Abstract A highly conserved portion of the RyR channel region was amplified. cloned and cycle sequenced from Brachiostoma lanceolatum (amphioxus) and Mustelus californicus (smoothhound dogfish). Two isoforms, RyRI and RyR3, are expressed in most vertebrate skeletal muscle, while RyRI is the sole isoform expressed in mammalian and some reptilian skeletal muscle. The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate how primitive the two isoform condition is, and 2) to determine what clues the sequences of primitive vertebrate RyRs provide about structure and/or function in the channel region. In comparisons with published RyR sequences, amphioxus and shark displayed an overall high level of sequence identity with all isoforms in this region. Molecular phylogenetic analyses clustered the amphioxus and shark sequences with the published RyRl sequences. One region of 50 contiguous amino acids located within a possible transmembrane region did display high variability among species. However, hydrophilicity profiles of amphioxus, shark, fish RyRI, and frog alpha sequences in this region revealed similar patterns of hydrophobicity. This common characteristic indicates that the amino acid differences most likely do not impact on structure or function in this region. Introduction Intracellular calcium release in muscle cells is controlled by the ryanodine receptor (RyR), a large protein located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The ryanodine receptor allows calcium, stored in the SR, to be released into the cytosol during excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling. The ryanodine receptor is localized at triad junctions, sites where the SR associates with specialized inpocketings of the muscle cell membrane called transverse (T) tubules. At these triad junctions, the cytosolic domain of the RyR forms "foot" structures which span the gap between the SR and T tubules. The RyR is necessary for signal transduction between these two membranes in E-C coupling (Sorrentino et al., 1993). A combination of four identical monomers of more than 5,000 amino acids each forms the calcium release channel. Of these 5,000, only 1,000 residues make up the pore, or channel, which is inserted into the SR. These pore amino acids are found at the carboxy terminus of the RyR and are highly conserved between isoforms and species. The bulk of the protein closest to the N-terminus is cytosolic, and is thought to form the foot structure (Sorrentino et al., 1993; Grunwald et al., 1995) Two models for RyR control of calcium release have been proposed. In the first model, direct mechanical coupling of an RyR to a dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) in the T tubule membrane triggers calcium release by the RyR upon excitation (O'Brien et al., 1995) Calcium-induced calcium release, the second method of modulation, requires extracellular calcium. In this proposed pathway, a calcium current through the DHPR activates the RyR. (Herrmann- Frank et al., 1991) When RyRs are located next to each other, a two component mechanism has been proposed. Calcium release via direct mechanical coupling may trigger calcium-induced calcium release in a neighboring ryanodine receptor (O'Brien et al., 199 At least three different RyR isoforms have been found in muscle and other cell types. RyRI was first isolated from skeletal muscle and is proposed to function via direct mechanical coupling (Takeshima et al., 1989; Zorzato et al., 1990). RyR2 and RyR3 were first found in cardiac and brain tissues respectively. These two isoforms are thought to employ calcium-induced calcium release (Hakamata et al., 1992) A pattern of isoform expression in skeletal muscles has been described by O'Brien et al (O'Brien et al., 1993). In most vertebrates that have been surveyed, two RyR isoforms (alpha and beta) which correspond to RyR 1 and RyR2 are expressed. However, only the RyRI isoform has been isolated from skeletal muscles in mammals and some reptiles. Based on this pattern of expression it has been suggested