Introduction. Mytilus californianus is an abundant, suspension feeding lamellibranch which attaches to surf-beaten intertidal rocks on the west coast from Alaska to Mexico. Like other marine organisms analyzed for residues of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, this mussel concentrates DDT in its tissues. Risebrough (1966) found 19 to 84 ppb DDT residues in the Mytilus californianus on the California coast. Mussels are eaten by several marine invertebrates (Pisaster; Feder, 1959), birds (Night Heron; Palmer, 1962, and Black Oyster-catcher; Vebster 1941), sea otters (Limborough, 1961) and man. Mytilus is exposed to DDT residues in the environment. It tolerates considerable change in salinity (Fox et al, 1936), and can inhabit areas receiving run-off from land. It feeds on particulate matter to which DDT adheres readily. When Mytilus concentrates plankton and detritus in insoluble pseudofeces and feces, particles carryimg DDT are passed to the benthos. The physiological effects of sublethal concentration of DT in Mytilus are not known. Possible effects of DDT here include alteration of shell deposition, since DDT is known to affect carbonic anhydrase (Keller, 1932), and changes in meta- abolic rate, foot and valve movement, ciliary beat, byssal fiber secretion, and strength of the feeding current. Filtering rate and respiration were chosen as indices of damage to Mytilus caused by DDT taken up directly from sea water or ingested with food. Both respiration and filtering are performed by the gill. The gill musculature regulates the size of the interfilamentary gill slits which in turn affects filtration rate. Ciliary activity on the gill filaments is affected by acetylcholine (Bulbring et al, 1953), and by other activating compounds, such as serotonin (Aiello, 1960; Gosselin, 1961). Wurster (1969) suggests that DDT sometimes acts as a neurotoxin which induces repetivive firing in the nerve axon. If this occurs in the gill, aberrant filtering and respiration rates might result. Test organisms used in these experiments were collected from April to June on Mussel Point in Monterey Bay, California. The Mytilus population in this area declined sharply during 1969. I felt this decline might be attributable to increasing levels of DDT in the bay, caused by extensive flooding of ad¬ jacent farmlands and massive run-off in January and February, 1969. II. Determination of the rates of filtering and respiration in Mytilus. Filtering rate was determined by measuring the rate of clearing by Mytilus of colloidal graphite particles ("Aquadag' by the Acheson Co.) from suspension in sea water. Changes in suspension density were measured in a Klett electrophotometer. The organisms tested were sufficiently small (0.5 to 1.5 cm. long) to be placed directly in the Klett tubes, alleviating the need for sampling of the suspension. Other reasons for selecting small mussels were that they are less sensitive to handling than larger organisms (Jorgensen, 1949), and they are less likely to spawn. Klett tubes containing Nytilus were kept at about 15°C since increased temperature may induce resting (Vallengren, 1905), while at normal sea temperatures, Mytilus pumps continuously. All animals used were taken from the same elevation because Mytilus from the lower intertidal pump more rapidly than those from higher up (Segal et al, 1953) The average diameter of the particles was kept betveen three and 7.5 microns because particle size affects rate of filtering (Tammes & Dral, 1955). Suspensions in the Klett tubes were stirred with a glass rod at ten minute intervals, taking care not to disturb the mussels. The density of the suspension was read in the Klett immediately after the tubes were stirred. Since the rate of filtering decreases with an increase in the concentration of the suspension (Tammes & Dral, 1955), I chose an initial suspension density of about 150 Klett units (10' particles per ml.). Rate of particle precipitation is negli- gible as compared with the average rate of removal of particles by a healthy Mytilus (fig. 1). During the experiments with DT, the rate of removal of particles was recorded for three ten minute intervals after the suspension was