Abstract In this study, I examined predation by two species of whelk on bay mussels (Mytilus trossulus) to determine whether a northern-occurring species (Nucella ostrina) and a southern-occurring species (Nucella emarginata) differed in absolute feeding rate and thermal dependence of feeding. I also examined the respiration rates of these congeners. Each species was held in three temperature treatments: 21°C,-16°C (ambient), and 10.5°C for 28 days. Across all temperatures, N.emarginata usually had higher feeding rates than N.ostrina for the first 14 days, but, after 21 and 28 days, N.ostrina tended to have higher feeding rates. Feeding by both species displayed classical physiological responses to temperature (Qios 2) for the first 14 days. By the twenty-first day, when satiation seemed to occur, Q1o values increased to 4.49 and 5.35 for N.emarginata and N.ostrina, respectively. In particular, both species at 10.5°C demonstrated considerably reduced feeding rates upon satiation. This suggests that metabolic costs were much lower at 10.5°C and, therefore, the animals required less energy input after satiation. While N.ostrina’s Qjo value declined to 1.67 after an additional 7 days, N.emarginata’s Qjo value declined to 3.40. Total consumption rates for the entire experimental period were not significantly different between species at any temperature. These results suggest that, while N.ostrina feeding rates may be lower after a starvation period, N.ostrina is able to maintain similar levels of energy input over the long-term by having a shorter satiation phase. In the respirometry experiment, N.emarginata had significantly higher O2 consumption rates (0.16% 02 consumed/mI seawater/hr/g) than N.ostrina (0.050% O2 consumed/mL seawater/hr/g). The physiological results of this study correlate with the thermal habitats of N.emarginata and N.ostrina and may have implications for global warming. Introduction The latitudinal temperature variability of coastal waters of the North American Pacific coast can furnish intertidal organisms with different thermal habitats. The effects of ocean temperatures on predatory behavior and metabolic activity have long been recognized (Broekhuysen, 1940; Sanford, 1999; Hochachka and Somero, 2002), but little study has been dedicated to two recently differentiated congeneric species of rocky intertidal whelk. The Southern species (Nucella emarginata) resides in warmer waters than its Northern counterpart (Nucella ostrina) yet both species prey on a variety of the same animals, such as barnacles (Balanus glandula) and mussels (Mytilus trossulus, Mytilus californianus, Mytilus galloprovincialis), in the mid-to low- intertidal zone. Utilizing a proboscis to drill through the exterior shells of their prey, the whelks ingest tissue via a drilled borehole. In addition, the shell morphology of these species is often indistinguishable. Because of the behavioral and phylogenetic similarities between these species, N.emarginata and N.ostrina provide useful models for comparing the effects of temperature on physiology. In 1990, Palmer et al. were the first to suggest that N.emarginata may actually comprise two reproductively isolated cryptic species. Marko (1998) later concluded that N.ostrina and N.emarginata were allopatrically speciated by physical isolation in different zoogeographic provinces. The dramatic 4°C increase in sea surface temperatures south of Point Conception established the physical boundary that separated these populations. In laboratory studies, changes in water temperature have been shown to dramatically alter the feeding behavior of intertidal organisms. For the oyster drill Urosalpinx cinerea, Hanks (1957) investigated predation rates on Mytilus edulis and noted that increases in temperature considerably increased feeding rates (Qjo value of 5.06 between 15°C and 20°C). Largen (1967) performed similar experiments with Thais (Nucella) lapillus, a species more closely related to Nemarginata and N.ostrina, and sav a Q1o value of 3.2 between 15°C and 20°C. Sanford (2002) conducted experiments with Pisaster ochraceus and Nucella canaliculata preying on Mytilus trossulus to determine the effects of small temperature changes (9°C to 12°C) and episodic upwelling on the predation rates of these organisms. Again, increased temperature caused significant increases in predation rates. (Qio's ranging from approximately 2.4 to 7.1 for N. canalicuata and 2.5 to 4.3 for Pisaster ochraceus). Metabolic activity, measured as a respiration rate, has been determined for other Nucella species, but little has been done to compare N.emarginata and N.ostrina. Bayne and Scullard (1978) investigated the respiration rates of Thais (Nucella) lapillus at different temperatures and starvation conditions. Stickle and Bayne (1982) extended