INTRODUCTION A question of fundamental importance to the biologists that study the intertidal zone concerns the impact of the resident and visiting fishes on the community. Most intertidal studies are carried out while the tide is out and thus predatory or browsing activities of fishes, especially the nearshore forms that move in with the tide, is not generally appreciated. Dietary studies done on tidepool and coastal species yield some information but a focused community approach is really required to resolve the problem. A number of studies on the diet and abundance of nearshore fishes of California can be found throughout the literature. Limbaugh (1955) described the habits of the fishes found in Southern California kelp forests. Quast (1968a-c) examined the diets and population sizes of the kelp associated fishes found at two sites in Southern California and one site in Baja California. Miller and Geibel (1973) researched the various fish populations in the kelp forest off the Hopkins Marine Station, the site of this study. Finally of importance, Feder, Turner, and Limbaugh (1974) studied the relationship between the kelp plant Macrocystis pyrifera and the fishes inhabiting its forest in Southern California. In addition, there have been studies carried out on the tidepool fishes specifically. Mitchell (1955) analyzed gut contents of tidepool fishes on the Palos Verdes Penninsula in Southern California. This study focused on the species in and adjacent to the intertidal. examining their diets, behavior patterns and abundance to see what impact these predators have upon this zone. The intertidal algal turf is a region only periodically available to open water fishes and it thus seems possible that a less-exploited food supply can be found there. Observations show a large number of fish moving into the intertidal at high tide despite often surgey, churning conditions which would seem to make it an inhospitable environment. In addition, the large population of resident tidepool fishes must exert a substantial predatory effect on the intertidal algae and resident invertebrates. This study takes a habitat approach investigating both the permanent residents and the larger invaders of the intertidal zone to get an over-all picture of the impact of fish on this rich algal dominated community. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection of Specimens The period of collection for specimens to be used in gut analyses lasted from April 23 to May 28, 1979. All fish were taken from very shallow water (eight feet or less) between the Monterey Cannery and the northwest corner of the Hopkins Marine Reserve (see Figure 1 for collection sites). Three methods of collection were employed. The larger fish, those not left in tidepools at low tide were speared while skin diving using a pole spear. Spearing was an ideal method of collection because fish could be taken directly from either the intertidal zone or from water very near shore at low tide. Care was applied in not depleting any population from a particular area. The larger tidepool fishes were taken by poke-pole fishing. A ten- inch monofilament leader with a number 6 or 8 size hook was attached to the end of a fishing rod, mussel was used for bait. By dangling the baited hook into crevices and between rocks reasonably large fish were captured from pools at low tide. Smaller tidepool fish were collected with a twelve-inch diameter dipnet. Catching the quick-moving sculpins was often difficult unless they were in a shallow pool. Following collections, the fish identifications were made with references to Miller and Lea (1972), Gotshall (1977), Bolin (1975). Fitch and Lavenberg (1975). Bane (1971), and Roedel (1953). Then the entire intestinal tract of each fish was removed and preserved in 85% isopropyl alcohol. Gut Analyses Within a week after its collection, each preserved intestinal tract was sliced open and the partially digested food material was examined under a dissecting microscope. Estimates were made of stomach fullness. The food material was then identified as precisely as possible to major group and when appropriate to genus and species, using Light (1975) and Abbott and Hollenberg (1976) as references. Make note that the entire gut was examined, not just the stomach, because in most cases there was identifiable material found beyond the stomach. Transect Fish