Kim, C. Shell adequacy of hermit crabs... Abstract Pagurus samuelis is found consistently higher than Pagurus granosimanus in the rocky intertidal of China Point in Monterey Bay . The adequacy and availibility of Tegula shells to P. samuelis and P. granosimanus was studied to investigate the possibility of competition for shells as a mechanism of maintaining tidal height segregation. The investigation was done in three portions: a mark and release study of live snails to directly find the rate of supply of new shells, creating a shell adequacy index using crab weight and shell diameter, and a comparison of the shell adequacy of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus where they co-occur and occur separately. Although the mark and release study yeilded no mortality after six weeks, data from the shell adequacy index suggests that large P. samuelis and P. granosimanus are not shell limited. The interspecifc competition for shells was not significantly different from intraspecific competition, and therefore does not play a major role in maintaining tidal segregation. — Kim, C. Shell adequacy of hermit crabs... Introduction Pagurus samuelis and Pagurus granosimanus are hermit crabs found along the western coast of North America. Bollay (1964) reported that P. samuelis was found consistently at higher tidal height than P. granosimanus. More than 80% of the animals of both species of reproductive size are found in shells of species of Tegula (Bollay 1964). Because both species of hermit crab utilize Tegula spp. shells and Bollay reported that almost no empty inhabitable shells were in the intertidal, it was hypothesized that the distribution of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus is being maintained by interspecies competition. Competition can determine the way, where and how organisms live. Vance (1972a) defined competition as "when two or more organisms seek a common, necessary resource which occurs in insufficient supply to meet their combined needs," and demonstrated that shell competition between Pagurus granosimanus, Pagurus hirsiuticulus and Pagurus beringanus on the Washington coast species affects the composition of a community and can be a major limiting resource A constant supply of shells are a necessary resource for hermit crabs. The basic function of hermit crab’s shells is protection (Vance 1972b), but inadequate shell size can decrease resistance to desiccation (Taylor 1981) and predation (Vance 1972b), decrease fecundity (Bertness 1981b), and slow down growth rate (Markham 1968). A constant supply of shells is needed so that hermit crabs can move into adequate shells as they mature. Although there was not enough time to investigate, all components of competition, an investigation of shell competition and its potential influence on intertidal segregation of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus was done in the Kim, C. Shell adequacy of hermit crabs... Monterey Bay in May and April. Three aspects of shell resources were examined: the rate of supply of shells, adequacy of hermit crab shells in overlap and non-overlap zones and comparisons of shell adequacy in different wave exposure sites. Methods and Materials Mark and Release A mark and release study of live T. funebralis was done to determine the supply rate of new shells into the hermit crab population. Specimens were collected from a 0.25 m2. The T. funebralis shells were wiped with a paper towel and allowed to dry. Then, a spot of enamel model paint (Testor) was painted onto the shell, and after enamel dried, the snails were released into the field. Population studies To determine the relationship between Tegula sizes and the shells that hermit crabs occupy, collections were made from three locations in the rocky intertidal zone off of China Point in the Monterey Bay in the months of May and April (Fig. 1). Three locations were chosen for their varied wave action; they were rocky areas by Agassiz Beach (protected), Hewett Transect (semi¬ protected), and West Beach (exposed). All three locations had large algae covered rocks surrounded by a loose substrate and sea grass. At each site, quadrats were sampled every two meters along a transect line running perpendicular to shore from -O.5 m (MLLW) to determine vertical distribution of hermit crab species in each area. At the protected and semi-protected areas, T. funebralis were collected from within a 0.25 m2 area, and hermit crabs were collected for up to half an hour or until 50 hermit crabs were collected. At the exposed area, the first 50 Tegula shells - indiscriminate of whether it was a snail or a hermit crab - were collected. Kim, C. Shell adequacy of