0 Abstract 1. Four digestive carbohydrases, laminarinase, maltase, chitinase, and amylase have been demonstrated in Balanus nubilis (Darwin, 1854). 2. The tissues showing highest enzyme activity were as follows: laminarinase, last half of the midgut: maltase, foregut: amylase, glandulae pancreaticae: and chitinase, foremost part of the midgut. Introduction Preliminary investigation of the gut of Balanus nubilis (Darwin, 1854) revealed a, myriad of kinds of particulate matter including diatoms, other algae, nauplii, and molted exoskeletons. Such a diverse particulate diet would require a variety of carbohydrases for efficient digestion. The literature contains a comprehensive anatomical analysis of the digestive tract of Balanus improvisus (Darwin, 1854) by S. R. Tornava (1948), but there are no references to digestive arbohydrase activity in( rripedae. The first part of this study consisted of a survey of the entire digestive tract for the presence of enzymes capable of hydrolysing a variety of glycosidic linkages. The second part of the study examined anatomical regions of the gut for their enzyme content. S O Materials and Methods All animals used in this study were collected at Old Fisherman's Wharf, Montery, California. Only animals fresh from the field were used in these studies because animals maintained in running sea water in the laboratory were found to have considerably reduced enzyme activity. In this study the alimentary canal was divided into five anatomical parts: the foregut, the fatty tissue very similar to the coeca hepatica as described by S. R. Tornava (1948), the glands on the coeca hepatica which are quite similar to the glandulae pancreaticae as described by S. R. Tornava (1948), (see figure 5) the first half of the midgut, and the last half of the midgut plus the hindgut. The entire digestive tract or gut segments were evcised from the barnacles and homogenized immediately in chilled 0.2 M acetate buffer (Gomori, 1955) at pH 5.5. The use of tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane buffer (Gomori, 1955) at pH 7.5 yeilded extracts with reduced activity. Generally a ten per cent homogenate was prepared using a glass homogen¬ izer equipped with a Teflon pestle. The extract was centri¬ fuged in a refrigerated centrifuge at 4000 rpm. Enzymatic activity was determined on a one ml. aliquot of the resulting preparation without further purification. The following substrates were tested: fucoidin (Pierce Chem. Co.), maltose hydrate (Calbiochem), lactose (Calbiochem). melibiose (Calbiochem), sucrose (Calbiochem), raffinose pentahydrate (Calbiochem), stachyose tetrahydrate (Sigma O Chem. Co.), inulin (Calbiochem), amygdalin (Sigma Chem. Co.). salicin (Sigma Chem. Co.), agar (Difco Chem. Co.), gentiobiose (Calbiochem), amylose (Nutritional Biochemical Corp.). dextran (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden), pectin (Calbiochem). arbutin (Sigma Chem. Co.), alginic acid (Pierce Chem. Co.). gum arabic (Baker and Adams), glycogen (Calbiochem), starch (Baker and Adams), quercitrin (K & K Laboratories), laminarin (Pierce Chem. Co.), melezitose dihydrate (Calbiochem). turanose (Calbiochem), cellobiose (Calbiochem), a,a-trehalose (Calbiochem), and Rutin (Nutritional Biochemical Corp.). A sample of purified kappa carrageanin was provided by Dr. John H. Phillips of Hopkins Marine Station. Chitin (Eastman Chem. Co. Technical Grade) was purified by dissolving it in fifty per cent sulfuric acid and pre¬ cipitating it in distilled water. A polyribose was extracted form Endocladia by dissolving the alga in cold water with a Waring Blender, precipitation vith ethanol, deproteinization with chloroform and amyl alcohol, and drying with acetone. All substrates were used as 0.3 per cent solutions except amylose and chitin which were added as a suspension. The test mixture was composed of one ml. of substrate, one ml. of homogenate, and three mls. of buffer. The results of all enzyme assays were corrected by subtracting the reducing sugar values for enzyme and substrate blanks. Reducing sugar was determined by the method of Somogvi as modified by Nelson (1944). This method was found to be 0 reproducible to 21.5 micrograms in the range from 25-200 micrograms. Dilution of the reaction mixture due to de¬ proteinization brought the theoretical amount of reducing sugar that could be released by enzymatic action within the range. The potenoy of the extracts was evaluated in terms of their protein content as measured by the method of Lowry (1951). Results Extracts prepared by homogenizing the entire digestive tract were tested for their ability to hydrolyse a variety of substrates. Figure 1 shows the time course of release of reducing sugar from glycogen, starch, and amylose. The amount of substrate added would have yeilded approximately 200 micrograms of reducing sugar as glucose or half this amount with respect to maltose. This theoretical limit was not reached suggesting a progressive degration of the enzyme in these crude homogenates, perhaps by proteolyses. The lower activity observed with amylose is probably a reflection of the low solubility of this substance. Following the detection of amylase activity the gut was subdivided as described above and extracts of the various regions were tested as well as extracts of the whole digestive tract. Figure 2 shows the hydrolysis of maltose by various extracts. The theoretical limit of reducing sugar as glucose S. O e would have been 100 micrograms. Figure 3 shows the hydrolysis of laminarin by various extracts. The theoretical limit of reducing sugar as glucose would have been 200 micrograms. When the sample was allowed to incubate for two hours, a peak of 160 micrograms was reached at one hour. Figure 4 shows the hydrolysis of chitin by various extracts. The theoretical limit of reducing sugar as glucoseamine