Kohatsu ABSTRACT Carpospores and tetraspores of Erythrocystis adhered preferentially to the trichoblasts of Laurencia. Infection of apical pits appeared to result from fortuitous attachment of spores to the proximal end of trichoblasts and extension of a unicellular rhizoid into the pit. No spore motility was observed. Infection rates in culture were approximately 30% for Laurencia collected at Stillwater Cove and Hopkins Marine Station, both areas in Monterey County, California. It is notable that the Laurencia at Hopkins is not infected by Erythrocystis in the field. In a survey of Laurencia pacifica from Stillwater Cove, it was found that up to 90% of the pits were infected by Erythrocystis germlings. Male, female and tetrasporophyte Erythrocystis occurred in the ratio of 1:1:3. Erythrocystis thalli ()imm) predominated in the apical pits. The mean lengths of thalli from four locations on the Laurencia were significantly different (P(.05): 1*)2*)2*4)3*. Kohatsu (2) INTRODUCTION Erythrocystis saccata (J.Ag.) Silva is a red alga which occurs specifically in the terminal pits of Laurencia pacifica Kyl. and a few related Laurencia species (Abbott and Hollenberg, 1976). The thalli are ovate and contain mucilage. Red-pigmented, unicellular rhizoids penetrate through the pit into the medulla of Laurencia. At the tip of every branch of Laurencia, there is a distinct pit filled by densely packed, short cells. Distally, these cells elongate and become filamentous trichoblasts. By the criteria of Setchell (1918), Erythrocystis is a parasite: it fulfills the two critical characteristics of host penetration and reduced thallus. The third criterion of reduced pigmentation is not apparent. Detailed external (Kylin, 1928) and ultrastructural (Kugrens, 1971) descriptions have been made on the form and development of the vegetative and reproductive structures. There is little known about the infective mechanism of Erythrocystis. In other red algal parasites, the process has been described. Feldmann and Feldmann (1958) described how spores of Janczewskia verrucaeformis Solms stuck to the host, Laurencia obtusa (Huds.) Lamour, and formed rhizoids which penetrated the intercortical cell walls. Kugrens and West (1973) noted that Choreocolax polysiphoniae Reinsch infects Polysiphonia lanosa (L.) Tandy by rhizoidal penetration Kohatsu through the cortex or germination within a wound. Goff and Cole (1976) worked on Harveyella mirabilis (Reinsch) Schmitz and Reinke. Their experiments showed that the parasite probably infected Holmsella pachyderma (Reinsch) Sturch through wounds made by algal grazers. Spores attached themselves to the wound by a rhizoid, Subsequently, a primary filament extended into the medulla where it branched and spread. The parasite emerged in pustules of host and parasite cells. The present study sought to elaborate various aspects of the life history of Erythrocystis: how it infects a host, the nature of the symbiosis, and its distribution upon the host. MATERIALS AND METHODS Erythrocystis saccata and Laurencia pacifica were collected at Stillwater Cove, Pebble Beach, California, between -1.0 to +1.0 ft. tide levels. Collections of uninfected Laurencia pacifica were made near West Beach at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California. The tetraspores of Erythrocystis were used in all experiments. They were indistinguishable from carpospores using light microscopy. It was assumed that both types of spores used a similar method of host infection. Spores were obtained by: severing the base of fertile thalli, drawing out the excess mucilage with paper toweling, quartering the thallus longitudinally, Kohatsu and immersing the pieces in filtered seawater. The settling chambers were swirled approximately every ten minutes to prevent the spores from clumping. The hypothesized infection mechanism was that the spores moved to the pits by creeping and directed rhizoids into the pits. Experiment 1 Spores were settled upon a slide in petri dishes. Laurencia cuttings were aligned perpendicular to the slide with the apical tips facing the edge of the slide. Spores were observed after eight hours to note the direction of rhizoid growth. The dishes were kept in a cold room at 15 C. The cultures were illuminated by fluorescent light for 10 hours/day, at an intensity of 19 uE/mesec. Experiment 2 Laurencia cuttings were swirled in seawater containing tatraspores. Eight cuttings were maintained in a gallon jar with flowing water. Eight were kept in petri dishes with filtered seawater. Eight were kept in dry petri dishes to simulate a low tide. The cuttings in filtered seawater were observed hourly for approximately nine hours in order to detect spore movement. The other cuttings were observed after the same time period to note the infection rate. Experiments 3,4,5 These were designed to determine the extent to Kohatsu (5. which Erythrocystis relies on Laurencia. Experiment 3 Spores obtained with swirling were kept in filtered seawater. Upon germination, 2 ml Provasoli's nutrient