Kenneth B. Robbins Sugar Absorption by C. stelleri INTRODUCTION The absorption of nutrients is one important phys¬ iological function of animal intestine. Absorption of nutrients has been well-studied in vertebrates (for re¬ views, see Wilson, 1962; Crane, 1968; Curran, 1973), revealing accumulation against an apprent concentration gradient by means of the carrier-mediated process termed active transport (for a review of membrane carrier trans¬ port, see Neame and Richards, 1972). Little work has been done with invertebrates, however. The study of monosaccharide active transport in in¬ vertebrate intestine has encompassed only two classes of Echinodermata (see Lawrence and Mailman, 1967; Ferguson, 1964), one class of Arthropoda (Randal and Derr, 1965), and two classes of Mollusca (Lawrence and Lawrence, 1967; Wright, 1968). Very little is known about the exact site of mono¬ saccharide absorption in invertebrates, or the nature of the mechanism by wheih that absorption occurs. The first investigation demonstrating active transport of monosaccharides by a molluscan intestine was done by Lawrence and Lawrence (1967) using the amphineuran Crypto¬ chiton stelleri (Middendorff, 1846). D-glucose and 3-0- methylglucose were found to be accumulated from the in¬ page 2 Kenneth B. Robbins Sugar Absorption by C. stelleri cubation medium into everted sacs of proximal anterior in¬ testine, while D-galactose was accumulated by everted sacs of posterior intestine. Further studies have revealed a socium coupled galactose transport system in the posterior intestine of this organism (Lawrence and Mailman, 1967; Puddy, 1970; Lawrence et al., 1972). Little or no work has been done on the kinetics or spec¬ ificity of the monosaccharide transport systems in the in¬ testinal tissue of Cryptochiton stelleri due to the exper¬ imental limitations of the everted sac technique. I decided to approach the problem of sugar uptake and related enzyme kinetics of this organism by measuring the accumulation of sugar in intestinal tissue itself, as Crane and Mandelstam (1960) did with hamster intestine. There are two basic reasons for preferring this technique. First, it is difficult to elucidate the actual transport mechanism using everted sacs, as at least two separate processes are occurring to yield net transport across the intestinal wall: initial transport into the epithelial cells, followed apparently by diffusion through the many underlying cell layers to the serosal fluid. The connective tissue itself, which is 200 u thick in the anterior intestine (Fretter, 1937), may act as a significant barrier to free diffusion. With the use of tissue slices, however, sugar need only enter the epithel¬ ial cells to be measured, and underlying tissue serves as a page 3 Kenneth B. Robbins page 4 Sugar Absorption by C. stelleri repository similar to the serosal fluid of the everted sac. A second advantage of the tissue accumulation technique is that slices from different locations on the intestine and from different animals can be pooled and distributed among flasks so that the sugar absorbing potential of the tissues in each flask is uniform. This is not possible using everted sacs, as the transport rate of each sac varies. The use of tissue samples with equivalent absorbing potential is essential in the study of saturation kinetics, which is an important means of characterizing any transport mechanism. The properties of D-glucose, D-galactose, and, in certain circumstances, 3-0-methylglucose transport were thus studied using a tissue accumulation technique. The two regions of intestine studied showed specific accumulation of one or more of these sugars. Transport was notably slow compared to sugar absorption by hamster intestinal tissue. The D-galactose transport system of the proximal posterior intestine of Cryptochiton stelleri, however, was found to be more sensitive to low sugar concentrations than the mammalian equivalent. MATERIALS AND METHODS Chitons (Cryptochiton stelleri) of both sexes weighing between 600 and 1200 g were obtained subtidally near Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California. They were kept in aerated page 5 Sugar Absorption by C. stelleri Kenneth B. Robbins seawater at 13°C at least three weeks before use. The procedure for determining monosaccharide accumulation in intestinal tissue was a modification of that of Crane and Mandelstam (1960). The intestine and associated digestive gland was removed from an experimental animal and placed in chiton Ringer solution (Lawrence and Lawrence, 1967). The digestive gland was carefully teased away from the intestine and the intestine was elongated. The proximal half of the anterior intestine and the proximal 30 cm of the posterior intestine were the only portions studied in these experiments. Fifteen centimeter portions of the experimental tissues were everted over a glass rod, rinsed in chiton Ringer solu¬ tion, and cut with