glass was used in transferring all ether to avoid plastic contamination. The mixture was gently vortexed to extract the derivatized compounds to the ether layer. After centrifugation in a clinical centrifuge (1500 rpm) at low speed for four minutes, the ether phase was removed and put in a clean tube. Two mls of O.1M sodium hydroxide was added to the ether phase and again gently vortexed and centrifuged. After the ether phase was removed to a new tube, a few milligrams of anhydrous sodium sulfate were added to remove any residual water. The tubes were centrifuged again and one ml of ether was removed from each tube and dried under a nitrogen stream. Chromatographic separation: The dried sample was resuspended in 500 ul of 62% methanol and put through a 2 uM filter to eliminate large contaminants. Fifty ul was injected into the Spherisorb ODS2 column and run at room temperature. Derivatized polyamines were eluted in 62% methanol at a flow rate of 0.75 ml/min. and the UV absorption was detected at 254 nm. The HPLC was run at room temperature. The UV absorption was recorded with a program written by Chris Patton that recorded the peak height from the voltmeter every 0.02 seconds. Starfish Tube Foot Assay: The starfish assay was adapted from the protocol of McClintock (1994). It employs the use of the chemotactic tube foot response to various stimuli to determine the deterrence of a substance Methanol extraction: 10 desalt and concentrate samples for the starfish assay, bacteria cultures. Marine Broth media (Difco), homogenized mussel tissue and putrescine in sterile sea water at 10 mM were methanol extracted. Two ml of each sample were used and 4.7 ml of methanol were added to bring the final volume to 70% methanol. The solution was vortexed and then left to extract at room temperature for about 3 hours then centrifuged for 20 minutes in a clinical centrifuge at 3000 rpm. The supernatant was removed to new tubes and air dried overnight. The amount of supernatant removed was recorded and the extractions were resuspended in 1:30 of that volume and refrigerated at 4°C. Behavioral Assay: The tips of glass rods were thinly coated with a 1:1 mixture of inert silicone grease (Plumber's Silicone Lubricant) and the experimental (or control) treatment. The starfish were placed on their aboral side in a small glass tank with enough UV sterilized sea water to cover them. The glass rod was then placed next to their arm so that the movement of their arm or the tube feet would bring the feet in contact with the glass rod. The tube feet towards the tip of the arm were used since these are known to be more chemosensory (Sloan, 1980). When the tube feet touched the glass rod they would retract (exceptions being the mechanical and grease control). Time from retraction to re-emergence of the tube feet was measured and recorded up to a period of 30 seconds. Each treatment was tested at least 10 times and starfish were exchanged after about 10 trials to ensure that the starfish was naive to the experiment and not stressed by the conditions, Three controls were done to test the conditions of the treatment. The first control was an uncoated glass rod that served as the mechanical control for the movement of the glass rod. The second was a control for the silicone grease which was simply a glass rod thinly coated with the grease. The third control was a positive control of a methanol extraction of homogenized mussel tissue, The results of the starfish assay were analyzed by an ANOVA followed by Tukey's test. Results HPLC results: The standards from the HPLC were analyzed to determine the relationship between polyamine concentration and UV absorption as recorded in peak height so that the bacterial polyamine content could then be quantified. A typical chart recording from a putrescine standard run is shown in Figure 2. The peak height varied linearly with concentration of putrescine and the average elution time for putrescine was found to be between 7 and 8 minutes. The standard peak heights from the HPLC were plotted against concentration and least squares linear regression was used to calculate an equation describing the relationship (Figure 3). Peak height was used rather than peak area because both have been determined to be linear with concentration (Taibi and Schaivo, 1992) and peak height was considerably easier to calculate. Cadaverine results are not shown since they are not applicable to these bacteria. When the equation is rearranged to calculate concentration from peak height, bo (y intercept) is 