ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. IF ANY, CONCERNING AUTHORS, ADDRESS. TITLE, OR CITATION DATA Permanent Address of Author P. Todd Bulkle PLEASE TYPE ABSTRACT DOUBLE SPACED BELOW Buiklev, P. Todd. (Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, Calif., USA.) Shell damage and repair in five members of the genus Acmaea (Mollusca:Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). The Veliger. Examination of naturally damaged shells of Acmaea scabra, A. digitalis A. pelta, A. scutum, and A. limatula showed that damage to the margin due to chipping predominated, but shells were found with regions near the apex crushed, with severe erosion by a fungus, with cracks extending from the edge to near the apex, with the tops eroded apparently by barnacles, and with small holes of unknown origin near the apex. A. scutum was the species most commonly damaged. Repair was always acc¬ omplished by secretion of new nacreous layers below the damaged portion. Rates of repair of artificially damaged shell margins exceed rates of growth where the margin remains intaot - Author. PLEASE DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE Shell Damage and Repair in Five Members of the Genus Acmaea (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) By P. Todd Bulkley Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Pacific Grove, California Shells of the common limpets of the genus Acmaea found in the rocky intertidal area of the California coast often show evidence of having sustained and repaired extensive damage. Studies of shell damage and repair were made on Acmaea scabra (Gould, 1846), Acmaea digitalis Eschscholtz, 1833, Acmaea pelta Eschscholtz, 1833, Acmaea limatula Carpenter, 1864, and Acmaea scutum Eschscholtz, 1833. Peppard (1964) studied growth and repair in the shells of Tegula funebralis and studies of normal growth over a 3 year period were made of A. digitalis, A. pelta and Acmaea para digitalis by Frank (1965). Seapy (1966) reports on the growth of A. limatula over a period of one year. Fretter and Graham (1962) discuss the general growth in prosobranch molluscs and include a chapter on the shell. No previous work, however, has been done on repair in the five species of Acmaea under consideration here. *Footnote 1. 75 P. Todd Bulkley Specimens of each of the five species showing evidence of shell damage were collected from Pescadero Point, Monterey County, California and from Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California on May 24-26, 1966. All levels of the intertidal area were covered, and both protected areas and regions exposed to very heavy surf were included in the survey. One hundred animals showing evidence of having repaired shell damage were collected; all but two of these occurred where the wave action was heavy and where debris such as rocks and large shells were tossed and shifted about by the waves at high tide. Even in the latter areas animals with damaged shells constituted a very small minority of the total population. Of several hundred A. digitalis examined only 3 were found to be damaged significantly. A. scabra and A. pelta popula¬ tions showed the same small proportion of damaged shells, although in the areas studied A. pelta was not as abundant as the other species. Many more damaged shells of A. scutum and A. limatula were found, but they comprised less than ten per- cent of the observed populations of these species. Often several A. scutum or A. limatula with damaged shells were found in the same small area. Such groups of injured animals were not found in the other species. C P. Todd Bulkley The numbers of damaged animals collected and the types of damage are shown in Table 1. As can be seen, injury to the edge of the shell, with pieces of the margin chipped off, is the most common (Plate 1, F). Repair of the margin can be recognized readily not only by the newness of the repaired portion but by the ridge which is produced where the new shell material meets the old. In many cases pieces up to 20% of the width of the shell have been broken off and replaced. Often the entire margin of the shell has been broken off and a ring of newer shell material can be seen clearly all around the original shell. In A. limatula this new shell material has the same characteristic file-like appearance as the original shell. In four of the animals collected a portion of the top of the shell near the apex had been crushed (Plate 1. A). Pieces of the shell had been pushed inward, pressing down the viscera. Repair had been achieved by the laying down of new nacreous layers below these pieces of shell, cementing to¬ gether the crushed fragments of the top of the old shell and partially embedding them to form a solid unit. Any holes left by missing pieces of shell had been covered over on the inside by new shell material (Plate 1, B). Where the shell had been P. Todd Bulkley cracked severely from margin to apex, new nacreous material had been laid down over much of the interior of the shell, binding the pieces into a solid unit. In some cases quite extensive damage of this sort has been repaired (Plate 1, C). Four of the shells each contained a small hole from 1.5 to 3.5 mm in diameter. Although the cause of these holes is unknown, they appear too irregular in outline to be the work of predatory boring snails. The holes had been covered over on the interior with new nacreous material. Two of the shells of A. digitalis, one of A. limatula and one of A. scabra had been very severely eroded by a fungus growing in the shell (Plate 1, D). The erosion was heaviest at the apex and extended down the sides to varying degrees. The surface of these shells was much softer than that of normal shells and had a spongy appearance when viewed under the dissecting microscope. Bonar (1936) reported finding an ascomycete, Didymella conchae, in the shells of Acmaea, and noted that among A. digitalis uninfected shells are actually rare. Examination of populations of A. digitalis bore this out, but only in unusual cases was the damage particularly noticeable. One A. digitalis shell was found with one large and several small barnacles, Balanus glandula, living on it. P. Todd Bulkley There were deep pits in the shell, not caused by Didymella conchae, which were clearly formerly inhabited by barnacles and may actually have been eroded by them (Plate 1, E). In conjunction with observations of natural damage, laboratory studies of repair of artificially induced damage were undertaken. Three animals of each