ABSTRACT BACHELOR, E. P. (Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California), A Comparative Study of the Productivity of Prionitis lanceolata Harvey Near and Away from the Carmel Marine Sewage Outfall. The benthic red alga Prionitis lanceolata Harvey shows an increased primary productivity in the outfall canyon of the Carmel, California, marine sewage outfall. At a distance of twenty meters from the outfall this productivity shows a large reduction before again rising to a high value at approximately 20 to 40 meters. The differing productivities of samples from Mission Point, Monastery Beach, and Cabrillo Point (Hopkins Marine Station) are compared in relation to the currents which were found. Possible causes for these differences in productivity are discussed. The validity of the "light and dark bottle method of benthic algal productivity measurement used here is also discussed. INTRODUCTION Prionitis lanceolata Harvey is a species of benthic red algae which is widely distributed in the Monterey Bay, California, intertidal regions, generally occurring in the +1.0 to -1.5 foot tide levels. This alga has been found in very close proximity to the marine sewage outfalls of Carmel and Pacific Grove, and for this reason was chosen as an experimental tool of marine sewage pollution study. The increasing problems of waste disposal in the bay area have made change mandatory; the need for a good indicator of sewage pollution has become increasingly necessary, so that intelligent, ecologically acceptable decisions may be made concerning the future of the marine sewage outfalls. This paper presents the results of primary productivity measurements of P. lanceolata samples collected near and away from the outfall. Some hypotheses are made with respect totthe sewage's effect on the primary productivity. The "light and dark bottle" method of algal productivity measurement as used here, was found to not be especially applicable when applied to benthic marine algae. Therefore, the significance of the results should be accepted cautiously. MATERTALS AND METHODS Knowledge of the dispersion behavior of the sewage was important to both the collection of samples and the interpretation of experimental results; therefore, two group projects were completed during the term of study. First, a map of the immediate outfall area was constructed through the use of compass readings and measured lines. This map was marked in a grid with squares proportional to 625 ft of area. Each of these squares was in turn divided into 25 squares, each with sides proportional to five feet. This gridded map (figure 1) greatly aided in location and identification of algal samples. A map of the entire Carmel Bay area, partially represented in figures 3, 4, was obtained from the California State Department of Beaches and Parks. Second, two current studies were undertaken using fluorescein dye and color coded, marked bottles. The bottles were set from a small skiff in predetermined lines, and compass readings (figure 2, tables I, II) made at timed intervals from a suitable reference point. The bottles' actions were then plotted using this information (figures 3, 4). The dye was made up into 40 gm packets, containing a 3"x 3" x ½ piece of plywood as a floating device, and used to mark the bottle drops from the skiff and to conduct microcurrent studies in the immediate area of the outfall (figure 5). Collection of sample: Prionitis lanceolata was collected, labeled with the collection site sample number (e.g., 50-b), and placed in plastic bags for transport to the lab. The location, time of collection, tidal conditions, and a description of the algae and the collection site were all noted on a collection sheet (appendix). If the alga was to be used at a later time it was stored in Dr. L. R. Blinks' greenhouse aquaria. Experimental procedure Before testing, algal samples were scrubbed with fresh sea water to remove as many of the epiphytes and epizoites as possible. Algal sections of approximately the same size, and from the same