1 THF PRESENCE OF MULTI-XENOBIOTIC RESISTANCE IN MARINE INVERTEBRATES ARDIHAU A multi-xenopiotic resistance p-glycoprotein transport activity iinked wirn tne multi-drug resistance pnenomenon isolated in human tumor ceils nas peen tound in various marine invertebrates. Indiviqual cells, assessed by fluorescence microscopy, possess a Rhodamine B efflux activity whicn can pe innivitea by Verapamil, a p-glycoprotein transport innibitor. in addition western piot analvsis indicates the presence a protein of a similar mojecular weight to the mammalian p-glycoprotein. This activity appears ro pe a filter feeding lifestyle-linked phenomenon and was found in Crecnis caupoegqs, Asciaia ceratodeseggs, and Mytilus californianusgil and mantel tissues. The recognition that marine invertebrates exposed to man-made and natural noxious substances may possess a multi-xenobiotic resistance activity is essential to our understanding of organismal detoxification mecnanisms and the biological impact of pollution and could be usetil in risk assessment for regulatory policy. INTRODUCTION Many marine organisms survive and successfully reproduce in highly pollured environments Some nave adapted to environments with high loncentrarions of potentialiv cytotoxic hydrophobic organic compounds sediment qwellers, for example. reside in conditions wnich concentrate nuindréds of man-made and natural toxins. (fig. 1) Such marine and estuarian organisms employ xenopiotic resistance detoxification mechanisms of which very uttie is understood. In the past numerous studies on the effects of various pollutants on marine organisms have been conducted. However, few detoxification mechanisms nave been identified or are understood. Among these are cytochrome P-450 detoxification; glutathione con jugation mechanisms; stress proteins, such as heat shock proteins, and mixed function oxidases (PFOs). Some of these mechanisms are not active in lower marine inverteprates In fact, little work can explain which or how many mecnanisms are employed in many invertebrates. One recently suggested mechanism is similar to the multidrug resistance (MÖRi phenomenon seen in some human tumor cells. In mammals 15 known to resuit from selection of celis for cells containing nigh levels of an FUR protein in response to chemotherapy drug treatment. (fig. 2) This muifigrug resistance activity is associated with the increaseg proguction of a memorane giycoprotein, o-givcoprotein (P-gp). This 170 KD fransmemprane protein nas two ATP binding sites. It prevents the accuimulation of cnemotnerabeut ic drugs by an energy dependant efflux mecnanism therepy resisting their toxic effects. (For reviews see Pastan & otresman. 1991 Endicott ana Ling, 1989; west, 1987; Fairchild and Cowan, 901 kane, Pastan, and Gottesman, 1990.) Similar protein activity has been solated in rats and other mammals. As yet, its natural "use" or 'role' is stillunknown Fuitidrug resistance, has been studied in humans and mammals, but iffle researen nas examined this phenomenon as a xenobiot ic extrusion mechanism in tne marine environment. Kurelec and Pivcevic have shown p- jp linked poilution-resistance activity in musseis (1991) and sponges Submitrea) in adaition, Barpara Toomey in David Epel's lab has observed such activity in Urechis caupo 1 am looking for the activity and presence of p-gp in various marine invertebrates and whether it is correlated with napirat and/or lifestyle. My activity assay invoives using fluorescence microscopy to quantify gifferences in xenobiotic concentration in single cells (oocytes) with and withouf a p-glycoprotein transport inhibitor. Both fertilized and unferrilized eggs are incubated in a xenobiotic like fluorescent dye Rnodamine B with and without Verapamil, a molecule found to bind specirically to the active site of the P-glycoprotein, thereby inhibiting pinding of other xenopiotics. After incubation, individual cell fluorescence was measured In the absence of protein activity the cells fluoresce more. For organisms tnat snow little or no difference, assumed that xepobjotic resistance transport activity was minimal or non-existent. (fig. 3) in addition,! prepared protein samples from various organismal riesues for protein immunoplots (western blots). Using a mammalian monocional antipody, C219, selected from hybridomas proguceg from spienocvtes of mice immunized with SDS-solubilized plasma mempranes of milltigrug resistant Cninese namster ovary and human ceil lines (kartner, poreile Bradiev & Ling. 1935) It is among a group of monocional antibodies which cross react specifically witn tne conserved cytoplasmic domain in The L-Terminai region of tne ATP binding cassette of the P-gp polypeptide in a diversity of organisms. with fürther studies, this information could reveal a novel mechanism ny which marine organisms survive natur al piant and animal toxins, as well 47 nesticides and otner man-made