Temporal pattern of desiccation and recovery in the high intertidal limpet, Co isellad gitalis Carol Marzuola Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove June 1935 ABSTRAC This study focused on the temporal pattern of recovery from desiccation stress in the high intertidal limpet, Collisella digitalis. Experiments were done on the effects of cumulative desiccation on groups of limpets with different submergence periods in between exposure periods. Results showed that limpets submerged for : .5 hours between repeated desiccation periods had an increased rate of weight loss after a series of 5 exposures. Limpets submerged for 4 hours between stresses exhibited weight gain during the experiment while 2 hours of submergence resulted in no significant weight changes. When limpets with a desiccation stress of 157 weight loss were allowed to equilibrate with sea water, a period of 2 hours was required for osmotic equilibration of the body fluid. More prolonged submergence of desiccated individuals results in an overshoot of weight recovery at osmotic equili¬ bration. The data suggests that not only does recovery time play an important role in determining the upper limits of the intertidal distribution of C. digitalis, but may also determine the lower limits as well. INTRODUCTION The high intertidal limpet, Collisella digitalis, has often been cited for its remarkable ability to withstand long periods of desiccation. Research done by Wolcott (1973) reveals that this limpet can survive a loss of 80% total water when desiccated under moderate conditions. Information such as this is useful when comparing C. digitalis' tolerance to desic cation with lower intertidal limpets and trying to explain limpet zonation. However, often in the field, it is not just one day or one short stretch of days with unusually warm weather and/or low low tidesthat cause kills, but a series of days of moderate stresses that accumulatively weaken the organism (Branch, 1981). C. digitalis is certainly found in areas where it could be subjected to these types of stresses, With this in mind, it should be pointed out that along with C. digitalis' remarkable ability to withstand long periods of desiccation, it must also possess an equally remarkable ability to recover safely and rapidly from water loss. Experiments were designed to examine the patterns of water balance with sets of repeated desiccation stress of 20 hours followed by different periods of submergence for recovery. The time course for equilibration of the osmotic concentration of the body fluids after a desiccation stress was also evaluated. Equili- bration was monitored for two sets of limpets, one continuously submerged and another removed to air after .7 hours of sub¬ mergence. Little research has been done in assessing recovery time. but its importance is cited by several authors (Branch 1981 Davies 1969). Results from this study reveal that there seems to be an ideal recovery time for a given total weight loss and that longer submergence time does not necessarily result in better recovery. Perhaps the time it takes C. digitalis and other limpets to recover is more important in determining loca¬ tion in the high intertidal than had previously been emphasized. MATERIALS AND METHODS Experiment 1: Forty limpets were collected at Still Water Cove, Monterey County, California, and placed in separate plastic petri dishes two days before experimenting began. During this time, all limpets received, on average, three hours of submergence daily to insure that none were stressed due to desiccation. The limpets were separated into four groups of ten (Groups O. .5 2, and 4). All groups had limpets of similar sizes, ranging from a mean radius of 9.8 mm. to 13.3 mm (Mean radius - limpet length + width/2). A period of exposure of 20 hours was selected to approximate times of exposure normally found in the field when C. digitalis is wet only by the high high tides. To simulate a desiccation stress, experimental limpets were placed in air circulated by an electrical fan and under lamps that maintained the temperature at about 21°C. These conditions are not abnormal for the high intertidal limpet and were not expected to cause any other harm (i.e. heat stress) to the limpets. 