1 NC INTRODUCTION The neural gland complex of ascidians is located in the intersiphonal region between the branchial basket and the body wall. This complex consists of a lobed gland, a ciliated tubercle-funnel, and a canal connecting the two. The tubercle is anterior to the gland and opens into the pharynx just above the junction of the peripharyngeal grooves (figure 1). The gland itself lies next to or near the ganglion, and a tube called the dorsal strand runs posteriorly from the gland and possibly to the gonads. Although the neural gland has been observed since the late nineteenth century and has been thoroughly reviewed by Ivan Goodbody (1974), its function remains unknown. Many studies approach this urochordate organ as a possible precursor or homolog to one of the vertebrate gland systems, but essentially no evidence for any such homology has been generated. Without disregarding previous speculations, the present study is based on direct observations of the ascidian neural gland complex in live dissections and histological preparations. Some preliminary histochemical and physiological tests provide suggestive leads for further investigation of the nature of this gland. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ascidia ceratodes (Order Enterogona) was used for living observations. Specimens were collected from dock floats in the Monterey Marina during April and May and were kept in a 2 NC running sea table at about 15° C. The neural gland complex of Ascidia ceratodes lies ventral to the ganglion (figure 2), hence the animal must be dissected to get direct access to the gland. Dissections were per¬ formed by removing the animal from its tunic and cutting the body wall lengthwise from the oral siphon down the left side of the endostyle. Care was taken not to injure the heart or other organs. The opened animal was then pinned with three stainless steel minuten pins to a petri dish half-filled with Sylgard (Dow-Corning), a soft, clear plastic. The dissections could thus be viewed with illumination from all angles under both dissecting and compounds microscopes. Most histological examinations were performed on Styela montereyensis (Order Pleurogona). In this species the gland lies dorsal to the ganglion in a potentially convenient location for external operations. Because the animal chronically contracted in response to cutting the tunic, however, attempts to approach the gland by shaving away the tunic between the siphons were unsuccessful. Several techniques were employed to observe the nature of communication between the gland complex and the rest of the animal. The dorsal tubercle provided the first site of study. Currents around this ciliated tubercle-funnel were traced by introducing a solution of graphite particles suspended in phytoplankton culture near the tubercle of a dissected preparation. In order to test for possible exchange of material 3 NC between gland and pharynx, aluminum foil crimps and silk thread ties were used to ligate the canal. Jabbing a thin, pointed piece of foil under the canal and folding the sides up around the canal proved to be the most effective method of ligation. The tentacles were trimmed and the pharynx cut away as much as possible without disrupting either gland or ganglion. Any gross changes in gland appearance were noted until the animal died. Hearbeat and contraction of the oral siphon were used as positive indications of viability. Unligated dissections were observed concurrently as controls. To test for movement of material into the gland via the dorsal tubercle and canal, dissections with ligated and unligated canals were soaked in either Neutral Red or fluorescein solutions. Saturated solutions of these dyes were prepared with filtered sea water and constant stirring for 15-20 minutes with subsequent re-filtering. Dissections were soaked in these dyes at 5-10° C in the dark overnight and then rinsed in fresh running sea water for at least two hours. Glands of the ligated and unligated specimens were then compared. To test for movement of material out of the gland via the canal and tubercle, dissections were injected with solutions of methylene blue, fluorescein, or Neutral Red prepared as before. The canals were then ligated. Unligated, injected preparations were used as controls. Injections were administered using a micropipette pulled on a David Kopf vertical pulling machine. This pipette was then attached 4 NC to a hypodermic needle with a hot glue gun (Sears, Roebuck Inc). The fine tip of the pipette was inserted down the canal via the lower lip of the ciliated funnel and pressure was applied manually with a bulb until stain was seen to enter the gland. In order to avoid artifacts introduced by the process of dissection, experiments were also performed on intact animals. Ten Ascidia ceratodes were soaked overnight in one of four dye-sea water solutions: methylene blue, Neutral Red, methylene blue plus Neutral Red, or fluorescein. The specimens were then rinsed for several hours in fresh running sea water and dissected. Glands were monitored until the preparations died. Preliminary enzyme assays were conducted on neural gland extract in order to test for digestive activity in the gland. Drops of the extract, prepared by grinding ten freshly isolated glands in 1 ml. of sea water, were placed on the emulsion side of exposed black-and-white photographic film