ABSTRACT The pleural ganglia of Doriopsilla albopunctata were mapped, allowing for exploration into the effects of various neuroactive substances on particular types of molluscan cells. Using a current clamp, we studied those cells that demonstrated autorhythmic firing characteristics - either beating or bursting. Two amines, Dopamine and 5-Hydroxytryptamine, and one peptide, FMRF-amide, were applied onto the ganglia, and the resulting gross voltage changes were recorded. FMRF-amide and 5-HT were applied in combination, producing effects unlike those when the chemicals were applied singly. Observed effects range from membrane depolarization and hyperpolarization to changes in synaptic input and input resistance. To decipher possible second messenger systems underlying these changes, membrane permeable CAMP analog (CPT-CAMP) and an adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin, were employed. We found that CAMP did not mimic the cellular responses to these chemicals, nor did the forskolin produce the same effect as the CAMP analog; clearly other second messenger systems are being employed in both cases. Some voltage clamping was performed, although many of the conclusions drawn concerning currents underlying these changes are based on analogy with other molluscan systems. INTRODUCTION Many studies aimed to model the electrophysiological properties of neuroactive substances have been performed on molluscan nervous systems. While much work has been performed on its larger relative Aplysia californica here we present the feasibility of using the dorid nudibranch, Doriopsilla albopunctata, for long-term electrophysiological investigations. Some of the cells in the D.albopunctata ganglia demonstrate auforhythmic firing characteristics - either beating or bursting. Beating cells are identified by repetitive firing at a constant regular interval. Bursting, meanwhile, appears as a complex pattern involving spike trains of increasing then decreasing frequency, and long inter-burst hyperpolarizations. Indicative of the burst is the depolarizing afterpotential, appearing as a bump after the last spike in the burst. Bursting cells would often be observed in a beating phase, when they would resemble a beater; we could differentiate between the two, however, with knowledge of ganglia topography enabling individual cell recognition, as well as by the symptomatic spike frequency changes, and the appearance of slight bumps after the spikes typical of a burster. Application of various neuroactive peptides and amines on the cells often resulted in gross, observable changes in firing pattern under current clamping situations. Two amines, 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Dopamine, and one peptide, FMRF-amide, were applied and voltage changes were recorded. To decipher possible second messenger systems underlying the effects observed, membrane permeable CAMP as well as an adenylate cyclase activator were employed. Dramatic effects such as depolarization and hyperpolarization of the membrane, or subtle changes like increased synaptic input or input resistance changes, were among the types of responses seen. MATERIALS AND METHODS Doriopsilla albopunctata were collected subtidally from Monterey Bay, CA., and stored in flowing natural sea water tanks of approximately 13°0. They were not fed, and were typically used within two weeks of collection. Ganglia were dissected out and treated with neutral protease (Dispase; Calbiochem.) for one hour, followed by a minimum two hour rinse in ASW to facilitate the surgical removal of the epineural sheath. Experiments were performed on the pleural ganglia pinned in a Sylgard dish of approximately 5ml bath volume and perfused with ASW of the following composition: 470mM Nacl, 10mM KCI, 10mM Cacl, 50mM MgCl, and 10mM Hepes (pH 7.8). Bath temperature during experiments was approximately 17°0. Individual cells were impaled with two glass microelectrodes (R = 3-10M22) filled with 3M KCI solution. Basic current clamping protocol was performed, in which one microelectrode injected a square current pulse while the other measured the resulting voltage change, Administration of long hyperpolarizing current pulses enabled us to measure Tau and input resistance. Several neuroactive peptides and amines were applied directly onto the ganglia in dosages that, unless otherwise stated, resulted in a final bath concentration of 2uM. Except where otherwise noted, perfusion was not operating