12.5 and by(slope) is 598.8. The r value of .938 is highly significant (p20.01) so this relationship can be used to accurately determine concentration from peak height. The results were then analyzed for the four bacteria. Figures 4 shows a typical run of the negative control V. harveyi. All the bacteria charts contained two peaks at about 7 minutes flanking the place where putrescine elutes. These two peaks are unidentified, but they are consistent and distinct from the putrescine peak. Figure 5 is an overlay of two chart recordings - V. harveyi control and the positive control, S. putrefaciens. From this overlay it is clear that the large peak at about 7 minutes between the two smaller peaks in the control V. harvevi is putrescine. Figure 6 is an overlay of the V. harveyi and the squid bacteria strain 10. It also contains a putrescine peak that matches the putrescine peak of the S. putrefaciens, demonstrating that the squid bacteria does contain large quantities of putrescine. A table of putrescine concentrations found in each bacteria species is shown in table I and a graph of the interpreted results is shown in figure 7. The control strain V. harveyi did not contain any putrescine down to our detection level of .57 umol/g cell wet weight. The S. putrefaciens were found to contain 7.67 umol/g cell wet weight of putrescine and the squid bacteria also contained large amounts of putrescine; strain 10 contained 4.72 umol/g cell wet weight and strain 26 contained 4.37 umol/g cell wet weight. Starfish Tube Foot Assay Results: The average retraction time and standard error of the starfish tube feet assay is shown in table II. Figure 8 is a graph of these results. The data was log transformed to reduce the variability and normalize the deviations. An ANOVA was then done and the results were analyzed by Tukey's test. This test is fairly conservative and takes into account the possible interactions of data. All bacteria extracts and the putrescine were compared with the media to see if they had a significantly greater deterrence than the media. All the putrescine containing extracts (squid strains 10 and 26, S. putrefaciens, and putrescine at 10 mM) deterred significantly more than the media whereas V. harveyi did not. The p values were as follows: S. putrefaciens, p-.002; putrescine, p-.018; strain 10, p-.019; strain 26, pe.001; V. harveyi, p-.202. Discussion The HPLC analysis indicated that the squid bacteria contain putrescine in large quantities similar to the putrefying bacteria Shewenella putrefaciens. The starfish tube foot assay demonstrated that the Shewenella spp. bacteria extracts and à solution of putrescine were more noxious to starfish than media whereas bacteria without putrescine (V. harveyi) was not. Putrescine produced by the bacteria might be deterring predation on squid egg cases. The HPLC proved to be an excellent and relatively simple way to analyze polyamine content of bacteria. The negative control of V. harveyi and the positive control of S. putrefaciens allowed exact location of the elution point of putrescine. Overlaying chart recording from S. putrefaciens and the squid bacteria confirmed that the peak in the squid bacteria was putrescine. Although the HPLC had contaminants, these were recognizable and consistent in elution time. The starfish assay proved to be a bit more problematic, although the controls were still consistent with literature (McClintock, 1994). The positive control of müssel showed an average retraction time of about 7 seconds which was similar to McClintock's finding that the tube foot retraction for positive control was generally less than 10 seconds. Äfter retraction, which McClintock attributed to the gross chemical change in environment, the tube feet re-emerge and the arm moves towards the mussel extract. More puzzling, though, is that McClintock found that toxins he was testing as deterrents caused tube foot retractions that lasted 40-60 seconds whereas retractions in this experiment were generally observed to be around 20 seconds suggesting that the bacteria, while still feeding deterrents, were 10 less noxious than other toxins released by marine organisms. The lower toxicity is possibly explained by the role of these compounds in protecting squid eggs as opposed to adult organisms which are less sensitive to toxic compounds. The other explanation for the longer retraction time in the McClintock study was the temperature at which the assay was conducted. McClintock used Antarctic species and had an assay temperature of 0°C, whereas the assay in this study was conducted at about 15°C where biological actions such as retraction and re- emergence would occur faster. The starfish assay is a less definite assay than the HPLC because tube foot retraction is part of a larger behavioral pattern with inherent variability. The retraction times recorded were highly variable which was compensated for by a relatively large number of samples for each treatment. The starfish also tended to become stressed by the testing environment and this lengthened retraction times. 