INTRODUCTION The cirripedes of the intertidal region are frequently subjected to widely fluctuating environmental conditions which can bring about dessication during tidal exposure. Barnes and Barnes (1957) reported that littoral barnacles appear to have a "controlled behavior" to cope with dessication, whereas sub- littoral forms 'struggle upon exposure and soon become dessica- ted.' In Monterey Bay, California, three species of acorn barn- acles are found which vary in size and vertical zonation. The smallest of these, Balanus glandula, weighs from one to two grams and is found intertidally from about two to ten feet above mean lower low water (Doty, 1946). The other two species, Balanus nubilis (weighing up to two hundred grams) and Balanus intinnabulum (weighing to about twenty grams), are found in lower intertidal regions, from about plus two feet to the sub- littoral. The local ocourence of three species of the same ge- nus which differ in size and inhabit distinctly different in- tertidal zones provided an opportunity to make a comparative study of the effects of dessication in relationship to tidal height. The barnacles Balanus glandula, B. tintinnabulum, and B. nubilis were investigated with regard to three aspeots of dessication; (1) the behavior of the animal upon exposure, (2) the rate and percent of water loss from the whole animal, -1- the body, and from the shell, and (3) the respiration rate of barnacles during periods of exposure. METHODS AND MATERIALS Specimans of B. glandula were removed intact from their granite substrate with a scalpel. Excess water was blotted off and each animal was weighed to the nearest milligram on a Mettler balance. Specimans of B. nubilis from wharf pilings and B. tintinnabulum removed from a float in the bay were collected and each weighed to the nearest O.1 gram. All speci- mans were numbered and put in a saltwater aquarium at 13°0. until needed. To observe the effeot of dessication under field cond- itions, a screened-over, open-sided box was placed in the intertidal, just above the highwater mark. Weighed and number- ed animals of all three species were placed in this "natural dessicator" and were subsequently sampled over a period of seven days. Since wide variations in temperature and humidity occured during this experiment, a similar artificial dessica- tion experiment was conducted in the laboratory under more controlled conditions. Samples were placed in a commeroial dessicator (Drierite was used as a dessicant) for forty-eight hours at room temperature. The system was flushed by a cont- inuous stream of air run into the dessicator through a tube of calcium chloride. The behavior which the barnacles demonstrated was noted periodically through these experiments. -2- the body, and from the shell, and (3) the respiration rate of barnacles during periods of exposure. METHODS AND MATERIALS Specimans of B. glandula were removed intact from their granite substrate with a scalpel. Excess water was blotted off and each animal was weighed to the nearest milligram on a Mettler balance. Specimans of B. nubilis from wharf pilings and B. tintinnabulum removed from a float in the bay were collected and each weighed to the nearest O.1 gram. All speci- mans were numbered and put in a saltwater aquarium at 13°0. until needed. To observe the offeot of dessication under field cond- itions, a screened-over, open-sided box was placed in the intertidal, just above the highwater mark. Weighed and number- ed animals of all three species were placed in this "natural dessicator" and were subsequently sampled over a period of seven days. Since wide variations in temperature and humidity occured during this experiment, a similar artificial dessica- tion experiment was conducted in the laboratory under more controlled conditions. Samples were placed in a commeroial dessicator (Drierite was used as a dessicant) for forty-eight hours at room temperature. The system was flushed by a cont- inuous stream of air run into the dessicator through a tube of calcium chloride. The behavior which the barnacles demonstrated was noted periodically through these experiments. -2- For the field experiment water loss measurements were ob- tained by weighing the samples at the beginning of the experi- ment and then twice daily over a period of a week. In contrast the more severly dessicated laboratory animals were weighed be- fore being put into the dossicator and then every two hours over a period of forty-eight hours. Two to five animals of each species were removed once daily (in the evening) from the field