0 Introduction: Although much is known about RNA activity in developing oocytes, (2,3,4) little is known about the activity of enzymes. In most organisms the oocytes are embedded in tissue and cannot be obtained free from contaminating cells. One of the advantages of marine annelids is that oocytes from most stages of development can be found free in the coelom. Nevertheless it is difficult to obtain enough oocytes of the immature stages for standard enzymatic determinations. In order to overcome this problem, a simple photoelectric system was developed to measure the rate of reduction of tetrazolium salts resulting from enzyme activity in single oocytes of Cirriformia spirabrancha. The results indicate that glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and succinic dehydrogenase are both being synthesized at a steady rate during oogenesis. Instrumentation: A block diagram of the microphotometer used is shown in figure 1. The basic unit was a trinocular Nikon microscope, Model STR, and an American Optical spot lamp with voltage selector, Model 350. A Sola constant voltage transformer, Cat. 30807, was used to reduce electrical noise. Light passed through a Klett +66 filter with a transmission band from 640 to 700 mu. A pinhole diaphragm 33 -2- which reduced the field to 40 u at 400X was placed over the filter. Incubation chamber slides filled with several eggs could then be placed on the microscope stage and positioned so that the center of the egg completely covered the field. The light sensing device, an Internation Rectifier silicon photovoltaic cell, SiM, was attached to one end of a stiff rubber tube with inner diameter of 1.0 inches. The end of this tube with the photocell attached was fitted to a light tight metal box. The tube and box were then affixed over the trinocular attachment. The output of the photocell was amplified and recorded by a Sargent Recorder, Model SRL. With the trinocular prism closed the output voltage was zero. With the prism open open field readings were in the range of 1.7 millivolts + 0.2 mv. depending on the room lighting. Measurements were made with red light since the color produced by the formazan product of the tetrazolium dye is blue. The combination of red light and silicon cell was ideal since the maximum spectral responce of the photocell was between 600 and 900 mu. Materials and Methods: Oocytes: All oocytes used were taken from the coelom of C. spirabrancha collected in the yatch harbor of Monterey Bay, Monterey, California. Diameters of the 33 -3- three developmental stages used were 70, 90, and 110 microns, the last of which represents maturity. Incubation Proceedure: Freshly collected oocytes were placed in a depression slide and quick frozen on dry ice in a solution of sea water containing 5-7% PVP. The eggs were thawed after five minutes, and samples of 10 to 20 eggs were placed in a chamber whose walls were made from 2 coverslips sealed with vaseline. This chamber had a depth of greater dimensions than the largest diameter egg used. To these chambers were added two drops of either G-6-P dehydrogenase or succinic dehydrogenase incubation solutions prepared according to Barka and Anderson.(1) The Sargent recordings were started at the exact time the incubation solutions were added. Eggs and solution were mixed, covered, then sealed with vaseline. The chamber was placed on the microscope, an egg chosen, focussed, and centered over the diaphragm, and last,the trinocular was opened. The time interval between addition of solution and the opening of the trinocular averaged 2.0 minutes. Photocell outputwas recorded until the total elapsed time was 15.0 minutes. All runs were made at 24.0 + 0.5°0. Results: Qualitative Observations: Qualitative observations of dye formation showed that in the smallest oocytes, 50u, succinic dehydrogenase activity only reduced a small amount of tetrazolim, 338 -4- yielding little color even after 40 minutes of incubation. Larger 80u oocytes present in the same dish under the same conditions showed very obvious color production. High G-6-P dehydrogenase activity was observed in both large and small eggs, with intense color production clearly visible in the first 20 minutes. Quantitative Observations: Three sets of control recordings were made. An open field, a sample of incubation solution alone, and eggs incubated in sea water, all showed consistent behavior with no voltage change. This indicated that any drop in recorded voltage during the test runs would be due only to color production in the egg. Ten runs were made for each size egg for each enzyme. Figure 2 shows a typical recorder tracing picturing the voltage drop resulting from the enzymatic activity. These records were analysed by two different methods to determine the rate of reduction of the tetrazolium salts. In the first method the rate in microvolts per minute was measured from the voltage drop during the interval between five and ten minutes. In the second the rate was determined from the line which best approximated the slope of the tracing, generally straightest in the interval from 4 to 12 minutes. The averages and standard deviations were determined for the ten runs, and the results are listed in the uncorrected rates columns of Tables 1 and 2. 