this analysis to include salinity effects on oxygen consumption. Recently, Dahlhoff et al (2001) have tested respiration rates of N.ostrina in Oregon field sites that experience different seasonal temperatures. VO2 ranged from -2 to 4 mmol O/hr/g wet weight for unfed whelks at Boiler Bay, OR, during the summer. In order to assess physiological differences between N.emarginata and N.ostrina, I investigated the feeding rates, thermal dependency of feeding, and respiration rates of each species. I attempted to address the following questions: (1) Do feeding rates differ between species and change over time? (2) Are feeding rates thermally dependent and does thermal dependency change over time? (3) Do respiration rates differ between species? (4) Do respiration rates correlate with feeding rates? The results suggest that N. emarginata has higher maximal feeding rates than N.ostrina. For both species, feeding rates were thermally dependent, and thermal dependency changed over time. At a constant 12.2°C, N.emarginata had significantly greater respiration rates than N.ostrina. The physiological results correlate with the thermal environments occupied by each species. As climate change occurs, N.emarginata may have a selective advantage in regions where the congeners have overlapping populations. Materials and Methods Experimental Design In order to assess physiological differences between N.emarginata and N.ostrina, 1 first investigated feeding rates for each species under three different temperature regimes: (1) 10.5°C, (2)-16°C (ambient), and (3) 21°C. All whelks were kept submerged during the experimental period except during weekly mussel counting. Six glass tanks (77 L, 76cm x 31.Scm x 36.Scm) filled with seawater were placed in an outdoor pavilion at Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, CA, for the controlled treatments. The closed tanks were covered with fiberglass sheets and kept well-shaded. The light/dark cycle for the experimental period coincided with daily shifts at Pacific Grove from April 25, 2003, to May 29, 2003. For the ambient treatment, two 77L tanks were placed on the floor of the outdoor pavilion. For the 10.5°C treatment, two tanks were placed in a larger tank (770L, 180cm x 88cm x 36cm) whose temperature was controlled with a custom freon-based chiller and affixed temperature controller (Digital Temperature Controller, Aqua Logic, Inc.). The final two tanks were placed in a 770L tank containing an immersion heater (112 Silica Glass Power heater, 500 W, with temperature controller), which served as a water bath for the 21°C treatment (Fig. 10). Each water bath contained two water pumps (Via Aqua 1300) to maintain a continuous flow of freshwater around the glass tanks. Water temperatures in the glass tanks were raised for the 21°C treatment and lowered for the 10.5°C treatment over the course of approximately 7 hours and self-regulated by temperature sensors which maintained the set temperatures within +0.5°C. Each 77L glass tank contained a filter and water pump (Duetto DJ-100) to cleanse, circulate, and oxygenate the seawater. In addition, approximately 50 percent of the tank volume of seawater was changed every 4 to 7 days. Using temperature data- loggers (Optic StowAway, Onset Computer Corp., Pocasset, MA) submerged in each tank, water temperatures were recorded every 10 minutes during temperature ramping and every 30 minutes during the rest of the experimental period. Organisms On 23 April, 2003, N.emarginata were collected from the Coal Point rocky intertidal zone at the University of California, Santa Barbara. N.ostrina were collected on April 24, 2003, from wave-exposed areas at Soberanes Point, CA. Whelk lengths were measured for both species, and those with similar size ranges were used in the feeding experiment. N.ostrina had a size range of 19.9- 26.8 mm, and N.emarginata had a size range of 18.2-26.0 mm. Bay mussels (Mytilis trossulus) were collected from Strawberry Hill, Oregon, on April 23, 2003. The mussels were cleaned, sorted for a size range of 15. 25 mm, and then placed in flowing ambient seawater. Feeding Experiment Whelks were placed in identical plastic containers (975 mL, Berry Plastics Corp.. Evansville, IN) drilled with small holes (8mm diameter). Each tank held two containers with four N.ostrina per container and two containers with four N.emarginata per container. Thus, each tank contained eight whelks of each species, and each temperature treatment included 16 whelks of each species. The entire experiment comprised forty- eight N.emarginata and forty-eight N.ostrina. Whelks were then acclimated at ambient temperature without food for 4 days. On April 30, 2003, temperatures were ramped down for the 10.5°C treatment and ramped up for the 21°C treatment. Once the desired