Vol. 6; Supplement Page 17 THE VELIGER Chemoreception by Tegula funebralis (Mollusca : Gastropoda) WILLIAM ROMNEY BURKE Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California (3 Text figures) OBSERVATIONS IN THE FIELD and in the laboratory to one stimulation by the detached tube foot; moderate showed that escape responses are elicited in Tegula fune¬ — noticeable avoidance after being stimulated once - but bralis (A. ADAMS, 1854) by the immediate presence of without the rapidity or the sharpness in turning of a starfish. Since contact with the starfish is not essential strong response; slight = several stimulations necessary to effect the response, I proposed to determine the location to elicit a reaction as noticeable as a moderate response). of possible chemoreceptive sites. 3) A homogenate of starfish tube feet (4 g wet weight of tube feet to 8 cc of sea water) was made. The super- MATERIALS AND METHODS natant resulting after centrifugation was diluted to several Species used in the tests were Tegula funebralis and different concentrations. For tests 1 ml supernatant was Pisaster ochraceus (BRANDT, 1835). All test animals were added to 200 cc sea water in a small dish. The number taken from the intertidal region at China Point. Hopkins of snails out of the water after a specified time was Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California. scored. Since the potency of individual extracts of tube The Tegula funebralis were anesthetized in an isotonic fect varied, a new control group was required for each solution of Mg Clz. Twenty animals were kept as controls preparation. following anesthesia; from some of the remaining animals RESULTS AND DISCUSSION various structures were removed (head tentacles, epi¬ podial structures, epipodial fringe, osphradium) and The results are shown in the form of bar graphs in Figures others had either the bottom or the side of the foot 1 to 3. scraped. The operated animals were then observed in The results in Figure 1 demonstrate that scraping of order to determine any deviation from the behavior of much of the epithelial layer of the side or bottom of the the control snails. foot does not impair sensitivity to chemical stimulation Pisaster ochraceus was selected from among the various by starfish secretions. This same modification of the snail species of starfish because of its abundance and its highly does not remove its ability to be stimulated by contact effective stimulation of Tegula funebralis (YARNALL, with tube fect as is indicated in Figure 2. Also, while 1964). it is not indicated in the figures, excising of the border Three types of tests were performed. of the sides and bottom of the foot does not cause 1) Snails were arranged around the sides in the bottom noticeable change in the chemoreceptive ability of the of a plastic bucket to which a Pisaster ochraceus was snail. then added. The sea water level was maintained at 6 cm Normal snails exhibit escape responses when any side (approximately 4½ liters). The number of snails out of of the foot is stimulated by a detached tube foot. These the water after a specified time was scored. responses are specific only for detached tube feet; human 2) Detached starfish tube feet were touched against hands, bare probes, and probes with detached Tegula Tegula funebralis which had been placed on a water funebralis feet will not elicit any escape response. table over which ran a continuous supply of sea water. The necessity for touch as a stimulus for these sites Responses observed were those described by FEDER may be demonstrated by placing the left or right side (1956). They were classified as strong, moderate, and of a snail without epipodial structures against a starfish slight (strong = immediate and marked escape reaction arm. Such a modified snail will become excited and Vol. 6; Supplement Page 18 THE VELIGER show faster random motion. Detached tube feet held near receptive properties on physical contact. Their reactions the surface of the side of the foot do not cause a reaction. to tube feet are specific, although not as marked as those The head tentacles appear to be primarily tactile re of the head tentacles. ceptors. Normal responses are elicited after their extir- The epipodial structures also appear to function as stimulus localizers. Epipodialectomized animals, when pation (Figures 1 to 3). But chemoreception on physica contact is assuredly another of the tentacles’ properties. stimulated on the side of the foot by tube feet, do not for responses of the tentacles to detached tube feet are veer away from the tube feet in as directed a manner definite and specific. as control animals. They usually turn at an angle of The main function of the head tentacles is apparently 45° or less to the opposite side from which they were to help localize the source of stimulation, so that in this stimulated case the snail might be better able to steer away from