down to 150 Klett units. The average rate of removal of particles by Mytilus D.5 to 1.5 cm. long was 222 units per hour. Jörgensén (1949) points out that this method does not determine the total amount of water filtered unless the sus- pended material is retained by the gills. As part of my preliminary study, I drilled holes in the shells of several Mytilus, allowed them to recover, and observed them under the microscope. When placed in a graphite suspension, these mussels moved the particles down the filaments and along the food groove. Most particles were then extruded as pseudofeces; very few carbon particles were found in gut samples. MacGinitie (1941) observed that Mytilus in a graphite suspension tend to stop forming a mucous sheet on the gills, though the cilia continue to beat. Considering this effect, the removal of graphite particles is an index of filtering but not necessarily an index of feeding. Respiration was determined by measuring the uptake of oxygen by Mytilus placed individually in 125 ml. reagent bottles filled with filtered sea water which had been bubbled with air until saturated. The initial and final oxygen content of the bottles were determined by the Winkler method (Strickland, 1968). known amount of Nitzschia closterium minutissima (2 x 10 cells/ml. was added to each bottle as this suspension increased the mussel's measurable activity. Bottles were incubated at 15°C in dim light for six hours. Experimental conditions, results and discussion. A. The effect of direct uptake of DDT from sea water. Tour groups of five test organisms each were incubated at 15°C in concentrations of DDT of 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. ppt in filtered sea water, for periods of 12 to 132 hours. Each group of five test organisms was placed in 200 mls. of filtered sea water with DDT in a closed 400 ml. air tight container in order to prevent loss of DDT by codistillation. The DDT inoculant was dissolved in 95% ethanol. The control organisms were given an equal concentration of ethanol in filtered sea water. Following exposure to the DDT, the mussels were tested for any change in filtering rate. In all cases, no damage attributable to the DDT was observed. Even at the highest concentration, one ppb DDT (fig. 2), there was little difference between the mean filtering rates of the experimental organisms and the controls. However, Mytilus in most experiments showed an initial increase and subsequent decrease in filtering rate. Uptake of DDT during this experiment was not determined, but parallel experiments using C-DDT under similar conditions, indicate levels of about 150 ppb (Davis, 1969 wet weight of the soft tissues were probably attained. 8. The effect of ingestion of DDT with food. In order to increase the concentration of DDT in the mussels, test organisms were fed Nitzschia closterium minutissima incubated in sea water containing DDT. Nitzschia was selected because it is small (thirty microns long) and stays in suspension (Galstoff, 1937). Preliminary feeding experiments and gut analyses showed that the Nitzschia was ingested. Some diatoms passed through the Mytilus unaffected, but skeletons of others were found in the fecal pellets. The Nitzschia (2 x 10 cells/ml.) were incubated in one ppb DDT in filtered sea water for six hours. 200 mls. of the Nitzschia-DDT suspension were added to each of three 400 ml. air tight jars each containing five mussels. The 200 ml. sus- pensions in the jars were changed every three hours over a 36 hour period so the DDT available to the Mytilus would not be steadily depleted. Controls contained ethanol and Nitzschia suspension, but not DDT. At twelve hour intervals, five test Mytilus and five control organisus were tested for changes in rate of respiration, then for changes in rate of filtering. Mussels were tested individually, and tests were run alternately on experimental and control organisms. After measuring respir- ation and filtering rates, the organisms were sacrificed and the soft parts were extracted and weighed. The amount of DDT taken up by the Mytilus was determined by using C-DDT in a parallel experiment. Mytilus incubated in radioactive DDT with Nitzschia were allowed