temperatures were attained, 25 mussels were added to each plastic container. Feeding Rate Measurements and Calculations After 7 days, the numbers of dead mussels with drilled boreholes were counted and replaced with live mussels. Dead mussels without boreholes were also replaced but were not included in whelk feeding rates. In addition, live mussels with partially drilled boreholes were neither replaced nor included in feeding rate measurements. The process was repeated for three more weeks to obtain data for 4 time periods over the course of 28 days. Feeding rates were calculated by dividing the number of mussels consumed by the total number of whelks per container. If whelk mortality took place over the course of a 7-day time period, then the factor (0.5)X(number of dead whelks) was subtracted from the total number of whelks in a particular container. This factor calculated the number of dead whelks between two time points since I could not be certain when a whelk died during 7 day time period. For the following time period, assuming no more whelks perished, the number of whelks in the container would equal the number alive at the previous time point. Qio Calculations Qio values between each temperature interval (10.5°C - 16°C, 16°C - 21°c. 10.5°C -21°C) were determined for each species at each time point by using the Q10 equation (Q10 (ki/k2)""2) from Hochachka and Somero (2002). For an overall Q1o value that incorporated all three temperature intervals at a given time point, inputs for the equation were derived from a regression curve that fit a line of feeding rate versus temperature. Respirometry Respirometry trials were conducted in order to assess differences between the two species at a constant temperature. Whelks used in these trials were maintained in ambient seawater and left unfed for at least 5 days. Äfter puncturing the plastic corks of glass chambers (134mL) with a 10mL syringe (B-D 10mL Latex-free Syringe, Becton Dickinson and Co., Rutherford, NJ) and a PrecisionGlide needle (18G1 ½, Becton Dickinson, NJ), whelks were placed into several sealed chambers filled with ambient seawater. To allow the whelks to equilibrate to the assay temperature of 12.2°C, the chambers were then placed in a 12.2°C water bath for 40 minutes. The assay temperature was chosen to approximate ambient seawater temperatures experienced by the whelks at that time. Data were recorded using PowerLab (model 8SP, ADInstruments, Mountain View, CA) and the PowerLab Chart Program. Seawater aerated with an air pump was used to calibrate the oxygen electrode to 100% saturation, and sodium sulfite was used to calibrate the electrode to 0% saturation. After a 40 minute equilibration, a gas-tight syringe was used to remove 1mL seawater from each chamber and, then, to inject the seawater into the electrode unit. The 1OmL syringe served as a reservoir of seawater to replace the ImL fraction and prevent the build-up of negative pressure inside the chamber. Further 1mL fractions were removed at 30 minute intervals for 120-150 minutes. Each trial included an empty chamber as a control. At the end of each trial, whelks were dissected and weighed to determine wet weights. Also, the volume of seawater in each chamber was measured. Change in percent O2 saturation over the time course was calculated using a regression curve fitting the percent O2 saturation at each interval. The slope of the contro was subtracted from the slope of an experimental chamber to determine actual percent change in O2 saturation in a given chamber. Using the resulting slopes, the mass-specific oxygen consumption rates were calculated. Statistical Analysis Replicate plastic containers were the experimental unit and, as such, average feeding rates were measured per container. Temperature data-loggers within each tank confirmed that each container experienced the same temperature range in any tank undergoing the same temperature regime. Thus, each container was treated as an independent unit. With two different species at three temperature treatments over 4 time points, the experiment involved 96 combinations of feeding rates per treatment per container. Thus, a factorial ANÖVA was used to determine the effect of period, species, and temperature on feeding rate. In addition, the interactions among period and species. period and temperature, and species and temperature were tested. Finally, the interaction 10 between all three factors, period, species, and temperature, was tested via factorial ANÖVA. Systat Version 8.0 was used for ANÖVA analyses. By utilizing the Student- Newman-Keuls test for differences among means, statistically significant differences among species at the same time point and under the same temperature treatment were determined. At the end of the experiment, again using a Student-Newman-Keuls