that the more primitive condition is the expression of two isoforms in skeletal muscle. Little is known about isoform expression prior to shark along the vertebrate phylogenetic tree. This raises the question: how primitive is this two isoform condition? Since the condition of having two isoforms appears to be more primitive, then this coexpression is expected in species at the based of the vertebrate tree. In an attempt to begin answering this question, one purpose of this study was to extend observations of isoform expression further back in time by obtaining sequence from the RyRs of primitive vertebrates such as Brachiostoma lanceolatum (amphioxus), Myxine glutinosa (hagfish), and Botryllus schlosseri (tunicates). Sequencing of Mustelus californicus (smoothhound dogfish) skeletal muscle RyR was also attempted to try to verify the presence of two isoforms. Prior sequencing of RyRs indicated that a high level of homology existed among isoforms and species in portions of the channel region (Hakamata et al., 1992). PCR primers specific to one of these regions in Makaira nigricans (blue marlin) RyRI sequence were used to amplify sequence RyR in the species mentioned above. Attempts at isolating other existing isoforms were done in this conserved region because the primers were more likely to anneal to all of the isoforms. Two patterns of transmembrane sites have been proposed for the RyR channel region: the first hypothesizes that four transmembrane locations exist while the second proposes twelve transmembrane sites (Zorzato et al., 1990; Takeshima et al., 1989) . Location of transmembrane sites has been predicted by the pattern and hydrophobic character of amino acids in a portion of the molecule. The region sequenced in these experiments has been suggested to contain three of the twelve predicted transmembrane sites and one of the four hypothesized locations. Recent experiments done by Grunwald, et al. using site directed antibodies, provide support for the four site model (Grunwald et al., 1995) Comparisons of RyRs from higher vertebrates with RyRs of more primitive vertebrates may provide another approach to examining this structural question. This leads to a second question for investigation: what clues do the sequences obtained in this study provide about structure and/or function in this region of the RyR? Expression of RyRI in amphioxus and shark was determined in these experiments. Two amphioxus clones were sequenced and found to have different amino acid translations. Alignment of amphioxus and shark sequences with RyR from other species showed a high level of homology with the exception of a variable region that was approximately 50 amino acids. This variable region contained a hypothesized transmembrane region. Despite the residue changes. the overall hydrophobicity of this region prevents rejection of this hypothesis. Parsimony and distance trees indicated that amphioxus and shark sequences wer most similar to each other as well as to RyRl sequence from fish (blue marlin). Materials and Methods Tissue Isolation Amphioxus and hagfish tissue samples were obtained from Pacific Biomarine (Venice, CA). Muscle tissues from smoothhound shark and blue marlin were taken from specimens collected by the Block lab (Kona, HA, 1993). Tunicate specimens were a kind gift of Dr. Doug Stoner, Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, CA. Blue marlin, shark, hagfish and amphioxus tissues were freeze clamped and stored at -80’C. Tunicate specimens were used immediately upon acquisition and did not need to be freeze clamped for storage purposes. RNA Isolation Tissue samples of 200 mg to 500 mg were placed in Tri Reagent (Molecular Research Center, Inc, Cincinnati, ÖH). Samples were minced thoroughly with a Tekmar homogenizer and RNA was isolated according to the manufacturers specifications. RNA pellets were washed with 70% EtÖH (1 ml per sample) and centrifuged at room temperature for 5 minutes at 14,000 rpm. The pellets were dried, resuspended in Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) -treated H9O (Sigma, St Louis, MO), and combined to form one sample of 100 ul total volume. CDNA Total RNA (20-40 vg) in 18 ul of DEPC-treated H2O was used to make CDNA. To this RNA, 0.05 vg/vL Oligo dT’s (2 vl) were added and the resulting solution was heated to 95°C for five minutes and then quick chilled on ice. 5 x Buffer (12 vl), 10 mM dNTPs (2 vl) (Promega, Madison, WI), and DEPC-treated L.0 (4 ul) were added. After mising RNAsin (1 uh and MMLV Reverse Transcriptase ( o) Cromega.Madison, WI) the reaction vas ineubated at tom tempenatur for S minuesand hen a 97C for 45 10 50 mintes. 