environment al pollutants. It could provide insignts into tne evoiutionary origin of this protein, ang may allow develonment of befrer EPA poilution tests. It might even further our kliowiedge of numan multigrug resistance activity. It would certaiply help 70 exolain why some organisms are able to survive exposures to a diversity of xenopiotic compounds. ATERIALS & FIETHODS ORGANISFIS - collection and maintainance: All organismns were kept in tanks equiped with a flowing sea water pumping sustem ascloia ceratoges The tunicates were collected from the underside of Tioare in Honterey marina Mamys nastata, Henricia jeviuscula, Patiria miniata These organisms were nonared ny Plonterey Bay Aquarium ongaster excentricus, rucrociona Proiifera. Mytiius californianus, Ternva mrlim Tne sand goilars sponges, and mussels were previously ollected from Ponterey Bay and kept in tanks. They were donated by the staft of Honkins Harine Station deiiraosus pregonensis. Macoma nasuta Crechis caupa These organisms were collected from tne muaf lats of Ploss Landing Harine Harbor. Lyrechiniis bictus. Strangylocentrotus purpuratus: The sea urchins were previousiy collected by the Epel lap ang stored in tanks rslibe leonina inese nutabrancs were collected from the kelp pegs of onerey ay FLUURESLENCE ASSAV spawning of eggs and sperm onqviocentrotus purpuratus, Lytechinus pictus, Dendraster excentricus Tne sea urchins were spawned using standard procedures. (Johnson and Epel. 985) Tne organisms were injected with approximately 0.5-2cc 0.5 MKCI. depending on the individual's size. The needle was inserted diagonally outward along the sides of the coelômic cavity to induce spawning from the gonads Snaking the injectea organism often facilitated spawning. Subsequently, the organism was positioned with the aboral surface immersed in filtered sea water (FSW) when collecting eggs. If the gametes were sperm. they were suctioned off using a glass pipet. The eggs were keht in a constantly stirring dilute solution with FSW at 162c. The concentrated sperm were refrigerated in an Eppendorf tube. ernis cape lo prepare the spawning insturment, the center of a cabillary rübe was thinned using a bunsen burner to melt and stretch the mindie ine tube was proken into two pieces and the proken eng was remeited to form a small qull bulb. The thin end of the prepareg capillary rüne was inserted into one of tne four jower gonapores on the brechisand moved pack and forth gently in a rhythmic fashion a few times. Stroking Ubward toward the gonavore often facilitated spawning. The reddish eggs were wasned off of the female witn a glass pipet and FSW into a beaker of row kenf at 1620 The milky sperm concentrate was suctioned off with a qlass pipet and refrigerated in an Eppendorf tube. asrioia ceratodes These invertebrates are seif-sterile hermapprodites. Scissors inserted at the distal of two pores were used to cut the tunicates enigermis It was peeled from this outer skin and the eggs and sperm could e seen in distinct sacs. Using a moist glass pipet the eggs were suctioned ouf of the sac and into FSw kept at 162C. The sperm were similarly sucked ub and stored in an Eppendorf tube. Preparation of eggs for fertilization: ne Stronqviocentrotus purpuratusegq suspension was passed through a 90 mm nyrex mesn five or six times to remove the jelly layer. The eggs were Then nand centrifuged and the supernatant was suctioned off, after which. The eggs were resuspended in FSW. The Lytechinus pictusegg suspension was similariy passed througn a 120 mm nytex mesh for de jellying. The Gengraster excentricuseggs were hand centrifuged multiple times to remove follical cells. As this did not work, the eggs were suspended in a pH Fow solution prepared with 1 MHCI followed by multiple centrifugation. if is not clear whether this is harmful to the eggs.) The Ascidia ceratodes euns were not separated from their surrounding follical cells. reraro -reirigerated sperm concentrate is potent for 3-5 gays. A sperm dijution was brepared trom 1-2 ml of FSw and 1 drop of concentrateg sperm. One roo of sperm dilution was agded to a 1O ml eag suspension ang swirled. Arter abproximatelv 5 minutes a grop of the fertilized eggs were observed under the microscope for a good fertilization membrane. Howeyer, in the ascinian egge it was not possiple to detect if fertilization hag occurred until affer first cieavage, so the eggs were used assuming fertilization was Formai The sperm were wasned out by nand centrifugation ang suctioning aff of the siipernatant. The eggs were then resuspended into Fsw. A5V Oul of a ImH solution of Rhodamine B was added to 1Oml of egg suspension for a luri rinal concentration. The eggs were divided into 2-5m1 aliquots. and 25ul of zuh verapamil were added to one aliquot for a lOug/ml final concentration Tne samples were incupated for 1 hour at 162C, hand centrifuged, washed out the Rhodamine