and on tiny pieces of semolina macaroni noodles (Golden Grain). Drops of 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001% protease in sea water were placed on the film and noodle substrates as controls. These preparations were kept in a moisture chamber and observed every hour for a few hours. They were then left in the chambers overnight Both A. ceratodes and Styela montereyensis were used for histological studies. Rectangular pieces of body wall including gland, tubercle, ganglion, and attached pharynx 5 NC were fixed and embedded according to procedures outlined in the data sheet of the JB-4 plastic embedding kit (Polysciences, Inc. Warrington, PA). A specimen from Ascidia and one from Styela were cut in 2-4 micron transverse sections and another tyela specimen was cut in 2-4 micron longitudinal sections. An average of fifteen slices were expanded in ammoniated water on each microscope slide, after which the water was evaporated off over a Bunsen burner. Slides with sections thus mounted were then stained by the Lee's methylene-blue-basic fuchsin method also outlined in the JB-4 embedding kit data sheet. Giving stained slides a subsequent rinse in 95% ethanol for roughly half a minute followed by a rinse in distilled water proved effective for removing excess stain from the embedding plastic. Balsam was used to mount the cover slips because it has an optical density close to that of JB-4 plastic. Slides were observed and photographed under a Zeiss compound microscope. Extract made from 15 glands of A. ceratodes ground in I ml of sea water was applied to a smooth muscle preparation of Ciona intestinalis used by Gabrielle Nevitt in her smooth muscle studies of 1981. Twitch amplitude of the muscle strip in 60mM calcium solution was first measured. Extract was next applied to the preparation and the change in twitch ampli- tude was determined. The gland extract was then washed out with the high calcium sea water and full recovery was obtained. The experiment was repeated using filtered sea water as a control 6 NC In order to test for the presence of biogenic monoamines in the neural gland or surrounding tissues, specimens of A. geratodes similar to those used in the histological studies were treated with glyoxylic acid according to the technique described by de la Torre and Surgeon (1976). Treated specimens were cut on the cryostat into 10 micron serial sections and mounted on microscope slides. These slides were then examined under the UV fluorescence microscope with various filters. RESULTS Observations on currents around the dorsal tubercle Currents around the dorsal tubercle of Ascidia ceratodes made a vortex-like pattern as shown in figure 3A. Particles drawn towards the tubercle were thrown away from or swirled back onto the tubercle. These graphite particles stuck to mucous covering the tubercle and the graphite-laden mucous formed a strand that moved towards the dorsal lamina, ultimately joining the mucous strands of the peripharyngeal grooves (figure 3B). Observations on soaked and injected preparations Of the five dissections soaked in Neutral Red dye, three were ligated and two were unligated. All five showed obvious staining in the pharynx, tubercle, and tentacles, but very little, if any, in the gland. In a similar experiment using fluorescein dye, ligated and unligated specimens were examined in a dark room under a hand-held UV light. Although 7 NC the ganglion, tubercle, pharynx, and blood tissues all glowed. those of the neural gland did not. This would seem to indicate that the gland had not sequestered fluorescein from the surrounding water in either preparation, although the bright glow of the ganglion may have overshone any glow emanating from the gland. Injection experiments gave erratic results. Sometimes the dye went into the gland, sometimes into the dorsal vessel. Once the dye was in the gland it usually stayed there, although fluorescein was observed to fade, making detection difficult. While retention of injected methylene blue could be caused by specific staining of neural gland cells, retention of fluorescein cannot be so easily explained. Either fluorescein is actively taken up by the gland or else diffusional communi- cation from the site of injection to the tubercle is limited. Of the three dyes tried, fluorescein was the least retained. These experiments are thus inconclusive but do suggest a possibly fruitful, albeit technically difficult, avenue of approach. Whole soaked animals gave interesting results. Like soaked injections, animals soaked in fluorescein glowed in the ganglion, tubercle, pharynx, and blood when viewed under UV light, but did not glow significantly in the gland. Animals soaked in a mixture of Neutral Red and methylene blue showed red staining of the pharynx, blood, and tubercle, but the appearance of the gland varied. Some had glands full of blue and red stained cells,yothers had glands virtually (figure 1) 8 NC unstained except for a few blood cells stained red, and still others had glandsof intermediate appearance. One specimen of particular interest had a fairly empty gland and a clot of stained cells in the canal just below the tubercle. Whole animals soaked in methylene blue had glands that distinctly concentrated the blue color more than any other organ or tissue, although the tunic stained dark blue. Once again, different degrees of staining were