Fryefield ABSTRAC Different areas of anemone were found to have differen relative amounts of chlorophyll-a, and differential apparent division rates of zooxanthellae. Pheophytin-a was used as an assay of compounds released to anemone tissue due to zooxan- thellae degeneration. Pheophytin appears to be periodical accumulated in the anemone tissue, indicating a possible use chloroplastic material from lysed cells as a nutritiona source Pes. CTIOE The investigation of the benefits received by the host anemone in its symbiotic relationship with the zooxanthellae, intracellular and intercellular dinoflagellates, has been limited to the transfer of organic compounds between the anemone and viable populations of the algae. Trench (1971 demonstrated that zooxanthellae in vitro release photosyn- thetically fixed 'C to the host tissue in the form of glycerol alanine, glucose, and organic acids, without lysis of the alga 1968) and ammonia (Kawaguti, 195 cells. Phosphate (von Holt, ransfer in corals have also been studied. It is known (Huscatine, 1974) that anemones sustain their zooxanthellae in a steady-state, with new cells being produced and degenerate cells being extruded in the mucus (Taylor, 1968) These degenerate cells have enormous potential for the anemone a source of organic and inorganic nutrients. Tonge (1975) reports that the giant clam Tridacna gigas transports its symbiotic algae from the sunlight to the inner tissues wher they become senescent. The senile algae then enter the blood stream where they are digested, releasing their nutritional benefit to the host. This paper will investigate the possibilit f a similar behavior between the sea anemone Anthopleur xanthogrammica and its zooxanthellae. According to Yonge (1930), coelenterates do not diges their algal symbionts, so the investigation for farming behavior must consider possible nutrients derived from degen- Fryefield Pag senescen Further evidence ooanthellae. ained from a description of the movement of the zooxanthe ithin the anemone. ATERIALS AED METIC 1 anemones were collected intertidally from Hopkins larine Station. In the field, were oriented such that they each received approximately the same amount oi sunlight, and all except anemone fi were collected at about 9:00 A.M. of the day they were to be assayed. Anemone remained in an aquar ium with less than normal light for one week befor- bein assayed Assays for chlorophyll-a and pheophytin-a were conduc anemones i through 45 by homogenizing separately the oral disc, uppe tissue tentacles, mesenteries, lovin extracted with ace vere column, and middle columm. Pigments readings were made at the appropriate wave density optical lengths on a Unicam (model SP600) spectrophotometer. Amoun gment were determined by the formulas stated in Stricklan Parsons (1968). the variot ivision rates were determined macerating ue areas in M acetic acid and counting the number algal cells per 100 cells in a random field. M lividir distinction was made between senescent or degenerate cel and viable cells in the 16 through 710 wer count. Anemone these observations Pa field Cultured zooxanthellae were used to determine the protein content of a single algal cell. The zooxanthellae were collected by centrifugation of homogenized anemone tissue and cultured in enriched seawater medium. Protein determin- ation was performed by the Lowry method (1951). Population counts of the cultures were made with a hemocytometer. Chlorophyll determination of a zooxanthellae population was performed by acetone extraction, after collecting the alga- centrifugation of anemone homogenate. They were washed in sterile seawater and recentrifuged five times. Populati counts were again made in a hemocytometer. The amounts of chlorophyll-a vary greatly between different areas of the anemone. The results of the chlorophyll assay are summarized in Table 1 and Figure 1. Tentacles, mesenteries and middle column have statistically distinct mean relative values (student's T test, p C.05), while the oral disc an apper column are nearly equal. Pheophytin-a is magnesium-free chlorophyll-a. It is the form in which chlorophyll is released from algal cells. The pheophytin-a/ chlorophyll-a ratios are in Table 2 and Figure can be seen to exhibit a wide range of values, even when converted to relative terms. The oral disc shows a rather tight distribution, while all other tissue parts have larg efield andard deviations, close to the mean values The apparent rates of division for each tissue are shown in Table 3 and Figure 3. Statistically, the mean