O ATTRITION ON THE LITTORINA PLANAXIS POPULATION Fric Bigler for Dr. D. Abbott Bio 175h May 1964 INTRODUCTION It is assumed that all Littorina planaxis eventually die; and that there is a steady turnover of individuals in the pop- ulation. The most obvious possible causes of accidental death a e being torn from the rocks and tumbled into thesea, and being eaten by possible predators as gulls, plovers, crabs, starfish and squirrels, though these animals were never seen ransacking the L. planaxis colonies. Since the actual causes of death in the L. planaxis are not obvious, it was necessary to devise field studies and laboratory experiments which would bring out as many of these subtle fatal conditions as possible The following paper deals first with the structure of thepop- as a whole; the second and third sections deal with the two large causes of attrition: wave shock and predation. MFASURING To measure the size of Littorina planaxis the following method was adopted. This method is better than the common spire length system because L. planaxis are very susceptible to erosion of their spires. The snail isoriented with the lip of the shell opening as in the figure. Themeasure is taken by placing one point of a caliper at the widest part of the great whorl opposite the lip, the other at the fringe of the lip. lst point of calipers shell opening - Columella — Body whorl of shell and point of calipers For the following work, the measurements were taken to the closest 1/32 of an inch. POPULATION In order to gain an appreciation of thesize and distribution of the snails comprising the Littorina planaxis population, it was necessary to sample various ardas along theshore and from these samples to try to construct a meaningful picture of the structure of the population. The sampling was accomplished by first selecting an area. Since this was not to be an extensive sampling project and the numbers of individuals would be relatively small, the areas were selected to be as varied in amount of splash and wave shock as possible. In all nine areas along the shore were sampled: three populations from a protected shore (226), two from heavy wave shock areas (2:34), one from a semi-protected beach (2/), and three from an area where there was a great deal of spray but little direct wave shock (42:5 ). These areas are indicated on the map preceding this page. Once an area was selected, the height of the lowest indivi- dual snail in thepopulation to be tested was determined by meas- uring his distance from the water line at that instant above the 0.O' tide. The figures for water height above 0.0' tide were determined by reference to three Benchmarks of known height that are positioned in the rocks on shore. Readings from the bench marks to the water line were made at ten minute intervals during the time that the heights of the various selected populations were being determined. Once the height of the lowest individual was established, the upward range of the population was marked off in one-foot intervals. The width of the grid was two feet; each vertical foot therefore designated a two square foot grid. After the grids had been established, all the snails within each grid-quadrant were collected and then taken back to the laboratory for measuring. The results of these population surveys are summarized in the two graphs following. Additional graphs are found in the appendix. From casual observation it would seem that the smallest individuals in the L. planaxis population live the furthest down on the rocks, because the veliger larvae probably begin their attached existance at or below the "waterline". Its asumed further that the snails move gradually up the rocks as they grow. From the snails I sampled and observed, the relation ship of size to vertical distribution seems to be influenced by more than age. For instance, there seems to be a correlation between theamount of spray andthe dominant size in a population. Sidlg The g2.24 and Fg26 have very little splash and small snails; 2:3,4 where spray is grest and wave force is also high, is composedpredominantly of middle sized snails (appendix); the where spray is high but wave force is low has the largest snails (appendix). Apparently then conditions for optimum growth are a large amount of spray and minimum amount of direct wave shock. Another factor affecting the vertical distribution of smaller snails is the location of crevices in the sampled area. Smaller snails are found in these crevices at heights where they would not be expected. Graph I, 384 show that the size/frequency distribution can be different for a crevice and a vertical face adjacent to one another. In this particular example the incid- ence of small snails is greater in thecrevice. From other populations I have observed, this would seem to betherule rather than an exception. All individuals found below 5/32" were im- bedded in crevices and chinks in the rock; individuals between 5-8/32" were found in protected areas not exposed to heavy surf. Snails below8/32" are not commen on vertical faces exposed to heavy surf and neither are individuals greater than 18/32" The extremes in sizes apparently must be sheltered from the direct force of the waves. The question of where the inchoate rock-dwelling snails appear on a vertical index could not be answered by this study. The smallest individual collected was 4/32" and was from Oco Fa2:2. In summary then the following things are apparent: The dominant size class of snails in May 1964 was between 11 and 14/32": as a general rule the smaller snails are found lower on a verti- cal index, but this rule is tempered by factors such as degree of spray and wave action, and the frequency andposition of crevices in a population range. M Bngeus Adan e 8 2 62 238 G POPULATION GRAPES Graph Fg tio toe ve O 5 Height aove 0.0'Tide 3 GRAPH SHOUS NOS. OF SNAILS OF A PRRTICOLAR S13E THEIR VERTICRL POSITION EACH CURSS PLOTTED AGAINST TAREA FOOT IN HEIGHT INDICOT TWO SOORRE FE Ha ple fo 8128 a1 Sant Tta sop5. 