scissors to yield a number of 2-4 mm wide tissue rings. These were distributed evenly among incubation flasks containing 50 ml of chiton Ringer solution, thus assuring a uniform sample in each flask. Incubations flasks were given a 15-minute preincubation period followed by the addition of specific unlabeled and C-labeled monosaccharides to the medium. Both pre¬ incubation and incubation were carried out at 18°-20°C on a rotary shaker (60rpm) under 100% oxygen. Concentrations of sugar in the incubation medium ranged from 0.2-10 mM. Incubation periods ranged from 0-8 hours. Following incubation, two tissue samples containing 6-8 intestinal tissue slices were removed from an incubation flask, blotted lightly, weighed, homogonized in 2.0 ml 2.0% enneth B. Robbins Sugar Absorption by C. stelleri Znso 7H»0 followed by 2.0 ml 1.8% Ba(OH), for the purpose of deproteinization, and centrifuged at low speed. The fil¬ trate was analyzed for the appropriate monosaccharides. Original intestinal tissue, tissue dipped in the experimental medium, original medium samples and final medium samples were also analyzed for sugar content. Determinations of D-glucose and D-galactose were made by bothe chemical and radioactive techniques. Analysis of 3-0-methylglucose was done only by the radioactive method. Chemical determinations were done colorimetrically using the Glucostat and Galactostat reagents (Worthington Biochemical Corporation). D-glucose-U- C, D-galactose-1-C, and 3-0- methyl- C-D-glucose were obtained from New England Nuclear Corporation. Tracer concentrations in the incubation media were 0.040uc/ml ( 3x10M), added to the non-radioactive analogues which were present at final concentration. Radioacitivity was determined by liquid scintillation counting in a solution of Omnifluor in Dioxane (8 g/1) using proportional counting by a Nuclear Chicago Unilux II Scaler. Quenching was consistent for known standards and all experimental samples. Data are presented as millimolar concentrations of sugar in the tissue water. Tissue water was determined to be approximately 80% of tissue wet weight for both anterior and posterior intestinal samples, by comparing the wet weights and dry weights (after 24 hours at 100°C) of pooled samples. page 6 Sugar Absorption by C. stelleri Kenneth B. Robbins RESULT D-galactose at gn original concentration of 4.5 mM in the medium was found to be concentrated to 7.0 mM within posterior intestinal tissue after a three hour incubation. Results of the accumulation of 3.0 mM D-galactose over an 8-hour period by posterior intestinal tissue are presented in fig. 1. D-galactose at a medium concentration of 4.5 mM gave an anterior intestinal tissue concentration of 4.4 mM after 8 hours, apparently indicating the lack of a D¬ galactose transport system in this region of the intestine. Original tissue D-galactose concentrations were less than 0.4 mM, and thus were not a problem in analysis. The results of an experiment demonstrating saturation kinetics over a three-hour incubation period by the D¬ galact se transport system of the posterior intestine are presented in fig. 2. D-galactose accumulation has been divided into a hypothetical diffusion component and saturable, carrier¬ mediated component, the latter being the difference between total transfer and the diffusion component. On this basis the maximum velocity of the transport system (Vmay) is 0.8 millimoles D-galactose/l tissue fluid/hr, and K, the concentration of substrate necessary to give half the maxi¬ mum velocity, is less than O.1 mM. D-glucose at an original medium concentration of 5.5 mM was found to be concentrated to approximately 8.0 mM in both Page 7 Kenneth B. Robbins Sugar absorption by C. stelleri anterior and posterior intestinal tissue over a three-hour period (fig. 3). Three-O-methylglucose, a non-metabolizable glucose analogue in other transport systems (Curran, 1973, p. 188), was not concentrated by posterior intestinal tissue. The accumulation of D-glucose, but not of 3-0-methylglucose, was substantiated by an experiment in which 3-0-methylglucose tracer exhibited only passive diffusion in both a D-glucose and 3-0-methylglucose medium (fig. 4). This demonstrates that the difference in transport of the two sugars is due to carrier specificity rather than the need for a metabolic substrate in the medium. The analysis of D-glucose transport was complicated by the presence of an average of 3 mM D-glucose in the original intestinal tissue of chitons starved for three weeks. Chemical analysis thus gave higher D-glucose concentrations than tracer analysis for the first few hours of tissue incubation in a D-glucose medium. By the fourth hour, however, radioactive and chemical analysis gave approximately the same results. This was assumed to indicate the replacement of original cellular D-glucose with D-glucose from the medium by the process of exchange diffusion. D-galactose transport in the