THE LOSS OF HEAT RESISTANCE AND THE RECOVERY FROM HEAT TORPOR IN SRIOPUS CALIFORICUS Reed F. Kratka, Spring 1977 The harpacticoid copepod, Tigriopus Californicus, an inhabitant of the high intertidal splash pools of the California coast, displays a profound ability to withstand large fluxuations in the physical parameters of its environment. Water temperatures ranging over a 30'Cspan have been observed, along with rapid fluxuations in temperature. The heat resistance of T. Californicus and the role of thermal acclimation in this process have been demonstrated. (Kontogiannis 1973) But the nature and mechanism of resistance, while explored by Matutani (Matutani 1961), is still very much a mystery. The present study was initiated in an attempt to better understand this process. The initial approach was to examine the time course of the loss of heat resistance. In contrasting the temporal nature of the acquisition and loss of heat resistance information about the process itself can be obtained. A close corollary to this approach is the examination of the time course of recovery from heat induced torpor. This was also pursued. Materials and Methods The T. Californicus used in these experiments were obtained from 2 large deep pools at the south end of the Carmel City Beach, Carmel, California, located at about the plus 8 foot tidal level. Animals were collected from the center of the pools by straining water through a fine netting and then washing the captured animals into a holding container. Throughout the course of experimentation approximately 100,000 animals were collected in this manner. The specimens were maintained in the laboratory in three 10 gallon aquaria at 16 C - 24°C with a density of approximately 1,500 animals per gallon. They were fed one half a teaspoon of Tetramin (fish food) every odd day. The animals remained in these conditions for 2 - 4 days before the initiation of an experiment. The procedure for determining the rate of loss of heat resistance is straight forward, yet it can be divided into 4 sections: pretreatment, acclimation to high temperature, loss of resistance to high temperature, and heat stress and (2) recovery. Initially, 96 groups of approximately 160 animals per group were placed in 16X150 mm test tubes containing 20 ml of fresh sea water and the entire unit was placed in a constant temperature bath at 20 C. The animals were maintained for 2 days in this condition before initiation of acclimation. To begin acclimation half of the tubes in the 20 C bath were transferred to a 30 C constant temperature bath. After 12 hours of acclimation, these animals were transferred back into the 20 C bath and then tested at intervals of 0, 12, and 48 hours for loss of resistance to heat acquired while at 30 C. Testing consisted of administering various thermal "dosages to the animals and assaying for survival rate. These "dosages" consisted of exposure to a 37 C water bath for times ranging from 18 to 40 minutes. One tube was used to monitor each dosage, i.e., 12 in all. The populations in each tube were split into 2 groups before testing. Dosages were controlled by removing tubes at two minute intervals from the 37 C bath and pouring the contents into a petri dish filled with fresh seawater at 13 C. From the percent effect of these dosages an LT was calculated first by the method of Litchfield and Wilcoxon (Litchfield and Wilcoxon 1949) and then more exactly by the use of linear regression analysis after conversion of percents to probits. This was accomplished with the use of two H-P 65 programs. The LTg was used to compare different groups in terms of there heat resistance. The animals were assayed for survival 5 - 7 hours after this heat stress. Survival was defined as responsiveness to physical stimulation with a pipet. The assay time of between 5 and 7 hours was determined by making repetitive measurements for survival at 2,4, and 10 hours after heat stress. From graph il we can see that the 4 to 10 hour period appears to be a plateau, i.e., no further recovery is taking place. A more detailed analysis of recovery from heat torpor was done later with 0,7,11,16,24 and 48 hour periods being assayed. In this case the time course of recovery from torpor was (3) monitored in animals subjected to several different thermal "dosages",i.e., different times spent at 37 C. The criteria used to distinguish between torpor and non-torpor wereidentical to the survival criteria. The recovery conditions were also identical to the heat resistance recovery conditions. Results In graph 2 it is appearent that the first 12 hours spent in 20 C after acclimation at 30 C are most important interms of the loss of heat resistance. It also suggests that this 12 hour time period should be examined more carefully. To do this another experiment was conducted utilizing 0,3,6,12 and 48 hour deacclimation periods. All other procedural aspects were similar to the first experiment. The results are shown in graph 13. From this we see that the loss of heat resistance occurs rather rapidly, a significant portion of it within the first 3 hours. Intuitively, the graph depicts a very rapid decay of the ability to survive high temperature stress. The results of the torpor recovery examination can be seen in graph #4. It illustrates the recovery from torpor seen in the first 7 hours and then the death of individuals for the rest of the time period assayed. This result seems to