O ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, IF ANY, CONCERNING AUTHORS, ADDRESS, TITLE, OR CITATION DATA PLEASE TYPE ABSTRACT DOUBLE SPACED BELOW HARDIN, DANE D. (Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, Calif.). A Comparative Study of Lethal Temperatures in the Limpets Acmaea scabra and Acmaea digitalis (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). The lethal temperatures of two specics of limpets which occupy the samc intertidal levels were studied. It was found that A. scabra (with a critical range of 40-44 c) is better able to withstand high tomperatures than is A. digitalis(with a critical range of 39-42'C). Concurrent field studics showed that A. scabra experiences higher microhabitat and body temperatures than docs A. digitalis at similar air temperatures. It was found that the limpets' body temperatures were 2-6 higher than surrounding ex- ternal temperatures. Intraspecific differences in temperature tolerance were also- found, with the highest intertidal members of eachespecics:surviving better thancthe lowest members. Possible causes of intraspecific differences arc acclimation or size of the animal. PLEASE DO NOT TVPE BELON THIS LINE 5. 0 C A Comparative Study of Lethal Temperatures in the Limpets Acmaea scabra and Acmaea digitalis (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) by Dane D. Hardin Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California Footnote 1 5 A Comparative Study of Lethal Temperatures in the Limpets Acmaea scabra and Acmaca digitalis Dane D. Hardin INTRODUCTION The importance of temperature as a limiting factor for the gco- graphical distribution of intertidal animals is generally recog- nized (Moorc, 1958). Many studies have been conducted in an effort to correlate the distribution of some intertidal organisms with among them either air or sea temperature,y those of Hutchins (1947). Southward (1950), and Southward and Crisp (1954). Segal (1956, 1961. 1962) has indicated that there is a difference between the highest and lowes intertidal members of Acmaea limatula Carpenter, 1864,and tha lem- att with respect to such body functions as heart rate and oxygen consumption. Intraspecific differences in these processes have also been detected in animals from different latitudes. Segal has further demonstrated that these differences are a possible effect of temperature and that acciimation of the processes to different tidal levels takes place. Studies have also been conducted to determinc the lethal temp- (navee; ownl eratures of many intertidal animals teroekhugeenodetowertreh o Hayes,1126; BPovvsev,11). and Hayeo, ayr However these investigations have not dealt satisfactorily with intraspecific variation or niche difference. For instance, there may be a difference between lethal temperatures of members of a single species from the extreme boundaries ofits vertical intertidal distribution at a single latitude. 18 -2- Dane D. Hardin There may also be differences between different species which are found at the same intertidal levels. This study was undertaken in an attempt to answer threc main questions: 1) Is there a difference in lethal temperatures of and hodr stae animals of the same species,taken from different tidal levels? 2) Is there a difference between lethal temperatures of two species occupying the same intertidal levels? 3) How does an organism's lethal temperature relate to the temperature of its microhabitat? The organisms used in this study, the limpets Acmaea digitalis Eschscholtz, 1833, and Acmaea scabra (Gould, 1846), are ideal for rer wa answering these question, since they occupy the same range in the intertidal zone (-2 to +10 feet) along the central California coast (Test, 1945). MATERIALS AND METHODS The members of cach species were collected from areas visibly dominated by one or the other (at Point Pinos and Mussel Point on the Monterey Peninsula) in order that the results gained by lab- oratory experiments would be as representative as possible of the normal population. For the purposes of testing intraspecific differencesiinilethal temperatures with respect to differences in intertidal location. animals were taken from the extreme upper (above +7.0 feet) and lower (below +4.5 fect) limits of the species in that area, and from a region midway between. Teineurethatthe animaie seliete -3 Dane D. Hardin reprecented thenermalpopulation foreach regien, quadrate were markeuontherocke frem which-alltheanimereweretaken Col- lected animals were placed in running sea water at approximately 15°C. in the laboratory and used within 24 hours. Two types of laboratory experiments were conducted to determine lethal temperatures. The first type was run with the animals sub- merged. High, mid, and low members of each species were placed in continuously aereated beakers of sea water in a water bath and lo ostant tempentr. allowed to equilibrate, The temperature was then raised at a rate of fC. per 5 minutes, to allow for complete equilibration of theeinternal and external temperatures of the animals (Southward, 1958). Fifteen high, mid, and low members of each species were removed at l intervals, at the indicated temperatures and replaced in running sea water at 15°C. The animals were allowed to recover for 6-12 hours and checked for survival by pricking the mantle fold with a needle. If no response was elicited, the animal was considered dead. The second type of experiment tested the animals' abilities to survive prolonged exposure to higher than normal temperatures in air, Members of each specics from each of the three intertidal levels were placed in degsicätors in the water bath. The bottom of each dessigator was filled with a