tentacle value is distinctly lowest and the mean upper column value is distinctly highest (student's T test, p K.05). The mese teries, oral disc, and middle column have very similar mear division rates. Zooxanthellae were found to have 2.5x10 mg of chlo yll-a per algal cell. In addition, 2.15mg of pheophytin-a was found in the same population which contained approximately 5210 zooxanthellae. Cultured zooxanthellae were determined 37.9x10 mg of protein per algal cell. have Observations were made during the course of this inves ation regarding the extrusion of zooxanthellae from the anemone. Muscatine (1974) reports periodic extrusion of ucus containing zooxanthellae from the mouth. Possible urces for these zooxanthellae are the mesenteries, as rep Taylor (1968), and the large mass of zooxanthellae bserved in the lumen of the tentacles. JUSSI The results which were derived from this research lend to a variety of interpretations regarding algae themselves xanthogrammica. Most of this discrepancy is farming in A. due to the wide range of values for the pheophytin-a/ chlorc e treat each of these y in the following discussion. First, consider the chlorophyll-a assay for the various tissue areas. From the reports of Bogorad (1962), these relative amounts give a reasonable indication of the number ooxanthellae in the various tissues. These amounts remain relatively stable throughout the five anemones. This stabil. s probably not due to the time of day at which the anemones ere collected and assayed, because anemone Fi was kept ir han normal light for a week and still compare wel mean values. The division rates give some idea as to the movemen zooxanthellae within the anemone. These are apparent division rates, and are not meant to suggest that the alga ells are necessarily dividing any more rapidly in any portion Rather, these division rates give a measur- of the anemone. the viabilit of the population of zooxanthellae'in tha tissue with a high percentage of senescent ea, since an ls will show a low percentage of dividing cells. gal This suggests that the mass of zooxanthellae in the lumen the tentacles may actually be senescent cells in the rocess are the area of loe being extruded, as the tentacles ate of division. There are two possibilities for these differential divisi First is that the zooxanthellae in each tissue part ates. transported to any other area within the anemone The ryef d Pag divide in the tissue and are accumulated there until sin xtrusion takes place directly from that tissue. The differen ial division rates are thereby caused by differential accum- ulation rates. Alternatively, the senescent zooxanthellae may be constantly transported from the upper column, middle column, and oral disc to the tentacles and mesenteries for legeneration and extrusion. In either case, the lack of variation suggests that the movement and extrusion is a continual proces the most part, and any periodic extrusion involves an amount of zooxanthellae which does not significantly affec rom which periodie the division rates. The most likely area extrusion could take place without affecting the divisi rate is the tentacles. The mean pheophytin-a/ chlorophyll-a ratios show negatite correlation with the division rates, as shown in This is to be expected, as a population with igure 4. igh amount of senescent zooxanthellae would show a low division rate and a high amount of degenerate cells, hence a high pheophytin concentration. Furthermore, the negative correlation indicates that the pheophytin-a present in the Issues is not caused by a continual leakage from the algal cells, which would occur in the case of a turnover of chlord phyll in those cells. There is an apparent contradiction, though, because th pheophytin-a/ chlorophyll-a ratios show wide variances which e not reflected in the division rates. This sugge Pag fie. iodic, rather than continual, extrusion. If the ratios ar determined instead by an accumulation of the pheophytin-a itself which has been released from degenerating zooxanthellae, the fluctuations would have no effect upon the apparent division rates. With the small number of trials, it is possible that luctuations in the apparent division rates do occur, but were not observed in my five anemones. It does seem likely though, that if the fluctuations are present, they would hav become visible in at least one tissue part of one anemone, simply on the basis of the wide occurrence of variance in th pheophytin-a/ chlorophyll-a ratios. The results indicate therefore, that a high number of senescent cells