O 0 SUB! TIDAL SURVEY OF THE PAGURID POPULATION Hopkins Marine Station Robert T. Cook 15/8/6 Introduction A survey was taken of the pagurid populatien in the subtidal area in conjunction with the intertidal survey done by Bob Belknap. I hoped to find the types and numbers of pagurids found in the subtidal region, and also the substrates on which the pagurids are found. Procedure The procedure followed was that of the intertidal survey except that all samples were colledted by scooping up sand with plastic collecting boxes, or by scraping in the substrate with a diving knife. Due to the prevalence of a Pagurus species not found in the intertidal area, a pigmentation chart (See Fig. 1 & 2) was constructed for identifying P. (setosus)" to use along with John Markhame Pigmentation Chart which I used for identification of juvenile hermit crabs. Nine collecting areas were marked out in the subtidal region. Within each area four substrates were sampled-- open sand, large rocks, crevices found between large rocks, and small rocks or gravel. The species name is not known The name in parenthesis is a closely related species used as a means of distinguishing the unknown species of pagurids. Fid 1. PIGMENTATION OF POST-LARVAL PAGURUS (setosus)? Eyes Black with distinct tiny yellow dots. 2nd Antennae Orange-red to dark red longitudinal stripes becoming solid color near distal end. 1.imm-1/3 distal portion nearly solid red 2.1mm -1/2 Chelipeds Creme yellow upto 1.5mm. Tending more toward tan past this size. Dactyl and prodopus tipped white. Ischium banded with brown or maroon. Carapace White, dirty-white, or pink below 1.1mm. Becomes orange to tan past 1.5mm. Ambulator legs 51.1 mm- dark brown banding on dactyl with faint banding on other segments. Above this size all bands become dark while proximal side of joint begins to band with light tan. Eye stalks Two longitudinal maroon stripes with a horizontal stripe at base of the stalk. + Size ranges from.7mm to 2.2mm carapace width. * Carapace width. 12 Data See Fig. 3. Results Three intertidal species of hermit crabs were found in the subtidal area: Pagurus hemphilli, P. hirsutiusculus, and P. granosimanus. Two other distinct species of Pagurus were found in the subtidal, but they have yet to be identified. Using Schmitt's "Key To California Species of Pagurus, Pylopagurus, and Parapagurus" the two unknowns fit closely the characteristics for Pagurus setosus and P. californiensis. However examination of the species description eliminates the possibility that these are the correct specific names. Paguristes turgidus and P. bakeri were found in the deeper part of the sampled area in the subtidal region. Pagurid glaucothoe residing in shells were found in all sampled areas. (Bee Fig. 4.) Pagurus hemphilli and P. (setosus) constituted over 90% of the sampled pagurid population. The former being more prevalent nearer the intertidal while the latter was more numerous in the deeper waters. (See Fig. 5.) Juvenile pagurids always constituted the majority of the hermit crabs sampled in each area. (See Fig. 6.) Although hermit crabs were found just about everywhere in the subtidal, coralline algae proved to be the substrate on which the paguries concentrated. (See Fig. 7.) A + rt tat oe Distribotion of Pagds Pagbrs etgthite et Fuggtt tsate si o 4 84 +11 ror 131157 3 66170 ot 10 Fiq.3. 14 t 20 163 Types of Pagurids Found in Survey 50 Number of samples 1439 Number of pagurids counted Types of paguride 566 (21 adults): Pagurus hemphilli 5 (2 adults) hirsutiusculus granosimanus (setosus)** 704 (californiensis)": 3 (1 adult) Paguristes turgidus 18 Paguristes bakeri 134 Pagurid glaucothoe Uncertain 1439 Total * Adulthood was determined by body coloration. Pagurids which were large and no longer had complete juvenile coloration were considered adults. ** Species not known. A closely related species is given. 4 Fg C 400 ferentage fagorid Compesition of Areds PE Ttet Tdt F15 Fig.G. 12 21 10 201 60 443 H0 12 E Hovee Ot C Pee A FE aTh 114 13 E 9.7. ious Substrates Pagurid Concentration on Var No. of No. of Pagurids Samples Pagurids per sq. ft. 16 1.5 Open sand 140 13 11 Crevices Small rocks Large rocks 10 80 A. Mixed algae 1154 144 B. Corallines — 1439 Total Discussion Pagurus hemphilli, which was found by Belknap to be prevalent in the lower intertidal area, was also very prevalent throughout the subtidal area. P. hirsutiusculus, which was numerous throughout the whole intertidal area, was not found to any great extent in any part of the subtidal area. This could be indicative of a sudden drop in population at the intertidal zone or of poor sampling in one of the surveys. P. (setosus), which I found throughout the subtidal area, was not found in the intertidal area by Belknap, perhaps because it was not recognized (it resembles P. hirsutiusculus). Summary 1. Pagurus hemphilli, P. hirsutiusculus, P. granosimanus, P. (setosus). and P. (californiensis) were found inhabiting the subtidal region. 2. Paguristes bakeri and P. turgidus were found in the subtidal region. 3. Large numbers of pagurid glaucothoe were found residing in shells. 4. Coralline algae is the substrate having the highest population density of pagurids. C References he Marine Decapod Crustacea of California Schmitt, Waldo L. University of California Publications in Zoology, Vol. 23, May 1921.