the The osphradium, a bipectinate structure located at the base of the mantle and in close association with the starfish. When stimulated by detached tube feet, animals ctenidium, is in this herbivorous species quite small and difficult to remove. Because of the severity of the operation Controls for removal of the osphradium, a group of special control 6 min. (20 snails) animals was prepared. These control animals were sub¬ Bottom of foot scraped jected to all steps in the operation, including cracking 6 min. (10 snails) of the shell, except that their osphradia were left intact. Two groups of test animals, those partially osphradiec Side of foot scraped tomized and without part of their shell and a group that 6 min. (10 snails) was totally osphradiectomized and with shell pieces fitted back together, were used. In the partially osphra- No epipodial fringe 6 min. (20 snails) diectomized animals the osphradial nerve was cut distal to the left parietal ganglion, and that portion of the No epipodial structures osphradium growing along the edge of the ctenidium on 6 min. (20 snails) No head tentacles Controls 6 min. (20 snails) (20 snails) Controls for partial No epipodial structures osphradiectomy - 8 min. (6 snails) 20 snails) Partial osphradiectomy Side of foot scraped 8 min. (7 snails) (20 snails) Controls for total No head tentacles osphradiectomy 12 min. (5 snails) (20 snails) Total osphradiectomy Controls for partial 2 min. (5 snails) osphradiectomy (1l snails) 25 50 75 100% Partial osphradiectomy Figure 1: (Il snails) Escape of Tegula funebralis from Pisaster ochraceus Controls for total Abcissae represent percent of snails out of water. osphradiectomy 5 snais) deprived of tentacles did not give responses oriented as Total osphradiectomy much away from the tube foot as the control animals did, i. e., the operated animals usually turned less than (5 snails) 90°, as opposed to the controls. 25 50 75 100% Likewise, the chief function of the epipodial structures seems to be that of tactile receptors. Their extirpatior Figure 2: Response of Tegula funebralis to tube feet of makes little difference in Tegula funebralis’s reactions to Pisaster ochraceus. In each group the top line represents tube feet or tube feet extract (Figures 1 to 3). Also, like strong response, the middle line moderate response, and the head tentacles, epipodial structures do have chemo¬ the bottom line slight response (see text), Vol. 6; Supplement Tube foot extrac Controls 5 min. (8 snails) No head tentacles 5 min. (8 snails) Controls 5 min. (8 snails) No epipodial structures - Smin. (8 snails) Controls 10 min. (4 snails) Partial osphradiectomy Omin. (6 snais) Controls 5 min. (5 snails) Total osphradiectomy - 15 min. (5 snails) 2550 100% Figure 3: Detection of Pisaster ochraceus extract by Tegula funcbralis. (Extract contained 1.04 X 10“ parts by wet weight of tube fect.) Abscissae represent percent of snails out of the extract. the ventral side was removed. The mass of the osphradium, located under the ganglion, could not be reached by this technique, which resulted in partially osphradiec¬ tomized animals. Total osphradiectomy involved removal of the remaining osphradial mass. There is no appreciable difference in the bchavior of the partially osphradiectomized animals and their con¬ trols (Figures 1 to 3). Obviously, most of the osphradium, or at least the yellow mass in close connection with the parictal ganglion, must be removed before olfactory properties are eliminated. Ösphradiectomized animals show no more movement of the tentacles or general excitement in the presence of tube foot extract or in a bucket with a starfish than they do in ordinary sea water. These animals do withdraw their head tentacles slightly from detached tube feet, but the reactions are not at all as strong as those given by any of the other test animals. Äfter 15 minutes of exposure to starfish one osphradiectomized animal crawled out of the water, but it returned 30 seconds later. Those sites found to be chemoreceptive in a gustatory sense, that is requiring physical contact, are the sides of the foot, the head tentacles, and the epipodial structures. Page 19 THE VELIGER The osphradium functions as an olfactory sense organ, being chemoreceptive without physical contact. The chemorcceptive sitcs of Tegula funebralis are ex¬ tremely sensitive. While not indicated by figures a straight- line correspondence between the concentration of Pisaster ochraceus tube foot extract (expressed logarithmically and the probability of eliciting an escape response in T funebralis could be demonstrated. The 50% threshold effect lies about midway between the 1/64 and the 1/32 dilutions of an extract 33% by wet weight of tube feet, 1 ml of which is added to 200 cc sea water; i. e., T. funcbralis will escape 50% of the time within 5 minutes from a solution that is 2.6 to 5.2 X 10“ parts by wet weight of tube fect. Decreasing the