Observation Study A twenty meter long transect line perpendicular to the shore, was chosen in a gently sloping area of the intertidal zone in the Hopkins Marine Reserve. This became the site for a study on intertidal densities and feeding habits of several fish species. The designated region included ten meters to either side of the transect line making a total transect area of 400 square meters stretching along twenty meters of coastline. Twelve observational high tide dives were made in the area each one lasting for approximately twenty minutes. A clipboard with plastic- coated paper was used to record numbers of each species of fish observed within the area. Notes were also taken on the foraging and feeding behavior of the fish sighted. RESULTS A total of 129 fish were collected, eighty-eight were speared, twenty-one were caught by poke-pole fishing, and twenty were captured with the dipnet. The species collected and the number of each taken is listed below: Clinocottus analis 28 Wooly Sculpin Embiotoca jacksoni 18 Black Surfperch Striped Surfperch Embiotoca lateralis Oxyjulis californica Senorita Damalichthys vacca Pile Surfperch Sebastes atrovirens Kelp Rockfish Scorpaenichthys marmoratus Cabezon Cebidichthys violaceus Monkeyface-eel Rainbow Surfperch Hypsurus caryi Hexagrammos decagrammus Kelp Greenling Paralabrax clathratus Kelp Bass Sebastes rastrelliger Grass Rockfish Black Prickleback Xiphister atropurpureus Striped Kelpfish Gibbonsia metzi The results are presented seperately for each of the majjor species. The composite results are presented for the diets in Table 1, intertidal food items are treated in Figure 2, and Tables 2 and 3. Comparisons of the diets of juvenile and adult wooly sculpins are given in Figure 3. The abundance of fish in the study quadrat are reported in Figure 4 and Table 4. In addition, complete stomach contents data is in the appendix. Black Surfperch (Embiotoca jacksoni) All eighteen specimens were collected by spear, the standard length size range was 21.0 cm to 27.5 cm. This was one of the most frequent visitors to the intertidal, present in 100% of the transect observation periods. An average of three specimens were present during each period, the adults being three or four times more common than the juveniles Its principal foods were polychaetes, amphipods, isopods, gastropods, crabs, and algae, however the algae consumed was most likely incidental, taken for the invertebrates found on its fronds. This fish definitely feeds a great deal intertidally because 70% of all specimens had at least three seperate intertidal species in their guts. In addition, between sixty and seventy percent of the food items found came from the intertidal. A great deal of its foraging seems to have occurred among Phyllospadix blades since 75% of the specimens examined had this plant in their guts. In the field, the black surfperch was observed nibbling at low intertidal Phyllospadix that was encrusted with bryozoa, mouthfuls were taken approximately every thirty seconds. Another common feeding technique noted several times begins with the fish taking a mouthful from the sand bottom or algal turf. It chews for a few seconds then expells sand and bits of algae from its mouth, presumably retaining invertebrates to swallow. In spite of the expulsion of sand from their mouths, most of these fish had large quantities of sand in their guts. sometimes comprising up to 90% of their entire gut material. (Embiotoca lateralis) Striped Surfperch All sixteen specimens were taken by spear, the standard length range was 21.0 cm to 29.0 cm. The striped surfperch was observed in 83% of the transect observations, averaging 2.5 fish per time period, juveniles were rarely encountered. Polychaetes, amphipods, isopods, gastropods, crabs, and algae dominated their diet as in the black surfperch. Between seventy and eighty percent of their food came from the intertidal. Furthermore, 57% of the specimens had three or more intertidal species of invertebrates or algae in their guts. The mouth structure is very much like that of the black surfperch with short, stubby teeth. The sane feeding behavior employed by the black surfperch of spitting out sand was noted in the striped surfperch, except that the quantity of sand expelled seemed to be noticeably less. Often the striped surfperch was observed foraging side by side with the black