observed. For example, one gland was largely empty of stained cells and had clear, bubble-like lobes rimmed with some stained cells, while a few other glands were very compact and stained dark blue. In one preparation a clump of blue cells was observed to loosen from the gland, spiral up the canal, and go out the ciliated funnel-tubercle. The clump then joined the mucous strand on the tubercle and moved as part of the strand towards the dorsal lamina. These discharged cells were very similar in appearance to stained cells in the gland itself when the two cell samples were examined under the compound microscope. In summary, it would seem that fluorescein does not get trapped in the lumen of the gland when applied externally, but that Neutral Red and methylene blue can gain access to the gland cells via some route and stain them. Unspecific staining by Neutral Red in vital preparations make it a poor choice for the appointed task, but methylene blue seems to work well for semi-specific staining of the neural gland. Observations on digestive activity of neural gland extract Neural gland extract did not significantly digest film emulsion or semolina noodles, even when left in a moisture 9 NC chamber overnight at room temperature. All three concentrations of protease digested both film emulsion and semolina noodles. Observations of histological preparations Many interesting features of the ganglions and neural gland complexes of S. montereyensis and A. ceratodes were observed in the 2-4 micron sections of the two species. Longitudinal sections of Styela and transverse cuts of both Styela and Ascidia were examined at 100X and 400X dry magnification and 1000X oil-immersion magnification. Although connective tissue separated gland and ganglion over most of the gland-ganglion interface, sites of contact where gland cells seemed to merge with those of the ganglion and vice versa were evident in several places. One of these sites was photographed through a Zeiss light microscope at the three magnificationspreviously mentioned and is shown in figures 4A through 4E. The sections depicted are 2-1 micron longitudinal slices through the neural gland and ganglion of Styela montereyensis, and the entire series spans a thickness of 20-30 microns. Figure 4A shows part of a section oriented with the dorsal surface at the top of the photograph. The gland appears as a mottled triangular projection sandwiched between the body wall above and the ganglion below. Part of the ciliated funnel-tubercle can be seen on the ventral surface of the ganglion. The area enclosed in the white box includes a ganglion-gland cellular bridge and is viewed at higher magnification in figures 4B through 4E. 10 NC Figures 4B-4E are photos of four pseudo-serial longitudinal sections through the gland-ganglion bridge in figure 4A at higher (400X) magnification. The section shown in JE is reversed, an artifact of its placement on the microscope slide. Once again, ganglion lies below the dark, triangular projection of gland tissue, and cells of the beginning of a nerve can be seen at the top of the photo. A connective tissue layer separating the gland and ganglion can be seen to the right of the cellular bridge, but this layer becomes obscure and disappears where the gland and ganglion cells merge. Also of interest are the cell types in the gland and ganglion. Both bear large, dark inclusions, and the ganglion cells often seem to be empty. Gland cells in these sections are not well delineated except for what appear to be nuclei (the dark inclusions), however the cells are distinct from those of the surrounding tissues, namely muscle and ganglion. In regions where ganglion and gland cells make direct contact, this distinction is often lost. Observations on smooth muscle relaxant properties of gland As outlined in the methods, extract of neural gland of Ascidia ceratodes was applied to smooth muscle preparations of Ciona intestinalis and changes in twitch force in response to brief electrical shock were noted. The top panel of figure 5 shows that gland extract seems to have caused the contractions of the smooth muscle preparation to rapidly decrease and stabilize at half the force of the control contractions in high calcium solution. After reversing 11 NC the gland extract effect, application of filtered sea water as a control did not have a significant effect. (figure 5, bottom panel). Contractions were transiently reduced and stabilized at 90% of the force in high calcium. Neural gland extract thus appears to have a reversible smooth muscle relaxant effect in this preliminary experiment, and further tests are desireable. Observations on histofluorescence tests Using the glyoxylic acid fluorescence technique of de la Torre and Surgeon (1976), 10 micron longitudinal sections of the neural gland region were examined under the UV fluorescence microscope. The inner periphery of the ganglion was seen to glow a greenish yellow when excited by light of 450 nm wavelength, but gland tissue was not observed to fluoresce. Resolution in this preparation was not fine enough to determine if gland cells in the gland-ganglion bridge regions fluoresced. Cells in the interior of the gland did not glow, although blood cells, probably vanado¬ cytes, fluoresced bright yellow. DISCUSSION Although none of the above testsconclusively demonstrate the function of the ascidian neural gland complex, many of the results provide useful starting points for further investi- gations. The study also introduces some innovative techniques for working with this elusive little organ. 