1o compensate for this, the best effort was made to test only starfish that did not appear to be stressed and to exchange starfish as soon as the one being tested began to appear stressed. The other uncertainty in this study was the environment in vivo. The putrescine in the starfish assay was used at a concentration of 10 mM because of previously published data on S. putrefaciens. Later calculations showed that the concentration of putrescine in the squid bacterial extracts was closer to 1 mM suggesting there may be alternate compounds produced by the bacteria that also worked to deter the starfish in the starfish assay. Not enough research has been done on the system in vivo to determine the amount of putrescine in the natural starfish/egg case interaction. The bacteria might secrete the putrescine directly into the ocean and allow the soluble compound to have long-range effects, although this possibility seems unlikely in terms of the energy cost of maintaining a large concentration of putrescine close to the egg cases. It is also possible that the bacteria sequester the putrescine in the egg sheath so when a predator penetrates the egg case, a concentrated solution of putrescine is released. Another possibility is that the level of putrescine in nature is less than the amount necessary to deter starfish and so though this compound is à deterrent in the test system, it is not the cause of predator deterrence in the real world. In considering these possibilities, it is impossible to say what the concentration of putrescine is in nature and this remains a fascinating and important area to research. Assuming that putrescine is the reason for predator deterrence in the ocean. we are then left with the question of how the putrescine deters predators. The three categories of roles attributed to polyamines - DNA/RNA interactions, bacterial products, and ion channel interactions - suggests three different hypotheses. The first hypothesis is that putrescine deters predators by an interaction with the DNA or RNA of the predator. The only detrimental effect in the interactions between DNA and RNA and polyamines is cell apoptosis which can occur if cells are exposed to large quantities of polyamines during certain times in their cell cycle. This hypothesis does not fit with the current data because cell apoptosis would take place on a much longer time scale than the retraction of a starfish tube foot. The rejection of this first category leaves us with two viable categories of polyamine function from which to form hypothesis. One hypothesis involves putrescine affects on the ion channels of either sensory or other neurons in the predator. The other hypothesis suggests that the putrescine may be part of a scheme to imitate rotting food and thus evade predation. The hypothesis that the putrescine interacts directly or indirectly with ion channels is quite interesting. It has been shown that putrescine concentrations of 1 mM increased Ca¬ currents in neuroblastoma cells (Scott et al, 1993). All senses 12 depend on ion channels so it is possible that by interfering with the channels the putrescine is interfering with the chemosensory abilities of the predators. The interaction with the ion channels could also involve other neurons and be toxic rather than simply affecting the chemosensation of the predator. Further study would need to determine the effects of putrescine on various neurons in potential predators of squid egg cases. A final hypothesis is that the putrescine functions to disguise the squid egg case as rotting material. Putrescine is found in many rotting materials (Yamanaka and Masumoto, 1989) and a recent study has found that the squid egg case bacteria release also hydrogen sulfide (Melissa Kaufman, unpublished work) which is part of the smell of rotting eggs and other materials and could work cooperatively with the putrescine to together convince the predators that the egg cases were rotting tissue. Most marine organisms that live in the squid-laying