surfperch and the pile surfperch in the intertidal. Pile Surfperch (Damalichthys vacca) The eleven specimens were collected by spear, their standard length size range was from 12.5 cm to 29.5 cm. The pile surfperch was always found in the intertidal, appearing 100% of the days of the transect study in an average number of 3.3 fish per time period, juveniles composed one-fourth of this number. It was however, the shyest member of this family and usually left the area immediately as I entered the site, so this figure may actually be substantially larger. The diet was composed primarily of gastropods and hermit crabs or (Paguridae), this significantly differs from the foods of the black and striped surfperches. Approximately sixty percent of their food came from the intertidal and ten of eleven specimens had at least one intertidal food item. This species also has the typical perch mouth but with teeth slightly sharper than the black or striped surfperches. This fish was never observed nibbling from the algal turf, instead it often hovered over sandy areas. A favorite hideaway while not in the intertidal is underneath the kelp canopy where schools often aggregate. Kelp Rockfish (Sebastes atrovirens) Nine specimens were collected by spear, the size range of standard lengths was 20.5 cm to 30.0 cm. The kelp rockfish was never observed in the intertidal transect area, however it commonly was found in very shallow water of nearby locations. Interestingly, nearly 60% of the fish taken had empty stomachs, and none had over 20% of their guts filled. The principal identifiable foods were tiny fish, gastropods, and shrimps. Quast (1968c) also noted this high percentage of empty stomachs and speculated that perhaps they were suffering from malnutrition. Larson (1972) instead proposed that their diet of primarily soft-bodied organisms passes through the gut very quickly so that there is little accumulation. This species was most often seen swimming very close to the bottom. On occasions they were found hovering vertically head-down near a shallow water kelp plant, appearing much like a kelp blade. (Oxyjulis californica) Sennorita Sixteen specimens were collected by spear with a standard length size range of 14.0 cm to 19.6 cm. The senorita is an extremely abundant fish in shallow waters and commonly enters the intertidal. It was observed in 75% of the transect observation periods, averaging 2.9 fish at a time within the 20 x 20 meter intertidal transect area. Its diet consisted of bryozoa, algae, fish and in smaller quantities gastropods, isopods, and shrimps. Roughly one-half of the food found in the gut was found intertidally, there was also a very high sand content. The teeth on this fish are tiny but very sharp and the mouth projects forward from their pointed snout. These fish were often seen picking at algae and the sand bottom, a well known habit of the senorita. Limbaugh (1955) says they "feed on most any animal protein, continually picking at small objects on the bottom, on plants, other fishes, or from the water itself." Once in the field, a senorita was seen that picked up a Tegula funebralis snail, dropped it, picked up another one and swam off with it. (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus) Cabezon Five specimens were collected by spear and three by hook and line, standard lengths ranged from 14.2 cm to 30.0 cm. The cabezon was found both in tidepools and subtidally, entering the intertidal at high tides. It was observed in the 20 x 20 meter quadrat only 42% of the time. averaging 0.5 individuals per time period. Juveniles were far more common than adults, however, several large fish up to 40 cm in length were found in very shallow intertidal water. 10 Eighty percent of all food items were from the intertidal and seventy-five percent of the specimens had four or more different intertidal species present in the gut. The most common foods were the crabs, found in 100% of the stomachs, also tiny fish and shrimps were important. The many species of intertidal algae found show their extensive intertidal feeding. Endocladia muricata, one of the highest growing marine algae was found in the gut of one larger specimen. Actual feeding was never observed, but the fish was most often seen lying motionless against the bottom presumably waiting for prey to appear. Their mottled coloration blends extremely well with the