experiment and every four hours in the case of the laboratory experiment. After the animals had been weighed, the bodies of each of the specimens were carefully separated from their shells and individually weighed. The shells were then cleaned of lamal- lae and opercular plates and they too were weighed. The total water loss was taken as the ratio of the total weight after des- sication to the initial total wet weight and expressed as a mean percentage loss. The average wet body weight to wet total weight was calculated for a series of wet control samples (fig.1). Following dessication the body water loss was determined by comparing the body weight after dessication to the average wet body weight derived from the previously calculated ratios. Shell water loss was calculated in a like manner. In this study,the presence of lactic acid, a major end- product of anaerobisis, was detected by a modified enzymatic technique (cf. Bergmeyer, 1965). For each test a body sample of known weight was homogenized in cold distilled water and the homogenate was centrifuged for thirty minutes at 6500 R.P.M., at 0°C. The supernatant was then deproteinized with O.5ml. ZnSO -3- 20 and O.5ml. Ba(OH),, at a pH of 7.0, followed by centrifugation for thirty minutes. O.5ml. of the resulting supernatant was added to 1.4ml. of a glycine-hydrazine buffer (pH9.4) and O.lml. of a 0.025M solution of DPN. The absorbance of the solution was read on a spectrophotometer at 340mu. 5Yof lactic dehydrogenase was added at room temperature and the change in optical density (AOD) was read after thirty minutes. This test measures the shift of DPN to DPNH' as a result of the following reaction: DPN + lactate pyruvate + DPNH' + H'. The shift is related to lactic acid by the formula, moles lactic acid - 2 X 10 031 The result was calculated as molarity of lactic acid per gram of body weight. Oxygen consumption was measured by the WINKLER method (of. Welsh, 1953). Speoimens of the three species were scraped and brushed to remove algae and then put in sealed, volume- controlled plexiglass respiratory chambers. Eleven B. glandula, six B. tintinnabulum, and two B. nubilis were used, one species per chamber. The chambers were filled with millipore-filtered seawater with an oxygen content of 5.1ml. 0/liter. A lmg./1. solution of streptomycin was added to inhibit bacterial resp- iration. The oxygen decrease in each chamber was measured after the apparatus had been placed in the dark at 13'C. for two hours. From these results a standard rate of respiration for the three species was calculated. The chambers were then filled with water that had been bubbled with nitrogen for twenty-four hours in order to remove the oxygen and the apparatus was again -4- 20. placed in the dark. After the barnacles had been exposed for eighteen hours to these essentially anaerobic conditions, the deoxygenated water was drained off and carefully replaced with filtered seawater of a known oxygen concentration. After two hours the rospiratory rate in the latter solution was cal- culated and compared to the initially established rate to see if there had been an increase which might imply that an oxygen debt had been accumulated. In addition the respiratory rates of B. glandula out of water and in water were determined on a WARBURG respirometer. (cf. Umbrett, Burris, and Stauffer, 1964). Four specimens were put into 18ml. manometric flasks with jml. of filtered seawater at 15°0. O.2ml. of a 20% KOH solution was placed in the center vessel of the reaction flasks to absorb C0,. Four animals that had been freshly removed from seawater were placed in a similar flask without any water and the respiratory rates com- pared. The experiment was repeated after the latter sample had been exposed to air at 15'0. for six hours, and again after it had been dessicated for thirty-six hours. OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS Behavior Under natural conditions the behavioral responses of the three species of Balanus to exposure and dessication differ markedly. The high intertidal B. glandula ceases all cirral activity immediately upon exposure. The operculum closes with -5- 20. the exception of a small, micropylar opening which forms be- tweon the turgum and the scutum. After exposure of from three to four days, however, the micropylar opening becomes grad- ually smaller until by the sixth or seventh day it has almost disappeared. The animal generally dies after a week of exposure. The lower intertidal species, on the other hand, show no adaptive responses to exposure and continue their