40 lof 103 Tris Eihylenedamine tetraceic acid EDTA)/ Sigma, St Louis, Mo wvere used to stop he reaction and the cDNa was hen precipialed wih 10 olof 3 Mi MaOAc and 30 01 1006 O for at least 2 hous at 20 C. Thepelet was washed with 106, EOH as described under RNA isolation procedures. PCR Blue marin specifi primers, RyR Bam (S CTOCATCCTCATCTCAICS GEVERSt) and BR EO S COACATTCTOACTCTIOC CORVARD), vere used at l mnd concentaions each. 2 5 mM MgCh, 20 500ng of DNA template and 125 M dNTPS wer ed Abot sant procedure wasdone fortne reactions in which Su (units) Tag DNA polymense vas aded once the reactions had reached 80 C ina Pefkin Elner a80 thermaleyder. Pok condions were 3S opde a1 95 C for Imin 20sec. 30 C for lmin. 0 ec. 120. for 1 min, 72-C for 1 min, 30 sec. 72-C for 7 min delay¬ POR products were precipitated as descrbed forcDNA and were run on a 16 Tak lov meling agarose gel Productsat he prediced sie daprok 430 bp/ were cut from the gel and sored in labeled microcennifuge ubes at 20C. Cloning and Plating POR products were cloned using the pOEM-T Vectorsystem (Promega. Madson W) acoding o the mantacmer s pecicaions vilh some indicded changes. 20 Vlofligheffcieney KIl. Blue Echerichia coli competentceis vere addedto 10 U ofthe lgaed PCR produGC NOEM T Vecorand ineubated on ie for l hour. The cels werethen plated on B wih amnpeilin 0 ogimn and incubated overnight at 37°C. Color selection was used to determine which colonies had successfully taken up the vector PCR Detection and Plasmid Purification PCR detection of recombinants was done using 1 mM M13-20 (forward) primer, 1 mM M13-Reverse primer, and 3 mM MgCl. PCR cycle conditions were the same as described above. 2 vl of LB with 50 ug/ml ampicilin were used to grow up the transformed cells. The purifications of the plasmid DNA were done with the Wizard Miniprep DNA Purification Systems (Promega, Madison, WI following manufacturer's procedures. Cycle Sequencing 1 ug of each clone, PRISM Ready Reaction Terminator mix (Applied Biosystems), and either 3.2 pM M13-20 and M13-R were used for the sequencing reactions. For PCR of the sequencing reactions, 25 cycles of the following conditions were used; 95°C for 5 min; 95°C for 1 min; 55°C for 1 min, 30 sec; 70 12°C for 2 min; 72°C for 7 min. Following PCR the unincorporated nucleotides were removed using G50 Sephadex spin columns (Promega, Madison, WI). Polyacrylamide denaturing gels (6%) were used for sequencing the clones on an Applied Biosystems 373A DNA sequencer. Sequences were edited with SeqEdl.03 from Applied Biosystems. Analysis of Sequences Comparisons of the experimental sequences with those listed in GENBANK were done via the NCBI BLAST E-mail server (Altschul et al., 1990). Consensus sequences were made in AssemblyLign (International Biotechnologies, Inc.) The program Mac Vector version 4.0 (International Biorechnologies, lnc) was used to tanskte and align sequenes. Hygdrophnlichy pofles vere also geaed in Mae Vector using the kyte Doolule scake ot hydrophilicity. Sequences were aligned in CLUSTALVin an apropriae fomnatforthe Phlogeny lnferene Package PHVLIP 35) Cniversty of Vaskingon Wa). A parsimony re vilh 30 boistrap resamplings was derived using he Seqo. Propns, and Consense progansin PINVLP. The PINVLIP Protdistand Deichbor prograns were used togenerate adistance urce. Thealgorihin vsedio derermine branch lengihs wes povded by he Dayhof PaM manik hich makes atransition pobabilty mati