posterior intestine was not greatly inhibited by the presence of a relatively high concentration of D-glucose, thus ruling out competition of these two sugars for the same carrier. A concentration of page 8 Kenneth B. Robbins Sugar absorption by C. stelleri 0.2 mM D-galactose in the presence of 3.0 mM D-glucose gave a tissue/medium D-galactose concentration ratio (T/M) av¬ eraging 14.5, while a 0.2 mM control gave a T/M of 17.0 over a three-hour period, DISCUSSION A number of assumptions were made in the calculationan and interpretation of data. Tissue water was approximated at 80% of tissue wet weight, and sugar was assumed to be spread uniformly throughout that fluid. Tissue water, however, is actually a composite of adherent medium, extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid. There are furthermore a variety of cell types composing the tissue, not all of which may be participating in absorption. The sugar concentrations presented are thus averages of all the uncontrollable factors related to tissue structure and do not represent true intracellular concentrations. It is assumed that transport is a one-way process over the tie interval studied, and the possible effects of dif¬ fusion and outward transport were not delat with quantitatively in simple uptake experiments. These effects over a three¬ hour period may be considerable, however, since an everted sac is presumably filled with sugar by the action of dif¬ fusion over that interval. Other assumptions made were that all transported sugars page 9 Kenneth B. Robbins Sugar absorption by C. stelleri were fee in solution in the cells, that tissue slicing dam¬ age was minimal, and that the contents of all cells and organelles were released upon homogenization. The effects of metabolism were ignored, since chemical and radioactive tracer analysis gave approximately the same results in all experiments when original tissue concentrations were accounted for. In consideration of all these factors, the concentrations of sugar determined in these experiments are biased, if at all, towards a lower tissue/medium concentration ratio. Thus, an accumulation of sugar above medium concentration by a tissue definitely indicates active transport, while no accumulation (T/M 1) does not necessarily negate that possibility. It is also important to realize that the rate of sugar absorption by intestinal tissue varies from one animal source to another, thus making the comparison of rates in separate uptake experiments impossible. Experimental results thus indicate active transport of D-galactose by the proximal posterior intestine and of D-glucose by both the anterior and posterior intestine. D-glucose transport by the proximal anterior intestine, and D-galactose transport by the posterior intestine were both observed in the everted sac studies of Lawrence and Lawrence (1967). The fact that D-galactose was not accumulated by anterior intestinal tissue which accumulated D-glucose, and the fact that D-galactose transport by posterior intestinal page 10 Kenneth B. Robbins page 11 Sugar absorption by C. stelleri tissue was not substantially inhibited by high concentrations of D-glucose support the belief of Lawrence and Lawrence (1967) that at least two monosaccharide transport systems are operating in the intestine of this organism. The velocity of D-galactose accumulation in the experiment demonstratin saturation of galactose transport (fig. 2) is represented by the final tissue concentration after a three-hour incubation period. The experimental values thus do not directly represent initial rates, as is desired. However, transport is slow enough that it is assumed the final concentrations are proportional to initial rates. Transport analyzed in this way yields a curve which can be divided hypothetically into a saturable and un¬ saturable component, the linear unsaturable component being attributed to net diffusion. The value for Vpgy determined for the saturated D-galactose system, 0.8 mM/hr, may actually be somewhat lower than the true value due to the effects of outward transport which were not considered in this experiment. Nevertheless, even with a two-fold increase in rate, transport remains extremely slow when compared to a corresponding mammalian system. The D-galactose transport system of hamster intestine, for example, has aI of max 120 mM/hr (Crane, 1960). The difference in rates is not unexpected, however, as there are great differences in the metabolic rates and energy requirements of these two Kenneth B. Robbins Sugar absorption in C. stelleri organisms. The low temperature environment (11°-14°C) of Cryptochiton stelleri may, in particular, depress the rate of any carrier-mediated transport process (Lawrence and Lawrence, 1967a). Another unique feature od D-galactose transport in Cryptochiton stelleri is the extremely low K of the system. The value cannot be accurately determined from the graph of carrier transport