until after the initial gross effects of the applied substances were observed. Perfusion continued at a rate of 1-10 cc per min until the control condition was resumed. Selected cells were then voltage clamped using two microelectrodes similar to those used in the current clamp. One electrode maintained the cell at a constant holding voltage of -40mV. From the holding voltage, voltage was stepped from -90mV to -10mV in steps of +10mV. each lasting 100ms with a 5sec interval between steps. The other microelectrode measured the underlying current changes that resulted from these steps. RESULTS Identification of Autorhythmic Cells We were able to map the dorsal side of the asymmetrical pleural ganglia using morphological and electrophysiological means of identification. Our map represents a composite of all the individual ganglion observed (Figure 1). Each side of the ganglia yielded one cell with a characteristic bursting pattern. These cells were consistently large and whitish in appearance. LP1 is one of two large cells in the left ganglia located furthest anteriorly. RP1, meanwhile, proves more difficult to locate as there are many large cells in the right ganglia, with seemingly greater variability amongst individual D.albopunctata The most reliable characteristic of RP1 is its whitish glow (under light microscope), clearly visible even through the epineural sheath. The beating cell LP2, is typically the largest and most posterior cell in this view of the left pleural ganglia. RP2 resides in a cluster of three cells located most anteriorly in this ganglia, each of which is about half the diameter of the numerous large cells below. Due to the aforementioned ganglia topographic variability, RP3 was difficult to map, although it is usually a medium sized cell found in the vicinity of the base of the nerve root. Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 (FMRF-amide) FMRF-amide induced an instantaneous depolarizing effect in the LP1 burster (Figure 2). An input resistance drop from a control of 6.5MQ to 1.5M52 accompanied the observed tonic spiking condition. In the beating LP2 cell, on the other hand, we observed complete inhibition of firing upon the peptide application. Disruption of beating pattern was observed in the rapidly firing RP3 beater; a constant control spike interval of 800ms fluctuated after FMRF-amide application from 680ms to 960ms. From the appearance of synaptic input during these intervals, we infer that cells presynaptic to RP3 exhibit the FMRF-amide response consequently effecting RP3. AIl FMRF-amide effects were reversible upon perfusion. 5-Hydroxytryptamine(5-HT) Serotonin produced a delayed response in cell RP2, inhibiting its beating pattern approximately 1.5min after application (Figure 3A). The original firing pattern did eventually resume. Meanwhile, 5-HT caused a depolarizing effect in the LP1 burster and the LP2 beater, exciting both to a high rate of repetitive firing (Figure 3B). Voltage clamping of the beater demonstrated an insignificant change in inward rectification, although the spike interval decreased from 2.75-3.Osec to 1.36sec. Clamping of the burster when exposed to a 5-HT bath concentration of 1OUM, however, revealed a marked increase in inward rectification of 1.43nA at -90mV to .89nA at -60mV (Figure 4). In the beating cell RP3, 5-HT application also induced a higher rate of repetitive firing that attenuated with each successive application. Spike interval was measured 60 seconds after administration of 5-HT in three separate applications, perfusing between each (Figure 5). Following the first application spike interval showed a dramatic drop from a control of 3.5sec to 0.5sec, and thereafter a progressive increase to 2.9sec and 3.25sec in applications two and three, respectively. Input resistance measurements also showed a gradual increase from 12MQ to 21.3MO and 22.0MQ in applications one, two and three, respectively. FMRF-amide and 5-HT A 1:1 ratio of 5-HT and FMRF-amide applied during a 5-HT induced tonic spiking condition in the LP1 burster resulted in an input resistance drop greater than that of 5-HT alone. While 5-HT lowered input resistance from 15.4MQ to 14.4MO, the input resistance dropped to 10.2M2 with the combination. Tau also decreased from a control of 360.6ms to 354.3ms with 5-HT alone, then to a final value of 285.7ms when combined with FMRF-amide. Evidence for synaptic input effecting this cell's behavior was observed after the application