based on the sequenes. This matrik wveignis amino acid swviches by predieing he pobablity of changing from one amno acidio anoher. The pobabilies aeued odemine banch discances scaled in unts of erpected fraction of amino acds changed. The PfINLIP pograms, Davgram and Dravue were usedto prodice picures of ach tye of te. Results cDNA concentrations as determined by UV spectrophotometry, ranged from 180 ng/ol to 600 ng/bl. PCR products of the expected 450 bp size were obtained for blue marlin, hagfish, shark, amphioxus. The photograph of the products from PCR detection of recombinants shown in Figure l indicates that cloning was successful with blue marlin, shark, and amphioxus. A faint band at approximately 670 bp (450 bp of clone plus 220 bp of poly linker) from the hagfish products can be seen in lane 12, however, sequencing of this clone determined that there was no insert. RyRl sequence was amplified from the three other species. Since the Block lab had already sequenced blue marlin in this region, the sequence obtained for blue marlin in this study was not used in comparisons. The nucleotide sequences of shark and amphioxus are given in Figure 2. These are consensus sequences derived from the overlap of the forward and reverse primed sequences of a clone. Clean sequence for two amphioxus clones, Amphe and Amphl0, and three shark clones, Shark17, Shark 20 and Shark21 were obtained. However, only the sequences from Shark17, Amph6 and Amphlo are shown in Figure 2 because consensus sequences could only be determined for these clones. Amph6 was sequenced twice and the two consensus sequences showed 98.1% identity. Comparisons with GENBANK showed that the sequences with the exception of Shark2l were most likely RyRI (Mus musculus). BLASTX results for Shark21 indicated that this clone was probably Ryk3 (Homo sapien). However, since a consensus sequence could not be completed for this clone, its sequence was not used in analysis. An alignment of the translated sequences is given in Figure 3. Sequence identity is greatest among blue marlin, amphioxus and fish RyRI sequences 10 (Table 1). As the alignment indicates, the most variation among all sequences occurs between aa 10 and aa 30 and between aa 40 and aa 90, while the rest of the sequence region has a high level of homology. Hydrophilicity profiles reflect this overall high level of homology among amphioxus, shark, blue marlin (fishRyR1), and frog alpha (Figure 4). Figure 5 is a parsimony tree including the same species shown in the alignment (Figure 3). The tree was resampled by bootstrapping 500 times and the numbers at each node represent the percentage of trees in which this node occurred. In 45.2% of the trees, rabbit cardiac, rabbit brain, and frog beta sequences were further separated into their own clade. Since this bootstrap value was less that 50%, this node was collapsed back. A distance tree based on the number and types of amino acid changes among sequences was derived for these species as well (Figure 6). The lengths of the branches correlate to distance in an evolutionary time scale. Discussion Sequences obtained in these experiments are just a beginning step in explaining isoform expression in early and pre-vertebrates. While the data do not indicate clearly whether amphioxus and shark specifically have one or two isoforms, they do strongly suggest that amphioxus and shark express RyRl. This result is not surprising since the expression of RyRI seems to be common to all vertebrate skeletal muscles that have been characterized. Further support for the presence of RyRI in amphioxus is the similarity in E-C coupling mechanisms in amphioxus twitch muscle and vertebrate skeletal muscle suggesting that they have similar ryanodine receptors (Benterbusch et al., 1992). Expression of RyRl in shark is expected based on immunoblotting experiments done by O'Brien et al. which indicated the presence of both RyRI and RyR3 in shark skeletal muscle (O'Brien et al., 1993). Comparisons of the hydrophilicity profiles for amphioxus and shark with those