normal cir- ral pulsing. Most of the B. nubilis pulse at from four to seven beats per minute, while those animals not beating remain open with their valves slightly parted. By the third or fourth day of exposure, the cirral pulse rate diminishes and most of the animals withdraw back into their shells, closing the valves. For the next few days there is only occasional cirral activity until the animal dies (usually by the seventh day). B. tintinnabulum is even more active than B. nubilis, pul- sing from seven to twenty times per minute for the first few days. Thereaftor the pulse rate lessens but rarely does the animal ever stop its cirral beating. The pulsing becomes slow and spasmodic and B. tintinnabulum eventually dies by the fourth day of exposure, with its dried oirri still partially extruded. Water loss Fig, 2a. illustrates total water loss under natural cond- itions (expressed in mean %-total weight loss per day) and fig.2b. shows the results of tho same experiment run under -6- 2 laboratory conditions (mean %-weight loss per hour). B. nub- ilis loses water at a slow, steady rate until approximately 15% of its total water has been lost, at which time it dies. Al- initialy though B. glandula loses water faster than does the larger B. tintinnabulum, it can withstand a loss of 25-35% whereas up to about 30-40% of the total water content is lost in B. intinnabulum. In all three specios sholl water loss is great- est during the first few hours of exposure, but thereafter the rate is markedly reduced (fig.3a). In general body water loss is slight immediately following exposure, but then it increases until shortly before death. The rate then levels off until B. glandula has lost about 55% of its body weight at death, B. tintinnabulum 35% and B. nubilis 15% (fig.4). Lactic acid production Fig.5 illustrates that the concentration of lactic acid in all three species is low, however, there is a difference in concentration of three orders of magnitude between the species (fig.5a). B. nubilis and B. tintinnabulum showed a slight in- crease after thirty-six hours of dessication in the field, with a maximum lactic acid concentration of 3.Ox10M/g and 3.5110 M/g. respectively, by the fourth day. After two days B. glandula in- creased its lactic acid concentration to a maximum of 3.Ox10 2M/g. By the fifth day a slight deorease in concentration was shown in all three species. In an additional experiment barnacles were subjected to -7- 20 submergence in deoxygenated seawater for forty-eight hours. Noincrease of lactic acid could be found in the lower inter- tidal species, B. nubilis and B. tintinnabulum, whereas B. glandula showed a small increase to 2.3x10"2 M/g. Respiration The normal respiratory rate for B. glandula was calculated to be 180 ul 0/g/hr., while rates of 96 pl 0,/g/hr. and 260 pl 0,/g/hr. were found for B. tintinnabulum and B. nubilis respectively. After having been subjeoted to the deoxygenated water for eighteen hours, the rate increased to 925 ul 0,/g/hr. for B. glandula while B. tintinnabulum only increased its rate to 400 ul 0/g/hr. and B. nubilis to 310 ul 0/g/hr. In comparing the rate of resp- iration in water to that out of water, it was found that B. glan- dula decreases its rate with increasing exposure. The rate was the same for animals that had been freshly removed from the sea- water but after six hours of exposure declined to 92 ul 0/g/hr. and to 10 pl 0/g/hr. after thirty-six hours of dessication. DISCUSSION The micropylar opening seen to form when B. glandula was exposed to dessication is similar to that which Barnes and Barnes (1957) described in Balanus balanoides, but the pulsing of the micropy- lar opening which was observed in the latter species was absent in B. glandula. The two lower intertidal species studied, B. nub- ilig and B. tintinnabulum, however, exhibited cirral pulsing even under the conditions of severe dessication. As the ratio of ex- -8 a posed surface area to body volume in larger animals is less than that in smaller ones, B. nubilis and B. tintinnabulum would be expected to have proportionately less area devoted to respiratory surfaces than would the smaller B. glandula. Both of the larger intertidal spocies have gill-like fila- ments attached to the wall of the mantle cavity, which effect- ively increase their respiratory surfaces, whereas B. glan- dula lacks these structures (G. Hilgard, 1967). Daniel (1955) found that the constant beating of the opercular muscles in B. tintinnabulum was a respiratory adaptation serving to main- tain a uniform flow of water past the