supernatant, and then resuspend in -2miFSw. Tne cells were immediately positioned under a 40X lens of an epifluorescence microscope and the aperature was closed to a fixed point. Fluorescence measurements were taken on 10 individual healthy eggs by a phofo sensing device attacned to the microscope. Using those readings means and standard deviations were calculated. The above procedure was followed for both fertilized and unfertilized eggs for all organisms for which oocvres were availaple. WESTERN BLOTS prorein sampies. rinely cnopped rissues trom various organisms were placed in Eppendorf tübes from wnich proteins were extracted witn 5% sogium dodecyisulfate ) wirn rne protease innipitors 1OuM phenyl-methyisulfonyl flourige (Prs Imin soybean trypsin inhibitor, and I mM EDTA. The samples were sonicared and centrifuged after 1 hr. of solublization, supernatants fransferred to new Eppenaorf tubes, and the remaining pellet discarded. Prorein concentrations were obtained by preparing 1.20, 1.50, or 1:100 iutions of each sample. 5 ul samples of each dilution were placed in triplicare on a 96 weil micro-titer plate. A bicinchonic acid (BCA) assay ution was prepared and löoul of the BCA/copper sulfate solution was reacted witn each dijution sample overnignt. The protein concentration was read using a Molecular Devices VHax plate reader at 560 nm. Gel eiectropnoresis and western piotting. Samples were loaded onto a 7 5% polyacrylamide gel at approximately zoug per lane The proreins were separated on a BioRad minigel apparatus using a fris/giveine running puf fer and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes Using à BioRag electrophoretic transfer system. The transfer occured over voitage agjusted to 13 v for 1 hour, 24 V for 3 hours, and 36 V overnignt. ne biots were blocked with PBS-Tween 20 (0.052)- BSA (10mM) for a half hour and then incubateg for 3 hours with C219 monoclonal antibody (1:1000 in PBS- ween 20-BSA) commercially available from Centocor. The nitrocellulose membrane was washed for 10 minutes with 1Omls of the PRS-Iween 20-PBS blocking solution three times and then incubated for1 nour with goat anti-rapbit alkaline phosphatase con jugated antibody (Sigma) 1000 in PBS-Tween 20-BSA). It is then washed three times for 10 minutes each witn 10 mi of PBS-Tween 20 (0.057) and incubated in apH 9.5 nurfer 1100 mM Tris, löömH Nacl, SmM Maclz) with nitro-biue tetrazolium¬ -Cromo--chioro-3 indolvi onosphate for color gevelopment. (Bragley & war ) HSULTS FLOURIMIETRIC ASSAY Urechis caupoand Ascidia ceratodeseggs show a transport act ivity characteristic of MDR activity. As seen by figures 4 and 5, eggs incubated only with Rhodamine B exhibit less fluorescence then those incubated in dve plus verapamil, the MIDR activity inhibitor. Vrechiseggs normally contain 0% -25% of the Rhodamine B concentrated by eggs in which the transport activity is inhibited. Ascidianeggs normally concentrate only 252 - 502 of that in with which transport activity is inhibited. Experiments conducted on Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Lytechinus oictus and Dendraster excentricusshowed no detectable MDR transport activity. As shown by figures 6 and 7, there is little difference between samples incubated with and without Verapamil. Therefore these organisms do not appear to nave the MDR activity. PTIUNOBLOTS Western blots on Urechis caupoeggs, Ascidianeggs, and Mytilus calirornianisgill and mantle tissue showed a positive cross reaction with the C219 mammalian monoclonal antibody. The bands were 142 KD. 146 kD. and 138 ku respectively, indicating that these organisms have a protein that is aifferent, though close in molecular weight to the 170 kD mammalian p¬ qivcoprotein responsible for MDR activity. In addition the Mtilus gill and mantel tissue and the Asciaianeggs had cross reacting bands for proteins of different molecular weights. The mussel had a 200 kD band and both had 34 KU pangs. Strongylocentrotus purpuratustissue and eggs, Lytechinus pictus tissue and eggs, Denaraster excentricustissue and eggs, Patiria miniatagut tissue, Henricia leviusculagut tissue, Ascidia ceratodestissues, Urechis tissues, lethva aurantium and Hicrociona proliferadid not show ant ibody recognition, indicating a lack of a similar cross-reacting protein. Hemigrapsus oregonensis Macoma nasuta, Chlamys hastata, and Metibe leoninasnowed cross reactions at different molecular weights that were smudged. It is not clear whether there is a distinct protein. DISCUSSION The results indicate MDR like transport activity in Urechiseggs, Ascidianeggs, and muscle tussue. Such activity does not appear to be present in echinoderm eggs. Although the evidence is limited, it suggests that MOR like transport activity is correlated with a filter feeding lifestyle Fluorescence assays and Western blots indicate that the sea urchins, S purpuratus and L. pictus and the sand dollar D