part of the plant, were cut and placed into the clear and opaque B.O.D. bottles. After the volumes of the bottles were measured, the bottles were filled with sea water which had had No gas bubbled through it for approximately ten to fifteen minutes. A pump system was devised which allowed this water to be transfered to the bottles from the carboy using the Nitrogen as the pumping source. Thus, only a minimal uptake of atmospheric oxygen by the water was allowed. The aeration by Nitrogen lowered and standardized the ambient dissolved oxygen in the sea water appreciably. The B.O.D. bottles were then sealed, their stoppers taped in place, and incubated for one hour in the holding tanks (depth - +1.5 ft, temperature - 11°c). At the end of the incubation the bottles were removed, the dissolved 0, "fixed" (Strickland and Parsons, 1965), and a 50 ml volume removed from each bottle for the standard Winkler titration (Strickland and Parsons, 1965). Two "initial bottles" containing only the aerated sea water were fixed using the same procedure and also titrated. Test time, duration of test, ambient conditions (e.g., sunny), and the titration results were noted on a test data sheet (appendix). The algae were removed from the bottles, placed on filter paper, and dried in an oven. After being allowed to cool in contact with the air, the algal samples were weighed individually. Calculations of the gross productivity, net productivity, and respiration were made using modified formulas from Strickland and Parsons (1965). 6 RESULTS The gross productivity and net productivity of Prionitis lanceolata showed changes with increasing distance from the outfall (figures 6, 7). These changes coincide fairly well with one another, the net productivity showing less erratic behavior, and thus possibly being a better measure of the true productivity. The results were also plotted as a function of the visual dispersion of the effluent (dye studies). This curve shows the same trend as the others, but is probably the best interpretation of the data, since it most closely illustrates the actual effects of the effluent at the outfall. The results indicate an increased productivity rate at the outfall, followed by a decline in this rate a short distance away. The productivity is again elevated 20-40 meters from the outfall, decreasing to a low at approximately 70 meters. Beyond this distance, values to the south of the outfall are greater than those found for the algae which lie to the north of the outfall and for the HMS control. This trend correlates with the currents found in the bay (figures 3, 4). -6- DISCUSSION The pigment content per gram wet weight of Prionitis lanceolata has been shown to be at high levels in samples from very near sewage outfalls, and to decrease to a much lower value a short distance away (10-20 meters). This pigmentation rises to a normal value at a greater distance from the outfall (40-120 meters) (Peter Roy, personal communication). The increased pigmentation of the algae found in closest proximity to the outfall may not, however cause the increase in productivity seen experimentally (figures 6, 7) when the algae remain in the outfall environment. The alga in its natural environment may be affected by increased growth of epiphytic diatomaceous slime, turbidity, and other factors introduced by the effluent such as changes in temperature, salinity, and pH. The extra pigmentation in the outfall canyon samples may be an adaptation which suffices only to raise the production to a level close to that of other "unpolluted" members of the same species. Conversely, the increased pigmentation may actually cause an elevated productivity at the outfall. A profitable continuation of this experiment -7- would be firstly, to test unwashed algae from the outfall canyon in its environmental water, rather than introducing this alga, scrubbed, into fresh sea water. This would give a truer indication of the productivity of the alga under those environmental conditions present. Secondly, to test for productivity