4% Fo Siges — 4782 in Bdi s or e not aboradart Mag tound oule in Gevtein dtea Eg,12 ted da pot e Heuler heret ai he fod in Gevie tal Pop 15.9% es S8/ Vencohctu let o orgee Ouo Sai ICidvices O-35 4 e Tetal Pp30.H10 51285 8-10/873 SS 1H domin s s clas A fak -515 Hssite aelege eneg 4 folat Pop Me rock song stad swall 14.4% egt lo tg o lare a oace awave ate 80 tdoiduol ik lodug sat ore seled S2e9 15 18/82 atetcoe id Bloregs Lagonen N243 8.7% e bu de Ghore woe sktt sigh Siass 18/83104d Sicil Naf logetete a odsed ae OedOet - 10 1057 Ee Ovee Tu Legro lre Ha Hide-poo onmes subwer 22 assrms sc CAUSES OF DEATH Wave Shock Wave shock would seem to bethe greatest enemy on the pop- ulation since displacement from the rocks would expose the snail to a host of predators and adverse conditions not encountered in thehigh intertidal. In order to determine the effect of wave shock upon a population of L. planaxis the following field studies and experiments were undertaken: 1. To determine relative clinging ability, Russel Peterson and I took five classes of L. planaxis and subjected them to a stream of water (delivery-12.8 liters/min thru 8.5 mm. diameter) from thespigots in Agassiz Laboratory. The snails were submerged to the height of their spires. The results were as follows: Snail Size 4-6.9/32" 11 remained/25 tested 44% 7-9.9 44 10-11.9 25 44 23 12-13.9 50 46 14-17 50 54 We were looking for a correlation between this experiment andthe observation that middle sized snails are themost successful snails in regions of heavy surf. This experiment did not con- firm this although it must be noted that we were testing more their ability to maintain position in a current than their ability to withstand wave-shock. 2. Seven marked L. planaxis of about 6/32" were placed on a vertical rock face exposed to heavy waves. Seven control snails (about 12/32") living in thearea were also marked. After two days and two high tides, only three of the small snails were found after an exhaustive search. All seven controls were recovered. This might indicate tuut small smails are dislodged more readily than larg eine ons heavy surf 3. Because I did not see what happened in the above experiment I repeated the test at a later date. I placed 30 snails ranging in size from 6-18/32" on the same rock face and watched them during the period of one high tide. None was dislodged, but the waves were not so violent as previously. 4. To determine a snails ability to return to the rocks after being dislodged over a sandy bottom, 100 marked snails were put into the sea five yards from some rocks in region The next day and the days following not one snail was recovered. The correlary experiment of dropping snails over a rocky Bottom(Fg?:2 was tried under similar conditions. The animals were dropped ten feet down the side of a cliff into water about two feet deep at mid-tide. The average size of the recovered snails was 10/32" Rec overu was 30% 5. To determine the snails ability to return to rocks after being kicked off (people and other clumsy animals are frequent enough visitors to the high intertidal to present a hazard to L. planaxis) 20 marked snails dislodged and allowed to tumble onto the sand about 3' below ther original positiontawarn. The following day 12 were recovered dispersed over a wide area (about five square yards). Although two ans 6. This experiment was repeated under same conditions of dis¬ 4 persal but with overcast and little wind. Animals were kept under constant observation. The animals at first opened their opercula and extended their feet in typical righting movements. Those who were successful in righting themselves remained extended for about five minutes but did not try to crawl over the dry sand. The unseccessful tried for about five minutes and then closed their opercula. The righted snails closed also. As soon as omplete l op they were wetted they became active, crawling as rapidly as they could away from the open sea towards a shore rock. With the exception of one individual who later changed his direction all snails crawled away from the sea. This experiment was per- formed on the rising tide. Snails crawling on a sandy substrate cannot hold their position when hit by wave surge but tumble with the current. All those I was watching in this experiment were lost to me after the third such wave surge inundated them. 7. The failure of the snails to regain the rocks in the above experiment suggests that the incoming tide presents too much of a handicap to crawling