mixture, 1 ml penicillin-streptomycin and 1 ml germanium dioxide were added to the petri dish. Experiment 5 Erythrocystis thalli of sizes 5-10 mm were carefully teased from their pits. Four were placed in petri dishes with seawater which had Laurencia soaking in it. Three were maintained in filtered seawater. Four 20 cm X 20 cm quadrat samples were collected haphazardly from Laurencia patchds at Stillwater Cove. The Erythrocystis present were sexed (male, female, tetrasporophyte, or juvenile), their length was measured in millimeters, and their location on the host plant was noted. The convention of 1*, 2*, and 3* branches was used. In addition, thalli which were located on a 2* branch, but not at the apex were scored as 2*A (see fig. 1). OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS Experiment 1 The tetraspores treated in this experiment showed patches where spores extended their rhizoids in the same direction. The majority grew away from the Laurencia tips. Experiment 2 Kohatsu (6) Tetraspores stuck to trichoblasts with some selectivity to Laurencia from Stillwater Cove and Hopkins Marine Station. Their attachment ranged from a weak bond that could be broken by agitating the cutting to fairly strong adhesion that was only broken by physically pulling off the spore. Spores stuck anywhere along the length of the trichoblasts. Approximately 30% of the spores landed near the pit and germinated a rhizoid into the pit. The majority of the spores were lost in the aquarium. The cuttings in the dry petri dishes appeared to have the same infection rate as the wet dishes. Spores did not show creeping activity. After 24 hours in culture, the Laurencia showed signs of trichoblast deterioration. The spores attached distally were cast off with the trichoblast. Trichoblast deterioration occurred in control dishes without spores, too. Sampling confirmed that Erythrocystis thalli greater than 1 mm in length were found primarily in the apical pits. Further, a test for the analysis stis of variance showed that the mean length of Erythroc in the 1*, 2*, 3*, and 2*A pits were significantly different (P(.05). See fig. 2 Experiments 3,4,5 The spores collected with swirling degenerated with only 5% of the spores germinated. Those kept Kohatsu (7) in filtered seawater broke down within a week. The spores maintained with Laurencia cuttings lasted twice as long. Spores innoculated into the medulla of Laurencia cuttings also degenerated before they ever germinated. The spores which were allowed to settle undisturbed fell in concentrated patches. These were surrounded by a sticky matrix which bound the spores together and to the dish. These germinated within 24 hours. The spores did not develop normally. Many formed trichoblasts alone. Rhizoidal and trichoblast growth appeared random. The thalli never developed beyond the cell initial. Erythrocystis thalli teased from Laurencia and maintained in filtered seawater bleached within four days. Those kept in normal seawater with the "essence" of Laurencia lasted two weeks before bleaching. Erythrocystis is not overtly detrimental to its host nor does it appear dependent for photosynthate. Local cell death is not evident. Laurencia produces reproductive structures as normal, including spermatangia in infected pits. As Kugrens (1971) noted, there are no intimate cellular connections between Erythrocystis and Laurencia. The present study demonstrated that Erythrocystis can live for a time without its host. C is not translocated into the Erythrocystis thalli (L. Goff, personal communication). Kohatsu (8) Observations: 1. Within a pit, either a male, female, or tetrasporophyte plant occurred, not any combination of these. This was observed in over 100 pits. 2. Six or more germlings were commonly found in infected pits. Germlings were common in both the pit of ultimate branches and in the apical pit of i* 2*, and 3* branches. 3. Thalli (ie.)1 mm in length) were found almost exclusively in the apical pits. Dissection of several pits infected by thalli indicated that only one or two branched plants were present. 4. An Erythrocystis thallus in an apical pit may arrest apical growth. Proliferous growth of lower branches or accelerated growth of a single lower branch follows. In the latter case, the branch grows in the direction which resumes growth along the line of the central axis. SION This study indicates that Erythroc tis infection can occur through the fortuitous settling and sticking of spores to the proximal portion of Laurencia pacifica trichoblasts. It is not conclusive that this is the sole mechanism of infection. The concentration of spores in the experimental culture dishes was far reater than would be encountered in the field. Although spore creeping was not observed, artifacts Kohatsu of culturing may have prevented it. Excessive mucus secretion of spores and early trichoblast deterioration may have been causes of negative results. The trichoblasts are normally deciduous in maturing Laurencia, however their uniform breakdown in culture suggests induced