algae- covered rocks, an unwary potential prey invertebrate could easily oversee this cryptic fish. During surgey periods the cabezon wedges itself into rock crevices for protection where it can withstand the turbulance and remain in the intertidal to feed. (Clinocottus analis) Wooly Sculpin Twenty-eight specimens were collected, sixteen with a dipnet and twelve using hook and line, all were taken from tidepools. The standard lengths ranged from 3.7 cm to 14.0 cm. This is the most abundant tidepool fish in the study area, usually several can be found living under any tidepool rock. The transect abundance figures are extremely deflated because of the sculpins' small sizes, inconspicuous coloration. and lack of movement. However, a trained eye should be able to spot several sculpins within a square meter of sandy intertidal substrate. Approximately 90 of their food came from the intertidal, the rest is most likely taken as part of the drift that washes inshore. Overall, they consumed a wide variety of foods, dominated by crabs, gastropods, and polychaetes. However, there was significant difference between the foods of the small and large members of the species. The small fish ate far more polychaetes and isopods than the larger fish. The large fish in turn, consumed many more crabs and limpets. In fact, 80% of the large specimens had one or more of the limpets Collisella scabra and Collisella digitalis in their guts while not a single specimen under 9.9 cm standard length had recently eaten a limpet. Their rows of fine, sharp teeth and strong fleshy jaws are apparently well designed to remove these limpets from rocks. Wooly sculpins are speedy swimmers, and use this to their advantage in their technique of feeding. They too lie motionless, camoflauged against the bottom waiting for prey to appear, once they spot their victim they dart out and grab it before the crab or worm knows what has happened, this procedure was noted on several occasions. (Cebidichthys violaceus Monkeyface-ee Seven specimens were collected by hook and line, one was captured using a dipnet, all were found in tidepools, under rocks, or in caves. The standard lengths covered the widest range of any fish studied, from 12.0 cm to 37.0 cm. Quantitative transect abundance studies were very difficult to perform since this fish is rarely visible in the open water, at most a head may be seen hanging beneath a rock. The frequency of capture by hook and line however, suggest its great abundance in pools, The monkeyface-eel has a very unique diet, consisting almost entirely of algae. The only animals present were bryozoan colonies which were located on the algal fronds. This bryozoa was present in nearly 60% of the specimens yet always in very small ammounts. In all seven species of intertidal algae were found in the guts. Not a single subtidal species was found implying that all of the monkeyface-eels feeding occurs in the intertidal. Although this species has a primarilyherbiverous diet, the specimens were caught using mussel for bait. As the meat was dangled at the mouth of a cave the monkeyface-eel inhabitant stuck its head out, grabbed it, and quickly retreated to its cave Other Fishes Several other species were dealt with but to a much less extent than the preceding fishes. They will be dealt with briefly. Four specimens of the kelp greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus), all females, were speared in the intertidal or close by in very shallow water. They were occasionally observed in the transect area, present 17% of the time, with an abundance of O.24 individuals. Crabs composed a good part of their diets and in each case several small eels and fishes had also been consumed. There were in addition. a few intertidal species, though the sample number is very small, and percentages could not be determined. Kelp greenlings were usually observed swimming very close to the bottom searching for food. Four rainbow surfperch (Hypsurus caryi) specimens were speared in shallow water. This species was never actually observed in the intertidal. it usually inhabits deeper water. They are also very shy fish, not comfortable around divers, much like the pile surfperch. Their diet consisted mostly of amphipods and isopods. Two specimens of the kelp bass (Paralabrax clathratus) were taken very near the intertidal zone. Their guts were entirely filled with