in fig. 2, but it is definitely in the range of 0.1 mM or less. The corresponding Ky for hamster intestinal D-galactose transport is 2.2 mM (Crane, 1960). The D-galactose transport system of Cryptochiton stelleri thus responds most efficiently at low concentrations, perhaps compensating somewhat for the low transport rate. The D-glucose transport system in the proximal posterior intestine seems to be extremely specific, as 3-0-methylglucose is not apparently concentrated. Lawrence and Lawrence (1967) did not detect an accumulation of D-glucose in everted sacs of posterior intestine. Nevertheless, a decrease in D-glucose concentration and no decrease in 3-0-methyl¬ glucose concentration was noted in the serosal compartment. The decrease in D-glucose was attributed to metabolism. My results suggest, however, that D-glucose was not metabolized, but merely accumulated in the tissue, while 3-0-methylglucose was not accumulated. The absorption of D-glucose within the posterior intestinal tissue without Page 12 Sugar absorption in C. stelleri Kenneth B. Robbins unidirectional transport across the intestinal wall seems reasonable, as Gabe and Prenant (1949) have reported significant glycogen stores in that tissue for three species of chitons. Presumably, D-glucose was actively transported into epithelial cells, but was not converted to glycogen during the course of the experiments. Although this study demonstrates the accumulation of sugar by intestinal tissue, a process which most certainly is important in the trans-intestinal transport process, no investigation of Cryptochiton stelleri has yet determined the entire mechanism by which sugars and other nutrients are transported across the intestinal wall and into the body fluids. Histological studies of chiton intestine have been done (Fretter, 1937; Gabe and Prenant, 1949), but no cells show the characteristic microvilli of mammalian epithelia. In mammals, transport is localized in the microvilli region of the epithelial cells (Wilson, 1962), thus explaining the unidirectional flux of nutrients across the gut wall. Exactly how unidirectional flux is achieved by the intestinal epithelia of Cryptochiton stelleri remains the greatest enigma of this invertebrate transport system. SUMMARY 1. The uptake of D-glucose and D-galactose by the intestine of Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff, 1846) was studied page 13 Kenneth B. Robbins Sugar absorption by g. stelleri in vitro by the accumulation of sugar within intestinal tissue. 2. Proximal anterior intestinal tissue actively absorbs D-glucose. 3. Proximal posterior intestinal tissue actively absorbs D-glucose and D-galactose, via separate transport systems. 4. The posterior intestinal D-glucose trasnport system is apparently incapable of transportin 3-0-methylglucose, a non-metaboizable glucose analogue in other transport systems. 5. D-galactose uptake by the posterior intestine is very slow in mammalian terms (Va = 0.81 mM/hr), although the D-galactose transport system of Cryptochiton stelleri shows a greater sensitivity (K, - 0.1 mM) to D-galactose than does the equivalent system in hamster intestine. This indicates a slow but efficient accumulation of D¬ galactose at low concentrations by this invertebrate. ACKNOWLEDGMEN The author wishes to thank Dr. Frederick A. Fuhrman and the rest of the faculty and staff of Hopkins Marine Station for encouragement in this endeavor. page 14 KEnneth B. Robbins page 15 Sugar absorption of C. stelleri LITERATURE CITED Crane, Robert K. 1960. Studies on the mechnism of the intestinal absorption of sugars. Biochem. biophys. Acta 45: 477-482; 4 figs. (23 April 1960) Crane, Robert K. 1968. Absorption of sugars. Pages 1323-1351 in Charles F. Code, ed. Alimentary canal. Vol. III: Intestinal absorption. Section 6 of Handbook of physiology. Washington, D.C. (American Physiological Society) Crane, Pobert K., & Paul Mandelstam 1960. The active transport of sugars by various prep¬ arations of hamster intestine. Biochim. biophys. Acta. 45: 460-476. Curran, Peter F. 1973. Active transport of amino acids and sugars. Functional and Structural Nature of Biomembranes: II. New York (MSS Information Corporation) pp. 185-202. Ferguson, J. C. 1964. Nutrient transport in starfish II: Uptake of nutrients by isolated organs. Biol. Bull. 126: 391-406. Fretter, Vera. 1937. The structure and function of the alimentary canal of some species of Polyplacophora (Mollusca). Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. 70 (4): 119-164. (enneth B. Robbins Sugar absorption by C. stelleri Gabe, M., & M. Prenant. 1949. Contribution a l'etude cytologique et histochimique du tube digestif des Polyplacaphores. Arch. Biologie 60: 39-77. Lawrence, A. L., & D.C. Lawrence 1967. Sugar absorption in the intestine of the chiton, Crytochiton stelleri. Comp. Biochem. and Physiol. 