deterioration. The relationship between Erythrocystis and Laurencia is a low level parasitism. Erythrocystis is not damaging to its host and probably photosynthesizes normally. Yet, it is clear that Erythrocystis is very dependent on the Laurencia pacifica pits for normal spore germination and development. Kugrens (1971) pointed out that spores germinate and develop with polarity, while there is no ultrastructural polarity in the tetraspore. The aberrant growth of tetraspores in culture suggests that the Laurencia pits may correct for a deficient polarity system in Erythrocystis spores. The size distribution (fig. 2) of Erythrocystis on its host may be interpreted in two ways. Thallus length may be assumed to correlate with age. Thus, the primary Erythrocystis, which were the longest, were the oldest. This opens the possibility that the Laurencia pits become receptive to infection with age: the first-formed pit is the first to be infected. The other possibility is that there is apical dominance due to hormones from the Erythrocystis and/or the Laurencia. The enhanced growth observed Kohatsu (10) in branches below some infected pits is reminiscent of vascular plants in which the primary bud is removed. Such growth resulted in most of the 2*A pits. The original 2* apical pit was replaced by the apical pit of a proliferous branch. In support of this explanation, the X length of Erythrocystis in the 2* pits was significantly greater than that of the 2*A pits. More work is needed on the factors which select for complete development of only one or two Erythrocystis plants, of one type, within a pit. A form of intra¬ specific competition is suggested. Just as pollen grains "race" to extend their pollen tubes to the ovule, Erythrocystis germlings may compete in getting their rhizoids through the pit space, and into the medulla. It would be worthwhile to carefully examine the region of rhizoidal penetration through the Laurencia cortical layer. It may be that only one rhizoid gets through. Among the parasitic red algae, Erythrocystis holds a rather unique place. Unlike many other red algal parasites, Erythrocystis has a distinct, uniform plant body in which all reproductive stages are known. It has a well-developed cortex and subcortical layer of cells distinct from the host. Many other parasites are irregular cushions containing a mixture of host and parasite cells (eg. Harveyella mirabilis, Janczewskia sp.). Kohatsu (11) The lack of tissue differentiation in some has promoted ideas that some of these parasites (eg. Lobocolax, Gonimophyllum and Gardneriella species) are actually bacterial or viral galls. In comparing the two different parasites of Laurencia, we find two modes of infection, morphology, and cell type, however it would interesting to study the gradation between the two. Although Janzweskia predominates on Laurencia spectabilis and Erythrocystis predominates on L. pacifica, both are found on L. subopposita and L. masonii. From L. spectabilis to L. pacifica, there is a gradation from cartilaginous to pliant. Goff and Cole (1976) suggested there may be enzymes used by the parasites to dissolve host cell walls. The possibility of a gradation of enzyme specificity is suggested here. The potential of such work would give support for the theory of an independent plant evolved into a parasite and provide insight into the phylogenetic relationships among the Laurencia species. Kohatsu (12) FIGURES Fig. 1 Shows convention of naming location of Erythrocystis on Laurencia. 1*, 2*, and 3* signify apical pits. 2*A signifies a pit location other than apical. Fig. 2 Shows mean length of Erythrocystis found in *, 2*, 2*A and 3* pits. Fig.1 ERYTHROCYSTIS LOCATION )274 ? Br3 Cultimate branch 15 13 12 11 2 — . —— —L — 24 LOCATION ON LAURENCIA — ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to Dr. Isabella Abbott for her invaluable ideas and expertise, William Magruder for his generosity, and many helpful words of encouragement, and Dr. Robin Burnett who made things significant. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbott, I.A. and Hollenberg, G.J. (1976) Marine Algae of California. Stanford Univ. Press, stanford, CA, pp /38-7 Feldmann, J. and Feldmann, G. (1958) Recherches sur quelques Floridees parasites. Rev.Gen.Bot. 65: 49-124. Goff, L.J. and Cole, K. (1976) The biology of Harveyella mirabilis (Cryptonemiales, Rhodophyceae). II1. Spore germination and subsequent development within the host Odonthalia floccosa (Ceramiales, Rhodophyceae). Can.J.Bot. 57: 268-280. Kugrens, P. (1971). Comparative ultrastructure of vegetative and reproductive structures in parasitic red algae. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley. Kugrens, P. and West, J.A. (1973). The ultrastructure of an alloparasitic red alga Choreocolax polysiphoniae. Phycologia, 12: 175-186. Kylin, H. (1928) In Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Florideenstudien Lunds Univ. Arsskr., N.F., 20: 94-102. Setchell, W.A. (1918). Parasitism Among the Red Algae Proc.Am.Phil.Soc. 57: 155-172.