creates: latively high amount of pheophytin. But whereas the senes entand degenerate zooxanthellae are continually extruded, causing the division rates to remain constant, the pheophytir accumulated in the tissue and extruded periodically. The pheophytin-a which is released by the degeneratin, gal cells provides a good indication of other compounds which are also released to the anemone tissue for possibl Bonner (1950) reports that chlorophyll is stable in t hloroplasts only when in association with other chloroplastie materials, such as chloroplastic proteins. When the alga legenerates, the chloroplast is the first organelle to lyse ing its contents to the anemone. Thus, an accumulatior pheophytin-a could indicate an accumulation of other mpounds which would be of more use to the anemone. Sine yefield chloroplast, a h the zooxanthella is comprised mainl of ercentage of protein per cell is chloroplastic protein. Th zooxanthellae can be estimated to release as much as 15. me f protein per milligram of pheophytin-a to the anemone. he basis of the apparent accumulation of pheophytin-a, it seems very possible that the anemone is receiving benefi rom at least some of these algal products. At the beginning of this investigation, I defined farm behavior as involving the transportation of zooxanthellae within the anemone plus some benefit to the anemone from he digested or degenerate zooxanthellae. On the basis o idence, the exploration of zooxanthellae transport coi ident with the algal life cycle is inconclusive, although the lifferer ial division rates suggest the possibility of some such movement. On the subject of benefit to thé anemone; eems fairly definite that pheophytin-a and some other chloroplastic materials are being released to the anemone Whether the anemone is using these products is unknown. the pheophytin is being accumulated in the tissues as the sults suggest, then it would seem likely that the anemone in fact, using the products of degeneration. There i ertainly a need for more work in this area to determine onclusive. y whether the anemone is able to make use s degenerate zooxanthellae as a nutritional source vefield ACKVONLEDGNE would like appreciation to eapres r. Phillips for providing me with countless references and gre eal of his time and patience. I would also like to thank within the real. Isabella A. Abbott for keeping my ideas feasibility, for giving me more than a modicum of helpful riticism on this paper, and especially for encour when I wanted punt. Fryefield 1962. Chlorophylls. Pages 385-404 in R. Sogorad and biochemistry of algae. win, ed., Physiology Academic Press, N.Y. nner, J. 1950. Plant biochemistry. Academic Press, Y. 536 pages. aguti, S. 1953. Anmonium metabolism of the reef eo Okayama Univ. 1:171-176. Biol. O. H., et al. 1951. Protein measurements with f Chem. 193:265-275. phenol reagent. J. Biol. 1974. Endosymbiosis of cnidarians and alga tine, 359-395 in L. Muscatine and H. Lenhoff, eds., ages Y: Reviews and new perspectives enterate biolog mic ess, N.Y. D. H. and Parsons, T. R. 1968. A practi ook of seawater analysis. Fish. Res. Board Can 161. 311 pages. 1968. In situ studies on the cytoch- ltrastructure of a symbiotic marine dinoflagelle Biol. iss. U.K. 48:349-366 Mar. The physiology and biochemistry o nch, R. K. 1971. zookanthellae symbiotic with marine coelenterates. Liberation of fixed C by zooxanthellae in vit 77. 237-25 Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. ong age Uptal 1968. phosphates by zooxanthell Comp. Biochem. 26:1071-10 Studies on the physiol corals. 1930. With notes on the speed of Digestive enzymes. sient. Rep Barrie gestion by A. G. Nicholls. Pages 59-81 Reef Exped., Vol. 1975. Sci. Am 32(4):96 Giant clams. C. M. ryefield CAP IOr TABI Table One: Actual values chlorophyll-a in milligrame pigment per milliliter of tissue homogenate. ble Two: Actual values of the pheophytin-a/ chlorophyll atio in milligrams of pheophytin per m. ran hlorophyll. hree: Actual apparent division rates ividing cells per 100 cell Page el IGURE IONS Figure Mean relative amounts oi the nemone tissues. Standar kets Mean relative pheophytin- chlor ure the anemone Standard tissues. brackets. gure 3: Mean relative division rates in Standard deviation values are in bracket ure 4: Relative chlorophyll-a, pheophytin-a/ chlorophyl. and division rate values in the anemone tissues. Note the negative correlation between the division rates ar the pheophytin-a/ chlorophyll-a ratios. one enta lese idd Columr olum lum 8LE 3 yefie Page + e 8 3 S oa L —1 — L O D LE e