12 NC Vortex currents around the tubercle and the occurrence of cells exiting the gland via the canal are supportive evidence for earlier claims that material moves from the gland and into the pharynx. Although cells leaving the gland were seen to join the mucous food rope system, no digestive enzymes were detected by crude assays performed on gland extracts. It would appear that the gland does not function as a digestive organ. Histological observations made in this study indicate that there are several sites of cellular connection, even fusion, between the tunicate ganglion and neural gland of two solitary ascidians, namely Styela montereyensis and Ascidia ceratodes. Although resolution under the light microscope was not fine enough to detect clear axonal connections between the two organs, such intimate cellular contact implies some form of communication. It is possible that gland cells release substances to other tissues or organs, for instance the ganglion, and are then discharged out the canal and into the food rope, where they are eventually ingested. The stained granular bodies seen in gland cells of animals soaked in methylene blue may participate in such a secretory process. The relaxant effect of neural gland extract on tunicate smooth muscle provides a clue as to the nature of the gland cell contents. For instance, it is known that some monoamines (Prosser 1974 have a relaxant effect on smooth muscle.A The presence of biogenic monoamines in the neural gland complex or ganglion 123 NC coupled with the evidence from histological peparations of gland-ganglion cellular bridges, would suggest that the two organs exchange substances related to neurotransmitters. Results of the histofluorescence test partially support such speculations in that fluorescence, implying a corresponding presence of biogenic monoamines, was observed around the periphery of the ganglion. The test did not demonstrate the presence of any such substances in the negral gland, however, and repetitions of this experiment by experienced fluorescence histochemists are desireable. Continuation of the histofluorescence studies on the neural gland complex and elaboration of the smooth muscle experiments should be coupled with electron microscopy of the gland-ganglion interface. Such studies would provide valuable information on the chemical and structural nature of this region. Depending on the results; this information could then be used to determine the function of the tunicate neural gland. AKNOWLEDGEMENT Many glandfuls of thanks go to Prof. William Ph.* Gilly for his generous assistance, as well as to Prof. Donald P. Abbott for his dedication and lessons in noodle enzymology. I would especially like to thank Mr. Keith Kohatsu, the TWTA, for histological heroism and general incredible output, and Chris Patton for yet more histology instruction. Finally, I would like to thank my classmates of the Bio 175H class 1981 and all others at Hopkins who helped make this an outrageously enjoyable quarter as in Pheromone 14 NC LITERATURE CITED Goodbody, I. (1974). The physiology of ascidians. Advances in Marine Biology 12: 107-128. Polysciences, Inc. (1976). JB-4 embedding kit, data sheet 123. Paul Valley industrial Park, Warrington, PA. 18976. Prosser, C.L. (1974). Smooth muscle. Annual Review of Physiology 36: 503-537. de la Torre, J.C., Surgeon, J.W. (1976). A methodological approach to rapid and sensitive monoamine histofluorescence using a modified glyoxylic acid technique: SPG method. Histochemistry 19: 81-93. 15 NC FIGURE LEGEND Figure 1: Ventral view of neural gland complex in dissected Ascidia ceratodes. grooves (PP), dorsal Peripharyngea tubercle/ciliated funnel canal (C), neural gland (NG), (DT/CF). ganglion (GG), and tentacles (T). parkness due to staining with methylene blue and Neutral Red. Figure 2: Drawing of longitudinal paraffin section through neural gland complex and ganglion of A. ceratodes. Figure 3: A) Water currents around dorsal tubercle of dissected A. ceratodes. B) Mucous with graphite strands moving from tubercle and joining mucous strands from peripharyngeal grooves. Figure 1 A) Longitudinal section of Styela montereyensis at 100X magnification showing neural gland (NG), ganglion (GG), and part of the dorsal tubercle/ciliated funnel (DT/CF Region in box shows gland-ganglion cellular bridge (CB). B-E) Longitudinal sections of S. montereyensis at 400X magnification- expansion of gland-ganglion bridge shown in figure 4A. Figure HE is reversed. Figure 5: Polygraph record of relaxant effect of neural gland extract (A. ceratodes) on smooth muscle (Ciona intestinalis). Figure 16 NC DORSAL ganglion. Ascidia ceratodes longitudinal section ANTERIOR ciliated funnel canal VENTRAL -neural gland POSTERIOR jure 17 NC a e 5 18 NC dorsal tubercle currents -peripharyngeal groove —to dorsal lamina dorsal tubercle mucous strand from tubercle . mucous strand in peripharyngeal groove clump of mucous going to dorsal lamina Figure 3 Figure 4 at/ef 19 NC Figure 4 30 microns 30 microns 20 NC Figure 4 30 microns micro 21 NC high Ca 6OmM A bigh Ca 6OmM Extract of Ascidia ceratodes neural gland on smooth muscle of Ciona intestinalis neural gland extract filtered sea water Figure 5