fish remains. These fish are very prominent in the deeper kelp beds and most likely do little feeding in the intertidal. Two grass rockfish (Sebastes rastrelliger) were speared in the low intertidal. Only some crab parts and polychaetes were identified from their highly digested gut contents. This fish too is a common inhabitant of the kelp beds and most likely has little to do with the intertidal. One black prickleback (Kiphister atropurpureus) was caught on hook and line from a tidepool. Its gut contained several species of intertidal algae, some bryozoa and a Tricolia pulloides snail on an algal frond. The diet and habitat of this fish seems very similar to that of the monkeyface-eel, although it does not appear to be as abundant in the study area. One striped kelpfish (Gibbonsia metzi) was also caught by hook and line from a tidepool crevice. Its gut contained an isopod and a Pachycheles rudis crab. These fish were often seen hiding among the bases of Phyllospadix and algae in very shallow water and feeding on the invertebrates in these low intertidal forests. DISCUSSION The three surfperches examined appear to have an important impact on the mid to low intertidal. The black and striped occupy a very similar feeding niche while the pile surfperch differs from these two species significantly. The bulk of the diets of the black and striped surfperches comes from the algal turf community. By pulling off chunks, they obtain a great deal of polychaetes, sipunculids, small gastropods, amphipods, isopods, and tiny crabs. This procedure results in an intake of unwanted algae and sand. It is assumed that algae is not the desired foodstuff since most algal pieces are expelled after a mouthful is taken and becomes part of the drift. It is interesting to speculate on the impact this feeding method has on the intertidal turf. Assume thirty mouthfuls are taken a day per fish, each consisting of approximately 2 cm of turf area. Consequently, about 60 cm" is pulled off each day by one fish. Intertidal fish density estimates for fishes closely associated with the intertidal show approximately one black or striped surfperch every 3-6 meters of shore length. Imagine the extent of turf removal over a few months or even weeks. Perhaps these fish are the gardeners limiting the growth of the algae, their exclusion from an area may result in lush algal growth. Invertebrate grazing upon algal fronds may have only minor impact on the algal forest when compared to the fishes' activities. Although the pile surfperch is often seen foraging with black and striped surfperches within the intertidal, this species is exploiting a quite different resource. The low presence of algae and associated 15 turf invertebrates indicates the pile surfperch is not foraging on the algal turf. Instead it appears to be a selective visual feeder on larger snails and hermit crabs. Sandy and bare rocky substrates are favorite feeding locations. Hermit crabs were found both in and out of shells along with an abundance of broken shell pieces in the gut which indicates their ability to crack shells in their mouths and throats, Quast (1968c). The impact the pile surfperch has upon the intertidal zone differs significantly from that of the black and striped surfperches, since its feeding does not involve incidental algal pruning. The pile surfperch is definitely an important predator of the tidepool-inhabiting hermit crabs. Larger hermit crabs in tidepools have little to fear because of their size and protective shell. However, once the tide comes in these fish predators appear, forcing the hermits to take cover. This may be a primary reason why the hermit crabs often come up with the tide to inhabit the shallowest, most protected water possible, Prohaska (1979). The senorita does not directly affect the intertidal as much as the surfperches do, however its scavenging carries over into this zone at high tides. This species avoids fast-moving, large prey items, and is described as a picker on small, slow, or immobile forms. Bryozoa occurred most frequently in its diet in this study. The high occurence of fish remains may come from scavenging activity or feeding on the smaller juvenile rockfish. The most practical method of feeding for this species with its tiny mouth is to pick at their food material working over bottom and algal substrate. This fish is even known to feed on