2 - All limpets were submerged for 4 hours before the first period of exposure. Following this, the limpets were exposed for 5 periods of desiccation with different submergence times, Group .5 limpets were submerged .5 hours after each 20 hour desiccation period. Group 2 limpets were submerged 2 hours after each 20 hour period. Group 4 limpets were submerged 4 hours after each 20 hour period. Group O limpets were not r submerged following the first submergence until 116 hours after the exposure. The limpets were submerged by placing the petri dishes in a bath of running sea water. Following each submergence, the dish and the limpet were blotted dry and weighed on a Mettler balance to one hundredth of a gram. The initial weight W(i) was the weight of the limpets following the first submergence. During the time of exposure the limpets were weighed periodically until the next time of submergence, Period 5 was the last exposure period for Groups ,5, 2. and 4. Weight loss of limpets was then followed for 60 hours, After 116 hours of desiccation, Group 0 limpets were submerged in water and their weight gain was measured over 24 hours. Weight loss for each group was analyzed by taking the fraction of weight left after a period of time, W/W(i), where W(i) is the initial weight at time O of the first period of - exposure. Since heat absorption and hence, evaporation rate, is proportional to the surface area of the limpet (Branch, 1981). W/W(i) was then normalized with respect to the total surface area (Total surface area - Trr2 + h2 + Ir2). This method takes into account the perimeter of the shell through which water is 3 lost (Wolcott, 1973). The method is: ) (Normalized) - Wo - aw 3/W(i) Wo is the weight of the limpet at time O at the beginning of each exposure period, AW is the water weight loss, S, is the average surface area of the limpets and Si is the surface area of a given limpet. The mean of this W/W(i) was then determined at each time and plotted, Since weight loss during period 1 was the same for all groups, their rates were pooled together. Using least square fit, the values for the slopes (rate of desiccation) for the exponential weight loss were determined. Slopes for period 1. pooled and by group, are given in Results. Experiment 2: Limpets of similar sizes were collected at Pt. Pinos. Monterey County, California, and desiccated to 13-15% total weight loss. At that time mantle and body water was collected from 6 limpets to determine osmolarity. The limpets were then submerged in a bath of running sea water for .7 hours. Body and mantle water samples were collected again from 6 limpets. Half of the population was then removed from water and left at room temperature. The other half was left in the sea water, Samples were collected periodically from both populations for 10 hours. Mantle water was extracted by gently squeezing the foot. Body fluid was obtained by slitting the bottom of the foot and extracting fluid with a microhematocrit capillary tube, These - 4 - samples were centrifuged to settle out particulates and the osmolarity of the supernatant was determined with a Precisions System Microsmometer that utilizes freezing point depression. RES Experiment 1: Figure 1 depicts theweight loss of Group 4 following 5 days of repeated 20 hour exposures with 4 hour submergence time. As expected, rate of weight loss is high during the first few hours and then begins to level out with time (Wolcott 1973). Least square fit values reveal the slope (Rate of desic¬ cation) for period 1 to equal .011f.0013 (group 4 alone) / .0093f.001 (pooled) and the slope of period 5 to equal .Ollt.0019, Rates of desiccation, thus, were not significantly different, There is a significant difference between W/W(i) at time O for each period: limpets at time O in period 5 weighed an average of 1.056:.026 x their original weight, W/W(i). The pattern of weight loss for Group 4 is shown in Figure 2. Weight gain during their 4 hour submergence showed a gradual increase over successive periods of exposure. Period 3 shows the limpets gaining, on average, 1.017t.0075 x their initial weight. Figure 3 shows that the 2 hour submergence group (Group 2) also changed little in the rate of weight loss between periods I and 5 (mj-.0084.0005 (group 2 alone)/.00932.001 (pooled), m5-.0091.0012). Unlike the limpets in Group 4, these limpets showed little fluctuations from their initial weights, W(i), at the beginning of each period. 5 - Limpets submerged for .5 hours/20 hours (Figure 4) showed a significant increase in the rate of weight loss during period 5 (mj-.010f.0007 (group .5 alone)/.0093 t.001 (pooled), mg-.0174.0023). Weight at time 0/period 5 was slightly lower than t-o /period 1: limpets, on average, weighed .984t.013 x lower than their initial weight, W(i). Figure 5 compares the pooled weight loss of period 1 for all groups, including Group 0, and the extended time of period 5 of Groups .5, 2, and 4. The rate of desiccation of Group ,5 is clearly greater than the other groups as described above. The high standard deviation of the mean of this group can be accounted for by 2 limpets that had died as their time of exposure increased. This, too, was evaluated as a sign of accumulative stress. The rate of weight loss of period 5 of Groups 2 and 4, as discussed: above, are not significantly different from period 1. Group O limpets that were placed in sea water following hours of desiccation showed increases in weight up to 1.0574.016 x their original weight after 10 hours submergence, Experiment 2: Osmolarity for limpets following 13-157 total weight loss was high as expected (1450 mOsm/1 H20). Following .7 hours of submergence, mantle water was 970 mOsm/1 H90 (sea water) and body water osmolarity had dropped to 1100 mOsm/ 1 H20. The body osmolarity of the population removed from sea water staved at around 1100 mOsm/1 H20 and the mantle water rose to 1150 mOsm/ 1 H20. The body water of the population in sea water kept dropping, but had not reached sea water osmolarity at 1.3 hours. Body osmo¬ - 6 - larity equilibrated with sea water between 1.3 and 2.3 hours after submergence. After this time, body osmolarity dropped slightly below sea water osmolarity. DISCUSSION It is helpful to think of the groups as occupying different positions in the intertidal, starting with Group 4 in the lowest position, Group 2 in the middle, and Group .5 in the highest. Presumably as one goes higher into the intertidal, time for recovery decreases and chances for longer periods of desiccation increase (Davies, 1969). Above the level of the low high tide to the neap high tide, there is not much difference in the increased exposure time for desiccation but this study shows there to be a great impact in the different, times of submergence with respect to water and salt balance. In assessing recovery. it is important to look at both the way the limpets regain weight after a period of exposure and how theyosmotically equilibrate after a certain weight loss. Without the full time for recovery. one would expect a gradual increase in weight loss. Group .5 nicely supports this prediction. If sea water equilibration time lies somewhere between 1.3 and 2.3 hours. than Group .5 did not have quite enough time to either equilibrate or regain the weight lost over a series of exposures. This, in turn, had a marked effect on the final period of prolonged expo- sure when the rate of weight loss was significantly increased. Although 4 hour submergence is enough time in which to equilibrate with sea water, Group 4 appears to regain too much weight during this time. The limpets, following repeated desic- cations, exhibited a bloating of 1.06 x their original weight. One author attributes this process ofswelling to a rapid intake of water through the gut in Notoacmae scutum and suggests that this form of uptake allows a more rapid recovery to normal volume (Webber 1969). Possibly the bloating is due to the high concentration difference between body osmolarity and sea water at the time of submergence. In either case, the rapid weight gain would seem to add a second stress. In the field. this swelling could create a loss of tenacity on the substrate (Boggs, 1985). Since the lower limits of C. digitalis do not seem to fall below an intertidal height where more than 4 hours of submergence are experienced daily, it would appear that digitalis' lower limits are being set by this factor, a sug gestion first made by Hoffman (1976). The weight gain of Group 2 did not significantly rise or fall below the initial weight. This group would have had time to both equilibrate and regain lost water. Their rate of weight loss did not change from one period to the next, and, unlike Group 4, this group did not experience the excessive swelling of Group 4. The 2 hour period of submersion would appear close to the ideal time for these limpets following 13-157 total weight loss. In fact, a study done on another mid inter- tidal' limpet, Patella vulgata, showed that after 1.9% water loss, it took 1.8 hours for the species to recover water (Davies, 1969). With only a slight loss of water, these limpets took nearly the same time to recover as the digitalis in the previous experiments where water loss was five to ten times as great. It is unclear whether this recovery time included osmotic equilibration, but it certainly suggests that recovery time, like tolerance to desiccation, must play an important role in choosing a limpet's habitat (Branch, 1981). One author points out that desiccation times in the lab are generally longer than any time that is seen in the field (Underwood, 1979). This is certainly true for the C. digitalis tested in my lab. They survived up to 116 hours without water and it is rare that they would be subjected to this length of exposure in the field. During their 20 hours of exposure. these limpets performed well. Death seemed to occur in the limpets at about 20-257 total weight loss but the most these limpets experienced during one 20 hour exposure was 10-157 weight loss. However, during period 5 when the limpets were exposed for longer than 20 hours, these limits were clearly approached by Group .5 limpets. Following repetitive exposure with only a minimal amount of water, the effects of cumulative stress became evidently detrimental to these limpets. In thinking about what could happen in nature, one could imagine a period of time in which high intertidal limpets re- ceived