changes versus the pigment content of the alga, which should seemingly have a large effect on the productivity. Increased amounts of nutrients introduced into the area via the outfall may account for the increases in productivity found at greater distances (20-120 meter radius), where pigmentation might be at a normal level. Currents in the bay move predominantly to the south from the outfall (figure 3), thus, increase in nutrients with some dilution may also account for the greater productivity found at Monastery Beach compared to those found for the algae at Mission Point to the north and the HMS control. The validity of the experimental procedure used here for the benthic marine algae may be doubtful. During incubation air bubbles tended to accumulate on the surface of many of the algal samples. These bubbles did not dissolve into solution. These bubbles may have been 0, produced by the algal sample, and an error is present in the results found since true production was not measured. This error is probably about 3%. If the bubbles were produced by an epiphytic -8- slime, their presence would not invalidate the results. However, where slime covers the algae there may be a decreased productivity due to reduction of incident light (L. R. Blinks, personal communication). Other experimental parameters may cause erroneous results. Incident sunlight was used as the light source for incubation. Tests run at different times of day would necessarily produce inconsistencies in this parameter. "The effect of production of a given quantity of algae varies from hour to hour. It may be reduced both by increase and decrease of the light intensity to which the species are adapted. Therefore, the assimilation rate oscillates according to time of day as well as to weather" (Findenegg, 1964). The portion of the algae used for the testing also may produce large variation in the results, even if care is taken to select opposing branches of like size from the same portion of the plant (James Schreiber, personal communication). There are many factors which affect the light and dark bottle method of algal productivity measurements. The data suggests that there are definite effects occurring on the productivity of P. lanceolata at the outfall; a larger sample size would introduce more certainty into the results. The results presented in this paper and their significance should be accepted with caution, until more evidence is presented. 78 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to extend my thanks to all of the professors at Hopkins Marine Station who made themselves available for consultation and assistance at any time and were instrumental in the completion of my research. A special thank you is given to Dr. Isabella Abbott for her kind encouragement and help. Jim Schreiber Van Remson, Mike Nakata, Doug Grey, Joe Welsh, and Jim Sutton—-Thank you. Supported in part by the NSF Undergraduate Research Program Grant No GY-7288. 10- REFERENCES Findenegg, I. 1965. Relationship Between Standing Crop and Primary Productivity, p. 273. In C. R. Goldman (ed.), Primary Productivity in Aquatic Environments. Mem. Ist. Ital. Idrobiol., 18 Suppl., University of California Press, Berkeley. Strickland, J. D. H., and T. R. Parsons. 1968. i Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ottawa, 311 p. Figure 1. The immediate outfall area showing collection sites (A) and the sample numbers. Scale 1:120 Figure 2. All readings in tables I and II are in degrees east of North. Recovered bottles are designated :. The initial positions and end points of the Figure 3. bottles in current study 1 are designated Recovery points are indicated by Q. Scale 1:10,000 Initial and end positions of the marked Figure 4. bottles are indicated by in current study 2. Recovered bottles are marked 2 Scale 1:10,000 Currents in the area immediate to the Figure 5. outfall are indicated by the heavy black arrows. Note the trend for the currents to move across the outfall to the south and generally miss the southern end of the rocky area. Scale 