of fish alpha and frog alpha reflect the sequence variability between aa 40 and aa 70 of the sequences shown in Figure 4. The presence of hydrophilic amino acids located between aa 60 and aa 65 could suggest that this portion of the protein is not in the membrane of the SR (Figure 6). The hydrophilic character of this region may also indicate that this small region is more likely found in the cytosol, perhaps on the surface of the folded protein. However, the overall hydrophobicity seems to be maintained in these sequences from amphioxus and shark. Therefore, the numerous changes in amino acids in this region are unlikely to impact structural or functional interpretation of this region to a high degree. 12 Previous alignments of the entire RyR sequences were used by the Block lab to construct a parsimony tree. In this tree, fish alpha and frog alpha were grouped in the same clade. The parsimony tree completed for the regions sequenced in this experiment places fish alpha, amphioxus and shark into a separate clade. This raises the questions, 1) would the same division occur ir more of the sequences of amphioxus and shark were compared and if this is the case. 2) where in the phylogenetic tree does this split between frog and these other species occur? Isolation of RyR from species such as lungfish, bowtin and birchirs which branch off of the vertebrate phylogenetic tre between bony fisn and amphibians might help answer this second question. The distance tree also groups amphioxus, shark and fish alphas apart from frog alpha, posing similar questions. In the distance tree, an amino acid change is weighted based on the frequency with which that amino acid occurs in the entire sequence. Branch lengths are meant to reffect distance on an evolutionary time scale. The large branch lengths separating amphioxus and shark from fish suggest that these two groups are more evolutionarily distant than the parsimony tre might indicate. However, a distance tree which weights amino acid changes based on composition, polarity, and molecular volume may provide a better representation of relative branch distances. There are several possible explanations for the lack of a POR product of predicted size with tunicates. The most obvious problem may have been with the quality of tunicate RNA Or CDNA. However, UV spectrophotometty of each orf these indicated that the both the RNA and CDNA were of high quality. Four attempts at priming with RyR Bam and RyR Eco were made, but perhaps more PCR trials should be conducted trying different PCR conditions. Another 13 possibility is that the RyR of tunicates may differ enough from blue marlin RyRI that the primers will not anneal. The Amphó and Amph10 clones are most homologous to each other and differ from the other RyR sequences to a similar extent. The differences between the Amph6 and Amph10 clones in this sequenced region may be due to sequencing problems. However, the possibility of these clones coming from different types of RyR cannot be ruled out at this point. Resequencing of these clones would be necessary for demonstrating the veracity of these sequences. Since these sequences are from CDNA made from RNA, inconsistencies in how introns are spliced from this region during transcription might also explain the sequence differences. However, when this portion of the sequence is aligned with Drosophila RyR, the entire region falls within an exon on the Drosophila sequence (Takeshima et al., 1994). The next step in determining the pattern of isoform expression in amphioxus might be to sequence further along the RyR. If the two amphioxus clones are from different RyR types, comparisons at some of the more diverse regions may show a step along the way in the branching off of the different isoforms. Isolation of RyR from tunicates would be very useful in drawing a more complete picture because it is a relatively close ancestor to amphioxus. Obtaining RyR sequence from larval tunicates might be more feasible since at this stage in life, the tunicates have tails designed for locomotion. With adulthood the tunicates become benthic and resorb their tails, losing the muscle present in this appendage. Although adult tunicates do require some sort of musculature to pump water for feeding, it is presumably less than that of the larval tail (Minkoff, 1983). RyR3-specific primers would be a useful tool in determining the presence of this isoform in tissues where it is coexpressed with RyRI and RyR2. 