excentricusdo not have PIDR transport activity and do not have cross-reactivity to the C219 antibody. The sea stars P miniataand H leviuscula do not possess a related protein and it is unclear whether the clam M nasuta the crab H oregonensis or the scallop C hastata have a cross-reacting protein. Altnough the C219 monoclonal antibody does not show cross-reactivity in tne marine sponges Tethva aurant ium and Microciona prolifera it is again unciear as to whether there is similar protein activity, due to conflicting evigence by Kurelec and Pivcevic (in press). Finally, fluorescence activity assavs and western blots clearly indicate the presence of an MDR like transport activity in the mussel Mytilus californianus the tunicate Ascidia ceratodes and Urechis caupa As both, the fluorescence assay indicated activity and the Western blot resulted in a positive cross reaction, it is possible to conclude that Urechis caupoand Ascidia ceratodeshave a MDR-like gene which produces a multi-xenobiotic resistance protein in its eggs. However, as Iwas unable to defect tne presence of the protein in adult tissue, the organism may stop proaucing the protein if it is no longer necessary. Both of these organisms nave a thick epigermis that may serve to protect it from toxins, thereby making the protein obsolete in the adult. Also, due to problems with smudging in the western blots, organismal gut tissue needs to be retested to form conclusions. Both of these organisms are filter feeding and reside in toxin filled environments. Mytilus californianisgill and mantle tissues reacted positively with the C219 monoclonal antibody for a 138 kD protein. As the mussel was past its spawning season ! was unable to conduct assays on its oocytes. This filter feeder also showed cross reactions at higher (200 KD) and lower (34 kD) molecular weights. This could be because more than one protein with a similar sequence and/or function is present, though lower molecular weight bands are most likely the result of protease degradation. Negative fluorescence assay results from sea urchin and sand dollar eggs indicate that as these organisms show no differences in fluorescence, there appears to be no transport protein activity of Rhodamine B. Also, negative results on the immunoblots for these organisms and sea stars indicate that the protein is not present in the organisms. Though the results are not conclusive in themselves, they lead me to believe that echinoderms do not possess a MDR like transport protein. Assay attempts on the marine sponges Microcionaand Tethyawere inconclusive. Individual cell dissociation, though possible, are very difficult as many other symbiotic organisms live in sponge tissue and must be separated from the sponge cells. In addition, individual cells were too small to recora conclusive fluorescence readings due to high background fuorescence interference. Despite these problems, the results from these say attempts gave positive activity indications. Western blotting, on the ofher hand, showed no cross reaction, though, Kurelec and Pivcevic from vugoslavia have detected an MDR like 125 KD protein in Tethya with a polyclonal ant ibody (submitted) and have noted xenobiotic resistance activity in tissue with radiolabelled drugs (submitted). This conflicting evidence may be explained by the fact that the sponge is an extremely primitive organism as compared to the mammals from which the C219 monoclonal antibody is created and that may be too specific, as this MDR¬ like transporter is likely to have evolved significantly. This also indicates that other organisms have screened may also possess such a protein that is not detectable with the C219 monoclonal antibody. Immunoblot cross reactions at different molecular weights indicate that there is likely to be a protein similar to the MDR p-glycoprotein. As the monoclonal antibody is specific for the ATP binding cassette in the C terminal region of the 170 kD mammalian MDR P-gp, it is quiet specific. However, it is still general enough to have some degree of error by cross reacting to other protein ATP binding cassettes with similar sequences. Therefore, à negative cross reaction, though somewhat inconclusive has high propability of indicating lack of protein. Ambiquous (smudged) positive cross reactions may be the result of a cross reacting protein that had been dégraded, put without a clear band are inconclusive. Positive cross reactions at molecular weights differing from the 170 KD mammalian p¬ giycoprotein can be explained by evolutionary differences across phyla in a protein with similar function as the mammalian MDR p-glycoprotein. Lower molecular weight bands such as in Hemigrapsus oregonensisor Ascidian eggs, could be the result of protease degradation of a larger protein. Attempts at using protease inhibitors such as EDTA, PMSF, and soybean trypsin innibitor appeared not to be successful in preventing