1:120 The gross productivity of P. lanceolata as a Figure 6. function of the distance from the outfall is diagramed by the heavy dark line. Net productivity is indicated by the thinner line. H, Hopkins Marine Station; MB, Monastery Beach; MP, Mission Point. Figure 7. Figure 8. Table III. (appendix) Net productivity is plotted as a function of distance from the outfall for Prioniti: lanceolata. H, Hopkins Marine Station; MB, Monastery Beach; MP, Mission Point. Gross productivity of Prionitis lanceolata is plotted versus the effluent distribution as estimated from the dye studies. inc. t., incoming tide; otg. t., outgoing tide; s, sunny; br, bright; oc, overcast; g, gross productivity; n, net productivity; r, respiration x o 8 0 outtatt 2 a. 3 2 3 2 0 Figure 3 Monastery Beach 2 20 outfall area Carmel River ke Point Lobos M Carmel Bay 2n 9 10 Current Studyl 5-11-10 Mission 0930-1630 Point bottle dye Figure! Monastery Beach As , 124 outfall area Carmel River .. S Point Lobos M H n p Carmel Bay- 10 Current Study 2 5-25-10 1000-1400 Mission Point 80 S 8 8 952 21 + 48 5 8 8 8 productivity in mgC/mgdry weight alga/hr. 82 55 9 L L 2 LE a L LE 2 2 G 2 e 8 8 8 — EE saaaa- net productivity in mg.C/mg.dry weight alga/hr. 1 0 9i a - — a e 5 15 5 18 S 8 A 8 A 2 productivity in mg.C/mg. dryweight algafhr. 44 8o 95. X sample number 22-h 64-h 30-g 54-h 44-p 47-9 48-n 27-s 28-h 50-b H-1 O2 PRODUCTIVITY TESTRESULT conditions sample mgCmgdrywth mgcing dynth date number 9.1837 0.11372 oc,br 0.0111 H-5 0.00552 inc. 5-8 0.00116 0.000005 0.18506 br O.11199 0.02393 0.00902 H-6 otg. -0.0015 5-12 0.00000 0.31656 0.207587 br 0.015 MP-1 0.01174 otg. 5-12 0.00091 0.00018 0.10807 0.261847 br 0.00807 0.01089 MP-2 otg. 5- 0.00066 -0.00069 8 0.19255 0.13887 br 0.00382 0.00618 otg. MP-3 5- 0.00083 0.00413 0.1387 O.11466 br 0.00279 0.00667 22-1 otg. 5- 0.00015 -0.00046 0.15105 0.11947 s,br 0.00599 0.06365 otg 17-s 5- -0.00019 0.00033 0.21388 br O.07951 n 0.00082 otg. MB-1 O.01545 5-14 -0.00026 0.0000 0.027 s,br 0.0hl80 0.00084 0.00999 otg. MB-2 5-11 0.00002 0.00179 0.50665 0.011306 s,br 0.000187 MB-3 0.03916 otg. 5-14 0.00003 0.00118 0.11086 s,br 0.16400 0.00234 0.01915 otg. MB-4 0.00008 5-15 -0.00198 O.114098 0.21790 s.br 8 conditions date br inc. br inc. 5- br otg. -19 br otg. 5- s,br otg. 5-19 br inc. 5-2. br inc. 5-22 br inc. 5-22 br otg. 5-23 br otg. 5-23 br otg. 5-2: s.br P. sample number 22-h 64-h 30-8 51-h Ml-p 47-9 18-n 27-s 28-h 50-b H-1 H-2 H-3 H-l 22-u 51-s 12-m O2-PRODUCTIVITY TESTRESULTS ang eng an uthn conditions mg Cngdryut husconditions sample date number date oc,br 0.11372 s,br 0.18373 H-5 inc.t inc.t 0.01113 0.00552 5-8 5-19. 0.00116 0.000005 O.1199 0.18506 s,br s,br 0.00902 inc.t 0.02393 otg.t H-6 -0.00154 5-12 0.00000 5-19 — s,br O.207587 0.31656 s,br otg. t otg.t 0.01511 MP-1 0.01174 -0.00091 5-12 O.00018 5-19 0.261847s,br 0.10807 s,br 0.00807 0.01089 otg.t otg.t MP-2 0.00066 5-19 -0.00069 5-12 0.13887 —s,br 0.1925 s,br 0.00618 0.00382 otg.t otg. t MP-3 5-19 0.00083 5-13 0.00413 0.14466 s,br 0.1387 s,br 0.00279 otg. t 0.00667 inc.t 22-p 5-13 5-22 0.00015 -0.00046 0.15105 s,br s,br 0.11947 otg. t inc.t 0.06365 0.0059 47-s 5-22 5-13 -0.00019 0.0003 0.21388 0.07957 s,br s,br 0.00082 otg. t inc.t MB-1 O.01515 -0.00026 5-22 0.00004 5-14 0.02781 O.Oh180 s,br s,br 0.00084 0.00999 otg.t otg.t MB-2 5-14 0.00002 0.00179 5-23 0.011306 s,br 0.50665 s,br 0.000187 otg. t otg.t MB-3 0.03916 0.00003 5-23 5-14 0.00118 0.11086 s,br 0.16400 s,br 0.0023 otg.t MB-1 0.01915 otg.t 0.00008 -0.00198 5-23 5-15 0.21790 0.114098 s,br s,br 0.00637 otg.t MP-L 0.01163 otg.t 0.00005 5-15 5-23 -0.00059 s,br 0.11595 s,br 0.07033 0.00865 otg. t MP-5 0.00846 otg. t 5-15 0.00008 -0,00215 5-23 0.18079 O.109866 s,br s,br inc.t 0.01246 MP-6 O.01915 otg. t 5-19 -0.00109 5-23 0,0000l 0,22778 0.0877121 oc br oc, br 0.00560 otg.it 0.00912 otg. t 5-26 0.00126 0.00105 5-26 0.12581 0.13704 oc,br oc, br 0.013269 G-2 0.01190 otg.t otg.t 0,00372 5-26 0.0003. 5-261 oc,br 0.0557 —0.03706 oc, br 0.01026 otg.t 17-u 0.01036 otg.t -0.00018 5-26 5-26 0.00151 95