respiratory tissues of the body and the gills. It thus appears that the cont- inued cirral activity of exposed B. nubilis and B. tintin- nabulum is a continuation of their normal respiratory act- ivity which, undor these circumstances, is non-adaptive. On the other hand, when B. glandula is exposed, it minimizes its oxygen needs by remaining motionless (von Brand, 1946) and so reduces its respiratory rate, as seen both in this study and by Kreps and Borsuk (1929) in their study on Balanus crenatus, a barnacle very similar to B. glandula On exposure then, B. glandula seemingly modifies its respiratory rate, whereas B. tintinnabulum and B. nubilis do not. A high ratio of surface to air may increase the resp- iratory capabilities of an animal, but it also promotesmore rapid evaporation. The continued cirral activity of the -9. 20. lower intertidal species during exposure, though it may be an important respiratory funotion, exposes the moist body parts and thus hastens dessication. B. glandula is smaller than the other two species and rapidly loses a large percentage of its body water (fig.3b), however it appears to be able to tolerate this loss, maintaining itself during prolonged exposure. The re- sults of the rapid cirral activity of B. tintinnabulum is re- flected in fig.2. This organism shows the greatest total water loss, yet it can tolerate less body water loss than can the smaller B. glandula (fig.4). On the other hand B. nubilis loses the least amount of water, but this is probåbly a function of its size and not of any adaptive characteristics. This was borne out in a study that indicated that immature B. nubilis, of the same size as B. glandula, could tolerate only two days of ex- posure, whereas B. glandula could tolerate seven. Shell water loss apparently occurs mainly by the evap- oration of water from the shell surface and appears to be of minimal importance. Body water loss, however, appears to be of great significance in determining the survival of intertidal barnacles (cf. fig.4). It is interesting to compare the result of Edney's (1967) investigation of the desert cockroach, Arnev- igo sp.,under xeric conditions to the results obtained in this study. The cockroach can tolerate a loss of from 25-30% of its body water,before it dies, whereas the intertidal barnacles studied can tolerate a 15-50% loss, depending on the species, before death ensues. The observations of this study therefore agree with those of Suzuki and Mori (1963), who stated that -10- 20. tolerance of body water loss was most significant in deter- ming the adaptation of an intertidal barnacle to exposure. The respiratory rates observed in this study are comparable to those reported for other species of barnacles. Barnes and Barnes (1959) found a rate of from 140 pl 0/g/hr. to 160 ul 0/g/hr. in B. glandula and a rate of from 94 ul 0/g/hr. was found for Balanus amphitrite communis by Ganapati and Rao (1960). The large increase in the respiratory rate of B. glandula after exposure to deoxygenated seawater was somewhat surprising, how- ever Lund (1921) reported an increased rate in Planaria agilis of about 85% under similar conditions. He also found that the greatest increase occured after starvation. As filtered sea- water was utilized in this study starvation might also have been a factor in the large respiratory increase of B. glandula. In any oase it would appear that B. glandula had accumulated an oxygen dobt after having been subjected to essentially an- aerobic conditions. There were also indications of similar but much reduced oxygen debts in B. nubilis and B. tintin- nabulum. B. glandula, which exhibited the greatest increase in respiration following anaerobic conditions, also showed the greatest lactic acid concentration, while both B. tintinnabulum and B. nubilis had smaller lactic acid concentrations and lesser oxygen debts. The pattern of oxygen consumption and lactic acid con- centration refered to above was emphasized by leaving the barn- acles in deoxygenated seawater for forty-eight hours. -11 305 B. nubilis and B. tintinnabulum both died with no production of lactio acid, On the other hand B. glandula lived and a slight increase in lactic acid was demonstrated. This would imply that B. glandula can perhaps metabolise food reserves in the absence of oxygen, while tho two lower intertidal species cancnot. This is further indicated in a study made by Augen- feld (1967), who found that the level of stored glycogen in the high intertidal B. glandula was two to three times greater than similar stores in the lower intertidal species, such