Isometric Responses of the Somatic Musculature of Cryotochiton stelleri (Phylum: Mollusca, Class: Polyplacophora) Abstract Electrophysiological data were gathered on an isolated seg- ment of the somatic musculature of Cryptochiton stelleri, a sub¬ tidal Polyplacophoran. 1. The muscles were found to be iterative, single stimuli evoking no response. 2. Both steady D.C. (2 sec) and trains of short duration pulses evoke a short-term "phasic" response, although the time relationships differ slightly. 3. Steady D.C. of polarity opposite to the above yields a longer "tonic" response. 4. Both the tonic and phasic contractions will summate, but only the phasic will sustain a state of tetanus. 5. The tonic response is hypothetically attributed to mem¬ brane hyperpolarization and subsequent Cat influx, and as such. probably does not occur in vivo. Polyp Harrison isculature page 2 INTRODUCTION The musculature of mollusks has attracted the attention of phsiologists for many years largely because molluscan smooth muscle exhibits two unusual properties. One is the unusually great capacity for development of tension by smooth muscles of bivalves. The other is the occurrence of "catch", a change in physical state, first described in the clam Pecten maximus by von Uexkull (1912), and since extensively investigated in Mytilus edulis (e.g., Twarog, 1967) Molluscan muscles exhibit a wide variety of ultrastructural organization varying from classic smooth muscles to highly complex striated fibers and including smooth muscles containing paramyosin that posses catch properties. Thus the phylum cannot be characterized by any one type of physiological response of somatic muscles. Even though a comprehensive anatomical characterization of the musculature of Tonicella is available (Henrici, 1912), there appear to have been no attempts to isolate preparations of somatic muscles of polyplacophorans for study of their physiological properties. The procedures described here were designed to investigate the contractive properties of one group of somatic muscles of one species of Polyplacophora, Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff 1846). These preliminary results of isometric responses of the dorsal oblique muscle show that the responses resemble those found not only in other mollusks, but in Crustacea as well. Harrison Polyplacophoran Somatic Musculature MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult specimens of Cryptochiton stelleri were collected subtidally at Mussel Point, California, and amintained in a large seawater system tank prior to use. From each animal, an anterior dorsal oblique muscle was isolated and tied off with silk thread at the dorsal insertion. A ten to fiteen millimeter segment was then excised and the untied end secured in a plexiglass muscle clamp having imbedded Ag/AgCl¬ electrode, and the entire system was maintained at about 15°C for the duration of the experiment. The muscle was secured at its working length as measured in the intact animal and allowed to equilibrate for about twenty minutes. Isometric responses were coupled by a Grass FT.O3 Force Transducer to a Grass Model 5 Polygraph through a Model 5PIC Low Level D.C. Preamplifier. RESULTS A respresentative sample of isometric responses from anterior oblique muscle preparations of Cryptochiton stelleri to various regimes of electrical stimulation is illlustrated in Figure 1. The contractions may be generalized into two basic types of waveform: a rapidly ascending and decaying "phasic" form, and a slower "tonic" response that is characterized by a period of latency preceding the development of tension and page 3 Harrison Polyplacophoran Somatic Musculature page 4 by a more linear and elongate curve of relaxation. The waveforms shown in Fig. 1A are typical of the response to D. C. stimulation with a duration of a few seconds. Peak contraction is attained in from 3 to 6.5 seconds, depending upon the strength of stimulus, while the decay from peak to half-peak ranges from 4.5 to 11 seconds in different individual preparations. The latter variation is not dependent upon stimulus intensity. By contrast, tonic contractions such as those in Fig. IB average 27 seconds to peak and 44 seconds to half-decay, neither value showing any dependence upon stimulus strength. The stimulus mode which elicits the tonic response is also moderate duration D.C.. the only difference being the reversal of polarity at the stimulator. In addition, both responsese may be evoked by various regimes of pulsed stimulation, as long as the appropriate polarity'is employed for the phasic or tonic waveform. Fig. 1C illustrates a phasic waveform elicited by a train of pulses of varying duration. Both the phasic and the tonic responses are iterative in that they cannot be induced by single brief stimuli but require repetitive or continuous activation. It is also evident that for the phasic waveform both the rate of development of tension and the degree of tension achieved are dependent upon the amount of charge passed across the membrane. Thus, the increasing phasic summation (Fig. 1D) reflects the decrease Harrison Polyplacophoran Somatic Musculature page 5 in interval between pulses and can be extra-polated to approximate the type of waveform in Fig. 1C. By contrast, summation in the tonic mode is accompanied by the latency of response and retains a characteristic sawtooth appearance (Fig. IE). In the phasic mode, a tetanic contraction can be achieved which, for a muscle or working length 9 mm under a rest tension of 17.5 g, peaks at a maximum tension of 24.6 g. As in other smooth muscles, a constant tension produces a gradual elongation which, in the