336 5 Beer's Law prompted consideration of the optical path length of the absorbing medium. The optical path length in this case is the oocyte diameter while the absorbing medium is the formazan impregnated cytoplasm. Although it is questionable whether the oocyte test situation is a pure application of Beer's Law, the rates and their standard deviations have also been computed with this correction factor considered, and the results of this appear in the "corrected rates" columns of Tables 1 and 2. Taking standard deviations into account the data shows that the activity of G-6-P dehydrogenase remains constant throughout the period of development studied. Succinic dehydrogenase apparently follows the same pattern, although the results are a little less conclusive. Discussion: Tetrazolium Methods: Tetrazolium salts are excellent dyes for histochemical studies of enzyme activity. Methods have even been developed to extract the tetrazolium from incubated tissues in order to determine spectrophotometrically enzyme activity. (5) Thus it is evident that tetrazolium reduction can be used for enzyme rate studies in oocytes provided substrate, temperature, and pH all remain constant. Scattering Effect: Since the amount of scattering due to oocyte 3 334 -6- cytoplasm changes little if at all during a 15 minute run, any change in readings is primarily the result of absorbtion by the blue formazan. A minor scattering effect may be caused by the deposition of the formazan, but this is likely to be consistent. Thus the relative relationships in the results would still hold. Visual observations indicated that scattering by the cells was not very extensive. Linearity of the Rate Curve: Although the slope was determined for each trial, this slope generally had to be extrapolated from the section of tracing from 4 to 12 minutes. Within this time period the tracing was straight, ignoring minor noise, approximately 70% of the time. At the beginning of each run when the trinocular was opened, the recorder needle would move to its highest value. The slope from this point would decrease rapidly for about two minutes and then remain constant in the interval from 4 to 12 minutes. After this the line would begin to level off, indicating reduced rate. This may result from deposition of formazan around the sites of enzyme activity. It is possible that the initial steep drop could be an equilibration effect or actually the best measurement of enzyme rate. Since this high rate was not consistently present, and when present had a variable slope, the slope lines were all extrapolated from the 4 to 12 minute segment, and therefore still hold their relative relationship. Interpretation of Data: -7- The rate of tetrazolium reduction due to G-6-P dehydrogenase remains constant in all stages studied. This implies that there is a continuing synthesis of this enzyme during oogenesis. If therewere no synthesis, the concentration of enzyme would be diluted with yoke and cytoplasm during the growth process. Thus the rates from a decreasing concentration system corrected for optical pathllength would decrease. Conversely, constant readings imply that there would have to be increasingly more enzyme present to prevent dilution and result in the production of an equal amount of color per unit volumn. The data for succinic dehydrogenase is not as obvious. When the standard deviations are carefully considered it is seen that the 70 and 110 micron stages are very similar, and that the upper limits of the 9Ou stage could correspond to the lower limits of the other two stages. It is therefore possible to state with some reservation that the succinic rate remains almost constant during the period of development studied. By the same argument used for G-6-P dehydrogenase, the results imply that succinic dehydrogenase, and therefore mitochondria, are also being produced at a steady rate during development from 70 to 110 microns in diameter. Summary: 1. A simple new microphotometric method was developed for studying the rate of tetrazolium reduction in single oocytes. 33. -8- 2. When corrections were made for the different optical path lengths of these eggs, the results showed that the tetrazolium reduction by the activity of G-6-P dehydrogenase and succinic dehydrogenase were very nearly constant in all stages. Constant enzyme activity in different stages of development implies constant synthesis of G-6-P dehydrogenase and succinic dehydrogenase over the course of oogenesis. 3. Future application of this method may be very helpful in studying enzyme activity under a variety of conditions, especially for material not available in large amounts. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to acknowledge the valuable guidance given by Dr. David Epel. This work was supported in part by the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation: Grant GY - 4369. REFERENCES Barka, T., and Anderson, P. J., Histochemistry: Theory, Practice, and Bibliography, p.313-315, Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc., New York, (1963) Brown, D. D., and Dawid, I. B., Science, 160, 272 (1968) 3. Brown, D. D., and Littna, E., J. Mol. Biol. 8,688 (1964) 4. Davidson, E. H., Allfrey, V.G., and Mirsky, A. E., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S., 52,501 (1964) 5. Jardetzky, C. D., and Glick, D., J. Biol. Chem. 218, 283 (1956) 12 VOLTAGE SOURCE CONSTANT VOLTAGE FIGURE METAL BOX RECORDER PHOTOCELL RUBBER TUBE¬ TRINOCULAR OBJECTIVE INCUBATION CHAMBER¬ COVER SLIP. (SL1DE CONDENSER- FIELD DIAPHRAGM¬ FILTER VOLTAGE LIGHT SELECTOR SOURCE C E A 2 2 — 2 2 e A V S 1 A 9 FIGURE LEGEND Figure 1. Block diagram of the microphotometer system. Figure 2. Sample tracing showing curve analysis. of a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase recorder tracing. DIAMETER microns 70 70 90 110 110 METHOD 5-10 slope 5-10 slope 5-10 slope TABLE 1 UNCORRECTED RATE S.D. CORRECTED RATE S.D. uV./min. uV./min. 6.30 2.77 9.60 4.22 6.12 9.33 1.45 2.22 8.38 1.91 10.24 2.34 7.26 8.88 1.76 2.15 10.42 3.38 10.42 3.38 9.94 3.28 9.94 3.28 DIAMETER microns 70 70 90 110 110 TABLE 2 METHOD UNCORRECTED RATE S.D. uV./min. 5-10 4.34 1.59 3.98 slope 1.51 5-10 4.08 1.47 slope 4.06 1.09 5-10 7.40 2.71 6.93 1.39 slope CORRECTED RATE S.D. uV./min. 6.94 2.54 6.36 2.42 5.07 1.82 5.04 1.36 7.40 2.71 6.93 1.39 6 TABLE LEGEND Table 1. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity of different diameter oocytes. Table 2. Succinic dehydorgenase activity of different diameter oocytes.