14 However, it is this coexpression which makes development of a probe very difficult. RyR3 seems to be expressed at much lower levels than RyRI and RyR2 in all tissues (Sorrentino et al., 1993). Therefore, the chances of isolating RyR3 from any tissue using non-RyR3 specific probes are not high. These factors, in addition to the difficulties in finding a distinct yet highly conserved region of the RyR3, make this project a difficult undertaking. Results from this study have shown that amphioxus and shark do express RyRI. In alignments with other RyRl sequences, a small region of high variability was present in amphioxus and shark. However, as the hydrophilicity profiles indicated, these amino acid differences have not appreciably changed the pattern of hydrophobicity in this region. Overall, sequences obtain for these species demonstrated high level of homology with RyRI sequences from other vertebrate species. 15 Literature Cited Altschul, S.F., W. Gish, W. Miller, E.W. Myers, D.J. Lipman. 1990. Basic local alignment search tool. J. Mol. Biol. 215: 403-410. Benterbusch, R., F.W. Herberg, W. Melzer, R. Thieleczek. 1992. Excitation¬ contraction coupling in a pre-vertebrate twitch muscle: the myotomes of the Branchiostoma lanceolatum. J. Membrane Biol. 129: 237-252. Grunwald, R., G. Meissner. 1995. Lumenal sites and C terminus accessibility of the skeletal muscle calcium release channel (ryanodine receptor). J. Biol. Chem. 270: 11338-11347. Hakamata, Y., J. Nakai, H. Takeshima, K. Imoto. 1992. Primary structure and distribution of a novel ryanodine receptor/calcium release channel from rabbit brain. 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Primary structure and expression from complementary DNA of skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor. Nature (Lond.). 339: 429-445. Takeshima, H., M. Nishi, N. Iwabe, T. Miyata, T. Hosoya, I. Masai, Y. Hotta. 1994. Isolation and characterization of a gene for a ryanodine receptor/calcium release channel in Drosophila melanogaster. FEBS Letters. 337: 81-87. Zorzato, F., J. Fujii, K. Otsu, M. Phillips, N.M. Green, F.A. Lai, G. Meissner, D.H. Mac Lennan. 1990. Molecular cloning of cDNA encoding human and rabbit forms of the Ca2+ release channel (ryanodine receptor) of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. J. Biol. Chem. 265: 2244-2256. 17 Figure Legends Figure 1. PCR detection of recombinants. PCR products were fractionated on 1% agarose gel, stained with ethidium bromide and visualized with UV light. Bands at approximately 670 bp represent vectors containing clones. Molecular weight markers are given to the left of the figure. Figure 2. Nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences of shark and amphioxus. Figure 3. MacVector 4.0 multiple sequence alignment of derived amino sequences. Dots indicate sequence identity to the top sequence (Shark17). Gaps in sequences are represented as dashes. The region of high variability referred to in the text is located between aa 40 and aa 90. Lines over portions of the Sharkl / sequence indicate locations of hypothesized transmembrane sites (Zorzato et al., 1990; Takeshima et al., 1989). Figure 4. Hydrophilicity profiles generated by MacVector 4.0. Values above the zero line indicate regions of hydrophilic residues. Program utilizes à kyte¬ Doolittle algorithm. Figure 5. Parsimony tree generated from a CLUSTALV multiple alignment of derived amino acid sequences by PHYLIP Protpars. Values given at nodes of tree are percentages of 500 bootstrap replicates in which the node occurred. Drosophila is the designated outgroup. 