isometric preparation, is recorded as a steady decrease in resting tension. Furthermore, a protracted regime of occasional low level phasic stimulation will cause the rest tension to stabilize. In preliminary experiments on the dorsal oblique muscle of Cryptochiton stelleri, reproducible responses could not be elicited with acetylcholine (10 M), 5-hydroxytryptamine (10 2 to 10 M), or norepinephrine. Teased muscle fibers examined by phase contrast micro¬ scopy exhibit a diameter of 3.5 to 5 microns and appear several millimeters long. Under high magnification, contractile fibrils are visible and of uniform diameter, with no indication of striation. Thus light microscopy revealed only one type of fiber. Other details of fine structure are not readily apparent although the presence of occasional membrane processes is indicated. The entire muscle is encased in a sheet of connective tissue. page 6 Polyplacophoran Somatic Musculature Harrison DISCUSSION Although the characteristics of the phasic waveform from a dorsal oblique muscle of Cryptochiton stelleri are generally comparable with those of other molluscan non-striated muscles such as the opaque adductor of Pecten (Prosser, 1973, p. 747), both the character and the means of elicitation of the tonic response are anomalous. Significantly, there is no evidence of differentiation between fibers or contractile fibrils that would indicate fast and slow response capabilities. Consequently, the source of the variation in response must be sought elsewhere. Preliminary reports on the development of tension in crayfish motor fibers as a consequence of membrane hyper¬ polarization (Reuben et al., 1967, p. 634) have recently been confirmed in other crustaceans (Uchitel & Garcia, 1974, p. 111). The characteristics of the evoked waveform include a period of latency and a time to peak and time to half decay considerably longer than those of normally elicited responses. Furthermore, the contraction following hperpolar¬ ization has been proven independent of normal intracellular mechanisms for release and sequestration of Ca' and is a function of inward diffusion of Ca from the bathing medium in response to the imposed electrochemical gradient. On the basis of the waveform similarities, the tonic response of the chiton smooth muscle is tentatively suggested Harrison Polyplacophoran Somatic Musculature page 7 to be attributable to a similar hyperpolarization mechanism. The individual muscle fibers are known to be several millimeters in length, and in the process of isolation many fibers have been cut, leaving a channel for the establishment of intracellular variation in potential. The reversal of polarity is suggested to set up an electrochemical gradient which promotes the diffusion of Ca" inward across the membranes of intact cells as a result of hyperpolarization. The discrepencies in time course from those reported by Uchitel and Garcia are to be expected because of significant ultrastructural differences between the two muscles, and are equally reflected in the respective phasic responses. The similarity of the phasic and tonic waveforms to those obtained on a faster time scale for crustacean striated muscle points out the phylogenetic transcendence of the basic functional principles of muscular response. Further characteri¬ zation, both electrophysiological and pharmacological, of this preparation will enhance our appreciation of its adaptive structural properties. SUMMARY Electrophysiological data were gathered on an isolated segment of the somatic musculature of Cryptochiton stelleri, a subtidal Polyplacophoran. 1. The muscles were found to be iterative, single short stimuli evoking no response. 2. Both steady D.C. (2 sec.) and trains of short Harrison Polyplacophoran Somatic Musculature page 8 duration pulses evoke a short term phasic response, although the time relations differe slightly. 3. Steady D.C. of polarity opposite to the aboye yields a longer tonic contraction. 4. Both the tonic and the phasic responses will summate. but only in the phasic mode will the muscle sustain a state of tetanus. 5. The tonic response is hypothetically attributed to membrane hyperpolarization and subsequent ca influx, and as such probably does not occur in vivo. Harrison Polyplacophoran Somatic Musculature LITERATURE CITED Henrici, P. 1912. Muskulatur und Fussdrusen bei Tonicella. Ark. f. Zool., 7(35): 1-17. Prosser, C. L. 1973. Comparative Animal Physiology. i-xxii + 966 pp: illus. Philadelphia, Pa. (W. B. Saunders Co.). Reuben, J. P.; Brandt, P. W.; Garcia, H.; Grundfest, H. 1967. Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Crayfish. Am. Zool., 7: 623-645. Twarog, B. M. 1967. Excitation of Mytilus Smooth Muscle. J. Physiol. (Lond.), 192: 857-868. Uchitel, O. D. & Garcia, H. 1974. Muscle Contraction During Hyperpolarizing Currents in the Crab. J. Gen. Physiol., 63(1): 111-122. Uexküll, J. von 1912. Studien über den Torrus. 6: Die Pilgermuschel. Zs. Biol. Munchen 58: 305-322. page 9 FIGURE CAPTIONS Fig. 1A-E. A composite of isometric responses of somatic muscle preparations from Cryptochiton stelleri, horizontal axis in 10 sec. intervals. A--phasic responses to 2 sec. D.C. stimuli, voltages indicated. B--tonic waveforms elicited by 5 sec. stimuli of 5 volts, polarity reversed from A. C--phasic response to normal polarity D. C. pulses, 10 pulses per second, duration as indicated. D--phasic summation: D.C. (4v, 2 sec.) separated by intervals of 10, 8, 6, 4, and 2 seconds. E-tonic summation: reverse polarity D.C. (20v, 3 sec.) at points indicated. C — — 15 MIN 18V 20y 14 y 16V 12V kk- tavavavkvata- — 5V 5y t vva- 10Oms 9Oms Joms Soms ftt ttt 111 kaataataataaataa- ttt Pre