hermit crabs... In lab, maximum basal diameter of shells of the crabs and snails were measured using venier calipers. Äfter blotting dry naked hermit crabs with a paper towel, live body weight was measured. A shell adequacy index was generated as described in Vance (1972a). In a glass tank 9.5" x 12" x 17.5" with sand, Pelvetia, and constant circulation of cold sea water, 50 P. samuelis were given five days to select an preferred sized shell from 274 Tegula spp. shell. Then, live body weight of the crab and maximum basal diameter of shells were measured. A linear regression was fit to the logarithms of body weight and maximum basal diameter. The same procedure using 56 P. granosimanus and 194 Tegula spp. shells was used to determine a shell adequacy index for P. granosimanus. The shell adequacy ratio was defined as maximum basal diameter of a hermit crab’s shell in the field divided by the maximum basal diameter of the calculated preferred size as estimated by the shell adequacy index. Shell adequacy ratios less than one indicate that the shell a crab occupied in the field was smaller than its preferred shell, and a shell adequacy ratio greater than one indicate a crab occupied a shell greater than its preferred shell. Differences between population size distribution were analyzed by non¬ parametric Kolmogorov-smirnov tests (Sokal & Rohlf, 1981), and Pearson chi¬ square tests were used to analyze shell adequacy ratios. Interspecific competition To investigate interspecies competition, hermit crab data from the semi¬ protected and protected areas were combined and resorted into areas where P. samuelis and P. granosimanus co-occur and areas where they occur separately. The exposed area data was excluded because of the difference of collection method. The combined shell adequacy of P. samuelis and P. Kim, C. Shell adequacy of hermit crabs... granosimanus in overlap and non-overlap areas were analyzed by Z-factor ANOVA t-tests assuming unequal variances. Results Mark and Release Study Äfter six weeks, the mark and release study yielded no mortality in marked T. funebralis. Ten days after released, only 50 of the original 191 marked snails found after searching for an hour, and no marked hermit crabs were found. Between site comparisons The population distribution of the crab body weight show that the P. samuelis is slightly smaller than P. granosimanus at each area (Fig. 2-4). The modal weights of the crabs are the same in the protected and semi-protected areas, but in the exposed area the modal weight of the P. samuelis is larger than P. granosimanus. In the protected area, shell utilization patterns of both species of hermit crab were skewed to larger shells than Tegula spp. and were significantly different (Fig. 5). In the semi-protected area, the shell utilization patterns of both P. samuelis and P. granosimanus were skewed to larger shells than Tegula spp. and were also significantly different (Fig. 6). In the exposed area, shell distributions of all three species were not significantly different (Fig. 7). The equations from the shell adequacy indices are In crab weight - 3.1088 + 0.2020 x In shell width (p«0.001, r2-0.85) for P. granosimanus and In crab weight = 3.1437 + 0.3159 x In shell width (p20.001, r2-0.89) for P. samuelis. These slopes were significantly different (F= 18.87, p20.001). In the protected area, P. samuelis and P. granosimanus have the same modal shell adequacy ratio (Fig. 8), but the proportion of P. granosimanus in Kim, C. Shell adequacy of hermit crabs... the protected area with adequacy indices less than one is significantly more than the proportion of P. samuelis with adequacy indices less than one (p=0.026, chi-square). In both the semi-protected and exposed areas, the proportion of P. granosimanus and P. samuelis with adequacy indices less than one were not significantly different (p-0.557 chi-square, p-0.620 chi¬ square respectively) (Fig. 9-10). In a shell adequacy ratio versus maximum basal diameter of all data combined, both P. samuelis and P. granosimanus were in the 0.8-1.2 range (Fig. 11) In both hermit crab species the animals with shell adequacies greater than 1.2 are in shells larger than 15 mm, and the hermit crabs with shell adequacies less than .8 are in shells smaller than 15 mm. Interspecific comparisons Mean shell adequacy ratios of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus in areas where they co-occur and where they occur alone are not significantly different (p-O.O8ANOVA, p=0.06 ANOVA respectively) (Fig. 12-13). Discussion The shell adequacy of a hermit crab’s shell affects its resistance to desiccation, protection against predation, its fecundity, and its growth