of the Digestive Gland rosobranch Mollusc Littorin plana. ger A. Pederse Phillips Hopkins Marine Station Stanford Universi Biology June otelytie Enzymes of the Digestive Gland of the Prosobranch Wollusc Littorina planaxis This paper describes an in vitro analysis and part haracterization of the proteolytic enzymes of the digestiv planaxis, a prosobranch mollusc. The fe gland of Littorina studies which have been conducted on the digestive enzymes o marine gastropods have revealed no prõteinases in the saliva lands of the herbivorous prosobranchs (Freter and Graham, 1962 These organs appear to function principally in secreting mucus which facilitates the passage of ingested food from the bucc cavity to the stomach. There is also unanimity in the conclu that no digestive enzymes are secreted, nor any food absorbed in the intestine (Freter and Graham, 1962). The present studie. nave been confined to the digestive gland, although the esophagi also merits study. his analysis is limited to the characterization of th enzymes with respect to their activity at differing hydroge ion concentrations, activatiwation by a reducing agent and metallic cofactors, and purification by ammonium sulfate frac lonation. It has been necessary to disregard other factors concerned with the production and secretion of digestive enzyme V the living organism. Digestive enzyme secretion in the gastr Murex (Hirsch, 1931), Aplysia and Helix (Yonge, 1937), is pods known to be a rhythmic process, accelerated by the presence o. food in the gut. In order to minimize the effedt of such variable in the gut, snails to decrease the numbers of microorganisms starved in the laboratory for 12 hours prior to dissection. vere imental The surfaces from which the snails were selected are rer sentative of the position of the Littoring planagis population intertidal zone at Hopkins Marine Station, Cabrillo Point. acific Grove, California. Snails came predominantly from surfaces 12 feet above mean low tide, and were sheltered from direet wave tion, receiving splash only at high tide. No-distinction wa ade as to the sex of the animals used in these studies. paration of the ehayme extract from the digestive gland involved collection, starvation and issection of the sn. escribed aboye. The shells were roken i a Small vice and shell muscie detached from the shell remnants. The midgut removed posterior to the left kidney and contsined, in a ion to the digestive diverticula, gonadal tissue, the stomach ind stomach contents. In snails weighing 1.0-1.5 g., this complement weighed 30-50 mg., or 3-4% of the total weight. All preparative procedures following the weighing were carried out in an ice bath to retard denaturation of the enzymes. Sufficient digestive gland to give 10-15 mg. of tissue, or its equivalent homogenate per milliliter of final reaction mixture was homogenized in artificial sea water, ASW (MacLeod, et. al., 1954), with a Thomas tissue grinder, (Cat. 44288-B, Philadelphia). Centrifugatior fog 30 minutes in a Serval centrifuge, Model SS-1, to precipitate cell fragments, followed by filtration through whatman 4l paper t remove lipids, readied the tissue homogenate for use in the reaction mixtures. Each reaction mixture contained 1 mi. o. 1% casein, obtained from non-fat milk solids by the method Cohn (1930) and prepared according to Kunitz (1947) at ph the casein substrate was added 2 ml. of enayne preparation ind 8 ml. of the appropriate buffer, to give a final volume of per resction mixture. The buffers used were Acetate, ph 5, Phosphate, pH 5,7-7.1, and Tris (hydroxymethyl)amino- . ethane pH 7.3-8.7. All concentrations were 0.06-0.08M in the action mixture. For determination of activation by metallic ofactors, 1 ml. of buffer was replaced by an equivalent volune metal cation: Mn, Ni or Co, x 1 M in reaction mixture. For determining the effect of a reducing agent, 1 ml. of buffer was replaced by sodium cyanide, 1X Min reaction mixture. In enzyme controls lul. of buffer replaeed the casein substrate, in substrate controls, 2 ml. of buffer replaced the enzyme pre- ration. Reaction mixtures were layered with toluene to pre- vent the proliferation of bacteria and were incubated in 390. for the duration of the reaction. ter bath at ? The assay method to detect proteolysis was the Lowry mod- ification of the Folin test (Lowry, 1951). At 4 hour intervals, samples were withdrawn from the reaction mixtures and treated ml. of 10% trichloroacteic acid, TCA, to stop the reaction and precipitate the non-hydrolgzed protein. In order to provid maximum denaturation and precipitation of the non-hydroljzed rotein, assay samples were incubated in TCA at room temperature for at least 12 hours before centrifugation. Following centri- fugation for 15 minutes at 3000 r.p.m. in an International Refri- gerated Centrifuge, Model PR-2, the amount of Lowry-positive droljzed casein present in the TCA supernatant was determined By comparisor