over the sand due to the increased wave surge over time. The countersituation--snails attempting to regain rocks on a falling tide--was tried. Twenty-eight snails ranging from 6-18/32" were released on a strip of sand where the nearest boulder was 15" away from the populktion. The sand was damp and as in the previous experiment all individuals immediately popped out, and those not righted immediately began righting movements. Once righted all began crawling in a straight line. Two-thirds of the animals crawled towards the sea and nearest rock, the rest moved further up the shore. Although two snails came within two inches of the rock, a wave surge tumbled one so kh that he could not right again. The other snail((6/32') gained the rock and soon attached himself by mucus. Of the thirty, then. only one was able to get to the rock. The others closed and would be caught by the incoming tide. One of the problems the snails encountered was sand-miring of their feet. This was a hazard to larger snails (14/32" and above) particularily because adhering sand grains prevented complete closure of their opercula. On the lst of May there was a very rough sea during the HHV 8. at night. Alan Miyamoto and others reported significant losses to populations under study, and I noticed that many of my snails were gone although I had no census figures on them. On therock I was using for my aerial predator experiment, an estimated fifty percent of my animals disppeared during that night. 9. In some of the foregoing experiments it was noted that the larger snajls tended to remain under water for longer periods than the smaller snails. In summary, wave shock has been found capable of removing sizable numbers of snails from the population. Whether they survive removal depends largely upon the nature of the substrate upon which they land. Sand in apparently the kiss of death. Falling down from high rocks to a rocky substrate is not quite so fatal unless the snails happen to land in pools where various predators present a hazard. CAUSES OF DEATR Predators The following possible predators occur within or close to the L. planaxis populations: California Ground Squirrel; Oyster Catchers; Herring Gull; Plover; Sandpiper Hemigrapsus nudus; Pachygrapsus crassipes; Cancer antennarius; C. productus; Pagurus spp.; Acanthina spirata; Thais emarginata; Patiria miniata: Leptosterias pusilla; Pisaster ochraceous, Anthropleura elegan- tissima and A. xanthogrammica. Theses predators will be considered in order except for the carnivorous whelk Acanthina spirata which, because of its sign- ificance, will be considered later. 1. California Ground Squirrel: To find out if squirrels rec- ognize planaxis as food two experiment s were tried. The first consisted of placing a number of dishes containing known numbers of L. planaxis around an area where ground squirrels were fre- quent. In no instance was a L. planaxis eaten by squirrels although the dishes were investigated. The other experiment involved hand-feeding the squirrels at Lovers and Lighthouse Points. Although the squirrels were always curious and responded eagerly to what they assumed to be prof- fered food, in no instance could a squirrel be induced to eat a L. planaxis. They apparently did not recognize them as food. 2. The Oyster Catchers were never observed near L. planaxis populations. They seemed to feed exclusively on the offshore seaweed covered rocks. Herring Gulls were negative also. 3. Plovers and Sandpiperg were occasionally observed feeding in theBalanus beds and could possibly feed on the L. scutulata harbored there. The experiment test for aerial predator consisted of the daily census of an isolated population on top of a rock accessible to birds. Some individuals were painted u unnatural colors to test the chance that birds would eat the snails if they could see them better. The experiment was dis- continued at the end of thirty days with negative results. Birds would perch on therock, but evidence of their eating the snails was never found. Hemigrapsus nudus and Pachygrapsus crassipes were prime suspects because they frequent the L. planaxis range. Nether of these crabs was observed feeding on L. planaxis in thefield nor could they be induced to eat the snails in the laboratory. Cancer antennarius consummed without hesitation great quantities of L' planaxis under lab conditions. Since this animal is a visitor to the upper mid tide zone at the flood tide (determined by trapping a few individuals at the base of L. planaxis covered cliffs), it should be considered a definite hazard to the L. planaxis that are accidentally dislodged from the rocks. C. productus is a rarer crab in this area. The one speciment tested would not eat planaxis, but he would not eat dead fish either. The question remains open as to his predator potential. 7. The Hermit crabs of the genus Pagurus would not attack a living L. planaxis, although they would remove the soft parts of a dead snail and clean the shell for a futurehome site. 8. Thais emarginata was never observed eating L. planaxis nor could they be induced to eat them even after three weeks of starvation. I would not write off thepossiblity of their being a predator, but the incidence of Thais attacks must be slight. 