to remain in filtered sea water for six hours after removal from the radio- active suspension so that radioactive food in the gut would be eliminated in fecal pellets. The soft parts of the organism which had taken up C-DDT were weighed, and then homogenized in four mls. of N,N, dimethyl-formimide. Ten mls. of Toluene scintillating fluid were added; the vials were counted in a scintillation counter. The rate of filtering, respiration and C14-DDT uptake were determined at 12, 24, and 36 hours (fig. 3). The average ppb DDT (wet weight) accumulated by the mussels during these incubations were 150, 438, and 549 respectively. The filtering rate decreased in both the control and test animals. Respiration increased and then decreased in both, but experimental animals showed greater changes in respiration than the controls. The trend toward initial increase in respiration after exposure to 39 DDT has also been found in studies on the effect of DDT on phytoplankton (Bailey, 1969) and zooplankton (Hunter, 1969) his experiment was repeated and extended to 96 hours. The only changes in procedure were that the suspensions of Nitzschia in DDT were changed every four hours, and the res- piration and filtering measurements were conducted at 24 hour intervals. The parallel C-DDT uptake experiments indicated that the average DDT uptake was 562, 880, 1253, and 1307 ppb wet weight) at the end of four sequential 24 hour incubation periods. The greatest DDT concentration shown by any individual Mytilus was 2.7 ppm at the end of a 96 hour incubation. gain in this experiment (fig. 4), there were no statis- tically significant differences in the rates of respiration and filtering between the test and the control organisms. Changes in the rate of filtering and in respiration associated with an average uptake of 1.3 ppm DDT and lesser amounts are obscured by the variability shown by individuals exposed to milar conditions. Some variability is expected because single organisms can vary the pore size of their gill filters and can selectively exude a mucous sheet which will affect filtering rate. Variability cannot be attributed to differences in established tidal rhythms for oxygen consumption rate (Gompel, 1937, 1938) and rate of water propulsion (Rao, 1954), since all animals used in any particular experiment were collected at the same time and place. Further experiments need to be run using Mytilus which have attained still higher tissue levels of DDT. IV. General Summary. Mytilus californianus maintained in solutions of filtered sea water of 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 ppb DDT showed no con¬ sistent change in rate of respiration or filtering. Mytilus fed on Nitzschia in a one ppb DDT solution increased the level of DDT in the soft tissues to 562 (range 29 to 911) opb in 24 hours; to 880 (range 451 to 1358) ppb in 48 hours; to 1253 (range 390 to 2056) ppb in 72 hours; and to 1307 (range 641 to 2692) ppb in 96 hours. Measurements of respiration and filtering rates taken of subsamples of the test group at 24 hour intervals showed no significant difference between the test organisms exposed to DDT and the controls. Mytilus californianus can concentrate DDT in its soft issues up to 2.7 ppm by wet weight with no apparent reduction in the rates of filtering or respiration. Lelet RATE 70 60 50 140 130 20 110 00 90 70 60 50 40 30 20 O O1 GRAPHITE OF CLEARING O COLLODAL ROM SUSP MYTILOS. ENSON BY wete Gerage rate of partide 13.4 Kettsp precipitation averge nte of cear 222 Kettsg yMtilus. ett Particlesh!. ag 6 4.18 50 100 900X 15 44 10 200 2.68 10 4 20 2 100 6 time in mnutes RNG FILTE JO DO 4000 5. 000 2000 8 D 1000 O RATE TERED 4 14 od of per EXPOSED MYTIL Pph, WATER.