contradict the model of recovery from torpor suggested by graph #1. In one case it appears that recovery from torpor has plateaued and yet, in the same general interval in graph #4 it appears to peak. Consider the fact that graph l involves sampling on either side of the peak in graph 14 and the contradiction is resolved. In analyzing the data from graph#4 we can arrive at two conclusions: torpor and death involve two different mechanisms, and the torpor response is much more sensitive to temperature than the death response. The first of these ideas is supported by the general shape of the curved produced. Animals are recovering from torpor and then dying. If death was simply an extention of the physiologic modifications which induce torpor, this result would not be expected. Animals would simply go into torpor and die or achieve total recovery. This not the result. Secondly, if one plots the thermal dosages vs. percent "survival",i.e,, percent responsive to tactile stimulation, after half an hour of recovery time and then again at 24 hours of recovery time, we see very different responses to temperature stress. This can be seen in graph #5. Response I is the torpor response and 2 the death response. Analternate way to illustrate this is shown in graph 6. The mathmatical combination of these two curves yields graph 14. Discussion The loss of heat resistance occurs rapidly. Considering the thermal regime experienced by Tigriopus Californicus the retention of heat resistance at lower temperatures would be at best inefficient and at worst maladaptive depending on the nature of the change which induces resistance. But more interestingly, when one considers the work of Kontogiannis (Kontogiannis 1973) the time course of the loss of heat resistance appears to be symetrical to its acquisition. This has two implications. First, the loss of resistance probably involves the remodification of a structure or process by the same mechanism by which it was initially change. Speculatively, the modification is a simple one, at least in terms of stretural reorganization, if not biochemical. Hochachaka and Somera (Hochachaka and Somera 1973) have proposed that immediate acclimation to temperature involves the modification of enzme affinities for substrate or co-factors in energy pathway enzymes. With the modification of Km values in these enzymes, the general restructuring of biochemical pathways caused by increases in temperature (Johnson 1954) could be avoided. In this way heat death may be circumvented. If not offering any concrete support for this point of view, my results are at least consistant with it. Affinity changes can be affected simply by modifications in the 3' and 4' structure of enzymes. Temperature is capable of inducing such changes. The fact that modification and remodification appear symetric is also easily contained within this model. In dealing with recovery from torpor it is most interesting to examine the nature of the two dosage response curves produced by torpor and death respectively. The torpor response is more dramatic and temperature sensitive than the heat death response. For torpor a change in dosage of two minutes produces an approximate 707 change in animals scored as "surviving", while that same change in dosage produces an approximate 302 change in the heat death response. The truncated nature of the torpor response seems to implicate either very high "toxicity" of temperature or alternatively, that a behavioral rather than a physiologic mechanism is being tapped here. Considering the smooth signoid nature of the death response curve it seems more logical to conceptualize torpor as a sensory response rather than an environmentally imposed phsiologic response. This is consistant with the view of torpor as an adaptive response to stress conditions. In this sense Tigriopus Califoricus chooses to go into heat torpor while death is imposed upon it. Summary 1) The loss of heat resistance in T. Californicus occurs rapidly within the first 3 hours after removal from a high temperature condition. 2) In light of studies by Kontogiannis 1973 the acquisition and loss of heat resistance appears symetrical in relation to time course. 3) The mechanisms involved in torpor and thermal death are different. References Cited Hochachka, P.W., and Somero, G.N., Strategies of Biochemical Adaptation W.B. Standers Company, Philadelphia-London-Toronto, 1973, pp. 179-271 Johnson, F.H., The Kinetic Basis of Molecular Biology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1954, pp. 187-205 Kontogiannis, j, Acquisition and Loss of Heat Resistance In Adult Tide Pool Copepod Tigriopus Californicus, Physiol. Zoology 46: 50-54 1973 Litchfield, J.T., and Wilcoxon, F, A Simplified Method of Evaluating Dose Effect Experiments, Pharmacol. Exptl. Therap. 96: 99-113 1949 Matutani,K, Studies on the Heat Resistance of Tigriopus Japonicus, Publ. Seto Mar Biol Lab 9 (2) 1961 Acknowledgements I wish to express appreciation to the students and staff of Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California, with special thanks going to my advisor Dr. F.A. Fuhrman, and to Dr. Robin Burnett for his help in statistical analysis. 7 7 2 I c 2 C) X I % SURVIVAL 8 s + o ZNNN ONNOO — Z O +- 2 O N- I Z R I 2 I o + N 2 N 2 8. — — 2 ) Z 2 O D 2 I I 2 I — I 7 — Z o I X o o 441. NNNNN OONNOOO I I 2 2 SURVIVAL SOR — — 2 o o N N o R 2 0 SURVIVAL O oO — I — I I 2 RESPONSE 2 2 RESPONSE 2 G) 2 D o