of this peptide-amine combination. Its manifestation is in the form of instantaneous, excitatory spurts, which increase spike frequency whether the cell be in a bursting or beating state (Figure 6). Interburst hyperpolarizations were not smooth, rather irregular with EPSP's, while sharp rises to spikes instead of gradual depolarizations were observed. Forskolin and Chlorophenylthio-CAMP (CPT-CAMP) 1o observe whether any of the applied neuroactive peptides or amines exerted their effects via cAMP, we increased the intracellular levels of CAMP by applying CPT-CAMP, a membrane permeable cyclic AMP analog, and the diterpene forskolin, a known stimulator of CAMP production in a variety of cells, including molluscan neurons (Coombs & Thompson, 1987). In cell LP1, forskolin inhibited bursting activity and initiated an erratic beating pattern indicating much synaptic input (Figure 7). In addition, doublet, triplets and trains of up to five spikes replaced the single spikes in the original bursting condition. The effects of forskolin were long lasting, being visible over an hour after application, even though perfusing at a rate of 10cc per min. Input resistance measurements reflect a drop from 7.OMQ to 5.25M0 upon application of the diterpene. Voltage clamp was performed on the burster RP1 in the opposite ganglion. Under these conditions, inward rectification was found to decrease by a maximum of 39.3% at -60mV (Figure 8). CPT-CAMP was then applied to LP1 without perfusion. Even after 30min, no effect on bursting activity or input resistance under current clamping conditions was observed. Voltage clamping under conditions identical to that of forskolin resulted in a negligible change in inward rectification (Figure 9). CPT-CAMP, then, does not seem to reproduce the effects of forskolin. Dopamine (DA) Dopamine instantaneously inhibited all firing upon application to the beating cell LP2 (Figure 10). The beating pattern did eventually recover. initially firing at a slower rate and gradually returning to its original condition. The LP1 burster depolarized in response to DA, transforming its bursting into a fast rate of repetitive firing. Tonic spiking activity gradually slowed with an eventual resumption of the bursting pattern. DISCUSSION Individual neuropeptides and amines often exhibit varied effects on different autorhythmic cells, even cells that display the same firing pattern. Elucidation of the mechanisms of each particular observation is difficult without appropriate voltage clamping experiments, but general trends in other molluscan systems may prove analogous. In the Aplysia bursting neuron L2, FMRF-amide activates inward rectification (Thompson, 1988). If this were the case, one would expect hyperpolarization of the membrane - thus, a probable explanation of the observed inhibition in the beating LP2 cell. But we also observed a depolarizing effect characterized by tonic spiking activity in both a beater and a burster, RP3 and LP1. One possible explanation is a decrease in inward rectification be responsible, or, more generally, the opening of inward cation channels. FMRF-amide's effect on cation channels in L4 and L6 bursting neurons of Aplysia reveals its neurotransmitter/hormonal properties; it vields a biphasic response in which it first activates an inward cation current carried by Nat, then , after a longer latency activates an outward current predominantly carried by Kt (Ruben, et al.,1986). The short latency first observed between application and activation suggests that the neurotransmitter binds directly to the receptor that gates the Nat channels. The longer latency of the second response, meanwhile. indicates that the compatible receptors are away from the site of activation, implying a second messenger system. The particular messenger which initiates this Kt response is uncertain; while FMRF-amide is found to increase cAMP production in Aplysia gill tissue (Weiss, et al., 1984), forskolin, an adenylate cyclase activator, causes no change in the FMRF-amide response. It seems that a different second messenger phosphorylates, thus activates, the channels; which messenger is not clear. But perhaps the unexplained depolarizing effects relate to the first phase of this biphasic response. If, in these dorids, the Nat channels continued to be activated, tonic firing would be expected. Observations of hyperpolarizing and depolarizing effects not only amongst different autorhythmic cells, but also within