zooplankton. when abundant in the water. Because of the wandering and picking 16 habits of the senorita it seems to have no preference for feeding intertidally since its nearshore abundance could provide a much higher intertidal density than was actually observed. The cabezon primarily comes to the intertidal to feed on crabs. Crabs were often removed from the gut with their legs and claws all present and neatly folded indicating that they were captured by surprise, probably because they did not perceive the cryptic cabezon. This fish exerts a similar effect on the intertidal crabs such as Pachygrapsus, by invading their environment only at high tides like the pile surfperch does to Pagurus. The tidepool fishes inevitably occupy extremely important niches in the food chain of the intertidal. They are the top predators for at least half the tidal cycle. Without doubt, if the wooly sculpin was excluded from the intertidal the entire community would change drastically The difference in diet between large and small wooly sculpins can be simply explained by their different mouth and body sizes. A long slender worm would be a far more practical prey item for a young sculpir than would a bulky crab or limpet, which are preferred by the adults. The general small size of wooly sculpins allows them to remove invertebrates from algae without taking large quantities of it into their stomachs. The most important algal feeders seem to be the monkeyface-eels and the pricklebacks. By observing the fullness of the guts it appears that these are herbiverous organisms which require large quantities of plant material to obtain sufficient nutrition. Although bryozoa was frequently encountered it never seemed to be abundant enough to provide adequate food energy to fuel these large fishes. Large monkeyface-eel specimens often had entire blades of Iridaea cordata and good-sized clumps of Gigartina papillata in their gut. These large algal pieces must have been pulled off the intertidal turf to eat. If this fish was scavenging from the drift the guts would probably contain substantial quantities of subtidal algae species as well. These species may be important trimmers of the intertidal algae. Larger blades and fronds of algae are abundant and easier to obtain than the short "well-pruned" plants. A 30 cm monkeyface-eel could easily consume 225 cm of mature Gigartina papillata a day. These fish are known to be territorial, often living in a particular cave for several years. At this rate of feeding. one of these fish would very soon deplete the nearby algae surrounding its home. Since no unusually bare patches were observed near monkeyface- eel caves, it is assumed that most feeding occurs away from their home, This may be an excellent species to test for dietary sufficiency of algae on aquarium specimens along with enzymatic studies to see if herbivory is truly the mode of feeding in this species. The previous suspected herbiverous species (opaleye, zebraperch, and halfmoon) have been placed in doubt (Quast 1968b). In closing, this study has demonstrated the significant roles that tidepool and nearshore fishes play in intertidal ecology and has thus established the need for further study in the field. Different environments, seasonal variations, and diurnal cycles are among the essential elements for follow-up investigations on the fishes of the diverse intertidal community. 18 SUMMARY 1. Studies were done on exploitation of intertidal food resources by resident intertidal species and inshore movement of the nearshore fishes. Presence of intertidal food items in the gut contents of several nearshore fishes suggest extensive feeding occurs in the intertidal during high tides. 2. Gut content analyses of tidepool fishes implies that most if not all of their feeding occurs intertidally. Wooly sculpins were the most common tidepool species and consumed a wide variety of food items. The monkeyface-eel appears to be herbiverous and consumes large quantities of intertidal algae. Observations and gut content examinations of the black and striped surfperches show they obtain tiny invertebrate food items by picking off the algal turf. The pile surfperch concentrates its diet on large visible food items, primarily hermit crabs and gastropods. The feeding activities of the black and striped surfperches and the monkeyface-eel result in tearing and trimming of the algal turf and thus have substantial impact on the intertidal community. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Bill Magruder for his help in algae identification, Dr. Don Abbott for his energy and inspiration, and especially to my advisor Chuck Baxter, a long time fish-lover, for his wisdom and his Green Death. 19 20 LITERATURE CITED Abbott, Isabella A. and George J. Hollenberg. 1976. Marine algae of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif. 827 p. Gilbert W. and Anneka W. 1971. Bay fishes of Northern California. Bane Mariscos Publications, Southampton, N. Y. 137 p. Bolin, Rolf L. 1975. Key to intertidal fishes, in S. F. Light, Intertidal invertebrates of the Central California coast, rev. by Ralph I. Smith, Frank A. Pitelka, Donald P. Abbott, Francis H. Weasner and others. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley. p. 656-688. Howard M., Charles H. Turner, and Conrad Limbaugh. 1974. Feder Observations on fishes associated with kelp beds in Southern California. Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game Fish Bull. 160, 131 p. Fitch, John E. and Robert J. Lavenberg. 1975. Tidepool and nearshore fishes of California. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley. 146 p. Gotshall, Daniel W. 1977. Fishwatchers' guide to the inshore fishes of the Pacific coast. Sea Challengers, Monterey. 105 p. Keen, A. Myra and Eugene Coan. 1974. Marine molluscan genera of western North America. Stanford Univ. Press. Stanford, Calif. 258 p. Larson, Ralph John. 1972. The food habits of four kelp-bed rockfishes (Scorpaenidae, Sebastes) off Santa Barbara, California. MS thesis Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara. 57 p. Light S. F. 1975. (Eds.) Ralph I. Smith and James T. Carlton. Intertidal invertebrates of the Central California coast. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley. 716 p. Limbaugh, Conrad. 1955. Fish life in the kelp beds and the effects of kelp harvesting. Univ. of Calif. Inst. Mar. Res., IMR Ref. 55-9: 234 p Miller, Daniel J. and Robert N. Lea. 1972. Guide to the coastal marine fishes of California. Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game Fish Bull. 157. 213 p. Miller, Daniel J. and John J. Geibel. 1973. Summary of blue rockfish and lingcod life histories; a reef ecology study; and giant kelp. Macrocystis pyrifera, experiments in Monterey Bay, California. Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game Fish Bull. 158. 137 p. Mitchell, D. F. 1953. An analysis of California tidepool fishes. Amer. Midland Naturalist 49-3: 862-871. Prohaska, J. R. 1979. The effects of mid-intertidal tidepools on the adjacent algal community. Unpublished manuscript on file at the Hopkins Marine Station Library, Pacific Grove, California. J. C. 1968a. Estimates of the populations and standing crop of Quast kelp bed fishes. In North, W. J. (Ed.) The biology of giant kelr beds (Macrocystis) in California. 1971. J. Cramer Publisher, Lehre. p.509-539. J. C. 1968b. Fish fauna of the rocky inshore zone. Ibid., p. Quast 481-507. Quast, J. C. 1968c. Observations on the food of kelp-bed fishes. Ibid., p. 541-579. Phil M. 1953. Common ocean fishes of the California coast. Roedel Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game Fish Bull. 91, 168 p. 22 FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1. Map of study area showing collection sites and modes of collection. Figure 2. Percent of food items in guts found intertidally for each species. Compiled both by species and number of organisms percentages. Species considered intertidal are those listed in Tables 2 and 3. Figure 3. Comparisons of diets between large (standard length299 mm, n-9) and small (standard length84 mm, n-14) wooly sculpins, shown in percent of stomachs in which present. Figure 4. Intertidal non-cryptic fish densities per 20 x 20 meter area. data from Table 4. ui ≈ 5E Ou L 2 2 8 o 356 2 J 30 PERCENT OF INTERTIDAL FOODS IN GUT CONTENTS BY SPECIES AND NUMBERS oo88888888 Monkeysace eel Wooly Sculpin Cabezon Striped Surfperch Black Surfperch Pile Surfperch Senorita Kelp Rockfish 0. o MA + 20 a- taa- JONJanooO INaouad IV91V GNVS HSI VIATVAIa SIANIT JVGINVTISouOd vankhovua Jvalunova Vidluvo VaodiHaNv Vaodosi VIZVHOKTOd HVInONnaIS Sharpnose Surfperch Shiner Surfperch Juvenille Rockfish Surfperch Black Surfperch Sennorita Stripec Surfperch Calico Surfperch 92 