test, differences between total consumption rates were identified. In the respirometry experiment, a one-way ANOVA was used to calculate the effect of species difference on respiration rates. Results Several interspecific, thermal, and temporal comparisons will be delineated in the following section. First, feeding rates will be compared between species at specific temperatures and time periods and between time periods for each species at a particular temperature. Feeding rate ranges for the entire experiment will then be compared between species for each temperature. Second, for each time period, overall Qjo values will be presented for each species. Qio ranges of each temperature interval for each species will be given. Third, total consumption rates at each temperature treatment and total Qjo values for the entire experimental period will be compared between species. Finally, the respiration rates of each species will be given. Temperature Treatments Temperatures for the 10.5°C and 21°C treatments were within +0.5°C of desired values throughout the experimental period. Ambient temperatures were more variable but averaged -16°C. (Fig. 1) Absolute Feeding Rates N.emarginata tended to have higher feeding rates than N.ostrina during the first 14 days while N.ostrina appeared to have greater feeding rates after 21 and 28 days. At 21°C, N.emarginata had significantly higher feeding rates than N.ostrina during periods and 2 (Fig. 2., Student-Newman-Keuls Test, px0.05). N.emarginata feeding rates were again significantly greater at 10.5°C during period 1, while N.ostrina had significantly greater feeding rates at 10.5°C during period 4 (Student-Newman-Keuls Test, pæ0.05). Under ambient conditions for all time points, no significant interspecific differences in feeding rate were present (Student-Newman-Keuls Test, p20.05) N.emarginata displayed more temporal variation in feeding rate than N.ostrina. At 21°C and 10.5°C, Nemarginata had a significant decrease in feeding rate between the second and third period (Fig. 3, Student-Newman-Keuls Test, p«0.05). N.ostrina, however, had no significant changes in feeding rate over time across all temperatures except for a significant increase in feeding rate at 10.5°C between period 3 and 4 (Fig. 4, Student-Newman-Keuls Test, p20.05). In the 21°C temperature treatment, N.emarginata exhibited feeding rates in the range 1.56 to 3.63 mussels per whelk per 7 days (Fig. 3). In contrast, Nostrina’s range of feeding rates at 21°C was 1.94 to 2.29 mussels per whelk per 7 days (Fig. 4). At ambient temperature, N.emarginata demonstrated a feeding rate range of 1.16 to 2.56 while N.ostrina’s range was 1.103 to 2.25 at the same temperature. N.emarginata had a range of 0.357 to 2.25 in the 10.5°C temperature treatment while N.ostrina had a range of 0.452 to 1.40. Thermal Dependence: Qjo Values Between Time Periods Feeding rates of both N.emarginata and N.ostrina were sensitive to changes in water temperature (ANÖVA, F-ratio= 28.405, p50.001). Overall Qjo values, derived from regression curves (see Materials and Methods), showed that N.emarginata had Qjo’s of 1.64 and 2.77 for periods 1 and 2, respectively (Table 1). After 21 days, the Q1o climbed to 4.49 and then decreased slightly to 3.40. N.ostrina presented a similar pattern. Qio values increased from 1.57 to 2.15 during the first 14 days. By day 21, the Qjo spiked at 5.35 and then rapidly declined to 1.67 by the end of the experimental period. Thermal Dependence: Q1o Values Between Temperature Intervals With the notable exception of the 10.5°C -16°C temperature interval, N.emarginata and N.ostrina had similar ranges for Qjo values in each temperature interval over the course of 28 days. In the 10.5°C -16°C temperature interval, Qjo values of N.emarginata ranged from 1.30 to 13.5 (Table 1). In contrast, the 16°C - 21°C interval was less varied with a Qjo range of 1.43 to 3.19. Finally, a gradual increase in Q10 occurred in the 10.5°C - 21°C interval with a range of 1.61 to 4.39. For N.ostrina, the 10.5°C - 16°C interval again displayed a relatively large Qio range (0.91 to 5.97). The 16°C -21°C interval had a Q1o range of 0.84 to 3.29 while the 10.5°C -21°C interval had a range of 1.63 to 4.43. Total Consumption Rates and Total Q1o Values Total consumption rates increased with increasing water temperature but were not significantly different between species at any temperature (Fig. 5, Student-Newman- Keuls Test, p20.05). N.emarginata’s total consumption rates were 1.06, 1.71, and 2.48 at 10.5°C, 16°C, and 21°C, respectively. Similarly, N.ostrina’s total consumption rates were 0.994, 1.58, and 2.07 at 10.5°C, 16°C, and 21°C, respectively. The overall Qio value for the entire 28-day period was 1.96 for N.emarginata and 1.92 for N.ostrina (Fig. 6). Respirometry