Klett-Summerson Photoelectric Colorimeter. th a standard curve of known amounts of casein, proteolytie tivi was determined in terms of micro rams of casein digested and sue or its equivalent homogenate) in ea of illiliter of reaction,mixture Only readings appreci gher than he sum of the enzyme and substrate dontrols vidence of proteolytic activity toward purification of the proteases of th fractionation of the proteins with ammonium sulfate wa nducted. A tissue homogenate was prepared as described above 1.6 g. of tissue, the digestive glands from 50 animals. material was first predipitated by 1008 saturation with )280, and centrifugation for 15 minutes on the high-speed Serval 88-1. The precipitate was repeatedly extracted with series of ammonium sulfate solutions decreasing from 100% se ration by 10% increments. No concentration of enzyme wa tempted. Bacteria present in the stomach contents of starved and feeding snails were examined for the presence of proteolytie strains. The nutrient medium contained 1.58 agar and 0.18 peptone,in sea water, and was rendered opaque by finely divided, enature ovalbumin. Incubation was at room ture for one week and ussior The proteinase activity with respect to ph is represented Two activity peaks, having optima at ph 4.9-5.1 and at pH.5.5, suggest the presence of at least two distinct enzymes with slightly acidic pH optima. Proteinases activ in this range have been detected in many invertebråtes ar are Vaguel. characterized as extracellular or intracellular kathepsins icol Weither the metallic ions nor the sodium cyanid 1960). kedly activated or inhibited the activi of the enzymes. Fractionation with ammonium sulfate suggests additional See Fig. 12. proteolytic activity at a higher pH, 8.3. This activity which was detectable only following fractionation is evidently due to the removal of one or more engyme inhibitors by the fractions The slightly alkaline precipitation with ammonium sulfate. PE and deactivation by inhibitors indicate a trypsin-like char r for this enzyme. On the basis of this finding it seems ble to undertake fractienation and partial purification enzyme preparations involving prosobranch digestive tissue the hope of activating enzymes considered weak or deficient results from crude tissue extracts. The cultures of bacteris from the stomach showed large lations capable of hydrolyzing denatured ovalbumin. These observations suggest that the bacterial flora of the gut may tion of proteins. assist in the di unna An account is given of experiments designed to dete oteinases in the digestive gland of the marine gastropod Littorina planaxis and to characterize these enzymes with respect pH optima, activation by dibasic cations and a reducing agent and ammonium sulfate fractionation. Activity of a crude tissue extract at various hydrogen on concentrations suggests the presence of at least two kathepsin ike proteinases having pH optima at 4.9-5.1 and 5.5. Neither the metallic cations Mn, Ni, Co, at 1 X.10-4 3. agent NacN at 1 X 103 M markedly inhibits o. nor the reducing activates eithe of the above. artial purification by fractionation with ammonium sulfate apparently removes an enzyme inhibitor from the 406 ives evidene of a trypsin-like turated fraction, and Similar purifications are suggested 8. proteinase active at for any further study on this, or related marine gastropods. Several strains of bacteria present in large numbers Mlanaxis may assist in the digestion the stomach of Littorina f protein. Bibliography Baldwin, E. 1963. Dynamics of Biochemistry, fourth ed., Cambri University Press. Cohn, E. J. 1930. Organic Syntheses. 10:16. Colowick, S. P. and Kaplan, N.O, eds. 1953. Methods in Enzym ology. Academic Press, Inc., New York. Vol. 1, pp.138-146 . 1955. Methods in Enzymology. Academic Press, Inc. New York, vol. II, pp 30-35. Freter and Graham, ed. 1962. British Prosobranch Molluscs, Ray Society, Bartholemew Press, Dorking, England. Hirsch, G. C. 1931. The theory of fields of restitution w special reference to the phenomena of secretion. Biol. 6:88-131. Kunitz, M. 1947. Jour. Gen. Physiol. 30:291. Lowry, O.H., et. al. 1951. Protein measurements with the Folir Phenol Reagent. Journ. Biol. Chem. 193:265-275. MacLeod, R.A., Onofrey, E., and Norris, M.E. 1954. Nutrition and metabolism of Marine Bacteria. I. Survey of Nutritional Requirements. J. 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Figure + 70 50 8 CASEIN 374. 40 30 20 Reaction Time : 8 hours 10 — 37 11 13 75 17 1.7 5. 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.9 c.] 6.3 Fiaure +2 Ammonium Sulfate frachimation O CONTROLS HAUE B Mlaesaien are PCasei 2EDACIED, Keactien Time: Ghours Reactign Lme: 10 heues SAtCALN PH 1.3 215. 1 2. 2 n Sren 21 1 2 a1 5 1a 8. 3 Fns one — 40 0.0% 12.7 11 26 70 0.07. 32 4.8 90.03 90.0% 80.8/ 80.6% 70.0% 70.0% 60,0% 66.0% 5009 50.09. 17.3 O 10.0% 11.7 27 23 10.7 40.0% 35.5 18. 8.3 30.0% 233 O 33.7 3002. 0 20.0% 20.09 10.0% 10.0%