nearly saturated solution of ammonium chloride and potassium nitrate, resulting in a relative humidity, as determined with a Honeywell relative humidity readout instrument. of 85-90%.for each trial. Again the temperature in the containers 16 -4- Dane D. Hardin was raised at the previously mentioned rate until the desired temp- erature was reached. The animals were held at this temperature (#0.3), with 15 animals from each species and each intertidal level being removed a 5, 10, and 15 hours. Trials were run at 29, 31.5. and 34. After each time period the removed animals were replaced in running sea water at 15°C., and tested as above after 6-12 hours. Field temperatures encountered by the two species were taken eween on several days-at 12-4:0Opmat Mussel Point. Temperatures were taken with a portable thermistor (model 43TD Yellow Springs Tele- Thermometer). Five readings were recorded: 1) air temperature 2-3cm. above the animal, 2) rock temperature next to the limpet, 3) the temperature on the surface of the animal's, shelle4) the temper- ature beneath the animal's foot, and 5) the temperature within the limpet's mantle cavity. The air, rock, and shell temperatures were taken with a banjo-type probe, model 409, which was kept shaded to prevent heating by direct sunlight. The foot and mantle cavity temperatures were taken with a 716 inch flexible probe, model 402. The foot and mantle cavity temperatures were taken in situ. Bach animal was lifted from the rock, the probe was placed under the foot or in the mantle cavity, and the animal returned to the spot from which it was taken. The limpet was then held in place with the blade of a knife and the temperature read-out recorded. RESULTS Figure 1 shows the results of the submerged temperature trials. sorwed ketrrr Acmaea scabra consistently hadhighessuzinalpescentagee than did 8 -5- 15 Dane D. Hardin Acmaca digitalis, and the higher members of each species consistently survived better than did the lower intertidal animals. The results of the prolonged temperature trials are shown in Figures 2 and 3. There is no figure for the 34 trial as no indi- Hlrough viduals of either species survived this temperature. At 20 and24. Acmaea scabra continued to survive better than Acmaca digitalis+ 29 and 37.5 the intraspecific diffcrences seen in the submerged trials are less evident. To check any possible correlations between size and survival. shell dimensions of all animals used in the submerged temperature experiments were determined with vernier calipers readable to 0.Olcm. Twenty individuals from each group were randomly chosen, (by random selection of pieces of paper containing data on each individual). and the respective size distributions are shown in Table 1. The data show a marked tendency for the low intertidal group to be smaller than the high intertidal group. The mean temperatures for 10 randomly selected limpets are represented in each graph of Figure 4. Acmaca scabra consistently exhibited higher microhabitat temperatures than did Acmaea digitalis at similar air temperatures. It can also be seen that in all cases the actual temperature of the limpet (mantle cavity temperature) is higher than the microhabitat temperatures. No significant temper- aturc differences of any of the measured variables were found between the upper and lower areas(the temperatures were taken from +3 to 47 feet). -6 Danc D. Hardin DISCUSSION In all experiments Acmaca scabra survived high temperatures, in both air and water, better than did Acmaea digitalis. These differences betwcen the two species correlates with the higher mean microhabitat temperatures which were found. Haven (1964) has observed that A. scabra is seen in greatest abundance on surfaces which are more horizöntal than the areas of highest A. digitalis concentration. This also correlates well with the observed lethal temperatures, since A. scabra would therefore receiw more and stronger sunlight than would A. digitalis. The observed intraspecific differences in ability to survive high temperatures possibly result from temperature acclimation. Thus, even though the high and low members within each species experience much the same temperatures, the higher members would experience any high temperatures for longer periods of time than their lower counterparts. An alternative explanation, not involving temperature acclimation, is that the greater resistance of the higher andsor a90. forms is a consequence of their greater size, This is suggested by the results in Table 1, showing a continuum in size, with higher. animals having larger shells than lower animals, and the work of Frank (1965), which showed that A. digitalis move higher in the intertidal zone with age. However, these results do not establish a causal relationship between size and ability to withstand high temperatures, and further research ig pLanned. The intraspecific differences in ability to survive high temp- eratures were much less clear in the prolonged temperaturc trials. 