protein break down if it had occurred. However, as isolation of the active protease is often difficult, 1 may not be inhibiting the correct protease. It was not possible to conduct fluorescence assays on individual cells of many organisms as it is difficult to get gametes or dissociate tissue. In some cases, the organism was not gravid or was past its spåwning season. In others, the cells were not usable with this assay. For example, mediaster produces eggs that are naturally fluorescent thereby making individual fluorescence readings meaningless. Also, sponge tissue cells were too small to conduct quant if iable fluorescence readings without high amounts of background fluorescence interference My results indicate that multi-xenobiotic resistance activity is associated with filter feeders. The Urechis caupo, Mytilus californianis, and Asciala ceratodesare all filter feeders that habitate polluted environments. Vrechig a sediment dweller, is exposed to concentrated man-made and natural noxious substances. Mytilus californianusis also a resident of the sediments. The Ascigianis found under floats in Monterey Marina wnich is depositea with pollutants. The echinoderms, on the other hand live in sandy/rocky, relat ively unpolluted habitats, and may not need and tnus nave not developed such xenobiotic resistance activity. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS would like to thank my advisor, Dr. David Epel for his encouragement and worgs of wisdom when frustration may have been detrimental. would also like to thank Barbara Holland-Toomey, who has been my mentor and taugnt me a great deal. Dennis LaRochelle and Rob Swezey were invaluable for generously sparing their vast knowledge. In addition, Chris Patton can not be thankea enough for keeping me sane and helping with his infinite wizardry, creativeness, photography, words of advice, pretzels/chocolate, and a ready smile. I would like to thank my lab mates Leonard D'Amico, Jeff Jackson, and Steve Verbinsky for being always available distractions when needed them most. Also, Chris Harrold and See Listen from Monterey Bay Aquarium for their generous donations of organisms. Thanks to all of the staff of Hopkins Marine Station for donating their various invertebrates. And last but not least, many thanks to the members of the Thompson lab who often fed (especially their plentiful, pick me up in the morning and afternoon, herbal tea), encouraged, listened, inspired, and often distracted me. And thank you to Mandy Schivell, my roommate and forever friend, and the members of the Hopkins luxury triplex. Beck, W.T. (1987), Tne ceii pioiogy or muitipie arug resistance. Biochm. Pharniacol, 36. 2879-2887. Endicott, J.A. and V. Ling. (1989). The biochemistry of P-glycoprotein¬ mediated multidrug resistance. Ann. Rev. Biochem, 58: 137-171. Fairchild, CR. and K.H. Cowan. (199 1) Keynote Address: Multidrug resistance. a plelotropic response to cytotoxic drugs. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. 20. 361-367. Gerlach, J.A., et. al. (1986). Homology between P-glycoprotein and a bacterial hemolysin transport protein suggests a model for multidrug resistance. Nature. 324: 485-489. Gros, P., J. Croop, and D. Housman (1986). Mammalian multidrug resistance gene: compiete CDNA sequence indicates strong homology to bacterial transport proteins. Cell. 47: 371-380. Kane, S.D., I. Pastan, and M. M. Gottesman. (1990). Genetic basis of multidrug resistance of tumor cells. J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 22: 593-618. Kartner, N., et. al (1985). Detection of P-glycoprotein in multidrug resistant cell lines by monoclonal antibodies. Nature. 316: 820-823, Kurelec, B. and B. Pivcevic. (1989). Distinct glutathione-dependent enzyme activities and a Verapamil-sensitive binding of xenobiotics in a fresh¬ water mussel anodonata cygnea. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 164: 934- 940 kurelec, b. and B. Pivcevic. (submitted). The multi-xenobiotic resistance mechanism in a mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Kurelec, B. and B. Pivcevic. (submitted). The multidrug resistance-like janism in a marine sponge Tethya aurantium. Kurelec, B., et. al. (submitted). Expression of P-glycoprotein gene in marine sponges: identification and characterization of the 125-kDa drug-binding qlycoprotein Neyfakh. A.A. (1988). Use of fluorescent dyes as molecular probes for the Study of multidrug resistance. Exp. Cell Res. 174. 168-176. Riordan, J.R. and V. Ling. (1979). Purification of p-glycoprotein from plasma membrane vesicles of Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants with reduced colchicine permeability. J. Biol. Chem. 254: 12701-12705. S S FLUORESCEHCE Rhodam Rhodamine Verapamil ASSRY hour o S — CELL DEATH RESISTANT MDR ACTIVITY O X XX JONOSOnT INIWVGOHA L .* L O I E L O I LR Raaasansallde E 1 JONAOSOOTA ININVGOHA L 0 18 JONAOSaon ANIWvaoHa E