as B, nubilis. Augenfold reported that the glycogen level was halved in B. glandula and exhausted in B. nubilis after several days of exposure. He also found a trace of lactic acid in B. glan- dula while none was demonstrated in B. nubilis. However, Aug- enfeld agreed with Barnes and Barnes (1957) in that he didn't think that anaerobic respiration, if even present, was ever significant as an adaptive mechanism to dessication. Other marine organisms when placed under stress often show the capability of being able to mako at least a partial reversion to anaerobic respiration. For example, Mysa relicta is normally found in water with an oxygen content of about 4ml. 0/1., but Thieneman (1928) found it partially utilising anaerobisis in the depths of the Black Sea, where the oxygen content is 1.6ml. 0/1. Likewise Kreps (1929) found the occurence of an oxygen debt in the barnacle Balanus crenatus along with partially oxidized anaerobic byproducts, while Dugal found an- aerobic glycolysis in the clam Venus mercenaria. -12- 2/0 or it is affected by lack of food and it reverts at least in part to anaerobio respiration. By the fourth to sixth day of exposure most of the stored glycogen has been utilized and after about a week, the animal dies from the combined effects of dessication and possible starvation. The story differs somewhat for the lower intertidal species, B. nubilis and B. tintinnabulum. Upon exposure they continue their cirral activity (this seems to be a respiratory mechanism and also a possible feeding reflex). Little water is lost during the first few hours, after which time they are normally resubmerged. If the barnacles should continue to be exposed, however, rapid dessication occurs. These organisms apparently cannot get enough oxygen through their dessicated respiratory surfaces and since their glycogen supply is small, it is quickly exhausted and they die after from four to seven days. The two lower intertidal forms exhibit no adaptive characteristics to cope with dessication. The high intertidal B. glandula has greater tolerance limits to water loss and a respiratory mechanism which allows partial reversion to anaerobisis. -14. 2 SUMMARY 1. A comparative study of dessication in three species of Balanus from different intertidal zones was undertaken. 2. It was found that the high intertidal B. glandula is adapted to dessication by being able to tolerate large body water losses. Though B. glandula normally respires aerobically it can revert to partial glycolysis under conditions of extreme stress. 3. The lower intertidal species B. nubilis and B. tintin- nabulum were found not to possess any special adaptive mechanism that would enable them to cope with extreme dessication. C FIGURE LEGEND fig.1. Ratio of body weight and shell weight to the total weight of the barnaole. fig.2b. mean-% of total weight loss under natural conditions. fig.2b. mean-% of total weight loss under laboratory conditions. fig.3a. mean-% of shell water loss under laboratory oonditions. fig.3b. mean-% of body water loss under laboratory conditions fig.4. average-% of weight loss at death (of 50% of the animals). fig.5a. relative magnitudes of laotic acid concentration in the three speies. fig.5b. increase in lactic acid under natural conditions. fig.6. increase in respiration after eighteen hours in deoxygenated seawater. "After" = respiration after anaerobic conditions, "Before" - normal rate of respiration. 2 C — % WEIGHT — O — L - 9 80 60 100 80 6O- ......... B. tintinnobulum —0 — —0 — B. nubilis -0—o-B. glandula -0 -0 6 TIME- days o0 -o -0 48 40 32 24 16 TIME-houts 2/6 .....o.. B. tintinnabulum -0 — —o- B. nubills O —0—0— B. glanduld 00 — o ——9 —— — —9- ——3 80 § 60 40 32 24 8 16 TIME-hours 100 80. 60 — O— O 40 48 40 24 32 16 TIME-hours 48 2/6 S — . os D — % WEIGHT LOSS L —0 — o O — 8/7 — 4210-5 2x10- 4x1 2x10-7- 4x10-8 2x10-8 B. gländula O — B. tintinnabulum — B. nubilis — o B. glondulo-10-5M 9B. tintinnabulum-10-'N o B.nubilis -10-8M -0 5. k - — — TIME -days 2 0 — — Al 02 N gram/hour O O — 219 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am most grateful to Dr. Welton Lee for his guidance and patience with this project. I also wish to thank Dr. David Epel for his help and the use of his laboratory, and graduate students James Childress and Ray Markel for their help and equipment. LITERATURE CITED AUGENFELD, J., 1967. Respiratory metabolism and glycogen in barnacles occupying different levels of the intertidal zone. Physiol. Zoo. 40(1):92-96. BALDWIN, E., 1965. 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