species were chosen with normal, undamaged shells. Slots were drilled in the shell with a high speed dental drill. All the slots were of uni¬ form width, approximately 1.5 mm, and extended varying dis¬ tances from the margin towards the apex. In no case did the slot extend up to the attachment of the shell muscle. Care was taken not to damage the mantle. The animals were placed on rocks in aquaria with constantly circulating seawater and aeration and kept submerged throughout the experimental period (May 16 - May 23). They were removed each day, placed on a glass slide, and the extent to which they had repaired the slots observed under a compound microscope and measured with an ocular micrometer. The results are presented in Table 2. In each case where repair took place, it began with the laying down of a thin transparent layer at the interior end of the slot. This layer was gradually extended towards the margin of the shell and thickened from beneath. Often this P. Todd Bulkely new shell broke off. After about four days the new shell became opaque as it continued to thicken. The mantle, whose margin usually conforms exactly to the margin of the intact shell, did not contract locally to a shape conforming to the margin of the slot until after about two days. In no case did repair begin until this had taken place. In those ani- mals with deeper slots (see Table 2) the mantle margin was unable to contract enough to conform to the margin of the slot and no repair took place. The high incidence of evidences of natural shell damage and repair in A. limatula and A. scutum is probably the result of three factors. First, both species inhabit the lower areas of the intertidal (Ricketts and Calvin, 1952) where wave action is heaviest, and where loose rocks and debris which might be pounded against their shells are more prevalent. Secondly their shells are both flatter and thinner than those of the limpets of the higher intertidal areas, thus presenting a larger and weaker surface. Finally, both species show a much more rapid rate of repair than either A. scabra or A. digitalis. Thus an A. scutum or A. limatula with a damaged shell would be more likely to be able to repair any damage to its shell before a predator could take advantage of the weakened shell. Limited observations on shell growth in P. Todd Bulkley undamaged animals maintained in laboratory aquaria from April 27 to May 21, 1966, suggest that addition of new shell at the margin occurs more rapidly in A. scabra than in the other four species, and that new shell may be added at very uneven rates at different regions of the shell margin in this species. A. scabra is known to inhabit a particular "scar" on the sub¬ strate to which its shell conforms exactly and to which it consistently returns (Hewatt, 1940; Test, 1945). The rapid and uneven marginal growth it exhibits might enable animals to achieve conformity of the shell to a new spot on the rock more rapidly. However, shells of A. scabra with slots drilled in the shell margin showed a slow rate of repair. SUMMARY 1. Shells of Acmaea scabra, Acmaea digitalis, Acmaea pelta, Acmaea scutum, and Acmaea limatula found in the field showed a variety of types of natural damage. Damage through clipping at the edge of the shell predominated, but shells were found in which regions near the apex had been crushed; in which the tops and sides were eroded due to an ascomycete, Didymella conchae; in which cracks extending from the margin to near the apex were present; in which the tops were eroded apparently P. Todd Bulkley due to barnacles, Balanus glandula, living on the shell, and in which small holes of unknown origin occurred near the apex. Repair of such damage in all cases had been accomplished by the laying down of new nacreous material on the interior of the shell below the damaged portion. Rates of repair of artificially damaged areas on shell margins were much higher than rates of growth on adjacent undamaged shell margins. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was made possible by Grant GY806 from the Undergraduate Participation Program of the National Science Foundation. Help in the project was given by Dr. Donald P. Abbott, Hopkins Marine Station. The photographs in Plate 1 were taken by Mr. Samuel E. Johnson. Permission to collect in the Pescadero Point area was kindly granted by the Monterey Foundation. P. Todd Bulkley LITERATURE CITED Bonar, Lee. 1936. An unusual ascomycete in the shells of marine animals. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 19:187-194. Frank, Peter W. 1965. Growth of three species of Acmaea. The Veliger 7(3):201-202. Fretter, Vera, and Alistair Graham. 1962. British Prosobranch Molluscs. Ray Soc., London. xvi+755 pp, illus. Hewatt, Willis G. 1940. Observations on the homing limpet, Acmaea scabra Gould. Amer. Midland Nat. 24 (1):205-208. Peppard, Margaret Caroline. 1964. Shell growth and repair in the gastropod Tegula funebralis. The Veliger 6 (Supplement):59-63. Ricketts, Edward F. and Jack Calvin. 1952. Between Pacific Tides. 3rd ed, revised by J. W. Hedgpeth. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, Calif. i-xiii, 1-502, illus. 0 10 P. Todd Bulkley Seapy, Roger R. 1966. Reproduction and growth in the file limpet, Acmaea limatula Carpenter, 1864 (Mollusca: Gastropoda). The Veliger 8 (4):300-310. Test, Avery Ransome (Grant) 1945. Ecology of California Acmaea. Ecology 26 (4):395-405. 82 P. Todd Bulkley TABLE CAPTIONS Table 1. Frequency and types of natural shell damage in 100 limpets. Table 2. Repair of artificially damaged limpet shells. 12 P. Todd Bulkley PLATE CAPTIONS Plate 1. A. Shells of A. scutum showing crushed tops. B. Interior of shells shown in A. Note how new nacreous material has been laid down. C. Shell of A. scutum showing severe cracking. D. Shell of A. digitalis showing erosion due to a fungus in the shell. E. Shell of A. digitalis with barnacles growing on it. Note deep pits. F. Shell of A. limatula showing damage to edge and sub¬ sequent repair. Footnote, page 1. Permanent address: P. Todd Bulkley Species Aea scutum Acmaea pelta Acmaea digitalis Acmaea sdabra Acmaea limatula Number Collected 32 Damage Edge 53 26 Table 1 Type of Damage Apex Crüshed Cracks Didymella Erosion 2 ed bake Balanus Small Hole Damage Species Acmaea scutum Acmaea pelta Acmaea digitalis Acmaea scabra Acmaea limatula Shel LengtHm 20 38 20 21 23 Table 2 Depth In jurym 10 Average Daily Repairum) .075 .047 000 .05 .07 000 .001 000 000 .001 000 000 .023 .025 000 .lo Bule R . — B 8 a W .. .