NUMBER OF NON-CRYPTIC FISH PER TRANSECT (20x 20m) O 27 TABLE LEGENDS Table 1. Major food items in the diets of important intertidal fishes, compiled as percent of stomachs in which present. Table 2. Common intertidal animal food species in the guts of several intertidal fishes. Vertical ranges from Light (1975) and Keen and Coan (1974). Ranges represented by (high intertidal, middle intertidal, low intertidal, subtidal), where X denotes presence in a zone, O denotes absence from a zone. Compiled as percent of stomachs in which present. Table 3. Common intertidal algae food species in the guts of several intertidal fishes. Vertical ranges from Abbott and Hollenberg (1976). Ranges represented by (high intertidal, middle intertidal, low intertidal, subtidal), where X denotes presence in a zone, O denotes absence from a zone. Compiled as percent of stomachs in which present. Results of transect fish count study, with mean numbers of Table 4. adults and juveniles present. Also percent of observation periods present in the intertidal. Total of twelve observation periods. 5. saa. - s . a 9 a - O a 5 5 - a 5 a 28 PERCENT OCCURENCE Collisella digitalis (X000) Collisella scabra (X000) Pachygrapsus crassipes (XX00) Petrolisthes cinctipes (XX00) Lassea cistula (XXXX) Hemigrapsus oregonesis (OXX0) Margarites salmonens (OXXo) Pagurus hemphilli (OXXO) Pagurus samuelis (OXX0) Tegula funebralis (OXXO Barleeia (OXXX, haliotiphila Collisella limatula (OXXX) Tricolia pulloides (OXXX) Mimulus foliatus (O0X0) Pachycheles rudis (O0X0) Pagurus (ooxo) granosimanus Cancer (OOXX) antennarius Pugettia producta (OOXX) . PERCENT OCCURENCE Endocladia muricata (XX00) Gigartina agardhii (XX00) Gigartina papillata (XX00) Hildenbrandia occidentalis (XX00 Gigartina (OXX0) canaliculata Gigartina (OXX0) leptorhynchos Pterocladia (OXXO caloglossoides Rhodoglossum affine (OXXO) Microcladia coulteri (OXXX) Pterosiphonia baileyi (OXXX) Cryptopleura corallinara (00X0 Laurencia pacifica (O0X0) Gastoclonium coulteri (OOXX) Gellidium arborescens (OOXX Iridaea cordata (OOXX) Neoptilota hypnoides (OOXX) Phyllospadix (O0XX (vascular plant) S Table 3 SPECIES Black Surfperch Striped Surfperch Pile Surfperch Shiner Surfperch Sharpnose Sufperch Calico Surfperch Senorita Cabezon Kelp Greenling Wooly Sculpin Juvenile Rockfish ADULTS 2.33 2.25 2.50 5.25 6.75 0.83 2.91 0.08 0.16 1.08 JUVENILES 0.67 0.25 0.83 0.42 0.08 5.00 Table 4 7 OF DAYS IN LNTERTIDA 1007 837 1007 502 677 427 757 427 177 422 337 REMARKS Oftenseen feeding in intertidal, alone or in groups of 2-4 fish. Forages in intertidal, alone or in groups of 2-A other fish. A shy surfperch, always present in the intertida When present, in large schools. Present in groups of 4 ranging to large schools of 30 or more. Occasionally a few isolated individuals. Sometimes in schools, often just solitary individuals. Cryptic fish, undoubtedl more abundant than the figures suggest. An occasional visitor to the intertidal, found ear the bottom. Small, cryptic fish. Actually, tremendously ore common Frequent schools of unidentified young. 32 APPENDIX LEGEND S: Sipuncula P: Polychaeta I: Isopoda A: Amphipoda C: Caridea Pa: Paguridae Po: Porcellanidae B: Brachyura Pol: Polyplacophora G: Gastropoda Bi: Bivalvia E: Ectoprocta F: Fish P: Protozoa A: Algae Numbers represent number of individuals of that particular group, an X refers to uncoutable organism remains or simply presence of a group. The numbers given for the algae are the number of species. 8 ...............3222222 22228 S aaaaaaaaaataa- S o J — o 8 ...222 28 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NNNNNNNNI EE 9OOOONPOFR POFO OUGUGOFVONFPOUGUOONOFJEOVBUNE oSroooc o ONNUSS- Souo XRRARRRNRRRRRRNRRRRRRRRRRXR8888 2 O — O GS8 0 N H RENN NROEE NNEE de O FNOO NONN 2 C6 8 g32335 s...... Dzsszsssszzzzzzozszzzszs kkka- Ga OFONO E S Io J. 3 8w PEEE N 86 18888 38888 8 888888 22222222zzzzzzszszzazzsssg EEEEEENNNI ONN NNNN NN . PS ooooooouooooouuoooououuuoooo OOPNEN SO XKRAASRNRLuRRuRRRaSRNRRSRRRRRRRS SuFU O LEEE LOPFEN Gwouo DO NNEEOOA GOEN LEBSSU GEGNNSEJEREES N GE PN O ddde ddeded dedde — OANN GNNNNNNN PN dd NO NN PENN FNONEEEOPOE NENENDEOFEO 16 — — — a o 8888 888 8888888 888 888 a noooonoooooooooooo oO o c d ...............88..... 888 88888 8. .. 3888 88. 888888 oooooog OOO ooog OOO S . N. Q N S . . . . . EEEEEEEEETEE. — — o + 888888888888 oooooo oooo . 88888 OO 28 6.. . aaaa 36