only one half hour of water daily and then suddenly re- ceived less or no water for a period of time. Kills reported in the field were often preceded by warm weather, or,more.... importantly, low surf, and usually involved those limpets at the upper limits of their ranges (Wolcott, 1973). Limpets in these cases seemed to have overestimated their tolerance to a series of exposures. Windless weather and low surf would provide little or no water in which to recover. It is also possible to imagine limpets receiving no water for a period of time and then suddenly receiving 2 to 4 hours of submergence by either high tides or wash by waves. If the rate of water gain is rapid and uncontrollable, than the bloating could also become dangerous. The problems associated with des¬ iccation could entail new problems with recovery. When Group O limpets were finally submerged following 116 hours of exposure, none exhibited rapid and normal recovery. They swelled up to 1.05x their original weight within 4 hours and did not return to normal weight until approximately 15-20 hours after submer- gence. Most of the limpets seemed severely weakened; by this I mean that none of the limpets left their petri dishes when placed in the water, as is normal, and four out of six of them died two days later. It appears as though simply submerging the limpets for a long period of time after an extensive exposure does not lead to recovery. Rather, there seems to be an ideal time of water submergence for C. digitalis which could further explain their ranges in the intertidal zone, More experiments of this type are needed to support these findings. Limpets could be stressed for longer periods of time, Osmotic and volume equilibration with sea water also needs further testing because of the problems associated with deter¬ mining osmolarity of viscous body fluids. However, these observations do tend to support the idea that an interactfon between desiccation tolerated and recovery time is important in determining the intertidal position of C. digitalis (Branch 1981, Davies 1969). It appears that C. digitalis has developed a unique recovery ability which not only dictates how high they are found in the intertidal, but how low as well. REFERENCES Loggs, David. 1985. Submergence as osmotic stress and its role in habitat selection in the high intertidal limpet, Collisella digitalis. unpublished MS. on reserve at the Hopkins Marine Station Library. Branch, G.M. 1981. The biology of limpets: Physical factors, energy flow, and ecological interactions. Jceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 19, 235-380. Davies, S. 1969. Physiological ecology of Patella. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 49, 291-309. Hoffman, R.S. 1976. Intertidal distribution and movement in Collisella strigatella. West. Soc. Malac. Ann. Rep. 9, 18. Underwood, A.J. 1979. The ecology of intertidal gastropods. Adv. Mar. Bio. 16, 111-210. Nebber, H.H. 1969. Uptake of sea water into the fluid spaces of the prosobranch gastropod, Acmaea scutum. Veliger. 12, 417-420, Wolcott, T.G. 1973. Physiological ecology and intertidal zonation in limpets (Acmaea): A critical look at "limiting factors". Biol. Bull. 145, 389-422. APPRECIATION In preparing this study I owe many thanks to many people: Dr. William Gilly for entrusting me with his sacred Osmometer and spatulas, Dr. Mark Denny for the use of his computer and his enthusiasm all along, Mr. Thomas Hahn for his help in collecting limpets and improving my vocabulary, Mr. Peter Thompson for his analytical abilities and high tolerance / rapid recovery to my abuse, Charles Baxter for his suggestions and patience and chili, and all those other spring class whim-pets that made 175H really worth it. FIGURES Weight loss vs. time of period 1 and Group 4/ period 5. W/W(i) represents the fraction of the initial weight at any given time. Each period of weight loss follows a 4 hour submergence. (correlation coefficient, r2 (period 1) - 79, r2 (period 5) = .93). 2. Weight loss vs. time of period 1 and Group 4/periods 3 and 5, showing, the progression of weight loss over.5 exposure periods (r(period 3) -.97). 3. Weight loss vs. time of period 1 and Group 2/period 5. Period 5 weight loss follows a 2 hour submergence. (r2 period 5 -.97). 4.Weight loss vs. time of period 1 and Group .5/period 5. Period 5 weight loss follows a .5 hour submergence. (r2 period 5 = .97). 5. Weight loss vs. time of period 1 and Groups .5, 2, and 4/ period 5 with extended time to show significant difference of period 1 and Group .5/period 5. 6. Osmotic equilibration of digit lis with sea water after a 13-15% total weight loss. Removal of half the population from sea water occurred at .7 hours. 58 4 9 S — (DM/M — O •4 — — 9 S ()MIM 9 c 8 OS —4 ao 4 — 2 9 S S S (DM/M - 10 4 — — 8 S ()M/M S 90 5 99. 0 a . s3 2 o ) — — — 9 (DMAM S S 8S . 9 o 3 44 0 o O O°H HuSON) XIIAVTONSO L S ++ 7—