would have been 200 micrograms. When a whole gut extract was permitted to incubate for five hours there was a linear increase in reducing sugar to a final value of 71 micrograms. No hydrolysis of the following substrates was observed: fucoidin, lactose, melibiose, sucrose, raffinose pentahydrate, stachyose tetrahydrate, inulin, amygdalin, salicin, agar. gentiobiose, dextran, pectin, arbutin, alginic acid, gum rabic, quercitrin, kappa carrageanin, melezitose dihydrate. turanose, cellobiose, a,a-trehalose, rutin, and the Endocladia polyribose. Table I shows enzymatic activity expressed in terms of micrograms of reducing sugar released per millegram of protein for various regions of the digestive tract. The glandulae pancreaticae showed the highest amylase activity and relatively high maltase and laminarinase activity. However, activity for these substrates was not limited to this gland. The foregut has substantial maltase and laminarin- ase activity which may be due to the presence in this gut C 5 segment of the glandulae salivales described by S. R. Tornava (1948). Highest laminarinase activity was found in the second half of the midgut. High enzyme activity was also observed in the first half of the midgut where most of the chitinase activity was demonstrated. The sum of the activities of the individual segments of gut exceeded the activity of the whole gut extract. This discrepancy would suggest the presence of enzyme inhibitors in some of the tissues or degradation of the carbohydrases due to proteolytic enzymes. Since the glandulae pancreaticae are located on the coeca hepatica and do not border on the gut itself, it was desireable to determine if there is a duct leading from these glands to the lumen of the gut. Figure 5 shows several duct openings in the anterior part of the midgut. While it was not possible to follow the ducts through the mass of the coeca hepatica, injection of methylene blue into the glandulae pancreaticae revealed the presence of ducts terminating at the duct openings described above. It should be noted that when the coeca hepatica was dissected, it was impossible to separate it from part of the midgut. It is therefore possible that there was no enzymatic activity here at all. Disoussion Digestive enzyme activity in Crustacea has been reviewed " Most of th H. J. tudi been in deca da, ly Aste nd mado. Con- siderable maltase and ase ac strated n de and their have ns 5.O 6.0. Marked activity of extracts fi was noted, as desribed above. ttle ativity DH 7. inase ati great extant in ot ity have been demonstrated to ai ea. most all stacea have ne or more of glandula appe nth thought ake part in In Malaco raca digestive juices are produced by almos ese tissues However, in othe Crustace duc n presumably takes place in the aend and the midgut, altho lac In Balanus nubilis it was sho t digestive carbohydrases are located th he fo: ratio and mi the fe ula itho gut, pancreaticae, and first part of the midgut. rement- to Dr. Johr The autho muchin owle Phill his assistance in the preparation of this stu ps for le O O References Darwin, C. H. (1854), A Monograph on the sub-class Ci ipedia (Balanidae, Verrucidae, etc.). Ray society, London, p. 30+. Gomori, G. (1955), Preparation of buffers used in enzymatic studies. cited in Methods of Enzymology Vol. I, ed. by Colowick, S. and Kaplan, N., Academic Press, Inc. New York, pp.138-146. Rosebrough, Farr, and Randall (1951), Protein meas- Low urement with the Folin Phenol Reagent. J. Biochem 193:265-275. Nelson (1944), A Photometric Adaptation of the Somogyi method of determination of Glucose. J. Biochem 153: 375-381. Tornava, S. R. (1948), Alimentary canal of Balanus improvisus. Acta. Zool. fenn. 52:4-52. Somogyi, M. (1937), A reagent for the Copper-Iodometric Determ¬ ination of Very Small Amounts of Sugar. J. Biochem. 117:771-779. Vonk, H. J. (1960), Digestion and Metabolism, cited in The Physiology of Crustacea Vol. I, ed. by Waterman, Talbot H., Academic Press, New York and London, pp.295-297. 6. C C Figures Figure 1. Time course for release of reducing sugar from starch, □ glycogen, and A amylose by extract of whole digestive tract. Substrates were added as one ml. of 0.3 per cent solution or suspension. All reducing sugar values are corrected by subtraction of substrate and enzyme blanks. Figure 2. Time course for release of reducing sugar from maltose by extracts of E whole gut, □ foregut, O glandulae pancreaticae, A coeca hepatica, O first half of midgut, and A last half of midgut plus hindgut. Substrate was added as one ml. of 0.3 per cent solution. All reducing sugar values are corrected by subtraction of substrate and enzyme blanks. Figure 3. Time course for release of reducing sugar from laminarin by extracts of E whole gut, □ foregut, Oglandulae pancreaticae, A coeca hepatica, O first half of midgut, and A last half of midgut plus hindgut. Substrate was added as one ml. of 0.3 per cent solution. All reducing sugar values are corrected by subtraction of substrate and enzyme blanks. Figure 4. Time course for release of reducing sugar from chitin by extraots of A whole gut, O coeca hepatica, and □ first half of midgut. Substrate was added as an approximately 0.3 per cent suspension. All reducing sugar values are corrected by subtraction of substrate and enzyme blanks. 6. C 10 Figure 5. Diagram of first part of digestive tract of Balanus nubilis. a - glandulae pancreaticae, b - coeca hepatica, c - foregut, d = first part of midgut, e = ducts leading to glandulae pancreaticae, f = opening to foregut. Table 1. Micrograms of reducing sugar released per millegram of protein in one hour of incubation. 64 C ve ( O 30. — 100 5 20 Minole 65 o 5. re we Minstas — O — 30 C 6 O 5 —— 0 0 20 O (0. 30 5. Anctes (thy 67 O C 345 2 re ( 7 77 Pute C tse minsis ka- — 27. 3 12 — e 0 20 — —.— Cua 5 25 - 21. —— — 1.0 C — — 5 2