22: 341-357. Lawrence, D. C., & A. L. Lawrence 1967a. Effects of temperature upon mechanisms for active transport of monosaccharides in the intestine of a chiton, Cryptochiton stelleri. Amer. Zool. 7: 194. Lawrence, A. L. & D. S. Mailman 1967. Electrical potentials and ion concentrations across the gut of Cryptochiton stelleri. Journ. Physiol. 193: 535-545. Lawrence, A. L., D. S. Mailman, & Robert Earl Puddy 1972. The effect of carbohydrates on the intestinal potentials of Cryptochiton stelleri. Journ. Physiol. 225 (3): 515-527. Neame, K. D., & T. G. Richards 1972. Elementary Kinetics of Membrane Carrier Transport. i - xii + 120 pp; illus. New York (John Wiley & Sons) Puddy, Robert Earl 1970. Ion and carbohydrate absorption in the posterior intestine of Cryptochiton stelleri. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Houston. page 16 Sugar absorption by C. stelleri page 17 Kenneth B. Robbins Randal, D. D., & R. F. Derr 1965. Trehalose: occurence and relation to egg, diapause, and active transport in the differential grasshopper, Melanopus differentialis. Journ. of Insect Physiol. II: 329-335. Wilson, T. Hastings 1962. Intestinal Absorption. i-ix + 263 pp.; illus. Philadelphia (W. B. Saunders Company) Wright, R. O. 1968. Sugar transport in the gut of a limpet, Megathura crenulata. Masters Thesis. Univ. of Houston. Kenneth B. Robbins Sugar absorption by C. stelleri FIGURE CAPTIONS fig. 1. Uptake of D-galactose by posterior intestinal tissue over an 8-hr incubation period. Initial medium con¬ centration was 3.0 mM. Samples were taken in duplicate at O. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 hrs, and analyzed chemically and radioactively for D-galactose. Both methods yielded similar results; radioactive analysis is presented here. fig. 2. Relationship of the rate of D-galactose uptake to the concentration of D-galactose in the incubation medium. Rate of uptake is plotted as the concentration of D-galactose in posterior intestinal tissue after a 3-hr incubation period. Radioactive and chemical analysis gave equivalent results; radioactively-determined data are presented here. Total transport is divided into a hypothetical insaturable component and saturable component, attributed to net diffusion and carrier transport, respectively. On this basis, Vmay equals 0.81 mM/hr, and K 0.1 mM. Vpay may actually be somewhat higher, due to the possible effects of outward transport which were not considered in analysis. fig. 3. The uptake of D-glucose by intestinal tissue. Proximal anterior and proximal posterior intestinal tissue were incubated for 3 hrs in a 5.5 mM D-glucose medium. Hourly samples were recovered in duplicate and analyzed by page 18 enneth B. Robbins Sugar absorption by C. stelleri radioacitve and chemical techniques. Chemical analysis gave slightly higher values for the first two hours, due to the presence of 1.8 mM D-glucose and 3.1 mM D-glucose in original anterior and posterior tissue samples. Complete exchange diffusion seemed to occur by the third hour, however, as radioactive and chemical analysis gave equivalent results, Radioactively-determined data are presented here, as these data definitely indicate accumulation of D-glucose from the medium and are less biased to high tissue/medium D¬ glucose ratios. fig. 4. Specificity of the posterior intestinal D-glucose transport system. Incubations of posterior intestinal tissue were carried out in the monosaccharide media described beolow. Samples were taken in duplicate at 0, 2, and 4 hrs, analyzed chemically for D-glucose and radioactively to determine the behavior of tracers in each environment. The contribution of added tracers to the total sugar concentration was negligible ( 3x10 M). A. D-glucose at 3.0 mM plus 0.04 uc/ml D-glucose-u-c. Both D-glucose and labeled D-glucose were accumulated by the tissue. The initial difference between chemical and radio¬ active analysis was due to the presence of 3.0 mM glucose, in the tissue before addition of sugar to the medium. This was apparently completely exchanged for D-glucose from the medium by the fourth hour of incubation. page 19 Kenneth B. Robbins Sugar absorption by C. stelleri B. Three-O-methylglucose at 3.0 mM plus 0.04 uc/ml 3-0- methyl-+C-D-glucose. Labeled 3-0-methylglucose was not apparently concentrated by the tissue. Presumably, original tissue glucose dropped due to passive diffusion. C. D-glucose at 3.0 mM plus 0.04 uc/ml 3-0-methyl-c- D-glucose. D-glucose conentration, determined chemically, rose within the tissue as in A. Labeled 3-0-methylglucose, however, behaved similarly to the labeled 3-0-methylglucose in B, and apparently was not concentrated. page 20 Kerne . obns Soje p 2 — 23568 HOURS 419. 5. Kobbins So Absoptie by steler (cavier) L 1 5 2 7 89 10 EXTERNAL MEDIUII CONCENTETON, m moles/o 61 2 Keonet B. Kobbing S pn yi ANTE RIOR INTESTINE POSTERIOR INIESTIRE HOURS fig. 3 e e s 2 lg51s glcese chem. arolysis 2 3 B Tacer ana 19515 2 eoge chem. analgsls 3 4 2 c gbien eten. analis —8 tter o 9515 L 2 3 HOuS fi9 1