individual cells, illuminate the neurotransmitter-like properties of this peptide. thus warranting further investigation into its properties and mechanisms. Serotonin produced the varied effects not uncommon of a known neurotransmitter - both hyperpolarizing and depolarizing, depending on the cell investigated. Depolarization observations such as those in LP1 and LP2 could be explained by noting that high concentrations of 5-HT(S1OuM) act via increasing CAMP production to increase subthreshold Catt currents near resting potential in Aplysia R15 (Levitan & Levitan, 1988). If this were the case, we would expect that application of a membrane permeable CAMP analog(CPT-CAMP) would produce a similar response; after a 30min application, we observed no effect whatsoever. So it seems that 5-HT acts via another mechanism to open Catt or other cation channels. Levitan and Levitan continue by stating that lower concentrations of 5-HT, such as those in the range of 10uM, tend to enhance the amplitude of the interburst hyperpolarization in the R15 burster, acting via cAMP to increase inward rectification that they conclude is carried by Kt. The resulting increase in K+ conductance makes K+ currents the predominant determinants of cell activity, and pushes the resting potential down toward the K+ reversal potential; this would hyperpolarize the membrane. Lower concentrations were applied under voltage clamping conditions, and indeed an increase in inward rectification was observed. No voltage clamping of the cell after application of CPT-CAMP was performed, but it would be appropriate to see if cAMP is responsible for the increase of inward rectification. Finally, in the RP3 beater, we witnessed that the depolarizing effect was reduced with successive 5-HT applications, the cell apparently desensitizing itself to 5-HT. An increase in input resistance accompanied the inactivation of the channels that caused the initial gross changes; it seems each application decreased the number of inward cation channels available to depolarize the cell. The observation is not only interesting but also critical to experimental technique. It demonstrates that although the gross effects of the substance may be washed away and control conditions apparently returned, the subtle effects underlying the observations may still affect data collection. reinforcing the known complexity of mechanisms and receptor properties that are responsible for our observations. Of particular interest in studying the pharmacology of the autorhythmic cells is the appearance of synaptic input, as was observed after the co-application of 5-HT and FMRF-amide. The excitatory spurts of activity could either be due to this cell's individual response to the substances, to the cell presynaptic to it, or even a combination of the two; elucidation of which it is is critical to our analysis for if bursting behavior is not entirely endogenous to the cell, data collection will be more complicated than expected. To test for synaptic input, hyperpolarizing current could be injected which would allow EPSP's to be observed. Application of forskolin also resulted in a great increase in synaptic input in the LP1 burster in addition to a tonic spiking condition. One effect of forskolin is its ability to depolarize the cell by closing transient Kf currents, 1 (Coombs & Thompson, 1987). If this cell has multiple axons each with its own spike initiating zone, the resulting lower resting potential from the accumulation of internal Kt cations may exceed the threshold of these zones, thus accounting for the doublets, triplets, and trains of spikes observed. Voltage clamping revealed a decrease in inward rectification, not surprising if carried by KTions. As la is active at subthreshold voltages, its main effect is on spike shape and rate of firing (Connor & Stevens, 1971; Byrne, 1980), as observed. To complete this analysis, CPT-CAMP was applied under voltage clamping conditions, and exhibited no change in inward rectification. Thus it seems forskolin has its effect by a different mechanism than cAMP, contrary to some findings (see Coombs & Thompson, 1987). Finally, dopamine exhibited the varied effects typical of a classic neurotransmitter. In Aplysia R15, DA decreases subthreshold Catt currents (Lewis et al, 1984), thus hyperpolarizing the cell. This hyperpolarization stems from the fact that in nudibranchs, both Catt and Naf constitute the upstroke of the action potential. As Catt currents