N.emarginata had a significantly greater average respiration rate (0.16% 02 consumed/mL seawater/hr/g) than N.ostrina (0.050% O2 consumed/mL seawater/hr/g) (Fig. 7, one-way ANÖVA, p#0.001). N.emarginata also showed greater within-species variation in respiration rate than N.ostrina. Discussion The results of this study suggest that Nemarginata is capable of feeding and respiring at much higher rates than N.ostrina and that N.emarginata is also more likely to decrease feeding rates in response to satiation. While N.ostrina may not reach N.emarginata’s high feeding rates, N.ostrina tends to be less sensitive to satiation. Alternatively, changes in feeding rates over time may have been distorted by stressful laboratory conditions. In addition, since the feeding history of either species could not be ascertained, changes in feeding rates may have also been due to different initial energy stores. Nevertheless, over the long-term, both species exhibit similar average feeding rates at all temperatures. Both Nucella congeners also have feeding rate sensitivity to water temperature. Though fluctuations in Qjo occur for both species between 7-day intervals, N.emarginata and N.ostrina have Qjo’s close to 2 over a longer time period (28 days). Average Feeding Rates: N.emarginata Observed feeding rates for N.emarginata over the first two time periods tended to be higher than expected given feeding rates from related experiments on thermal dependence of feeding for drilling whelks. Studies performed on N.canaliculata used larger size ranges of mussels and mussels were counted every 14 days (Sanford, 2002). Thus, in such experiments, fewer mussels would provide the same energy input. Over time, N.emarginata seemed to ramp down feeding rate more quickly at 16°C and especially 10.5°C. Perhaps, between periods 1 and 2, satiation had a more pronounced effect at lower temperatures because of lower metabolic costs associated with lower temperatures. Alternatively, the reductions in feeding rates at lower temperatures may have been due to stress associated with laboratory conditions. In this alternative scenario, N.emarginata at the lower temperatures responded to stress by reducing feeding rates more rapidly. By period 3, feeding rates at lower temperatures again declined. However, in this case, N.emarginata at 21°C finally responded to satiation by considerably decreasing feeding rates. The higher metabolic rates at higher temperatures may have required N. emarginata to maintain elevated feeding rates for a longer time period. N.emarginata’s potential for high feeding rates is consistent with its designation as a southern thermophilic species by Marko (1998). Living in habitats with higher water temperatures one would expect N.emarginata to have a higher feeding rate capacity in order to compensate for the greater metabolic costs. Between the third and fourth period, N.emarginata feeding rates remained relatively constant at all temperatures. This suggests that either N.emarginata reached a minimum feeding rate associated with satiation or that, even under stress, N.emarginata had minimum feeding requirements. Since Nucella species have been shown to live for months without food (Sanford, personal communication), the latter explanation may be less likely. Also, if stress is playing the major role, then one might expect that feeding rates would decline further by period 4, but this does not occur. In addition, despite having no mortality at 21°C, N.emarginata showed a significant reduction in feeding rate at that temperature between periods 2 and 3. Average Feeding Rates: N.ostrina While feeding rates at 21°C remained quite constant for N.ostrina over all time periods, feeding rates at 16°C and 10.5°C declined from period 1 through period 3. Again. lower metabolic costs at the cooler temperatures may have allowed a more significant response to satiation. By period 3, N.ostrina feeding rates closely matched those of N.emarginata, but, by period 4, N.ostrina had increased feeding at both temperature extremes. These results suggest that feeding rates during satiation for both species are similar in absolute terms, but N.ostrina is not as far from its maximum feeding capability In addition, N.ostrina seemed to rebound from a sated state more quickly, implying that N.ostrina has a shorter satiation phase to compensate for a lower maximum feeding rate. At 21°C, N.ostrina’s metabolic processes may be operating at rates that preclude satiation. Feeding rates may not be able to increase further because N.ostrina may already be close to the maximum rate of feeding that is physically permissible for the whelk. Thus, feeding rates stay at a high level to keep up with metabolic costs. This is consistent with Marko’s (1998) conclusions that N.ostrina do not live south of