( SEA 66 hours incubation 3000 2000 1000 300 200 100 RA OF 000 2000 ooa o0 12000 O ooo RATE RESPIRATION 4 O 24 36 period of incubation in hours 12 2000 300 2 2000 5 + 0 X 8.300 6.100 RATE RATE period OF FILTERING RE SPRAT 48 24 incubation in Of 13 O bours 96 rig 3000 ooc ooc 3000 20 1000 Acknowledgements: sincerely thank Dr. Donald P. Abbott for his advice and inspiration. I am also very grateful for the assistance of Sam Johnson and John Miller. his work was supported in part by the Undergraduate Research Purticipation Program of the National Science Foundation, Grant + 64-5878. References cited: Aiello, E. L. 1960. Factors affecting ciliary activity on the gill of the mussel Mytilus edulis. Physiol. zool. 33: 120- 35 (as cited in Jørgensen, 1966). Bailey, Susan 1969. Inhibition of the photosynthetic process in marine phytoplankton by DDT and its derivatives (unpublished m.s., on file at Hopkins Marine Station). Bulbring, E. 1953. Acetylcholine and ciliary movement in the gill plates of Mytilus edulis. Proc. roy. soc. Lond. B. 141: 445-66 (as cited in Jørgensen, 1966). Davis, Karen 1969. Personal communication at Hopkins Marine Station regarding studies on the uptake of DDT by Mytilus californianus. Feder, H.M. 1959 The food of the starfish Pisaster Ochraceus along the California coast. Ecology 40: 721-3. Fox, D.L., G.W. Marks, D.O. Austin. 1936 The survival period of adult mussels in sea water of various concentrations, in: Fox, D. L. The habitat and food of the California Sea Mussel. Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. Tech. Ser. 4:1-64. D. L., W.R. Coe.1943. Biology of the california sea mussel Fox, (Mytilus californianus) J. exp. zool. 93:205-9. Galstoff, J.G.N., F.E. Lutz, P.L. Welch 1937. Culture methods for invertebrate animals. Dover Pub. 590pp. Gompel, M. 1938. Recherches sur la consommation d'oxygene de quelques animaux aquatiques littoraux. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 205: 816-818 (cited in Rao, 1954). Gosselin, R. E. 1961. The cilio-excitatory activity of serotonin. J. cell comp. physiol. 58:17-26 (cited in Jørgensen, 1966) Hunter, Alice 1969. Personal communication at Hopkins Marine Station regarding studies on the effect of DDT on the respiration rate rate of Calanoid copepods taken from Monterey Bay, California. Jørgensen, C.B. 1949. The rate of feeding by Mytilus in different kinds of suspensions. J. mar. biol. assn. U.K. 28:333-43. Jørgensen, C.B. 1966. Biology of Suspension Feeding, Pergamon Press. Keller, H. 1952 Naturwissenschafter 39:109 (cited in H.U. Bergmeyer 1963. Methods for enzymatic analysis. Academic Press N.Y. p.626). Limborough, C. 1961. Observations of the California sea otter. J. of mammology. 42:271-273. MacGinitie, G.E. 1941. On the feeding of four Pelcypods, Biol. Bull. 80:18-25. Palmer, R.S. 1962. Handbook of North American birds. 1 Yale Univ. Press. 567pp. K.P. 1954. Tidal rhythmicity of rate of water propulsion Rao, in Mytilus, and its modifiability by transplantation. Biol. bull. 106:353-359. Risebrough. R.W., Mezel, Martin, Olcott 1967. DDT residues in Pacific sea birds; a persistent insecticie in marine food chains. Nature. 216: jegel, E., K.P. Rao, and T.W. James 1953. Rate of activity as a function of intertidal height within populations of some littoral molluscs. Nature. 172:1108-9/ Strickland, J.C. and Parsons 1968. A practical handbook of sea water analysis, Fish. Res. Brd. of Canada, Ottowa. Tammes, P.M.L. and A.D.G.Dral 1955. Observations on the straining of suspensions by mussels. Arch. neer. zool. 11:87-112. Wallengren, H. 1905 (cited in Tammes and Dral 1955). Webster, I. 1941. Feeding habits of the Black Oyster-catcher. Condor 43:175-180 Wurster, Charles F. lecturing at Hopkins Marine Station on May 14, 1969. Fig. 1. Rate of clearing of colloidal graphite from suspension by tilus. The most uniform clearing rates occurred at densities between 150 and 50 Klett units. Fig. 2. Filtering rate of Mytilus exposed to 1 ppb DDT in filtered sea water. Bars show means, 95% confidence limits, and ranges. Striped bars indicate experimental animals, white bars the controls. Fig. 3. Rates of filtering and respiration in Mytilus fed on Nitzschia in sea water containing one ppb DDT. Bars show means, 95% confidence limits, and ranges. Solid black bars indicate the C14-DDT uptake (use right hand scale.) Striped bars rep resent test organisms, white bars the controls. ig. 4. Rates of filtering and respiration in kytilus fed on Nitzschia in sea water containing one ppb DDT. Bars show means, 95% confidence limits, and ranges. Solid black bars indicate the C14-DDT uptake (use right hand scale.) Striped bars rep- resent test organisms, white bars the controls.