16 -7- Dane D. Hardin and This was especially evident with Acmaca digitalisThie can possibly be traced to the fact that even though the A. digitalis population presents a size continuum(with the smallest animals lowest in the intertidal zone and the largest animals highest) this species is probably more mobile than Acmaea scabra. This results in part from the greater percentage of homing behavior found in A. scabra than in A. digitalis (Haven, 1964; Jessee, 1966; Miller, 1966). It can be expected thereforc, that the effects of acclimation would be more clearly defined in a population of ani- mals which remain in rather fixed positions. This agrees with the greater intraspecifec differences in survival at high temperaturess seen in A. scabra. -8- Dane D. Hardin SUMMARY Lethal temperatures of the limpets Acmaca scabra and Acmaea digitalis were studied. A. scabra was found to survive high temp- eratures better than A. digitalis. These results correlate with field studies which showed that A. scabra experiences higher micro- habitat and body temperatures than does A. digitalis at similar temp- eratures. It was also found that the internai temperatures of limpets are consistently above the external surrounding temperatures. Members of the species coming from the highest intertidal ranges of the species were found to survive high temperatures better than members from the lowest intertidal ranges of the species. These intraspecific differences may be a result of acclimation to the length of exposure to high environmental temperatures and there are indications that the size and/or age of a limpet may have an effect on its ability to survive high temperatures. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was made possible by Grant G1806 from the Under- graduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation. My sincerest thanks are given to the faculty and staff of Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University for allowing me the opportunity to do this study, and especially to Dr. David Bpel who advised and directed me in my research. I am also gratefully indebted to Dr. A. Todd Newberry of Cowell College at the University of California, Santa Cruz, without whose encouragement and advice this work would not have been possible. O Dane D Hardin FOOTNOTES page 1 - Present address: Cowell College and Division of Natural Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, California. 64 C Dane D. Hardin LITERATURE CITED Broekhuysen, C. J. 1940. A preliminary investigation of the importance of dessiccation, temperature and salinity as factors controlling the vertical distribution of certain marine gastropods in False Bay, South Africa. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Afr. 28: 255-292. Frank, Peter W. 1965. The biodemography of an intertidal snail population. Ecology 46: 831-844. Gowanlach, J. N. and F. R. Hayes. 1926. Contributions to the study of marine gastropods. I. The physical factors, behavior and intertidal life of Littorina. Contr. Canad. Biol., N.S. 3:133-166. Haven, Stoner B. 1964. Habitat differences and competition in two intertidal gastropods in central California. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 45: 52. Hutchins, L. W. 1947. The bases for temperature zonation in geographical distribution. Ecol. Monogr. 17: 325-335. Jessee, William F. 1966. Ecological and mechanistic studies of homing behavior in the limpet Acmaea scabra (Gould, 1846). The Veliger. Mayer, A. G. 1918. Ecology of the Murray Island coral reef. Papers Tortugas Lab. 9: 1-48. Miller, Allen C. 1966. Orientation and Movement of the limpet Acmaea digitalis on vertical rock surfaces. The Veliger. 168 2 - Dane D. Hardin LITERATURE CITED Moore, Hilary B. 1958. Marine ecology. John Wiley & Sons: vii + 493 pp. Segal, Earl. 1956. Microgeographical variation as thermal acclimation in an intertidal mollusc. Biol. Bull. 111: (1) 129-152. 1961. Acclimation in molluscs. Amer. Zool. 1: 235-244, 1962. Initial response of the heart-rate of a gastro- pod, Acmaea limatula, to abrupt changes in temperature. Nature 195: (4842) 674-675. Southward, A. J. 1950. Occurrence of Chthamalus stellatus in the Isle of Man. Nature 165: (4193) 408-409. 1958. Note on the temperature tolerances of some intertidal animals in relation to environmental tem- peratures and geographical distribution. J. Mar. Biol. Assn. U.K. 37: 49-66. and D. J. Crisp. 1954. The distribution and abundance of certain intertidal animals around the Irish coast. Proc. R. Irish Acad. 57 (B): (1) 29 pp. Test, Avery R. 1945. Ecology of California Acmaea. Ecology 26: (4) 395-405. 166 DANE D. HARDIN FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1. Submerged exposure to high temperatures. Oschighiinter- tidal animals. • - mid-intertidal animals. X= low intertidal animals. Figure 2. Prolonged exposure to 29 C. air temperature. Oz high intertidal animals.o z mid-intertidal animals. X = low inter- tidal animals. Figure 3. Prolonged exposure to 31.5'C. air temperature. O= high intertidal animals. o s mid-intertidal animals. X low intertidal animals. Figure 4. Microhabitat and body temperatures. The midline of each bar indicates the mean of ten measurements, and the portion of each bar above and below the midline indicates the standard deviation. a - air, r s rock, s z shell, fa foot. me mantle cavity. Dane D. Hardin TABLE CAPTIONS Table 1. The mean shell dimensions for 20 randomly selected high, mid, and low intertidal members of each species. All measure- ments are in centimeters, and the standard deviation is indi- cated in parentheses. 6 100- 90r 80- 270 9604 550 B40 aot 20 10 A. scabra A. digitalis V 350 400 410 420 430 39° 40° 41° 42° 43 TEMPERATURE IN C. Egee 1 100 90T 807 707 2607 250 8407 30+ 8820 10- A. scabra 15 10 HOURS OF EXPOSURE AT 29° C. agie 2 A. digitalis 15 10 C 100- 90 80+ 270 60 50 7 540 330 20 + 10 55 A. scabra HOURS OF EXPOSURE AT 31.5° C. Lgie 3 —X A. digitalisO 10 15 27 261 34 2237 22 220 2 18 17- 116 me r a A. digitalis A. scabra ON CLEAR DAY ge me me f I 8 a A. digitalis A. scabra ON OVERCAST DAY me SEE MICROHABITAT AND DODVMRMDERADURRS OF LIMPETS LLENGTE WIDTH HEIGHT A. scabra HIGH 1.35(0.26) 1.05(0.21) 0.47(0.12) O.45(0.10) MID 1.34(0.17) 1.03(0.15, LOW 1.27(0.19) 0.98(0.16 O.36(0.05) A. digitalis HIGH 1.46(0.19) 1.11(0.15) O.51(0.10) MID 1.03(0.18) O.45(0.10) 1.37(0.19 LOM 1.20(0.17) 0.95(0.15) O.40(0.05) 1 toble