operate mainly at subthreshold voltages, determining if the cell reaches threshold, if the Catt current were adequately reduced, the voltage dependent, strong Nat channels will never be able to be activated, thus inhibiting spikes. The observed depolarizing effects in the LP1 burster can only be partially explained by suggesting that DA probably acts via another cation channel to depolarize the cell, for it does decrease Catt conductance. As with serotonin, DA's possible mechanisms are as varied as are its effects. Clearly, this pharmacological analysis of the D. albopunctata ganglia is far from complete (Figure 11). It is, however, evidence for this dorid's potential for electrophysiological study. Further elaboration into these effects and unknown mechanisms of neuroactive substances on this organism, using both current and voltage clamping techniques, will open a new and exciting realm in neurological study that can only fortify our understanding of cellular physiology. FIGURE LEGEND Figure 1. Map of the dorsal pleural ganglia of Doriopsilla albopunctata: Figure 2. Various effects of FMRF-amide on two autorhythmic cells. A, FMRF-amide causes inhibition of beating in LP2 . B, FMRF-amide induces tonic spiking in LP1 burster. Figure 3. Various cellular responses to 5-HT. A, 5-HT inhibits beating activity in RP2. B, 5-HT depolarizes LP2 leading to increased spike frequency. Figure 4. 5-HT increases inward rectification in LP1 burster. Figure 5. Depolarizing effects of 5-HT on cell RP4: Spike interval measurements during three successive 5-HT applications. Dotted arrows represent 60sec following application of 5-HT. Control spike interval is 3.5sec. #1, The first 5-HT application results in 0.5 sec spike interval. 42, The second application results in a 2.9 sec interval. #3, The third and final application results in a 3.25 sec spike interval. Note: Different time scales used in each measurement. Figure 6. Evidence for synaptic input in LP1 beater after application of 1:1 FMRF-amide and 5-HT. A,B, Bursts of increased frequency are apparent during beating phase. CIrregular spike frequency within bursts and sharp rises to spikes suggest synaptic input. Figure 7. Multiple effects of forskolin on LP1. Forskolin induced doublets, triplets, and quintuplets, with erratic firing pattern characterized by much synaptic input. Figure 8. Forskolin's effect on inward rectification. Figure 9. CPT-CAMP shows negligible effects on inward rectification. Unlike the plot of forskolin, this shows basically no change in inward rectification. Figure 10. Various cellular responses to DA. A, DA transforms RP1 bursting activity into a high rate of repetitive firing. B, DA inhibits firing in LP2 Figure 11. Summary of autorhythmic neuron responses to applied chemical substances. FIGURE 1 Sarz 6 M. Kei 2 Doriopsilla albopunctata Pleural ganglia, dorsal view FIGURE 2 FMRF FMRF FIGURE 3 Mneee 5-HT 20 V 10. FIGURE 4 -4 -99 -89 CONTROL QO 3-HT k 2 -59 -79 -69 -49 — 39 FIGURE 5 5-HT 10- 4 rrtrtrtttttittrn 20 V FIGURE 6 n neen + FIGURE 7 25mV 108 FIGURE 8 — CONTROL O FORSKOLIN 1 8 - -79 -69 -99 89 -59 -49 FIGURE 9 9 -2 9 -99 — 8 -89 CONTROL OCPT-CAMP kaa -79 -69 -50 -39 FIGURE 10 nn FIGURE 11 RP3 LPI RPI RP2 LP2 70 VAS ++ FNRE + —— Au —— ++ DA ESK ++ 507 0 O AME — + + SAT + FNAFT 54T indicates membrane hyperpolarization indicates membrane depolarization indicates no apparent response blank implies experiment not performed 224 REFERENCES Byrne, J.H. (1980) Analysis of ionic conductance mechanisms in motor cells mediating inking behavior in Aplysia californica. J. Neurophysiol. 43, 630-650. Connor, J.A. and C.F. Stevens (1971) Voltage clamp studies of transient outward membrane current in gastropod neural somata. J.Physiol. 213. 21-30. Coombs, J. and S.H. Thompson (1987) Forskolin's effect on transient K current in nudibranch neurons is not reproduced by CAMP. J.Neurosci. 7(2);443-452. 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Stell, G.I.Drummond, and K. Lukowiak (1984) Evidence for FMRF-amide as a neurotransmitter in the gill of Aplysia californica. J. Neurosci. 4 : 1994-2000. Acknowledgments Many thanks to Stuart Thompson for his guidance and patience in directing my arduous metamorphosis toward neurobiological competence, Invaluable, too, has been the insight and assistance of Tony Morielli and Brett Premack, and the moral support of dorid reaper Tom Otis. To my partner Maggie, cheers. 1 wish you good moods and the very best of luck always.