area are predators that will not scavenge putrefying substances (im Watanabe, personal communication) The only organisms that have been found near the egg cases are Capitella ovincola (a species of worm), hermit crabs, and sometimes bat stars. The worms Capitella are often found in hydrogen sulfide rich environments and in sewage and cannery run-off. Capitella ovincola is only found in the squid egg cases and does not affect the eggs unless it multiplies rapidly and disrupts the eggs (Morris et al, 1980) This study has shown that the symbiotic bacteria found in squid egg cases synthesize large quantities of putrescine, which might be used to deter predation on the eggs during the incubation period before hatching. The chemical defense of squid eggs is not yet fully understood but the information collected thus far gives à tantalizing glimpse of possible mechanisms of protection. Marine chemical defenses are complex, fascinating systems and scientific research into their mechanisms and possible applications to medicine is gaining momentum. 13 This study is a step towards a better understanding of how symbiotic bacteria may contribute to the safeguarding of squid embryos and ultimately how marine chemical defenses operate. Conclusion This study has elucidated two important facts concerning the bacteria that inhabit the egg cases of the squid Loligo opalescens. High pressure liquid chromatography of the squid bacteria determined that these bacteria produce substantial quantities of the polyamine putrescine. A starfish chemotactic tube foot assay demonstrated that putrescine is noxious to starfish and is a predator deterrent. These results suggest that the bacteria of the squid egg case prevents predation by their release of putrescine. Acknowledgments Tespecially wish to thank Melissa Kaufman for the time and patience she gave me this quarter. Thank you also for the excellent guidance on real science, medical school, and, of course, my project. I also greatly thank David Epel for his wonderful advice and his insistence that I see all the options without making assumptions. Thanks also goes to all the people in the Epel Lab - Nancy, Beth, Lisa, and Chris - for all their support and helpful suggestions. 14 Literature Cited Biggs, James and Epel, David. (1991) Egg Capsule Sheath of Loligo opalescens Berry: Structure and Association with Bacteria. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 259. 263-267 Brooks, W. H. (1995) Polyamine Involvement in the Cell Cycle, Apoptosis, and Autoimmunity. Medical Hypotheses. 44. 331-338 Chiba, Tadashige; Akizawa, Toshifumi; Mastukawa, Motmi; Pan-hou, Hidemitsu; Kawai, Nobufumi; and Yoshioka, Masanori. (1995) Large-Scale Purification and Fürther Characterization of Spidamine and Joramine from Venom of Spider. Nephila clavata. Chemical Pharmacology bulletin. 43. 2177-2181, Cohen, Seymour S. (1971) Introduction to the Polyamines. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Hamana, Koei and Matsuzaki, Shigeru. (1992) Polyamine Distribution Patterns Serve as a Phenotypic Marker in the Chemotaxonomy of the Proteobacteria. 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The number recorded for the Vibrio harveyi is a result of the equation derived from the least squares regression not passing exactly through zero. It can be considered the sensitivity level of the HPLC - the Vibrio is sure to contain an amount less than that number, but the exact amount is impossible to measure with the current HPLC system. Species of Bacteria Average Putrescine Content Standard Error (mmol/g cell wet weight) Vibrio harveyi 0.57 0.055 6. putrefaciens 7.67 0.16 Squid 10 4.72 0.54 quid 26 437 0.26 Table II Table of the Starfish Tube Foot Assay Results This table shows the mean response time and the standard error for each treatment. The time recorded is the time from the retraction of the tube foot until the re-emergence. A number less than about 10 seconds is normal for the positive control as it represents the response to a rapid change in sensory environment, An ANOVA and Tukey's test were performed on the log transformation of this data. The four treatments with putrescine (putrescine, S. putrefaciens, squid strain 10 and squid strain 26) showed significant difference from the media control, but V. harveyi did not. Treatment Mean Retraction Time Standard Error (seconds) (seconds) mechanical 0.76 grease mussel 7.2 0.66 media 1.3, V. harveyi 11.2 0.39 Putrescine 1.9 . putrefaciens 16.3 0.96 Strain 10 14.9 1.31 Strain 26 18.7 27 Figure Legends