Point Conception. where a 4°C increase in temperature occurs. N.ostrina in 21°C water temperatures may be close to their thermal limit for feeding. Total Consumption Rates Since total consumption rates were not significantly different between species at any temperature, N.ostrina may use a shorter satiation phase to compensate for lower feeding capacity and thus maintain comparable energy input to N.emarginata over the long term. On the other hand, N.ostrina might be better equipped to adapt to stress (e.g. re-circulated water flow, bacteria) since it returned to higher feeding rates by the end of the experiment. Q1o Effects The results of this study suggest that N.emarginata and N.ostrina have similar feeding rate responses to temperature over the long term. Qjo values for the 28-day experiment were 1.96 and 1.92 for N.emarginata and N.ostrina, respectively. The thermal dependence of feeding for N.emarginata changed considerably over time. The increase in Q1o value from 2.77 at period 2 to 4.49 at period 3 was driven primarily by sharp reductions in feeding rate at 10.5°C. In fact, the Q1o value for the 10.5°C- 16°C interval climbed sharply from 1.91 to 10.6. This is not unusual since much higher Qio values have been observed for 10°C- 15°C intervals (Q10= 25) in temperature-dependent feeding of the oyster drill Urosalpinx cinera on mussels (Hanks, 1957). Sanford (2002) showed comparable Qjo effects for N.canaliculata (Qio’s ranging from approximately 2.4 to 7.1 between 9°C and 12°C). N.emarginata may have experienced much lower metabolic costs at the lower temperature. Also, N.emarginata’s thermal dependence of feeding may decrease with increasing temperature as satiation ensues. N.ostrina also showed a peak in Q1o (5.35) at period 3, again driven by lower feeding rates at 10.5°C and a high Q1o between 10.5°C and 16°C (5.97). Thus, Nostrina exhibited similar thermal dependence patterns as N.emarginata until period 3. By period 4, the overall Q1o value returned to a level similar to period 1. This suggests that, whether as a recovery from satiation or stress, N.ostrina can decrease its thermal dependence of feeding more rapidly than N. emarginata. Respirometry Surprisingly, N.emarginata, the southern thermophile, showed higher oxygen consumption rates than N.ostrina. Inhabiting the warmer waters south of Point Conception, one would expect N.emarginata to have lower metabolic activity at a given temperature. Further study needs to be conducted to confirm the results found here and to determine the thermal dependency of respiration for both species. N.emarginata’s high maximum feeding rates might be required to replace the energy lost through its higher metabolic costs. Respirometry showed that N.emarginata tended to have more variable respiration rates at 12.2°C than N.ostrina. Thus, N.emarginata might also have a greater ability to alter metabolic activity in response to temperature changes. Greater metabolic plasticity in N.emarginata might help explain N.emarginata’s prolonged response to satiation and thus also clarify why N.emarginata and N.ostrina had similar total consumption rates by the end of the experiment. Alternatively, the N.emarginata sample size may have been too low to reduce variation in respiration readings. Conclusions The physiological results of this study correlate with the thermal environments inhabited by N.emarginata and N.ostrina. Though both species show similar patterns of thermal dependency of feeding, N.emarginata exhibits greater maximum feeding rates and greater O2 consumption rates. Living at higher temperatures, N.emarginata might have higher feeding rates in order to cover the costs of higher metabolic activity. As the climate warms, N.emarginata may be able to take advantage of its temperature adaptations to out-compete N.ostrina in regions of overlapping populations. Both species of Nucella showed feeding rates that changed over time, but N.emarginata had a prolonged satiation phase compared to N.ostrina. In contrast, N.ostrina’s lower maximal feeding rates were more consistent over time. Thus, in habitats where food can be scarce, N.emarginata could rapidly increase feeding rate when food is available but then wait in its longer satiation phase when food is in short supply. Net energy input would be greater for N.emarginata, especially at temperatures near or above 21°C. Though Marko suggests that N.emarginata’s northward range expansion was probably not due to climatic change, the results here suggest that climatic change could potentially accelerate the process. Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to thank George Somero for his guidance, support, sense of humor, and belief. His passion for marine biology was truly infectious. Jim Watanabe also provided insightful advice and was incredibly helpful with experimental design and statistical analysis. I would also like to thank the entire Somero Lab for supporting this work through thoughtful advice and technical assistance. Though not currently at Hopkins Marine Station, Eric Sanford provided much of the inspiration behind this project and never failed to answer even the most naïve queries via lengthy email correspondence. In addition to Eric, Brad Buckley of UC Santa Barbara and colleagues from Oregon State University helped obtain organisms required for this work. Also, I owe much to my fellow Bio 175H students who provided a wonderful atmosphere for learning and research in an idyllic setting. I could not have completed this project without their help and support. Finally, I would like to thank all the instructors involved in 175H who carry on the venerable tradition of turning wide-eyed undergraduates into budding researchers. This course has been challenging and laden with unforeseen obstacles, and yet it has also been one of the most rewarding of my Stanford career. Literature Cited Bayne, B.L. and C. Scullard. 1978. Rates of oxygen consumption by Thais (Nucella) lapillus (L.). J. exp. Mar. Biol. 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Historical allopatry and the biogeography of speciation in the prosobranch snail genus Nucella. Evolution, 52: 757-774. Palmer A.R., S.D. Gayron, and D.S. Woodruff. 1990. Reproductive, morphological, and genetic evidence for two cryptic species of northeaster Pacific Nucella. The Veliger 33: 325-338. Sanford, E. 2002. The feeding, growth, and energetics of two rocky intertidal predators (Pisaster ochraceus and Nucella canaliculata) under water temperatures simulating episodic upwelling. J. exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 273: 199-218. Sanford, E. 1999. Regulation of keystone predation by small changes in ocean temperature. Science 283: 2095-2097. Stickle, W.B., and B.L. Bayne. 1982. Effects of temperature and salinity on oxygen consumption and nitrogen excretion in Thais (Nucella) lapillus (L.). J. exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 58: 1-17. N 5 O - 2 3 8 8 N 9 3 o 8 N 2 8 8 0 33 0 N o O — 28 o o apo ooo OON. S +- 2 DOODN o . oo o -oc D — 8 8 Figure Legend Fig. 1. Water Temperatures during the 28-day N.emarginata and N.ostrina feeding rates experiment. Whelks were held in three treatments: constant 10.5°C,-16°C (ambient), and 21°C. Temperatures were recorded every ten minutes during temperature ramping and every thirty minutes for the rest of the experimental time period. Fig. 2. N.emarginata and N.ostrina feeding rates in three laboratory treatments over a four week time period. Bars are mean number of mussels eaten per whelk per 7 days (n- 4 containers per treatment). Ästerisks above bars indicate statistical differences between species (Student-Newman-Keuls Test, px0.05 Fig. 3. N.emarginata in three laboratory treatments over a four week time period. Bars are mean number of mussels eaten per whelk per 7 days (n= 4 containers per treatment). Identical letters above bars indicate statistical differences between time periods at a given temperature treatment (Student-Newman-Keuls Test, p£0.05). Qjo values for a given period are indicated above each set of bars. Fig. 4. N.ostrina in three laboratory treatments over a four week time period. Bars are mean number of mussels eaten per whelk per 7 days (n= 4 containers per treatment). Identical letters above bars indicate statistical differences between time periods at a given temperature treatment. Qio values for a given period are indicated above each set of bars. Fig. 5. N.emarginata and N.ostrina total feeding rates in three temperature treatments. Bars are mean number of mussels eaten per whelk over 28 days (n= 4 containers per treatment). Ästerisks above bars indicate statistical differences between species (Student- Newman-Keuls Test, p50.05) Fig. 6. N. emarginata and N.ostrina total feeding rates in three temperature treatments. Colored lines indicate actual feeding rates at each temperature over 28 days, and dashec lines indicate regression curves. Qjo values calculated from regression curves are noted. Fig. 7. N.emarginata and N.ostrina respiration rates. Bars are mean respiration rates of %02 consumed per mL seawater per hour per gram wet weight. The star indicates a statistical difference between respiration rates of the two species (one-way ANÖVA. p50.001, N.emarginata n-9, N.ostrina n= 12) t Temperature (°C) 3 — — — 391 9 - ooo 8 88 25 21° —-16° 10.5°0 21°0 N-16°0 10.5°0 21°0 -16°0 10.5° 21° A -16°0 10.5° fmussels/whelk/7 days -Ooao 2 5 A fmussels/whelk/7 days a-Noo — 7 0 R DE )O Hmussels/whelk/7 days O N 8 EE z zz o — -N fmussels/whelk/28 days GN — fmussels/whelk/28 days ONoo O — — 2 %02 consumed/milhrig wet weight 8 N