dilution results in gradually increasing activity by the test animals. The movement resulting from the presence of the starfish or of its secretion appears to be random. Tegula funcbralis have been observed to run into a starfish up to four times before finally climbing out of the bucket. The snail appears to test the concentration of starfish secretion and orients and moves randomly. It eventually reaches an area of lower concentration of the chemical stimulus. However, in the immediate proximity of a starfish contained in a bucket in a small volume of water (about 4½ liters) therc is not likely to be much of a concentration gradient, and the only available arca of lower concentration is out of water. Tegula funebralis can and do often adapt themselves to the presence of Pisaster ochraceus (see FEDER, 1956). This adaptation is not duc to breakdown of the tube foot substance, but rather fatigue of the chemoreceptive sites. Snails added to a pan from which they were prevented from escaping by a wire screen and in which a starfish has immediately beforchand resided show marked activity for about 15 minutes, after which time they become quicscent. New T funcbralis then added also show in- creased activity for about 15 minutes, while the "fatigue of the original snails is still manifested. Neither the sub¬ sequent reintroduction of the starfish nor the removal of the wire screen caused any of the twenty "fatigued animals to move out of the bucket within 15 minutes. SUMMARY Tegula funcbralis has both gustatory and olfactory sense sites. The side of the foot, the head tentacles, and the cpipodial structures serve as contact chemoreceptive sites. Extirpation or scraping of these structures does not alter the overall sensitivity to Pisaster ochraceus. Scraping the bottom of the foot, cutting of the border between the side and the bottom of the foot, removal of the epipodial fringe (on the left side of the foot), removal of up to Vol. 6; Supplement Page 20 THE VELIGER half of the ctenidium do not noticeably alter chemore¬ result in appreciable change of chemoreceptive abilities ception. The osphradium functions as an olfactory organ of T. funebralis. and is capable of detecting the presence of an extract containing 2.6 X 10“ parts by wet weight of tube feet LITERATURE CITED from Pisaster ochraceus. The osphradium, when stimu¬ FEDER, H. lated, seems to cause the animals to be more sensitive to stimulations of the head tentacles and epipodial struc- 1956. Natural history of Pisaster ochraceus. Doctoral diss., Stanford Univ. tures. Removal of part of the osphradium does not Identification and Location of Carbohydrases in the Intestinal Tract of Tegula funebralis (Mollusca : Gastropoda) WARREN R. BERRIE AND MITCHEL W. DEVEREAUX Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California (6 Tables) parts: buccal cavity, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach SINCE Tegula funebralis (A. ADAMS, 1854) is an herbi¬ and digestive gland (since it was impossible to separate vorous marine animal, it is quite evident that it must have an efficient and well developed carbohydrate diges- the stomach from the digestive gland), digestive gland tive mechanism. Although this subject has been explored (portions freed from the stomach), spiral caecum, thin hindgut, and thick hindgut. to some degree already (GALLI, 1956), there still seemed The purpose of the first experiment was to determine much to be investigated. We limited our efforts to the the site of enzyme production. The gut segments were study of five carbohydrates present in the environment excised from snails fresh from the field. These tissues of the animal: starch, laminarin, alginate, fucoidin, and were refrigerated so as to retard any loss of enzyme cellobiose. Using these materials we hoped to localize the activity due to denaturation or autolysis. Pools of tissue points of enzyme production within the alimentary canal from five animals were washed, weighed, and extracted and sites of carbohydrate digestion. The extent to which in a tissue grinder equipped with a Teflon pestle (Van intracellular and extracellular digestion is involved in the Waters and Rogers Inc., Catalogue no. 48652) with either foregut and hindgut was also studied. a citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 5.8, or a phosphate buffer, The substrates were: starch (Baker and Adamson, pH 7.4. These buffers were chosen since they approximate reagent grade), alginate (Kelco Co., commercial grade) the extremes of hydrogen ion concentration occurring in cellobiose (Pfanstiehl Chemical Co., C. P grade). Lamin¬ the digestive tract. Enzyme activity was determined by arin and fucoidin were isolated from Fucus by the method of BLACK, DEWAR, & WOODWARD (1951 - 1952). incubating an appropriate aliquot of tissue extract with one of the substrates and assaying for reducing sugar by The alimentary canal was divided into eight anatomical