Figure 1: The Structure of Common Polyamines This diagram shows the chemical composition and structure of the common polyamines: putrescine, cadaverine, spermine, and spermidine. These compounds are simple carbon chains with between two and four nitrogens. Each nitrogen carries a positive charge under physiological conditions, making polyamines cationic molecules. Many of their roles in cells are a results of their cationic nature. Figure 2: HPLC Chart Recording of Putrescine Standard This HPLC chart recording shows a typical chart for the putrescine standard at 125 mM. The putrescine peak is at approximately 7 minutes. The peaks about 3 minutes after injection are salt peaks that consistently occurred in all injections, The height of the putrescine peak is relative to the concentration of putrescine in the injection and standards were used to quantify the relationship between peak height and concentration. Figure 3: Standard Curve of the HPLC Standards The results from the HPLC standards are graphed here and a least squares linear regression was applied to quantify the relationship between peak height and concentration. The equation and r value are shown. Figure 4: HPLC Chart Recording of Vibrio harveyi This HPLC chart recording shows a typical recording of the bacteria V. harveyi, a bacterial species that contains no detectable putrescine. The peaks in the beginning around 3 minutes are salt contaminants and are consistent in all charts. The two peaks close to 7 minutes are peaks that appear approximately the same size in every bacterial chart recording regardless of putrescine concentration. Figure 5: HPLC Chart Recording of Vibrio harveyi and Shewenella putrefaciens This HPLC chart recording overlays a typical S. putrefaciens chart on the V. harveyi chart shown in figure 4. Overlaying the charts we can see the putrescine elutes between the two small peaks that appear in all bacterial charts. By measuring the height of this peak we are able to quantify the amount of putrescine that was in the injection and therefore the amount of putrescine in the bacteria. Figure 6: HPLC Chart Recording of Vibrio harveyi and Squid Strain 10 This HPLC chart recording overlays a typical squid bacteria chart onto the V. harveyi chart. Here it is evident that the squid bacteria contain putrescine in amounts comparable to the S. putrefaciens. 18 Figure 7: Bar Graph of HPLC Results This graph is a visual representation of the numbers from figure 7. The errors bars show the standard error. As is evident in this bar graph, S. putrefaciens have a large amount of putrescine and the squid bacteria, although they don’t have as much putrescine, contain substantial amounts. Figure 8: Bar Graph of Starfish Tube Foot Assay Results This is a graph of the results tabled in table III. The error bars depict the standard error of the data. From this graph it is clear that the putrescine and the bacteria containing putrescine deterred the starfish more than media Figure 1: Structure of common polyamine HN-(CH2)-NH, HaN-(CH)5-NH Putrescine Cadaverine (1,4-Diaminobuane) (1,5-Diaminopentane) HN-(CH2)-NH-(CH2)-NH, Spermidine HN-(CH)-NH-(CH2)-NH-(CH.)-NH, Spermine Figure 2 Typical Putrescine Standard at 125 uM concentration 0.3 50.25 -------------------------------------------------------- 0.2 E O ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q 0.15 Wn 0.1 ------------------------------------------------------ Q 0.05 10 20 Time (minutes) 0 Figure 3: 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0* -0.1 Putrescine Peak Heights at Varying Concentrations =.00167X -0.021 7=.938 A 250 300 100 150 200 Putrescine Concentration (uM) 50 Figure 4 HPLC of Vibrio harveyi O.3 025 .................----------- -------------------- ------------ —------------------------------------------------ 0.2 ...------------- 2 0.15 W . 0.1 + h 0.05 ----------------------------- 0 4 O 2 10 12 14 Time (minutes) Figure 5 HPLC of V. harveyi and S. putrefaciens 0.3 —0.25 — ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- 0.2 ------- 0.15 - O --------------------- — ---------- 0.1 + 0.05 + — —----------------------------------------------------- 0 10 12 14 O 2 Time (minutes) Figure 6 HPLC of V. harveyi and Strain 10 U.3 S 0.25 ------------------------------------- + 0.2 ----------- — ---------- 30.15 I 0.1 Q 0.05 — 10 12 14 O 2 Time (minutes Vibrio harveyi Figure 7: Quantity of Putrescine in Bacteria as Determined by HPLC Squid 10 putrefaciens Species of Bacteria Squid 26 25 -10 Figure 8: Starfish Tube Foot Retraction Times Treatment