rate, making shells a common and necessary resource for P. samuelis and P. granosimanus. Although further exploration is needed, but data suggests that large P. samuelis and P. granosimanus are not shell limited. Shell adequacy ratios imply that Interspecific competition between P. granosimanus and P. samuelis around China point in the Monterey Bay area is not a major contributor to the segregation observed in the field, and that wave action may affect shell availability and adequacy of P. granosimanus and P. samuelis. Kim, C. Shell adequacy of hermit crabs... The introduction of new shells to the hermit crab population is very slow and could not be measured in six weeks. Wilber and Herrnkind (1984) marked and released snails in the salt marshes of Florida and found the rate of new snail shells into the hermit crab population, but the mortality rate of the T. funebralis is too low to measure directly in six weeks. Further study with a larger number of tagged snails and a longer time period are needed to determine the actual rate of introduction of new shells. The shell distributions of the protected and semi-protected areas suggested that larger hermit crabs are shell limited because hermit crab shell distributions were skewed to larger shells than Tegula spp. distributions (Fig. 5-6), but the shell adequacy ratio versus shell diameter plot (Fig. 11) indicates that the crabs needing smaller shells are more shell stressed than crabs needing larger shells. Bertness’s (1981b) studies indicated that larger crabs are more successful in fights for shells than smaller crabs, so the presence of small crabs in the 15-20 mm shells in this study are indicative of an abundance of large shells. If there were a shortage of large shells, the smaller crabs would have been evicted by larger crabs. The distribution of Tegula spp. seems to contradict the findings of the shell adequacy vs. shell diameter plot, but the number of hermit crabs and Tegula spp. collected differ by one order magnitude, so even a very slow mortality rate of the Tegula spp. could keep the P. samuelis and P. granosimanus well supplied with shells. Another possible explanation for the discrepancy is that predators may prefer certain sizes of Tegula spp. skewing the availability of one size over the others. Fawcett(1984) noted that the Pisaster giganteus preferentially eats larger snails. The crab, Cancer is known to break off pieces of shell in Kim, C. Shell adequacy of hermit crabs... preying on shelled animals, and this type of predation if selective would reduce the relative availability of a shell size class. Interspecific competition Comparisons of mean shell adequacy ratios of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus in areas of overlap and non-overlap indicate that the strength of interspecies competition for shells is not significantly different from the strength of intraspecies competition for shells (Fig. 12-13). If interspecific competition were a major factor of segregation of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus, the shell adequacy ratios in areas where the two species co¬ occur would be lower than shell adequacy ratios in areas where the two occur separately, but that trend is not in the data. Although the mean adequacy ratio of both species is not significantly different, the mean shell adequacy ratio of both P. samuelis and P. granosimanus actually increases when found together indicating that shell adequacy improves in the zone in which both species co- occur. Wave action affects on shell adequacy The proportion of hermit crabs with shell adequacies greater than one in the exposed and semi-protected areas are not significantly different, but a greater proportion of the P. granosimanus of the protected area have shell adequacy ratios less than one than P. samuelis. The number one was used as the arbitrary cut off point at which to compare those shells that were in "poor" shells and "good" shells, but their was no method for checking the exactness of the shell adequacy index. Acknowledgements My deepest thanks goes to Jim Watanabe for patiently walking me through the process of choosing a topic, changing topics, finding a question to answer, Kim, C. Shell adequacy of hermit crabs... helping me answer the question and introducing me to the nitty gritty details of research and writing scientific papers.. I would like to thank Edwardo Martinez for getting up for early morning tides and making collecting entertaining, and for making the days "exciting" Thank you to Alan Lam and Jill Snively for continual moral support throughout the quarter, and making it one of the most memorable. Kim, C. Shell adequacy of hermit crabs... Literature cited Bertness, M. D. 1981a. Pattern and plasticity is tropical hermit crab growth and reproduction. American Naturalist 117: 754-773. Bertness, M. D. 1981b. The influence of shell-type on hermit crab growth rate and clutch size (Decapoda, anomura). Crustaceana 40 (2): 197-205. Bollay, M. 1964. Distribution and utilization of gastropod shells by the hermit crabs Pagurus samuelis, Pagurus granosimanus and Pagurus hirsiuticulus at Pacific Grove, California. Veliger 6 (suppl.): 71-76. Markham, J. C. 1968. Notes on growth-patterns and shell-utilization of the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus (L.). Ophelia 5: 189-205. Sokal, R. R. and F. J. Rohlf. 