18 Figure 6. Distance tree generated by PHYLIP Protdist and Neighbor programs using a CLU ISTALV multiple alignment of derived sequences. The algorithm to determine branch lengths was provided by the Dayhoff PAM matrix which weights amino acid changes by predicting the probability of a specific amino acid switch. Drosophila is the designated outgroup. 19 8 Figure 1. 53b 078 bp 872 bp 603 bp 310 bp 271 bp enen eien 2. aaaaaata- ann e anan Figure 2. Shark17 . . . . . . . . a TRANSLATION OF SENRKIT AJ taaaa aaaaaaaaaa- ..0.1 " .. . . . . a TRANSLATION OF SHARKI7 (A a a a a a à à à à a a . . . . . . . . . . a TRANSLATION OF SRARKI7 (A) a . . . . . . . . . . 3 aaaa- m e ur s 5 . . . . . . . . . . a TRANSLATION OF SHARK7 (Al a a a a a a 4 a a à à ETT M TETETT . . . . . . . . a TRANSLATION OF SHARKI7 (A a a a a a a a aa a AI TAC CI COT CI CET CTATT a TRANSLATION OF SMARKI7 (AI . . Amph6 a- CCATTTA 0A TRANSLATTON OE ANRG taj aaaaaia 1.*. . . . Saa E AS TE C AT TATECECT ACT CET CEAC TTTTTA 6 .. . . Rstrro or Mn (a . . . . . . . . . .. ataa ATETTATTAT . . . . . . . . TRANSLATION OE AHE (A . . . . . . . . . . aaaaaa- aaa- . . . . a a = à à . . . . . . . . . . . TRANSLATION OE AH6 1A s d d e a ne qoe oge a eug er g Te T . . . . . . . . . . * 3 . . . . . . . . . . RNSLATION OE MPHE (A) r 2 a TRANSLATION OF MRS IAI a. Amph10 AT C G Tr e o a 4 . . . . . . TCAT CATC 11 CATA TCAATTNTETETCRACOTCTTTTTA ...... or o ti . . . . . . . . . . aataa- SCTTETTCTRCETTETATE ... . . . . TRNSIATO OE NMO (à . . . . . . . . . . . aaaa- A .. . . . . . . TRMSLATION OF MRIO (4 . . . . . . . . . . . taaa- TTMTcardcce n rr o 0 " a TRANSLATION OF ANPHIO (AJ 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r r er r N OF APHIO (A) Figure 3. SHaEk17 (52 VOLASLOVSOOHEKKOEEPDNSVFAWVTSIDIKYOIWKFGWVFTDCYFPFISCCYLNAVF . F . . * * * * * * * * * * LCVRRVLSV. 2Ls . .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VCARRRVLSV0 . * . . . . . . . . . 2 R11 VNNS. LYLV-WVASI M.EITSNG..P- MEITARN. R.P-O PPGLLT.LN..V.. VINS. LYLG-W.NVNSL 71NS LYLC-WNVMSL MT EITARN. R.P-N.PPGLLT.LN.V LVNS. LYLA-WTTNSI L.KNA..F.-pv..TKI.-EC.LVS. LS..M. RaDBE 1 19 LKNA.F.PVE TT-AA-ALVS. LS.M.HLV NS LYLA-W.-TTMS» 95 1 M.KAF.OAR. KPKK.S LS. VLNVM.LVNS. LYLA-W.ATMSI OrosophA SEETGI KYINN. R.V AVT. NA. LY- LW.FSES-» ( 394 — Sharkl7 (52 GRDNYNNFFLPAWSSCWIFAWVVODSCAPILSSVTANAKOLMMTVGLLAVVVYLYTVVAF ALRLP1LRr LGHCHLLOI. NC. Krt-RT6 100 Anphé 82 FR-LVT LI ReCERLLRT ( 628 ..****.*.. 2 -17FA-RL-LOI. NG. KTL-RT. d L3nFA.-AL-LOI.NG. KTL-RTv -13FA-AL-LOI.MG KTL-RTv. 100 60 500 -LCRFA.-AL-LOI.ACFKTL-RTVL. 100 tabBrainA FA-AL-LOI NGFKTL-RTVL 496 VLG 5FAAL-LOI NCFRTL-ATvt. VncFFA-AL Lov CrkrLarvLr1.. Shark17(2 NFFRKFYNKSEDEDEPONKCOONMTCYLFRMYVGVRAGGCIC 120 * **** *** ****. L. 12 120 h6 626 2 10 120 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * . . . . 140 1 . . . 0... 6 1 10 EOEvKKLv1 Figure 4. Shark17 5.00 4.0 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 -3.00 -4.00 - -5.00 Amph6 5.00 4.00 3.00- 2.00- 1.00- 0.00 -1.00 - -2.00 -3.00 -4.00 -5.00 Amph10 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00- 0.00 -1.00 - -2.00 - -3.00 - -4.00 -5.00 - Fish RyRI 5.0 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00- 0.00- -1.00 -2.00- -3.00 4.00 -5.00 - Frog alpha 5.00 4.00- 3.00 2.00 - 1.00- 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 - -3.00- -4.00 - -5.0 Hydrophilicity Window Size - 7 Hydrophilicity Window Si: 4 Hydrophilicity Window Size Hydrophilicity Window Size Hydrophilicity Window Size = 7 Scale = Kyte-Doolittle V 120 140 160 100 Scale = Kyte-Doolittle W 140 160 120 (yte-Doolittle 140 160 120 Scale = Kyte-Doolittle V L1— 120 100 Scale = Kyte-Doolittle 140 Figure 5. 100.0 — Drosophila 90.5 76.4 64.1 94.4 — —Amphioxus6 alpha 55.1 100.0 — Amphioxus10 alpha — Shark alpha — Fish alpha — Human skeletal 98.4 — Rabbit skeletal — Frog alpha — Frog beta — Rabbit brain — Rabbit cardiac Figure 6. Frog alpha Fish alpha Amphioxus 10 alpha anpehinsaha — Shark alpha Rabbit skeletal Humanskeletal — Rabbit brain — Frog beta — Rabbit cardiac — Drosophila ==.089% expected change b/w two aa sequences