9. The Bat Star Patiria miniata eats L. planaxis in the labor- atory. So does Leptasterias zu ttla. Although none of these 12 tide, they represent a threat to the dislodged snails. 10. Anthropleura xanthogrammica would alwys take in any L. planaxis dropped onto its fringe, but, as described in Ricketts & Calvin, the snails would be disgorged alive later. In summary then, the most significant predator on L. planaxis in Acanthina spirata. The other predators —-Cancer antennarius, Cancer productus, and the starfish— are encountered by the snails only when they are under water. Acanthina spirata In the field, Acanthina attacks were frequently observed but these attacks were encountered only on a special type of shore: regions where there are may little tidepools with numbers of L. planaxis around their surfaces. If the snails are dislod- ged and fall into pools, or if they venture below the water line persuing their own activities, they are susceptible to attack by Acanthina. In no instance did I or any one else working with Acanthina observe a capture that wasnt under water. The table below is a tabulation of L. planaxis shells recovered from Hermit crabs. The percentage of these shells drilled by Acanthina is also given. Size (in 1/32") Number Drilled of N %drilling 26 10 28. 8 20.0 44 27. 30.6 68 9.8 27.1 23.- 40.0 otals 443, 89, 20.1% etra Ego I determined the upward range of Acanthina in my populatior grids by measuring the heights of individuals in the grid or the closest, to the grid if none was present in the grid itself. These measuremerts were made at mid-tide because it was too inconvenient (and dangerous in some places) to make the measure- ments at high water. Theresults of these measurements were that Acanthina appar- ently does not range much morethan two feet above the Balanus beds except when found in tidepools as described above. From what I and others (Karin Rohe and Ken Tittle) have observed, the capture and feeding must take place under water. A particularly successful stalk and capture by Acanthina is illustrated in figure ?. A seriesof experiments was performed to determine reactions of Acanthina to L. planaxis and vice versa. 1. Five Acanthina and 100 L. planaxis were placed in an aquarium andobserved daily for a week. Since the L. planaxis all fled the water and crawled as far above the surface as possible, it was necessary to knock them into the water occasionally so that the Acanthina wouldhave a chance to capture them. I observed four attacks by Acanthina during theweek. In the first, I did not see the capture. The Acanthina was rocking the L. planaxis, his attack being made against the columella. Judging from otherattacks observed, this would seem to be the preferred position, although it is definitely not the only position. The Acanthina was joined at intervals by two other Acanthina. The three of them all but completely covered the L. planaxis. In six hours they hadquit the snail. Although all three had apparently participated in devouring the snail, there was only one drill hole. S 20 595 25 60 t 5 2 9 2. In about 10 cases feeding Acanthina were removed from their prey and then replaced near it again. About half of theindiv- iduals tested resumed their attack immediately. Theother half showed no interest in feeding and could not be induced to repeat an attack even when fresh sea water and then a fresh snail were substituted for water in which the capture took place and then the captured snail. 3. From the snail shell table above it is apparent that the heaviest incidence of drilling occurs on snails from 10/32- 13/32". To test to see if this is a preferred size for a special reason, Acanthina were attached to the backs of various sized snails. I found thatI could not make an Acanthina remain at- tached to a snail below 8/32"; snails larger than 14/32" could drag an Acanthina weighing 4.82 grams up out of thewater and hang on until the Acanthina eventually dropped off. On the basis of these two observations, the Acanthina apparently prefers snails between 8 and 14/32" because they are large enough to attach to and small enough to be too weak to escape by crawling up out of the water. In summary, from the observation of a successful attack by an Acanthina on a snail measuring 12/32" it would appear that a L. planaxis iseasy prey for a truly hungry snail, however there are conditions that must be met before an Acanthina can encounter a periwinkle. The incidence of Acanthina predation is highest in those areas where there are small tide pools below the litt- orine covered rocks. For convenience and ease of capture snails between 10 and 14/32" seem to be preferred, although it must be pointed out that snails between 10 and 14/32" comprise the bulk of the population and are therefore the size range most Eintered by Acant'ina. Thetwenty per cent drilling given in theabove table for those shells recovered from gur hermit crabs probably does not represent a true indication of Acanthina predaton on the entirepopulation because Acanthina attacks occur apparently only in splash pool regions and the bulk of the. planaxis population does not live above these splash pools. frq APPENL H Tetee Sopoud, 035 * O u I IepTe le 3 4 +.- 2 e a Et P 40 vdde 37 9 8 9. 3. 8 e R P 10 28 D O O C Or