1981. Biometry. Freeman, San Francisco, CA. 859 pp. 2nd edition. Taylor, P.R. 1981. Hermit crab fitness: the effect of shell condition and behavioral adaptations on environmental resistance. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 52: 205-218. Vance, R. R. 1972. Competition and mechanism of coexistence in three sympatric species of intertidal hermit crabs. Ecology 53: 1062-1074. 70 Vance, R.R. 197z. The role of shell adequacy in behavioral interactions involving hermit crabs. Ecology 53: 1075-1085. Wilber, Jr. and Hernkind. 1984. Shell acquisistion in Salt Marshes. Journal of Crustacean Biology 2(4): 588-592. 10 C Em 3 hell adegnarg of konit avat Figure legend Figure 1. Map of China point and locations of sites. Protected= Agassiz, Semiprotected= Hewett. Exposed site=West. Figure 2. Crab weight distribution in protected area of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus. Figure 3. Crab weight distribution in semi-protected area of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus. Figure 4. Crab weight distribution in exposed area of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus. Figure 5. Shell size distribution in protected area of Tegula spp., P. samuelis, and P. granosimanus. Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) Test of Tegula to P. samuelis distribution, pæ0.001. K-S test of Tegula to P. granosimanus distribution, p#0.001. K-S test of P. samuelis to P. granosimanus distribution, p-0.042. Figure 6. Shell size distribution in semi-protected area of Tegula spp., P. samuelis, and P. granosimanus. Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) Test of Tegula to P. samuelis distribution, p-0.039. K-S test of Tegula to P. granosimanus distribution, p=0.012. K-S test of P. samuelis to P. granosimanus distribution. P=.374. Figure 7. Shell size distribution in exposed area of Tegula spp., P. samuelis, and P. granosimanus. K-S test of Tegula to P. samuelis distribution, p-0.602. K-S test of Tegula to P. granosimanus distribution, p= 0.541. K-S test of P. samuelis to P. granosimanus distribution, p= O.993. Figure 8. Shell adequacy distribution in protected area of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus. Figure 9. Shell adequacy distribution in semi-protected area of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus Figure 10. Shell adequacy distribution in semi-protected area of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus Figure 11. Shell adequacy of P. samuelis in absence of P.granosimanus in the protected and semi-protected areas combined vs. Shell adequacy of P. samuelis in presence of protected and semi-protected areas combined. Figure 12. Shell adequacy of P. granosimanus in absence of P. samuelis in protected and semi-protected areas combined vs Shell adequacy of P. granosmimanus in presence of P. samuelis in protected and semi-protected areas combined. Figure 13. Shell adequacy vs. Maximum basal diameter of P. samuelis and P. granosimanus k 2 12 —.Sin HitGats - —- —: 8 . V o 1 unoo 1 O unoo C.Lim femitCbs 92•1 91•0 9•0 92•0 921 92•0 . 90 920 S o a unoo +++++ O unoo 921 91•0 9•0 92•0 92•1 91•0 g0 4 92•0 Chim Hemnit Gabs a taa- uno? ooo no 921 910 . 9•0 92•0 92•1 91•0 9•0 92•0 m t bs no noo no o Cim HermitCabs 6 10 O o d — a E HermitCab- 0 8 2 noo uno o noo o S + noo o no o unoo 0 L o O o Cm Hermit Crabs 00 S L —— ooO Oos- aatatoa- os- 6•1 8•1 1'1 915 8'1 215 6•0 8•0 1•0 9•0 6•1 8•1 11 9•1 9•1 v1- 3•1 6•0 8•0 1'0 9•0 Cm HermitCrab O L o Oos- odo Ooe- C Herwu Crat 67 8•1 1 9•1 81 6•0 8•0 2'0 9•0 61 8•1 1'1 9•1 95 v1- 8'1 214 6•0 8•0 1'0 9•0 L Ooe- Ckn Hernt Crabs 6•1 8•1 1'1 9•1 6•0 8•0 1'0 9•0 6•1 8•1 1'1 9•1. v1 8•1 3 6•0 8•0 1'0 9•0 + —O L . oooo . o - - - o Cn HermitCrabs 8 + 10 + 10 L 8•1 1'1 9•1 91 v1 8•1 2•1 1•1 6•0 8•0 10 9•0 8 - unoo 81 1'1 9•1 91 v1 8•1 31 1•1 6•0 8•0 10 9•0 — oooo junoo adequacy ratio Cen Hermit (rabs L — onoo junoo — ooo - junoo Hermittrabs 8•1 1'1 9•1 v'1 8•1 2•1 1•1 6•0 8•0 10 9•0 8•1 1'1 9•1 91 v1 81 3•1 1•1 6•0 8•0 1•0 9•0