707 EGG BEARING POTENTIAL AND EGG DEVELOPMENT IN PAGURUS GRANOSIMANUS (STIMPSON) AND PAGURUS SAMUELIS (STIMPSON) David Lamel Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Pacific Grove, California June 1, 1965. Introduction Information concerning the egg bearing potential of an animal is often useful to know, but sometimes difficult to obtain. Very little information is avail- able for the hermit crabs of the west coast of the United States. H. G. Coffin (1960) gives brief data on Pagurus samuelis (Stimpson, 1859), but none on Pagurus granosimanus (Stimpson, 1859). Also, no infor- mation is available concerning egg development in these two species. This paper endeavors to fill these vacancies. Methods and Procedures The crabs used in these experiments were collected randomly from the intertidal region of China Point in Pacific Grove, California. The work was carried out during the month of May, 1965. The collected crabs were removed from their shells by cracking the shells in a vise. The eggs were removed from the female by cutting off the three pleopods holding the egg mass. The eggs were dried on a paper tissue for a brief time to remove excess water, and then weighed on a Mettler balance (accuracy + O.1 milligram). A small correction was made for the weight of the three pleopods, amounting to 0.0025 gram or less depending on the size of the individual crab. A small number of these eggs (approximately 50) were counted and then weighed. These data yielded an average weight for a single egg and the total number of eggs carried. The total length of the carapace, from the median tooth to the posterior notch, was chosen as the index of size. This seemed more accurate than carapace width, Brie8 fes this distance lies in one plane.) The measurement was taken using an ocular micrometer (accuracy + 0.1 millimeter). The age of the eggs was determined by use of a table reproduced in Coffin's article. (See Table I) By inter- polation of this table, ages were determined to f l day. Finally, egg size was measured using an ocular micrometer (accuracy + 0.01 millimeter). Young eggs are very nearly spherical in shape, but older eggs assume the shape of an elongate spheroid. In this case the longest dimension was measured. Results The number of eggs carried by a female is plotted as a function of carapace length in Figure 1. The gravid P. granosimanus specimens from the inter- tidal region have a large range of egg numbers with a moderate range in size. There is some evidence of the larger crabs carrying larger numbers of eggs, but not as much as might be expected. However, for a crab of C a given size, there is a considerable variation in the number of eggs carried. In the intertidal region there Were no gravid P. granosimanus found larger than 11.5 mi or smaller than 7.0 mm, although non-gravid females and males of these sizes were present. However, one sample of 56 P. granosimanus was brought up from the subtidal region, approximately 20 feet below mean sea level. Of this sample, 54 were female and 48 were gravid. A sampling of these dis- closed a very narrow range of size and egg number. This size range does not overlap with the intertidal size range and may imply that the smaller females occur in a subtidal environment and then migrate to the intertidal region as they grow larger. The P. sanuelis have a size distribution very sim- ilar to that of the intertidal P. granosimanus, ithough it is shifted slightly towards smaller sizes. The num- berof eggs carried is generally only a little greater than half of the number carried by P. granosimanus. There is also a group of very small individuals carrying fewer than 50 eggs each. In between these two groups there is a gap in the size range. This gap could possibly cor- respond to u subtidal group analogous to the P. gran imanus subtidal group. The above results are summarized in Table II. The results of egg weight as a function of egg 77 O age, for the two species, is plotted in Figure 2. The lines drawn are the most probable ones as determined by the method of least squares. These show that the weight SfighHy of a P. granosimanus egg increases more rapidly with elis egg. than that of a P. sam Figure 3 illustrates the relationship of egg size and egg age. The fitted lines indicate that P. sanuelis eggs increase in size more rapidly; while at the same osimanus eggs increase more rapidly in time, P. gra weight. This is due to the fact that P. samuelis esce become slightly more elongated with age than P. grun¬ simanus eggs, and the size measured was the largest dimension of theegg. Summary The size distributions of gravid females in the intertidal region for the two species are almost identical, manus carries about twice as many eggs is but P. grano: samdelis. 2. For an animal of a given size, there is a largt variation in the number of eggs carried. osimanug smaller then ony in the 3. Gravi . gra intertidal region are found in the subtidal regions. 4. P. granosimanus eggs increase more rapilly in weight than do P. Samueli segs. seggs increase slightly more rapidly anuel 5. T. in size, because they become more elongated. C TABLE I GROSS EMBRYOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF PAGURUS EGGS Days Incubation Gross Description Eggs uniformly dark brown or purple-brown. Apparently all eggs are in the zygote stage with no segmentation. Eggs uniformly dark brown except for germinal disc which is translucent white; early gas- trula stage; yolk broken up into cell-like granules. Embryo displacing about one-fourth of egg capsule; little differentiation. Color of eggs now fading towards reddish; differentiation into cephalic and abdominal regions; limb buds present. Embryo in rough zoeal form; eyes, limbs, and abdomen clearly discernible; dark brown yolk occupying about one-half the egg. Eggs red in color; heart beating slowly; ommatidia with rust pigment; some spasmodic movement. Eggs orange in color; zoeae appear fully developed in both structure and pigmentation; heart beating strongly; little yolk remaining. Eggs light yellow; some zoeae beginning to 13 hatch. 14 Hatching completed; empty egg capsules on pleopods on abdomen. 1. From Coffin(1960). C Intertidal P. gran. Subtidal P. gran. Intertidal - sand. No. 33 14 20 TABLE II SIZE AND EGG NUMBER Carapace Length 7.2 - 11.4 mm Av. 9.1 mm 4.8 - 6.0 mm Av. 3.1 mm 6.6 - 10.8. mm Av. 8.7 mm 2.8 - 3.7 mm Av. 3.3 mm Egg Number 645 - 6820 Av. 2440 428 - 1310 Av. 725 446 - 3080 Av. 1450 6 - 44 Av. 23 NO. O 6000 2000 2000 SUB. P GRAN. • INTER. P GRAN. + INTER. P SAMU. 8 880 + o 4 C MM WT AG 00 50 — P GRAN. ----- P SAMU. 5 +6 1 g01 8 AGE DAYS SIZE MM 60 — P GRAN. ----- P SAMO. 40 6ooo + 9 + 100 8 AGE DAYS 0 Figure Legends Figure 1. Number of eggs as a function of carapace length. Subtidal P. granosimanus, open circles. Intertidal P. granosimanus, filled circles. Inter- tidal P. samuelis, crosses. Figure 2. Egg weight as a function of egg age. Most probable lines determined by method of least squares. P. granosimanus, solid line. P. samuelis, dashed line. Figure 3. Egg size as a function of egg age. Most probable lines determined by method of least squares. Bibliography Coffin, H. G., 1960. The Ovulation, Embryology and Developmental Stages of the Hermit Crab Pagurus samuelis (Stimpson). Walla Walla College Pub. Dept. Biol. Sci., No. 25, 1-30. 173